Uoaal Daws. Philip Hell of Austin, sports a new bike. The strawberry crop is about harvest ed for 1901. The family of Jimmy Conger arc rapidly improving. Oliver Dubry made a trip to Litch field last week. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Shrove visited Litchfield last Sunday. Our venerable friend D. D. Grow, was an agreeable visitor Monday. S. F. Reynolds spent last Sunday in Sargent, visiting his sister and family. Stone crossings are being laid from Travis’ and Gasteyer's corners west across the street. Binder twine was scarce at this place up to Monday evening when a car load was run in on the U. P. passenger in the evening. Heavy Draft Stallion will stand at the Round Front Barn duriug the season of 1901. apr2S—u o o. W. R Mellor returned home from his trip east and south Thursday even ing last onerm oiiyuer u>u a nurse urup ucau in the harness for him one day last week near Ausdn. Fred Crouseof Elm township brought nine wolf scalps to town last Tuesday. They were captured by his sons on the farm. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M Owen last Thursday. Papa Owen remembered the cigars next morning Geo. Chapman brought us a sample of rye from bis hold the other day that took the cake for any thing we have seen yet. Its a daisy, Adam Zahn and family of lluxley, took the train at this station Friday morning last for a visit to their old borne at Princton, this state. A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels In all such cases, DeWitt's Little Early Kisers produce gratifying results —Odendah) Bros, Mi. J. L. Mitchell of Burwell, is in the city thli week introducing a new well machine. He gave a public exhi bition of the working of the machine Monday. If you want some “just as good" "I make It myself," Remedy, try an imita tion Rocky Mountain Tea. ‘Twill make you sick ami keep yon sick . Ask your druggist. The little waif that was left on the door step of Mrs Betts some ten days previous was taken to the Home for the Friendless at Lincoln, last Friday. Mrs. G. W. Hunter took it down. A few weeks ago we received a Roll man cherry seeder from Mt. Joy, Penn, which is a little wonder. The adver tisement of the same can be seen in this Issue and it will do all that is claimed for it. Geo. Rightenour and his brother-in law, Mr. Guthrie of Mason City camp M. W. A., visited Loup City camp Tuesday night. Mrs. jtightenour came along and visited with relatives while the boys attended lodge, Mr. Carl Sweeney a young man who is working on a farm on the west side fell off of a cultivator and received a painful though not dangerouB wound last Monday by striking a hook on the machine. Ide came to town and Dr. Kearns sewed up the injury. Our school* will commence the first Monday in August this year as per in structions of tht annual meeting. This early commencement is made necessary by the reason of the closing of our schools several months before the school year ended, and now to regain time lost and have our school ysar end when It should we are compelled to have eleven months school this year. •‘1 wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D without ques tion, the best and only cure for dyspep sia ihat 1 have ever come in contact with and 1 have used many other pre parations. John Beam,West Middlesex, Fa. No preperation equals Kodol Dys pepsia Cure as it contains all the natur al iligestants. It will digess all kinds of food and can't help but do you good. Odendahl Bros. J. M. Eads, Deputy Grand Master of the A. O U. VV., met with Loup City lodge last Thursday night and deliver ed a short address to the members pres ent. Bro. Eads went from here to Litchfield to visit the lodge at that place a few days when he will return home to spend the Fourth. On the eight of July he will again come to Loup City and remain here for a week or ten days In the interest of the order At the next meeting, July 12,broiber Eads will be present, refreshment will be served and all members and their families are re quested to be present, The meeting will be virtually an open one for the benefit and entertainment of those who arc di rectly connected. On Friday evening the 12, a public meeting will be held at the ball when every person are cordially invited to attend. Bro. Eads will ad dress the assembly upon the necessity of every man connecting himself with a beneficiary order. Don’t forget that on Friday evening July 12, the A . O. U. desires your presenc* at their hall. C. W. Couhiser moved into the Por ter block this week, 67-100 of an inch of water fell here last night and corn is smiling. Judge Wall made one of hia usual speeches at Rockville yesterday. It was a master effort. John Shrove of the west side was re juvenating his binder Tuesday. Fremont and John Hogue of Valley county, were in the city Monday. E. Brewer went to Ord Saturday last for a few days visit with old friends. James Kentfrowof Auatin, looked in u pon us Monday morning while in town. Charles Baker, for ■ any years a resi dent of this county is now at Sillcia, Kan. C. M. Smith writes that be has got comfortably located in his new home at Lincoln. H. M. Mathew haa moved his oihce into the west room of the Firat Bank building. Little Ruth Taylor fell while playing last Friday, striking her head on a scra per and cutting it quite badly. J. B. O Bryan will leave for the l\ah hot springs tomorrow to take another course of treatment for kidney trouble Mrs. John Travis and MissXellie re turned home from Peru, Tuesday even ing where Miss Nellie had been attend ing school Mrs. C. D. Hill of Davis Creek was Again compelled to take her bed last week. Mrs Hill has been a great suf ferer for a long time. B A. McDowell of Washington twp. the general agent for Dr. Wards pro prietary medicines in this country, was in the cit> a part of last week. The man refered to as Blackman in our boy’s letter frem the navy last week was Charles A. Blackman, who was for several years k resident of this city. Mr. Samuel Johns, one of Sherman county's first settlers, but who has beeri living in Valley county the past ten y ears, made us a pleasant call Monday. The piles that annoy you so will be quickly and permanently healed if vou use DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeits.—Oden Jahl Bros. Henry Cappelleu of Hazard, one of Shermfin county's prosperous farmers made this office a pleasant call while in the city Saturday and left a large dollar with ye editor. Itiseagierto keep well than get cured DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers taken now’ and then, wilt always keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promoty an easy gentle action.—Oden dahl Bros. A letter from J. Phil Jaeger tells us that be and family are enjoying them selves in their new home, that crops are booking and success seems to be a feat ure of his present undertaking. Fat lady—Don’t sleep too much, ex ercise; don’t eat fa's and sweets. To reduce tlesb rapidly take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Acts directly on the fatty tissues. J5c. Ask your druggist. G. H. Gibson reaeiyed a letter from Tyrone, Pa., last Thursday apprising him of the death of an u£cle at that place. He was the father of C. W. Gibson of Litchfield. Charles left last Friday to attend the funeral. The Phone connection between Litch field and the county seat was cut off for one day last week by the breaking of a wire, but the usual enterprise of the company soon had the wire in running or rather talking order again. The horse attached to a buggy in which Misses Gladys and Mabel Zink were returning home from the farm last Saturday evening, ran away just as they crossed the B & M. track east of town The buggy was badly wrecked but the young ladies were unhurt. Cuts and bruises are healed by Cham berlain’s Pain Balm in about one third the time any other treatment would re quire because of its antiseptic qualities which cause the parts to heal without maturation. For rale by—Odendahl Bros. vuiiniucmuir juvcunc liriui-m whh exhibited a few days ago by the little children of Henry Haller living in the west part of the county, in saying his little four year old daughter from drawning in a cistern. Mr. and Mrs. Haller went away from home and onleav ing told the oldest girl, a child of 11, that when the cistern was full of water she should shut the mill off. The four year old tot heard the order and some time after took the cistern cover off to see She fell into eight feet of water, and when she come to the top, with pres ence of mind equal to an adult, she caught the pump pipe and held fast and shrieked for help. The two older ones heard her cries and discovering her pre diciment the oldest girl started to her grandpas for assistance, which was a mile distant. The boy, six years old, called her back and they got a halter and lowered it to her. The little one took hold and was iaised nearly to the top, when her bold broke and she again dropped into the water. When she came to the surface she again grasped the pipe and held on until the rope was lowered, when the child took a firm hold and with encouraging words from the two on top, wa9 pulled to the top. The two girls are the nieces of Mrs. Halier and are adopted children. W, J. Fisher opened the oratory at Rockville in a very neat speech. Arcadia reports a howling success of our natal day. A little girl came to live with Mr and Mrs. Florin Lakeman Sunday. J. C. Fletcher of Boelus was smiling on his Loup City friends the other day The Fourth at Rockville was a hum mer. Tha crowd was ample to have a good time yet not.too large for comfort. If yoang ladles think sores, pimples and red noses look well with a bridal veil and orange blossoms, it's all right. Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive them away. 35c. Ask your druggist. I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health and my life. I was treated in vain by doc tors for lung trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health.' Mr. E II Wise, Madison, Ga — Odendahl Bros The senior editor of this paper is "making hay while the sun shines” and owns the prettiest herd of white faced calves in the country. Ye Junior will look after obituaries and marriage no tices, dog tights and the cash while ve Senior feeds the calves and pails the cows. When you want s modern, up-to-date physic, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents. Samoles free atOdendahl Bros. Did you hear the eagle screech at Rockville yesterday? Every accent was a contradiction of Bryan’s No more Fourth of July celebrations if McKialey is elected. Even the pops forgot the wild eyed prophecy and entered into the spirit of the enthu siasm with their old time vim. Fred Foster of this city and a brake man on the U. P. railroad, was quit* severally hurt at Grand Island last Thursday morning. Mr. Foster at tempted to board an engine while In motion and missed his footing. The tender struck him knocking him Jown He struck heavily on bis shoulder and received a severe jsr. To prevent the wheel striking him he threw himself over and cut his face considerably. Sherman Houdesheldt is making ar rangements t* prove up on a small piece of land which be has homestead papers on, the land laying just 1 mile above the n*w bridge on the west hank of the river Whea the government survey ed this piece in 1808, it contained 67 acres, since which time the liver has taken 60 of the original and Mr Hou desheldt has 7 acres ieft to prove up on. Mrs. Irwin Conger and two children of this city and Miss Etta Axelson and Mr. John Long of Lincoln, were pleas ant callers at this offline Wednesday. Miss Axelson is a sister of Mrs Conger, and is visiting that lady. She has some knowledge of the art preservative from experience, and Mr. Long is a practical prieter and is now employed in the State Journal office. You can never cure dyspepsia by di eting. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of the natural digistants hence must digest every class of food and so pre pare it that nature can use it in nour ishing the body and replacing the wast ed tissues, thus giving life, health, strength ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite.—Odendahi Bros Heartburn When the quantity of food taken is too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily di gested food. Masticate the food tho roughly. Let six bours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomacb after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamber* Iain's Stomaeb and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided For sale by Odendabl Bros. FROM THE LITUHE1LLD MONITOR Mr. II. Brfck is clerking in the Ste vens’store during the absence of Mr. Gibson. Mr. A. B Flint is getting along very nicely with his pet finger, it will be remembered that he scratched the fin ger on a bone, while cutting meat soma time ago, which caused blood poison to set in. Chas Gibson left for Tyrone, Penn., last Friday morning in response to a tel egram stating that bis father whs not expected to live. Later another tele gram came telling the sad news of his death. Chas. will probably be away for some time as be expects to help In settling up the estate. Last Saturday while Geo Lang was driving about one-half mile east of Haz ard, he came to a gate in a wire fonce and after he had drove through he went back to shut the gate, his team being left without a driver started to run, but only ran about fifty yards before they turned and ran Into the fence. Both horses were veiy badly cut by the fence before George could get them untangl ed. The horses will not be in shape for u directions. In two days time the chil had fully recovered The child i« now vigorous and healthy I have rc cum mended ihis remedy fre quently :mid ii cvc* ci' ver known it to fail. —Mils