The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 08, 1901, Image 8

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    The Last Day for Introducing Bills Has
Gome and Gone.
Itif Silurim Appropriation Kill—Number
ot Measures that Dave Itoon Intro
«Ine««t—Mlsrellaiieou* Matters in the
Upper ami l.otver ltranchea.
HOUSE.—The appoint em^nt of a,
r.ifting committee of seven l»y the
speaker vf» authorized Ity a unani
ruous vote of the house on the 1st.
Most of the time of the session of the
house was consumed in consideration
of the Evens' game and fish bill —
house roll 1U3—In committee of the
whole. The MU was finally recom
mended for passage, a hard fight on
the Quail question being compromised
hy amending the bill so as to pro
hibit the shooting of quail until No
vember 1, 1903, the open season there
after to he November t to November
30. The following bills pere placed
on general file on recommendation of
standing committees: House roll 409,
hy Mtskell, to Increase the salary of
the secretary of the state banking
board to 52,000. and that of his clerk
to ?1,500. House roll 294, hy Jouve
tiat, requiring state hank receivers to
render reports to the state banking
boanj, and making the removal of
such receivers mandatory when re
quested by (he board. House roll I,
by Mopkett, to provide free instruc
tion at the nearest high school for
gradates of grammar or district
schools. House roll 54, by Fowler, to
provide free attendance at public high
schools of non-resident pupils. House
roll 806, by Fowler, creating the office
of slate health inspector and provid
ing for the organization of county
boards of health, io prevent the spread
of contagious diseases, was discussed
at considerable length. The bill pro
vides a salary of 51,800 a year for the
State Inspector and leaves the com
pensation of the county Inspector to
tho liberality of the county board
This provision was combated by Dr.
Gawne, of Merrick, who wanted to
provide for a specific compensation
for the “county doctor,” who, he said,
would be compelled to do work just
as dangerous and unpleasant as that
of the state oincer. He moved t.he
adoption of an amendment allowing
the county phylscian 510 a trip and
60 cents a mile for quarantining con
tagious disease. The motion vas de
HOU8B. —Twenty-nine more bills
were placed on the general file at the
morning sessiun of the house on the
28th, two of them over the heads of
standing committees, which recom
mended their indefinite postponement
Of these latter one was house roll
107, by Waring, to suppress bucket,
shops and gambling on futures, which
had been referred to the committee on
judiciary, and the other was house roll
108, by Hawxby, requiring telephone
companies to mow the weeds for a
space of twelve feet In circumference
around the base of each telephone pole
In August of each year. The following
Mils passed: House roll 4. appropriat
ing $75,000 for a fire proof wing to the
Hastings asylum. House mil 184, to
provide for the education cf pupils in
schools outside the district of their
residence. The house then went into
joint convention, and on emerging
therefrom recessed until 2:30 p rn
House, roll l.'tS, by Evans, providing
tor a state game and fish commission
.was considered. This is the bill in
dorsed by (he State Fish and Game
eoclety. It names the governor game
nnd fish commissioner, authorizes the
appointment of two deputies at a sal
ary of $1,200 a year, with expenses not
exceeding $500 a year, and of three ad
ditional deputies Rt a salary of $75
per month, v/lth expenses not. •xcasd
Ing $300 a year. The trill was not def
initely disposed of.
' HOUSB. —In tlie house on the 27t.h
live bills were passed, as follows:
■House roll 205, by Boyd, to authorize
district school boards to prescribe
grades and courses of study. Yeas 72,
Pays none. House roll 226, by Fow
ler, for the protections of own
ers of stallions, jacks and hulls.
iYeas 52, nays HI. House roll 176, by
J*ane, t > permit the transfer of insane
convicts to insane asylums. V-as 86,
nays 1. House roll 227, by Hawxhy, to
provide for the organization, govern
ment and maintenance of rural high
Schools, Yeas 77, nays 7. House roll
221, by Fowler, to enable pupils to at
tend school in an adjoining district if
ft half mile nearer their residence than
their own school. Yeas 81, nays 1.
Representative Fowler’s bill to enable
County treasurers to give tan deeds,
.which has met with strong opposition
ever since its introduction, but which
was nevertheless pushed along clear
to Its third reading, was put on its
passage end defeated by the J isive
vote of 20 yeas and G8 nays. After the
huge grist cf bills introduced yester
day had been put through a second
reading the house at 4 o'clock ad
journed. The senatorial vote i ‘suited
ns follows: Thompson, 28, Currie,
16; Melklejohn, 22; Rosewat -r, 4;
Hinsliaw, 4; Martin, 2; Crounse 5;
Harlan. 4; Young, 2; scattering, 2.
HOUSB.—Feb. 26th was the fortieth
day of the session and the last day re
maining for the introduction of bills
brought forth a great grist of elev
enth-hour measures, Including ail the
appropriation bills, all the latter being
In skeleton form and incomplete, with
the exception of the salaries appro
priation bill. Among the items in the
claims appropriation bill are the fol
lowing: fl. R. Tovne, $1,254 16; An
drew Rosewater, $1,000; Rosa V Scott,
$525; James H. Craddock, $1,312, Mur
phy fi 8waln, $37(1; Crane-Churehill
company, $779.61; Crocker, Wheler &
Oo„ $337.83; \V. B. Price, $800. F. B.
Hibbard, $2,513.30; W. F. Wright,
$950; J. F. Keiper, $625; 1. T Steele,
$812.45; F. U Mary. $295; f. \V.
.Thompson, $2,586.08; Nora li. Morrow,
$1,600; Laura B. Taylor. $7,507.65;
George F. Corcoran, $917.30; Postal
Telegraph company, $275; L. W. Pom
erane $704.74; E. C. Rewick, $213.31;
D A. Campbell, $511; S. A. D, Shilling,
$56760; C. S. Polk, $1,760; E. A.
Brown. $1,7S7.50; Express Publishing
company, $1,787.50; Norfolk News, $1,
677 50; Geddes & Buechler, $1,677.50;
Nebraska State Journal, $1,077.50; Bee
Publishing company, $1,077.50. The
total appropriation carried by the
claims' bill is $45,796.15. Among the
large number of bills introduced oc
cur the following: An act for a joint
resolution to amend section 15 of ar
ticle 3 of the constitution of the state
of Nebraska; providing that cities of
100,000 population or more may frame
charter for their own government. A
bill for the payment of the salaries of
the officers of the state government
aud‘ other institutions. Joint resolu
tion and memorial invoking congress
to call a national convention for pro
posing amendments to the constitution
' of the United States. An act making
an appropriation of miscellaneous
items of indebtedness owing by the
state of Nebraska; containing an in
complete list of deficiency claims ap
proved by the committee on deficien
cies. The vote for United States sen
ator resulted as follows: Allen. 37;
Berge, 7; Crounse, 9; Currie, 14; Dor
rington. 1; Harlan, 2; Harrington, 5;
Hainer, 4; Hitchcock, 21; Htnshaw,
11; Kinkaid, 2; Martin, 6; Meiklejohn,
29; Ransom, 1; Rosewater, 15;
Thompson, D. E., 37; Thompson, \V.
H , 31; Wethereld, 4; Young, 1.
SENATE.—IN the senate on the
1st the bill appropriating $75,000 for
the purpose of building a gymnasium
at the State Normal school at Peru
was passed. It is house roll No. Ill,
by Armstrong. Senator Ergar's bill
for punishment for blackmail, extor
tion and kindred felonies was indefi
nitely postponed. It was senate file
No 95. House roll No. 55, by Fowler,
recommended for passage. It is to
excuse candidates for offices less than
county and city offices from filing
primary election expense accounts.
House roll No. 117, by Fowler, pro
viding a method for submitting to
voters proposed constitutional amend
ments, was recommended for indefi
nite postponement. Senate file No.
186. by Paschal, was recommitted for
further hearing. It is to provide that
cities may take up unused portions
of street railway tracks, switches or
other appliances. Senate file No. 127,
by Currie, was indefinitely postponed.
It is to provide for appointment of
county attorneys on occasions when
needed in counties of less than 2,000
inhabitants. A similar measure has
passed the house and is pendtng in
the senate. Senate file No. 69, by
Martin, to shorten the time during
which appeals may be taken in cer
tain civil cases, was indefinitely post
poned. House roll No. 230 is on the
same subject and will probably be
passed by the senate.
SENATE.—The senate on the 2Sth
passed house roll 56, by Mlskel, pro
viding for a towns road fund and a
district road fund. Senator Campbell
was the only one voting nay. The fol
lowing were ordered to the general
file House roll 6. by Moekett, relat
ing to the pay of county commission
ers House roll 52, by Dahlsten, pro
viding for appointment of coufity at
torneys by the board in counties hav
ing less than 3,000 inhabitants. Sen
ate file 114, by Currie, to raise the
salaries of comptroller, police Judge,
clerk and city prosecutor of Omaha.
The clerk of the house was announced
and stated that the lower house had
concurred in the senate amendmnts to
house rolls 3 and 8. It had also passed
house rolls 4 and 181 and the senate
was asked to concur in the same. Sen
ate file 134. by Martin, on request, pro
viding punishment for destruction of
lualiots or election booths so long as
they may be valuable for evidence, was
then recommended for passage. The
senate then resolved itself into com
mittee of the whole with Senator
O'Neill in the chair for consideration
of bills on general file. Senate file 271,
by Ransom, relating to publication of
proposed constitutional amendments.
After adoption of an amendment pro
posed by Senator Young and another
by Senator Currie it was recommended
for passage by unanimous vote.
SENATE.—The senate on the 27th
turned down the report of the commit
tee on education recommending that
the bill proposing to take the annual
lax levy from the school hoard of
Omaha and place it with the city coun
cil be indefinitely postponed, and in
stead ordered it to the general file.
The bill relating to compulsory educa
tion recommended by the legislative
committee of the state teachers’ asso
ciation was ordered to the general
file. It is senate file 231, by McCar
gar. The clerk of the house announced
passage of house rolls 150, 206 and 223
and asked the senate to concur in the
same. Senate file 269, by Trompen, on
request relating to purchase or lease
of an appropriate school site by school
boards, was indefinitely postponed.
Senate file 711, by Ransom, providing
for publication of proposed amend
ments to the constitution was also
placed on general file. It was recom
mended for indefinite postponement,
but Ransom and Miller made a fight
that saved it temporarily, at least.
Senator Edgar was the only one to
speak for postponement. Oleson,
O'Neill and Young each favored send
ing it to the general file that discus
sion in committee of the whole might
be permitted. Young said, though,
that he Intends voting against the
measure at that time.
SENATE.—Today, February 26, was
the fortieth day of the session, the
last day on which bills can be intro
duced, except upon a recommendation
l»y the governor. As a result, a great
er portion of the day in the senate was
devoted to the reading of new bills,
a large number being introduced dur
ing the afternoon, there being twenty
two bills sent up during the day. Aside
from this the senate found time to
listen to the reports of several com
j mittees, and bills on second reading,
as well as to pass seven bills and kill
one. The total number of bills intro
duced during the present session has
fallen somewhat short, the record be
ing 308, as compared with 355 two
years ago, 383 four years ago and 411
six years ago. Two years ago the
last day for the introduction of bills
called forth more than 100, and a
ulght session had to be called in order
I to have them re*'!, while today the
| consideration of new bills was dis
posed of by 5 o’clock and no night
session is necessary. The first bill of
the session was introduced by Senator
Newell and the last one by Senator
Van Boskirk. The following bills came
up for third reading and were passed:
Senate file 42. by Ransom, an act to
protect feeble-minded females. Sen
ate file 64, by Orounse, amending the
law relating to "Ptitions in Error.”
Senate file 115, by Arends, providing
for a prohibitive license for peddlers,
its object being the protection of re
tail merchants. Senate file 180, by
Miller, relating to the collection of
road tax. House roll 38, by Fuller, an
act to provide for the mowing or oth
erwise destroying of weeds in the pub
lic roads. House roll 89, by Warner,
an act providing for the examination
by county superintendents of appli
cants for admission to the State Nor
mal schools. House roll 204, by Swan
son, an act to transfer the sinking
fund to the general fund, and to pro
vide for the credit of this and direct
With the last day for the introduc
tion of bills passed, the record shows
that in the senate there were a total
of 309 bills introduced, or an average
of about nine and a half for each of
the thirty-three members. The rec
ords, how’ever. show that some of the
members were much more active in
this work than were others. Senator
Martin is responsible for thirty-three
bills. Senator Ransom comee next with
twenty-four, with Young of Stanton
close on his heels with twenty-three.
Senator Balbridgo, although having
been absent since early in the session
on account of sickness, comes fourth,
there being seventeen measures bear
ing his name.
M. F. Harrington of O'Neill today
made an argument before the house
committee on railroads, having under
consideration senate file 166, Senator
Weber's bill, cutting freight rates on
certain commodities from 10 to 15
per cent. Cattle, hogs, horses, lum
ber, coal and hay are the principal
commodities affected. This reduction
is on the rates which were in force
December, 1889. Mr. Harrington dis
cussed the decision of the supreme
court on the maximum freight law
and contended that the decision was
the only one that could be rendered
upon the facts that were presented to
th court, but argued that that decision
did not prevent the legislative power
from passing a bill reducing rates.
Forty-three hills were introduced in
the house on the 26tli, bringing the
total number of-bills submitted in the
one branen up to 478.
The salaries appropriation bill,
house roll 436, by Lane, carries a to
tal appropriation of $879,800, as
against $875,880 In the salary bill
passed two years ago. On the whole
salaries have been slightly raised, but
no provision has been made for sala
ries of the three secretaries of the
state board of transportation, which
made an item of $13,600 two years ago.
Secretary McKesson of the senate
has sprung an agreeable surprise in
the shape of a printed senate calendar
giving in an eight-page folder the exact
status of every bill that has been be
fore the senate. The Hat is corrected
up to February 26 and will probably
be revised from week to week and re
issued. From It one can learn at a
glance what has become of each sen
ate bill, whether passed, on general
file, indefinitely postponed or still in
the hands of its appropriate commit
tee. A list of house bills that have
reached the senate is also appended
with similar information as to their
existence and whereabouts.
The appropriations made for the va
rious departments and institutions are
as follows: Governor’s office, $16,480;
adjutant general’s office, $17,1*30; labor
commissioner’s office, $6,680; secretary
of state's office, 15,680; auditor's of
fice, $29,360; treasurer's office, $15,780;
state superintendent’s office. $8,680; at
torney general’s office, $12,080; land
commissioner's office, $26,880; state li
brary, $1,800; department of banking,
$6,680; board of irrigation, $10,480;
fish commissioner, $2,400; sunrepta
court, $33,500; district court, $224,000;
home for friendless, $6,500; state nor
mal at Peru, $45,060; hospital at Hast
ings, $10,400; hospital at Lincoln, $10.
400; hospital at Norfolk, $8,000; state
university, $270,000; Kearney indus
trial school, $17,200; Geneva industrial
school, $10,980; deaf and dumb insti
tute at Omaha, $30,000; Beatrice insti
tute, $12,400; institute for blind, $16,
000; Milford industrial home, $7,720;
soldiers' home at Grand Island, $1,460;
soldiers' home at Milford, $3,980.
The senate committee on public
lands and buildings, composed of Sen
ators Allen, Young, Trompen, Arends,
Berlet, Owens, Steele, Lyman and
Krumbaeh, went to Omaha for the
purpose of looking Into the needs of
the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb,
located in that city.
Senator Miller’s bill, providing for
stipulated sums to be paid county
commissioners provides that county
commissioners and county supervisors
shall each be allowed for the time
they shall be actually and necessarily
employed in the duties of their office,
the sum of $3 per day. and 5 cents per
mile for each mile necessarily trav
eled; provided, however, that in coun
ties not having more than 5,000 in
habitants their per diem shall not ex
ceed 1100 per year.
The vote for senator on the 1st re
sulted as follows: Allen 43, Berge 6,
Crounse 7, Currie 14, Dietrich 2, Har
lan 3, Hainer 2, Harrington 6, Hin
shaw 12, Hitchcock 39, Kinkaid 2,
Martin 4, Morlan 2, Meiklejohn 33,
Rosewater 15, Thompson, D. E., 38,
Thompson, W. H., 15, Wethereld 2.
H. C. Lindsay, private secretary to
Governor Dietrich, received the fol
lowing message from the governor,
sent from Ridgeville, Ind. “in view
of the fact that the penitentiary is
nearly destroyed by fire and what re
mains is in bad condition and the
present location being undesirable,
viewed, from other standpoints, I
would favor purchasing from two to
four sections of good farming land on
which to construct a new penitentiary,
so that convicts may be employed
both in manufacturing and farming
and raising sugar beets and other
products. I hope no action will be
taken to rebuild without giving the
above proposition due consideration.
The Bill Providing for Publication of
Oonstitututional Amendment5!.
Strict Onarantinc Meamirrs to lie Innnfc
nrated at t'uirbory—Itrakrinuii Crush
ed to Itnitli at Kepublicau City—Other
NeUrsiskt News.
LINCOLN, Neb., March 4.—Senator
Ransom’s bill providing for publica
tion of proposed constitutional amend
ments and fixing a rate for the cost
has been recommended for passage in
committee of the whole. According
to the measure, senate fl’e 99, such
amendments must be published once a
week for three months in one paper
in each county in the state previous to
election. For this the publisher is to
receive 50 cents per square for the
first insertion and 25 cents p r square
for each subsequent insertion, the no
tices to be set in nonpareil and t.he
secretary of state to designate which
is to be the paper favored.
The bill as amended is as follows:
“Such amendment, cr amendments,
slial be published by the secretary
of state once a week in one news
paper to lie designated by him in
each county in this state in which
a newspaper is published, for at Last
three months before the next election
of members of the legislature ensuing
the passage of such proposed amend
ment. Provided, that the fees to be
paid for such publication shall be 59
cents per square for the first inser
tion and 23 cents per square for etch
subsequent insertion, such amend
inetns to be printed in nonpareil. Pro
vided further, ttiat the publication of
such amendment or amendments shall
be only the act itFe’f submitting such
amendment or amendments."
ijmirnni ln<- to He Strict.
FAIRBURY, Neb., March 4—A
meeting of ali the physicians of the
city was held here at the request of
Mayor Hartigan, and several cases
were examined that were suspected of
having smallpox, but which were not
under quarantine. The result was
that each and every case was pro
nounced smallpox by an almost unani
mous vote of the physicians, and
strict quarantines were ordered. In
addition to this a hoarding house was
yesterday quarantined, three of the
inmates having taken down with the
disease. One of them, a young man
by the name of Redding, in the em
ploy of the Rock Island, is not ex
pected to recover. The city council
and board of education met iast night
and decided to adopt the most rigid
quarantine. All public gatherings,
such as the public schools, churches,
lodges and all social functions, will
be prohibited and the council has Is
sued an order requiring every citizen
of Falrbury to be vaccinated or to
present a certificate from his physi
cian that he has been vaccinated with
in the past two years.
Crushed Under Car Wheels.
HASTINGS. Neb., March 4.—The
hotly of Judd R. Olmstead, the Bur
lington brakeman on freight No. 44.
in charge of Conductor I^ehew, was
brought to Hastings from Republican
City by a special train. Mr. Olmstead
was run over at Republican City while
on duty. He had gone between the
cars and cut the air hose, but when
he attempted to step back his left
heel caught in a frog and as he fell
backward the car wheel crushed his
leg almost to the body, then passed to
the right side across the lower part
of the abdomen. He lived about two
Colurahui Farmer (toes Insane.
COLUMBUS. Neb., March 4.—Carl
Swanson, a Swede living in Walker
township, was brought here by the
rherlff. a raving maniac. Swanson Is
42 years of age and has been farming
in this county for a number of years.
He was examined by the board and
pronounced insane. Just what has
caused his mental trouble i3 not
known and It is doubtful if he can
be restored by a course of treatment.
Company K DUbnnd*
LINCOLN, Neb., March 2.—Adjutant
General Barry issued an order accept
ing the resignation of William H. Car
son as captain of company B of the
Second regiment, stationed at Ord. i he
captain hes been instructed to dis
charge the other officers and the men
of the eompan as it will be disband
ed. This action is taken because the
company failed to report at camp last
fall. Internal dissensions were the
causes of its disintegration.
Creditors Force Sale of Stock.
CLAY CENTER, Neb., March 2 —
The stock of agricultural implements
of W. W. Allen of this place was sold
by a United States marshal to satisfy
claims of creditors. W. H. Wads
worth of Indienota bouhgt the goods
for |6,025. Richert & Stephenson, deal
ers in the same line at this place,
bought the real estate for $1,025.
Hhrftp from Wyoming.
AINSWORTH. Neb., March L—Bar
to & Mitchell unleaded 3,500 sheep
here from the Mitchell ranch in the
Big Horn valley, Wyoming. The
sheep are to be fattened here for the
market. Several thousand head of
cattle are also being wintered here
Held on Charge of Perjury.
WILBER. Neb., March 4 —Through
alleged assistance of his brother,
James N. Spence, aged twenty-two, to
marry Ada M. Line, a daughter of
James K. Lane of Pleasant Hill, with
out the consent of her parents, Wes
ley A. Spence his to face a chaige of
perjury. At the request of Ills broth
er, it Is alleged, he made application
to the county judge for the marriage
license and gave the age of the girl
as nineteen. The irate father says
she will not be eighteen until next
August, and he had Spencp, whp is
twenty-six, arrested for perjury.
« $50 Wheel Bought Direct from Oar Factory Casts You Dm <22.95
One Year.
Send Us One Dollar
Amt state whether LABIE8' or
OK NTS’ bl.-jrtlo, Hear end Color
wanteA.end wo will send yonour
Bow UK hi, regular 150.00 model
prowC. 0^1 >. v mbject to exam/;
IT at year near#,: rjprem office
anil If found aallnfactory, a great
bargain,end EQUAL IN VALUS
TO THK 160.00 AND *75 0®
STANDA Kt> M A KEK, pey the ex
Sresa agent *221<5, lest tbe now
ollar Rent with order, and exprea*
charges. Express charges average
aboutfl.OO for 600 miles.
Fitted with the Interna
tional year guaran
teed. pneumatic, slnglo tulw tlrru
Which ordinarily retails for tfl.OC, 28, 24 or 28 Inch frame. l'i Inch diamond seamless steel tubing, FLISfl
JOINTS THROUGHOUT, new 1000 model, two piece hanger, best mule, finest burdened end tempered steel
adjustable bearings throughout, wheels 2H Inch, 1*5 spokes to each wheel, full ball bearing with ball retainer*
throughout. Highest grule Indianapolis or detachable link rhaln, 3-10 Inch, best padded leather saddle, handle
bar up or down turn, the best EXPANDER IX BOTH SEAT POST AMD HANDLE BAB, anti frirtlnn hall
bearing, ball retaining pedals, heavy leather tool bag, nickel-plated wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. The
finest possible finish, euaineled BLACK. KOVAL BLUE, MAROON’ OK GREEN (be sure to state
Color you wish). All bright |>aru heavily nickeled ou copper. The Handsomest Wheel Made.
Our guarantee is absolute protection. Every Akron King and Quten Bicycle Is covered by a
written binding guarantee for one year. No old models, no worthless second-hand wheels.
Order your wheel now and you will save 126.00 to gao.oo. l ou can mike 1160.00 every month selling omT
high grade a heels. Address
iThe Akron Sewing Machine A Ulcycls Co. ore Uioreughly reliable.—Editor.) ,
on annrn -al to jrnur WITHOUT A CENT IN ADVANCE.
SEND US YOOR ORDER, *tato whether you wi«h lady * or man's
wheel; give color, height uf frame and gear v* anted and tV R WILL MUlp
THE WHEEL C. O. 1). on approval, allowing j oil to nnrrate and ex
amine it fully before you accept it. if it in not all and more Mian we
claim for it, and a better wheel than you can get for any where near the
price from any one else. refuse it and we v.til t»a.y ail express chargee
otineiTM. Thm “MONTROSE" Bley dm <t4 /n en
at our Hpwlal Agent's mtiuplo price uf 'P | f_j'
la tho greatest bargain in a bicycle over offered. Wo guarantee it equal
to any $40 whoel on the market, ami you need not accept It nor pay a cent
if you do not find it ns we represent. We are EX4I.I Hi \ E KKVd.E
MAN UE ACT l’RER^ and take this method of uuickly iutmiucine
our 1POO MODELS. Tills offer of a sample wheel at this low price la
m»Je to secure a RIDER AO ENT in each town to represent ua
ami take orders. Our agents make money fasti.
aP£HI£IP ATinilC F,we. ‘ - 24 or 86 *n<*? IftdtM, »inch. Beni
OrtUiriUll I lUllwi Khclhy seamless tubing with forged connec
tions. flush Joints, improved expander device to fasten yen* post and
handle Imr; ltoyal Arch crown; the celebrated Mavla liutaand hangers
the easiest running known; Krcord *• A** tires, the best and one of tht
most expensive tires «n the market. The genuine # i Meslnger Hygteale
raddle; pod ale, tools ami accessories the \n-nt obtainable. Enameled lit
black, maroon or coach green, highly llnlshed and ornamented; special
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'EftPF u’ any one sending the f |fU»4>onsh In full with order we will
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