The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 05, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern |
liEO. E. BEJisrunTEK, t Kdllom unit
«KO. H. GIBSON, 1 I'ublMipm
TEBM9:—*1.00 PBH teak, ir paid in advance
Entered at the Loup City PostoIBee for trims
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Omaha should induce (Jen. Fun
ston to come home and take up the
search for L‘at Crowe.
Rosey still senna to be carrying a
chip on his shoulder for Meiklejohn
The little editor never quite forgives
an obstruction,
“Gov. Savage,” How does that j
sound way up in the Band hills. Sar
gent should have a jubilee fitting be
Fred Fuuston is a light weight from
an avoirdupois standpoint but when
Uncle Sara hns a heavy task to per
form the little general is gererally
selected for the job.
^ The old cry of the offi«e seeking
the man is sometimes carried far
ther than populistic ideas would
have it. Such seems to be the case
with our two U. S. senators.
Nebraska has two United States
senators and they are both Republi
cans. Something that has not been
for a decade. Let us rejoice and
be glad for the day of deliverance
is at hand.
All executions of criminals here
after in the state of Nebraska will
take place within the enclosure at
the State Penitentiary and the ward
en will be the executioner according
to the law just passed.
The Ransom kidnapping bill was
pasted during the last hours of the
session. The last provision of the
act where the kidnapping is followed
b>- threats of bodily injury for the
purpose of forcing a ransom is made
a capital offense and is punishable
by death
Little Jopun is still showing her
teeth to tin Russian hear and Russia
seems to be contemplating the fact
that size does not always insure
against a trouncing. Little Japan
will have the moral support of the
^ world if it comes to a contest, anil
it often goes a long ways to have a
fellow hold your coat and hollow
Gov. Dietrichs will not resign his
position until late in the fall accord
ing to rumors. He says he lias a
state policy mapped out that he de
sires to make effective before he re
signs. When he is inducted into
•the office of U. S. Senator in De
•cember next he will have the snug
little sum of $4,500 due and ready
to be drawn, as his salary common
•ced on the 4th day of last month.
That peace will soon be establish
ed in the Philippines is thought to
be a foregone conclusion at present.
Aguinaldo, the chief agitator is in
our hands and expresses a desire
and willingness to promote peace
and good will between the Tagalo
and the Yankee. Insurgent officers
and men are surrendering and hand
ing over their arms every day, and
the administration is confident that j
a much less army will be needed
there from this on.
There is something about the
name “Twentieth Century Farmei”
lhat makes i' attractive and fitting
The public generally has come to
so reeoguize agriculture as the lead
ing science of the new century and
all admit that upon agriculture de
pends our national prosperity. The
Bee Publishing Co. has grasped the
situation and crystalized a great
Idea in this new paper, “The
Twentieth Century Farmer. It is all
tba' the name implies and by reason
of its many excellent features ap
peals to every person in any way
interested in land and stock and
a thousand an I one interests con
ing under the nunc “agriculture.”
If you have not s.'en a copy call at
the office and see one. \Yn have u
plan whereby you can secure the
paper for three m »nths free, or for a
year in connection with the North
western for $1.50.
The long drawn out senatorial
1 light in the state of Nebraska wna
| ended last. Thursday when Thompson
and Rosewater, like men who cen
; aider the best interest of their state
j first and themselves after, stepped
before the Republican caucus and
announced their withdrawal from
the fight and released the faithful
band of senators and representatives
who had stood by them through the
entire session from any farther obli
gations, thereby leaving the Republi
can majority free to concentrate
their entire force upon two Repub
cans where spite nor spleen would
not divide them. The choice of
Messrs Dietrichs and Millard will he
generally accepted as good through
out the state without a doubt, al
though few wi’l question the fact
that such ripe statesmen as Crouose
and a few others have been bet
ter fitted for a position in whose
schools they have been training.
That our chief executive should be
elected and thereby place bis office
in the hands of another almost at
the beginning of what promised to be
a wise and conservative administra
tor a great many will regret. But
Mr. Savage, during his political ca
reel in Nebraska, has been tried by
crucial tests and still holds the con
fidence of his party, which should
mean that as our governor he will
not be found wanting His resource
fullness in eases of immergeney have
already proved him capable, as was
shown in bis prompt action when
the penitentiary burned and Gover
nor Dietrichs was out of the state,
therefore, judging from the past
the predictions must he that the
mantle has fallen on shoulders that
will maintain its integtity.
The question lias been asiied our
citizens by members of the school
hoard, whether nr not it would be
advisable to start the schools up
again on Monday next To tnis
we say No! W.ii1 at leas' one m >re ;
week, and even then, in the com i
mencement, bar all families that i
have i.*en quarantined lin'd such,
time as it is posiiiv oy certain that
they will uot carry the disease firth !
er. It now seems that we have it i
well tinder control. L"t us profit!
by p ist experience. There was no
doubt a mistake made iu (Ue fiist
place by opening the schools to
soon and a week ot sell >oling lost
now may not only prevent the furth
er spread of Hie disease blit also the
closing do vn agaio in the near
future. If the schools are com
menced to soon there will likely be a
very small .attendance and ther fore
would not be of much benefit.
Close to the Rocky mountains and
protected by that lofty range warmed
Pacific breezes, called the Cbincock
Alberta furnishes the most delight- j
fal winter and summer climate on
this continent where great crops are
raise I by natural rainfall. Cattle,
horses and sheep live on the range
all winter without hay or shelter and
are fat enough for the butcher in the
spring. No drouths or hot winds.
Homestead free; railroad lands, $ i
per acre ten years time. Fifteen tbou
usand people came in last fall and
50,000 are coining this spring.
Eight hundred miles north of
Utah 800 miles west of Manitoba.
Smooth land, black, deep, rich soil;
average crop thrity to sixty bushels
of wheat, forty to eighty of barley,
sixty tol25 bus. of oats that will
weigh forty pounds to the bushel,
potatos 400 to tiOO bus; timothy bay
two to four ton-*, winter wheat, bar
ley and rye all do well. Climate, s >il
and crops are better than Iowa and,
acre for acre will make the farmer
more money.
I will select and on homesteads
(good for six months) or select rail
road lauds for anyone wishing me to
do so. Wages are high and help in
good demand, If interested address
Ezra. E Thompson,
Lethbridge, Alberta. N. W. T.
P. S Ro\s IS and over can take
homesteads. Must live on land at
least si* months every year for three
years when patent issues.—St Paul
The iduiiicis of rear-admeral
Schley sre raising $10,000. to pur
chose him a home in WashiugL n.
This maze is not liable to strike
j Sampson.
'The following Is the program of the
Dlltilct Sunday School Convention h' id
at St I’mi, March. 28 29 iltOI
10:00 a m. Devotional, led by Rev. J.
N Funk, of St. Paul.
10:30 a m, organized by electing Rev.
Campbell, of St Paul, President and
Mrs. Ed. Angler of LoupCity, Sec.
10:45 a. m The work outlined, by Rev.
R II X'olock ot Lincoln.
11:15 a m. Grading, by Dr. F, O. Bur
dick, of Ord.
11 45 a. m Assignment of delegates.
2;00 p in Praise service, by Rev. J. F.
Webster of St. Paul.
2:15 |> m A Progressive Bible School, by
Rev O. A Arnold, of O.d,
2:45 a m Reports of (.'aunties, four out
of nine counties in the district were
represente I
3:15 p in General Discussion.
3:45 p in Primary Work. Discussion led
by Mrs E Angier of Loup City.
4:15 Questions and Discussion
5:00 Adjournment:
7:50 p m Song and Praise Seryiee, led
by R«v J. F Webster.
8:00 p m Child Training. R“v. C. A.
8:00 pm Adddrcss. W. IT Kimberly,
of Lincoln
9:00 a m Bible Study. Mrs. Hedglin of
9:50, County Association Work. Dis
cussion led by Rev. L. E Humph
cry of Farwell, followed by various
workers. This was one of the most
helpful sessions of the convention.
10:30 a m Home Department, led by
Rey, E. A. Russell, of Ord, follow
ed by questions on Home dept.,
work, Adult dept , Young People's
dept., and intermediate dept.
1 .30 p m Praise Service, by B. 1). Hay
ward, of St Paul.
2:00 pm Addre>s, by E. R. Nence, of
Atchison, Kan.
2:30 p in Sunday School Equipment, by
\V. II Kimberly, of Lincoln.
3:15 p m Kmina Talle, conducted by R.
II Polock.
3:45 p m Primary Work by Miss Lms
Spear, of Central Cjty.
Motion was made and carried that ihe
District Trustees and the Countv Sec
retaries tie mi executive committee to
arrange for the next annual District
7 50 p in Praise Service.
H;00 p in A Common Brotherhood.* Ad
dros. by Rey. II A. Carnahan.
Report of committee on Resolutions
It w. s the feeling of all that the con
vention was a grand success.--Adj mrn
1.1 VK Fill! tt HAT YOU IIKl.IRVK
‘•The woman who, feeling that her
life is complicated with unprofitable
things, will simplify that life, will find
the moment she steps out of lur
bondage that she is not alone,” wi ilea I
Edward,, Bok, in the April Ladies’ j
Home Journal. “Far Horn it indeed.
She will find hersilf of a sisterhood
more votaries than she has ever
dreamed of. A sisterhood she wll
know not of uutil she become part ;
of it. Like attracts like in this world
I we live false lives. If our liv< s
ring true tile chords we strike attract
those who also live on equal heights.
The true less >u for us to learn is to '
Jive for the things we beleiva: not for |
what may be thought of those by
others. That is where our chief
trouble lies, we are to much concern
ed by what the world may think of
us. we are fearful lest some action
of ouri. may be misunderstood. We
are unwilling to stand by our convict
ions. We forget the thing itself. We
foget that we are what we are by the
things we do. It matters exceeding y
little what the world thinks of u*.
But it does matter, and it matters
much, to ourselves whether the lives
we live are true or false An action
born of a false motive never has the
slightest influence. It dies in its birth.
The men and women who, by there
lives have influenced the world have
been those who have lived ernest and
honest lives, and who never for one
moment allowed to come into there
thoughts the notion of whether the
world would approve or disapprove.
No life truly lived is lived apart aDd
alone. It has the companionship of
the best.”
Th« llnst Hlooct Purifier.
Tic* blood is const,anlv being purified
bv 'he lungs Iher and kidneys Keep
these organs in a healthy condition an t
tilt* b *wel» r<’gu'ar and you will have no
n ed of * blood purifier For this pu •
pose there Is nothlngrqusl to C'humbe -
Iain's Stomach and Fixer Tablets, one
do-< o t 11, tin will do you
more got d tban a dollar bottle of the
best blood |U ilbr. Price, 25 •ents. Sam
ples free at Odendthl Bro’s thug store.
I f trmddsd by a weak dig' sthm.los* ( f
appetite, of conatipation, try1 a few
doses of Ciiarub'fiaitt'a Stomach und
Liver Tab'ets Every box warrentro F\ r
sale b Odendahl Bro«
Smallpox in Ic up City, ns we
have been having them do not carry
tuc terror with them that usually fol
low the disease. There has been eight
houses quarantined since its incep
tion some six Weeks ago, all the pa
tience being children who wore ex
posed through MissYuongthe teach
er at the primary echi o’, she malting
the eighth and none of them have
been im re severe than a had cold,
while some broke on* with a very
few pox and were not side at all
The tittle girl of Wm Sharp was
said to have been vert wick but there
is little doubt but that this case was
complicated with other trouble. A*
this writing the families of Win.
Howe and Wui. Sharp are both re
ported to’ have come down with the
disease, as could be expected, for
all families who have been quaran
tined will undoubtedly contract it
Outside those exposed the trouble
seems to be we.I in hand and the
board of health proposes to see to ii
that every precaution is observed
— - ♦-• ♦ ■- - ■■
All persons desiring dressed
chickens for Sunday must
leave their order by Saturday
noon. S. F. Reynolds
.. «» • ♦-—..
A six room house In Loup City, two
blocks from square. In goo.l repair and
has in connection a barn and a good
well of water. Inquire of—Frank
Lorchick, Ashton, Neb.
Maion Kooke manager for T. M.
Thompson a large importer of tine mi
)i tery at 2058 Milwaukee Avenue I'hict
gosays; “During the late severe weather
l caught a dreadfull cold which kept me
awake at night and made me unfit to
woik during the day, One of my millin
ers was Hiking Chamberlains Cough
Remedy fora severe cold at tint time
which seemed to relieve her so quick I \
that I bought some for myself lr acted
like magic and I began to improve at
One *, I am no v entirely well ai d fee! very
much pleased to acknowledge its mor
its" For sale by Odendahl Bro°.
\ Testimonial from Old 1C lit; In ml
I consider Ciiamb‘rlain's ugli Ib m
edy the best in the world fur br meli;'
Says M r. William Savor'-, of Warring
ton England. “ It lias saved mv wife’s
life, she having been a marly r to ! roi -
clillis f, r over six years, h' iug most o|
til time confined to her bed. Sin- is now
quite we c" It is a great plc.i-ure to tin
uiatiufactuiers of < liamberlaln’s i bnuh
Remedy to lie able to publish tc-'imoni
als of this character. They shir' Him
great good is I)' ing done, pain and ■
fering releived and valusbl ‘ livi s res'
ed to health and happiness ly ibis rem
edy It i- for sale bv Odeiolalll Ite<>-s
Notice is hereby given tlmt Cni Spr,
gue dhl on the Ilk day of April, i»)t, fib
with the Village clerk of Loup City, Neb ms
ka. In tlie county of Sherman, and saio feta e
Ills petition and application lor a llccrsc o
sail malt, spirt! nous and vinous lupous in
said village for Iho fiscal year beginni- t on
the first Tuesday of May, linn ; such appli
cation being the petition of more tun
thirty of the resident tree holders ol sa,d
village of Loup city. Any objections, pro
test or remonstrance to said application
must be tiled on or before the 7th day ol
Dated this 1th day of April, lOfil.
Cal SpnAora, Applicant
Attest: G. II. Gmison, Village clerk.
An ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkard* ttre lleing Cured Dally
In Spite of Ttiemselves.
No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the
Nerves. A pleasant and I’osll ive Cure
for the Liquor Habit
It is now generally known and understood
that Drunkenness Is a disease uud not weak
ness. A body tilled with poison, uiai nerves
completely shattered by periodical or constant
use of intoxicating liquors, requires uu anti
dote capable of neutralizing und eradicating
this poison, and destroying the craving for in
toxicants. Sufferers may now cure themsel.
ves at home without publicity or loss of time
from business by this wonderful HOME
GOLD CUKE" which has been perfected
after many years of close study and treatment
of inebriates. The faithful use according to
directions of this wonderful discovery is pos
itively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate
case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our re
cords show the marvelous transformation of
thouuundsof Drunkards into sober, industrious
and upright men.
edy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specille
for this disease only, aud is so skillfully de
vistd and prepared that it is thoroughly solu
ble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can in
given in a cup of tea or coffee without the
knowledge of the person taking it Thousands
of Drunkards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, und as many more have been
cured and made temperate men by having the
‘•CURE" administered by loving friends and
relatives without their knowledge in coffee or
tea. aad believe today that they discontinued
drinking of their own free will. DO NOT
WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and
misleading "improvement." Drive out the
disease at once und for all time. The "HOMI
GOLD CURE” is sold at the extremely low
price of one Dollar, thus placing within reach
of everybody a treatment more effectual than
other* costing tSt to $50. Full directions uc
companylng each package. Special advice by
skilled physicians when requested without ex
tra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the
world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept
AiV>, EDWIN ii. GILES & COMPANY, 2d.ii
andUll.l.’ Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa. A1
correspondence strietly confidential. 3 10
■■ -
with Dii:i:cT
(ON NKf'TlOX l'OIt
via Tin-:
Passengers destine,' I r prominent
cities east of the ,*t. . >, i i H r
should patronise the mute.
The through trains ;h Solioly Vos
tlimit'd, elegantly « pp<d with
Double Drawing lioctu aud Palace
Slt epers, Die lie ( ai a la
*‘i»rte Pree R* iin • h. ;
Full iofoitn»tj..n < eer 11s fur
niebei) ou Bpplicnti n H .1 Ci.ik
ton, Agent,
The lies! KeniPtly for llhcumut t-i»i
All who me C.h-nnVot iin- I’nu II 111.»
foi rheumatism :r< delight’ 1 v. h the
quick releif from piiti wli h r 11 Tda,
When <peil{i g *-f ttn • V. I> uks
of T ru\ Ohio. Sum1 Min . o I I
bad a *• vi re hm k I ,.*<ti-m in my
arm and j-Ii ui I • I ions
remedies hut got n > r**|. d u I was
recommended b Mi'.*.*r- <1 o 1’ ISt-in
& < .'o drug j j of tIn* pi t . ( ,n
berlalti* Patn B dm l h v i . • in. d
it so h'gill til i I b i' gut a b t 11 I ,
kOOIl 'i li '\ed ( | -.ll *•; II’! i e
rei1' ouiie -d -d tits i <.{
my fr end* wh > gr • 1 b ■ it
U the bn* t 1’IMII I V for JJ1U*I '
ti^in in i Ii mu, ' ' For * Ic
datil Brn*.
In!-,i each Id' ' linin' i i.m ii o ,i f
Wi ;e people •! lib *it dow n -i.d b I: J
(bdy f ii u ■ If or t df tl1
Smart people k" p, i ky M uita'n
IV -'ii it. A k i ir III;
w. for Gentlemen
p wlio cherish
j i Quality.
v . , . i
-i y I*. H. KI,!*NMK, F..011J < ity, Nib
time tahi.r.
LOl'P < 1 l Y. NF.BK.
Lincoln, Deny f,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Untte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake, City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil all points nnd all points
East and South. West.
N' Passenger.7.5.'. a in
Nil !)0 Freight .12.Snp.tu.
Nu .-i Passenger.Uip. n».
No. Vf Freight.lSifiO*. m.
si 'ping, dinner and reclining chair carl
" "!'■ I rein on through trains. Ticket*
"'Id -inn Iggnge checked to any point In
I he l nited states or > anada,
tor Inhumation, maps, time tables and
tickets vail on or write to K. L. Artliui
'gent. ell J. FRANCIS, Gen’I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
N . mi 1 ern es daily except Sunday (pass
• tiger). "usi a. m.
No ' leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. !U.
No no leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
• inurday, (mixed) S:55 p. m.
n . a; at rives dally except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. in.
No -r, arrives daily oxcept Sunday (pass
enger) 7..T> p m.
Fn-t 1 ass service and close oonnectiom
east, west and south
Gflamietil $900
Balery yearly.
Min and w> men of good address torep
n ent ns, some to travel appointing agents,
o hers for ienl work looking after nur
Intel,-ns VHOO salary guaranteed yearly ;
• xiia commissions and expenses, rapid ad
vitiii'imicnt, old csi shushed house. oranA
• lie in e for earnest men or women to *#cure
p i m int permanent positions, liberal ln
< (une and future. New brilliant lines
Write at once.
2! church St., New Haven cena.
ln> Hie merchants of the country sell
ram'! “New Home” Sewing Machines
than they do of all other makes? Be
cAu-e’ their customers know the “New
II 'iii' ’ is the best ^and will liave no
others. For sale by—T. M. Keep
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum fc.vking powders are the greatest
m?r. :r to health of the present day.
Hi * . wm * ■
. H pable. reliable person in every
l n present large company of sollf.
i , Ml n i ii itlon; ♦!(.■» salary per year, pay
le . "i 1;i\ j.i per day absolutely sum and
.1 i p e . straight, buna lide, definite sal
on, non omission salary paid each Satur
i ud im use money advanced each week
10 WEEKS 10 Cents. 1
it contains a number of spc ia! articles each week by I
1 lie most competent iIhm "i very branch of agriculture—departments fl
devoted to live si-• t. * >| •* the dairy poultry yard, orchard and garden, farm fl
inaeliliipry, vctt nnary topics, attU the markets. ■
The farmer’s wife, t<)r, has her share of space, with |
recipes and suggestion.'- i .dressmaking, fancy work, oaro of flowers,
and matters pariieniis’: v p • " ng t i her, white the children have a department
edited for (hem exi n-: y. I-ouror live pages are devoted to a complete re- ■
view of the news of the a t- c ..ring both happenings at Dome and abroad, fl
and news in pa: leu'at inter- • ng to the great farming west. Then, too, are the 9
stories, choice pot try and Ir t nog nnd all the good things that one likes to read ®
after the lamps arc lighted a* I Ih days work is done.
An Ideal Agricultural
and Family Weekly
$1.00 I
Per year I
(’ut this out and send it with a dime or live j
2-cerit stamps to The Twentieth Century
Farmer, 2272 Farnam street, Omaha.
We ape Headquarters for
We have every appliance iur making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. <) r charges are reasonable
our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder to our
business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish
ground feed at reasonable rates.