The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 28, 1901, Image 6

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    The object of this article is to show
the demoralizing effect of gambling.
The craving to get something without
honest, hard work can never be the
true foundation on which to build a
successful career. Gaming is seen in
its most vivid phase at Monte Carlo.
No thinking man can witness the play
there without realizing the utter
emptiness and folly of It. Even mathe
matical statistics show that every
player must sooner or later lose his
all if he continues to gamble, and with
bis losings his self-respect also goes.—
Five million dollars per annum, or
nearly so, have been realized during
the past few years from the gambling
tables at Monte Carlo. Let it be stat
ed briefly how the gambling tables
were taken there. Francois Blanc was
father to the schemes which have com
pletely transformed this natural
beauty spot of the Riviera into an
earthly paradise, and centralized in
the picturesque little principality all
the luxuries and comforts, as well as
all the vices that belong to mankind
at tiie beginning of the twentieth cen
tury. But there were gambling tables
at Monte Carlo long before Pere Blanc
arrived. As far back as 1853 the late
2,000. Then the bauk in Nice, which
had always financed the Casino, got a
large number, and several politicians
and Paris journalists who helped to
assist the affair were favored with the
paper. Altogether about half the
shares were distributed in this way,
the rest were offered to the public.
A Oanibllii" Knterprlsa That Kulei ■
As Pere Blanc remarked: “He who
breaks the bank to-day will be broken
by the bank to-morrow.” The winner
| at Monte Carlo returns to make a little
I more; the loser returns to try to get
' his money back again. And so, in the
i end, the bank wins.
Let us now proceed to the debit side
of the Casino account. To take the
items of expenditure in the order given
upon the balance-sheet, of a recent
year, we note first the $250,000 paid
annually to the Prince of Monaco, un
der the contract, for the concession to
carry on the gambling business in the
principality. When Prince Albert
“came to the throne" in 1889, he was
credited with a desire to close the
Casino, and thus, by wiping out the
stain which his father had laid upon
it, restore the prestige of the ancient
House of Grimaldi. The Princess (who
was the Duchess of Richelieu, nee Mile.
Heine) was also anxious to range her
self among the crowned heads of
Europe. But Prince Albert looked from
his palace across the Bay of Hercules
toward the gilded minarets of the Ca
sino, and found himself powerless.
Theoretically Prince Albert is as ab
solute a monarch as the Czar; prac
tically he is as impotent a3 the de
| posed African king, and is held just
' as much in bondage. The Principality
Tut Casin'
Prince Charles granted a thirty years’
cone, ssion to a company with a capital
of f’oo.oOO to carry on the gambling
lVre Blanc, who was a man of the
French bourgeois type, simple in his
habits, hut clever and strong-headed in
finance, died on July 27th, 1877, leaving
a fortune of nearly $35,000,000; and
this notwithstanding the immense
sums that were spent during his re
markable career upon his several
gambling establishments.
The Casino was carried on for the
Blanc family by Count Bertora (who
aspired to marry the old man's widow)
until the original concession expired,
in 1883. In October of that year lie
was successful in concluding another
thirty years’ contract with Prince
Charles for a consideration of $250,000
per annum from the profits of the
gambling and 5,000 shares in the new
company which it was then decided to
The statutes of this the existing
company are dated December 14. 1882;
they were approved and signed by
Prince Charles on March 15. 1883; and
in them are embodied all the con
ditions of tile original concession, cer
tain modifications liPing made to meet
the requirements demanded by the new
A Close Corporation with S6.000,000
The capital of the concern was fixed
at $6,000,000, divided into 60,000 shares
of $1)0 each, to bear a fixed interest
at the rate of 5 per cent, or $5 per an
num, payable after the half-yearly
meeting in November and a dividend
upon the profits of the gambling of the
year—the amount to be divided by the
directors at the annual meeting in
April. A clause was inserted in the
statutes to the effect that, in order to
be able to take part in these meetings,
a shareholder must own at least 200
of the shares, or $20,000 worth of the
Casino stock; and, when the allotment
was made, good care was taken that
only members and friends of the Blanc
family should be permitted to take up
this uumber, so that the control of the
concern should remain in the hands of
their little coterie. Some years ago.
however, all that was changed; and the
paternal Blanc-Bertoru administration
gave place to another of a very differ
ent character, with two Paris hankers
at its head.
Five thousand shaies were, as al
ready stated, given to the Prince of
Monaco; Prince Radziwill took 4,800;
Prince Roland Bonaparte, 4,000; M. Ed
mond Blanc, 4,200; M. Camille Blanc.
4,000; Count Bertora, 2,000; the Wag
aUw family rotated to the Blancs,
of Monaco Is entirely governed and
controlled by the hank, and if Prince
Albert were to attempt to break the
contract it "might cost him his
crown!” Financially such a step would j
he much against his interests, seeing
that, in addition to the $250,000 which
he receives from the concession, he
gets revenue upon 5,000 shares, and
on this his average profit amounts to
$200,000 per annum. Altogether the in
come of the Prince of Monaco cannot
he less than the comfortable revenue of
$750,000 a year.
Found Ciulneaf to Loie Them.
One of the most cruel stories that we
have read for a long while is that of
the remarkable find of guineas, some
j 50 In number, by two little girls at
play in a garden of the village of Lud
dlngton, near Goole, in Lincolnshire.
It Is a fine marshy country that con
ceals excellently well any secret com
mitted to its keeping. Here these lit
tle girls found one of the guineas lying
on the grass and called their mother.
The soli was dug up, when about fifty
were discovered. At this very pleas
ant point in the story, the inevitable
marplot of all children's best devices
swoops down in the shape of the police
and the law, claiming the guineas as
! "treasure trove" for the crown. The
guineas were in a firm state of preser
vation. Their date Is 1774 and later,
and. no doubt they must have belonged
to some former owner of the house,
pulled down last year, which stood in
the garden where the little girls found
the guineas of which the hard law de
spoiled them.—Country Life.
Sldepatli* for lllcyrlM.
The New York statutes authorizing
the construction and maintenance of
side paths for the use of bicycles along
public roads and streets and for use
of such paths by persons riding bicy
cles have been declared constitutional
by the supreme court, appellate dlvi
sion, in the ease of Ryan vs. Preston,
and held not to impose an additional
burden on the highway, and not to be
a use of the highway for which the
abutting owner is entitled to compen
sation. The court said that the regu
lation confining the bicycles to the
use of such paths no more imposed an
additional burden upon the use of the
highway, as affecting the right of an
abutting owner, than would a statute
requiring all vehicles going in either
direction to keep to the right. It was
objected that the bicycle paths would
interfere with the custom of hitching
horses, but the court said that no case
had been cited establishing the abso
lute right of obstructing travel upon a
highway by hitching horses.
Agreeuble Friend*.
I have friends whose society Is ex
tremely agreeable to me; they are of
all ages and of every country. They
have distinguished themselves both In
the cabinet and in the field, and ob
tained high honors for their knowl
edges of the sciences. It is easy to
gain access to them, for they are al
ways at my service, and I admit them
to my compay. and dismiss them from
it whenever I please. They are never
troublesome, but immediately answer
every question 1 ask them. Some relate
to me the events of the past ages,
while others reveal to me the secrets
of nature. Some teach me how to live,
and others how to die. Some, by their
vivacity, drive away my cares and ex
hilarate my spirits, while others give
fortitude to my mind, and teach me
the important lesson how to restrain
my desires, and to depend wholly on
myself. They open to me, in short, the
various avenues of all the arts and
sciences and upon their information
I safely rely in all emergencies.—Pe
Book* as Leveller*.
In the best books, great men talk
to us, with us, and give us their most
precious thoughts. Books are the
voices of the distant and the dead.
Books are the true levellers. They
give to all who will faithfully use
them, the society and the presence of
the best and greatest of our race. No
matter how poor I am; no matter
though the prosperous of my own
Thk Lakck; Room in tkl Casino
time will not enter my obscure dwell
ing, if learned men and poets will en
ter and take up tlieir abode under my
roof—if Milton will cross my thresh
bold to sing to me of Paradise, and
i Shakespeare open to me the wo~ld of
; imagination and the workings of the
| human heart; and Franklin enrich me
; with his practical wisdom—I shall not
pine for want of intellectual compan
ionship, and I may become a cultivated
man. though excluded from what is
called the beat society in the place
where I live. . . Nothing can sup
ply the place of books. They are
cheering and soothing companions In
solitude, illness or affliction. The
j wealth of both continents could not
compensate for the good they impart.—
King's "StandofUshness.'*
The prediction that the king would
follow the example of ffis ancestor,
Henry V., daily finds fresh confirma
tion. Since his accession he has devel
oped a ''standoffishness’ towards his
old intimates, which is little short of
1 startling. Intimations that he will not
| In the future dine or sup with a sub
i Ject have caused endless heartburn
i lngs. ‘ Favorite" Is to be an unknown
i word in his court, according to present
' calculation.—London cable.
Patriarchal I.a w makers.
Senators Hoar. Stewart, Pettus and
Morgan are a patriarchal group in the
upper house at Washington, but they
are overtopped in age by the dean ol
the British house of lords. Lord Owv
dyr has just completed his ninety-first
year. He took his degree at Cam
bridge in 1831.
Miss Lucy C. Coolidge recently ret
ceiv#d the largest vote ever cast for
one person in Portland, Me. She was
on all tickets as a candidate tor the
school board and got 8,113 votes.
Ttn>aght of Halhtr Kill. Ron Willie l>le«
tatlne HU Hinjcrmphf.
A distinguished public man of In
diana. who has died recently, was en
gaged at the time of his sudden death
in writing his biography. He was nar
rating to his daughter, who was writ
ing from his dictation, the story of a
terrible temptation which assailed him
in his youth. "By attention to busi
ness and correct deportment 1 had won
the implicit confidence of all who
knew me. This confidence was shown,
when on one occasion—before the day
of easy and rapid communication by
means of railroad and telegraph—I was
entrusted with $22,000 to deliver in the
then far-distant Cincinnati. Day after !
day, on my long horseback Journey, I
guarded my treasure without a thought
of dishonesty. But there was a mo
ment, a supreme and critical one, when
the voice of the tempter penetrated my
ear. It was the old tempter that sung
in the ear of Eve. It was when I reach
ed the crown of those imperial hills
that overlook the Ohio river, when ap
proaching Eawrenceburg from the in
terior. The noble stream was the
great artery of commerce at that day,
before a railroad west of Massachu
setts had been built. What a gay spec
tacle it presented, flashing in the
bright sunlight,covered with flat boats,
with rafts, with gay-painted steamers,
ascending and descending and trans
porting their passengers in brief time
to the Gulf of Mexico, the gateway to
all parts of the world. I had but to
sell my horse and go aboard one of
these with my treasure, and I was ab
solutely beyond the reach of pursuit.
I recall the fact that this thought was
a tenant of my mind for a moment,
and for a moment only. Thank God,
it found no hospitable lodgment any
longer. And what think you were the
associate thoughts that came to my
rescue? Away over rivers and moun
tains, a thousand miles distant. In a
tumble farm house, on a bench, an
aged mother rending to her boy from
the oracles of God.” At this point his
voice suddenly choked, his emotions
overcame him, he said to his daughter,
"We will finish this at another time,”
laid his head back on the chair and
died almost instantly.
French Plan* for Worrying England Are
Quite Cotnprehenelve.
Apart from Bizerta and ouher Med
iteranean stations, which arc intended
to get the mastery over the Gibraltar
and Malta route, says the Engineer,
the French are creating three formida
ble bases on the Cape route to India,
and the extreme East. The first of
these is Dakar in Senegal, for which
a fresh grant of 10,550,600f has been
made. Dakar is to be the headquar
ters of a fleet of cruisers which will
sweep the Atlantic along the West
coast of Africa, and it is also proposed
to constitute a station at Pore de
France, in Martinique, so that the
commerce destroyers will be able to
patrol the ocean east and west, and
extend their operations northward
across the path of merchant vessels
running between England and the
West Indies. The second basis is at
Diego-Saurez, in Madagascar, which
commands the route between the Cape
and India. The work of equipping
this port is regarded as one of the
most urgent and necessary, and the
Chamber voted an additional grant of
10,000,000f to allow of the construction
of a dry dock. Diego-Saurez is lie
coming the most forn.idable naval sta
tion in the Indian Ocean, and is likely
to be a perpetual menace to South Af
rica. The works at Saigon, for which
a further sum of 3,000,000f has been
voted, are being carried out for the
protection of the Indo-Chinese posses
sions, and affording a basis for the
ships of war which will operate in
the Chinese seas.
Relative Coat of Public I.ifthtlng.
New York city will pay $5.22 each
minute for Its street lighting this
year, which means 78 cents for each
Inhabitant, or $2,745,000 in all. A big
bill, the largest of its sort In the coun
try, but not the largest in proportion
to population. Of the great cities of
the country, Baltimore comes next
above Chicago, and pays 68 cents for
each of its 509,000 inhabitants, or
$250,000 in all. Then comes San
Francisco’s 343,000 population, paying
$245,000, or 71 cents for each one. Next
above that is New Orleans, where each
of the 287,000 inhabitants pays 80
cents, or $230,000 in all. Washington
follows with 83 cents for each of its
279.000 residents, which equals $233,
000. Each Clevelander pays 2 cents
more than each Washingtonian, or
$325,000 for the 382,000 inhabitants.
Wc then jump to $1.10 for each of the
561.000 Bostonians, or $650,000 in all.
Another jump makes the 324.000 per
sons In Cincinnati pay $425,000, or
$1.30 for each one.—New York Herald.
Stopped » .Mountain** Journey.
A Lausanne correspondent writes
that the Swiss engineers have suc
ceeded in arresting the progress of the
Moving mount, near Neuchatel. The
measures taken to save the village
and valley from destruction were ex
tremely daring and original. They
consisted in building a huge cement
wall to hold up the mountain, whose
sides were full of small crevices, those
also being filled with cement. By these
means the mountain became firm and
most of the danger has passed.
Cieriuaim In Southern Hrnrxil.
According to German authorities
at least one-third of the inhabitants of
Santa Catharina, southern Brazil, are
| Germans The colonists live in settle
I tnents of their own, their local govern
! ment being in the hands of men of
| their own nationality.
[ "Riddle of the
! Universe” a Curious
; Book.
Interesting, indeed, are the follow
ing conclusions arrived at by Haeckel,
the scientist, in his new book "Rid
dle of the Universe,” according to
which for thousands of years the In
telligence of man struggled with these
problems of the infinite: The naturo
of matter and force, the origin of mo
tion, the origin of life, the apparently
pre-ordained orderly arrangement of
nature, the origin of sensation and
consciousness, the foundation of
thought and speech, the question of
the freedom of the will. Of these great !
seven questions some are declared to
be insolublo, and each has caused end
less discussion. Haeckel brushes them
all aside and declares that the one sim
ple and comprehensive enigma is “The
Problem of Substance.” According to
Haeckel, the universe or cosmos is
eternal, infinite, illimitable. It con
sists of two attributes, Matter and En
ergy. This dual substance tills infinite
space and is in eternal motion. For
ever this motion continues with peri
odic change from life to death. All
masses are rotating constantly, and
while certain ones, sidereal systems or
tiny cells, move to their destruction in
onp part of space, others are springing
into new life and development in other
parts of the universe. It has taken
our earth, one little speck In space,
more than a hundred million years to
develop its present forms of animal
life, to say nothing of long periods of
cooling that preceded life. Man is
only the highest among the verte
brates, which in turn are the highest
among animals. Ills Immediate ances
tors have been here at least three
million years, and he himself since the
end of the tertiary period. “Our
mother earth is a mere speck in a sun
bean in the illimitable universe, man
himself is but a tiny grain of proto
plasm in the perishable framework of
organic nature.” You, Mr. Reader, are
a true "tetrapod.” otherwise four-foot
ed creature. Two of your feet have
developed into hands by adaptation.
You have five toes on each of your
feet, because the amphibia of the car
boniferous era happened to have five
toes on each foot. Your great, great,
great grandfather, nine million times
removed, was a salamander. Do you
doubt, asks Haeckel, that you come
from an anthropoid ape? Then how
do you account for these facts: You
and the monkey have the same two
hundred bones, arranged in exactly the
same order. You have the same three
hundred muscles directing your move
ments. the same kind of hair grows
on your skin, the same groups of gan
glionic cells build up the marvelous
structure of the brain. You have thir
ty-two teeth, just like the monkey's
thirty-two; a four-chambered heart,
just like the monkey's—the same
organs throughout The differ
ences between man and the higher
apes are not as great as those between
the man-like apes and the lower
monkeys. AIL this Haeckel demon
strates solemnly, with much pains and
many details. He delights in the dis
covery of the fossil ape-man of Java,
which h« declares supplies the miss
ing link and which he proudly calls
“pithecanthropus erectus”—or, monkey
shaped man standing up." He de
clares we should have found millions
of other examples of the missing links
except for the fact that they lived and
died in trees, were devoured by other
animals and consequently had no
chance to reach a fossil condition un
less by accident they fell off a branch
into the water and were preserved in
the slime at the bottom. Man springs
from a single cell, as do atl other liv
ing animals. Hiu huge body Is simply
a great commonwealth composed of
endless billions of these cells, each of
which is a citizen in the great cell ag
gregation called man. What we ate
pleased to consider our brains is .-im
ply a certain combination of force and
matter, acting under the influence of
centuries of education and adaptation.
Plants think, too. to a certain extent,
and all the animals think more or less.
Psychology, which assumes that the
brain force is something separate from
the rest of the body, is nonsenke and
child’s play. Haeckel’s view of the
universe is a "monistic view.*'—Chi
cago American.
III II will.. ■ III! jfrrxwnMUjjiMM'axa) mu—o—
Dieting Consumptives
Must Eat Six Meals a Day at
T5he Massachusetts State Sanitarium
Six meals a day constitute the regi
men at the State Sanitarium for Con
sumptives at Rutland, Mass. The first
meal is, of course, breakfast, ami this,
says a writer in the New England
Magazine, is ready at a quarter to 8
o'clock. At all meals special diet is
served when directed by physicians,
but the usual breakfast menu is a
cereal, chops, steak or eggs, muffins
and cold bread and butter, tea, coffee
and milk. After breakfast the patients
are ready for outdoor exercise. This
as well as every other detail of the
patient's life, is under careful surveil
lance. Some are allowed to walk a
number of miles, some only a short
distance; others must lounge in the
open air in hammocks or reclining
chairs. Zero weather or snow does not
interfere with this order of things,
heavy furs providing the necessary
warmth and fresh air the stimulant
that all soon learn to depend upon.
At half past 10 luncheon is ready in
each dining room; and it matters not
if the patient has a most interesting
Look, or a camp is being built, or th«
top of a hill commanding an unlimited
view is almost reached—all must turn
toward the house in time to reach
there at the luncheon hour. These
luncheons vary in kind and amount,
and consist of raw eggs, eggnog, beef
extract and milk. This is an essential
part of the "cure.'’ building up what
the disease is trying to break down.
Then out of the doors again for two
hours, when dinner is served. This
consists of a soup, a roast of meat (and
| on Friday fish), two vegetables, bread
and butter, dessert, tea and milk. At
half past three there is a second lunch
eon. and at a quarter of G is supper,
consisting of a cereal, cold meats,
bread and butter, sauce, tea and milk,
and occasionally rake. At quarter past
8 is the last luncheon, at which is
given hot or cold milk,
Chamhorlaln to the Pope.
Rev. Dr. Frederick Z. Rooker, just
appointed chamberlain to the pope, is
the first American to be made a mem
ber of the pontifical household. He
is a native of New York city, 10 years
old, and it was intended by his father
and uncle, both newspaper men, that
he should also take to their line of
life. The young man’s tastes lay in
another direction. He is now secre
tary of the papal legation in Wash
No Con)P*iment Wilson Barrett I
In This Nervous AudieQce I
Curtain speeches are supposed to be |
heart-to-heart talks, expressing the
love that the talker has for the partic
ular city in which he is playing at the
time. Occasionally, however, an actor
who moves through life outside the
deep ruts worn by constant following
in the conventional path surprises his
hearers with a few plain, ungarntshed
facts that convince even the most skep
tical of his sincerity. Wilson Barrett
made such a speech in Philadelphia
years ago. A brazier toppled over dur
ing one of his scenes and some one in
the audience shouted “Are!'’ Barrett
walked quietly to the brazier, stamped
out the flames and went on with his
lines as though nothing had happened.
A stampede was avoided, but it was
several minutes before the audience be
came quiet. At the end of the act there
were cries of “speech, speech." Mr.
Barrett came to the footlights.
“You are a pack of fools!” he ex
claimed passionately. “I didn’t mean
to tell you of it—meant merely to think
it; but you have asked me for a speech,
eo I have an opportunity of telling you
precisely what I think of you." Then
he went on to say that a man who
cried “Are” in a theater was a mur
derer—that a trifle like a brazier up
setting could be remedied easily by
those on the stage, but that a cry of
alarm from any one in the audience
at such a time might mean hundreds
crushed to death. For ten minutes he
gave that audienee a lecture on idiocy.
When he left the stage the applause
was so hearty he was obliged to re
turn and bow hia thanks, remarking
with a grim smile: “Don’t forget what
I told you. will you? I meant it for
your own good.”
Time to Kr«*ak the Rule.
There is an anecdote in some volume
of French theatrical memoirs narra
ting an experience of Mile. Clairon, the
great tragic actress, with a pupil of
hers, a girl with strong natural gift*
for the histrionic art, but far too fre
quent and too exuberant in her gestic
ulation. So when the pupil was once
to appear before the public in a reci
tation Mile. Clairion bound the girl's
arms to her side by a stiff thread and
sent her thus upon the stage. With
the first strong feeling she had to ex
press the pupil tried to raise her arms,
only to he restrained by the thread. A
dozen times in the course of her reci
tation she was prevented from making
the gestures she desired until at the
very end she could stand it no longer
and in the climax of her emotions she
broke the bonds and swung her hands
| to her head. When she came off the
stage she went humbly to where Mile.
Clairon was standing in the wings and
| apologized for having snapped the
thread. “But you did quite right!"
said the teacher. “That was the time
to make the gpsture, not before! '—
Harper's Magazine.
tl«t of Royal Ueneral*.
King Albert of Saxony, who fa now
! in his seventy-fourth year, is the sole
| survivor of the group of royal gener- "<
I als who took part in the Franco-Prua
j siaa wgi'.