The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 26, 1901, Image 8

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    1 News and views
ftordau Assails Trusts
Dr. Max Nordau, who has lately
turned his attention to the consolida
tion of large companies of capitalists,
is one of the most skillful and learned
physicians of Europe. His very wide
spread fame is due, however, not to his
scientific ability, but rather to his bril
liance as an author. In 1883 he shocked
and delighted two continents with his
rarely analytical book, "Conventional
Lies of Society." In 188fi he published
his "Paradoxes," and in 1893 the work
by which he is best known, "Degenera
tion " In this remarkably original
book Dr. Nordau atetmpts to show on
purely psycho-physiological grounds
that all modern tendencies are toward
degeneration. He fortifies his position
by examinations into art. literature
and life, and claims that degeneracy
is seen iti all mental and moral phe
noro<* ia Dr Nordau is descended from
a well-known Jewish family of Buda
post. He began writing to the newspa
pers on many topics even while he was
a lad at school. He is 52 years old.
A Dream of Copper.
The dream that is said to have re
vealed to a young chemist in Pennsyl
vania the secret of tempering copper
cannot he accounted among the idle
fani ie.s of the brain should his experi
ments prove as successful as they
promise. It is a practical vision that
supplies a formula to experiment upon
that may result in restoring what has
for centuries been considered a lost
The psychological part of the Penn
sylvania incident does not show, how
ever, that the dreamer was blessed
with an outright revelation. He had
long been experimenting with copper
in au effort to obtain the required
hardness that would make it cut steel,
and, like a shrewd American, he had
in view the large reward said to have
been offered by the government for the
discovery of such a formula. This
task naturally affected his sleeping as
well as his waking hours, and it was
subconscious suggestion that at last
gave him a clew to what he sought. A
sample of tempered copper, sent to
Washington, is claimed to have with
stood every test.
A I JO Mile an Hour.
A society of mechanical engineers
representing the principal European
machine shops, has recently been or
ganized abroad for the purpose of de
veloping railroad engines of phenome
nal speed The accompanying illus
tration shows a railroad electric motor
lately built by .Siemans and Halske, in
connection with the organization,
which, by order of Emperor William,
was tested preltniinaiily a short time
since on the military railroad at Ber
lin-Zoasen, when, according to reports,
it gave an exhibition that promised
remarkable results.
Pine JVeedle-t.
It having been announced some time
since that oil of pine was beneficial in
relieving pulmonary complaints it
seems that since then quite an indus
try has spruug up in Oregon in its
manufacture. The oil is made from
pine needles, which are stripped from
the trees twice a year. Some of the
trees, it is said, yield from 600 to X00
pounds of leaves at each picking, a
good hand being able to pick about
600 pounds a day. As soon as picked
the leaves are sent to the factory,
where the oil is extracted by distilla
tion, ten pounds of oil being produc
ed from two thousand pounds of
leaves. The fibre that remains is wo
ven into fabrics and mixed with hair
for mattresses. It is also used as a
filling for cigars, to which it imparts
a pleasant quality. A notable fact
connected with the process is that it is
oonaidered a benefit to the treea to
fitnp them twice a year. Those engag
ed In the industry are mostly Ger
| 15he Weekly j
: Panorama.
JLoOe and Figures
That love will find a way through all
difficulties is illustrated by the recent
experiences of Philander Simon and
Bertha Karger, both of Paterson, N.
J. Philander had been keeping com
pany with Bertha about two years,
wnen ror some un
explained reason
his love began to
cool. Simultane
ously Bertha be
gan to fret and
pine away. There
had been no actual
engagement be
tween them, so
that a suit could
not be brought for
breaking the mar
riage promise, but
Berthas mother, who Is not only a
woman of expedients but a thrifty
soul, decided upon a plan for punish
ing the faithless Philander, She fig
ured that he had eaten sixty hearty
dinners at her house, upon the occa
sions of his Sunday wooings, which
at 25 cents each amounted to $15. Be
sides this in a rash moment she had
lent him $10. She accordingly began
suit for $25.
Meanwhile, Philander, who is also
thrifty and a man of expedients, be
gan to do a little figuring on his own
side, and promptly came in with a
counterclaim for $86.80, which left
Mrs. Karger $61.60 in his debt, if the
claim were pressed. Bertha, as girls
go, had not been expensive. In two
years the had consumed but one box
of chocolates, twelve pounds of candy,
thirty ice creams, and 100 sodas,
amounting to $9.55. She had only been
once to Coney Island, but had had
100 trolley rides, transportation foot
ing up $12.60. Bouquets for two birth
days cost $5 and two books 65 cents,
a total investment of $27.80. which
shows that Philander had the advan
tage of $2.80 in actual expenses over
Mrs. Karger. This margin Philander
increased by putting in a claim for his
time, charging 50 cents for each Sun
day evening's wooing for two years, or
$52. In the course of the preparations
for the suits Philander and Bertha
were thrown much together, and en
couraged hy the artful lawyers on both
sides, as well as by thrifty Mrs. Kar
ger, who was appalled by the counter
claims, the flame broke out anew and
with greater ardor than before. An ac
tual engagement was effected, a day
for the marriage fixed, and both suits
were dropped, and Philander and
Bertha are happy, all owing to Philan
der's skill in figuring.
Figured in Mohneujc Case.
Justice White of the New York Su
preme court at Buffalo last week
tiiipu n iiivunr iu mis. r loronce Hi.
Rogers from Edward F. Rogers, thus
confirming the report of the referee.
Mrs. Rogers is the daughter of the
late Mrs. Kate Adams, and a distant
cousin of Harry Cornish. Roland B.
Molineux was found guilty of causing
tiie death of Mrs. Adams by poison,
which lie was accu ed of sending to
Cornish at the Knickerbocker A. (’.,
New York city. Cornish had a room
in Mrs. Adams' apartments in West
8bth street, New York. Mrs. Rogers
liven there, and was there on the
morning her mother died, after finding
the dose of cyanide of mercury.
Mrs. Rogers and her husband have
been separated for some time, she liv
ing in New York, he in Buffalo. When
she brought her suit she applied for
alimony. One of her lawyers stated,
pathetically, that she had to “live in
a New York hash house.” while her
husbanu dwelt in luxury at the Iro
Quolse hotel. It was shown, however,
that Mr. Rogers paid his wife money
for her support, altuough he lived
apart from her.
Wireless Telegraphy.
A report comes through Consul Gen
eral Gunther of Frankfort to the effect
that the captain of a channel mail
steamer, which is provided with a
wireless telegraphy apparatus, states
tnat on his last trip he received a mes
sage from the officer of the French
lightship, anchored about twenty-five
miles from Dunkirk, stating that he
would be unable to light up the next
night unless help arrived from the
shore. The captain at once sent a
wireless message to La Panne, on the
Belgian coast, from which point it was
forwarded to Dunkirk by the regular
telegraph line, whence a boat was sent
to the lightship and the necessary re
pairs were made.
Henry Clay' ErCan^.
Henry Clay Evans went to the South
j from Pennsylvania several years ago
and grew quite popular in Tennessee,
the state of his adoption. He Las a
strong political following and his
friends have always claimed that he
was elected when he ran for governor,
but was counted out. Mr. Evans has
a good war record. He is about 57
years old and one of the live, pushing
men of Dixie. So well was he thought
of by all classes of persons in Chatta
nooga that he was twice elected mayor
of that town, in 1890 when he ran for
Congress he had a strong Democrat
for an opponent, but although it was
a close race Mr. Evans was elected by
18,641 votes to his opponent's 18,368.
His administration of the pension
office brought sharp criticism from
| people favoring a more liberal policy.
Monument to Terry.
No more striking spectacle could be
imagined than that of the premier of
the new Japan delivering the dedica
tory oration over a monument erected
by Japanese admirers to the memory
of Commander Perry, the bluff Am
erican sailor who in 1853, at the point
of his guns practically forced the open
ing of the first Japanese port to the
shipping of foreign nations. It is sig
nificant that the men of the new Japan
which has been created since that
time are now willing to acknowledge
so handsomely the debt of gratitude
which they owe to the sailor who less
than half a century ago was looked
upon as a foreign interloper. Noth
ing could be in more striking proof of
the great progress in civilization and
enlightenment which the island em
pire has made in the last fifty years.
When Perry, with his two vessels,
sailed into the Bay of Yeddo the Jap
anese governor sent off a fleet of lit
tle boats to warn him to retire. But
he, mindful of the ways of Oriental
diplomacy, hid himself in his cabin and
sent word that the “great admiral"
would hold communication only with
the governor in person, and that if the
swarm of small boats did not get back
to land they would be blown out of
the water. A few days later Commo
dore Perry, surrounded by a glittering
bodyguard, arranged only for its ef
fect on the Japanese mind, was given
an impeial reception on land and de
livered to the royal princess the letters
with which he had been intrusted by
the President of the United States.
Mechanical Calendar.
An amateur artist by the name of
M. Albert Jagat has invented a me
chanical calendar, which indicates the
days, weeks, months, years and even
leap years. The apparatus is wound up
and works like a clock. It consists
principally of a disc and five cog
wheels, which contain a sum total of
ninety-six teeth, three weights and
nine levers. Of the weights, one is
ft counterpoise, one is wound up every
fortnight and one every year. The
parts aie all very accurately adjusted
and are expected to last until they ao
tually wear out. One of the wheels in
fact, is designed to last for 300 yeara.
Women Should Be Barred.
One reads with a shock of surprise
; that as many women as could crowd
Into the room were present on Mon
day when the trial of a Presbyterian
preacher was begun before a commit
tee of the presbytery on charges which
involve his standing as a decent man
as well as a minister. The surprise
is not occasioned by the fact that so
many women were present, for there
will always be plenty of people
anxious to attend any hearing at
which prurient or sensational testi
mony is expected. But as it is cer
tainly within the power of the mem
bers of the committee to liar out of
the courtroom women who have no
direct interest in the case one would
certainly expect that they would be
i the first to take such action.
It I* Now Oomptettnl anil I* Htiown to
lie a* Below.
LNCOLN, Neb., July 22.—The state
| board of equalization completed the
| tax levy by counties.. The rate for
the general fund is 6 mills; for the
university fund, 1 mill Owing to the
increase lu the assessed valuation oi
the state, which amounts to nearly
$2,70t).000, the university fund will be
increased this year by about $2,685
over last year. The levy by counties
is as follows
i- — ———
General University
Fund. Fund.
Adams . $ W,5».7« $2,717.16
Antelopa .‘ 7,863.901 1,572.11
Banner . 1,332.94 266.51
Blaine . 1,091.91; 218-31
Boone .’ 3,472.521 1,694.50
Box Butte . 3,903.671 780.73
Boyd . 3,454.75! 690.9J
Brown . 8.530 68; 703.12
Buffalo.! 2,707.72
Burt . 13.921.02 2,784.26
Butler . 11,116.32 2,223.24
Cass . 23,377.52 4,675.56
Cedar . 13.961.08 2,792 21
Chase . 3,266.73' 663.34
Cherry . 9,903.26| 1,930.64
Cheyenne . 7,515.71 1,503.14
Clay . 12.0-*i S9. 2,419 17
Colfax . 10,024.63! 2,004.90
Cuming . 11,237.'8! 2.247.57
Custer . 12,206 95 ) 2.441.39
Dakota . 8,041 29 1,603.25
Dawes ... 5.142.51 1.923.50
Dawson . 8,375.01 1,674.80
Deuel . 3,420.57 684.11
Dixon . 8.647 46! 1.729.49
Dodge . 15.763.52 3,152.70
Douglas . 111.908,961 22.381.79
Dundy . 3.291.32 ! 658.26
Fillmore . 11,425.861 2.295.17
Franklin . 5.782.29 1,156.54
Frontier .I 5,437.29| 1.087.45
Furnas .i 9,369.25, 1,873.85
Gag- . 26.790.471 5.856.09
Gartleid .j 1,271,92| 254.38
Gosper . 3,765.69 753.13
Grant . 2.371.351 474.27
Greeley . 4,802.15, 960.43
Hall . 12.900.181 2.560.08
Hamilton . 9.329.59 1,865.91
Harlan . 6,443.'», 1,28'.41
Hayes . 2.211.701 44'. 34
Hitchcock . 4,506.51 901.30
Holt . ll.637.60j 2,327.53
Hooker .j 724.94 144.93
Howard . 6 827.46 1,365.49
Jefferson . 12,770.40 2,554.08
Johnson . 10.825.55 2.1>i5.11
Kearney .! 6.604.59, 1,329.91
Keith .: 4.024.29 804.97
Keva Paha . 2,192.38' 438.27
Kimball . 3,128.26 627.>5
Knox .i 9,271.08 1,864.21
Lancaster . 44.076.87 8,815.37
Lincoln . 9.835.99' 1,967.19
Logan . 1,154.90 230.98
Loup . 925.70, 185.14
Madison . 11,511.09 2,902.21
McPherson . 858.74| 131.74
Merrick . 9,222.38; 1,844.49
Nance . 6.407.30 1.281.46
Nemaha . 13,837.381 2,767.47
Nuckolls . 11.188.72' 2,237.47
Otoe . 24.206.171 4,841.03
Pawnee . 12.220.11 2,644."3
Perkins . 2,758.29 551.65
Phelps . 6,416.47 1.283.23
Pierce . 7.632 36 1.526.47
Platte . 12.230.04, 2.446.00
Polk . 6.5*16.15 1,319.23
Red Willow . 6,2';6.55 1.263.71
Richardson . 16,667.33 3.:i33r4S
Rt, k . 2.>16.99 561.39
Saline . 12.l«3.57 2.496.71
Sarpy . 11.398.69 2.279.73
Saunders . 17,*>W1.39 3,418.37
Scott< Bluff . 2.340.65 468.13
Seward . 13,014.40 2,6ns.'8
Sheridan . 5."8.80 1,177.76
Sherman .i 4..',.*'.74 879.74
Sioux . 2.561.73 512.34
Stanton .1 7.367.13 1,473.72
Thayer . 11 S75.SO 2.375.56
Thomas .! 909.71 181.94
Thurston . 2,780.91 556.18
Washington . 11.793.IF 2,358.62
Wayne . 9,508.65 1,901.77
Webster .! 9,50.8.651 1,901.73
York .1 11 498.10 2,299.62
Valley .1 _ 4.997.77,_995.55
She Drive* to Death
LINCOLN. Neb., July 22.—Mrs. Dan
Johnson, postmistress at Rokeby, a
small town about twelve miles south
west of Lincoln, while driving across
the Rock Island track within a mile
of her home at an early hour this
morning, was struck by a special
freight train and received injuries
that resulted in her death Opinion
is prevalent there that Mrs. Johnson
came to her death as th» result of de
liberate action on her part. She had
had a great deal of trouble with her
neighbors, who made her the victim of
constant persecution.
Hnrvefttini; If ay Crop*.
BASSETT. Neb., July 22.—Ranch
men in this vicinity are making ac
tive preparations to begin haying
and inside of ten days the harvest
will be well under way. At first It
was thought that the heavy late rains
had injured the crop, and while this
was found true in some instances, as
a general rule the fear was unfounded.
Tow Drag-* It v to Death.
WAHOO. Neb July 22.—Chas. Mil
ler, 10-ve ir-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Miller, was killed while leading
a eow to pasture He tied the rope
around his body and the cow ran,
dragging him four blocks breaking
his neck and greatly mutilating his
head and face.
Fnglnc Set* Fire to Wheat.
STROMSBl'RO, Neb . July 22 —As
John Dritzler started to thresh some
wheat for J. A. Crawley, two miles
west of here, the engine set fire to
the field and burned twelve acres of
fine wheat
wooii Mart* For Philippine*.
LEXINGTON. Neb., July 22.—Rev.
Mr. Montgomery of Wayne, Neb., is
visiting in I>exington. NVh , prior to
going to the Philippine islands, to j
take charge of the Presbyterian mis
sion schools.
- I
Bloodhound* Trace Money.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 22.—Cyrus j
Bel, a farmer three miles from this
city, was robbed while working in the .
field. Bell is a bachelor and had over.
|100 secreted in a trunk at the house, j
The thief stole 137, but did not find
the balance, which was in another
part of the trunk. Bell drove to Bea- ;
trice about midnight, secured the
Fulton bloodhounds and they traced (
the thief to this city, whore he was
located. He settled the matter. J
Builders Ordered to Begin Work on the
New fthedtt.
LINCOLN, July 20.—The state hoard
of public lands and buildings com
pleted the purchase of the state fair
grounds and the board of agriculture
immediately ordered the builders to
begin work on the new live stock
sheds and barns. The grounds will be
enclosed by an improved wire fence
and all of the main buildings now
standing will be repaired and repaint*
ed. All of the expense incident to
putting the grounds and buildings in
shape for the npxt state exhibit will
be paid out of the balance of the ap
propriation of $35,000 made by the
Secretary Furnas said that every
thin gwould be in readiness by the
opening day of the fair. The various
contractors have been impressed with
the importance of ther duties and they
have agreed to exprt every power to
have their work completed by Aug
ust 25.
The warrant which was delivered to
the Nebraska Exposition association
for the state fair grounds was after
wards sold to the state treasurer for
investment of the permanent senool
ITody of t’uknown Man Fouud I’ndsr
Bridge at Lincoln.
LINCOLN, July 20.—An unknown
man was found dead in Salt creek un
der a Rock Island bridge two milts
south of this city. It was at first
thought he had been murdered, but
an investigation soon exploded that
theory. A wound on his head was
thought to have been made by a bul
let. but Coroner Graham insists that
it might have been caused by some
sharp piece of metal in the undergear
ing of a freight train.
Coroner Graham and a jury examin
ed the Imrlv and after listening to
the testimony of the section workmen
returned a verdict, finding that death
came from unknow causes. It is be
lieved that Graham was riding under
a freight car and while asleep or from
exhaustion lost his hold and foil.
Nebraska Paymaster to Serve Two Years
in the Orient.
OMAHA, July 20.—Majoi Bradner
D. Slaughter, army paymaster here,
has news that lie has been ordered to
the Philippines for service. Major
Charles E. Stanton, now in Manila, is
expected to come her* to relieve him.
August 15, Captain William R. Graham
will be relieved from duty in the Phil
ippines to also come to Omaha.
Major Slaughter is not surprised,
and, in fact, is quite willing to try a
couple of years on the other side of the
It is expected that Major Stanton
will not be able to arrive here and
take charge before September 1.
Major Slaughter will be aicompanled
to Manila by John A. Lottridge, his
chief clerk, who came here from Lin
coln at the beginning of 1899.
Plainvlew Farmer’s suicide.
PLAINVIEW, Neb., July 20.—The
body of William Dibbert, a prosperous
German farmer who lived six miles
northwest of here, was found hanging
to a rafter in his granary. Mr. Llih
bert hail been afflicted with kidney
trouble for the past year and during
the day had worked in the harvest
field, but when he left the field at
night he failed to show up at the
house. He was found by his mother,
having hung himself the previous
Child Struck l>y Lightning.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 20.—
The little daughter of Henry Stack,
aged seven years, was struck by light
ning while playing in the hack yard
in this city. Her hair was badly burn
ed and she was seriously shocked, but
has good chances of recovery.
Deputy liMine Warden.
LINCOLN, July 20.—Governor Sav
age has named Captain J. T. Richmond
of Johnstown as deputy game warden,
to serve without compensation. It is
the intention of the governor to ap
point at least one deputy for every
county in the state.
Young Man Die* on Train.
ALMA, Neb., July 20.—Jesse Mc
Guire, of Garden City, Iowa, who was
accompanied by his mother, hound for
Colorado for his health, was taken
from the Darlington train dying. He
died shortly after being placed in the
DhiikIIuk from >i Halter.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., July 20.—The
body of John Denmead was found
dangling from the rafters of the barn
on his place north of town. A doctor
was summoned and gave as his opin
ion that the man committed suicide
by hanging and that the deed was
done at least three days before the
body was found. Denmead was a
farmer in fair circumstances and had
lived alone for some time. His wife
had died several years ago.
Latest Quotation* I rum South Omaha
and Kansas City.
Cattle—There was an extremely light
run of cattle and as packers all seemel
to have liberal orders there were not
enonugh to go the rounds and prices ad
vanced sharply. The few cars of beef
steers on sale were picked up lit an early
hour at prices that looked fully a dime
higher, and In some cast s more. As com
pared whh the (lose of last week prices
are now fully as good as they were then,
and sales were made that looked higher
than the same kind of cattle sold for on
last Friday. There were very few cows
and heifers on sale and practically noth
ing that could he called choice. The way
buyers acted good stuff was evidently In
good demand and would probably have
sold a little higher. Even the common
stuff that was offered sold a little higher
In some cases. Bulls, calves and stags
were all In very light supply and the few
on sale sold as they did yesterday. Stock
ers and feeders were also scarce today
and prices improved. In extreme case*
they sold as much as 20c higher, though
10@15o would cover the advance In most
cases. Cattle that were carried over from
yesterday In some cases sold as much as
20c higher than the best bids reoeived
Hogs—There was another liberal supply
of hogs, though not quite as many ar*
rived aa yesterday or the day before.
Packers started in fairly oarly and the
opening market was about 2V»c higher
than yesterday's general market. The
hulk of the first hogs sold largely at
$5 574 and $3.60, hut It was noticeable that
tn most cases buyers wpre picking out the
better loads. It took a choice load of hoge
to bring over $5 624. and very few sold
above that figure. The light stuff sold
mostly from $5.57 down. The market was
fairly active until about half the hogs
had changed hands, and then for a time
not much was done.
Sheep- There was a very light run of
sheep, and no lambs nt all arrived. Thu
sheep sold at just about steady prices
with yesterday, or 107(100 lower than last
week. Western wethers sold from $3.25 to
$3 to. The lamb market is still In very bad
shape at all points. The demand Is ex
tremely light and prices have broken 50®
75c at this point as compared with th»
high time last week
Cattle—Beef steers, cows and Texans, 16
7/20c higher; stockers and feeders, strong;
choice exports and dressed beef steer.
$5.507(E.9o; fair to good, $1 75713.40; stookers
and feeders $2 50®4.25; western fed steers.
$3.15715.35; Texans and Indians, $3X5®4.40;
Texas grass steers, $3.25713 90: Texas cows,
$2.60713.25; native cows, $2 .75(04.25; heifers.
$2.50714.75; canners, $1,737/2 70; bulls. $2.50®
4.00: calves. $2,507/5.25.
Hogs Market 57/ 10c higher: top. $5,974;
bulk of sales. $5 50715.80; heavy, $5,857/5.974;
mixed packers. $5.55715.80. light, $6.35®6.70;
pigs, $1,737/5.30.
Sheep and I,amba—Sheep, steady; lambs
were 10c lower; lambs, $4.30715.00; wethers,
257/3 75. yearlings, $3.50714.25; ewes. $3.«0®
3.23; stock sheep. $1.507i3.75.
Declare* Ife If** No Anlmni Against
the Admiral.
NEW YORK, July 20.—Edgar S.
Maclay replied to the criticism which
has been made on his historical works
dealing with Admiral Schley and the
navy during the Spanish war. He said
in part:
"I did not appreciate at the time I
wrote the book that the terms were
immoderate and intemperate. It is Y
only recently that it has met with ad
verse criticism. It is now my Intention
to revise that portion of the work
that deals with the battle of San
tiago. But I shall not alter the facts,
for they are correct, and I must first
be assured that they are in error. Tin
proofs were submitted to the officers
who took part in the battle of San
tiago, as well as to Secretary Long,
and received their approval. I should
explain that only those portions of
the book were submitted to eaNi of
ficer that related to him personal'y
or to the part he took In the battle.
‘‘I have no animus against Admiral
Plot I* Sal<l to Ho Klponlng to Overthrow
• he French Kepithll)'.
LONDON, July 20.—The Pali Ma'l
Gazette publishes a communication
from Its Paris correspondent giving
circumstantial details of an alleged
conspiracy to overthrow the French
republic and install Prince Louis Na
poleon as emperor. The correspond
ent is Issured that September 14, upon
which date the czar intends to pro
mote Prince I-ouis to a full general- /
ship in the Russian army, has been
selected as the occasion for a demon
stration to support the claims of this
prince, who is such a close friend of
their Russian ally, by all the elements
opposed to the present regime. The
names of M. de Roulede, the marquis
de Lnr Saluces and M. Mari el-Habert
are mentioned as the leading spirits
of the movement, and several high
functionaries of the present govern
ment are aleged to be assisting the
movement with funds.
firput Hunk’* Cxpital.
M'jW \ ORK, July 20.—At a meeting
of the stockholders of the First Na
tional bank it was voted to increase
the capital of the bank to $10,000,000.
«cl.'rti.i>r Cabinet.
COPENHAGEN, July 20.—King
Christian has entrusted Dr. Deuntser
with the task of organizing a liberal
ministry to succeed the De Schested
cabinet, which resigned Wednesday
The following selections have already
been made: President of the council,
Dr. Deuntser; minister of justice, Al
berti; minister of interior, Count Hol
utein; minister of foreign affairs, Al- 'i
frcd Hage; minister of finance, Christ
ensen; of agriculture, Hansen.