The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 09, 1901, Image 4

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    Lioaal Dsws.
Otto Bechthold was home ovet Sun
Judge Wall made a trip to SI. Paul
W. H. Williams has been on the sick
Hat the past week.
Miss May Bitters was quite sick the
last end of last week.
W. 8. Waite had a 250 pound hog die
for him the other day.
lllss Beatrice Nightingale is visiting
at Westerville, this week
Dr Palmer and little son of Pitch
field, were In the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johansen came
down from Cherry county Saturday.
Our old friend and neighbor, G H
Scott, has been quite poorly this sum
Lew Owen maved his family into the
property just vacated by Mrs. I. S.
John Clark sold his contract in the
mail route between here and Divide, to
B. T. inyder.
Hyratn Cramer left Monday morning
to accept a position with the U P.
bridge gang.
The two young sons of Bev. W. E
Matthew are yisiting with Master Her
bert Nightingale.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Benson of Litch
field, were at the center of circumfer
ence last Monday.
Billy Criss pulled in to the black
smith shop with bis st«ani thresher
Tnesdav to get a tire set.
W. N. Sherman started for the state
of Assinaboia, Canada, last Monday
morning to seek bis fortune.
Frank Lorchick and wife were up
from Ashton Monday. They expect to
move back to Loup City this fall.
Miss Belle Mullsk. who has been em
ployed in a store in Grand Island for
some months come home Saturday.
Henning Claassen of Washington
twp, who has been visiting in the
southern part of the state returned last
J.S Pedler is hustling horse shoes in
the absence of bis brother. We hate to
see Joe work, but then he seems to en
joy It.
Rumor had it, the first of the week,
that Robt. Youug of this city and Miss
Ethel Rentfro:? of St Paul, were mar
ried last Sunday.
Milford Tracy, the young son of C. J.
Tracy, jumped from their buggy and
run a sliver in bis foot quite an inch
long. Dr. Jones cut it out.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bullock of Rock
ville, and Mr. and Mrs George Righte
nour of Divide, were the guests of ye
junior editor and wife Monday.
If the action of your bowels is net
easy and regular, serious complications
must be the Anal result. DeWitt’s Lit
tle Early Risers will remove this dan
ger. Safe, pleasant and effective.—
Odendahl Bros.
The B. & M. company layed off all
their section men at this place except
the foremen last Saturday, and the U.
P. reduced their gang by one.
John White, Bryantsvill, Ind., says
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run
ning sores on both legs. He bad suf
fered 6 years. Doctors failed to help
him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no other —
OJendahl Bros.
Mrs. Samuel Hancock received the
intelligence the other day that her aged
father, now 77 years old, had been jam
med against the manger by one of his
horses and severly hurt
Don’t forget to read the call for the
Republican county convention in this
issue. It will be held on Wednesday
August 21, at two o'clock sharp, when a
full set of officers will be nominated.
The primaries are recommended to ba
held the previous Saturday.
Gus Menck, an old resident of Loup
City In the days of yore and now depu
ty clerk of Hall county, was In the city
last Friday and Saturday. Gus is a
whole souled fellow and a first class ac
countant. He is a candidate for clerk
in his county this fall and we wish him
In cases of cough or eroup give the
little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
rest easy and have no fear. The child
will be all right in a little while It
never fails. Pleasant to take, always
safe sure and almost instantaneous in
effect. —Odendahl Bros.
Alonza Zink clothed his dne team in
a new set ef harness purchased of our
handsome harness msn Lew Owen. The
trimmings bad a rich yellow glitter to
them which Lon claimed was the result
of gold standard prosperity, which Mr
Zink has been enjoying for some time.
If you have a baby in the house you
will wish to know the best way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowels, 01
diarrhoea so common to small children
O. P. M. Holliday, of Demlng, Ind., whc
has an eleven month oil child says
* Through the months of June and July
oar baby was teething and took to run
nlng off at the bowels and sickness ol
the stomach. His bowels would movs
from five to eight times a day. I bada
bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and
gave him four drops in a teaspoonful ol
water and be got better at once.” Foi
sale by Odendahl Bros.
Erny Millburn was down from Arca
dia Tuesday.
An inch of rain fell at Arcadia Tues
day evening.
II W. Pedler went to Hastings on
business Monday.
Orin Manchester of I)avi* Creek wae
In the city Wednesday.
T C. Chamberlain, the little giant of
the weat side, was circulating at the
hub Tuesday.
A large number of horses and several
wagons passed through town going
north Wednesday morning. We did
not learn their destination nor business.
T M- Reed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
Mrs. S. H. Allport, Johnstowa, Pa.,
says: “Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup The doctors said
she could not live but she was Instantly
relieved by One Minute Cough Cure.—
Odendahl Bros.
The fire boys overhauled their appa
ratus last Friday evening, gave the
hose cart some fresh grease and flushed
the hydrants so as to insure everything
in working order if needed.
Eruptions, cuts, Hums, scald9 and sor
es of all kinds qelckly healed by D#
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Certain cure
for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be
sure you get the original —DeWitt's.—
Odendahl Bros.
Mr. A. Clark of Oak creek who had
bis hand so badly lacerated with a gun
last spring, tells us that the perminent
injury will not be as serious as was ex
pected. His hand is nearly healed up.
Willie Minshull received a severe
sprain of the ankle one day this week.
He was ridiug down street and the pony
slipped on a stone street crossing and
in falling struck Willie's ankle with
the above results.
Helps young ladies to withstand the
shook of sudden proposals, that* what
Rocky Mountain Tea has done. 35 eta.
Mad* by Madison Medicine Co. Ask
your druggist.
A representative of the Nebraska
Telephone Company was In the city
last week and made arrangements with
W. T. Chase to locate their box in his
store. They expect to be ready for
business in the next sixty days.
The Lonp City schools opened Mon
day morning for an eleven asonthsterm
The aim being to make uo for time
lost during the small-pox siege last
spring. The first days enrollment
reached 150.
I’. T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala., “I
was suffering from dyspepsia when 1
commenced taking Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure. I took several bottles and can
digest anything.” Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
all the natural digestive fluids. It gives
weak stomachs entire rest, restoring
their natural condition.-Odendahl Bros.
Last Thursday the mercury registered
102 and the wind felt like a blast from
hades. On Saturday morning, 3^ hours
after, we saw a fellow driving up street
shivering under an overcoat
Old father Ehrmann, the old gentle
man who clerked at the St. Elmo so
long and who we a 1 know as “dad,"’ Is
la a very deplorable condition. We
are informed that bis property has frit
tered away and that he is almost blind.
He is now looked after by tbo township.
The Loyal Mystic Legion will give a
banquet and its attending pleasantries
for tho benefit of the members on Mon
day nignt Aug. 19. All members are
requested to appear on the scene at a
seasonable hour with baskets filled with
dainties and a cheerful smile, as there
is expected to be several editors in at
It Saved His Baby.
“My baby was terribly sick with the
diarrhoea, we were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, and as a
last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,’' saye
Mr. J. II Doak, of Williams, Ore., “I
am happy to say it gave immediate re
lief and a complete cure."’ For sale by
Odendabl Bros.
Will Draper who lias been running
a harness shop In Kansas for several
years, returned to Sherman county last
week to take up bis residence. Will
says Nebraska beats Kansas anyway.
Ho says when you get a breatii of air or
a draught of water up here they are
both pure and can he relied upon for
health, which is just that much ahead
of Kansas. •
Lawrence Lofholra, the son of John
Lofholtn and about l!i years old, got
quite badly hurt last Thursday at the
M E. picnic He was sitting on a chair
in the rear end of a wagon coming
home, the wagon was stopped and when
it started the jerk threw bim out back
wards. He struck on his shoulder and
bruised it quite badly necessitating bis
carrying his arm in a sling No bones
were broken
Prof. II H. Hiatt, of Sargent, has
secured the appointment of Superintend
entof Schools for the island of Guam
Mr. Hiatt is a roaring pop, and we are
at a loss to know wether he was appoint
ed to get rid of bint, or because he had
a pull—like Denver. At any rate he is
said to he a good man. He is the gen
tleman whom our townsmen, W. J. and
L. G. Fisher graduated under In the law
department of the Iowa State Universi
Oliver Dubry made a trip to Arcadia
The fats and leans are arranging for
a game of ball at this place.
A. B. Outhouse received a car of
cistern hard coal Wednesday.
W. H. Stevens the fat man of Rock
ville, was at the hub Tuesday.
A J. Wilson of Austin, was a pleas
ant caller at this office Wednesday.
Ashton and Loup City are expecting
to cross bats on the Loup City dia
mond soon.
The man that enlarges pictures and
contracts vour pocket book w'is iu the
city this week.
John Lofholm left Wednesday morn
ing to accept a position with a U. 1*.
floating gang.
August Bechthold went with J. M.
Taylor Monday morning to wo-k with
an elevator gang.
A severe wind and hail storm Is re
ported to have struck ihe vicinity of
Sargent and Comstock, Tuesday even
ingdoing considerable damage. Little
precipitation was had at Sargent, hot
from Comstock to Aroadis, a soaking
rain fell.
Fot’XD—Mr. Dubry fotud a small
pocket book with a small amount of
money in it, all of which had the ap
pearance of belonging to a small child,
lie left it in our care for delivery to
the owner. Don't all speak at once but
come and get it.
Any one residing in the west side
of the county can make any arrange
ment necessary for undertaking and
embalming with C. W. Gibson at
Litehheld. All orders will be
promptly and satisfactorily attend
ed to at reasonable rates.
Miss Prather, a sister of Mrs. A. B.
Outhouse and Miss Olive Alsop, a niece
of Mr. Outhouse, both of Carlyle, 111,
are here on a visit. The ladies say that
Illinois is experiencing a much worse
drouth than we are, nothing like it hav
ing been known among the oldest in
The laws of health require that the
bowels move once each day and one of
the penalties for violating this law is
piles. Keep jour bowels regular by
taking a dos° of Chamberlain,s Sto
mach and Liver Tablets when necessa
ry and }rou will never have that severe
punishment indicted upon you Price
25 cents, at O.lendahl Bros.
Don' satisfied with temporary re
lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure permanently and completely
removes this complaint. It relieves
permanently because it alio wes the tired
stomach perfect rest. Dieting won’t
rest the stomach. Nature receives sup
plies from the food we eat. The sensi
ble wav to help the stomach is to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests
wbat you eat and can’t help but do you
good, —Odendahl Bros.
31r. W. L. llawk and wife from
near Loup City, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. G. VV. Zimmerman Sunday
V. A. Zimmerman aud W. !)•
Zimmerman are in this vicinity put
ting up hay this week.
Mr. Toman and family from near
Litchfield, attended services at Cleo
ria Sundaj.
Frank Zwink went to Ashton Sat
urday returning Monday.
O. A. and J. \V, Zimmerman have
taken their sheep to J. H. Bones to
G. W. Zimmerman has started
his threshing machine in earnest
this week.
The Misses Petersen of Oak Creek
were visiting at J . II. Bone s over
The Rocky Mountain regions of
Colorado reached best via tbe Union
Pacific provide lavishly for the bealtb
of the tourist. Amid these rugged
steeps are to be found some of tbe
most charming and restful spots on
earth, hairy lanes nestled amid
sunny peaks, and climate that cheers
and exhilarates. The
put in effect by the Union Pacific en
able you to reach these tavored lo
calities without unnecessary expen
diture of time or money.
plus £2.00 from Missouri River, in
effect June 18th to 30th; July loth
to August 31st inclusive.
The Union Pacific will also sell
tickets on July 1st to oth inclusive,
September 1st to loth inclusive, at
#15.00 for the round trip from Mis
souri River points.
Return limit October 31, loOl.
Proportionately low rates from in
termediate points.
Full information cheerfully fur
nished upon application.
11 J. Clifton, Agent.
What most people want Is something
mild and gentle, when in need af a
physic. Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets fill the hill to a dot.
They are easy to take and pleasant in
effect. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
A lame shoulder is usually cauied by
rheumatism of the muscles, and may be
cured by a few applications of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Oden
dahl Bros.
The beauty thief has come to stay,
Unless you drive the pimples and black
heads away;
Do this, don’t look like a fright:
Taka Rocky Mountain Tea to-night.
Ask your druggist.
O. O Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I was
troubled with aonstipation until I
bought DaWitt’s Little Early Risers.
Since then have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Odendahl Bros
If a dealer ask9 you to make some
thing said to be ‘ jest as good as Rocky
Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi
cine Co,” ask him if he makes more
money. Ask your druggist.
All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to
learn the cause of the vast improve
ment in the health of Mrs. S P. Whit
taker, who had for a long time, endur
ed untold suffering from a chronic
bronchial trouble. “Its all due to Dr.
King's New Discovery,” writes her
husband. ‘-It completely cured her and
also cured our little grand-daughter of
a severe attack of Whooping Cough ’’
It positively aures Coughs, Colds, La
Grippe, Bronchitis, all Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
#1.00. Trial bottles frae at Odendahl
Editors. A. Brown, of Bennetuville,
S. C., was once immensely surprised,
' Through long suffering from Dyspep
sia," he writes, “my wife was greatly
run down. She had no strength or vi
gor and suffered great distress from her
stomach, hut she tried Electric Hitters
which helped her at once, and after us
log four bottles, she is entirely well, can
eat anything. It’s a grand tonic, and
its gentle laxative qualities aresplendid
for torpid liver." For Indigestion. Loss
of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles
it’s a positive, guaranteed eure. Only
50o at Odendah! Bros.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs
Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga„ ap
plied Bucklen'a Arnica Salve to great
sores on her head and face, and writes
its quick cure exceedod all her hopes.
It works wonder* in Sores, Bruises,
Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Bui ns, Scalds and
Piles. 25c. Cure guaranteed by Oden
dahl Bros.
If that mirror of yours shows a
wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun
diced look, moth patches and blotcho*
on the skin, it’a liver trouble; but Dr.
King's New Life Pill* regulate the liver
purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy
cheoks, rieh eomplexlon. Only 25c at
Odendabl Bros.
" ANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in
every county to represent large company
of solid financial reputation; $83f, salary
per year, payable weekly; $3 per day abso
lutely sure and all expenses; straight,
bona-Ode, definite salary, no comnustion;
salary paid each Saturday and expense
money advanced each week. STANDARD
HOUSE Dkakhokn 8t„ Chicago, icee
This is to certify that my wife Ida, left my
bed and board without a Just cause, and
that I do hereby warn the public against
trusting or giving her credit on my
account, as I will not be responsible for any
debts contradted by her
LOUP OXTT, i l m
OFFICII.-One door west of Odendahl’s
Uruif Store.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum#
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mrnacres to health of the present day.
AttoBiey end Notary Public. Publisher Lour City Nokthwesykbh
Fisher & Benschoter,
Rear Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
OThe Platte liiver
Is Not Navigable,
Nor is it necessary that it should be.
takes care of the business. Nature does not care
to compete, and why should other roads try?
Nearly a day saved by traveling on the Union Pa
cific between Omaha and San Francisco or Portland.
Finest Roadbed in the World.
Fastest Trains and Rest Equipment.
Union Pacific Trains have all modern
improvoments and are up to date.
H. J. Clifton, Agent.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public,
Will Defend In Foreclosure Cue*.
General Real Estate Business.
Office Id Nokthwkstxiu, Building,
A Mlnlster*A Good Work.
“1 had a severe attack of bil'.ious colic,
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took
two doses and was entirely cured," says
Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan.
"My neighbor aeross the street was sick
for over a week, had two or three bottles
of medicine from the doctor. He
used them for three or four days with
out relief, then called In anorher doctor
who treated him for some days and
gave him no relief, so discharged him.
I went over to see him the next morn
ing. Hesaid his bowels wore in a ter
rible fix, that they had been running ofl'
so long that it was almost bloody tiux.
I asked him if he had tried Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea Re
medy and be said ‘No.’ I went home
and brought him my bottle and gave
him one dose; told him to take another
dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he
did not find relief, but he took no more
and was entirely cured. I think it the
best medicine I have ever tried." For
sale by Odendahl Bros.
Leave your orders for ice
with O. Benschoter.
'Something New Under
The sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CATAKItl!
by the nse of powders, acid gases, Inhalers
and drugs In paste form. Their powders
dry up the mucus membranes causing
them to crack open and bleed. The power
ful acids used In the Inhalers have entirely
eaten away the same membranes that
tholrmakers have aiired to euie, while
pastes and ointments cannot reach the di
sease. An old ami experienced practitioner
who has tor many years made a close
study and specialty of the treatment of
CATARRH, has at last perfected a treat
ment which when faithfully used, not only
relieves at once, but permanently cures
CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all Infla
ination. It is the only remedy known to
science that actually reaches the allllcted
parts. This wonderful remedy Is known ns
ARRH CURE” and Is sold at the extremeiy
low price of One Dollar, each package con
taining Internal and external medicine
sufficient for afull months treatment anil
everything necessary to Its perfect use,
“SNUFFELS” is the only perfect CAT
ARRH CURE ever made and Is now recog
nized as the only safe and positive cure for
that annoying and disgusting disease. It
cures all tntlamatton quickly and perma
nently and Is also wonderfully quick to re
Catarrh when neglected often leads to
Consumption—'“Snufpelb” will save you
If you use It at once. It is no ordinary
remedy, but a complete treatment which
Is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh
In any form or stage If used according to
the directions which accompany each
package. Don’t delay but send for it at
once and write full particulars as to your
condition, and you will receive special ad
vise from the discoverer of this wonderful
remedy regarding your case without cost
to you beyond the regular price of snup
Sent prepaid to any address In the United
States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar.
Address Dept. At‘i5 FID WIN B. GILES a
COMPANY, 23:til and 2332 Market Street,
rniK. T A 1»LK
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
< bieago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 52 Passenger.Safi a. rn
No. 60
No. 51 Passenger . 1:32 p.m.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cart
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to uny point In
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to It. L. Anhui
Agent. Or J. FIt ANCIs, Gen’I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). S:0u a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. ui.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p m.
No. -t5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connection!
east, west and south
Sold by T. II ELSNKR, I.oup City, Neb
Wanted.—Capable, reliable person In every
county to represent large company of solif
financial reputation; IW3H salary per year, pay ■
able weekly; *3 per day absolutely sure and
all expenses; straight, bona-fide, definite sal
ury, no commission; salary paid each Satur
day and expense money advanced each week
Don*t Be Fooledi
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co., Madison, Wl». It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
I'rice, 35 cents. Never solg
in bulk. Accept no substl*
tute. Aelt your druggist.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone Bonding a sketch and description may
quickly KBcortnin our opinion frea whether an
invention Is prokahly pntcntahlu. Common lea
lions strictly confidential. Handbook on l*at cuts
sent rreo. Oldest agency for a*»curing patoeta.
* .p!,‘-#it,lk',,!sJ[,,r"uv*1 Mului A Co. receive
notice, without chnrgo, iu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly l argest «r.
culatlun of any seieimne jonrnnl. Torma, SJ » ,
&a'..:al«,ri'‘iiUl8'IL hold by «»l newsdealers* "B
MUNN & Co.3G,BrMdwa»- New Ywt
Urancb Offloe. 826 F Ht.. Washington. I>. C