Liocsal Daws. Mr. Gee moved to hi? farm Monday. Charles Grow came over from Mason, Sunday returning Monday. Levi Goodwin of Verdurette, proved up on his claim last Saturday. OIL W. Pedler was nursing a hand some vacination this week. The Loup City creamery turned out 700 lbs. of gilt edge butter Thursday. Miss Edna Williams of Ashton is visiting in the city this week. The Rockville boys have half the money raised for the new Woodmen hall. Heavy Draft Stallion will stand at the Round Front Barnduriug the season of 1901. apr25—it o o. Otto Petersen is attending the Grand assembly of the Royal Highlanders at Hastings to-day. The city marshal has also been ap pointed pound matter. Look out for your stock. C. D. Neal of Omaha and editor of the Fraternal Review, was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Turner has gone to St. Francis. Kan., te look after her exten sive landed interests. A great many of our people are beau tify ing the graves of their departed at the cemetery this spring. Frank Smith, Ray Pedler aud Robt. Young, visited St. Paul Tuia day and took in the circus. The post office was moved one door east of its former location last Sunday and Mr. Owen enjoyes better quarters. Mrs. E. Holcomb who moved to Per ry, 0. T. a month ago, we understand will be back shortly. She cannot stand the climate. T. M. Heed just recieved a car load of three row cultivators. They are of the latest, makes and are giving gener al satisfaction. The least in quantity and most in quality describes DaWitt’s Little Early Kisers, the famous pills for constipa tion, and liver complaiuts.—Oden dabl Bros. The Odd Fellows of this vicinity will give a supper and banquet for the bene fit of the members and their families the evening of June 4th. Mrs. Tena Lyman nee Taylor, suc cessfully completed the third year of the course at the Creighton Medical College of Omaha, last week, gaining the high average of 9<>, Sikin affections will readily disappear by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get L>e\Y itts you will get good results. It Is the quick and positive cure lor piles. —Odendabl Bros. T. 8. Nightingale and Wm. Cramer attended Grand Lodge A O. U W. at Nebraska City, this weak as delegates from Loup City Lodge. This ordtr is making rapid atrid**a )n this state at present and is highly deserving of its sacceas. Smallpox in Loup City is very close a thing of the past. Ic is now all clear ed up with the exception of one ea-e, the small child of D. L. Adamson, the last of the other quarantines having been raised Wednesday morning. The Minister and wife of Litchfield, drove 0yer last Monday and accompan ied Rev. Madely and E. A. Brown, on Tuesday, to North Loup, to attend a ministerial conference. They returned Friday Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook, N. C. says he suffered with piles for fifteen years He tried many remidies with no results until he used DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve and that quickly cured him. Odendahl Bros. Rev. G. C. l’orter, of St. Paul, called at this office last Thursday. He is a young student fresh from college, and will take charge of the Presbyterian work at this place, Ashton and Rock ville. At present he will locate at the latter place Mrs. Job* Clark and son Silas, left Monday morniug for Uniouville, Mo., where they go for the benefit of the boy’s health. If they like the country they expect to stay and Mr. Clark and the other members of the family will go therein the fall. Ye Junior editor had a pleasant visit with Joseph Pearson, sou of J. K. Pear son of Litchfield, while in Omaha last week. Mr. Pearson is foreman of the largo wholesale establishment of Lee Clark Andreeson Jit Co. He has been with this firm a number of years and thoroughly enjoys their confidence. •‘I have been suffering from Dyspep aia for the past twTeuty years and have been unable after trying all prepara tions and physicians to get any relief. After takiug one bottle of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than 1 have been for twenty years 1 can not praise Kodol Dyspensia Cure too highly,’’ thus writes Mrs. C W, Roberts, North Creek, Ark. Odendahl Bros. Any one residing in the west side of the county can make any arrange ment necessary for undertaking and embalming with C. VV. Gibsou at Litcbheld. All orders will be promptly and satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. Will Taylor is visiting at Mason City this week. Mrs. C. H. French has been quite sick for some time. Harvey Brewer went to Duncan, Tuesday to resume work on elevators. C. M and Frank Smith have moved their quarters into Frank Brewer's bach elor block. Stray dogs and cat* will be executed according to law In Loup City from now on. Henry A Wilson of Austin, now oc cupies the Plnnimar reiidence in the north east part of town. A Mr. Knowles of Kearney, Neb, whs in the city Monday looking up the artificial limb builuess. A letter from Joseph McCoy informs us that he has meved to El Reno, O. T. Joe, likes that country very well. GotoW. S. Owen, the Loup City harness man for hand made harness, The Keystone Lumber Co,, sells Car* bollneum. Warranted to exterminate and prevent chicken lice in poultry bouses. Try it. T M- Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture The brick work of the new German church l» about complete and ready for the carpenters. Mrs. Irwin Conger and Mrr. G. U. Gibson spent the day Tuesday, at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Con ger. John Minshull's family celebrated their release from quarantine Wednes day with a fishing excursion and family picnic. Mr. Henry Howard, one of Ashton'i prominent citizens was in the city Sat urday. He ordered the Northwes tern for a year. Joseph Johns of near Rockville, was in the city Monday. Mr Johns has an ugly healing of some kind on his chin that is giving him • great deal of pain You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly DeWitt'a Little Early Risers removes the cause of disease.—Oden dubl Bros. Don't forget the German services to ha held at the Baptist church next Sun • day, May 13tb. Everybody invited. John Travis has made material im provements in his store building this spring which adds to its appearance and convenience. When you want a first class saddle, call on W. S. Owen the Loup City harness man. 3 29 We understand that Gurnsey, Wy., where our friend C, L. Drake went to, has flattened out completely and left Mr . Drake in the soup. Mothers of good judgment and expe rience give their little ones Rock; Mountian Tea this month, keeps them well. 35c. Made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist. Peter Rebuke of the west side placed his name on our books Saturday as a new subscriber to the best family paper In the county. Peter knows a good thing when he sees it. Mrs. F. Henry has a new and eom plete stock of millinery goods and invito all who wish anything in the millinery line to call and insect her goods. Located on west side of public square. For a stiff neck there is nothing bet ter than a free application of Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It quickly relieves the still ness and soreness, effecting a complete cure. For sale by—Odendah) Bros. A full line of trunks and va lises at the City harness shop. Mrs. J. So matter what causes facial eruptions, absolute cleanliness Inside and out is the only way to cure them. Rocky Mountain Tea taken this month will drive them away. 35c. Ask your druggist. County Judge Angler informs us that Ian year the marriage licenses Issued from his office equaled those of the two previous years, and that so far this year they were much greater than last. Rev A. Zimmerman who has charge of a congregation at Aurora, visited bis family at Cleons, this week. Mr. Zim merman tells us that he expects to take a rest from ministerial labors next year and recuperate with hts family on the farm. Now is the time to have your pict ure taken at Lecshinaky ’s Photograph gallery. ,Mr. Leschinsky is making the finest photographs Cabinet size platino finish $1.00 per doa. gloss finish 5J.00 other sizes in proportion Don't come on Saturday’s. If people only kuew what we know about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used in nearly every household, as there are few people who do not suffer from a feeling of fullness after eating, belching, flatulence, sour stomach or water brash, caused by In digestion or dyspepsia. A preparation, such as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from the stomach, will ligest your food, certainly can’t help but do you good Odendah! Bros, Married.—Mr. Charles F Bloom and Miss May Parkhurst wero uuitad in marriage in this city ou May 13th, 1901, Judge Angier otlieiatlng. There were present as witnesses Mrs. Emma L Mathew-and Mrs. Olive H. Angier. Mr. Bloom is a new comer to our county. Miss Parkhurst is a resident of Webster township. They will make their home this summer near Arcadia in this coun ty. We extend to them hearty eongra ulaiious CARD OF THANKS. We desire through this medium, to ex press our sincere and heartfelt lhanke to me inuny kind friends aed neighbors who so considerately rendered us kind aid und as sistance duiing ike long alck ness und death of our beloved husband und father May the Lord bless and help them is our prayer. Mbs. W. H. Knapp, and family. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Daufortb, of LaQrange, Ga.. sufl'ered for six months with a fright ful running sore ou his leg: but writes that Buckliu's Arnica Salve wholly cur ed it In live days. For fleets, Wounds, Files, its the best salve in tbe world. Cure guaranteed Only 25c. Sold by Odendabl Bros. Old Soldiers Experience M. M. Austin, a civil was veteran, of Winchester, lud., writes: ‘ My wife sick along time in good doctor's treat rnenf. but was wholly cared by Dr. King's New Life Fills, which worked wonders for her health.” 1'hey always do. Try them. Only 25c at—Oden dahl Bios. AM.U AL MBKIINU GEKM AA M V t'TlsI Lincoln, Neb. May 24 to 31. Half rates to Lincoln from ail poiius on tbe B. & M K. K K. Selling dates; M»y 24-31 from stat ions within 150 miles of Lincoln. May 23—27 from stations more than 150 miles from Lincoln. The meeting will be held on the State Fair Ground at Lincoln, which are alongside the Burlington's track. The Burlington is the shortest and most direct route to Lincoln. K. L Arthur, Agent. ♦ • ♦ -- Miss lilla Taylor went to Grand Idand Saturday to asy good by to her brother as he passed through on his way to San Francisco. Newtoa Pilger has been appointed by the Faculty or the State University as an assistant in the Geology Depart ment. Newton has been a close student and well deserves this recognition. Henry Howard, of Ashton is au ap plicant for the position of agent for the United States Land Ottices for Nebraska and as he is a man of good ability and a most worthy applicant, is meeting with hearty endorsements from the mo9t influential business men of the country. All who know him can testi- ; fy favorably to him aad recommend him as one who has served his party j faithfully and well. The Northwest- j urn wishes him success A spirited and what might have been a serious run away occured near the new German church in this ally Tuesday morning. Mrs. Anna Bechthold wns driving a young horse to a buggy and at the intersection of tbe streets a lug earn* unhooked frightening tbe horse, He started to run and in a short dis tance turned tbe buggy over dragging it about 50 feet on its side. The top was up and tbe lady was inside At this point the ruacinggear parted from tbe bed, whicb fact undoubtedly saved Mrs Bechthold from serious injury or death. She was assisted to tbe house of Chris Johansen, very much excited and thought the only injury received was a sprained knee. Charles Gibson, Charles Cramer and Will 8.Taylor,son of conductor Tay lor, successfully passed a rigid examin ation at Omaha, by a nava. examining Board, last week and on Saturday eve ning left, with a large number of voung Nebraskens, for San Francisco where they will be placed on board tbe U. 8. training ship I’ensacoia. to receive in structions ic that branch of our military Tbe boys will be instructed lu the art of naval warfare in all its branches, season of training extending until they aro twenty-one years of age They wore greatly elated over their opportu nity and their satisfaction at having suc cessfully passed the examination and being accepted was unbounded. The beat wishes of all their friends go with them that their progress may be rapid and their advancement acquired accord logly. A farewell party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs G. H. Gibson last Wednesday evening In honor of tbe de parture of their son Charles the next morning for Omaha, to take an exam ination for the purpose of entering the Naval training school of 'he C. 8. A number of friends both young and mid dle rged assembled and edjoyed them selves for the evening playing games of various kinds, un'il supper was served. After supper the party broke up iu a grand farewell to Charley, which was accompanied by » number of presents and many a godspeed from his friends ami young companions. The following were present: Grandma Gibson. Mr and Mrs. Irwin Conger and two little daughters, Mr and Mrs S E. Calla way and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Hurry I'arior, Mrs E. 8. Havbnrsr, Miss Hat tie Hayhurst, Miss May Hitters, Mis* E iitb Henry. Miss Sadie Pedler, Miss Ella Taylor, Miss Ellen Robf-itus, Miss Grace Benschoter. Masters Will Tayior, t'arl Robertus, "Hid” Taylor, Elbank* Hale, James McCoy and Idntiie Mu lick. WANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $936 salary per year, payable weekly, f3 per day abso lutely sure and all efiM'nse#; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no uomuustlou; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each Week STANDARD HOUSE * 1 PRAkBOHN ST., CHICAGO. 1260 If you want deeds, mortgages, leases or any legal instruments drawn at very reasonable rates when at, the county sear, call on \V. J. Fisher at the North western office. All kinds of blanks on baud. A Notary Publia in office. —— Leave vour orders lor ice with James \Y. Conger. PLA NTS.—Both cabbage and tomatr, for sale at W. T. Gibsons -- ♦ » ♦ Koagtir For His Idle “My father and sister both died of Consumption,” writes J. T. Weather wax, of Wyandotte. Mich., “and I was saved from the same frigtuful fate only bv Dr. King's New Discovery. An at tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe luug trouble, ' bich an excellent doctor eoul : not help, but a few months' use of this won derful medicine made me as well a» ever and I gain»d much in weight.” In fallible for Coughs. Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed bottles 50c and 8100 at — Odendab1 Brrs. • Our little girl was unconscious f; om strangulation during a sudden ana ter rible attack of croup. I quickly secur e I a boitie of One Minute Cough Cure, giving b'r three doses. The croup was mastered ami our little darling speedily recovered. ’ So writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. OJendahl Bros, DeWitl's Little Eirly Kisers search the remotest parts of the bowels and removes itie impurities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous for their efficiency. Kt«y to take, never gripe-O lendahl Bro*. ONE FAIR for the ROUND TRIP. — VIA — Thu UNION PACIFIC For annual meeting German Baptists DUNKARDS' LINCOLN A Kll , .W AY 21 31 1 WO I From points east of Denver, Cheyenne, and in Kansas and Nebraska in order to give those attending this meeting an opportunity to visit points of interest, an open rate of one fare, for the Round trip, will be made to all points in Neb raska from Lincoln. For f ill Informa tion call on II. J. Clifton, Agr. NOTICE FOE PlitLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Lincoln, Neti. i April 2~, l'.ioi. < Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his nlalin, and that said proof will he made be fore Judsoti C. I’orter, U. S. i ominissloaar at Litchfield, Nebraska, on Jane Sth 1901, viz: Adclbert J. Wilson, Timber Culture entry No. 7550 for the South half of the North West Quarter and the North half of the South West Quarter of Section II, Township H, Itango Hi. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George C.Gray, Thomas C.Cham berlain and William F. Spencer of Litch field, Neb. and Thomas M Burke, of Huxley, Neb. J. W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE OF SALE In the matter of the estate of George Cad wulader deceased Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance ol an order of Homer M Sullivan, Judge of the District court of Sherman County. Nebraska, made on the 19th day of June. 1900 Tor the salt of tke real estate herein after described, then will be sold at the South door of the couri house in Loup City. Sherinan county Nebrassa the *5th day of May. IDOL at 8 o'clock p. ni. o: said day at public veudue to the highest bid der for cash In hand, subject to all liens ant incumbrances, including unpaid tax*-, thereon existing at the time of tho death of sale deceased, the follow ing described real estati to-wlt: Lots Seven (7) Eight (Hi and Nile (9 in Hlock Seven (7i In the Original Town o Hazard, situated In the couaty of Kherman Stale ot Nebraska. Said sale will remain oper one hour. Dated May t’nd 1901. Joseph S.Pedi-er, Administrator of the Estate of Georgi Cadwalader deceased. WANTED,— TRUST WORTH! .MEN AND WO men to travel and advertise for old es famished house oi aolid financial standing Salary *7*0 a year and expenses, all pay able m cash. No canvassing required. Give reference and Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 35: axton, Bldg., Chicago. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKINO POWDtP CO.. MEW YORK. W. J Fisrifc.., GEO. E. nENSCHOTER, Attorney anil Notary Public. Publisher Lori’ Citt NoktiiwkstbrS’ Fisher & Benschoter, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and irrigated LAKDS FOR SALS. A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated, By JACOB BIGGl.E • No. 1—BIOOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses—a Common Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. I rice, 50 Cents. No. 2— BIOOLE BERRY BOOK I All about growing Small Fruits—read and If arn how; contains 43 colored life like reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations Price, 50 Cents. No. 3— BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Toultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence; tells everything . withi3 colored life like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with >03 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4—BIOOLE COW BOOK fail about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great 1 sale; contains 8colored life like reproductions ofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations Price, 50 Cents No. 5—BIGGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. A11 about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding. Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over n beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. The BIOOLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never saw anything like them —so j i actical, soscuMble They *re having an enormous sale—East West, North and I South. Everyone who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Emits, ought to send right away lor the BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit It is 22 years old, it is the great boiled-down hit-the nail-on-lbe-head,— quit-after-you-have-said-it, l-'arm and Household paper in the world—the biggest paper ol its size in the United States of America—having over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 1 5 YEARS (remainder of 1S09,1900, njor, 1002 and 1003) will be sent by mail t to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. 1 Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing HIGGLE BOOKS free. J WILMER ATKiKSOif. Address. I AHH JOURNAL CHA«. F. JEMKAMS. PHILADELPHIA j 1 ....... R. J. NIGHTINGALE, LOD? CITY, i i Nffifc A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • - NI BKASKA OKKICE. One door west of Odendahl'.s Drug Store W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Outi ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Northwester* Building, LOUT CITT, - - NEBRASKA. Don’t 8e Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price. 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no aubstl* tute. Ask your druggist. A WORTHY bUGCKSHOK ‘Sonistlilng New t'niler The son." All Doctors have tried to cure CATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their |>owders dry lip the mucus membrane* causing thtm to crack open and bleed. The power ful acids used In the Inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that thetrinukers have aiired to eme. while pastea and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who lias tor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of OATAltRH, has at last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relievesat once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing all intla ■ ination. It Is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the alllicled parts. This wonderful remedy Is known as "SNUKKKLS the GUARANTEED CAT ARRH CUBE” and is sold at the extremeiy 1 low price of One Dollar, each package con taining internal and external medicine sufficient for a full months treutmeat ami everything necessary to Its perfect use, “8N UK EELS” ia the only perfect CAT ARRH CURE ever made and is now recog. nlzed as the only safe and positive cure for 1 that annoying and disgusting disease. It cure* all inhumation quickly and permit- j nentlv and is also wonderfully quick to re | lleveUAY KEVKit or COLD in toe HEAD CATAKBH when neglected often leads to CoN8liMI>TfON-'SNCFFBLS” will save you i If you use It Ht once. It Is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which! Is positively guaranteed to cure catakbh In any form or stage ir used according to the directions which accouioauv each package. Don’t delay but send for it at onee ami write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special ad vise from the cliscoveror of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to yon beyond the regular price or sniv. KELS” the “OUARANTEBb CATAKBH Cl UK.” Sant prepaid to any address in ihe United Slates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept, vira EDWIN It. GILES * COMPANY, -j;m and :»« Market street, Philadelphia I -s=» IT IS ONE THING to cover up u flaw. It is an other to repair it. Any cross road ticker can take a watch or a clock to pieces but it takes a mechanic to put it togather a gain. It’ you only desire to have your time piece spoiled take it to any old shop where they have a jeweler’s sign out, but if you wish your work done by an expert who guarantees satisfaction or no pay, call at my shop. In selecting jewelry from our perfect stock, you have the comforting assurance that whatever is chosen is in strict harmony with the canons of good taste; and the knowledge that the lowest prices are vour privilege here. Store.—North Side II. R. St. G. H. MORGAN, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LOUP CITY- NEB. . I Dyspepsia Cure ! what you eat. l4 "sts tin-food and alfc onV-, ' ■•^t-heuinjr and con rtroctin* the : • *iw., _ Mins. It ■ * -1 he* ]: i i. •. disenvi'f cHirest can ™ 4 ' prc paraUon iftTlV’J" 1 OlM-if-nry. It, in. liven ' rc lu \.( :i' 'iianefulycures Uyspepsia, jtid., fi.-arLbuin &nen