I £!! am b All manner of extravagant expressions are possible when a woman’s nerves are overwrought. The spasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronchial tubes, “ball rising in the throat,” violent beating of the heart, laughing and crying by turns, muscular spasms (throwing the arms about), frightened by the most insignificant occur rences—are all symptoms of a hysterical condition and se rious derangement of the female organs. Any female complaint may produce hysterics, which must be regarded as a symptom only. The cause, however, yields quickly to Lydia E. Pinkhamks Vegetable Com pound, which acts at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effectually all those distressing symptoms. Mrs. Lewis Says: •• I Feel Like a New Person, f Physically and flentally.” “ Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam 1 wish to speak a good word for Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble and suffered everythin'? from nervousness, severe headache, and pain in back and abdomen. I had consulted different physicians, but decided to try you, medicine, and I soon found it was giving me much relief. I con tinued its use and now am feeling like a new person, physically and mentally, and am glad to add one more testimonial to the value of your remedy.”— Mrs. M. H. Lewis. 2108 Valentine Ave., Tremont, New York, N. Y. Writing to Mrs. Pinkham is the quickest and surest way to get the right advice about all female troubles. Her ad dress is Lynu, Mass. She advises women free. Following is an instance : Mrs. Haven’s First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham I would like vour advice in regard to my troubles. I suffer every month at time of menstruation, and (low so much and for so long that I become very weak, also get very dizzy. I am troubled with a discharge before and after menses, have pains in ovaries ro bad some times that I can hardly get around, have sore feeling in lower part of bowels, pain in back, bearing-down feeling, a desire to pass urine frequently, with I pains in passing it; have leucorrhoea, headache, fainting spells, and some times have hysteria. My blood is not in good condition. Hoping to hear from you. I am,” Mrs. Emma Haven, 2508 South Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. (JuneS, 1899.) Mrs. Haven’s Second Letter. “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham I wish to express my gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered for four years with womb trouble. Every month I flowed very badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my •work. Was obliged to sit hr lie down the most of the time. I doctored for a long time, but obtained no relief. I began using your remedies—Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier, Sanative Wash and Liver Pills—and now feel like a new worami Mrs. Emma. Haven, 2508 South Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. (Feb. 1, 1900.) Owing to the fact that some skeptical people haveyfrom time to time questioned thegrnuinenessof the testimonial letters we are constantly publishing, we have deposited with the National City Hank, of Lvnn, Mass., $5,000, which will be paid to any person who will chow that the above testimonials arc not genuine, or were published before obtaining the writers’ special permission.—Lydia E. Pinkham Medicinb Co. mm™”. ——■ ■ ——— —— ! r— W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3.50 SHOES SBE2 The real worth of mv f:;.W) and p.Vifl shoes compared with other makes Is f l.mi to jLl.OO. >1% fl.wi 'lilt I'.dge l.rnu cannot be equalled at any price. Best lu tlie world tor men. I mil he and sell more men's line shoes, Wnoxlyenr Welt' Jlnnrt-Sewed I’rMru), than any other milinline, turerin the world. I will pay IS1,000 in any one who cun prove ihul .», .uue‘wutl...ltr..ciw j, Take no inMItntr t Insist on having W. L. Douglas shoes with name and prlee stam|ied on Imttom. Your dealer should Komi them • I give one dealer exclusive sale In each town. It he does not keep them and will not get them for you, order direct from farlorv, enclosing price and liSe. extra lor carriage. Over 1,01)0,000 satisfletl wearers. NiS5rllSIl,on!b( Color Ey*i»t« u*od Mciaaiveiy. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. 1 P*^ 1^1 We belike it will sell at 50 cents. KJ ja St M IW Send your order now. Our tx>ok, Xfay B m H 1H “Successful Speculation,”sent free. jTl<7 COMSTOCK, TRADERS’ BLDC., CHICAGO. The n««' ts of character are In what you are and not w hat you have. A Month's Test Free. Tf yon hurt) T)v0ptr>»lA. write l»r. Hionp Tlm'lnf, -x 143. fi»ri*!x bottle* « f Hr. ^boop’n Ke*tor*» Ure, express paid, bind a o money. Pay fj.jo if cured. The loss you are talked about the : less you are abused. FITS Perm*neat'» < ut* »n.l tm«n«B. UtL. it. ii. k.ivu. uu.. »si Area st.. i a.i*a«itiait. e*. A true woman never buttons any thing she t an pin. Are You Intrretlel In tli« Northwest? Home and Garden, a 16-page illus trated monthly paper, tells all about the tine elimate, fertile grain and fruit lands, timber, mines, fisheries, etc., of the wonderful Northwest, the rich est undeveloped portion of North Am erica. The regular price of the paper is 50c a year. If you will cut out and re turn this ad., state name of paper in which it appears, and enclose 10c In silver, Home and Garden will be sent you, postage paid, for one year. Ad dress Hume and Garden, Newspaper Itow, St. I’aul, Minn. W hen a man gets angry his reason takes a sort of vacation. The ttnmach Los to work hard. rrtr..!1nc' the food w crowd lilt.) It. Make its work ia»y by , chewing ltei mini's Pepsin cium. The maiden's band of hope is a hus band. Try Sraln-O! Try Oraln-OI Ask vour Grocer toslny to show yon a package of GRAIN O. the new fowl diink that tokos the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury ns well as the adult. All wh > try it, like it. GRAIN O tins that rich sonl brown of Mocha or Java, but it is mode from pure grains, and ihe most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress. M the price of coffee. 1 Tic aud bo ctA. por package. Isold by all grocers. Affectation In dresi Implies a flaw in the understanding. When your liver is out of order do not dose yourself with poisonous drugs that harm and never cure, but take Garfield Tea, the HERB remedy that CURES. _ Nothing is impossible to the man who can ami will. Foolish and obstinate people alone suffer from neuralgia or rheumatism. For they can always secure Wizard Oil and cure themselves. /\ niui nun lauscB *» iwi u* juuiy the moon and fall in the mud. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-rent stan h con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Faith and hope may die, but charity is immortal. Bajjcfijje l>jr Npeclai l;*»llverr* As a further accommodation to its patrons, arrangements have been mado by the passenger department of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, whereby at the nominal charge of 50 cents per piece, to pay for transfer, baggage may now be checked through from the principal stations on its lines, to any hotel, resi dence or steamship dock in New York or Brooklyn. Instead of checking to Grand Central Station, New York, only, and arranging after arrival there to have your baggage properly delivered, save yourself trouble by nsking local baggage-masters to forward your bag gage by special delivery. A particular style of check is used for this purpose, and as soon as your baggage reaches Grand Central Station it will be promptly delivered at the address de sired without further attention on your part.—From the New York Mail and Express. An epicure is a masticator who ap preciates a master caterer. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Employes in the mint have to work hard, but they make lots of money. Ido not believe Piso's Cere for Consumption has un equal for coughs and colds.—Jons F Botkr, Trinity Springs, Inn., Feb. !5, liluu The Book of Life is treated like nil other books; we neglect its beauty for the fascination of the plot. The only way to silence a woman is to ask how old she really is. From Monday to Saturday—at every turn in the kitchen work—a Wicklcss Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor, time and expense—and keep the cook $ comfortable. No bulky fuel to prepare ’ or carry, no waiting for the fire to come up or die down; a fraction of the expense of the ordinary stove. A will boil, bake, broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly—can not become greasy, can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes, from one burner to five. If your dealer does not have them, write to nearest agency of STANDARD OU. COMPANY. BIGGEST SALVAGE RECORDED. SttTiu;; $ 1,2 •*0.000 in Cinhl from Sttanr i *liip M. I'au'. When the bin American Hp.p steam ship ;:t. Paul ran aground in a dens fog oi, the Jersey beach, near the lower I end of Long Branch, before dayligh' j on January 25, 189*;, in the cargo was $1,250,000 in gold, consigned to a firm , in -New York. It. was essential that! this should be landed. Arrangements were made with the Merritt-Chupman! Wrecking company to have the strand ed liner hauled off. She and her cargo, including the gold, were heavily in sured. After it was found that it was! going to be very difficult to Moat the, big ship the consignees of the gold, who needed it in their business, ap pealed to Captain (’lark as Llyod's New York agent to have it landed, it re-! maim d aboard the vessel three days: i the fact of it being fh-re rendered th" j underwriters liable for a hea\ier ta\ in the event of the vessel being float ed. Naturally the American line di l not make any strenuous efforts to have i the bullion discharged, and just as! naturally Lloyds wore anxious to gc. I it off as quickly as possible, for in the event of a storm arising and causing the destruction of the ship the gold I would have added so much more to th"! loss of the underwriters. Captain i Clark chartered a steamer and offered . to Like charge of the gold and land It. Thereupon the captain obtained a promise that, the gold would lie landed1 immediately. Thus the underwriters were relieved of the further risk and expense of floating the stranded ship.; The gold was transferred to the lighter! Haggerty down a sagging chute-sug gestive stretch of canvas in bags, kpgs and boxes. Twelve men armed with1 revolvers guarded the treasure as it was transferred from a pier to a truck and taken to a vault in Wall street. The award of $166,000 for salvage ser- ; vice in the case of the St. Paul was the largest ever obtained in an admir alty court. The St. Paul was aground j ten days. It was said that site had not , a plate bent or a rivet started.—Ains- i lee 's Magazine. JAMES MADISON IN YOUTH. Bcoli b Ni'Lnolmaster Named I)onrtloafnes.s i* cbui't'l bv an ntlamoti toad t on of tMo mu -us Unin r of tbo Kuvt;n*hlan Tuih* When this tub* is ini1 ini*' 1 you Lu\o a rumt'linsf s mini or inunu rr. t tn*ar ny, •'ml when it it entirely i ln*r 1 dcafr * ts Is :ho result, and unios* the inliammas u* . . an b* .ik'-n ou ami tins tube rt stoml to it*, nd,*trial condition, hoarltn? Trill he destroyed forever, rur.o < isos out of ten ure caused by atarrh, which is Monimr but an ir.flumed condition >** ih>* min us surfaces. We wil. giveOno Hundred Hollars f»>r any ease ■>f Uoiifnost (caused by catarrh i that cannot cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, send for sirculars. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a Sold bv Hrutrjfists. 7.V. Hull a Family Fills are the host Original ideas resemble clocks when hey strike one. PRONOUNCE IT. Sigridur Jonsdottir, Kii niar.stodtin, Iteykholasveit, liarda.straminrsyslu, Iceland, Europe. This h-, the address given in an ord°r 'or Dodd's Kidney Pills received and filled by the Dodd's Medicine Company if Buffalo, on April,Kith. This unhiue lire, tinn means tlirft to reach the sick people of Iceland, the parcel must travel to New York, then to lairdon, Eng . then northwest to Greenland, to be landed finally, on the lonely islan 1 at the edge of the Arctic Circle. This is a pointed illustration of how I’n'iCe 1 States goods find their way to the remotest corners of the earth. America today, produces better medi cines. .is well as better manufactured articles than any other country In the world, and this fact accounts for the demand for Dodd’s Kidney Pills from every part of the known universe. The lazy member of the dub neve make any unnecessary motions. $1 IS will buy new Upright piano on easy payments. Write for (atalogues. Sclimoller & Mueller, Elli; Farnam street. Omaha. Hour Milk Strum. At Cincinnati!*, on the KrW» and Central New York road, there is a water tank which is supplied by a pump in an adjoining creamery. An employe, made the wrong connection and ttie tank was half filled with sour milk, a quantity of which was taken on hoard an engine. This unwonted fluid proved to be a poor steam pro ducer for the engineer was just able to reach the next station, where the mistake was discovered. A #1,000 Wnlnut Tree. A mammoth black walnut tree* on the farm of E. 1’. Clans, In Williams coun ty, Ohio, has just been said for $4,000. Several lumber dealers have examined chips from this tree, and all have de clared it to bo the (incst specimen ol that kind of wood they ever saw. The tree was eight feet in diameter, forty feet above the stump and extended seventy-three foot from the butt tc the first limb. Tim theatrical hacker usually keeps bis eye on the things "in front.' Mrn, Wlutlim'K Soothing Syrnp. r'nr children tertians, soften- the tears, reduces !•> llammaUoii, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2ac a ttottio If a man has a Ttad heart it avails him nothing to have a good head. Career and Character of Abraham Linco'n. An address by Joseph Choate, Am bassador to Great liritain, on the ca reer and character of Abraham Lincoln - his early life—his early struggles with the world—his character as de veloped in ttio later years of his life and his administration, which placed his name so high on the world’s roll of honor and fame, has been published by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and may he had by sending six (ti) cents in postage to F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Other people's faults art' transpar ent; our own are comfortably opaque. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package foi 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. A boy never fools his parents; they fool themselves. FREE HOMES for 100,000 people In Kiowa, Comanche and Wtrlj It* 1 no tan rum rvatlona of 4.000,000 bit.-- to open tt a.-rtlcrs tn ok ahoiua AupnM neat Sectional tnai with liold" Itoi k Riving Uw» mid full dln-«-ttnn«, postpaid 2j nt Kri-I 1.. VVenuer. t; ulUi le. Ok Men who can fry pancakes have an idea they are accomplished cooks. CAN'T^ TOUCH tf»* mar) who wfiw Sp.wt^'P^ a V • Slii I*»tn ,l li'i.v,iv ti.i "f f /* hi■!m Ily isovcn goods, «JonW« —'' . I' roliv'fuMlt, llotlf.l* fl11<| trip!* / n\if< lies) wur muled water* y Sawyer’s Slickers fcre s*«»ft and PmOOth. Will , nut rriu’k. p«»l oil or t#vome VjKtUky t'aktulrifue fret*. Sawyer & Son, Sola Mfrs. East Cambridge, Muss. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Ctrucne Carter’s Little Liver Pills. Must Gear Signature of See Fac-Slmlir Wrapper Below Ter; initC and at> oury to take an sagur. FOR HEADACHE* FOn DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION » . ojun i^ixs Mu»Tmkv«yAiitATuwr. 2t3C*rrts I TsffetaDlea/w^A^^^ 1 juljwji iarwn winr* CURE SICK HEADACHE. WAY GET SOAKED WHEN Li. ach C9 rruo.v WILL Klitm DRY hardest stow LOOK POP ABOVE TT?1DE MACK BEWARE Or IMITATIONi CATALOGUES PREt SHOWING PULI. LINE OP GARMENTS AND HATS.' A J TOWER CO BOSTON. MASS 4» I REWARDS Iwu k tic lie nervousness, sleepli**# wiikni HH, lost of vitality, tu urfnary the great kidney ilv< t hiicI blood n ledlclna. r»*lo At itil L>ruggl«f Will*' 1..1 free sample. Adilrif. KID-ME-OIOS, St. Louis, Mo. Nature's Priceless RemeiK Rheumatism, Neural OR.0. PHELPS BROWN S j S'a, Weak Back, Sprains. , Rums, Sores and al! Pain. i Cnnnial:!r(" ' ■' °r>',,lir O (Clildl .iniifat.f. os, *,■ I Irbe dm»r I trouble, we Will Cfffl It Cures Throuuh the Pore i Hnwt You a Trial llbc* \uiin »* Dr.O. J? Erown.OC h way, Nowbimfh.N. Y. PRECIOUS HERBAL OINTMENT IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AH INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you tafco up your Uoqm* In Western Can* uda,the land of plenty. Illustrated giving exp» farmers who have be eorno wealthy in grow ing wheat, reports of iivlegates, ete.,unt1 full railway rates can be had on application to iho Superintendent of Immigration. Di parMru at of Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or to W V Heimett, tOl New York Life Bldg., Ooitih.; Ntb pamphlets, »ieiices or For Tutou Onion# In t arload Lots. Omaha. SrIumaUs WITHOUT FIT | iiiiless Send ties* rtpllout <:n«l wet free t pinion. >111.0 II. ^TFVLNK lY l O.. Kst.ib. pm., Dir. ‘4 M7 Mth \\ \s»l I MiTON, IK C* limn- h ofiiove: Clil< »a’« , Cleveland and Detroit. AftAaAiA*Jhi A14i A i for the TEETH and BREATH New Size SOZQDONT LIQUID ... 25c New Patent Box S0Z0D0NT POWDER . . 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER ... 75c Saw At the Stores or by Mail, postpniil, for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion: “ As an antiseptic and hygienic mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and Pfums. I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal dentifrice for children’s use.” [Name of writer upon application.] HALL Sc. RUCKEL, NEW YORK. MGHESTE FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS tt NewRival,” “ LcasScr/9 and “Repeater” lubt upon haring them, take no other, and you will get the best shell? that money can boy. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM.