Lioaal Daws. Grandma Brown is very near deaths dojr. I. M. Polski Was up from Ashton Sunday. Philip King of Arcadia, was In the city Tuesday. Eddy Holmes of Rockville, was at the hub Wednesday. Say, did you see the black oddi ties? They were corkers. Thos. Chamberlain of the west side, was in the city Monday. We had a row at the giowler the other day. Saj\ there was ran/.crs in the air. Rev. Porter, the Presbyterian minis ter on this circuit will be located in Loup City for the present. Heavy Draft Stallion will stand at the Round Front Burnduriug the season of 1901. apr25— u o o C. XV. Gibson of Litchfield, w ho was in Pennsylvania attending his fathers funeral, returned home last Friday. Luther Goodwin palled wool out of the Odd Fellows goat Wednes day night. E. A. Brown arrived home from Illinois Tuesday, where he visited relatives the past six weeks. Last Monday was the hottest day by a considerable that Loup City has expe rienced this season. The mercury ran up to 108 in the shade. Chas. Nicolai of Sargent, was in the city Wednesday. He came down to install the oftieers in the Odd Fellows lodge. A bail c unplexion generally results from inactive liver and bowel* In all such cases, DeVVjtt's Little Early Riser* produce gratifying results—Odendabl Bros, John Johnson, a merchant of Chester ton,Ind. was in the city Wednesday night. He is an old friend ofourtowns man, II. J Cole. I. S. Sheppard has had a touch of typhoid fever which ha* housed Sam up the past week. He is convalescing at this time. 1 f you want some “just as good" ‘1 make It myself," Remedy, try an imita tion Rocky Mountain Tea. ‘Twill make you sick and keep yon sick . Ask your druggist. Daddy Reed of Arcadia, passed through town Wednesday with his running horses. He was on his way to Roelus to attend the races. The Antony Oddity Company played to a good house at this place Monday night. They are a good company and their audience was well pleased with the entertainment. A. I’. Culley returned home from his extended ramblings in Canada and the North West Territory last Tuesday evening. The l’rof. looks as if he had been used well while gone. Orin Manchester of Davis creek made us a pleasant call while in the city Wednesday. Mr. Manchester had just returned from a visit to h's old home at Aurora. III. Miss Emma Johausen had the misfortune to cut the inside of her fingtrson the left, hand very badly while cutting bread. The wound bled so profusely that the young lady swooned from loss of Blood be fore it could be stoped. I. P. Gage of Fremont, Grand Secre tary of the 1 O. O. F. visited the local lodge at this place Wednesday night. Mr. Gage was highly pleased with the condition of the lodge at Loup City He assisted the boys in Installing their ofllcers and witnessed the confering of the Third degree by our team . Peter Thode informed us last .Sunday (hat the chinch bugs on bis farm were dying in great numbers He said the> were piled up in heaps. Mr. Thode did not scatter any inoculated bugs, but there was several farmers in bis vicini ty that did and Mr. Thode thinks that the diseased bugs came from neighbor ing fields. tv. J. Fisher met with a painful ac cident the other day which might have proven serious. He was assisting his brother in cutting rivets from the sec tions of a aycle bar, when one of them tlew through the air striking him on the wrist and cutting a gash nearly two Inches long. It missed the artery but a trille which was lucky for Hilly, “I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few linea that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques tion, the best and only cure for dyspep sia that I have ever come in contact with and I have used many other pre parations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa, No preperation equals Kodol Dys pepsia Cure as it contains ail the natur al digestants. It will digess all kinds of food and can’t help but do you good Odendahl Bros. The Sherman County Teachers Insti tute will open at this place on Moudav next the 22, and continue to Friday 20 Two lectures will be delivered, one by Kev. Fredrick A. Hatch of Omaha, on Thursday evening, topic “Queer Peo ple.” On the Tuesday evening previ ous Prof. Biglow will deliver an address the topic of which will be the “Passion Play” as witnessed hv him ■‘elf in hi travels in Egypt. Every body is invit ed to attend. Some body fan the thermometer. Oliver I>ubrj made a living trip tj Arcadia Monday. For good clear ice, dtlivered call on—J. W. Conger. Richmond Cattle and wife ere visit ing Mr. Cattle's parents In the city this week A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kosehene wlski jr.. Thursday last. 1’hilip Ileil and Billy Couton of Aus tin, brought a load of hogs to town Monday morning. The B A M carpenters have been here repairing the depot and have made some substantial improvements. Miss Viola Newbecker oj Loup coun ty, a niece of Mrs W. II. Williams visited the latter at this place last week. W. H. Williams who has been visit' iug In Kansas and Illinois for tho past two weeks returned horns last Thurs day. The new German church at this place was dedicated last Sunday. A large number of Germans from different parts of the county were present. The piles that annoy you so will be (juickly and permanently healed if vou use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeits.—Oden dab! Bros. Jacob Beuschoter came down street smiling last Thursday evening and when ask as to his happiness said it was a girl and of regulation size. Our old friend Lewie Bechthold, has been having a very serious time of it during the past week with erysipelas. It came in a very peculiar form making a half circle around his body at the ab domen. A Boone of Grtely Center, was in the city several days last week. Mr Boone informs us that he will move to Hastings in a few weeks where lie will continue die jewelry business. Ralph Johnson, State Consul or the Modern Woodmen, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Johnson eame to visit this part of the jurisdiction, and to pay his respects to the Woodmen of the Middle Loup valley, Mr. Monnette the gentleman who purchased the large tract of land south ot town has contracted with T. M. Reed for two 3 inch wells, tanks and wind mills for watering purposes. Geo. Ware Jr. of Oak creek, was prostrated by the great beat last Monday while shocking wheat for Fred Jens. George was so badly used up that Wednesday morning he was suffering to such an extent that he had to send for the doctor. Henry A, Wilson brought two samp les of steel borings to this ofliee this week w hich lie procured at the govern ment arsenl at Albany, New York, when he was there last summer. They are the borings from an SO ton gun and oan be seen at this olllee. The large flouring mill at Ravenna, was burned last Sunday and on Monday the roof of the B & M depot was burn ed oft'. The B. & M. depot at St. Paul, was also destroyed by tire last Friday morning as the result of a gasolene stove exploding. Qui’e a crowd gathered at Arcadia, one day last week with the understand ing that a celebration was to be held consisting of horse races, ball game etc But we are told that no preperations what ever had been made and nothing of a sporty nature was on the boards except a dance in the evening. The raeehorsemen say it was equal to Ra venna, the Fourth. A lire at Ashton, Monday morning, completely destroyed a frame store building belonging to Mr, Badura. The building was occupied by a harness shop and was built against the brick store oc cupied and owned by Mr. Badura also. They were both one story structures, the brick building having a steel roof which saved the building and stock from destiuction. When Mr Badura reached the lire the roof in places was r**d hot but quick and well directed work saved it. The A. O. U. W. lodge had a very pleasant season at this place last week. On their regular meeting night the members and their families congregat ed at their hall and enjoyed a feast of ice cieam, bananas and lemonade, after which they had a social dance. On Friday night a public meeting was held at which time Deputy .1. M Eads of Fait field N’eli, addressed those assem bled in the iaterests of the order. A very enjoyable time was had both nights. Frank Ohlm, one among the first set tlors of Custer county and quite well known to all our old settlers, was in the city as the guest of Oliver Dubry this will go, in a few weeks, for a visit to Germany, where his mother is still Jiv ing at the ripe old age of 85. The Northwestern wishes them a very pleasant trip and a safe return. Lonnie Rentfrow was over cotne by the intense heat last Monday aid Las not been able to work since. If yoang ladies think sores, pimples and red noses look well with a bridal veil and orange blossoms, it's all right. Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive them away. 35e. Ask your druggist. 1 ar,i indebted to One Minute Cough (lure for my present good health and my life I was treated in vain by doc tors for lung trouble following la grippe. I look One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health.' Mr. E. II Wise, Madison, Ga—Odendahl Bros When you want a modern, up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ure easy to take aud pleasant in effect. Price 'J5 cents Samples frae at Odendahl Bros. You can never cure dyspepsia bv di eting. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digestants hence must digest every class of food and so pre pare it that nature can use it In nour ishing the boil}’ and replacing the wast ed tissues, thus giving life, health, strength ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite.—Odendahl Bros A large delegation of Woodmen and Royal Neighbors went from this place to Sargent Tuesday evening last, to meet with Sargent Camp and enjoy a nights pleasure with sister camps. Thir ty-three bought tickets at tips depot, twenty at Arcadia and a small dwlegtt-! tion from Comstock, and upon arriving! at Sargent they -were met by Woodmen | and Royal Neighbor-. Carriages weia awaiting the arrival of the train for tlie accommodation of the ladies which led tiie prosession, while the gentlemen formed a line of inarch with the mar tial band in front followed by the Ar cadiaand Loup City teams of Foresters in full uniform, the members bringing up tho rear. The prosession marched to the hall where it dispursed and ac companied waiting Neighbors to an elegant supper. After supper Loup City’s Royal Neighbor team in full re galia, proceeded to the home of the Oracle of Sargent camp and escorted their officers to the ball, after which they initiated a candidate and exempli fied the entire floor work. Loup City's team of Royal Neighbors are undoubt edly the superior of any team in Cen tral Nebraska and they added to their laurels upon this occasion. At ten, o'clock the Woodmen occupied the hall, and from that time on the trouble was rife, and until 5 o'clock next morning I tho hall resounded with the merry laughter of the wildand wooley Wood j men. Thirteen new members were pol ished oft' by ttie Arcadia and Loup City teams alternately, anu v.lien Old Sol i reared his head over the eastern bluffs, ; every body was willing to rest, es» eci-! ally the fellows who rode the goat. A number of speeches wi re made in the ; evening from a platform in the street, theprincipal one by Ralph E. Johnson State Consul. The hospitality of Sar gent Woodmen is beyond comparison, and this article would not be complete without especial mention of Captain Harris and his estcemable wife, the Oracle of the Sargent R. N. A , as “Roy al" Neighbors in oyery respect. - MARRIED Smith—Boyce—At the home of the brides patents in the south west part of the count]’, were joined in matrimony last Sunday, Judge Angler officiating. Miss Noun Boyce, a resident of Sher mao county, and the groom, Mr. Will iam Smith, «omes from Buffalo county. After the ceremony a sumptuous re past was served. IIilsbeck—Burrowes.—We note with pleasure, this week, the marriage of Mr. T. M IIilsbeck, of Thayer, Xeb to Miss Nan Burrowes, of Boulder, Col We are not acquainted with the groom. Miss Burrowes is a sister of Miss Sadie Burrowes of this city, and while a resi dent here taught two very satisfactory terms of school In the primary depat rnent of this city. She was a favorite among the teachers, scholars and pat rons of the school and her many friends here wish her a happy and prosperous wedded life. The Northwestern joins in extending congratulations and compliments to the groom in being so fortunate in his choice fora life partner. They will make their future home at Thayer, where Mr. IIilsbeck is engaged In the drug business. LOST. A pocket case of Surgical instruments, between Loup City and Oak (hook Kinder will please return same to me or leave at Northwestern office and ibligtt A. S. Main, M l>. Heartburn When the quantity of food taken is too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so it the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Hat slowly and not too freely of easily di gested food. Masticate the food tfio rougnly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, Indicating that you have eaten too much, take or:o of Chamber bin's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided For ssle by Odcudahl Bro-c Fly nets of all kinds at— \V. S. Owens’ harness shop. Leave your orders for ice with 0. Benschoter. T M Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture Just received.—A new line of trunks, telescopes, and club bags at W. S. Owens’ harness shop. There will ho tegular Presbyter ian services each Sunday hereafter until further notice as follows: At Loup City in the Peterson hull at 10:30 a. m.; at Austin at 3 30 p. m. and at Rockville at 8 00 o’clock p. m. All are cordially invited. Rev. (J. C. Pouter, Pastor. Any one residing in the west side of the county can make any arrange ment necessary for undertaking and embalming with C. \V. Gibson at Litchfield. All orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. Will sell or exchange for stock, a McCormick Binder, nearly new. J28 2w L. X. Smith. Don t 8e Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made oniy hy Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, His. It keep* you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no suhsti* ■StiartowiBiiM tute. Ask your druggist. It Dazzles Tlio World No discovery in medicine h i ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by l>r. King's New Discovery for Consumption it',- sever est tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemor rhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thous ands of whom it lias restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asihma, Croup, Hay Fever, Ilorsencss and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world, it is -old by Odendahl Bros. White man Turne«l Yellow Great consternation was felt by the friends oT M A. Ilogarty cf Lexington, Ky., when they saw lie was turning yel low'. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He w'as treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try El°ctric Hitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: “After taking two bottles I was wholly cured " A trial proves its match less merit for all Stomach, Liver and kidney troubles. Only 50.’. Sold by Odendahl Hros. ♦ • ♦ The Best Kinififly for Stomach ami Bowel Trouble. “1 have been in the drug business for twenty years and have sold most ail of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire- list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel trouble," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus In my family and I have recommeeded and sold hundreds of bot tles of it to my customers to their en tire satisfaction. It afford? a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form. No fami ly should be without it I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by— Odendahl Hros NOTICE OF TRESPASS. To WHOM IT MAY CONCEUNEH: You are hereby notified to keep off the following described premises and to keep your stock from running at large on the same to w it: Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Section 19, Township 15, Range 14. Anyone falling to heed this notice will be dealt with according to law. John Eooebs, Owner. WANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $830 salary per year, payable weekly; $8 per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona-tide,dellnile salary, no commisiton; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOt'SK 334 DttAKHoHN ST., ClIK'AOO. I tic0 RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menaccrs to health of the present day. _ROYAL BAKJNO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. SHOE SALE. During the next 10 days, trom duly list to 21st I will offer for sale an assortment of 5J paifs of Childfep’s Shoes AT ONLY 81.00 PER PAIR. 'These are all good honest goods which formerly ranged in price from $1.2o to $2.00. They are all button shoes, made over a common sense last and will give both comfort and good wear. School will soon begin and most of the little folks will need a new pair, so call and examine our assortment and we fed sure that you can find something there that will suit you. Yours Respectfn11 v, CHARLES UASTEYER. Those famous little pills, DeVVItt’s! Little Early Risers compel your liver and bowels to do their duty, thus giv-! Ing you pine rich blond to recuperate vour body. Are easy to t.-tae. Never gripe. Oilendahl Bros. PeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salte should be promptly applied to cuts, minis and scalds it soothes and quickly heals the in jured part There are worthless counterfeits, be sure to get P * W ut s . Oilendahl Bros. Mie Didn’t H'e»r A aluak But her beauty was completely hid den by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Buck leu's Arnica Salve, Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Oarbunkles and Felons from Its me. Infallible for j Cuts. Corns, Burns. Scalds and Piles ' Cure gua-anteed. Price 25c. at O Itn- j dahl Bros. A Poor Millionaire. Lately starved in London because be could not digest his food. Early u.-e of Dr. King’s New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stom- • ach, aid digestion, promote i ssirnila 1 tion, improve appetite. Price 25c.! Money back if not satisfied. Sold by j Oilendahl Bros. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY. t i Kih A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - • NEBRASKA. OFFICE.-One door west of Odondahl’s Drug Store. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Low and Notary Public, Will Defend in Foreclosure Case* ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Northwester* Building, LOUT CITY. - - NKBKASj^. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR "Nome*filing N«\v I inter The sun.1’ All Doctors have tried to cure CATAKKII by the use of powders, acid gases, inliulers and drugs In paste form. Their powders dry up tlie mucus membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The power ful acids used in tlie inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that tlielrmakers have aimed to cute, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who lias lor many years made a dose study and specialty of tlie treatment of CATAKKII, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only rclievesat once, lint permanently cures CATARRH, by removing tlie cause, stop ping tlie discharges, and curing ail infla mation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the alllicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as •8NUFFKL3 the HUARANTEED CAT ARRH CUBE” and is sold at the extremeiy low price of One Dollar, each package con taining Internal and external medicine sufficient for atull months treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use, "8NU FEEDS" is tlie only perfect CAT ARRH CUKE ever made aud is now recog. ' nixed as tlie only sale and positive cure lor that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all intiaiuation quickly and perma nently anil is also wonderfully quick tore I love II AY or COI. I» in the HEAD. ! Catakkiiwhen neglected often leads 10 I ONSL'MPTION—'‘SNPFFEI.a'* will save you < if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, hut a complete treatment which is itoslllveiy guaranteed to cure catarrh in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once and write lull particulars as to your i condition, aud you will receive special ad vise from tlie discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost, to you beyond tlie regular price or sni , . KKI.H” Hie “aiJAHANTKKII CATARRH CURE.’’ Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. \t:& EDWIN I!. U1I.ES ,t| COMPANY, *Clo and i'lii.’ Mark. t street, I Philadelphia TIME TAItl.h * l-ori* CITY, NKHK Lincoln, Omaha, ( hicago, St. .ln «*ph, ' if> St. i.'i i-, anti nil !»«•»i •* East ami mi i i Denver. Helena, Hutto, Salt Lake «Dry. Portland, San Frum De and nil point* West. T!!\l>s I.KAVI-. ts roi.MIHv Unlst; FAST No. V IVs-engt r . h.m.‘» h. m No ir1 Ficight . 17 .Vt p tn (.1)1 Sli WFST No i! I'assengcr . i (.’ p. in. No. .VJ Freight.12: VI a. in. Sire pin . it Inner and reclining .hair (•.ire (seals li* *i on through h im. Tickets sold and !•■ _ • ige cl- ve I to •;11\ pm: l in the C nited states or Mind a For I el o .or lion, nmps. I 111)" inters and tickets ca.l on or write to It I. Arlhtu Agent. id J. FltASOIs, (ien'i. I'a-sengcr Ageui, uni ilia, Nebraska, L'. I’. KAILWAY. No. Ml leaves dally except .Sunday (pass enger'. son a. m No rts leaves Monday. Wednesday and Friday, . mixed) I :••JO p in. No. n leaves I uesdav, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2 ■'.n o in No HI arrives daily except Sumlay (mixed 12.1 1 p. in. No d> arrives daily except Sunday , pass en ei ) 7 i ■ p. in First cl iss servlet and close connection* east, we- and south w. i>. Clifton. Y Sold by T. II ELSNEK, T onpOity, N>b Wasted —Capable. reliable person in every county to represent large company of solii tlnanclal rcpmatlon (UK salary per year pay able weekly ; Til per day absolutely sure and all expense-. straight, bona tide, iletlnitc -al ary. no commission; salary paid each Satur day and expense money advanced each week STANDAKD HOUSE. 331 DKAlllloUN sTIiEET CHICAliO. cure for l lioleru 11»fan!uin*-• >Vver li nown 10 Fall During iii't May an Infant chi.d of our neighbor was sphering from cholera in* faiitum The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea licincdy to the house,telling them I felt sure it would do good if used re cording to directions. In two days time the eliil : had fully recovered The child is now vigorous and healthy I have recommended this remedy fre quently and have never known it to fail. — Mas. C cutis Baker, Bookwalter. O. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Kennedy. If «ttl* icted with any throat or lung trouble,, give it a trial for it is certain to prove' beneficial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yield ed to this remedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of fatuous health resorts failed to benellc, have been permanently cured by its use. B>'ar in mind tba' evv > b dtlo is war ranted and if it does tint prove b"ttt li ciai the money will be refunded to you. For sale !>v Odendahl Bros. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Vifnr.o smiling n sketeh find (Inscription may rp;!< kl7 itcvfi.t.ri r r optm. , free whether f*n i ■ i v i - it ui h pre* y |t item t’oiwniinlrft HoiiA rictly «• »Mfl(U’iif ini. I land look on Patents bent tree, oidcat s -oru y for h« i tintin’ Paf' iits taken throuLrh Muim \ Co. receive tp> ‘ i'll i, ft. r, with, nt * i.-ir^t*, m the Scientific HuwiKan. A handio >i- \j 'iic trn ! ti l inrail y filiation of «unr Hfittiititie loinii il. Terms, fJ a *"ur hii’ntha, \ l. rioKi by all new.nU‘Hiet» WM Ct CO^GlKroaJway. New Yqi* Uraucb Office. C25 F St., WoAbtMton, ». G