The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 07, 1901, Image 5

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The Northwestern
• ICO. K. HKNSOHOTKK, I Kiltlor* and
GKO. II. GIBSON, i i*uf>ll«her<i
TERMS:—11.00 peu isaii if paid in aiivasci
Eater*# at the I.oup City Postnfllrc r. • trjii<
mission through the mails as second
clans matter.
At this writing, June 5th, we note
the fifth anniversary of the great
cyclone, ruin ami hail storm which
visited this section and did so much
damage throughout ttie town and
ountry. One life was lost in Loup
City, that heiug the little girl of
Joseph McCoy, which was drowned
in a cave where the family had t iki n
shelter from the storm, it being a!
most instantly tilled with water an I
which rushed like a torrent down li e
valley. At that time the Catholic
church was demolished and the large
Baptist church was partly moved
from its foundation. Barns were
destroyed, ami fruit and forest
trees badly damaged. The storm
struck us about, 7 o'clock p. tn. and
lasted with great fury for about an
hour and fifteen minutes and our
people became greatly excited, near
ly all seeking refuge in cyclone
caves or cellars. I t was by far the
worst ever recorded here since the
settlement of the country. Nearly '
every residence in town was more
or leas damaged and hundreds of
window lights were smashed in.gla1-*
fronts were shattered and sidewalks
were swept away. It was estimated
that fifteen inches of water fell and
the hail banked up in places to a
depth of two and three feet and < n
Oak Crc-ek where the swift current
lodged it in the bend of the creek,
it was twelfe feet deep and hail
coukl be seen there two weeks after.
The European continental troo[ s
in China, seem to be constantly on
the lookout for trouble. About two
weeks ago a German ollicer made a
victous attack on an American
guard, because the guard refused to
disobey orders, and was only stopped
by the Yankee charging him with
his bayonet and taking a shot at him,
which luckily missed, but wounded
a German soldier a quarter of a mile
away. Last week a party of French
soldiers attack the English guards
and were reinforced by German sol
diers. A regular battle ensued,
in which several were killed and a
number wounded. Just what the
end would have been is hard to pre
did, had not some German and
French officers heard ttie filing and
hurried to the scene and stopped tl.e
trouble. The continent seems to
have it in for John Bull and Uncle
If reports can be depended i p
on Germany is going out of ler
way to pick a quarrel with Uicle
Sam, which may some day be a
source of regret to the Kaiseraud his
people. Our minister Loomis was
virtually requested to return home
from his post in Venezuela sumo
months ago because he was a little
to officious to suit all parties in a
deal wherein German citizens would
acquire some territory by purchase,
which belongs to the South America
Republic and w'hieh would at ouce
pass under the German Hag. Mr.
Loomis protested on the grounds of
the Monroe doctiine which placed
him in disfavor with Venezuela.
Now comes the Danish West Indies
episode in which Germany tries to
acquire a little group of Islands
near our shore, which has proved a
source of considerable expense to
Denmark each year, and which
could not be desired by Germany
for any legitimate purpose as they
are of no value The l . S. govern
ment has long been negotiating for
them just to keep pace with Huropc
and now has closed a contract,
which is only waiting confirmation
bv Congress next winter to pay that
country $1,000,000 for the Islands.
This is another purchase for peace
by the United States, as the Islands
nre of no use to us, and brings up
to our mem >rv incidents of the P‘is„
Before our war of 181-' "ith great
Britain the papers of that cui.iii
said that Kngland bad been H'l
for years to pick a quarrel widi oi
United States, but could not kick us
J into b war. G . tin* lstli of
| ruar, 1S9S j>uin hV.v up lIn; M.Jno
! for tlio Hu nit' purpose, and Germany
night profit by their txperience.
Hudson Maxim. the inventive part
! of tlie Maxim Ii uschold who sta\ ed
i at Immc while bis luother went 'o
jsi'c as |jo«'i .fill us nitro jellulin ami
which cannot be exploded b\ a jar,
uo matter how severe, has succeeded
in waking up I'ncle Samtothc value
I of his di <oven . An armor pierc
■ teg shell 'll ill be loaded with it and
tired through a 1 a inch armor plate
i and it doc's not itleel the explosive
A fuse cun be put in the shell and
timed to explode; the shell just after
it passes through the pi ite atul thus
ensure the disiiue’iou of a vessel,
its non-explosive qualities without
the fuse make it safe to handle ai d
discharge from a gun.
The following associated press
dispatch regarding Mrs. McKinley's
condition appeared in Tuesday’s Hu :
Washington, June d—l>r. HiXey,
after remaining in the White Houm
for nearly three hours tonight, said
that there had been no change in
the condition of Mrs. McKinley. At
11 o’clock she was resting comfort
ably. The complaint which mani
rested itself while Mrs. M- Kinlt y
was away from Washington ui u
which had so seriously sapped lor
strength, has been checked, but its
effect has been to leave Ik r in a very
weak condition. J)rs. Kixcv, Stern
beig and Johnston were joined by
I>r. Osier of Baltimore in consulta
tion and report that Mrs. McKinleTs
condition is as favorable as could be
expected. There is no immediate
apprehension and a slow improve
ment is looaed for.
The postmaster of a little town m
Nebraska—one with less than 50l)
inhabitants—says that the money
order business at Ids olllce for tv o
Chicago mail order houses runs
close to $1,000 a year; £1,000 from
one little Nebraska town. Thir k
ot what an immense amount of
money is annually sent < ui from ti e
whole state; money that might to 1 e
kept at home, and would be kept at
home if the home merchants would
get the hustle on them teat wins
trade for the man in the lug city. It
isn't so much the i lice made 0} the
city man or his goods that wins
trade for him. It is the constant
himmeritig away ou the anvil of
Here is ar other tcmeprance atoiv,
■ ml a true one: In a certain Ni l.
rasku town tin ce was a man who at
Ordinary times, was a good citizen,
a g lod husband, and an ad«uir.tb'e
t>arent. lie was an excellent vvoik
man at his trade, and always com
manded good wages. At ordinary
times ho was a most agreeable man,
genial and acommodating; but iv
ory once in a while he went on a
high lonesome, and as soon as he
touches the flowing bowl his whole
nature seemed reversed. lie w s
brutal to his family, and a nuismen
to the neighborhood; he was a ven
powerful man, and when on a bend
er was quarrelsome to the last k
gree, aud became a terror to tie
community at turns. He was such
a pleasant fellow when sober that llie
neighbors excused a whole lit of
his looliahne-s; but his sprees be
came more fnquent, and he became
more of a nuisance, and the patience
iof the people became exhausted.
He sobered up afti-r a jamboree the
other day, and received a letter
giving him twenty-four hour* to
leave ihe town. He realized that
the people who sent the letter meant
business, aud he packed up and left,
s u ntie Dg * good posilh u, and also
liis home, which represented the
savings and management <>f a good
wife for years This true little story
won’t be ready for a moral until the
uiae has £' lie to the bow wows en
liielv, which be will ; do; for
when a drinking man looses hi*
giip he looses 11 altogether —V* ah
M t-on in Kveriing News.
In the A O. U. W. I’Mi'tst be
tween the of K nsas and the
combined s ides of Nt brash .' arid
JIi-Houti r.s to which could make the
I< t net g*ii ' in mvtnln ts'r;. from
c j'o . I, i 1 IttOO to .Msreli l. 11*01
br k ' came n- t • h- id. -' -.1 me
having on1 mi ri o; cd K o - 1 - u t '»'• u -
i, vs Dmiu,1 tin- peri d f contest
N' lit -k.i gviied I .s in. • m*.
1 Missouri TUI, and Kansas 1,712.
W< have had a splendid ram and’
if our farmers “tickle tLt> ground
with u hoe" i: will laugh for them
with a bountiful harvest.
The creamery i? having a big riD
and Ashton is sendiog a tout 1,000
lbs. of cream a day to Loup City.
S. fi tiiUt a has about completed ex
tende I alterations iu his brick block,
which makes it show <>IF splendidly.
He has ai o ordered a big stock of
clothing to put iu ilie new room.
The Implement men are beginning
to sc i up their binde rs and c ue can
hear l lie words, “McCormick"
“Milwaukee," and ‘•Doering” fre
cpientlv iu die mouths of the farmers.
Quite a number of our bloods are
going over to Dannebrog to help the
Danish cellbrate their National lioli
d*\, June 5til.
We only know of one whose solid
gir! went back on him and would’nt
Some or our educators are talking
of g< ing to S'. Paul to the high
school commencement exercises.
The ciops are looking splendid
after the copius tains and nil think
that the rye is now safe without, fur
titer rains.
Prof. Howard is giving his time
to hie garden and pigs and seem9 to
lie as good a “man with the hoe” us
a wielder of the birch.
“Waldy” Blumer is having his
wagon painted and is getting ready
to put on style.
The Keystone Lumber Co is sell
ing lots of Lumber, and every itinu
who can wield a jack plane or a
paint brush reports more work than
they can do.
Ed Taylor lias bought Cal
Schaupp's farm west of towu
Myrtle Wilson is visiting friends
near Lincoln.
Unnecessary Lcih» of Tune
Mr. W. S. Wliedon, Cashier of the
First National Bank of VV Inti rset, Iowa,
in a recent letter gives seme experience
vith a carpenter in his employ, ibat
■/ ill be ( f value to other mechanics He
says: ' 1 had a carpenter working for
me who was oblijed lo stop work fir
several days on account of tiring troubl
ed with diarrhoea. 1 mentioned to him
tlisr I liad been similarly troubled and
that Chambcriain’s Colic, Cholery and
Diarrhoea Itcmcdy had cured me. lie
bought a bottle ot it from the druggist
here and informed me that one dose
cured him, and he is again at his work.’’
For sale b*, Ouendahl Bros
Seven Years In lied.
“Will wonders ever cease?"' inquire
the friends of Mis. L Pea«e, of Law
r nee, Kan. They knew she liad been
unable to leave in r bed in seven years
on account of kidney and liver trouble,
n< rvous prostration and general debili
ty : but, “Three bottles of Electric Bit
ters enabled me to ivi k,” she write,
•‘and in three months I felt like a new
person." Women stillVi i g from Head
ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless
ness, Meloncholy, Fainting and Dizzy
SpHI »wi!l find it a priceless blessing.
Try it. 8a'i-factlon is guaranteed.
Only 50c Odendabl Bros.
roil TOl'KISTS.
art' tin1 most comfortable. commodious
mean* of travel lot lartreparii-s. inten 1
114 m Hit is, honie.-ri kets. mill hunting
These car- run on Mm Unii ti Pueiiie
dally from Xfbr.i'it mil K mi Mir poims
to California m il Oregon points mol
arc llttt’il up complete with mat I rt-s.-i«
curtains, film kits, pillows, etc, requir
ir ^ no hlti« to he fur' iihed hr tin1
passengers. Unlfotmcil potters in
charge of the car , me p quired in keep
them in good order, and look after the
wants and comfort.''of all passengers
Th“ cars are new, of modern pattern,
and aie a.most, as convenient, and com
fortable as tirst-chi-s Palace Sleepers.
Excursion retes every Tuesday. For
f ill Information call on or address
II .1 ( i.ifton, Agent.
An Kxtenslve Stork Haler Tells linn to
Cure Seoul's in Calve.
Win Abhor, of Tyndall, S. l>., quite
an i x ten si vi' stock raiser, has for a num
be I i I y ears used (’ ha ni(i.'i Iain’s Colic,
< holeru mid IHarrhora Remedy lor
set u s in i lives says he has never
known u to fail, Ilegiyes a teaspoon
t >I in iti i us directed on the bottle
for an udu'; man after i aeti operation of
the bowels more than natural. Usually
m e do-e Is sultle lent. Korsnlebj Oden
dabl Bros
A I'eri iblH F\|»lo«|Oii.
**(>/ ; ‘V.-M * •!.** •‘’t V«‘ llUTfM'd •» la f 15
hei.-fi .mtfulh," a rites N E Palmer,
• I K t • in > . Ii * I'll** b'st doc'nrs
couldn't n d ill*1 run;.in > sum tb it fol
low'i'.*, t> ii Itni k i n‘s ArriliM Sdvc en
tire.j rured In r.” inf llib > f • r ell1''.
Coins, si ii Lioilit.-, liiuiM s, hkin I.M
eiise* and Piles, 25c al Odaudahl Bros
Fi ii o
I mu prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells.
T*. Nl- REED. Loup City, Neb.
i ii e iiomk i;m n < i UK
An Ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkard# are String Cured Dally
In *|iitc ol Tliemaelyen.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of tlie
Nerve#. A pleasant anil Positive Cure
lor iliu Liquet- Habit.
It is now generally known and understood
that Drunkenness is a disease anil not weak
ness A body lilled with poison, and nerves
completely shattered by periodical or constant
use of Intoxicating liquors, requires an anti
dote capable of neutralizing and eradicating
this poison and destroying the craving for in
toxicants Sufferers may now cure themsel
ves at home without publicity or loss of time
from business by this wonderful • HOME
GOLD CL UK" which has been perfected
afti r many years of close study and treatment
of inebriates. The faithful use according to
directions of this wonderful discovery is pos
itively ;:uarante#d to cure the most obstinate
case no matter how hard a drinker. Our re
cords show the marvelous transformation of
thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious
and upright nun.
edy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific
for this disease only, and is so skillfully de
vised and prepared that it is thoroughly solu
ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be
given in a cup of tea or coffee without the
knowledge of the pers< u taking it Thousands
of Drunkards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, and as many more have been
cured and made tern potato men by having the
“CUKE" administered by loving friends and
relatives without their knowledge in coffee or
tea, and believe today that they discontinued
drinking of their own free will. DO NOT
WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and
misleading 'improvement.' Drive out the
disease at once and for all time. The HOM K
GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low
price of One Dollar, tlius placing w ithin reach
of everybody a treatment more effectual than
others costing $85 to $h0. Full directions ac
companying each package. Special advice by
skilled physicians when requested without ex
tracharge. Sent prepaid to any part of the
world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept.
A255, EDWIN 11. GILES & COJIPAffV. 233U
and 2332 Market Street. Philadelphia, l'a All
correspondence strietly confidential 3 15
Wanted.— Capable, reliable person in every
county to represent large company of sollc
financial reputation: $936 salary per year, pay
able weekly: $3 per day absolutely sure and
all expenses, straight, bona fide, definite sal
ary, no commission; sulary paid each Satur
day and expense money advanced each week
Sold li\ T. II KliSN KK, T otipCity, Neb
men to travel autl advertise for old estab- |
lished bouse ol solid financial standing.
Salary . T80 a year and expenses, till paya
bio 111 cash. No canvassing required.
Give reference and enclose self addressed
stamped enveloped. Address Manager,
355 caxton Hldg., Chicago.
' what you eat.
Ittcjgc ■ digest s the food and aidi
Nat’.re i st> ngt-hening and "neon
itructlng Hie cxh.’isted digestive or
gans, It- is the latest discovered digest*
ant and tonic. Nootliei preparation
can approach it in eiUciericy. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nmiwa,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prcp<arec by E C DeWUt »Co.. Cbliaa*.
j tor sal - by ODKNDAHL DUG®
8a?ed Two From ni nth
“Our little daughter hud an almost fa- j
tal attack of whooping Cough and broil- j
ebltis,” writes Mrs. \V . K. Ilaviland, of
Armonk, X. Y. “but when all other j
remidlea failed, wo saved Lor life with
Dr, King's New Discovery. Our niece j
who had Consumption in an advanced;
stage, also used tins (voudci fill medicine
and to-day she is perfectly well ” !>es
peiate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr King's New Discoy i rv as to no other
medielno on earth. Infallible for coughs
and cold-. 50c and $1 00 b dtles guar
anteed by Odenduhl B:o«. Trial bot
tles free.
Guaranteed $900
Men ami women of good address to raj>
reeent n», some to travel appointing sguats,
o.tiers for loeal work looking after our
Interests. Httno salary gnaraiueed yearly ;
extra commlaalona and expenses, rapid ad*
vunccment, old established house, oraa*
eliance for earnest men or women to soetire
plensntit neimaneat positions, liberal la
come amt future. New bnlllent Haas
Write at once.
2.1 Church St.,
New Haven can a
St- Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
and the only one that pays its losses in lull. If he does not
< all on von write him at Loup City, Neb.
Genera! Banking
Business < ransacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Nebraska.
•We aye Headquarters fof
Wo have every appliance tor making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable
our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder to ouf
business and are prepared to do custom work or furniak
| ground feadat reasonable rates.