The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1901, Image 6

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Entanglements of a legal nature be
set the paths of Messrs. Melville E.
Wygaat. aud John T. Redmond, two
gold tiadets of Staten Island. The
former owner of the property upon
which the treasure was found has
made a demand of $10,000 upon Mr.
Wygant, Another member of the fam
ily has appeared to accept $200 for his
e'aim. Every mail brings demands for
gold Their pot of treasure has be
come the plague of the discoverers’
On this account thpy have spent anx
ious nights since they sprang into
fame. They say that they stood over
the treasure with shotguns, reinforced
by bulldogs. One of the animals, ac
cording to Mr. Wygant, while per
formlug his duty, was poisoned.
I.offend of TreAmro.
That at least a considerable quanti
ty of the precious metal had been found
there can be no doubt. Mr. John T.
R°lniond told the legend which ac
counted for th« presence of the trea
sn:e The occupant of the house a
century and a half ago built a tower, 1
let them identify it. They hare hired
a lawyer to take charge of the case.
C ns lout Christian Sunet.
One of the most curious names ever
bestowed upon a girl is Airs and
Grates. She is now about 3 years old, j
her name being registered at Someset j
House, Ixmdon. in 1898, when she was !
baptiezri. Her sister's name is equally
unusual. Nun Niver. When Airs and
Graces and Nun Niver arrive at the
age of maturity at least one of them
should marry a youth whose Christian I
great natural shrewdness. He got pos
session of a number of Manitoba land
giants in some way or other and
evolved an elaborate scheme for run
ning a railroad out into that wilder
ness, dividing the land off into farms
and city lots and selling it. He inter
ested some of the richest men in his
plan, talked them into putting up tho
money for the road and it was built.
The lota were sold right off all right
and the road was a success. Later on
Hill got control of it, having started
with nothing but some plans on paper.
That was his beginning and he has
been going ahead ever since. He is a
wonderful money-maker.
The* (ompaM Plant.
The compass plant is one of the
most interesting growths on the great
prairies of North America, and many
fine specimens may be seen in botani
cal gardens. It is from three to six
on which were kindled beacons. These
luring many a grand ship to destruc
tion of the chill waters of the Kill von
ku!l The wreckers abstracted doub
loon - from Spanish galleons and bonis |
d’Ot 3 from French barks. These ill
got:tn gains are said to have been
placed in the identical kettle which
was found by Mr. Wygant and Mr.
Redmond. They had engaged the ser
vices of Mr. Thomas Brown, an emi
nent young attorney, some days be
fot ■ they secured the contract for the
demolition of the old house, which re
sulted in finding the treasure.
Everybody in Port Richmond knows
• Mel” Wygant and his livery stable.
Fie is a man of large dimensions and a
marry eye. He is around fifty, and is
counted one of the richest men in the
village He owns many houses. The
story that he had found a lot of gold
under the ruins of the old Hatfield
house excited the whole village to the
fever point The old house was a land
mark. and was over a hundred years
old. For all that time it was the home
of the Hatfields. Many tales are told
of the Hatfields. The original Hatfield
owucj over 100 acres of land in the
vicinity The last Hatfield to live in
the old house was John D. He died In
183.1. Then it fell Into the hands of
John J. Hatfield. Mr. Charles Rosen
berg, a wealthy New York merchant,
bough* the farm, and Is cutting it into
lots The house was torn down to get
It out of the way. After removing the
bouse the contractor sold the stone
to Mr. Wygant for $10. It was while
digging in the masonry that he and
Mr. Redmond found the pot contain
ing, it i3 said, $40,000 in gold.
The gold is kept carefully hidden
sway in a safe somewhere on the
Island Unless the claimants can
Identify it they rannot sue for its re
oovsry, and the finders do not mean to
name compares favorably; for exam
ple: Acts of the Apostles.
This is a name found in an English
parish register: Acsapostle, son of
Thomas and Elizabeth Pegden. was |
baptized Aug 2. 1795. Again this name
figures in records in 1833, when Acts
of the Apostles , son of Richard and
Phebe Kennett, was baptized. This I
name, curious as it is, is preferable to j
What, or Dun Spiro Spero, names with i
which children have been handicapped.
It was a patriotic American who be- |
stowed upon his young hopeful the |
name of Declaration of Independence, j
A most warlike name is Robert Alma j
Balaclava Inkerman Sebastopol Delhi j
Dugdale, who is an English innkeep- ;
er’s son. A similar name is Richard
Coeur de Lion Tyler Walter Hill.
Knwla'i Might? Nav?.
Russia's fleet consists of 22 first
class battleships, yielding to none in
the world in excellence and perfection,
though three or four of the Japanese
battleships have certain qualities of
superior weight; one second-class bat
tleship, 16 coast defense ships, and 23
cruisers of the first-class, or fully ar
mored. Twenty-three battleships and
23 cruisers, therefore, may stand as
the backbone of Russia's naval
strength, a force well seconded by full
complements of coast defense ships,
second and third-class cruisers, gun
boats, torpedo boats, torpedo destroy
! ers, transports, auxiliaries and all that
pertains to them. The Russian heavy
guns are second to none and the bat
teries of 6-inch and 4.7-inch quick-fir
ing guns leave nothing to wish for. The
secondary small arm batteries are
likewise perfectly equipped. The Rus
sian warships are. in fact, the most
numerously armed in the world.
Hill'* Rl»* from a I)a? laborer.
James J. Hill, president of the Great [
Northern railroad company, and now
worth many millions, was at one time
t a day laborer in St. Paul, Minn. He 1
i wan a stalwart, husky American and of
feet high, bears a pretty yellow flow
er and lives through a number of
rears. The name is derived from the
[act that the edges of its radical leaves
ilways point north and south, and the
faces are therefore turned east and
Hunters, travelers and horsemen on
!he trackless prairies depend in great
part upon this plant to get their bear
ings. Even on dark nights it serves as
i guide. If the lost traveler can feel
the edges of the leaves, he can at once i
locate the points of the compass I
Longfellow in his beautiful poem of !
Rvangeline refers to this plant when j
heroine over the western prairies in
search of her exiled Acadian lover, j
Scientists ascribe the action of the i
leaves of the plant in always pointing |
north and south as due to the effect of;
WelliriKton's Appetite Eislly Suited.
The Duke of Wellington's personal
tastes and habits, like those of most I
great men, were very simple. He
cared not for show or pomp of any
kind. In his diet he was very abstem
ious, even to the injury, it appears,
of his health. He, of course, kept a
first rate French cook for his guests.
The cook, it is said, one day suddenly
resigned. The duke in astonishment
asked the reason.
“Was hi3 salary insufficient?"
“No, my salary is very handsome.
But 1 am not appreciated. I cook
your dinner myself, a dinner fit for a
king. You say nothing. I go out and
leave the under-cook to cook your
dinner. He gives you a dinner fit for
a pig. You say nothing. I am not
appreciated. I must go.”
PMllng of the Hlg Ranch.
Charles S. Goodnight, a pioneer
ranchman in the Texas Panhandle a j
generation ago, says that this genera
tion has seen the passing of the 1,000,
000 acre ranch, and that immense
tracts in one body have seen their day
in Texas. Mr. Goodnight says that
ten men with 10.000 acres each can
operate more successfully than one
man on 1,000,000 acres.
(■•od Koaionlnj.
"Don't you kinder hanker after re
spectability now an' den?” asked Plod
ding Pete.
“Oh. I dunno,” answered Meander
ing Mike. "Sometimes I t'ink dat re
spectability ain' much more dan per
mission to work hard for what us
people gits for nothin'."
Iplileri Are I)e»erviii|f of More t'ouvld
• ratlon Than They Receive.
•'There are many kinds of spiders
besides those that annoy the house
wife with their webs stuck up in the
corners of the rooms and in the win
dows whore she has been too busy
with the sewing to look after the
bouse much," says a recent writer on
scientific subjects,” but every kind
Is an appetite on eight legB and thor
oughiy convinced that no one can be
atrong and hearty that lives on vege
tables. They all spin more or less,
whence their name, which is a con
traction of spinder or spinner. Also,
they bite, and if you listen to all the
fool stories that are told, when a
spider bites you you will save time by
sending for the lawyer to make your
will and telegraph for the boys to
come home at once if they want to
see you alive. But I will tell you as
between educated people that know a
thiug or two and do not get scared j
over every little trifle that a spider's
bite is no svorse than a mosquito's—
not so bad, in fact. A big spider can 1
kill a small bird with its poison, but '
it only makes a man's arm swell up
and hurt for a day or less and not
hurt very much at that. Bertkau
could not feel the ordinary domestic
spi ler on the thick skin of his haud,
and only between the fingers could
tiie spider make a puncture like that
of a dll'll pin. The worse result was
that it itched a little. Black wall had i
them draw blood, but that was all.
Though one spider bit another so
hard that its liver ran out it lived
for more than a year afterward. As
for these terrible tarantulas, either the
•torles told about victims having to
dance till they fell down in exhaus
tion La order to escape death and
madness were tremendous whoppers
or tarantulas don't bite as bad as they
used to. It is true that in those days
the Italian violinists had to work
overtime composing tarantelles to
play for the bitten, but still there were
sneering skeptics that said it was all
a scheme got up to pass the hat for
the wife and family of the suffering
man whom a malignant spider had
bitten while he was out looking for a
job. Dufour had a tarantula that was
quite tame and gentle. She took flies
from his Angers like a dear thing."
Harsh Urand’* Wit.
Mme. Sarah Grand's lectures In Eng
land during the past winter have been
attended with singular success. Clever,
accomplished and charming, she talks
brilliantly and lectures with easy grace
and finish. People who have rushed
to hear her in the hope that her lec
tures would savor of the problems in
‘‘The Heavenly Twins" and "Habs the
impossible," and who expected to he
mildly shocked, have been disappoint
ed. But they have been agreeably sur
prised in other ways by her sense of
humor, which is the salt of her speak
ing as well as her writing. Recently
she sent a I.<ondon audience into
screams of laughter when she respond
ed to the cry from Australia—“Send us
2.000 wives.” "In behalf of 2.000 Eng
lish benedicts. I reply, ‘Take ours!
Take ours! ’ ”
Tale llnto Cloak*.
As pale blue cloth cloaks were im
mensely smart last summer at the
French watering places, so this year
will be those in pale rose color. Some
times the material is flannel, some
times cloth, sometimes taffeta, always
it has a certain air of being tailored
that Is a bit of a pretense considering
the color, and, in some cases, the ma
terial. One of the prettiest models to
come out as yet is in pale rose flan
nel, three-quarters length, laid from
the shoulders m tiny tucks that are
stitched almost to the hem. The cloak
fastens with an ecru guipure scarf
about the throat, knotting on one side,
and then hanging in two long, broad
ends to the hem of the cloak, confined
at several points by straps of flannel,
buttoned across with handsome gold
buttons. The sleeve is wide and loose
and hangs only a little below the el
bow in order to show a full under
sleeve of lace like the scarf. The gar
ment is unlined.
MUaloia (halo Acrou Africa.
Rev. George Grenfell has been com
missioned by Robert ArtMpgton, a
wealthy man of Leeds, England, to es
tablish a chain of Christian missions
across Africa. Mr. Grenfell has long
been the friend and confidant of Leo
pold, king of the Belgians, by whom
he was created a commander of the
Royal Order of the Lion. He was se
lected by the king of the Belgians to
act as a special commissioner for the
delimitation of the Congo frontier, and
traveled 1,000 miles on oxhack during
his journeylngs. which occupied two
i years, and compelled him to occupy
j same tent and dangerous surround
ings for the whole of that time.
On Different Orouod.
The term "help." meaning household
or outside assistants engaged for short
periods, occurs in the Massachusetts
records of 1645, where help and serv
ants are treated as separate, the latter
being inferior. A "servant" in those
days was not sul Juris; ‘•help" stood
on different ground, and the distinc
tion is still felt, however faintly.
| “Help" meant a free person, ‘‘servant"
' did not,
A Womin Marvelously Gifted,
j daily In EunKUitKeSi Who*. Memory
It In Now Proposed to Honor by the
Erection of n Monument.
The proposition to erect a monu
ment to the memory of Sarah Margar
et Fuller Ossoli, better known as plain
Margaret Fuller, directs attention to |
one of the brightest geniuses among
American women. It is suggested that
the memorial be placed on the shore
of Fire Island, near the spot where
the gifted woman went down to a wa
tery grave more than a half century
ago. Her career, which ended so trag
ically, w-as one of brilliant literary
achievements and romantic incidents.
A I'romgy.
Margaret Fuller was the daughter of
Timothy Fuller, a congressman and
distinguished lawyer of Chilmark,
Mass., and her early education was
supervised by him. Naturally bright,
the father exceeded the limit of her
endurance in forcing her to study
throughout the day ar.d recite at
night. As a mere child she read Hor
ace, Ovid and other Latin writers in
the original. At 15 she was in the
habit of rising at 5 o'clock of a sum
mer morning, walking an hour, prac
ticing on the piano an hour, reading
Sismondis European literature In
French one hour and Brown's Philoso
phy one hour and a half. Then she
would read Greek for a while. In
the afternoon she spent two hours
reading Italian. A year later she was
studying Mme. de Stael, Epictetus, Mil
ton, Racine and Castilian ballads with
great delight. At 17 she was engrossed
in Berni. Pulci, Politan and other old
Italian poets. She was also deep in
Greek and planning a course in
Locke's philosophy. At 20 she gava
her undivided attention to the German
language and literature, in which she
had already made considerable prog
regs. It is recorded that she learned
enough of a language to read it intel
ligently in six weeks' study.
Teaching and Writing.
During these years at home Miss
Fuller engaged in the housework, and
at 20 took charge of the education of
the younger children of the family.
Three years later she became an in
structor in Mr. Alcott's famous school,
and when It was abandoned she went
to Providence to teach. On returning
to Boston she divided her time between
study and teaching private scholars.
She was qualified to teach Latin,
Greek, German, French, Italian, Span
ish and the higher English branches.
It was during this period that Miss
Fuller made many warm friends and
won fame as a brilliant conversation
alist. For five or six years she con
ducted a school of conversation for
girls and women, discussing many
subjects. She also became known as
a graceful and entertaining letter
She translated a number of works
from foreign languages and wrote
considerable original matter for the
literary journals of the time. Her
Autobiographical Romance appeared in
1840, her Summer on the Lakes in
1843, her Woman in the Nineteenth
Century in 1844 and her Papers in Lit
erature and Art in 1846. Much other
literary material was found among her
papers, and her journal was a vol
umnous affair. She gave up her school
of conversation to accept a position on
the New York Tribune, In which she
gave special attention to moral and
social reforms, winning the favor of
Horace Greeley and building up a
strong following.
A Romantic Marriage.
Miss Fuller was able In 1847 to put
a long-cherished project Into effect by
making a trip to Europe, during which
she wrote letters for the Tribune. This
led her to Rome on the eve of the up
rising. While in London Miss Fuller
had met and learned to admire Maz
zini, who was at the front of the move
ment for the independence of Italy,
and she took an earnest interest in the
political situation in Rome. One day
while out on a trip of observation she
strayed from a party of friends, and
a young Italian gallantly offered to es
cort her home. He proved to be Gio
vanni Angelo, Marquis Ossoll, a mem
ber of a distinguished family. The
marquis had joined the party of Inde
pendence, although his family adlieied
to the cause of the Pope, who had two
of its younger members in his service
as chamberlains. Angelo’s family dis
carded him when he announced him
self for Mazzinl. The chance acquainli
ance with Miss Fuller was continued,
and the young nobleman soon pro
posed marriage, but was refused. Miss
Fuller, however, admired him for the
noble stand he had made, and in time
learned to love him. This was fol
lowed by a wedding in December, 1847,
but as the bride was a Protestant the
marriage was kept secret for a time
In order not to aggravate the tension
in the husband's family.
Mrs. Ossoli devoted herself to the
cause of freedom, encouraged the fol
lowers of Mazzini, became an enthu
siastic nurse in the hospitals and en
deared herself to all who were for in
dependence. During the height of the
siege hy the French she joined her
husband in the most exposed position
on the works of defense, expecting
both would be killed in the bombard
ment. When the French entered tli
city the Ossolis withdrew to Florence,
and in 1S50 they sailed for the Unit
ed States. Their ship foundered off
Long Island within a few rods of shore,
and most of those on hoard were lost.
The life and fate of the gifted woman
have ever since had a peculiarly
strong interest for Americans.
Its Limitations ami Also Its Posslblll
t les.
We can already calculate approxi
mately the proportions, the strength
and weight, the supporting efficiency,
the speed, and the power required for
a projected flying machine, so as to
judge of the practicability of a design.
Indeed, the mathematics of the subject
have been so far evolved that engi
neering computations may eventually
displnee vague speculation in the do
main of aerial navigation.
Hut after the problem has been
worked out to a mechanical success,
the commercial us :s of aerial appar
atus will be small. The limitations
of the balloon have already been men
tioned; such craft will be slow, frail,
and very costly. We are now suffi
ciently advanced in the design of fly
ing machines to perceive some of their
limitations. They will be compara
tively small and cranky, require much
power, carry little extra weight and
depend for theh- effective speed on
each journey, whether they go against !
the wind or with It, so that they can- j
not compete with existing modes of
transportation in cheapness or In car
rying capacity. It is true that high
speeds may be attained, and this may
serve In war, in exploration perhaps
in mail transportation, and in sport;
but the loads will be very small, and
the expenses will be great.
Hut flying machines will develop!
new uses of their own; and as man
kind has always been benefited by
the introduction of new and faster
modes of transportation, we may hope :
that successful aerial navigation will
spread civilization, Unit the nations
closer together, make all regions ac- j
cessiblc, and perhaps so equalize the ;
hazards of war as to abolish it alto
gether, thus bringing about the pre
dieted era of universal peace and good j
In Which I* Described the Discovery of
The discovery of coffee is thus told
in a legend of the Orient: Toward the
middle of the 15th century a poor Arab
was traveling in Abyssinia, and find
ing himself weak and weary from fa
tigue he stopped near a grove. Then,
being In want of fuel to cook his rice,
he cut down a tree, which happened
to be full of dead berries. His meal j
being cooked and eaten, the traveler:
discovered that the half-burned berries I
were very fragrant. Collecting a num- j
ber of these and crushing them with ;
a stone, he found that their aroma had
increased to a great extent. While;
wondering at this he accidentally let
fall the substance into a can which
contained his scant supply of water.
Lo, what a miracle! The almost pu
trid liquid was instantly purified. He
brought it to hts lips; it was fresh,
agreeable and in a moment after the
traveler has so far recovered his
strength and energy as to be able tc
resume hts journey.
The lucky Arab gathered as many
berries as he could, and, having ar
rived at Arden, in Arabia, he in
formed the mufti of his discovery.
This worthy divine was an inveterate
opium smoker, who had been suffering
for years from the effects of that pois
onous drug. He tried an infusion of
the roasted berries and was so delight
ed at the recovery of his own vigor
that, in gratitude to the tree, he called
it cabuah, which in Arabic signifies
(Juaen Never Discarded Old Clothes.
The sorting and arranging of the
personal effects of the late Queen
Victoria was a tremendous task, says
a London correspondent. One pecu
liarity of her majesty was never to
discard any dress, mantle, hat or bon
net which she had ever worn, and her
wardrobe might well have been con
sidered the most complete record of
the fashion of the last 60 years In ex
istence. Another fancy of Queen Vic
toria was to have i^erythlng In dupli
cate; two hats, two cloaks, eto., were
always ordered. Her majesty had a
wonderful collection of lace, but this
Is not to be compared with the collec
tion of the Queen Dowager of Italy,
said to be the best in the world.
Coal round Where Needed.
A Copenhagen correspondent states
that a firm in that city has exhibited
the first samples of coal from the
large Icelandic coal bed recently dis
covered at Nordjord. The coal is con
sidered equal in quality to Northum
brian. Samples are being sent to the
Danish Royal Agricultural Society to
be examined, also to Stockholm and
Christiania. It is expected that the new
coal bed will be valuable, at any rate,
for local purposes.
Japaneaa 8tn lanta SliortWghtad.
Shortsightedness among Japanese
students is alarmingly on the increase.
The latest investigations show that
out of 1,786 university students In To
klo more than half are myopic.
An I u»|»ro lenient on the Old Style-—
Now Exported.
The modern sprinkling wagon is
very different from the old-timer. The
chief improvement is in the spray
head, which enables the driver to con
trol the flow of water much better
than the old style. Thus, whether it
is a dirt or a macadam road, or a stone
paved or asphalt street, there can be
supplied from the modern street
sprinkler just the amount of water
required to lay the dust in it, without
waste. The spray head on each side
has its own valve rod running to the
driver’s seat, with a step there for the
foot. The driver can operate both
heads at once, or he can vun only one
head; he can shut cff cir open either
at pleasure. With this sort of wagon
the expert driver leaves behind him
dry crosswalks with perfectly defined
limits; and when he comes to a car
riage or a street car, upon which he
doesn’t want to throw water, he shuts
off the flow on that side and keeps
the other going. Sprinkling wagons
are made in various sizes, ranging
from 150 gallons to 1,000 gallons ca
pacity. There are twenty sprinkling
wagons sold in this country nowadays
where there w’as one cold only a few
years ago. This great increase in their
use is due in large measure to sani
tary reasons, to the great extension of
good roads, and to the common desire
for comfort. Sprinkling wagons are
used nowadays commonly in many
smaller towns and villages, where they
were never thought of some years ago.
And American sprinkling wagons are
now found all over the world wher
ever sprinkling wagons are used. They
are exported to Australia, Cuba, Porto
Rico, South America. South Africa and
Europe. The modern sprinkling wag
on that the traveler chances to see in
Paris, or Berlin, or Hamburg, came
very likely from the same factory as
the one he saw here before hp left
home, going through his own home
Boer Gave (Valtelii; » Chtnre to
Curry Out lilt Threat.
Abel Erasmus, the Boer leader who
recently surrendered to the British in
South Africa, is a man of great dis
tinction among his countrymen. A
good story is told of the old Boer and
hord Wolseley, then Sir Garnet Wol
seley, In connection with the part Eras
mus took In Wolseley's campaign in
1879 against Sekukuni, the chief of the
Bapedis on the borders of Swaziland.
After the capture of Sekukuni he was
immediately brought before Sir Garnet
Wolseley, who asked him how he, a
miserable kaffir living in a cave, dared
to defy the great queen of England The
chief replied that he had been insti
gated to do so by Abel Erasmus. Sir
Garnet, in describing the scene at a
public dinner given to him at Pretoria
on his return from the campaign, said
that he wished there and then to let
Abel Erasmus know that if ever he
found that Erasmus had been inciting
any chief to levy war against Eng
land, and he was able to lay hands on
him, Abel Erasmus would hang as
high as Haman. A few days after the
dinner Sir Henry Brackenbury, Sir
Garnet’s military secretary, was sit
ting in his office when a tall, bearded
Boer entered and asked permission to
speak with him. ,-I am Abel Eras
mus,” he said, “and l have very im
portant business to do here.” He ex
plained that he had come to see Sir
Garnet Wolseley, for he had heard
that Sir Garnet had said that, if he
could lay hold of him lie would hang
him, and so he had come to be hanged.
Sir Garnet was in the next room and
S>r Henry Brackenbury thought tbit
it would be advisable to consult him on
the subject. Sir Garnet, however, hap
pened to be too busy at the moment to
see anybody, and Sir Henry after re
flection persuaded his angry visitor to
take his leave and allow the hangtug
to stand over for the time.
Kin it Edwnril's Double,
An amusing incident occurred dur
ing the Easter holidays at Boulogne.
The editor of a Ixmdon weekly—a gen
tleman who bears a striking resem
blance to King Edward—was enjoying
his cigar in one of the principal cafes
in the town, when he suddenly be
came aware that his presence was
causing unwonted interest and no lit
tle commotion. Presently an old gen
tleman rose up and shouted: “Vive le
Roi de l’Angleterre!” a sentiment
which was heartily joined in by most
of the people In the cafe. The conduc
tor of the orchestra, not to be behind
hand, immediately struck up, “God
Save the King," but this was too much
for the journalist, who made a bolt
for the door, and made good his es
Roclatjr'! N*W (lamp—Siberian WtiUt.
The Ixmdon Express says that Si
berian whist seems to be causing a cer
tain amount of interest among the vo
taries of bridge, but up to now is not
much understood in England, although
it is very much in vogue at Constanti
nople and in Russia. It can be made
a much more gambling game than
bridge, as, although there is no doubl
ing, as in the former, the players can
outbid each other In the making of
trumps, and the consequent penalties
on the losing of tricks may amount to
as much as 5,000 points, indeed, it is
possible to lose as much with penny
points at. Siberian whist as at bridge
with points at a shilling.
Th* World'! Tin I'rodnrer!.
Up to about 40 years ago Cornwall
Eng., supplied nearly all the tin used
tn the world, but now only about 7 per
cent of the supply comes from (here
The Malay penlsula has taken Corni
wall s place, furnishing about f.O per
cent of the world's production, and the
Dutch East Indies comes next with 19
per cent.