The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1901, Image 5
The Northwestern 1 -— ar-ir:-—-:-: —agg PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKO. K. HKNSOHOTEK, I Editors and OKO. H. OIIISON, ( Publisher* TKKMS:—11.00 PBIt YBAK. IF PAID IN ADVANl K Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. Thayer «ounty has at last struck coal. 280 feet under ground and a vein 8 feet thick is the latest reports and it is located near Gilead. Who sajs there is no halm in Gilead. Senator DeiMieh is now on the hroad Pacific bound for the Philip pines, taking an outing at the ex pense of his Uncle Samuel. It re mains to be seen whither Uncle will get value received for the ex penditure. The next Republican state conven tion will be the largest in point of delegates ever assembled in this state. It is hoped that their wisdom will he as gigantic as their numbers, and that superanuated politicians and political soreheads will not be al lowed to prostitute the future of the party by filling the ship with dry bones. New blood is demanded and siuoe the good start of last fall the party must continue to inject it if it would succeed in the future. England has a large amount of brotherly effection for Brother John athan and has had ever since Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Jamestown etc. She Jnves us and she loves our territory, which is proven by her great desire to push her tlag a little further to •ward the Pacific ocean up iu Alaska cvery-once-in-a-while. The last at tempt was checkmated by a Yankee Sawyer, who pulled down the British flag atSkaguay, throwing it back to cbarge-de-atiairs Busby, and hand ed him his card, which gave the Englishman ample notice who he was uod where be could be found. We don’t want any more than what belongs to us, frit we have iiad to trounce John Bull twice to get that, and if it must be done we can make it three just as well as not. Tbe Omaha Bee, us usual, is after the tux shirkers, the assessors and the boards of equalization of the cities of Omaha, South Omaha aud Douglas euunty. The way he shows them up forceably reminds one ot the iniquities existing in our system of tax levying, and proves that the man of moderate means, if he is an equitable man, is always in the soup when it comes to bearing the burden of government. It has become no torious that tbe man of wealth and gaul, and they generally are syn onymous terms, escapes h>s just proportion of taxes, not only in Omaha and other large places but down to tbe smallest municipality. Like Omaha there is never an audi ble word as far as the manipulations are concerned, but the man who gives the masses justice when as sessing or equalizing, and does not discriminate in favor of the tax shirker, is of short political life. The Lee claims that a raise of $2,000, 000 on the assessments of the cor porations in and around Omaha, would not have been out of tbe way. and that such a raise was promised ■by tbe board of equalization. Then it was hinted by the boaid that the iratse would be at least one million, and after bolding a star chamber .session in which no outsiders were ■ admitted. (?) When the result of i*this meeting was made known it was discovered that the contemplated rise had dwindled to $150,000, and the little fellow must continue to pay an unequitable portion of taxes. Tbe average man pays too little at tention to the assessed valuation of those around him, and ofteu he wakes up after years and finds out thaf his neighbor has never borne Ins actual share of the burden, and Die reason was be had some political in fluence that would mili'ate toward keeping tlie old assessor in his place. Duty without favor should he the requisite priuctple of the man who is elected assessor, and if the mass es expect justice and an equitable taxation they must stand by the man who gives them a square deal, and always remember, that the tax shirker will loose no chance to be little tiie assessor he can't control. OKLAHOMA LKTTER EL KENO, Ok. July 7, ul 1*RIEND GEORGE:—1 suppose you will lie surprised to receive a letter from me but allow me to say that my intentions were good, 1 have Ueu very busy this spring. 1 have only had two Sundavsotr since the first of April. I have beeo put ting in ballast all spring and 1 now have about ten thousand feet of new side track to put in including six switches. So you see with makiug out a dad v, a weekly and a monthly report 1 have my hands full. I have work ed ten men all spring and now L have orders to nut on all the men I can get. A foreman down here is not paid for what work he does but for the knowledge he has of the work. I am not expected to do any work only see that it is done and done right, anil so far I seem to have given good satisfaction. We have one of the finest countiies here you ever set ey es upon. We can sit at home and see a tram lor 15 miles both on the Choctaw and ltock Island roads. Oar town is about 8,00''. We have good schools, a business college and eyery thing that it takes to make a good town. The country is one solid wheat field and it is averaging about 25 bushels to the acre, and the quality is good, testing from 03 to 0G pounds per bushel. Prices run 50 to 55 cents. The weather here in my estimation is not so warm as it is in Nebraska, and the nights are coo!. Von can sleep with a cover over you, and as for storms, l am happy to iuform you that so far we have not seen an angry looking cloud. So you can see that I have every reason to like the country well, which I do. I was surprised when 1 first heard that Chat ley had gone to the navy, but was really proud of his choice. I hope he will like it. I can see jy your paper he writes you some very ntee letters. Send him uiy best wishes. Please re member me to all inquiring friends, and just tell them that I am the same old Joe.—Good bye for the present. Joseph McCoy. ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATIONS. On account of the very low rates made to Colorado points T11K UNION PACIFIC has placed in service another through Pullman Sleeper on train No. 2, for Denver, leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. daily, and continuing until Sep*.. 10th. A tourist Sleeper will also be at tached to this train for Denver, July Oth to 1.1th inclusive. This service affords passengers tin very best accommodations with the greatest possible comfort. Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible.—H. J. Clifton, Agent. EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE. To San Francisco via THE UNION PACIFIC For the accommodation of those taking advantage of the greatly re duced rates to the Epworth League Convention, San Francisco, July 18 21, 1901. THE UNION PACIFIC will place in service another through Pullman Ordinary (tourist) Sleeper July 6 14, on train No. 3, leavirg Omaha at 4:25 p. m. This will make two through cars on this train dur ing this period and will give the very best accommodations for all. Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible. For full information, call on or address H. J. Clifton, Agt. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. I?y its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. DsWxrri Co., Ohlca- * Tlio $1. bottle contains 2i4 times tbe 50c. size. F,,r sale by ODENDAHI, ORCS., FOB A SI MMKK OUTINO. The Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado reached best via the Union Paeilk provide lavishly for the health of the tourist. Amid these rugged steeps arc to be fouud some of tbe most charming and restful spots on earth. Fairy lanes nestled amid sunny peaks, and climate that cheers and exhilarates. The SUMMER EXCURSION RATES put in effect by the Union Pacific en able you to reach these tavored lo calities without unnecessary expen diture of time or money. () N E FAR 10 T H E R < > U ND Til IP plus $2.Oo from Missouri River, in effect June 1 hth to hOtli; July 10th to August it 1st inclusive. The Union Pacific will also sell tickets on July 1st to nth inclusive, September 1st to loth inclusive, at #15.00 for the round trip from Mis souri River points. Return limit October 111, loot. Proportionately low rates from in termediate points. Full information cheerfully fur nished upon application. H J. Cl.lFToN, Agent. THE HOME GOLD CUBE An ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Dally In Spile of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves A pleasant anil Positive Cure lor the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness Is a disease und not weak ness A body tilled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an anti dote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for in toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themseU ves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE" which lias been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is pos itively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our re cords show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS!' CHIL DREN CURE YOUR FATHERS! This rein edy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully de vised und prepared that it is thoroughly solu ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee w ithout the knowledge of the person taking it Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, und as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CUKE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea. and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CUKE " is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions ac companying each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without ex tra charge. Sent prepaid to anv part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A255. EDWIN H. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa. All correspondence strictly conlidentiul 3 15 CALL AND SEE THE 2 111 310V ISC CULTIVATORS FOR LISTED CORN. AND HAY RAKES HARDWARE and FURNITURE. 1 am prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells. T- Nl. PEED Loup City, Neb. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF FRANK BADURA, TREASURER OF SHERMAN County, Nebraska, From January lnt, 1901 to July 1st, 1901. I Bal. on I Col from I Trans- Trans- I Dlaburs I Comtnlss | Hal on Names of funds ! hand all | ferred ferred mentK. | Ions. | hand ItFanTTHeFS _—_______mmmmm——i|i^aii>0()l^»ouroesJ^^o^J<^rom_^^ii^^J^ ^j^Jui^ntoi lu-ounutw. Hal ou hand January 1st, lool I 90 17)17 Xt^fttr.! :. ISS!' K 95 96 tm 17 M 4K?S 79 ^wp Treasurers collection of 1100 Uses. . 9,92819 County Int Bond 9700 01 5937 73 2599 75 HI 14 99 Collection of 1900 taiss . 25,193 99 Countv Hoad. . 3«5 82 287 3s 83 20 570 00 “ ** in99 taxes 2240 31 County Bridge. 1164 89 1820 01 729 32 2055 58 ,, „ 1M „ Count! Poor Farm 165 oo 165 00 1888 — 194 30 County Judgment... 31 57 15 26 40 82 '*• “ 1897 “ .... 12179 Countv High School 1 41 67 2 08 >* •• is'm •> iso 7» Soldiers Relief. 140 73 25 00 121 73 .. ., !!? "" ‘' Dist. School . 1762 12 11061 52 30 00 8989 30 »5 lo 6768 51 **<58 School Judgment.. . 277 97 8 41 03 281 35 “ " 1894 •• _ 87 38 School Bond. 3067 99 1140 38 609 12 lu 57, 3578 68 •* »» ih*is • » 53 53 Township Funds. 2127 27 2454 71 3084 82 122 73 1374 43 ,, ,, ,‘, Towuship Bonds. 1310 76 4 63, I 10 23 1316 26 18u: * ••• 741 Township Judgment. 34 67 4 761 I 10 24 38 09 “ " 1891 “ .. . 9100 Special Thistle 224 20 I i 221 20 •• >• ijrK) a,,. Loup City Village.... 286 71 165 7 3 500 00 23 28 229 16 .‘ „ ' ...‘ Loup City Vll. Bond 249 43, 1397 22 1030 76 ts 94 571 95 1888 •••• 4848 Loup City Vil Judgt,. 1 16 60 83, 15 77 “ “ 1888 « ... 46 59 Lltcntieid 111 luge,... 23 67 9 23 24 00 46 H 44 .. n ikm7 1 • uu 80 Ashtou Village. 29 43 108 97 132 00 5 45 95 .. .. " „ " ’ Rockville Village 3 59 63 44 3 17 , 63 86 188n 1108 Institute . 33 99 34 00 I I 67 99 State apportionment. 2,460 88 Fines and License 30«» 30 uo nc „ Interest oo deposit.. 876 69 Printers.. 21 ii* 9.> 1 50, 05 66 a , , . / 0 School orders . 174 00 I I 174 00 Sehoool land* .. 2.0H7 47 Miscellaneous collections. ^744^08 TOTAL .» 140,178 78 36 576 69 32 0» 3303 26,601 04 1,06103 20,093 40 Total.. ... 66,756 47 AMOUNT OF MONEY IN DEPOSITORIES AND IN OFFICE. ITEMS IN OFFICE Cash . . * ' School orders held for Investment of school bond. 174W DEPOSITED IN HYNES First Ilank of Loup City .. - Utchflel* Slate Hank . 34 Hunk of Ashton ... Nebraska Fiscal Agency New York..., .... OS Total. * 4" i The State of Nebraska a > 8. 8. County of Sherman 1 1, Frank Badura, Treas urer of Haid county, do most solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is correct as I verily believe. Frank Baduka, Treasurer. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of Julv, KM)I. (seal.) John Minshull, County Clerk THE LOVE OF DIAMONDS is the love of one of the most beautiful and wonderful things in nature. In many countries, diamonds have been called the “Tear drops of angels.'’ In the highest civilized nations, diamonds are the symbols of wealth and the badge ot aris tocracy. Whatever the purpose, we have the diamonds to fulfill it. We have all sizes and the prices are right. G. H. MORGAN, W AN TK II,—TIIUST wotITIl V MKW AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old es tablished house of solid financial standing. Salary i. 0 a jear and expenses, all pay able in cash. No canvassing required. Otve reference and inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 365 (button, llldg., Chicago If ion want d<« ds nun (gages, leases or an) legal instrument* drawn at very rea-onab'e rates when at the county seat, call on W. .1 Fisher at the N'nitTil WKSTK.KN office. All kinds of blanks on hand. A Notary Public in office Fat Jauv— Don't sleep too much; ex ercise; don't cat fa s ami sweets. To reduce fi.-sh r | idly take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Acts dinctly on the fatty tissues 35c. A«k your druggist. WANTED.—-TRUSTWORTHY MKK AND WO. men to travel anil advertise for old estab lished house ot solid financial standing salary. 78n a year and expenses, all paja be In cash. Mo canvassing required (live reference and enclose seif addressed stamped enveloped. Address Manager, 385 cuxton llldg., Chicago. GuruM $900 n YEARLY. Men and women of good address to rep resent us, some to travel appointing agents. Others for local work looking after our interests. WOO. salary guaranteed yearly ; extra commissions and expenses, rapid ad vancement, old established house. Grand chance for earnest men or women to secute pleasant permanent tsisltions, liberal In come anil future. New bnlllent lines Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, i "•'! Church St., New Haven conn I A. P. CU1.LEY, . A. P. CULL^Y. President Cubler. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bonk, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. •We aye headquaftefs for WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every applianco for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Oor charges are reasonable jour prices are right. We have added a feed grinder to our business and are prepared to do custom work or turnish ground feed at reasonable rates. i WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUAKAN TEE OUR WORK TOG)\E SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER