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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1901)
Liocsal Daws. Our paper hangers are l.ept busy this spring. R. J. Nightingale is having his resi dence painted. Lew Ilaller just finished a successfu’ 300 foot well for Ed, Zakrr.ewski. Mrs. Brown, mother of editor Brown, Is reported in a critical condition. For first c'ass icc leave your orders with James W. Conger. Harry Taylor moved Into the Lan ders tenement near the engine house Monday. Heavy Draft Stallion will stHnd al the Round Front Barnduriug the season of 1901. apr25—u o o Young Mr. Beamond, the stock man, had a finger badly lacerated while break ing a broncho Monday. Special low rate on Cabinet I’bo tograpbs only f 1.00 per doz., at Lecbin6ky’s studio. H. Smeller of Ashton, was in theciiy Tuesday in regard to bil new brick building now under way at that place. A surgical operation is not necessary to euro piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Oden dahl Bros. Wilber Waite Is having a very artistic Job of paper hanging done at his res idence this week. Robert Yoimg is doing the job. Imitators have been many. Thought full people have learned that true merit comes only with the genuine Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. Ask your druggist. Farmers come to the harness shop when you want tly nets, dusters, sweat pads, gall pads, axle greese, or repair ing done on your harness. Iron t wait until you spoil them. W. S. Owen. Don't get side-tracked in business. Dullness sometimes passes for death Men w ith brains reach the goal. Rocky Mountain Tea puts gray matter into ones head. 35c. Ask your druggist. Joseph Whcaler, the old man who jumped his bail last Monday night a week ago, was apprehended at Emmets burg, la., on Friday aud was placed under arrest to await our sheriff to briDg him back. A severe sprain will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. Many cases have oec ired, how ever, in which a cure has been effected in less than one week by apylylng Cham* berlaiu’s Pain Balm. For sale by Oden dab) Brea. T. L Pilger has sold the Will Nelk residence to Mrs. Catherine Gray. Mts. Gray Is a sister of Mrs. Geo. 11. Scott and has been living In Chicago, but ex pects to make her home in the near fu ture in Loup City. Mrs. F. M. Henry will sell all her trimmed hats at greatly reduced prices, beginning June 7th and con tinuing te* days. Now is the time to get a nice summer hat at almost your «wn price. Strange as it may seem this is the last Issue of the paper iu which we can be held strictly accountable. We have run It for a year and a half the way the devil would, and now it will be run which ever way an angle dietatea.— Arcadia Champion. The editor of the aborro paper was married Wednesday. Watch for the issue of a year and a half hence. A couple strangers who were in the city a few days this week got a little reckless after the suu had disappeared a few nights ago and went farther than good judgment would dictate. They were lucky that marshal Inks did not catch on at the time. Call at Odendahl Bros, drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Sto mach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also Improve the appetite , strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. C. E. Rosseter Informs us that his daughter Lou, who has been attending a conservatory of music at Chicago for the past three years, has succeeded iu winning a gold medal, a prize offered by the institution in a contest of the • u lents. Miss Husseter was born and raised in Loup City and we are pleased to bearof her success. ‘ The Doctors told me iny cough was incurable. Oue Minute Cough Cure made me a well man ,’ Norris Silver, North Stratfotd, N. H.—Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don’t despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Odendahl Bros. A few days ago we were informed that a half witted boy by the name of Wheeler, Who has been loitering around town, was given a half dollar by certain parties to eat a raw fish bead, guts aud all. After the tish was de voured they bet with him that be could not eat the balance, some eight small onea. He went at it, ate one more like the drat head, tail, bones and all, after which be was allowed to remove the bead and entrails and he finished another but had to desist. Such orgie* are dis graceful and should be benealb the dig- j oity of grown men. I Paul Sherman of the south side was in the city Tuesday. G. W. Marvel of Ashton was at the county seat Saturday. A bouncing girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Foster last Friday. T M- Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture Bil'y French the street commissioner is laying several new stone crossings in the city this week. Cleaning and Oiling harness done at the harness shop of W. !?. Owen. German service in the Baptist church at Loup City Sunday after noon June 8th. The various township boards cf the county ars silting as a board of equali zation this week. Six tenths cf an inch of water fell here Monday afternoon which placed the soil In splendid condition. Billy French. W. G. McNulty and H J Cole, excavated ths big cellar for Marvel A Co’s, large store at Ashton. Sheriff Snyasr and county attorney Nightingale went to Lincoln Monday to procure requisltioa papers for the re turn of Joseph Wheeler from Iowa, Another good ram visited this sec tion Tuesday evening end night, forty, five hundreth of water fell, making one and one-twentieth inches in two dajs. farmers when you want a good thing in the harness line always go to the harness shop of—W. S. Owen. Jennie—To have a round beautiful neck wiggle your head from aide to aide every night take Rocky Mountain Tea it's a abort cut to a graceful form. 35c. Ask your druggist. The allies claim to be prepairing to leave China at an early date. Poor old China. About all they will leave is her name. Do not forget to look up Lechin sky's display ad. in this paper. You will find that it is just the thing you haxe been looking for. Mr. James Brown of Putamouth, Va over 90 yeara of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help him DaWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently.— Odendahl Bros Geo Brill, of Council Bluffs, son of Mrs. Judge Wall and a brother of Mra A. Hansel, Is visiting hero this week. Geo. has many old acquaintances here who were glad to see him again. Any one residing in the west side of the county can make any arrange ment necessary for undertaking and embalming with C. W. Qihson at Litchheld. All orders will ba promptly aDd satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. C. W. Gibson of Litchfield, and sis ter Ptaeobe of Tyrone, Pa. who is visit ing him, came over Sunday morning and visited with the Loup City branch of the Gibson family, until Monday eve ning. Ten Gibsons held a semi family reunion on Sunday and a delightful time was enjoyed. Roy Thornton of Ord, who was pan ing overland to Orleans, Neb. sat dowo where he had encamped for supper last Wednesday evening, to watch bis horsas graze for a few minutes. He fell asleep and when he woke up bis horses were gone and after 4 days hunting they were still Invisible to Mr. Thornton. The quarantine was raised from the family of D. L. Adamson last Wednes day morning. This is the last of the small pox In this city, at least for the present. The house was thoroughly disinfected and it Is not likely thst we will have any more eases. This fsmlly has been well for some time but like the others wers kept under quarantine until all danger was passed. “A few months ago, food which ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cur# and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my foed is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubUs.1 II. S IMtts, Arlington, Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat —Odendahl Bros. FOR SALE.—640 acres of irrigable and alfalfa land In Dawson county, Nebraska, under ditch in practical op eration and can all be irrigated 400 acres now growing One crops of rye and 100 acres more being broken for alfalfa 320 acres of Onest land in county in this sectiou. For sale at $20 00 per acre and purchaser gets ay share of the crop. Terms easy. Apply to the owner, J A. Scott, 1’. O. Box 1271, Omaha, Nebr. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to tind an ac tive, energetic man with a torpid liver and you insy know that his liver Is tor pid when he does not relish his food or irels dull and languid after eating, ofton his headaches and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamberlain's 8tomach ar.d Liver Tablets will restore his liver to its normal functions, renew bis vital itr, improve his digestion and make him feel iikeanew man. Price 25cents Sample free at Odendahl Bros, MARRIED Bikmond—Sherman— Od Wednes day June ft,1001, at the residence of the (rooms parents in this city, Mr. John Blemond and Miss Nellie Sherman, all of this county, were united In ma-risgc, Justice W. II. Conger officiating. The ceremony oeeured at bign noon in the presence of the near relatives of the hap py couple, arter which a sumptuous re past was enjoyed by all. Mr Blemond is the son of our fellow townsman, and stock-buyer C. Biemond, and the bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sherman of the south side of the coun ty. A long, happy and prosperous life for them is tbe wish of the North western. A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase Wednesday. Frank Winkelman was bit in the band by their bird dog Monday. O. II. Whitman and Hanning Claussan of Washington twp were hub visitors Tuesday. A new boy came to live with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Reed Wednesday night. C. E. Roasetter left for Chicago yesterday morning for a few weeks visit with bis daughters. A letter from A P. Oulley written from Alberta, Canada, states that tbe mercury was rangiug from 100 to 106 In the shade. Messrs Ira and Fred Foster went to Ord Monday morning to be present at the golden wedding of their parents. They returned Tuesday. Miss Jenule Smith who has been with her sister in Cherry county the past year aril red In Loup City Monday morning for a visit with relatives aud friends. Frank Brewer says thit Monday's rain aud a few more light showers wtl) make him about $75 worth of straw berries Frank has about an acre in and if the season had been just right would have bad nearer $'50. worth to harvest. Michael Niece, of Bristol township was a pleasant caller at this office while doing business at the county seat last Monday. Mr. Niece Is a man of 83 years and la as spry as a man in good health at sixty. Mr. Niece renewed hie sub scription to this paper and is one among our first aubscribers. The Odd Fellows had a very en joyable time Wednesday night. In stead of bolding a regular lodge ses sion their families were invited to the hall and a nice supper was spread, after which an hours dancing was indulged in. The ladies had pre pared a beautiful emblematic center rug which ‘hey presented to the boys. Messrs W. J. Herrod, David Doner and Horace Bristol of Washington twp. were in the city over night Tuesday* Mr. Doner has an uglv cut on the fore head and a beautiful pair of dark green eyea as tin result of a piece of pipe striking him. II« was endeavoring to sink a sand point in the bottom of bis well which had failed him, and the auger stuck. The windlais was hitched to It and two men pulled on It The threads on tht pipe gave way and a piece about eight f. et long was jerked up with such force that It reached the top of a sixty foot well. Mr. Doner had his face so near that It grazed him in its flight and when it come back it just misted bis head. He said be was glad Just then that be belonged to the M. W A. Eczema, salirhaum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all sklu tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure Odendabl Bros. The bilious, tired, nervous man can not successfully compete with his heal thy rival. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your trouble — Odendabl Bros. There will be regular Presbyter ian services each Sunday hereafter until further notice as follows: At Loup City in the Peterson ball at 10:30 a. m.; at Austin at 3.30 p. m. and at Rockville at 8 00 o’clock p. m. All are cordially invited. Rev. G. C. Porter, Pastor. CHEAP TRIP TO CHICAGO. Via the Burlington Route. One fare for the round trip plus $2 00. Tickets on sale June 12, 13, 14 and 15. return limit Sept 15. Adi tional information about rates, tick ets and train service may be secured from nearest Agent. B & M. J. Francis, G. P. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb A Uooil Cough Medicine It speaks well for ChamberUiu's Cough Remedy when druggists eee it in their own families in preference to any other. 1 have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for the past live years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers,” ssvs Druggist .1 Goldsmith Van Etten, NT Y. ”1 have always used pi >n .' > v i fvnilv b >th 'or ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough f«d- ! lowing la grippe, and tin i it v-ry eill catlous.” For sale by Odendabl Bros. I IIIKl li K SAVED. Ily Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea llcined; “I am sure that ChamberlaiR’* Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy at one time saved my life,” says A. E. Lafa lett e,of Gregory Landing, Clark county Missouri. ”1 was in such bad shape that the doctors said I could not live. When I wa* at the lowest ebb, one of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera an i Diar rhoea Iteinedy and I took it ami got in stant relief 1 soon got up and around. That was nine years ago and I am Still la good health. Since then that tnedi cine has ai ways been iu my house and always will te. It is the best on earth ’ For sale by Odendabl Bros. If you want deeds, mortgages, leases or any legal instruments drawn at very reasonable rates when at the county seat, call on IV. J. Fisher at the North western office. All kinds of blanks on hand. A Notary l'ublic in office. Leave your orders for ice with 0. iSenschoter. PLANTS.-r-Both cabbage and tomato, for sale at VV. T. Gibsons Didn't Murry Cor Money. The Boston man, who lately married a sickly rich young woman, is happy now, for ho got Dr. King's New Life Pills, which restored her to perfect traltli. Infallible for Jaundice, Bil iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gen tle but effective. Only JSc at Odendahl Bros. WANTED.—Capable, reliable persona in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $936 salary per year, pftyabie weekly; $8 per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona Ode, definite salary, no comnuatlon; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week STANDARD HOUSE 334 Dbabborn ST., CHICAGO. 1266 EIENNIAL MEETING, General Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church. Des Moines, la., May i'9-June 10, 11*01. For the above meeting The UNION PACIFIC has made the Very low Rate of One Fare and One-third on certificate plan, from Denver, Cheyenne and all points east thereof. H. J. Clifton, AgeDts. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. I April Ti, 1901. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler Iuih Hied notice of his inten tion to tnnlte Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore JudsonC. Porter, U. S. Commissioner at Litchfield, Nebraska, on Jnne 8th 1901, viz: Adalbert J. Wilson, Timber Culture entry No. 7jT)0 for the South hail of the North West Quarter and the North half of the South W’est Quarter of Section 11, Township 14, Hange lfi. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George C.Cray, Thomas C. Cham berlain and William F. Spencer of Litch field, Neb and Thomas M Burke, of Huxley, Neb. J. W. Johnson, Register. TAKEN UP By the undersigned at Loup City Neb raska, on Saturday, May 25, l'JOl, one 3 year old brown filly, with small white strip in face, weight about 750 pounds, bai white bind feet above ankles. Owner can have same by proving pro perty and paying for this notice, coat of keeping md other necessary ex penses. O. Bknschotkk, Loup City, Nebr. WANTED,—TKUSTwoRTiir mkn and wo men to travel and advertise for old es tablished house ot solid financial standing Salary t'SO a year and expenses, all pay able iu cash. No cimvassliig required. Give reference and Inclose seir-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 3M ax ton, Bldg , Chicago. Dyspeptic* cannot be long lived be cause to live requites nourishment. Food is not nourssblng until it Is digest ed A disordered stomach connot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain Its natural func tions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and It simply can’t help but do vou good. Odendahl Bros RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest men acers to health of the present day. WOiwk tsAKIHQ POWPt* CO., HEW VO*K._ W. J. FISIlEi., Attorney and Notary Public. GEO. E. KENSCIIOTER, Publisher Lore Citt Noktith kstl-u Fisher & Benschoter, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LAKD3 FOR AT LECHINSIvY’S STUDIO, Loup City, Neb. Copijncncipg Jupe ]st. ]90| UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 15. TWO WEEKS ONLY. Leschinsky the Photographer will make a price reduc tion on cabinet photographs (the gloss finish only i for two weeks from Tuesday, June 1st, until Saturday, June loth. PRICE LIST, CABINET SIZE ONLY: Oae person to he photographed, per <1 /. $ l 00. Twf to three persons ,, I 25. Four or more persons „ „ ft 1.50. Guarantee: We guarantee the photographs to 1„- strictly first class and to give satisfaction. Parties wishing duplicates of previous sittings can now get them at the usual rate of ll.ou per d /., b We will positively not commence before June 1st to take pictures at low rate, or under any circumstances coutu.ue afn r Jme 15, neither will this offer be repeated within the next two or three years. Come one and all and take advantage of this offer at the car list date possible. M. LKSCJIINSKY, Photographer. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OUT, I I m A. s. MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • • NEBRASKA. OFFICE.-One door west of Odendahl's Drug Store. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law_and Notary Public. WUl Defend in Forecloenre Cum. also DO A General Real Estate Business. Offlcs In Nobthwmtxiu* Bonding, LOPy CITT, NKUKAH1 A A WOKTHT SUCCESSOR ■Something N#» Under Tlie sun.” All Doctors have tried to cure CaTAKKH by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers and drugs In paste form. Their powders dry up the mucus membranes causing tbtin to crack open and bleed. The power ful acids used In the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have altred to cuie, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who has lor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATAKKH, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only rellevesat once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by removing tne cause, stop ping ihe discharges, and curing all lnlla mation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as ‘•8NUFFKL3 the GUARANTEED CAT ARall CUBE" and Is sold at the extremeiy low price of One Dollar, each package con taining Internal and externul medicine sufficient for a lull months treatment and everything necessary to Its perfect use, ‘•SNUFKELS’’ is the only perfect CAT ARRH CURE ever mads and Is now recog nized us the only sate and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all lnflamatlon quickly and perma nently and is also wonderfully quick tore I lleve HAY FEVER or COLD In the HEAD I Catarrh when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION—'SNUFFBI.s” will gave you If you use it at once. It Is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which Is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh in any form or stage if used according to the directions whloh accompany each i package. Don’t delay but send for It at 1 anee and write full particulars as to yonr ' rendition, and you will receive special ad vise from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost I to yon beyond the regular price of SNtif - ! f KLS” the “ouarantekk catarrh” sent prepaid to any address In the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A1456 EDWIN It. GILES a COMPANY, 1*330 and 3332 Market Street, I’hlludelphla , Danger. (]Uen^i‘Miiil i]• .ty ({lector Hi bo<vri<. i> tie K u lv lii-i i < hi n-^nht: you «ili a*l'1 } ears to •, out I to your } ears Khm o grijie.—Odeudilil Hi,,*. i follow ne W’ltt'a Lit «• i!i(‘r.i and f<’ and life mm-, never IT IS ONE THING to cover up a flaw, it is an other to repair it. Any cross road ticker can take a watch or a clock to pieces but it takes a mechanic to put it togather a gain. If you only desire to have your time piece spoiled take it to any old shop where they have a jeweler’s sign out, but if you wish your work done by an expert who guarantees satisfaction or no pay, call at my shop. In selecting jewelry from our perfect stock, you have the comforting assurance that whatever is chosen is in strict harmony with the canons of good taste; and the* knowledge that the lowest prices are your privih ge here. Store.—North Side It. It. St. G. H. MORGAN, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LOUP CITY. NEB Don't Be Fooledi Take the i;emiine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co.. Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trada murk cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no subatl* "wursMiiB,,,, lute. Aak your druggist.