Uoaal Dsws. Hog? are selling on this market at 5.15. Miss Mary Knutzen of Ashton, was in the city last Friday. Clothing going cheap at J aegers. Paul Chelewski of Ashton was a coun ty seat visitor Saturday. Benecbcter and Oltman will conduct a dance at the hall to-night. W. S. Owen tnoyed his harness shop across the street Wednesday. W. T. Gibson came up from Farwell, Saturday, returning Monday. District court will convene in Loup City, next Wednesday, March 27, 1001. Lew Haller is putting down a new well on the Howe place on Oak Creek. Inquire of W. S. Waite for pure Golden Grant seed wheat. Miss Earnev Odendahl assisted her father in the store while Art Eisner was sick. Billy Couton and J. S, Needham of Austin, were doing business at the hub Saturday. C. F. Johnson has been quite sick for several days which delayed his starting east for the present. The township assessors were in ses sion last Tuesday for the purpose of ar ranging their ratio for this year. Uncle Jack Ford sold his interest and good will in the stock business at this place to Mr. Bemond last week. L. A. Williams who has been visiting in the city the past two weeks returned to his home near Ashton Saturday. Frank Ctlewski sold 18,850 lbs. of hogs on this market Monday for which he received 81,000. Frank is still at the bead of his profession. James Rentfrow of Austin, has been quite sick for some time with erysipe las, something of the nature of the trou ble he had three years ago. The heavy wind and blustrous weath er has made the attendance small at the M. E church this week. Nigh ly meet ings have been conducted since Sunday We have new samples on clothing just in. Call and see them. Chicago prices. J. 1*. Jaeger. Results. Immediate and lasting Be fore and after trying other remedies use Rocky Mountain Tea this month. ’Tw il keep you well all summer. A gr< at spring blessing. Ask your druggist. Puny children with weak constitu tions can attain an unusual degree of bodily and mental vigor by taking Rocky Mountain Tea this month, made by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. Ask your druggist. Special Shoe Sale next Sat urday and Monday at Jaegers. Come in and see how cheap you can buy. J. T. Hale inyited us to a ride behind a fine span of bay horses he had just purchased last Saturday. For a bug gy team they strike the top notch. Mr. Hale sold another jack on that day for 8300, cash. Theyoung folks planed a surprise on Miss Mable Clark last Tuesday night, and nineteen of them gathered and proceeded to her home where 'hey spent several social hours and made Miss Clark a nice present. Elder J. W. Boynton will preach in the Adventist church Friday and Satur day evenings, and on Sunday at 2:30 p m. and 8:00 in the evening. Subject: The Raster Question or The War in China A cordial invitation is extended to all. Parties wishing photographic cn largement up t* life size should call at Leschinsky’s Studio this citv. The Artist Mr. Lescbinsky is now prepared to do all kinds of photo graphic work from the Stamp size to life aize and he does first class work in every particular. John Fisher of Oak Creek, dropped in to our sanctum when in the city Wed nesday and said that as a matter of Oak Creek news he would like to inform the public that he had an addition of six little Nebraska nuggets to his Po land-Oblna family this week. John Is a rustler. We wish to correct the statement made a few weeks ago, to the effect that A. M. Bennett would retire from tin barber business. Our informant w-a» mistaken as we have since learned that he will continue business and Irwin Conger will till the place of Gene Pat ton, who has gone into the feed and training stable business. A lively little runaway occurred in town last Friday. Just as the liven team belonging to Stamslaw Goc, of Ashton, drove up to the Round Front barn they took fright at the exhaust from the feed grinder at Lew Haller place of business, and turning quick got away from the driver who had alighted. They ran south until they broke loose from the buggy when one of them came back. After reaching the east end of town it ran into a barb wire fence ami cut itself quite badly. The buggy was not badly damaged. Get your op'ic on Jaeger's new Hil in tills issue. W. E.Smitiiof thi west side whs In 'he city Saturday. J. T. Hale received a tine English Shire stallion Wednesday. Billy Wharton treated hi< horses to a new set of barney M »nd y Art. Eisner was on the sick list several days during th3 past week School in Hie First primary room resumed lad Monday morning. 11. M. Mathew and Geo. Donahue went to Broken Bow, Saturday. A number of I.oup Cityites attended tlie ball at Ashton Saturday night. G. II. Morgan reconstruct** his ad tins week and adds a very attractive cut. Billy Rowe left last. Friday morning for York whcie he will join the B A M. gang of depot carpenters Quite a number of children are re ported on the sick list this week. T M Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture Geo Deininger of the east, sine was in the city Wednesday. Mr. Deininger tells us that he is putting down wells these days. When you are billious, use those fa mous little pills known as DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers to elens** tin- liver and bowels. They never gripe.—Odendahl Bros There will he preaching at the Bap tist church next Sunday morning ai d evening, at 10:00 a. m and T .'tO p in. All ate Invited. The Keystone Lumber Co,, sells Car i bolineuin. Warranted to exterminate and prevent, chicken live in poultry houses. Try it. Don’t forget to attend the sale at the south west comer ot the square tumor ; row at 2.00 p m. 'l'hero will he some good stock sold. Adam Scbaupp has a car of Seed Oats for sale at it.*) cents per bushel, also one car of Northern Spring wheat for seed at 61 00 per bii'hel. The sale of .tiinmie Conger’s last ’Saturday was another record breaker. Every thing sold was paid for in cash. No time was asked for even on large a mounts My ron Gilbert l ft Monday morning for Neligh, where lie lias accepted a position. His mother and sister, Miss Marsha, accompanied him for a visit with friends. Prof 1 eison. of Lonaroning, Md., stif feted terribly from neuralgia of the sto in neb and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors fajle i to cure him they fed hitn on morphine. A friend advised the u-e of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it he says. “1 can't say too much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure " It digests what you eat —Odendahl Bros Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given One Minute Cough Cure. Mothers endorse it, highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every other throat and lung trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough —Odendahl Bros, If you want deeds.'mortgages, leases or any legal instruments drawn at very reasonable rates when at the county seat, call on W. .1 Fisher at the NORTH WESTERN office. All kinds of blanks on hand. A Notary Public in office. Uncle Sain Hancock has fully recov ered from the injury lie received to his shoulder two months ago, and is the same jovial good natured f'diow again. He walked to the barn and back Satur day but as has been the case for more than a year h" is virtually confined to the house. Ira Foster and G II Gibson drove to Rockville. Saturday evening to tic pres ant at the initiation of candidates in tic Modern Woodmen eamp at that place The three Carpenter brothers. Sam, Dan and Clyde were enlightened in the mys teries of the order. A good time was experienced as the Rockville boys are no slouches when it comes to entertain ing. Last Friday morning, the loth, ab mt 1 oclock tire was descovered in the main business part of Callaway, and before it burnt itself out $30,000 worth of pro perty was destroyed. Tic town was without tire protection except that fur nished by a bucket brigade and all that could in' done was to keep the lire cnti nned to the block in which L originat ed and the night being culm ttiis was accomplished. J. Phil Jaeger has concluded to move his general store to West. Point, Neb. and will proceed to do so at once. Lie will also move bis family to that place Mr. Jaeger came to Loup tVty in 1 S'*2 and purchased the stole of R. Taylor, and lias been in the mercantile and hank ing business at tins place ever since, lie is a thorough business man, compe rent and reliable, and bus tided ma n olllees of trust while am mg in. IR. r‘ rnoval will be regr-tred by the ent’ri conuDt'.nltj. Hlsgenl disposition made it r pleasure to trade with him and bis word was as gn id as u bond. His departure fakes fro n Loi p City its largest general store. It is mu earnest w ish that success will be his in bis new location. M AKIliKI) t'l.AI SSKN—W INHKRU —At the ho.nC >flvl vtril Snyder in this oi y on Satur lay March 1 *», 1001. Mr. IIuiinin)t Clausseii ami Miss Ida Winberg, nil of Washington tivp , Shcrin m eniinry Neb. were joined in marriage by ,Midge An gler The young couple are mnong tile best people of their community and are highly esteemed by their many friends. It is the wish of the North western that they may have a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. IWK.MKKS I NSTITUTK The first session of the Fanner? In •tltiire of Sherman county will he held in Loup<'ity, on April Oth l'.iOl. The fallowing :s the program 1. I* Raising Spring Wheat in Sher man County a Profitable Business? A paper by.Geo. Lee. 11 What is the Best Method of Sow ing Spring wheat In Sherman county? .General Discussion. III. How to liaise Corn in Sherman County Paper by... Caraten Trnelsen. IV. What are the Best Kinds of Corn to Plant in Sherman County?. .General Discussion. V Is Alfalfa a Paying Crop in Sher man County? A paper by. .\V. II Hickman V1. Should we "Stand up" for Sher man Co? Paper by .L. X. Smith i C. J. Tracy. Com. > R. D. Hendrickson. \ E. S. Oci.e. WHY Do the merchants of the country sell more “New Home” Sewing Machines than they do of all other makes? Be cause their customers know the “New Home" is the best and will have no others. For sale by—T. M. Keep Cha«. Gasteycr left for Chicago, on business last Monday morning, lie ex pects to return Saturday. Sami. Carpenter and Peter Hell of Austin, will go to Lusk, Wyo , next week where they have accepted a posi tion on a ranch. There was another case of small pox reported yesterday morning at the home of Win. Rowe. The small boy> Arthur was t- ken sick and after a wci ks sickness and two d lys of fever the case developed. The house was 1 (luarinttened. The boy is feeling <)uite well again. A letter from R< v Stapp this week i states in his own words, “1 was in the hospital two weeks with my tit-st am putation, three weeks with the second and have been home three weeks and 1 feel ilke a cricket except that l suffer ( some yet,” The many friends of the aged gentleman in this community will ' be glad to hear of bis recovery. Kami Fupt*r Doesn't Fill the Hilt. A farm paper is all right as an ad dition to the farmer’s reading matter, but first of all he wants a Newspaper; one that will give him all the telegraph ic news of the world, markets, state and national polities, together with a lot of wholesome reading for the family The Semi-Weekly State Journal is just such a paper, published ev ’ry Tuesday and Friday at the state capital. For a short time The Western Poultry News will te sent FREE ONE YEAR to those sending SI (*0 for The Mate Jour nal Address, State Journal, Lincoln, Neb ♦ • ♦ Big I'onllry fa per I ree. Ju«t for a short time to introduce the Semi-Weekly State Journal tha. paper will send the Western Poultry News a year free to anyone sending $1 00 for a years subscription to The Semi-Weekly State Journal, which is published every Thursday and Friday; gives all the news of the world days ahead of farm papers and weeklies, it is a news paper from Start to finish and is the paper for the farmer. A great many readers call it the 'farmers daily.’ One dollar gets the Journal twice-a j week a whole year and The Western I Poultry News a whole year. This is a j big hunoli of reading for a dollar. Send your order to The State Journal, Lin coln. Xeb. Twice Proven. From tin- Vindicator. Kutherfordtun N C.) Tlte editor of the Vindicator has bad occasion to test the efficacy of Cham berlain’s Pain Balm twice with the most remarkab e r< -nits in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he sufi'ered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two ipplic.ations of Pain Balm, rubbing the part- a 111 ic ted and realizing instant ben efit and entire relief in a very' short tint Second, in rheumatism in thigh j";iit, almost prostrating him.with se vere pain, which was relieved by two application-, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at night, and getting up free from pat a. For -ale by Od-ndahl Bros A Horrible Outbreak ■ Oi large sore- on my little daugh ter's head develop d into a ch-c of scald head" writes ( I> 1-hill o| Morguutoii, I'oimi., hut Buck leu’s Arnica Salve ... cured tier. It's a guaran teed cure for Ee/emu, Tetter, Salt, lit. ...II. Pimp c>, Sore-, Fleers and Piles. Only y.y i cuts at Odendahi Bros. Working 'll Hour- a llav. There’s no re-t for those tireless little workers Dr. King's New Fife Pills Midions are al wav s busy, curing Tor pid Livei. Jaundice. Bitlioiisness, Fever and Ague, They banish Sick Head ache, drive out Malaii i. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them 25c at Oden dab 1 Bros. If you peed apythipg ip IMl HHH Him piy lipe give pie a call. I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, FEED (xrinders, Buggies, Wagons, Hardware, Sewing Machines, And a Well Selected Stock of Furniture. ( all and see my goods and learn my price before buying. T. M. REED. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR 'Something New Under The sun ” All Coctors have tried to cure CATARRH by t tie use of powders, aeld gases, Inhalers and drugs In paste form. Their powders dry up the mucus membranes causing them to crack open and bleed The power ful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that tlieit makers have atn ed to cute, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who lias tor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of C?AT AI;KH, has at last perfected a treat ment w Inch when taithtuliy used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures . CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop ping tlie discharges, and curing all inila ination. H is the only remedy known to sciei e that actually reaches the afflicted parts This wonderful remedy Is known as ‘ SNTKKKI.i the GUARANTEED CAT ARK It t'l'Kh" and is sold at the ext rent eiy low price of One Dollar, each package con taining internal and external medicine suffli o nt for a lull months treatment and everything necessary to Its perfect nse, "sNl't l i LS-’ is the only perfect CAT ARRH cl' »E ever made and Is now recog. n . • tlie only safe and poslttve cure for ; that annoying and disgusting disease. It , cures all mtliniation quickly and perma I nentiv and is also wondenully quick to re ; llet e H W reVKR or COLD in the HEAD. t'ATARim when neglected often leads to onsl urt ion—".SNI ffels” will save you I if you use it at once. It Is no ordinary rein y, but a complete treatment which | is po-itivcly guaranteed to cure CATARHll j in any form or stage if used according to tl ■ directions which accompany each pa< ye. Don’t delay but send for it at once and Wrltrfttill particulars as to your I condition, and you will receive special ad vise from ttic discoverer of tills wonderful remedy regarding your ease without cost to yon beyond tlie regular price of ssit PELS’- the "OUARANTKF-D CATAKKII Cl'RK ’’ Sent prepaid to any address in the United State- or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. \i.,5 EDWIN 1$. GILES * COMPANY, Z.m and 8Ba3 Market Street, Philadelphia. Gnarauteefl $900 Salary yearly. Men utul women of good address to rep. resent ns, - one to travel appointing ugeBts, others for local work looking ttfter our Interests, wool) salary guaranteed yearly; extra commissions an« expenses, rapid ad vancement, old established house Grand chance for earnest men or women to secure pleasant permanent positions, liberal in come and future. New brillient lines Write at once. STAFFORD PRESS, 2) Church St., New Haven cann. '^WHISKEY Aij For Gentlemen who cherish Quality. Sold by T II. ELSXKR, I oupCity, Neb TIMS TAHI.K. LOUP CITY. N KB It. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, < ’hicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San FrancDco, sin*i all points and all points East and South. West. THAI.NS LEAVE AS FULLOWKi GOING EAST No Passenger.7:55 a. m No to Freight.12.50 p. in. GOING WEST No I Passenger.4:65 p. m. No. .v.) Freight.lihbOa. m. Sleeping dinner and reclining chair carl • 'ii through trains. Ticket* • sol i end baggage checked to any point In llie l lule I Males or Canada. I'm ioioi iniitlon, maps, time tallies and ticket •< i I on or write to It. E. Artlnu A gen I. Or J. FltANGts, Gen’I. Passenger Agent, oilman, Nebraska, V. P. RAILWAY. N" >« i iv s daily except Sunday (pax it cup'' i'. ' ia. in. N - haves Monday. Wednesday and KrH . (mixed) 12:20 p. in. No An leaves Tuesday. Thursday and Aa'iiiday, mixed) 2-A5 p. in. N•• ■ . u: ivcs dally except ttunday (mixed 13.! p III No -.i ai rives dalty except Sunday (pass em • r> , p. m. l it-I c ass service and close connection) east, west and south W L>. CLIFTON, Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Ha zel Salve are liable to cause blood pois oning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt upon the box and wrapper. It Isa harmless and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequaled for pilei-.—Odendahl Bros. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Low Kates, West and Northwest. At a time of year when thousands will take advantage of them, the Burlington Route makes sweeping reductions in its rates to the West and Northwest- to I tali, Montana, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. Dates: February 12. 19, and 26. March 12, lit, and 20, April 2, it, 16, 23, and 30. Rates are shown below: To (Vilen, Salt Lai e Butte. Hel- I CfcOQ « nft, Anaconda and Missoula. V—O. To All Points on the Northern ^ Paco tie Ky. west of Missoula 1 Including Spokane Seattle, - Tacoma Portland as well as 1 Vaneover, and Victoria B. C. J To All Points on the Hpokane Fal s A: Northern Uv and the f Washington A. Columbia ltiver i v—•) K K. -------- - * Never lias the Pacific Northwest been as prosperous as now. Labor is in constant demand and wages are high. The money making opportu nities are beyond dumber-in mines, lumber, merchandising, farming, fruit raising, fishing, and all the other industries of a great and grow ing country. Literature on request—free. •J. Fir a Nets, Ben! Passenger Agt. Omaha, Nebr. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CTCTT. I | m A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA OFFICE.—At St. Elmo Hotel. What would you do it taken with col ic or cholera morbus when your physi cian is away from borne and the drus; stores are closed Y Af-er one such emer gency you will always keep Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in jour home; but why wait until the horse is stolen before you lock thestabls? For sale by Udendahl Bros. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. i February 11, lDOO. f Notice is hereby given that the follow, lng named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler, county Judge of Sherman county, at Loup City, Nebraska, on Monday, March 96, 1901, viz: Eddie B. Duncan, Homestead Entry No. 17.612, for the North East fomlh, of t lie North West fourth of Section is, T 14, R. 18 west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: William A. Parks, Johns. Duncan, James R Dang, Marion G. Parks, all of Litch field, Nebraska, J. W. Johnson, Register WANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $030 salary per year, payable weekly; $3 per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona fide, definite salary, no eoramtsllon; salary paid eatdi Saturday and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE 334 Dkakbokn st., Chicago, inoo FOR SALE.—10 head of horses, 10 of them broke to woik and all good young horses from 950 to 1150 lbs., mostly mares. Also a good new sewing machine, feed grinder, new 4 horse power, goo,! shoals and brood sows. Flight months time will be given on horse sales by purchaser giving note witli bankable security. Property at my farm 10 miles below Loup City, on the south side of the river. d 1 lm W. \.Sherman. IT IS ONE THING to cover up a flaw. It is an other to repair it. Any cross road ticker can take a watch or a clock to pieces but it takes a mechanic to put it together a ;gain. If you only desire to | have your time piece spoiled ! take it to any old shop where {they have a jeweler’s sign out, but if you wish your work done by an expert who guarantees satisfaction or no pay, call at , * my shop. In selectingjewelry from our perfect stock, you have the comforting assurance that {whatever is chosen is in strict i harmony with the canons of 1 good taste; and the knowledge {that the lowest prices are your I privilege here. ! Store.—North Side R. R. St. G. H. MORGAN. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LOUP CITY NEB It is not so much what the news papers say, as what neighbor says to neighbor, or friend to friend, that has brought Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy into such gen eral use. It is as natural for people to express their gratitude after using this remedy as it is for water to tlow down hill. It Is the one remedy that can al ways be depended upon, whether a baby be sick with cholera infantum or a man with cholera morbus. It Is pleas ant, safe and reliable. Have you a bot tle of it in your home ' For sale by Odendahl Bros. Nlglit W»» Her Terror . ‘T would cough nearly all nightlong” writes Mrs (’has. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., “and could hardly get any sleep. I hail consumption so bad that if 1 walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $l 00 bottles of Dr. King's Xew Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds.” It's absolutely guarantee ! to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troub les. I’rice 50c and -SI.00. Trial bottles free at Odendahl Bros. Kodil Dyspepsia Cure D -Cf/sl ' what you eat. Itc-Jtk digests the food and aids Wat .re i ugthening and recon structing , be exhausted digest! v3 or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves a id permanently cure* dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, rla,tulence, ,Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastraigia,Cramps,ana ah other results of fmperfectdicestiOD Prepared by E C DeWltt 4 Co.. Chlcaoo For soli hy ODKNDAHl, IJROS,, See that you g»*t the origin,ii DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve when yon ask for it.. The genuine is a certain cure for piles, sores ami skin diseases,-Odendahl Bros.