The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 31, 1901, Image 4

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    Uaoal I7dws.
M n— --- 1 -
N B. Thompson was at the hub Sf
C. LI. I* I am beck of Ashton was in l tie
city Monday.
Kverctt Kitted,of Rockville wa- in
the city Friday.
This section was visited b> a severe
frost last Saturday night.
I.ew Hadcr is being rushed with well
wort; in all its blanches this spring
For first c'ass ice leave your
orders with James W. Conger.
Heavy Ibaft Stallion will stand at
the Round Frout Baru during the season
of 1901. api‘2f>—u o o
Mrs. Samuel Hancock sold 77| do/,
eggs in live weeks. Pretty goad to be
accomplished in town.
Special low rate on Cabinet l’ho
tographs only #1.00 per <1 oz, at
Lecbinsky’s studio.
John Koch, a young man living wist
of Rockville, was placed in jail the other
day for thrashing his father.
Billy Rowe came up from Aurora
last Saturday and spent Sunday with
his family, returning Monday
Charles Hid brought his wife t ■ town
Monday for medical treatment. Mrs.
Hill has been ailing for a long time.
Al. Morgan Of Oak Creek drove into
town Saturday with a spanking nc•
double seated spri g wagon. I’rospt ri
ty of the right stamp lias oyerta! <n Al.
The least In quantity and most in
quality describes JPsWitt's Idttle Foil
Risers, the famous pills lor constipa
tion, and liver complaints.—Odeuddi
Ij. A. Wi’son who was called home
from Oklahoma some time ago on ac
count of tht sickness In his fatirlv. i
turned the first of the week. Lew i
stuck on that country.
Farmer# come to the linrne## shop
when you want tlv nets, dusters,
pads, gall pads, axle grrrse, or ropni'
ing done on your harness, I. ,'t wait
until yon poil them W. s uw t.x.
The brink work on the now German
church was completed I i-t Saturday. It
li one of the most artistic j->bs ' f bri
work in tl’ ■ country and reflects ore iit
on it* constructor#, Messrs Oh'seu Lii.
Skin afl’cctiuiis wiil readily disappear
by using l)e Witt's Witch ll.iz 1 Salve.
Lookout for counterfeits. It you get
DeWitts you will get good results. It
is the quick and positive cure for pili s.
—Odendahl Bros.
Mr. W. J. Bax’er of North Bro<>k,
N. C. says be sufl’ered with piles for
fifteen years, lie tried many remidies
with no results until he used DeWitts
Witch llszcl Halve and that quickly
cured him. Odendahl Bros.
Mr#. F. M Henry is doing a nice bus
iness in the millinery line. Her stock
is very complete and customers can tlieic
get a fine stock to select from. All new
goods and of the latest fashion. Loca
tion on west side of public square.
Geo. Chapman was doing business at
the Hub Saturday. Mr. Chapman and
sons are farming 100 acres of land this
year. They have put in three hundred
acres of small gram and finished plant
ing one hundred acres of corn last
A letter frotn Charles Gibson who
with his comrades, Charles Cramer anil
•'Bid'’ Taylor, are now stationed at Goat
Island, near San Francisco, gives their
parents and friends the pleasure of
knowing that the boys have got down
to business in the navy ami seem to be
enjoying it.
John Carpenter, Tom Dillon, Al. and I
Elias Ogle A J. Wilson, l’hilip II il j
and others of Austin, were in the city
Tuesday. They were making the tin d i
preparations in regard to building n !
Woodmen hall at Rockville, When !
these boys put their shoulder to the ■
wheel something moves.
C. U. Smith left Monday morning for
Lincoln. Mr. Smith was net fully vat
iifled whither he would return or me
If Suited he may locate south of tli
Flatte. Mr. Smith has hern at this plan
for the past eight year-, he is a first
class harness m iker ami a g o i citi/<
and we hope he may conclude to return
Mr A. D Lane, special agent of tie
Bell telephone company wn- in the city
Tuesday looking up the interests of bis
company. Mr. Lane informs us
the Bell company expects to have then
lino complete to Loup city inside ,,f
00 days. This is a long distance phoi e.
and will give us direct connections w iUi
cities as far cast as New York. It d o
connects us with 385 different to mi in
“I have been suffering from Dyspep
sia for the past twenty years ami have
been unable after trying -ill prepara
tions and physicians to get any re ;■ f.
After taking one bottle of K<>dol Dy
pepsia Corel found relief and am now
In better hea’th than 1 have been for
twenty years 1 can not praise Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure too highly," thus writes
Mrs. C. W. Robert*, North Creek, Aik
• Odendahl Bros.
Tbo ra/irg of the old Massaaoit
house removes one of rim oldest land
marks In Loup city. The first part of
it was bui.t in 1874. and the east wing in
’80 and it was a widely known hostelry
It* distraction removes lrorn view Hie
site of many pleasant memories and
some that are not so pleasant, ami will
long be remembered by old settlers and
Judge Wall went to Broken Bow last
Sunday <-n legal business.
J d Iiappof Ashton made us a pleaa
mr call while in town Monday.
()•'» :ir IJ.uiish of Boekville was cireu
litlngul the county scat Tuesday.
IBllv Straukman marketed 4 head of
ling- Monday receiving $15 00 therefore.
August Beushauscn ami son Julius of
A«litoti were doing business in the city
Mr. mid Mrs. 1 N. Bullock of the
south side were county seat visitors
last Monday.
Joseph Johns of Rockville, was a
p caiHut caller Saturday He ordered
this pap* r to his address.
T M Heed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
Gleaning and Oiling harness
done at the harness shop of
W. »S. Owen.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rensink of near
DiviO-. entertained Mr. and Mrs Geo.
porter and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Righte
nour with an ice cream dinner last Sun
Mis- Pboeba Gibson of Tyrone, Pa.,
a sister of G. W. Gibson of Litchfield,
ai l a cousin < f ye junior scribe is pay
ing li«-r Sherman county relatives a yi»it
at present.
You are much more liable to disease
w !>- n your liver and bowels do notact
|.i DeWitt's Little Fairly Risers
r- -IV the cause of disease. —Oden
dalil Bros.
lio land Sbettler who has been work
ing at Riverton, Neb., the past year
ci e up Saturday evening for a weeks
vBit vviii friends and relatives. Rol
1 uml looks well
- I ^HUl| JUU^llJVlIl tiuu CApc
i i i* • vo tlieir little ones Rocky
M .inti.m Toatills month, keeps thorn
a Made bv Madison Medicine
Co Asl; your druggist.
I> t forget to look up Lech in-'
-i,\ display nd. in this paper. Vou
will find that it is just the thing you
hfixc haen looking for.
I r a -t ill''neck there is nothing bet
i linn a free application of Chamber
's 1 • in ltalui. It quickly relieves
Ci t t! i s and soreness, effecting a
ornpU to cure. For sale by—Odendalil
Mrs. .t. Xo matter what causes facial
■ uptin i, absolute cleanliness inside
ind out i< the o dy way to cure them.
Hooky Mountain Tea taken this month
*. ill drive them away. 35c. Ask your
W. II. Morns returned from West
B'-int. Monday. Will reports that Mr.
Ja ger has got his store in running or
der nl is doing a nice business. Mr.
M it: looks well and says he never had
the iunill pox,
A letter from Calvin Rightenour
state* that he has arrived at Watonga.
Oki , ai d is very favorably Impressed
with the country. He says it rained
ev ly day the tint week he was there.
We had a pleasant chat with Mr. Ped
aci>rd the young man who recently re
t irned from (he Philippines the other
div. Mr. Peddacord says he enjoyed
hi* soldier experience very much and
saw a considerable of the world, but he
thinks he has had enough of war.
Any one residing in the west side
of the county can make any arrange
ment necessary for undertaking and
embalming with C. W. Gibson at
Litchfield. All orders will be
promptly and satisfactorily attend
ed to at reasonable rates.
The announcement Is out from Arca
dia that Mr. C. O. Cooley and Miss
ll 'iuid, oflhat city will be united in
marriage on June 5th. Mr. Cooley Is
the editor of the Arcadia Champion.
V -s Hound is (he daughter of Mr. and
V s purl Hound who are well known
iti this city.
\ P < 'alley, the Loup City capitalist,
-« J through town Monday mormag
t his w.iv to Alberta. Ezra Theinp
•"m thinks the other laud sharks will
l:i\t in keep their eves open now or
*' diev will gobble up all the good
i i King K1 wards dominion.—
'it. Paul Republican.
i- R. Foster of Endorlin, North Da
's vi ted bis brothers, Ira and Fred
t this place this week. Mr Foiter
•me down to be present at the golden
• ■ddiegnf hi< parent* which will take
a ce at Ord next Monday, June 3rd
. a ir fiftieth annlversity will be cele
brated by a family reunion.
1 f people only knew what we know
! ut Kmlol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
- ii>id in nearly every household,
; tleie are few people Who do
ii"' ulfer from a feeling of fullness
d eating, belching, flatulence, sour
-loiha ih or water brash, caused by In
ii o -t. n or dyspepsia. A preparation,
s 'U us Kmlol Dyspepsia Cure, which,
'Ii no sid from the stomach, will
d v ur f"Od. certainly can’t help
but do you good. Odendahl Bros.
Mr Samuel Ritchey of Bedford conn
•y Penn , a brother of Mrs W.T. Gibson
and Mr Henry Ritchey of Grace,
v lo, Penn, visited in the city this
week. Mr Samuel Ritchey I* n Punkaul
n iii*tcr ard wa* tn attendance on the
r an' r.l annual meeting at Lincoln.
Mr lb m v Ritchey is a merchant. The
' ogentieinen were very favorably lm
pressed wiMi Sherman countv. They
left on their letutn tilpycsterday morn
Peter Hehnke ami M's. HlrlngUm
were united in marriage last Monday.
Peter is one of our most substantial
farmers and a respected gentleman The
bride has not been a resident of Loup
Cily long, having moved here from
near Mason City. The best wishes of
ihe Noutiiwkstkun are extend'd to tie
happy couple. May they live long and
The cadets of tfco State University
are divided into four companies. Com
panies A and B are the tailor, arid C
and I) are of shorter stature. A massive
silver cup is awarded to the b drilied
company each year. Nine years ago
Omaha offered the cup to the cadets ol
adjacent states and Co , A of Nebraska
won it This year Co , A won it again
which is the tirst time since. Two of
Loup City's tall sons are members of
this company, viz , Newton Pilger and
Robert Mathew.
The Unde Tom’s Cubiu show ar
rived here on scbedual time last
Monday aud gave tbeir show iu the
big tent in the evening. They were
favored with a good audience aud
we hear very favorable comments
from those who attended. Uncle
Tom's Cabiu is an old play but al
ways appears new and interesting
when well played.
Old man Wheeler whom we men
tioned last week as having been ar
rested and placed in jail on a charge
of incest, was turned loose on a
$500 bail boud Saturday last, Aug.
Jescbki being the sponsor. On
Tuesday morning Mr. Jesuhki i-atne
to town and reported that the old
man was missing and at this writing
the sheritf is stil! trying to locate
The memorial services at the M.
E. Church last Sunday was well at
tended and the sermon preached by
Rev Madely was a most excellent
one. At 10 o’clock a. m. members
of Shiloh Post and Ladies of the
Circle gathered at G. A. R. bnil and
then marched to the church. The
room was beautifully decorated with
flags, bunting and flowers aud pro
sonted a fine and pleasant appear
ance. Mr. Madely preached on
hour aud 13 minutes and held his
audience in rapt attculion from the
beginning. His closing remarks to
the old soldiers and the ladies of the
Grand Army was eloquen*. comment
orabie and pathetic, aud brought
tears to the eyes of many of bis
The old Board of education elected
teachers the past week for our city
schools for the subsequent year. The
same corps of teachers as last year were
employed with the exception of Miss
Young, whose place will be filled by
Miss Nettie Conger. The teachers fare
all good, able instructors and we were
pleased to hear of the selection, but
why Miss Young should be turned down, |
after the perfect satisfaction she gave
the patrons last year, can only be ac
counted for by 'hat word which i- a
curse to our public institutions, "favor
itism.” Mias Conger was chosen after
nearly or quite a hundred ballots and
speaking in political parlance, was the
‘dark horse,” But it made matters per
fectly plalc why some of the board have
been throwing out feelers and making
slight Insinuations apparently for ttie
purpose of prejudicing Miss Young's
case before the people. In the matter
of our spread of small pox, which we
refer to, Miss Young was not to blame,
but rather blame the parties who told
her to open her room personally instead
of hiring a substitute for a couple
of weeks.
Kev. J. Madely and wife and Mrs. G
K Behsehoter went out to Cobb creek
last Tuesday afternoon to try their luck
fishing They joined brother Brown of
the Timet-lndependent, who was found
wondering up and down the bank trying
to persuade tome foolish member of
the finny tribe to swallow the hook,
but instead they kept nibbling at hi*
bobber. When he was joined by the
party above mentioned the two gentle
men took up the fishing net and suc
ceeded in capturing one small rat fish
and two bass while the ladies describe
their experience about as follows:
As we sat perched upon tho land.
The tlshes all in sight.
We had our Ashing polls In hand.
The tinnies took their flight.
We saw them going up the stream.
T was getting on towards night.
We sat and Ashed, and Ashed, and Ashed
And never got a bite.
- ♦ » ♦ ---.
We have in sight the largest crop
of apples, Cherries, Raspberries and
Strawberries ever grown in this part of
Nebraska We will want 10 girls to
pick fruit and a thousand customers to
eat it
W. P Jknkins. Arcadia, Neb
---♦ ♦ -
Old Soldiers Experience
M. M. Austin, a civil was veteran, of
Winchester, Ind., writes: “My wife
sick a long time in good doctor's treat
menf. but was wholly ourn) by Dr.
King’* New Life PRiv which work d
wonder* for her health.” They always
do. Try them. Only 2r>e at—Oden♦
dahl Bios.
Farmers when you want a
good tiling in the harness line
always go to the harness shop
of— W. S. Owen.
\\ ANTliD.-*Capable, reliable persons in
every county to repteient largo company
of solid financial reputation; SICK; salary
per year, payable weekly, 3 per day abso
lutely sure and all expenses; straight,
bona Ode, detlnite salary, no commtelion;
salary paid each Saturday and expense
money advanced each Week STANDARD
lioi sK ail Dkakbokh St., t niCAoo. l-.’ur.
I f you want deed*, mortgages, leases
or any legal instruments drawn at very
rea*onob'e rate* w lien at ttie county
seat, call on W. J. Fisher at the North
wkstebn office. All kind* of blanks
on hand. A Notary Public in office.
- —-—
Leave your orders for ice
with 0. Bensehoter.
■ —- • ♦ -
FLA NTS—Both t abbage and tomato,
for sale at W. T, Gibsons
■ - ♦- • ♦ ■ . ■
Fought For Ills I,tie
‘‘.My father and sister both died of
Consumption,’’ writes J. T. Weather
wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., “and I was
saved from the same fright ful fate only
by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at
tack of Pneumonia loft au obstinate
cough and very severe lung trouble,
v.hich an excellent doctor could not
help, but a few months' use of this won
derful medicino made me as well as
ever and I gaiurd much in weight.” In
fallible for Cough*,Cold* and all Throat
and I.ung trouble. Trial bottles free.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and 8100 at —
OJcndabl Br s.
• Our little girl wi - tineonscimis from
strangulation during a sudden ana ter
rible attack of croup. I quickly secur
e I h bottle of One Minute Cough Cure,
giving h«r three dose.-. I'hc croup was
mastered and our little darling speedily
rec vered. ‘ So writes A I. Spafford,
(Chester, Mieh. Odendahl Bros.
DeWitt's Little Kirly Kisers search
ihe remotest parts of the bowels and
removes tti— impurities speedily with
no discomfort. They are famous for
their efficiency. Ea«y to take, never
gripe.-(> lendahl Bros.
General Svnod Evangelical
Lutheran Church.
lies Moines, la. May 2ff-June 10,
1U01. For the above meeting
lias uta'le the
Very low Rate of One Fare
and One-third
on certificate plan, from Denver,
Cheyenne and all points east thereof.
II. J. Clifton, Agents.
Hepartment of the Interior,
I.amt OilSce at Lincoln, Neh. i
April 22, nan. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will t.u made be
fore Judson Porter, l'. s. Commissioner
at l.ltchlleld, Nebraska, on Jane 8th 118);,
viz: Adelbert J. Wilson, Timber Culture
entry No. 7ij0 for the South half of the
North West Quarter and the North half of
the South West Quarter of Section 11,
Township 14, Range IB, He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: George C.Gtay, Thomas C. Cham,
bf rlain and William F. Spencer of Litch
field, Neb, and Thomas M iiurke, of Iluxley,
J. W. Johnson, Register.
It Saved 111* Leg.
I’ A. Datifortb, of I.aGrange, Ga„
Suffered for six months with a fright
ful running sore on his leg; but writes
that Bueklin's Arnica Salve whully cur
ed it in live days. For U Ice is, Wounds,
I’iles, its the best salve in ihe world.
Cure guaranteed Only 25j. Sold by
Odendahl Bros.
By tlic undersigned at Loup City Neb
raska, on Saturday. May *5, 1901, one Ji
year old brown tilly, u i b small white
strip in face, weight about 750 pounds,
hat white bind f*ei above ankles,
O* n» r can have same by proving pro
party and paying for this Dotice, cost
nf keeping and other necessary, ex
pe rises. O Bknscuotku,
l.oup City, Xobr.
men to travel and advertise for old es
tablished bouse or solid financial standing,
salary yis<) u year and expenses, all pay
able in cash. No canvassing required.
(Jive reference and Inclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. Address Manager, 365
axton, llldg , Chicago.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Lore Citt NoKTUWKBTKt*
Fisher & Benschoter,
Town Lots, Wiicl, Cultivated and irrigated
CojrijTiencipg Jupe fst. |90|
Leschinskv the Photographer will :: ko a price reduc
tion on cabinet photographs (the gloss finish only - Or two weeks
from Tuesday, June 1st, until Saturday, June 15th.
Oae person to be pbotogr.tjdje i inr d - | i (i
Tw< to three persons .... 1 i‘ •
Four or more persons ,, t< 1,50,
Guarantee: We guarantee the pit >’ , i, , <*iuss
an»* to gi \** ?* eif.ioiion. Punier wishiit * , .,. t i«■ \inos
can now get them nt the listed rule » i si i » ;
We >.ii! positively uot commence f i .J , i , , ; 'tores
at low rate, or under any eireun.Mai < < - t-oi i d : e i:, r citlicr
will this offer be repeated within th* next u\o <u t'e-. \. ih.
Come one and all and take advantage of this of] or at lire oar
list date possible
M. LESCJIINSKY, PI lotographer.
OFFICE.-One dtor v\o>t of Cdeoda il’s
Drutf Store.
Attornsy at Law and Notary Put)!!s.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In NoitTHWcsTiim Building,
‘Something New Under
Tlio sun.”
All Doctors have tried to cure CATARRH
l»y the use of powders, acid Rases, Inhalers
and drugs in pnale form. Their powders
dry up the mucus membranes causing
llu in to crack open and bleed. The power
ful acids used In the Inhalers have entirely'
eaten away tho same membranes that
theii makers have ain ed to cum, while
pastes and ointmentscannot reach tti* <u -
sease. An old ami experienced practitioner
who has lor many years made a close
study and specialty of the treatment of
OATARRH, has at last perfected a treat
ment which when laithfully used, not only
relieves at once, hut permanently cures
OATARRH, by removing the cause, slop
ping the discharges, and curing mi inila
ination. It Is the only remedy known to
science that actually reaches the a minted
parts. This wonderful remedy Is known as
ARkH I UhK" and is sold at the extremeiy
low price of One Dollar, each package con
tainin'' Internal and external medicine
sufficient forufull months treatment and
everything necessary L> ltannrfix t
"SNUFF ELS’’ is the only perfect ( AT.
a Kit II CURE ever mad* and Is now recog
nized as the only safe and positive cure 1<>i
that annoying and disgusting disease. It
cures all indainat Ion quickly and perma
nently and Is also wonderfully quick tore
llcve H VY FEVKIt or CO 1.1) In I lie lll:,\l>
Oatakkii when neglected often leads to
Consumption—"SNUrpKLS” will save you
if you use it at once. It Is no ordinary
remedy, hut a complete treatment which
is positively guaranteed to cure oatakkii
In any form or stage if used according to
llie directions which accompany each
package, ixin’t delay but scud for it at
once and write lull particulars ss to yonr
condition, aid you will receive special ad
vise from the discoverer of this wonderful
remedy regarding your case without on
to yon beyond the regular price of sni . -
(sent prepaid to any address in lie l ull <1
Slates or Canada on receipt or one Dollar.
Address Dept. AF.5 EDWIN if. dij.Es *
COMPANY, fit: 10 and t*33t’ Market Street,
A '•» < *'.« «! A n t H Quickly l urcil.
I flored nun a severe
»pr#i • -t ■ ,' M»> S Geo. K Cary,
' e Va.
" \ i < Vi-.! . r 11 e >mmended
i suceu--', 1 tried
1 . :uk! am pleaa*
«d to se .ill 's (lei as 1
b '4'.ii 1 1 .it.iett eu • speed!
i - letnedy li *s also
t ,'m’v for fros' bitten '
\v. li !e i. results. I eliterful
Iv reeo an. I i - u io •• ]| who may
neeil a It• «• liniment.” Sold by —
Oi’endahl f!i >v
to con it up it flaw. It is an
| other to repair it. Anyeros*
; road ticker can take a Nvatch or
, a clock to pic -os hut it takes a
■ mechanic to put it togather a
I gain, li von only desire to
have your time piece spoiled
take it to any old shop where
they have a Jonnt ier's sign out,
hut if you wish your work done
by an expert who guarantees
satisfaction or no pay, call at
mv shop.
lu S'-icoingjcNvelry from our
|"‘ri<,|.*t lock. Null have the
comforting assurance that
what eve. is cl.o ■■•n is in strict
oaruxt;\ '• i !i the canons of
! g(M>d t»i't- and the knowledge
that the lu est prices arc vour
privilege here.
Store. r!!i Side It. R. St.