The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 26, 1901, Image 5

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    rHH NoRT11Wi:STVRN
•1KO. K. HENtH HOTKB, I Editors and
HKO. H. HIBSON, \ Publisher!
Entered at the Loup City r’ostofllce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
CALL I OH lihl’l llblCAN t'OlNIV
T.oup City, Nelii, July M, 1901
The republican electors of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska are hereby rejue-ced to >ml
delegates from their respective townships
to meet in coir.eutlon at Loup ('lly. Neb on
Wednesday, August 31st , 1001 at '! IM
fer the purpose ol electing six delegates to
111" Iteptiblican stale convention to tie held
in the city of Lincoln on August l!8, 1901. to
elect a County i entral committee and to non
inate a county th Uet as follows:
Judge. Clerk, Treasurer. SV r IT .per intend
ent and Coroner.
also to transact such other business as may
properly conic before said content ion.
The several townships art- entitled to re;
resentatton us follows: the apportionment
being based upon the vote cast at the last gen
eral election (IlHili for Will McKinley, git
ing each townshi] tie delegate at large and
one for every ten votes and fraction thereof:
Oak Creek 3 Loup City 15
Lagan .5 clay 1
a Washiug: >n Harrl
w Elm • S-ott II
Webster 3 Hazard .6
Ashton . o Bristol. t
Rockville . 5
Total .To
It is recommended that the primaries P
held on Saturday. August IT. 1901 and it I
fnrthci recomraended that no proxies be al
lowed. hut that the delegates present be al
lowed to cast the entire vote of the township
at said convention.
By or 1 r of the c-unt central committee.
Ceo. E. Bcsst hoi eh. Chairman
W. J Kisiiek. Secretary.
The boys up llu; valley, the fann
er boys, God bless them, have taken
the bull by the horns and turned
water on their famished crops,
through the dit«h that the people
built but don't own. They made a
compromise with the null nu n at
Arcadia, so we arc informed, and
pay them *.">.00 per day for every
day they use the water. This we
are told *as made necessary, as far
ns the mill company is concerned,
as the ditch as it now stands, with a
part of the head gale being closed
by sand, will not furnish watt rat all
limes to supply b ith mill and ditch,
therefore by times necessitating iun
r ing the mill fri m their engine when
the ditch is in operation. This the
boys compensate the mill company
for bv paxuig them the #5.0r per
day f*'r the privilege of using the
Y' water. This arrangement will mnsL
likely, give the farmers from the
Truelsen farm up, a very fair crop
of corn and other crops that are not
too far gone from the dry weather.
II does not seem just the right
thing that a community should suf
fer the horrors of a drouth w:lh an
irrigating ditch laying along side
their farms which is capable of «at
ering every f< ot i t land iindir U.
and that after the people have bond
ed themselves to pay tor it, ami all
for the contrariness of one man.
There is no doubt that a remedy ex
ists and if it is not seen to at once,
we will be in the very same pie
• dicament next year, sLiOuht a uouiu
set in. That ditch will cost this and
Logan township many thousands of
dollars and the people who must
pay it surely have a right to its use.
This they are willing to pay for at
reasonable rates, and it is an outiage
that this privilege should be witheld
from them. This injustice is an im
^ jury to all in the county, for the
grain that could be produced under it
would feed the county. A meeting
of our people should he called and a
good trusty attorney hired to look
the matter up and see what can be
done. It might be possible to gel
relief by forming an irrigation dis
trict and thereby getting a head
from which to woik. 1 he laws do
not contemplate that any nue man
shall set at naught that which ha
been designed for the benefit of a
community, and this particular in
stitution has so many pregnable
points that :t can be forced ln’o
operation without a doubt.
The great strike is on and labor
and the trusts stand face to face.
Capital may feel the best and look
ihe slot keel for a season but if labor
don't come out on top, the common
people will be the tuderers, and the
common people means the welfare
of the common country, ('apttal
she uld have nil that belongs to i1
t but when it desires the scalp <>f the
middle classes it is exacting a super
duous amount of flesh.
The Mi (May history if our navy
! which has just been published, and
! which has b on selected for 'he u.-o
! of naval cadets at Anuupolis has
' been rejected as to the third volume
| on account of the slanderous state*
j meats it tonlains against Admiral
I Schley in regard to the battle of San
tiago. Mr. Schley stems to be a
marked man with the naval officers.
The; seem never to tire of trying to
besmirch his character and to boost
Sampson. Hus kind of tactics on
their part I as almost caused the com
mon people to detest the name if
I Sampson. When hat battle was on
i Admiral Schley did the engineering
j and the outcome was a grand victory
for our arm-, and all the petty jeal
i onsies of Sampson and his friends
| cannot detract from his dory. Samp
| sod is the fellow that wears a corset
and says that an i llicer who was not
educated at \nnapolis should be com
pelled to wear a uniform that would
distinguish him from one that was.
so that the wor'd could see which was
tin real simon pure aristocrat. This
country lies never had any success
jet with paper collars and crazy
du h s and an attempt to foist them
; on the people a« heroes unless they
win their laurels, which they never
have d >ne yet, will be a Hat failure.
Secretary long has did a very sensi
ble thing in excluding that history
fioiri our t aval acadarm.
Governor Savage is playing a
ttnaip card that if lie wins, which
stems vcrt likely to he the ease, will
make him a reputation that will in
sure him an election in 1902, beside
emieaiing him to the masses. From
all indications he has started < ut to
lay bare the chicunen of the men
| in high places, if such there he, who
wrecked Ex-Ticusuitr Hail lev ami
robbed the state of half a million
dollars. Ilia sixty days parole of
Hartley, has more behind it than
appears on its face anil if our saud
tills governor clears up tin - piece of
high handed villianv and -ei s that
each party concerned gets ilu 'r just
dues. Custer county can la' claim to
hiving furnished the state with tin
true reform governor, and lie won’t
he a pop either.
Hryani-m has go; its death blow
: aim ng iis formi r adbcicnts ns well
I-is wiili the gold standard element
of the democratic party. E\ery
ilung points to ho fact Ini demon
racy is determined to combine with
Hiyanism left out, and try and re
gain what i* has lost in the past de
cad* by its policy of repudiation and
folly. It has lost the confidence oi
the people and must expect to regain
it only by repudiating its past poli
cy and formulating one that will
recommend it to the masses.
The Fall Mall Gazette ol Lon lot
makes public a plot they claim to
have discovered that has for its aim
llie restoration of the French Em
pire. Itmaynotbe more than tin
enterprise of a newspaper reporter,
but it surely is about time for France
to have another eruption.
( ibs and bruises are healed by Cham
berlain'S Pain Balm in about one third
; the time any other treatment would re.
quire because of its antiseptic quailtie
| which cause the parts to heal without
! maturation. For sale by—Odendalil
| Bros.
It is easier to keep well than get cured
j l)e Wilt’s I.itile Early Kisers taken now
; and then, will always keep your bowels
| in perfect order. They never gripe but
i promoty an easy gentle aeticn.—Oden
I dab! Bro-.
The Rocky .Mountain regions of
Colorado reached best via the Union
Pacific provide lavishly for the health
of the tourist. Amid these rugged
sleeps are to be found aon e of the
; most charming and restful spots on
t-ait.i. Fairy lakes nestled air id
sunny peaks, anil climate tbat chiers
and exhilarates. The
i put 0 »itccl by the Union Pi ificen
ab|i yi.ulo teach these lav red I .
(••ibti*s w itliout untie cess a ry expen
diture i f time or money.
plus jj-J.Uo frail) Misscnri River, in
t tf *s-t June l*’h to 30M : July 10‘b
to August u 1 si inclusive.
'tie Union Pacific "ill ala > sell
1 h kt's on July 1st to tub in: lusive,
i )bi r Is1 to loth inclusive, at
fl.j i i f<>r the r tin I trip from Mis
s< iri lPver p in's.
R a- n ti nit October 31. 1 '01.
Pr •’iii't' lately low rates from in
’»i mi diate points.
Full information eheerfullv fur
nished upon application.
H J. Cliktow, Agent.
n.KoiiiA ( i.iri'i m;s
A V111 Zimmerman and K y Mooic
irom Dear Loup City, were visiting
A. li Zimmerman Sunday
M II Smith and Wm Haird of
Loup City, were in this vicinity
looking after their respective farms
last week.
John S ortns returned from the
hospital where lie L td been having
his arm operated upon. Mr. Sorm>
says his arm is no better
Miss Ktlie Zimmerman is attend
ing ins’i'ute ot Loup City tliis week
Mr. Seiindt savs tha* inoculation
ot chinch bugs on his farm is prov
ing ijuttc a sue'ess \Ve understand
he contemplates moving to Colorado.
A gentleman from Hamilton
county visited Cleoria last week f >r
the purpose of making arrangements
for wintering IdO Inal of cattle.
There were also three men i.eie from
Aurora, looking up land
Kev A. L Zimmerman is at liotn,‘
enjoying a vacaliou and will r.ot le
turn to his charge at Auror., until
the It h of August.
-I I \'|o|t.
l.lloulll I’m k, Aug 7 to I.T
niousiiii.N iif Nebraska Methodists
look forward with keancst pleasure to
the annual sessions of tlif* Epworth A
The location is ideal, ami the pi >
grains can always be depended upon to
amuse, instruct and elevate
This year’s Assembly wil maintain
tlie high standard of previous years
The program incl'ul'- such Uturcis
and entertainers as Eli I’eikins, Col.
Rain, M s Chant, Robt- McIntyre,
Fred Emerson Brooks, ,S. K Stoddar I
and Sam .font s.
Half rites to Lincoln, via tin Burling
ton Route, Aug ‘I T. S, 10, II and in.
li'ketsgood to return "mil Aug. Hi
On account of the very low rates
maue to C< lurndo points
has placed in set vice anotliei through
Pullman Sleeper on train No. R, for
Denver, leaving Omaha at i J.T p. m.
daiiv, and continuing until Sep'..
A tourist Sleeptr w ill also !>o at
ached to this train for Denver. July
r,th to 11 h inclusive.
This service at!'. rds passengers the
very best accommodations with (he
greatest possible comfort.
Reservations should lie made as
far in advance as possible. —11. .).
Ci.irr n. Agent.
Co orailo and (tali August 1 to 10
Never again, perhaps, will you tiave
such un opportunity of visiting Colora
do and Utah as is ( Here 1 t>v tlie Burl
ington Route. August 1 to 10.
ttn tho‘e dates, the round-trip tiikets
to Deliver, Colorado Springs, Glen wood,
and >alt I-sk* <’iiy wil b'1 on rat" at
LE'f'i than the regular < ne way rate
Return limit, Oetob‘*r 111.
Make up your mind to go. if you do
not know which of the do/."n of cool
resort* tn the mountain- will suit you
best, write for the Rurlirtgton's Colora
do literature— sent on receipt of six ct.-.
in stamps. It will help you decide
J. Kuancis, (Jen. Pas*. Agt,
Omaha, Nth.
Fat lady—Don’t sleep too much: ex
ercise; don't eat fa s and sweets. To
reduce llesb rapidly take Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Acts directly on the fatty
ti'sues. hue. A«k your druggist.
OqIj f-'Iderly M«*n Fliuv >1 Clean in
C cfero'n Tim©*
In Cicero's time ami after fp sslb’.y
also before) many men wore beards
and only men over 40 were clean
shaven. Spartianus speaks of Hadrian
as wearing full beard (promissa barba)
to cover scats upon bis face. I)io
Cassius a'so speaks of him as the
“first” to wear a beard. He is not the
first emperor whose bust shows hint
to have allowed the hair u on h's face
to grow, but he is th first one repre
sented as wearing a full beard. Evi
dently, therefore. Iiadtitn dd not in
troduce beards, but. only the custom of
wearing them long and full. On Tro
jan’s column there is a representation
of the emperor sar rifit ing at the a tar;
many of the men who appear in the
scene are bearded, but by no means ail
of them. Again, we find a scene
wherein the seated emperor is sur
rounded by attendants, some of whom
are bearded. In still another group
Trajan is standing with a roll in his
hand, addressing his men and again
we see both bearded and beardless
men among these who stand h-fore
him. On the rectangular reliefs of the
arch of Constantine we find that the
men accompanying Trajan are beard
ed, even when he and they are clad
in the toga. The ar h at Beneventum
shows in the same group llctors and
ornites both as bearded and beard
less.—American Journal of Arch
i am prepared to make* hydraulic* or easing wells.
T- |VL PEED Loup City, Neb.
\ 11 Ingenious Tieafment hj which
Drunk;ir<ln are Itoing ( iirrH l»aM>
In spite of I hr niseiv os
No Noxtium Doses. No Weakening of tl»e
Nerves \ pleasant ami l*o*lt ve Curi*
tor i he l.iqoor Ilahil
It is t w neraliv known ami under-?* i
that Drunkenncas is u disease ami not wenU
ness ■ body tilled with poison, and nerves
eonipleti , shattered by periodical or constant
use of i\ .xicating liquors, require - an anti
i dote cap d-lr of ncutruli/ing and eradicating
this poinon and destroying tin eravin for in
| toxicant" Su:i'eeis may now cur- thein.vd*
vc" a' h1''without publicity or 1*’- , of time
from oiitss !>y thi wonderful IIOMK
Cit)LD i i 1U. " which bus been perfected
after in• t •., years of close study and treatment
ofmt-bi.i - The biithful Use eennlitie » ■
direction’ of this wonderful discovery is po>
itively guaranteed to cure the mom obstinut*
ease, no n.alter how hard a drinker. Our re
cords sin*w the marvelous transformation of
tlunisaii *f Drunkards into sole , industrious
and upright men.
wivi>i riin Yoi'unrsiiANUS' cmi.
OKEN Cl'lSi: YOtfK EATIIHES ' This mil
edy Is in no- use a nostrum but is a -poctfli
for this di-ea-it* only ami Is so skillfully do
■> 1st d and prepared that It Is thoroughly solu
ble anil pleasant to the taste, so that It can In
given In a cup of tea or coffee without tht
knowledge of the person taking it Thousands
of Drunkards have cured themselves with llth
prb cles, remedy, and as many more have been
cured and made tempcruli men by having tht
TI'liK udmlnistered by loving friends am
relatives without their knowledge In coffee ot
tea. and believe today that they discontinue,
drinking of their own free will. DO NO!
WAIT. Do not lie deluded by apparent am
. vi ment Dme out tht
di-ejtsc at once ate for all lime. The HUM!
Cti .LMTKK ' Is sold at tht e>t '■ tin cv low
price Of One Dollar thus placing w it rear!
of everybody a treatment more itft.ittal that
others costing $g5 to $50. Full direction- at
t omp.inying each package. Special advice by
killed physicians when requested w thouti
! ra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of tm
j tv .i ltl oil receipt of Otic Dollar. Add.e--. Dept
and *$!•; Market Street. Pbtladclphi •, l'a. A1
, i . pondcnce strictly confldcntla i 8
\Y ANTED,— trust WOKTIIV .MKH Hit Wo
men to travel and advertise for old is
mullshed house of solid financial -landing
I -aiaiy *fsO tt jcur and expenses, all pay
able in cash. No canvassing te,|iiiir l
j t,tve reference and inclose self-addressed
; stamped envelope. Address Manager, .t,V
i it xton, Hldg , Chicago.
If you want deeds, mortgages, ieafef
i or nny legal Instruments drawn at very
! reasonable rates when at lb ' eminty
j seat, call on W .1 Fi-ber at th" .VuitTil
wt.STKUN f tlice AM kind* < f blank*
on band. A Notary l’ublln In • tli
men to 1 rave! and advertise for old estab
lished house of solid financial -'
saiary fsiit yctu arol expense-, nil lain
hie in cash No can vanning riijtinid
Hive left-rence and em. - - -ell ie1dtc--. it
-tamped enveloped. Address Mining'r.
.V nixton llblg., Chicago.
M» n find w :i“ »* < f j£ood adilrt'Ks to rep
rcucnt i»h, rornf 'u ii av» 1 appoint ii.g a^ent*.
oilier-* for : < u work looking after «*ur
I intereptH. HMMiii p.iinrv guarantee i yearly ;
I extra cotiiiiiiMHion9 and c\p»*n (•■*, rapid ad
vancement, old e.stabli^lied house maud
ch foi earnest men oi women lo iecap
j)lea«arit j*« i Kjriaiient position* lil * tal in*
mine and future. New bnllieiit line
\V rite a* on< «.
Church St, New liaven conn
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of th<
digestants and digests all kinds o
food. It gives instant relief and nevei
fails to cure. It allows you to eat al
the food you want. The most scnsitivi
stomachs can take It. Ily its use man
thousands of dyspeptics have beer
cured after everything else failed. Il
prevents formation of gas on thestorn
a'-h, relieving all dlstressaftereating
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take
It can’t help
but do you good
Prepared on!y by E. O'. Dr. Witt A. < 'o., < hlcay:
The |l. bottle contains 2!4 times the50c. size*
For sale bv ODKNDAHL. DROS ,
I -MS3' mmBBKM bbhh
______ | .r.ynjMypy, g.gyyy
is the love of one of the most beautiful ami wonderful things
in nature. In ninnv countries, diamonds have been called
the “Teardrops of angels. ’ In the highest civilized nations,
diamonds are the symbols of wealth and the badge of aris
toerncv. Whatever the purpose, we have the diamonds to
fulfill it. We have all sizes md t lie prices are right.
President C as hi nr.
. ____
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
We a\e [Headquarters for
We have cvorv appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
i respectfully solicit your order. O >• charges are realisable
; our prices are right. We have ldded a feed grinder to our
, business and are prepared to do custom work or turnish
• ground feed at reasonable rates.