The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 31, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
«KO. E. BENinilOTEK, ) Editor* and
UKO, II (IIHSON, t rulillalier*
Hater** at the I.otip City 1'nstoflt r r this
mission through the mails us second
ela«s matter.
I nlverMly F*|i*rtn Heady to I* !•;!*?
i lie I’ent.
Tito Kearnoj Hub snts that a
grain dealer of that town had on ex
hibition at his office a few dats ago
half a dt /.on boxes of ch'ocbhug \i
rus just received anil obtained dinct
from fhe agricultural experiment
station of the Nebraska university.
The virus, or ‘'infection ' as it is
called by Prof. Lawrence llruner,
will be used by a Buffalo county
farmer to head t tf a threatened inva
sion of ehinchbugs iu his grain field.-.
The bugs have been abroad this
spring iu large numbers, but contin
ued rain* and cool weather have pre
vented i he in from doing tiny mis
^ chief, and it has been thought that
the present early breed ti.ubt die ^ ff
before warmer and driei weather
came. That is, however, a riskey
hope, and as it costs nothing more
than the trouble for any farmer 'o
secure the chinchbug virus and inoe-,
ulatc all the bugs in his immediate
locality, there is no reason why he
should take anv chances or wait to
Lave his grain attacked before doing
any thing.
Prof, limner states that ever,
person sending for the ‘•infection"
mu.-l send some live bugs from the
field in order tint the supply of in
fected bugs can be kept up. Din :
lions are to put the bugs iu ah'i box.
a baking powder can will do, with
out soil, and with a supply of green
w heat and corn. The box must have
a light fitting cover and no holes
need be made. The bugs don’t re
quire air.
On receipt of a box of bugs from
the experiment station a shallow box
D xuixti inches should lie provided,
with tight joints and a lid. Spread
half an inch of loose moist dirt on
the bottom. Sprinkle whole inside
of box w ith water and put in enough
green wheat or corn to cover the bot
tom. put into the box thus prepar
ed the infected bugs, w hether dead
or alive’ scatter them over the bot
^ tom. then put iu the box with them
a large quantity of live bugs from
the field, a pint nut being too many
for a box of this size.
After the bugs have remained in
the box two days remove bad of
them, alive and dead, and scatter
tie in over that part of the field .here
the bugs are the thickest, at tin- nine
time reph nishing the infection box
wit.j more bugs from the field. I’ou
tinue to scatter bugs from the infec
ti n box over tbe field at interval*! f
two days until it is seen that the
bugs am dying rapidly all over the
field. Keep the box moist by re
peated sprinkling and change the
green food as oftrn as it loses its
freshness. Prof. Bruner farther says:
‘•Careful attention to me direc
tions will often insure success when
careless use of tin; infection would
fail. Make daily notes on the ap
pearance of the bugs ui the infection
box and in the field, and of the
weather while the field infection is
in progress Note carefully the
chtnchbug e oiditions in neighbor
ing fields. Keep a list of tartner
who get infected bugs from your
farm. These note* may be of much
r-.due in our future desliugs with
this insect. 8*ts a quantity of fun
gus covered ami non fmgus covered
dead tings in a tin box for use the
following rear, Fut the infection
box away for future use. Should
the tii si lot of infected Ongs from the
station seem to fail in their purpose,
send without delay for anewsuppli.
There is but little use in trying to do
anything with the infection until the
outdoor temperature reaches To de
grees Fahrenheit. —8t. Fail! hep
An unregeuerate font-pad under
took to sw ipe onr governor the other
night and got left. Foot-pnds should
remember that Governor Sav. ge
came from Sargent, and that Suig u
is just 40 miles N. \V. fr- m h nip
Cnv, therefore they must expect to
find him loaded. _
The New Jewel anarchists cl. im
that Brasci, tile fellow that if" in
cited King Humbert of Italy but
July, was murdered by the guards
in attendance l ist week and b.v. c
cabled a vvoruing of vengent-e t lb
country. They seem to cm.»i:,i
tr.e murder of the King ah >*»’•
but to have the compliment returned
upon the bead of the assassin is ail
i.i i it u i* no}f hi i i \ n % { m, \
i u.\ I v t N* ^ |« 1 I'
Prarcihco, Cal. May I. o 1.
Ih*:ii M jUh i. I’a'ii ?, Ms’ers ami
brother: I ncc iced join kind letter
wliit ii l<>uad ii. < • mg itiiiveh well
and topi this may find \< u all n
j tiood health. Cin ih s Crain, r fine
been under the wi-nllur g'me, hid
kiunes frtti'i ho'hen g him hut lie id
getting uloi.o ..II • jlid" id
j lettj Will, lie uiitl 1 'ia\e ehiiruP ol
the Sc hoi 1 room, 1 m iced '.he
jurper and wa to get the new
lr m li in.’. We have four In U1S
'•bool i In I .• in the inoniing
the liugh e els us. we jet up lash out
iiammoc h no ,! .v,n ! ' ike a h.Hli
then we go and g< .. < ur breakfast.
Alter breakfast v\i- work tillUnAl ■>. k
llieu we drill t wo hours with five min
utes rest between inch hour. A>
ll o'clock we rent until noon, then
we get our dinner, After dinner we
have some sIumu tigii'iug. At mu
o’clock we drill again until four, part
of the time we have top-nail drill,
wig-waggiug, mast foiling, school,
compass, gunntrv, military, and learn
how to tie dilf'cnnt knots, well n
have every thing Wt were over to
sec* the Ohio launched, say she's a
daisy. We lired 250 shots with a
one pounder in one minute. We
will have a big ball game here Satur
day between the boys from the Iowa
and the l'eusncola. We don't liavt
any thing to do ou Wednesdays and
Saturdays. The A Art lift here yes
terday with 130 b vs on n cruise so
we will have a be tter time S*.ine
f. How stole my e- It. a mkdcbK I
last nig lit. There will b ir,m«
boys here from .Mil,neap dis, soon.
Wc aie learr.iiar to lmw al*-**. We row
bur miles one:, day. that i- I ts ol
fm. Liut pretty lend work, I lime
joined the Naval temperance league
and have a nice badge, will : end you
one if I can get it. I cannot ai.twei
all of tin* lelicr* 1 get. Ido not haw
time. The chaplain has got my eufl
baiions m il watch for tuo. 1 wi'l
get sme pictures taken .-eon 411 a
send yo u. soon
be taken away for r< pairs. One ot
the hoys lost bis v^ivi he: ig . fleeted
they say by 1 limbing masts. It
costs $125 a meal to f. 1 i all that
are here, we get fruF ttiree times a
ivnli, (ranges. On Sunday we get
fruit unit chicken. I scrub itiv clothes
three times a weak. 1 am going to
work hard for the next crui-e which
will come in ab 11! 0 m nlhs. One
of the boys got a useless dis
cliaige Tuesday after til ing here 20
months He got £ 1 nil pay , lu* had been
in the biig for 15 day s on bread arid
water. Wc had 1 linreh Surdsv. A
number of j eoplc were osa r fiotu
‘1'iiseo.’ The bnnd c< ines ' ur and
plays every day, that makes me feel
good There is a whistle in ‘Frisco’
that i*luys naval music every day, it
is grand. We har e tire drill every
week. We will get our dingy boxes
pretty soon and then we can keep
our clothing iu better shape. Well
1 it nst close for this time. Good
In to all.
Charles b. («mso.\,
It. S. T. S Pensacola, 8 an Francis
co, Cal
It is < hdmed I hat the I uitcdStao -
is far in advance of the world in ex
plosives, whi-L would giv ■ Hu m a
docided ‘idvani ig: in ei e of >■■■*,
Tin rii'upoiti'.iou of H* n, * Mvr.m
iu ii l fuarded govt rnn-i . ;<t‘Ctet.
liev. Matthews, Secretary of the
Kearney D;s. Ministerial A-soeiation
of the .M. K. Church wtiieh met at
North Loup, Neb. May Ft to l(i
1001 kindly furuishod us with the
following pi ■ notice which icic • I
! us to 1 .'c for putdicalion l ;-t we, k:
I In re were go mini: ter- in i'ti ■ d
■ a nee the vmioits counties being rif
r-sente I as f> lh>w : I’ullalo, A.
Muslin, president K Mark It; Sher
man, I, U. I*, t'-ise; Flaw
son. K. Laden. J. l’>i ,'Oiv, I). W.
(trace, \\ . L. birrs, .). Luchicy \V.
\ 15 iticher: t’m 'er: A. Hostel, |1.
Knigh'. S. C. Tul.’.s, W !•] ! j ■,
! M. S 1 int( ii, !’. i. la V:d :
j ,| t; |Jnr!1 M»t, II M. Pir'inej ; ir. i
fiel d, N II 1- I' , 111» t U r. !>•
1 )l| I >11. I V l VI : * < 1 1 C4 pi
Huntingdon of • i.e V. >.;» Fni
vet sr t - !<".( . > ■ • • : r ! . sp|> t.
dld • s o' t * ' •, 111 • I *
Miss da Ifs m, 0, i • >>1 O in Hi ■
spoke Thursday at er;-e>< n
Discussion on preuchcis, .ad \
ScLf’Ot :uh1 i c • .do work, on secondi
o >mini. of t'i.riHt, tli' Circuit Sj stern.
Worn out French*t? etc , were held
by the ministers (• ••« sent.
A e* n-iitnli< u which made loefcl
preach, >s m d ( xliorlers mem hors of ,
the association, was adopted.
The tovi ition ox'» n*l"d hy (Vzsd |
to the 1-oei.iitou to hold their next |
meeting ,tni. ia M iv, 1002 was a<
c voted.
Hes :',im ns w>re passed thanking
t - | r a,id fri'-nds at No ft h Loup
f >r 1!» ■ ;r generous hospitality, ex
cellent m-t»i.- and cord id brotherly
The <•!<■.Mng ice formed n tilting
crown to i series of meetings that
will In- memorable for years to come.
Itw. 1). \V. Crane c inducted u
truly peutccostal service ou Thurs
day evening wln-n real good and [
las’;;': benefit resulted.
\V Fi. M.vri news. Secretary, j
.1 \ ry Ii K. ’maty,
“ i: i wi h a good ill' ll of pleasure and
■i ;t f .ctioii tliu i l'l’i i' mend Chamber*
Iain's ( hj: ic, t dio!i r i ai il Idlariboca If"
ill* d’-s ys |>i iq’g >t A W. HaWtelie,
if Hartford, ( "imi, "A lady costumer,
seeing the remedy expo id fill Ml'*) Oil
oi' -lio.v case. *:,iil to me: ‘I really be
lieve that tin divine iv, I m\ life the
past summer while at the short’and
-In i, ,-ami* so i niliu-i i-tie over it- trier
ts tlrii ! at oni' in.-ole up my mind to
ree, inmnd it in the future, Keoioitly
t gent bon ho e one into hi y store so over
•ome wiiii eo'i pains that lie sank at
it *• i • * ’1, il ,, r, I j iv<■ him a dose of
'in rt tiii d v.high In I, ed him. I n •
p, ' ' ' u.ise mi l . i fteen minutes
Ii I* ; • : e-ton -miiiu;; \ informing III*'
: h • t In f' It We i i \ I." Hold bj —
Odei dalil Bros.
■ ii t\r. oiti-tx ’itvst.Ki.riMi i'ar,!j
I'Oli TOl KfsTS.
arc ihe i io r e a,!.,: table, commodious
of trav**! lor large parties intend
! M : t i * IS, hf.ltlC:* ill* IS. alld llUlltillg
These . v- run on the I lii m Pacific
iaiij from Nebraska in i Kansas points
ro < ulifoniiit, ml Orectti points and
mi fitted up eotufd ’te with mattresses,
u, t; hi„nkei , pillows, etc , requlr
imp iio'hii’R I*' l,!' fur i hid bv tin
pus-'i ger I’uifornv d porters in
•h ,rge ol lh<* e ar , ate r quired to keep
tl»« in-in pood order, and look after the
wants andininf it-of all passengers
fheears are in -'. • f modern pattern,
.) d arc aSmom a- convenient and cotu
f'lrtable as til-C-( l.'iss Palace Sleeper?.
Kxeursion retes every I'uesdiy. For
full information call on nr address
II .1 t’l.iKTON. Agent.
\ it 1 .\ieiisivo Mock KhIm r Tf 11s How to
Scours in Calve.
Win Abbot, of Tyndall, S. !».. quite
in i xteiigivc: stock iaiscr, lias f"r a sum
H■ i i f j cur- used Uhamtic rlaiii’s (Jolie,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Runedy lor
act u •• In calves and says lie lias never
kn.' n it to fail. II jjiyea a teaspoon
i d iu wati r ns directed cn tin* bottle
[or an adult n in fter each operation o[
the t owels to re than natural. Usually
one do e is Miiticlrut Fnrsalebj Od« r.*
d all 1 HlOS.
Into each 1 iid some tuiti must fall,
Wise people don't -it, down and bawl;
Only f.,ols suicide, .or take to ll'glit,
-mart people t ik" Rocky Mountain
Tea id ni^ht. A*k your drujrkjist.
lkwarf ot n Coiiglt.
\ emiyh is not * disease but a avmp
i. in. i on| umotmn and bronchitis,
•v! d !, are the uiojt ii inger u; an 1 fatal
discs. have forth ir ilr.t imlicinioi
t j ersi-ti'i r emi^h, and if p operli
t: < i'»i! ..on - ilps coiifli 111 > j i »■ h i -
. . • >1 ' in • d < 'hr ll)fieri a in's CiiUs;
tl U.f !y ill- pr Vi|i wo <lcrfu"y Mil'll
vd ain-d its wide r-putidion
.»■ J i\ten-ive sate Uy i 14 -ucct ss iucur
I tl* ui-a a.-e which cause inn jit’-"
!i t Is i.t. b.. wfK'ial it i•«* not Cl*.'
: a > M. For ikl" h\ —Odit .*» b'
Ii! S.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
CLncigo, Butte,
Sr. do eph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas < ’ity, Portland,
Sr. Louis, San Fntnctocn,
anil all points and all point#
Fast anil South. West.
No. ”>i PHsaenuer.s:06a. ra
No (HI l- ro.i.i'lit . . .u an p i*
So at Pa-s' :or . I.’.’p. Bi.
No. Ati !■ vetitht.matin, in.
■1 1'1! ■' dim. r ’.ret 1 c< Inina cli.alr cart
" In 1 (i:i ' rou:,’!: trains. Ticket*
out I •' .On" I to any [hjiuI III
u o' U n in .1 suites or i amid a.
1 r 5. •••>. met ion, maps, tune lathes nod
in"', ts i oi or write to It. L Arlliii:
* (i J.i i Si i i, L <ii‘l,
H( 1,1.,ill :Us, *o-»»i'a.shll,
0. P. Il.Ui.WA5
t , 1 leav'ii daily except Sunday (pa*.%
i "ii. 00 a. in.
n - ( I .'•( .- Monday, Wednesday nnd
Ki 1 . ‘ d) i :S0 ji. in.
’• I'ue lay, Ttiur* tay and
! I • . Old XI d I X hi O. Hi
.' "veep! Sunday (mixed
U:05 j: in.
dady ii: c|il Sunday (pass
i enrol ) ? "a p in.
E'uste • i vi. •• it11-i i'l,>.-e counuclicni
Ii net, U cal and miulll
i ft njj,-j '/ H *'; ,1 "i • f i Rli
/ /iSfj 1 •'» i V‘i 3 if i
Zj lliiu u ilj^ .j Ij jj j.i
I : A ; ) v v . U R N IT U R E.
or easing wells.
V- ,VI. . 3. Roup City, Neb.
ini liOMi: goi n ' I 'tr
All liigculo * A j-1-i* t ; * ««• -s
Drunkard* ard ilt?i u g t an1 i l> * *!y
lit spite of Them < iv (*•<
fc o > *» \i 11* Hone* N » W' aknr iiL; ol ■ > >o
A pl« ii*ai>t an 1 |hi<*l vc i ur.
for i tie 1.1 «| u »v II :ibit.
It m ••• • nci : kn* .i ... i ’
tluit I); o me- • - a . ■ ui: .
com !■ v ii.r.t . '
US'..' > : : ■ ; i in
dol ' ’ ! n. • . • . ig Jr
this ;■ ‘ . u. * •• ••• ... h l •»
to: •* ‘I- i n. n
vc with ii \ ib i > *•
; !
liu'.a if :l *
aft • • • -itt ■ 1 • • ■ n:
of ll . .at* Th* faith! i us . • • to
direct otm of this v, i.,. 1 dmiov j ». 1
i ti v. i>m mi -4 1 to c■on* Ok* ; . »*'. nn;U*'
case. i » matter hn\ hard ;.i drink* . u ?».- |
■ .
thousands of Drunkards into sober in., Mi us j
and Upright men.
ody *s in n sense a nostrum blit n citic
for th di-ruse only, and is o -u f-d; do
vist ■ i and prepared that, it is th*■•■•m . : . s
ble met pleasant to tit* taste, -o t. • * i -n 1
given in u eup of tea or v :* t .•
knov iv igc: nf the person t;• kitig it ; * . r\
of lv ’ Uards have cured them-e lv.. w.\
pries . srtmedy, •mda- many tie i
cim* i and marie temp* i le m u 1 . ha\
relatives vvithoui their knowledge In t • *.■•
tea. and believe today that they timet :.i .*•
drinking of their own free will. DO 1 o'
WAIT* Do d
misleading improvement." DC <•
disease at, once un<l for all time T. : • ■ :
G<>: I) CURE*’ is Hold at the e.v . .m
pr < • of One Dollar, thus phi.n, withi.. : ;
uf e\erybody a treatment more t h . t uai t . .
ntU< s costing >.5 to $ftO. Full ‘lire ti •
companding each parkago. bpechd ;»d .
skilled physicians when requested witlmu: ex
tra ehargo. Sent prepaid to any part . *•
world on receipt of One Dollar. A*i i
and ii332 Market Street, i’liila It Ipld i,
corn spondenee strictly confide: .i ii
Wanted.—Capable, reliable per - m :u • r\
v unity to reprt •?»: la*, e eompji . * > -ti*
financial reputation: t'.Gtf sahtm per y* > 1 >
able weekly: Id per day absolute!' sure line
all expenses, straight. b<e. i tide, <)<• *i* • C*
ary, no commission; salary paid efteli Satur
day ;iml expense money ; tranced each w« k
si andapd house 331 dkakimum sf' eft
WANTED. TBI'H ivolllin MI-NANtt "
turn to travel inn! ndvertfM for n. t it. b
lndwd liouso of solid financed s'ai .g.
Salary . 58»a year an*l cjc;i use-, all p.»yn
bln in en*l>. No I'Uavassin* r. rpnn l.
<iive ref< renew .mil eixii-.o (II I ■ "‘1
►tnixiprA eiivirlnpt-l, A hlri-i M i -t.
i5.i c-i*lull lll-tg., Chicago.
m n
J? : t '■ • ■
m p t
lii 1
popsia Cure
D ' what you eat
ItfUftSC ■ ; :» S
Nature I “kW’urtheniier and -ocou
struct! ng kin* * h,;-isi d o r*
Kar.s. It is the latest discosi *d ■ i-_- -
ant, and tonic. No otl -i pnpanMon
can approach it in efficiency. I in*
slantly relieves , pprnia.'’<-:.:i- a --ca
Dr peV-sia, ’>■.■■■ . i u ' oT
Flatulence, Sou; -.oi.uJi, b " a,
Biel: Headache,Guat; d*rla,Cramp da
al I other resu Its of iiu pe; f e* ;t d igo.>li*D.
Prepared ty E. C DeWitt ACo.-Cblcuo*
| For sinl by OhllN'D.ilit DUOS.,
Mill n't i ■* . ’ i '4*.
* I ' ' mI • * • M:tJI
'’n I ! * . i hey . O ,
' iiij y I • ;V • t • • • K. !•
ii*> : ! i w -! iv fi (ruin
• Sill i-in frt iion In i.i 'i a'k
!>i nip Mft - me
j • • I (VI: ' ri o , b it
I • -lit \n II'. ' ll Itge
F '• i"rit !!!i i • • ■ * - . ni
p * * , i, • i! .>•
i i < ■ in . " i • im.i \ . i i -
it< F il
I!n i I’ , i n !i
’i i I by i/ . i ii .
•li- ■ iml Women of good address to rep
( us. >oni lo travel appointing agents,
'. i bn lot-nl work looking after our
■' lion 'alary guaranteed yearly ;
• i in '. none anil expenses, rapid ad
' *l established house Grand
i .i men or women to secure
i t rtiiiaiuBl positions, liberal ln
u future. New bnlllent lines
Write iu onee
nrc'ii st , New Haven o«n>
j '5
agent run the
i a. Mil a Marine Insurance
O'i I' VN Y, I ONI/; 11 ELI AH HE
«v :I( > • in 1!. If ho does not
Loup City, Neb.
Pi ,ideal. Caabl«r.
' B* IY|K
. ■ ■
r ;-f>* '■ ' o''ing
L ,.i; ... ensacted.
PriJ up Cc-Pi-38 f tock $20,000.
Scfitoerd Nat nal - New York City, N. Y.
Wia W ■ Dank, Omaha. Nebraska.
:;uaftefs fof
VVi q >iianee tor making first class
1 i u: or ! yd ran lie Wells and
i - pet' fnl' v -it your order. ') r charges are reasonable
jour price: m- . rht. Wo have added a feed grinder te our
1 bu iuoss aii i a < prepared to do custom work or furnish
: iround fe#d at reasonable rates.
wf uKi'Me :ni>i-:i:s ni> noit- i: powers and guakan
^.,-7 \