The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 03, 1901, Image 6

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    When a cheerful, bravo and light-hearted woman is sud
denly plunged into that perfection of misery, the blues, it is
a sad picture.
It is usually this way :
bhe has been feeling out of sorts for some time, experi
encing severe headache and backache; sleeps very poorly
and is exceedingly nervous.
Sometimes she is nearly overcome by faintness, dizzi
ness, and palpitation of the heart; then that bearing-down
feeling is dreadfully wearing.
Her husband says. “Now, don’t get the blues ! You will
do ail right after you have taken the doctor's medicine.”
But she does not get all right. She grows worse day hv
day, until all at once she realizes that a distressing female
complaint is established.
Her doctor has made a mistake.
She loses faith : hope vanishes : then comes the morbid,
melancholy, everlasting blues. She should have been told
just what the trouble was, hut probably she withheld some
information from the doctor, who, therefore, is unable to
accurately locate her particular illness.
Mrs. Pinkham has relieved thousands of women front
just this kind of trouble, and now retains their grateful
I letters in her library as proof of the great assistance she has
rendered them. i his same assistance awaits everv sick
woman in the land.
1 AiW CNtf ft |
Mrs. Winifred Allender’s Letter.
" Mrs. T’jtrii am:— I feel it my duty to write
and tell you of the benefit I hav.* received from your
wonderful remedies. Before taking Lydia E. Pink
ham s \ egetable Compound, 1 was a misery to my
self and every one around me. I suffered terrible
pain in my back, head, and right side,.,was very
nervi>us, would cry for hours, vfttenses would appear
sometimes in two weeks,Jfien again not for three
or four months. I was sri tired and weak, could opt
sleep nights, sharp pains would dart through mv
heart that would almost cause me to fall.
“My mother coaxed me to try Lydia E. i’inkham's
Vegetable Compound. I had no faith in it. but to
please her I did so. The first bottle helped me so
much that I continued its use. 1 am now well and
I weigh more than I ever did in mv life.”—MILS. !
I WINURED ALLENDER, Farmington,111.
$Pi P IHb °wln* to the fart that some skeptical
l-a 6* pyjtf Ti SfC 11 pe I !e have Irorn time to time quest ioned
I ft Kta W» rtltfil the a m nenesaof the testimonial letters
we arc constantly publishing, we have
deposited with the Nattcnal City Hank, << l.vnn. M taa., «,
which will be paid to any per- n who tar. show that the above
! testimonial is not genuine,or was published be| obtaining the
writers special periaiasion.—LYDiA E. PlNitHAM Medicine Co.
iti not esoapei who drags Ms
SQZODONT Tooth Powder 25c
backache, nervousnc**, steeple**
nchH, wcaki»M« i*»-h *»t vitality. In
cipient kidney .bladder and urinary
tlit p:»nit kidney liver and bi«H»d medicine. 50c
S'- til Urug^Htn. Write t**r free sample. Address
KlD-NF.- OIDS, St. Louis, Mo.
SGZ0D3NT for the TEETH 25c
; I
oN«.e Evtmtwre “
BEW*RE O'- lM|TATI0N4 A, .»
^,T-vfr? F?r- ^/jw mm
CB^APHftHT5 AN > MAT3 -l ******
ft O & J Detachable Double Tube Tire* are fcj
high-grade a .** w< !' maue They are light, R
■ durable, eisy liui ;g an I easily rr paired — no Ka
tools rc ; lire i When a puncture occurs iust I
B remove cue outer eov r patch the inner tube, B
■ and airjv you *0. The best is always the I
B cbripes? — v pav* to buy G & j Tires first and Bj
avoid the nrcrts.fy of a change. fg
M CaiaJu);u< for the
Indianapolis. Ind. sj
College Tresltlenl*' Vote*.
In the last vote for names for New
Yoyk university's hall of fame. Presi
dent Eliot, of Harvard voted for the
seven sciences named on the ballot;
President Hadley of Yale confined him
self tit Audubon. Gray and Hen.v; Pres
t ident Low of Columbia voted for Gray,
i but not for Audubon, who was. how
i ever, supported by E. C. Stedman.
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
i STARCH, the only 1C oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent. starch con
| tains only 1U oz. Satisfaction guarau
J teed or money refunded.
Germany Otir Heat it", - t u.tnmer,
Germany is rapidly becoming a na
J tion of whisky drinkers, according to
| the report of Commissioner of Internal
! Revenue Wilson. More d, dilled spir
! its are exported front this country to
j Germany titan to any foreign country.
The Germans, apparently, are partial
; to bourbon wliisky in preference t<
| rye. For the year ending .June 30.
; 1900. 411.IM* gallons of bourbon and
| 137.578 gallons of rye whisky were
! sent.
Iltttlv'N PoAmihle Kin;;.
The new heir to the Italian throne
I is quite as interesting as the new oc
cupant of tHiit tin-one and his chances
of becoming king of Italy are good.
The duke is a c ousin of King Emman
uel HI. He- is the father of two sons,
whereas the new king, who was mar
ried four years ago. has no children.
While the king is frail and dislikes
: physical exertion, the duke is devoted
j to sport and is one of the best horse
I ntent in Italy.
Vnrtf.r'n Ink.
flood ink U a n**v>*ssity for Kund writing. Tar
ter is ike best. Costs no inure than poor ink
It isn’t the timber of a voice burn
j ing in its range that gives it warmth
? Pommel
Warranted Waterproof.
Sawyer's Fxrcl*ior llrand 1'oni mel Mick era
afford complete protection to toth rider arid
sadd.e. Made extra long and wide In the skirt,
Insuring a dry t* at lor rider. Ksillf converted
into a walking coat. Kverjr garment war
ranted waterproof. I^ook for trado-iuurlc*
If your dealer does not have Kxrel
sior Uruud, writs for catalogue.
I H. M. SAWYER A SON. Sole Mira..
East Cambridge. Matt.
: *— 1 .—
MarUitirr? Invents I t«» Eitrart It.
Valuable I’roilurK.
Scientific men have long been en
gaged in the study of methods of util
| lzing waste products, such ns eewag"',
garbage and many other things, to
niorly thrown away as worthless. After
" : • ascertained just 1 • • ese ma
terials contain that m«. utiliz'd, in
genious men set, /nchv." « ' work to
invent mr.'htnc.y and vise processes
; by which the valuable commodities
may be extracted. In this way many
million dollars’ worth of oils, fertiliz
ers and other useful substances are
now saved and the world is so much
the richer. A great deal of sawdust
lias always gone to waste, though
many mills have used it to supplement
their fuel supply. Chemical analysts
have been at work on the sawdust
problem and it has been shown clear.y
that it contains very useful elements
that are worth saving; and now ma
chinery has been invent'd to extract
these materials. The experiments have
proven that 1,000 pounds of sawdust
will yield about 100 pounds of char
winch is practically the same as char
coal. arid equally serviceabe; 180
pounds of acids. 1U0 poun is of tar and
a quantity of gases that have been
rested for heating and illuminating and
found to be excellent for both purpos
es. While the acids, tar a ad char are
the products particularly desired it is
said the gases are of commercial value.
A machine has been invented in Mon
treal for the purpose of distilling saw
dust and obtaining the desired pro
ducts. Consul General Uittinger
writes that the machine treats about
2.000 pounds of wet sawdust an hour.
As Canada manufactures enormous
quantities «of lumber, it is expected
that the utilization of sawdust in that
country will he an important source of
valuable commodities. There are
twenty places in Europe where oxalic
acid is extracted from sawdust. In
Scotland sawdust is used to • make
floor doth, coarse wrapping pap. r and
millboard, which is a kind of paste
board used by bookmakers in the cov
ers of books. Thus sawdust, once
thought to be a good deal of a nui
sance is quite a useful article.—New
York Sun.
California I!ir,| Kill* Snake*.
In southern California is a very pe
culiar bird—not because of its appear
ance. but because of its liubits. it lias
several names. The one by which it is
best known is the California road run
ner. It is also often spoken of as the
chaparral cock. The scientists have
classified it as a member of the cuckoo
family, but to the observer who isn't
scientific It. appears more like a rela
tive of the pheasant family. The road
runner is a poor flier, and has to get
a running start before it can rise into
the air. It gets the name of road-run
ner from the fact that it will keep up
along with a horse and buggy for
miles by means of its brisk little legs,
never resorting to its wings, and seem
ingly making little effort. The most
peculiar thing about tiiis bird is its
hatred of snakes and the method it
takes to vent its spite upon them. In
the section of country inhabited by
this bird the cactus is a common plant.
When the bird finds a snake taking a
nap in tlip sun. as is a habit with his
snakrship. it makes haste lo gather
leaves of the cactus and lays them in
a row about the sleeping serpent at a
safe distance. When it has one row
* ompleted it lays a second and a third,
and continues thus to strengthen its
fence until it is confident that the bar
rier will serve the purpose intended.
It then proceeds to awaken the unsus
pecting victim by leaping over him.
Riving him a spiteful peck as it passes
over. The snake thus awakened starts
to glide away, but brings up against
the prickly spines of the cactus. Then
be turns and tries another direction.
He soon discovers that lie is in a trap,
and then tie gets very angry and races
around the little inclosure. getting
pricked at every turn. If the snake
gets wise and stops his mad plunging
about the bird again hops over him
and stirs him up with other blows
from its sharp Hill till the snake, again
frenzied, rushes around among the
sharp spines and reeeives new wounds,
j This continues until the reptile has
punctured his skin so frequently that
lie dies of his injuries Chicago Rec*
! ord.
Asttumnr** of Cultured Straucffr.
A fine looking man. fashionably
dressed, with good maners and agree
able conversation, lias been making
the round of visits in the fashionable
' quarter of Washington during the last
few weeks, and nobody knows who he
is. He lias called on the ladies of the
others in official life, lias acted like an
old acquaintance, has made himself
agreeable, but has left no cards and
has successfully conce aled his Identity.
Nobody knows where he lives or where
lie came trcirci or what lie is doing in
Washington Ii<• is never cen except
during calling hours in the afternoon
when he goe s from house to house in
. a hired c at) Washington Letter. l’lvul Would lUvc Siifd,
■ in the course of a debate at which
Hlomtield. bishop of London. w;u
asked to preside one of ihe students
with strong indignation evident it
his voice, addressing the chair, iiiqiitrec
oratorically: "Wliat, sir. would the
Apostle Paul have said could he have
, seen the life of luxury led by our pres
cut rate or prelates and church dig
nitaries. riding about in the carriage!
and living in their palaces? What
sir. 1 repeat, would be have said?’
"I think, said the bishop, interrupt
ing the speaker in a meek and milt
voice, "that he would have said, Thing!
in the c hurch must be looking up.' “
Life is simply what we make it as wo
hasten heedless on
! To the future that awaits us just beyond
the gilded dawn:
We ean plant our path with roses, aye, or
water it with tears,
I We ean shadow it with sorrow that will
stay throughout the years;
We ean make our neighbors happy with
a laugh or with a song,
' We ean scatter sunshine always as
through life wo pass along:
Life is simply what we make it; let us
make it bright and gay.
For the bird that carols sweetly gladdens
all the summer day.
,\>e, life is w hat we make it, bright or
clouded o'er wilh woe,
: As fate doth sweep the pendulum unceas
ing lo and fro;
Plant loses in your pathway, weed the
thistle from your door.
He in whose heart a laugh is born cannot
be counted poor:
So make life bright and merry, sunshine
never killed a llower.
i And never eame u smile amiss unto the
weary hour:
: The birds’ doth till with happiness the
meadows where they throng.
And we ean set l tie world aglee with
laughter and with song.
—T. C. HAHBAroH.
Jason's Golden Fleece.
(Copyright, 1901, by Dally Story Pub. Co.)
When u man has been dissolute for
long times together; when his friends
shun his approach lest he be about to
renew reiterated applications for "just
a smail loan, you know, old man"; j
when his clothes have descended from
that sartorial half-basement called the
shabby genteel to the sartorial stib
celiar denominated the ragged; when
even his kindred shun him; when the
lady who furnishes his cheap lodgiLgs
intimates that unless the unpaid rent 1
of tiie last fortnight be forthcoming at j
once, would he he so kind as to give up
his key; when the l.Vceut meal restau
rant man with reluctance, but firmness,
advises that further line of credit j
will be impossible in his case uutil
you can do a little something, sir, on
this old account which has been run
ning so long—why, then, vs hat is a
man to do?
Broadest among the paths lying be
fore him run two. First, there is sui
cide. One always contemplates sui- ;
cide under such conditions. Whether
one is remorsefully sober or sentimen- I
tally drunken, suicide is the solace |
springing spontaneously to greet I
thought. In theory it is easy—but. in
practice only the desperate rush to its I
chill embrace. The icy waters of the
lake and river do not woo as did the
Paphian goddess. And among t hose who
have made a practice of drowning it is
looked upon as a disagreeable exercise.
Carbolic acid and rough on rats have
features most objectionable.
Besides, one lias moral objections to
self-destruction. The church lias cried
anathemas upon it. Society frowns
upon it by making it;; attempt penal in
1 some states. It is really not good form.
And then one owes duties to others
1 i ( ! .
Jason didn't have the price,
who might grieve. No, it must not he
thought of, it is disgraceful, determines
he in such case as has been made and
provided first herein.
True there is the dttal path of reform
i and work. Along its broad and
straight but steep and rocky way its
i twin sign-ports stand side by side,
i pointing with pnbent fingers to the
j temple of hope shining afar in the
i fields of ease. But the ascent is ardu
; ous Nor is it so easily undertaken.
If reform without work Is fruitless,
j equally true it is that work without
j reform is profitless. And to achieve
j the one and secure the other merely
j by determining to do so is possible
i only to those souls whose fibres are
i spun from steel and adamant.
To the conclusions thus advanced
came Jason Fenwick on the morning
when he perceived with bitterness that
even those poor resources lie had been
aliie to call his own had been drunk
and eaten all. leaving neither crumbs
! nor lees behind. He had slept uneasily
in a eliair in an all-night saloon, fear
' ful of ejection from its warmth, tim
. j oror.s of approaching the unspeakable
I! "free lunch" which, beneath the ob
. servant eye of the bartender, held out
' | its bawdy allurements only to those
who had "the price," Jason didn't
have the price and he knew better than
to invite the door hy making unjusti
fiable advances. It is beter to be warm
and hungry than cold and hungry, he
argued, and It may be conceded that
his IoeJc was not unsound.
When tne porter and his early morn
ing mop began th*j sblution* which
were intended to restore the floor to
decency, he seized up Jason's chair with
that contemptuous authority the black
man loves to exercise upon his poor
white brother, and set it upon a pool
iiinir that iimight tin* better use the
mop. Thus evicted, the young man
j wandered aimlessly out of the door.
Remorse bit his soul and hunger
| gnawed his stomach. The west wind
i was keen, and pricked him.
“After all.” he said. "I'm a hesita
ting fool. Let's end this comic trage
dy.” And he set his steps resolutely
toward the Randolph street viaduct
i and Lake Michigan beyond. As lie
passed the towering cliffs of the Audi
torium and th<- Annex, the savage
wind, pent as in a funnel, assisted him
with even more acridity and put an
edge upon ii is purpose. He walked
t i l
"I have found a lady’s watch.”
on doggedly now, determined, and the
hand of Providence alone could have
moved him to turn him back.
The trampled snow lay in glisten- \
ing ridges upon Michigan avenue, al
most des°rted at that early hour, but
the marks of thousands of runners
showed that the sleighing had been
good the day before and that the well
to-do had been out in numbers to en
joy it. He smiled bitterly as the
thought flooded him. Once lie, too. had
driven fine horses on the boulevard.
That was when he had been Mr. Fen
wick, the rising young lawyer. That
was when he thought he was about to
marry Edith. Well, he would drive
once more—to the Styx this time—-and
he would wed, with Death, the grim. j
He had almost reached the eastern
curbing of the broad highway when
something shining in the snow' drew
down his glance The new risen situ
had thrust a dart through the crene- 1
latcd wall reared as a parapet shield
ing the eyes of the Lake Front park
from the brutal utilitarianism of the j
railroad in the depths below and it had
found a golden target. Jason stooped
and picked from the snow a lady’s
gold watch, set with a wreath of dia
For an instant he stood in stupor,
holding the glistening jewel in his un
gloved unwashed paint Then with a
swift motion he thrust hand and watch
into iiis pocket, clutching his prize
eagerly, and looking sharply about to
see if tin re wi re any to dispute his
treasure trove. He who bad been
about to die. now would have fought
fiercely to retain the means' of living
on. Visions of broiled steaks and
their noble entourage formed halos in
his brain. Not Alnaschar himself be
fore he kicked over his basket of glass
wine, indulged in more day dreams
than did Jason in traversing the seven
eitv blocks from Congress to Ran
dolph streets. He had walked north
ward mechanically, toward his original
destination, and with an impulse, un
expressed even in his own mind, to
get quickly as far away as possible
from the scene of his rare fortune.
No cry of "halves" could lie tolerated.
No vague assertion of ownership
should be listened to. The prize was
his. all his. Had he not found it?
Columbus and the Spanish dual crown
had no better claim upon the vast new
> world.
The winn and trie arctic air had been
forgotten. He felt a glow from ear to
toe. and. within, his heart leaped in
exultancy. An angel's arm had
snatched him from the grave. Well,
I he would prove worthy to be saved.
He would rehabilitate his manhood.
; The path of reform and work should
now he his.
; Suddenly, as if his brain had en
' countered a live electric wire, came the
shocking, sickening thought that even
were this prize his very own he could
not use it. Its value was extreme.
How much he did not know, but his
j trained experience had suggested at
the lirst rapid glance that it had cost
hundreds. Nevertheless, it was dross
in the hand which clutched it. Should
i he try to pawn it, he would be ar
rest! d. Should he try to sell to any
reputable person lie would be looked
upon with suspicion and refused. If
I he took if to a "fence," some "levee '
I thieves’ banker, tie must accept the
! tenth value which would he offered.
I As these reflections crushed him. his
'• head was bent again and once more
1 the wind stung him like a whip.
Then a new idea came to him and
Jason turned westward and hurried to
the saloon across the court from the
public library. He seized a morning
) paper and feverishly turned to the
| Lost anti Found "ads." Ah, here it
I was the first thing:
| LOST While driving In Michigan bottle.
I yard, Thursday afternoon, between
Jackson and Thlrty-lirst street, lady's
gold watch, set with diamond wreath. It
Is valued as a souvenir and $2fa will be
paid for Its return to 2999 Michigan ave.
An hour later a worn and tired man.
blue with cold, Ei from hunger,
grimed, unshaven, shivering, timidly
rang the electric bed at the vestlbuled
doorway of No. 2999. He was Bhiver
ing. partly in apprehension that he
would wake up and find he only
dreamed. A neat maid responded to
the summons, yiie looked him over in
duhity Such callers were not usual.
"I have found a lady’s watch,” he
stammered, "and *. tee by the
But the maid cut in on his speech.
S33 i Jt*{! ^f di;ioH9lv
"Miss Edith will be so glad,” she
said. "If you will come in, sir, 1 will
call her, if she is up.”
Ho waited long, in a drawing room
whose aromatic breath made him
think of all the unforgetable past —
and then there floated from behind the
portiere a divine vision of loveliness
arrayed in morning robe of cerulean
bine and looked upon him iu the dim
light of the drawing room. He had
risen, hat in hand, with his old court
ly grace, to greet a lady.
Then, as he stared, speechless, the
vision swept with a single undu
lation to his very breast and threw
both of her fair arms about his neck.
"Oh! Jason!" she cried, "Have you
come at last ?"
’ Edith!" was all lie said, hut being
mortal, he kissed her where she stood.
* * •
The law firm of Jennison and Fen
wick lias the reputation of dividing
(ho most lucrative practice tn Illinois
courts, and especially is its junior
member regarded by the members of
the bar which his talents adorn as one
of its brightest lights.
Miss Jennison's parents, you see, had
only recently purchased No. 2999, and
Jason didn’t know it. In his case that
little knowledge would have been a
dangerous tiling.
(lilr<lgo Dealer* Diseua* Recent Hie
Order from the Ka*t.
South Water street men the other
(lav discussed the recent order of an
eastern man for 2,400,000 dozen eggs
to be supplied by the commission men
of the west, says the Chicago Chroni
1 le. This order runs into big figures
and counted in eggs or dozens it looks
large. At any rate, it means, even at
the price of 10 cents per dozen, a trans
action of nearly $210,000. The eastern
buyer is undoubtedly making his pur
chase for cold storage purposes, and
will calculate to make his profit on
the advance in price next winter. Com
mission men are recalling the trans
action last season by which Cudahy
of Omaha and Chicago parties col
lected and stored several millions of
dozens of eggs whi< li were afterward
sold at the winter price and at a hand
some profit. When talking about a
recent offer made to the convention
of Kansas and Oklahoma commission
men to buy 2,400,000 dozen eggs sev
eral South Water street dealers said
that such an order could be easily
handled by commission firms in the
ordinary business way. One was of the
opinion that there are firms doing
business with headquarters in Chicago
that wou'd nor be stumped if called
upon to furnish twice that quantity
in the course of a couple of months.
They would simply set to work among
country and call for all that could bo
supplied at stated times.
lit* Hha Correct KnoiiKl'.
In a certain regiment was an expert
gymnast, who taught liis brother sub
alterns bow to walk across the barrack
room on their hands. While thus en
gaged one evening the door opened,
and the colonel, a stern disciplinarian,
entered the room, looking attentively
at the inverted company, shook his
head gravely and departed without ut
tering a word, fixtra parade duty next
morning was the least punishment ex
pected for this breach of discipline.
Some days passed, however, and. no
notice being taken, it was thought
that an apology and explanation
should be offered by the prime insti
gator of these unsoldierly movements.
A reference being made to the evening,
the colonel amazed the intending apol
ogist by exclaiming: “Hush, my dear
f< How, I would not have anybody know
it for the world. The fact is, I had
been dining out with an old brother
officer who had served with me in In
dia. and pon my life I bad no idea the
wine eould have such effect upon me;
but when 1 looked in to see if you were
all right in your quarters I eould have
sworn that I saw you all upside
down! ”—Tid-lilts.
Motli«*r Hint*.
Mothers often complain that their
babies do not appear really ill, and yet
do not grow and look as healthy as
they should. The dieffrence between a
healthy and an unhealthy child is very
marked. A perfectly healthy baby
sleeps a great deal of the time during
the Inst few months of its life, and
when it is asleep wears an expression
of absolute and blissful repose. The
little eyelids are completely closed, the
lips very slightly parted and the
breathing is rhythmic and scarcely to
be hl.irri. There Is no visible move
in< n'i >u‘ the nostrils in the healthy
baby wjjue sleeping. When a young
baby .weeps w-hu the eyelids incom
pletely t*os‘4. so that the whites of
the eyes show, be sure that something
is wrong. When the baby's rest is
broken by pain, even colic, the eyelids
will twitch, and the eyes will not com
pletely close, ltnt the same symptoms
indicate often the appearance of a se
vere illness, so thar the mother should
always be on guard
Iron Mining in "Ywtk Mate."
j Iron mining is now carried on ex
tensively in northern New York. One
shaft in Olinton has already passed
j through a small vein of pure ore, and
1 five feet below has entered a 23-foot
: vein.