The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 26, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
GKO. K. IIKNsriUlTEK, I K.lltori* and
UKO. n. GIBSON, | I'uMInhnrK
Enterod at the Loup City I’ostoflloe fur trans
mission through the mails us second
class matter.
General Gomez, the Cuban patriot
‘will visit the United States in the
interest of his country.
Carrie Nation has made $11.000
by her crusade, but she has been a
frost to all the towns she visited.
It is now expected that our nrtm
in the Philippines wil be reduced by
at least 20,000, which means a sav
ing of at least $20,000,000 in army
The German General. Schwartz
kopf, lost his life in the fire which
recently destroyed the part of the
Chinese imperial palace at Pekin, in |
which Von Waldersee had kis head
A trio of American heiresses who
married European titles a few years
ago are just now discovering that
they were badly buncoed. They
should have came to Nebraska and
got something for their money.
Next Sunday is the day named for
the beginning of President McKin
ley’s great trip around the circle of
the United States. While our ruler
starls of with great potnp and a
shake ot the hand for all he meets,
the crowned heads of Kurppe are
shutting themselves in armored
palaces and dreaming of dynamite
Aguinaldo has issued a manifesto
to his people repuesting them to lay
down their arms and help the United
States to establish the humane and
civilized government for the Philip
pines which they have already be
gun. This is a wise move on Aggy's
part but it is not >et announced how
George Fred Williams, Atkinson and
W. J. Hryan will view it.
A special to the State Journal
from Butte, Neb. says that the jur\
after being out all night in the case
of Fred Braley, who was charged
with an assault with intent to
commit rape upon a you'ng woman
by the name of Mae Allgor, returned
a verdict of not guilty. Before dis
charging the prisoner Judge Har
rington administered t" Mr. Braley
a repremaud that he will long re
member. The Judge stated that
the evidence would have warranted
cidher a virdict of not guilty or of
conviction, and stated that he might
consider himself fortunate that he
was not found guitly, because if he
had been he would have rccieved a
a severe sentence. Braley has a j
wife and child. The judge re- J
minded him of this fact and slid he i
ought to so conduct himself that it
would not be necessary for him to
bring his wife into court and dis
grace her.
The speech of Sir Michaol Hicks
Beach, chancelor of the exchequer
of Great Britain, last week, placed
that country before her people in a
much more sorry plight than was
expected. His deductions informed
them that the cost of killing a Boer
in each case had been to England,
*5,000, and while their victories had
been glorious ones a few more of
them would ruin the country, ting
lands outlay has not nearly reached
that ot tier Ncpoleonie wars which
did not seriously embarrass her, but
the end is not yet. neither can her
wise men devine it. The American
colonies were eight years in forcing
her to acknowledge their indepen
r’e ice, and if the Boers continue n a •
ing the showing that they are now for
half that length of time their snlvn j
tion is assured. And why should t
the Boers lay down their arms as
long as a hostile Englishman Is in J
their country? Dewet may be crazy
m has been announced from London,
but a continuation of his wav of
presenting his madness to John
Bull will cnmpcll a recognition of
the South African Republic in the
near future.
•»<l!IN MII.LEK KMiH Ills E A RTHtiT
Take.) Strychnine »ml Soon Dies from
h fleet* off tin* l'ofnon.
•Joli.i Miller, a German farmer,
living with his son Henry near Yir
durotte, this county committed sui
cide last l" rid ay afternoon while on
his way from Loup ('ity home bv
tiking strychnine. A bottle con
taining the deadly poison was found
on his pers >n which was conclusive"
idenee of his intent to thus end
his life.
lie was found by John Biemond by
a soil building near tne Purl school
house, in Clay township, about (i
0 clock, p m. When Mr. Biemond
eame up to him he was jumping a
round in great agony and when
asked what was the matter held up
the bottle and said he had poisoned
himself. Mr. Biemond wanted to
take him in the wagon and to where
he could get help. Miller would not
go and said that he wanted to die,
but urged Mr. Biemond to go and
tell his son William living about a
mile away. As soon as possible
Mr. Bienmnd carried the news to Mr.
Miller's sin, and in the meantime
Mr. Iielyster, who was living near
went to his assistance, hut before he
got to him he was dead.
The old gentleman was a man 58
years of age and seemed to be brood
iug over domestic troubles which
no doubt unbalanced his mild.
The facts, as we learn them, was
that he came to town on Wednesday
with ins son Henry and after staying
with his daughter Mrs. Herman
Jung until Friday, fully prepared
himself to put an end to his trou
lilo.s. Just before going to dinner at
the Jung residence he went to Oden
luhl's drug stole and bought some
seryebnine, registering for the same
ami stated that he wanted it to kill
jophers as tie was going to do some
plowing and would put it into the
jopher holes. He went to dinner
with Mr. Jung but did not seem to
1 ive much appetite. Mr. Jung told
iim to lie down and lake a rest and
perhaps he would feel bet'er after a
while. He did so but after a short
.ime got up and came down
own and was seen leisurely walking
iron mi in diHercnt parts of the city,
when ati »ut half past two o’clock he
it rated towards home. When he
•cached the Deiystcr farm house he
went in and filled a long black
yott 13 with water, the a he went to
,tie sod house above mentioned and
Here, it appears, mixed the deadly
lose. lie also uatl with linn a
whiskey hotile, the contents of
which, it appears, he had taken to
icrve himself up. Apparently he
lad taken a portion of the whisk)
tnd strychnine and mixed it with
lie water in the long black bottle
md from it had taken the poisonous
Mr. Miller leaves a wife, two sons
uid two daughters. The funeral
.ook place at the Miller farm last
Sunday morning at 9 o’clock and he
was buried in the Evergreen cemetery
north of this city.
The gold in the treasury at Wash
ington, has reached the enormous
nnouut of more than a half billion
iollars and is still accumulating.
So other government in the woild
pusesses the ready cash that Uncle
■iam does and with one exception,
llussia for a bhort time, no country
ever did possess such a vast amount
.f money at one time. Contrast this
with ’90 and argument would lie su
The poor almond eyed celestial
finds himself in the position of the
spider and the fly, with the excep
tions that lie has no choice left ex
cept to walk in and be devoured.
Thu greedy governments of conti
nental Eeri pc seem to he deter
mined to fleece him of even his hritch
clout and make a slave of him for
generations to come. Germany de
mands seventy millions, while llus
sia asks ninety, France comes in
w ith a bill of forty millions and the
little leeches that did not have a cor
porals guard in Cmna, demands in
the aggrrgats ihiity five. England,
i!,.' a. lid renowned vampiie ic-ks
!.at twent)-four millions and Uncle
Sain thinks that twenty-five will heal
his sores. llussia has made the
modes! demand of one-*bird of the
em|»irc on the side to entirely smooth
their rutiled dignity and if Japan,
China's lienditaiy eutmy, had not
shown her teeth in the emphatic man
ner she did Manchur'a would be
Russian territory. Japan is far see
ing enough to know that if Russia
gains possession of Manchuria, her
future will be misty, therefore the
little island will light to the hitter
end. Let the allies once leave Chi
na and self preservation will cement
that country and Japan, amt the
Russian Bear is liable to discover
that the Ural Mountains are a con
genial back yard fence.
He Kept Ills;
Twelve years ago ,i. W Sullivan, of
Hartford Conn., scratched tils leg with
rusty wire I nilaininaiion ard blood
poisoning set in. For two year he suffer
ed int"nsely. Then the best doctors urg
ed amputation,*’but,’’ he writes ’’1 used
one bottle of Electric Ritters and 1 1-2
boxes of Rucklen’S Arnica Salve and my
leg was sound and well as ever” For
Eruptions, Eczema, 'letter, Salt Kheuni,
Sore» and all blond disorders Eletric Rit
ters has no rival n e.irt’t Try them
Od-iidahl Pro's will guarantee satisfac
tion or refund money. Only 50 cents
are the most comfortable, commodious
means of travel lor large parties, intend
ing settleis, homeseekers. and hunting
These cars run on the Union Pacific
daily from Nebraska an I Kansas points
to California and Oregon points, and
are fitted up complete with dusttre.-sti
curtains, blankets, pillow*, ate., requir
ing no’hing to he fur* uh*d by UP'
passengers. Uniformed porters in
charge of the ear1, are required to keep
them in good order, and look after the
wants ami Comforts of all passengers
['be ears are new, ef modern pattern, i
ind are almost as convenient and oom
f irtahle as first-class Palace Sleepers.
Excursion retes every Tuesday. For
full information call on or address
II J Clifton, Agent.
The Rest lllooil Purllier.
The blood is constanly being purified
jv the lungs liver and kidneys. Keep
these organs in a healthy condition and !
he bowel* regular and you will have no
iced of m blood ponder For this pur
pose there is nothing equal toChumber
ain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, one
Jose of them will do you
nore good than a dollar bottle of the
leM blood purifier. Price. 25cents. Ham
bies free at O lendahl Pro's drug store
ni({ Poultry Pii|>«r Free.
.fust for ft short time to introduce
hi* Heini-Weekly State Journal that
paper will send the Western Poll try
News a year fiee to'anyone sending
Jit 00 for a years subscription to The j
Semi-Weekly State Journal, which i
publiehed every Thursday and Friday ;
gives all the news <f the world day-!
ihead of farm papers and weeklies. It
i- a news paper from start to finish and
is the paper for the farmer. A great
many readers call it the ‘farmers daily
One doll, r gets the Journal twice-a
week a whole year and The Western
Poultry News a whole year. This is a
big bunch of reading for a dollar. Hen 1
your order to The Htate Journal, Un
join. N< b.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Nob. i
March 26, l'.MU. i
Notice is hereby given that the follow,
lug-named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make Ilnal proof in support
af his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. A. Angler, county
Judge of Sherman county, at Loup
I'lty, Nebraska, on Saturday, May 11, 1901,
viz: Levi F. Goodwin, Homestead Entry
No. 17.377, for the North East foul til, of
of Section 2, Township 14, Range IS west.
He names ilie following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: I red Dad
[low, Clark L. Alieman, David Do Pew,
Earnest Conner, all of Loup City. Neb.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Department of tho Interior,
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. t
April 22, 1901. f
Notice is hereby given lliat the following
named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proot will bo made bo
fore Judson (;. l’orter, U. S. Commissioner
at Litchfield, Nebraska, on June 8th 1901,
viz: Alelbert J. Wilson, Timber Culture
entry No. 73"iO for the South half of the
North West Quarter and the North half of
tho South West Quarter of Section II*
Township 14, Range 16. II* names the fol.
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: George (’. Gray, Thomas C.Cham
I) rial ii and William F. Spencer of Llteh
Retd, Nth. and Thomas M. Burke, of Huxley,
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Notice is hereby given that T. II. Eisner
did on the:Ird day o' April 10nl, file with
the Village Clerk of Loup <lty, Nebraska,
in the county of Sherman ami said stale his
pel ii Ion and application for a license to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in said
viiluge for tlie fiscal year begmnlngon the
first Tuesday of May, 1901; such application
being tho petition of more than thirty of
Hie resident free holders of said village ol
Loup city. Any objections, protests or re
monstrances to said application must be
filed on or befoie tho it Ii (lay of May 1901.
Dated tills Td day of April 19 1
T. II. Eisni-k, Applicant
Attest G. II. Gipson, Village t lerk.
FOR sale ok rest
A *ix room house in Eon 1 < Tty, t i
blocks from square, in goo I icjmir am
lias in connection a barn kik! a gom
well if water. Inquire of—FlfANK
LonrincK, A titon. %\ b
♦ ♦ ♦
'I i Ion Kouke manager for 1'. M
1 hompson a largo importer of lint mil
linery at 265S Milwaukee Avenue < ’h > i
go says: ‘'During the late severe w.aihei
t caught a dreadful! cold winch kept mt
awake at bight and made m- unfit !<
wink during the daj . One of my r.iillin
t rs was taking Cliaiuber'ains <’ u,;1
Remedy for a severe cold at that tlmf
which seemed to relieve tier - i qui"‘ it
that 1 bought some for It acted
like magic and 1 began m improve at
once. 1 am no a entirely well and fe*-! v rt
min li pleased to acknowledge it* mer
its" For sale by Odendahl Bros.
♦ • •
A .. ai from Oi«t KuglaiKl
I consider Chamberlain's Cough R-nr»
edy the best, in the world for bronchi!i
says Mr. William Savory, of Warring,
ton England. “ It lias saved my vvileb
life, she having been a martyr to hi.
eliitis for over six years, ic-ing mi *t oj
the time confined to her bed. She isiicaa
quite we I:" It is a great pleasure to iht
manufacturers of < bumbo iIain's i ’oiig b
Remedv to be able to publish testiuioni
als of this character, Thor show thm
great good is being done, pain a 1 if*
fering releived and valuable lives restor
ed to health and happiness by this rem
edy it is for sale by O.lenilahl Bros
i.iqroit license noti e.
Notice is hereby given that Cut Spra
gue ont on the li» (lay or April, I9U, lib
wil h the Village clerk of Loup city, Nehr is
ka. In the county of Sherman, and sain si ai t
tils petition and application for a lii-'-ase li
sell malt, spirit (ions and vinous Inpi.iis In
said v11luge for lh ■ ll~cal year bogilinbur on
tile first Tuesday or May. UK)); such appli
cation being l lie petition of mure than
thirty of lliorssldent tree bidders of *
Village of Loup city. Any objections, pro.
U-si or remonstrance in said apphv.i . i
must lie gil d on or bcfors I bo Till da\ nt
May lfnil,
balcl this till hay of April, iv I.
t AI. M’lltlll'l, Applleiui!
Attest: G. II. UIIUon, Alllags ileih
TUB HUM E gold rt HE
An Ingenious Tioaliuciil by which
Drunkards are lining; cured Dally
In Spite ol Themselves.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of tin
Nert'es A pleasant and Positive Cure
for the Llquer Habit
It is noAV generally known and understood
that Drunkenness is a disease and nut weak
ness A body tilled with poison, and nerves
completely shattered by periodic. I orconstunt
use of intoxicating liquors, requires an anti
dote capable of neutralizing and eradicating
this poison, and destroying the craving for in
toxicants. Sufferers may now cur. themsel.
ves at home without publicity or loss of time
from business by tills wonderful HOME
GOLD CL'ItK" asbleli lias i n pell eted
after many yt art of do*.- stu, ar, I treatim m
of inebriates The faithful use ar .rib i i<
directions of this wonderful discovery is p<e
itively guaruntugd to cure the moat oh- ■ ii..
case, no Balter tow a drinker Out i- -
cords show the am vi m* Iran if
thousand*of Druakardslntu sober, :,uusU. .a
and upright men.
edy is in no sense a nostrum but i> a iei ia
for this disease only, and is so skillfully
Used and prepared that it Is thorotn idy so: i
ble and pleasant to the taste, so that ii can la
given In a cup of tea or coffee without tl e
knowledge of the pi r-,111 taking It Tu • . n
of Drunkards have cured them-elvcs with i :■
priceless remedy, and us many more have i - n
cured and made temperate men li.v i, u .
“CURE" administered by loving fri mi
relatives without their knowledge in c ■' :
tea. and believe today that they di i,t.
drinking of their own free will. DO N’o'f
WAIT. Do not be deluded by appur. nt and
misleading "improvement. Drive out the
disease at once and for all time Tin "HOME
GOLD CL’RE" is sold at the extremely lev
price of One Dollar, thus placing yvitltin r. - i.
of everybody a treatment more effectual tl-m
others costing $y’5 to #50. Full directions a.
companyIng each package. Special advice by
skilled physicians when requested without . -
tra charge. Sent prepaid to nnv part of tin
w.irtd on receipt of One Dollar. A(. '-ess D, ;.i
and -'.'CD Market Street. Philadelp'.d i, l*a Ai
correspondence strictly confident iul il 15
Notice is hereby given that r .1. Oden
duhluml W. U Ortendahl, partners and <1 >
trig business under the 11 rni name and »t y h
of Odomlahl Brothers, dl l on the nth day
Of April, 1901, file their petition ami nppli
cation for a permit to sell liquor for medi
cal, mechanical and chemical purposes li
the village of Loup city, for Hie onsniut
year, to wn; from tho First Tuesday it
May aOOl to the First Tuesday in May I.
at 12 M All persons objecting thereto " ill
tile same on or before the Till da, of Mas
1WM. Dated this9th day of Vpril.lOOl.
(' J. OllE.NDAtl I. )
■ Applicants.
W. G. Odendahi., J
Attest; G. n. Gibson.
Village Glerlt
WANTKP -trust wortuv men ami wo
men to travel and advertise for old e tab
Itshcd house ot solid flnaiielul standing
Salary T&> a year and expenses, all pay a
bio In cash. No canvassing required
Give reference and enclose self addres-m
stamped enveloped. Address Manager
.'15'i caxton Bldg., Chicago.
Trate Marks
Convpic-HTS &c.
AnrnnoFPrd! n f*Ueti*b M:i!»io.vri,'t 1’un
qnlt .’ lv ascertain our opinion !>. !or fii
invuntiou ta probably patent;.i»* •. < • > *:t t
tUuiMM.rictlyconfldentini. 11m. .it>«*«*’ . > >n !' a
e»*iit, fri»e. Oldest agency for si«'t»rtu«? • iti . ,
i»i:?*'i»rm taken through JMuun « »
.; noi ■ •, w ithout cb.* %:o, I
A handsomely ninptfnled • 1
culutiotl fifty prirMUlf’ 1 ■; 'j > •
your: four Montiis, JfrL iiold by. *.i •
MM & C0.38,Bro,dwaM:2W Kcff
Branch Oltlce, 1)28 F Bt„ Waahluglm, 1). t.
i:s r i: « r- ,:nt,
i ,SV 'I a A ■ NS,
all niiLl. ,. nirs
AM) < 1JI( -■ > A: A 1 11
i*. • * j - .. * »* .*
1'iiii‘K i.. , of i . llivtr
sitoukl pi II. a . o.
The t !s* • slit!; i N . . Via
, till;!. I. 1*1. » il ilb
l*' iil>|.. llrm .; t .,.c
;-ii i’]^r- i»•:. • > t ‘ • .* 1 *i u hi
Carte. Kr< l.« .,n ■ i t . .
Full inf im - . fit !\ fur
.nivlied on a) j. '■ . t *1 ( t.n -
ton, Agent,
Tho 15 Feinn y t
LM’irK V Ml 1 u ' • :
A1 '.till It * 1 ! il 1 111!
f. rin u; t •; o 1 ill he
1411, -k i vi i I | i i If i -1 =.
W u- r . ’-i , ( ) auks
Of Tr y lino. • * u. . • i :v r* i .. hi in\
arm ami sh . • I u . imm
renil die. but •' 1 I i us
recoin nentU ilk tr >1 > 1 * »r. - n
A 1 ' > I ■ 1 ‘ - I a in •
beiiftlu* i’.tl.i 151 *:i. r .n i •: ’*'tl
it m> ; tt 1
MV, i) il-;, i eii ill- , i i e
reeon no '! i . ■ of
my f> 1 ini'* vt ii 1 • !i : it
is lie b ■ > ■ , I n«.
ti.»lll ! 1 ill' III i ' f' I > ii'll
iluiil liris.
Inti fill,
W i. (•< olui- •. I '! ; ill'll:
O . iy [ *• w .i
•■•.n il " i '-il. I ' '. ‘! kiita'n
Tea i i.'
LOlTp . [ I Y, NKBK.
■ .me on,
St. Joseph,
ITausas < 'ity,
>;t. Louis,
•toil all points
11., . nul South
i H'hvnr.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
W i* at
' • xa Passenger.7:55 a. m
" Freight.12 5u p m
Pa-scnger .4:55 p. n.
N ■ •>: I reiglit.12:50 a. in.
■ p1’ ;. dinner and reclining chair cart
fr on through trains. Ticket*
i i a i gage checked to any point In
!•> l -t. I -late* or Canada.
1 a :i ion. maps, time tallies aai
1 ! on or write to it. I.. Arlbui
1 a. FUANoIs, Gen’l, Passenger
Ani. iimalia, Nebraska.
- daily except Sunday (pass
r ■ a r). - am a. in.
ve■ Monday, Wednesday sod
nixed) 12:20 p. m.
aim Tuesday, Thursday and
lay, (mixed) 2:56 p. m
i t1. i s daily except Sunday (mixed
1- '• p. in.
i . ives dally except Sunday ipals
i r ••!•) . p. m. • ■
- •i rvlceand close connections
. a . ii ” i anil south
Guaranteefl $900
Salary yearly.
il women of good address torep
n a, mo me to travel appointing ageats,
oh lor a.1 -a! work looking after our
SIMM) salary guaranteed yearly ;
’ ”iuinl--:otis and expenses, rapid ad
1, ’ ip old established house, man*
o earnest men or women to secure
I • • id permanent positions, liberal ln
■ Mini l nl ure. New bnlllcnt lines
Write at once
•; ’ lunch St., New Haven oen*.
Do the merchants of the country sail
n, New IP mo” Sewing Machine*
11t v il<» of all other makes? Be
I r customers know the "New
li is tlm best and will b»ve ao
0 -. For sale by—T. M. Reed.
dyspepsia Cure
D svsl ' what you eat.
" lit digests t he ford and aids
' it' re i »' 'mtliening and recon
*■ • nv . It li. osted digestive or*
It h t li- la i • -t discovered digest
; pi n- ip No othei preparation
■i eflieiency. It in*
■ : !; i > r.'ip vo- a'id permanently curia
• **•<• ••■'•[).:!;i, : ndit b.R. Heartburn,
: i i we, fSotir Ntomacli, Nuu***,
' Hi arbf“hp,Gasi ralgia,Cramps,and
>’ 'ilicrr '. sof IsupeifectdigestlBD.
(r* EC &co. Chicaa*.
i D\|ll. DUOS..
!> — ■ pable. reliable person In every
pn -ent large company of soll6
il 1.136 salary per year, pay
ci day absolutely sure and
p c ruuht bona tide, definite sal*
• teuiis-ion: salary paid each Satur
\j : e money advanced each week
1 ’ll L AttO.
10 W ' M ust! ' ir non 10 Cents.
It <■ n’: of spo ial articles each week by
tin ••• , ■ 1 of agriculture--departmeat*
ih v, r yard, orchard and garden, farm
machinery, vt i i n ry lop , timl Uie m irkets.
Tie' ':r ' , ha - her share of space, with
ri • i n ii;i i r fancy work, care of flower*,
m i 11, , white the children hare a department
i i-1 it ■. i ,• - are devoted to a complete re
Vd-w.'i nig i happening* at Home and abroad,
and to ’ i m ni i it tanning west. Then, too, are the
stoi mm ; i al; i’ii id things that one like* to read
after the am;, arc . 1 til, days work is dune.
Aii Ideal cultural
and Ynmii Veekiv
Per year
*■' l send it with a dime or five
l’ * The Twentieth Century
i i - , A; 'arnam street, Omaha.
•Wo e ad quarters for
W! \ ;i 'P. ! PES & FIXTURES
•banco n • making first class
Drive or :vdrau!>c Wells
respectful I v i; y or order. > > charges are reasonable
our price . ■ •• vi Dd AT have added a feed grinder to our
business and * pr-p : :d to d<> custom work or furnish
ground feed at • m. >nable rates.
i i i • . fO •<) . K SATISFACTION.