The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 08, 1901, Image 2
THE NORTHWESTERN BEN’SCHOTKIl * OIUSON, Eds and Pub*. LOUP CITY, • • NEB. It is a remarkable fact that the chameleon, when blindfolded, loses the power to ehauge its hues, and the entire body remains of a uniform tint. William Burke, of Binghamton, N. Y., has been sent to jail for thirty •lays for using profane language in a public street. Since his incarceration he swears twice as much as ever, but his oaths are muttered under his breath. The fish Inspector at Chicago re ports that, by actual count, there are 13,000.000 pounds of frozen fish in the city which have been in cold storage for five years. The fish, much of which is unfit for food, is sold in the ghetto on Friday afternoons for two cents a pound. At the marriage of Miss Balia Jor dan to David Jennings Porter,in Green ville, S. C., a sudden death occurred immediately after the ceremony. While Mrs. John M. Jordan, the mother of the bride, was talking to her daughter, the old lady suddenly fell to the floor, and in a few moments was a corpse. To abate the smoke nuisance in Chi cago, it has been suggested to license stokers and firemen, so that they may be temporarily suspended when they grow careless, or have their> rtvoked when they allow clouds of smoke and soot to roll from the chim ney tops. Mechanical experts say that any boiler fit for the work required of It will produce little smoke if properiv II red. Professor Kaufinann of Breslau, in conferring the degree of doctor of phil osophy on Fraulein Immerwahr, the first woman who has ever passed the examination at that university, said that he earnestly hoped study among Women would “continue to be the ex ception with the few capable individu als, inasmuch as it was desirable that they should hold their primary and noblest calling of wife and mother.” The recent German census shows there are now thirty-three towns in the German empire with a population of over 100,000, exactly the same number *:S in the British isles. Five years ago there were twenty-six, and at the es tablishment of the empire in 1871 only eight. Thirteen towns have a popula tion of over 200,000, against eighteen in the British Isles; while seven have over 300,000, against nine in the Unit ed Kingdom. The masters of English are not afraid to use homely words whose expressive ness more than offsets their plainness. Thus Lord Roseberry declares that England, in order to withstand inter national competition, must educate her youth, and he suggests sending ' batches” of young men abroad to learn the best her rivals know. That honest word batch would have been passed over by a speaker less sure ot his English, when speaking of an ag gregation of individuals. In the us3 ot language there is a happy medium be tween overfastidiousness, which weak ens one's style, and out-and-out slang which wrecks it completely. Forefathers’ day celebrations cail forth annual eulogies of the men and women who founded New England, but they seldom suggest a better thought than that uttered by the New Bedford Standard. “If we are better than the fathers." it says, “it is be cause they did the best they could, if we have outgrown our narrowness es, it is because they tried to overcome the traditions with which their lives were handicapped. To the true de scendant of the Pilgrim a gap in the genealogy matters nothing. It is the descent of spirit and purpose that counts—of that spirit and purpose which determine to make tomorrow better than today is today is better than yesterday. Plymouth Rock and Burial Hill teach this lesson to New Enland and to the nation.” The Seattle spirit is a tiling to ad mire and imitate. It was manifested when the secretary of the navy told a Seattle Ann that their bid must be re duced to two hundred thousand dol lars if they wanted a contract for one of the new' battleships. That was final, and in many places the people would have said, “Too bad we’ve lost it!” and gone about their humdrum business. Not so in Seattle. The strong men of the city conferred; the buildeia offered to scale down their bid if their fell nv citizens would divide the loss, and the Seattle business men promptly sub scribed the hundred thousand dollars —and four thousand over. These things being understood, we fancy no body will begrudge Seattle ttie con tract which will so richly benefit the manufacturers, mechanics and trades men. She has demonstrated her pos session of that public spirit by which u city grows great. In connection with the trial of th regicide Bresd, one gruesome pi-ee of evidence made use of at the trial was the bullet which had been extract'd from the breast of King Humbert. Queen Marguerite, on hearing that the tragic relic was in the possession of the minister of justice, M. (iianturo, expressed a wish to have it. The min ister of justice at first hesitated to send the cad souvenir to her majesty, but the queen insisted, and has accord ingly received it from the Lands of the keeper of the s ala. COUNTING FISH EGGS METHOD OF NUMBERING THEM WITH ACCURACY. Oneatlon of Hniarlil t{|i l» » Most Important One to (lie Fish Cultnrtat —The Old Method out of Ki Uteuce. A hundred times a day on an average the question is asked by visitors at the building of the United States Fish Commission. How in the world is it possible to tell with any degree of accuracy how many eggs are placed in any given shipment or are usually kept? And the questioner is generally much surprised when he is informed that by means of a scale devised by one of the attaches of the commission it is possible to tell to a nicety just what is desired to be known on the subject, whether it be concerning the eggs of the Spanish mackerel, which are so small that a standard United States quart measure of 57.75 cubic inches will contain 1.267,728, or of land-locked salmon, 3,300 eggs of which will fill a similar measure. The measuring scale is a light square made of wood, not so liable to break the jar as metal. The long leg of the square is fifteen inches long, half an inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. The short leg is of the same breadth an i thickness and half the length. The long leg is graduated to read from the bottom upward. The first grade is at a height corresponding to the level attained in the jar by a measured half pint of water: th" succeeding grades are determined by the introduction of additional half pints of water. Ail measurements are made with a feed tube in place, the water shut off and the eggs allowed to thoroughly settle. The short leg of the square is placed over the top of the jar. the long leg hanging down, and the scale read from the point where the *«p layer of eggs shows in the jar. It is possible to ob tain by measurement an almost correct estimate of the number of fish pro duced by a jar of semi-buoyant egga, Just before the time of batching all dead eggs are carefully drawn off. It is an ascertained fact that scarcely any semi-buovant eggs die under proper conditions after hatching out Las com menced. In connection with the scale there is used a jar which presents an easy, quick and safe means of ascer taining the knowledge sought. The , measurements in all cases are made while the eggs are in the jar. and with the cap screwed down. How to ascer tain the number of eggs lost or hatched or are on hand is a question con stantly arising. It would be cumber some and tedious were it compulsory to open a jar and measure the eggs In a graduate every lime such informa tion was needed. The question of measuring the eggs is a most impor tant one to the fish cultnriat, and yet, to judge from the various ways of measuring eggs, it is one that has re ceived little attention. Every branch of trade has a standard measure, but fish culture has remained without stan dard or rational unit, each workman establishing for himself a system of determination and varying that system front year to year, as the exigencies of the season demanded. There has not only been a want of harmony in the various so-called measures used, but the measures themselves have lacked the elements of reliability, be ing in many cases the most arbitrary and irrational. The records of results of work in the earlier days of fish culture were but wild guessing, and. sad to say, many records are yet made in the same manner. The practice of arriving at the number of any given lot of eggs by estimating each parent fish to contain an unvarying quantity of eggs and multiplying this quantity by the number of females spawned has justly gone out of existence.—Wash ington Star. Tortured With Cactus A Prospector’s Har rowing Experience in the Arizona Desert. The cactus Is a plant that stirs up in my mind memories of an incident that time cannot erase, says an Arizona pioneer. When I went to Arizona in 1865 there were few white people, but no end of Indians. The Indians were not all friendly. It was a year or so after going to the territory that, with a small party of prospectors, I was crossing the great Arizona desert, from Phoenix to where is now the King of Arizona mine. We were all provided with food and water and were making the trip over the hot sands and under a scorching sun with as much comfort as was possible until we were over taken by a straggling band of Indians. I think they were Jicarillas. There was nothing to do but make a run for it, and we gave them a hard chase for five hours, until Archie Haz zard, one of the party, fell behind and was taken. Then we turned and made a fight, but it was no use. The Indians made oft with their prisoner, a party of them keeping us off from those who had him in charge. We followed until r.ight, when the Indians made a halt, and there, before our eyes, they strip ped Hazzard of his clothes and lashed him to a big cactus. Such suffering! They raised him Just far enough above the ground that his whole weight fell on the sharp needles of the plant, thousands of them pierc ing his flesh. While half of the In dians held us away, the others danced about our suffering partner. There was only four of us. and about*20 In lians, but we succeeded in driving them off. after a tight that lasted until near midnight. When we reached Haz zard he was nearly dead from los3 of blood and the terrible agony that he suffered. We got him hack to Phoenix, but he died in a few days. I have been caught in the desert and have been saved of dying from thirst by drinking water that is contained in the cactus, but 1 never can feel any gratitude to the plant after that first experience. And 1 never can tolerate an Indian. irtlahing ^latc $rnril.$. Slate pentyls were formerly all cut from solid slate, just as it is dug from the earth, but pencils so made were objected to on account of the grit which they contain and which woo d scratch the slate. To overcome this difflulty an ingenious process lias been devised by which the slate is ground to i a very fine powder, all grit and for- | eign substances removed, and the pow der bolted through silk cloth In much j the same manner in which flour is bolted. The powder is then made into a dough, and the dough is subjected to a very heavy hydraulic pressure, which presses the pencil out the required shape and diameter, but in lengths of about three feet. While yet soft the pencils are cut into the desired lengths and set out to dry in the open air. After they are thoroughly dried tho pencils are placed i.-t steam baking kilns, where they receive the proper temper. Pencils made in this manner ate not only free front all grit and of uniform hardness, but arp stronger than those cut out of solid slate. For these reasons they have superseded the old kind. Over 2">,000.000 of th^se pen cils were made and sold in 18!t9 by one American concern in Chattanooga. America l.enc In ll<e I.ta l. Forty-nine years have elapsed since the yacht America won the famous trophy known as the Queen’s cup in a race around the Isle of Wight, against the Royal 1 acht squadron. The America, which was designed and built by George Steers of Greenpoint. N. Y., and owned ehiefly by Commo dore J. C. Stevens of New York, crossed the ocean to sail for the ettp. She was registered in custom house tonnage at 1770 tons. She was launched in 1810. The British yachtsmen made a great deal of fun over the ungraceful ap pearance of the “Yankee schooner." She carried no foretopmast and dis played no boom on tier foresail, but she took the lead and held it in the race, whic h took place on Friday, Aug. 22, 1851, against six schooners and seven cutters of the Royal Yacht squadron. She completed the run of eighty-one miles, despite the loss of her jib boom, eight minutes in advance of the Aurora. The cup came to thin country at that time and has remained hgre ever since. In 1857 the America’s owners presented the cup to the New A'ork Yacht club for a perpetual inter national challenge cup.— New York Weekly. Steam lleat Make* Chain* Cry Oil. Steam-heated Hats have their attrac tions, and one woman, whose home* is an uptown apartment house, thinks they have their counter attractions. “What's the matter with the chairs?” asked a visitor, who rocked iit an arm chair pntil he said ihe sound ‘ was a cross between the cry of a Bermudian donkey and the rasping of the hawsers when big ocean liners are tied to their piers. \Y hen I moved here those chairs were perlect, and were so easy in their movements it was a delight to sit in them. But now that the cold weather is here and the steam heat turned on—which, l assure you, is only at intervals it has dried up the glue in the chairs, and it seems to me the chairs have shrunk so that I shall have to send them away and have them re glued.” ItusinHN* I’aterniili'in. The Bttrnham-Munger company of Kansas City has assisted its 1.000 em ployes in the formation of several or ganizations for their pleasure, im provement and profit, among them u sick benefit association for men and then women's penny benefit fund for assistance in case of disability. Koltlier* I lylnj In Slavery. An Italian who has returned from Abyssinia declares that In the mote distant parts of that country there are s*ill a large number of Italian soldiers living in slavery. They are mostly' men who were wounded at the battle of Adowa, left on the he’d and subse quently taken prisoners. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON X. MARCH IO. MATT., XXVI, 57-68. iolden Text “Thou Art the Christ. the Son of the I.lvlng God”— Mult. IB: Its ■ .lex as an*l CaUphai —Our Master Before the Sanli (trim. Sum of the Lesson The money kings who have determined to put Jesus to Jeatlt for telling the truth have Anally succeeded In getting Him tried for treason to the Jewish church, lie Is accordingly found guilty of blasphemy and adjudged worthy of death. Another step has been taken In the effort to take away the Saviour's life. Modern Application Good men are often pul on trial today for heresy because they seek to teach primitive Christianity. A hue and cry is raised and the general public comes to believe tbe victim a here tic. But truth cannot long be crushed and God's justice will yet reign. The fun text of the day's lesson follows: 57. And they that had laid hold on Jesus led Him away to ihe house of Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were gathered to gether. 5H. But Peter followed Him afar off unto the court of the high priest, and went In and sat with the officers to see the end. all. Now the thief priests und elders and all the council sought false witness against Jesus, that they might put llim to death; 60. But found none; yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. But afterward camo two false witnesses, til. And said. This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days. til. And the higii priest arose and said unto Him. Answereat thnu nothing? What is it which these witness against thee? 02. But Jesus held ills peace. And the high priest answered and said unto Him. I adjure thee by the living God. that Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God. 64. Jesus siillli unto him. Thou hast said; nevertheless 1 say unto you. Here after shall ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming In the clouds of heaven. 63. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying. He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? Be hold, now ye have heard Ilis blasphemy. G6. What think ye? They answered and said, He is worthy of death. Practical—Today men deny Je sus. This denial is as often by their actions as by their words. Tonight the follower of Jesus is testifying in prayer meeting, tomorrow he is fleeing from jus tice. This morning the Christian worker is on the mount of privilege; this after noon he is wallowing In the mire of in iquity. How can these tilings be? In most cases the explanation is found in some hidden sin. which comes lo the surface and leads the sinner to deny his Master. The lesson is eternal watchful ness. There is no safety < xcept in near ness to the Holy One. ft is easy to blame Peter, but, oh, how much easier is it to follow Peter's example? "Wherefore lei him that think th he stundeth take heed lest he fall." (I. Cor: in, 12). The per sonal application may be made along the lines of the answers to four questions: Who is Jesus? Answers will be glibly given without much thought behind them. The teachers’ work is to endeavor to show just what the answers should mean. Here is an opportunity to reimpress the truth: Jesus Is God. What Is Jesus to Me? Take "for exam ple" the answer given by so many. He Is my savior, and leach what that should mean. What Is My Altitude Toward Jesus? Teach that all relationships are recipro cal. If Jesus Is divine, if He Is the Sa vior of the world, all must assume a definite attitude lo Him. None can say in reference to Him and His claims, "I do not know." "I do not care,” "It Is none of my business.” Jesus has said: "lb that is i,of with Me is against Me." How Do I Show My Attitude? In other words, What is my daily life? That will determine what I shall he when the crisis comes. Am I a Judas? Am 1 a Peter? Am 1 a John? Let me lie a loving fol lower of Him who died for me. Milk Hath* a* ll«aautiflrr*. "Do you know anything - of milk baths aa beautiflera? while we are on the subject of improving ourselves. 1 lefer to the kind which Anna Held used in her first successful starring season, but adapted to more moderate incomes. They are marvelous. Posi tively marvelous. 1 have seen people grow so beautiful after one that it was alarming. If every one was lovely, you know, then would he no ugly dames to make the beauties look more radi ant. Warm milk is best, and you must get ii fresh from the cow. That is easy, too, here in town. An oil stove will supply the heat if you don’t happen to keep a cow. Bathe your fact and neck and arms well with it every night over and over again, and if you keep it up long enough you will in* surprised to see how your cheeks fatten out and your neck becomes full and your arms plump. Besides, the Idood seems to come to the surface. I won't promise that it has that effect with every one. hut I know that there are certain com plexions that it does improve, and it Is fattening without a doubt. Putting Out FoIm hi. The law of ( alifomia relative to the setting out of poison is as follows: “Any person who willfully administers any poison to an animal the property of another or maliciously exposes any poisonous substance with the intent that the same shall be taken or swal lowed by any such animal is punish able by imprisonment in the suite pris on not exceeding three years, or in the county Jail not exceeding one year, » • payment of a fine not exceeding $500.” There is nothing in the law that ex empts any person who “puts out poison on his own land after he has had out notices, and stray cattle might get it." San Francisco Bulletin. rpmonulity of a l*ner. Lord Dunboyne has been elected a representative Irish peer in place of the late Lord Ornaniorc and Browne. His lordship, who is in his 50th year, was called t<i the liar at the inner,temple in 180!*, and is a master of the Supreme Court of Judicature. He belongs to a very old Irish family, many of whom have been in the legal profession, and succeeded his father in the title two years ago. Another Irish (veer lias to be elected soon in place of the late Lord Farnham. Trade returns shew that Canada Im port* three times as much from Ger many as she exports to that country. Too Coo Got Allen's Foot-Fas# Fro#. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. Makes new or tight shoe3 easy. A cer tain cure for Chilblains and Frost-bites. At all druggists and shoe Cores; 25c. Worry is a greater enemy to the face than the smallpox. There is no remedy that can equal Garfield Tea for the cure of all derange ments of the liver; it has for years been the standard by which other remedies are Judged. Friendship is a welcome ship in any port. I am sure I’iso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.— Mrs. Tnos. Robbins, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17.1900. Man a man isn't worth the mar ket value of the phosphorus In his bones. TO Cl'RK A COM) IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative yci.M.M Tabi.cis. All druggist* refund the money if it 'alls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on the box. 25c. Soap is one of the few things that should be handled without gloves. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Fine The skin and flesh feel like the St of a new soft glove when St Jacobs Oil ha* driven out Soreness and Stiffness from cold. a Meat smokM In a few boon wHh ' KRAUSERS’ LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE. Mada from hiafcory wood. Give* fine flavor. Cl ©an rat, cheapeet. free from tneeete. Rend for circular. E. KMAIIEU A BRO., MUUa. Pa. Burning Scaly Complete External and Internal Treatment THE SET $1.25 Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse tbe skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thick ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT to cool and cleanse the Mood, and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians, and all other remedies fail. WONDERFUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. AS a sufferer for thirty years from the worst form of Psori asis, finally cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, I wish to tell you my experience, that others may benefit by it. I was so grievously afflicted that the matter that exuded from my pores after the scales had peeled off, would cause my underclothing to actually gum to my body. After remaining in one position, sitting or lying down, for an hour or two, the flesh on my elbows and knees would split, so thick and hard would the crusty scales become* The humiliation I experienced, to say nothing of physical agony, was something frightful. The detached scales would fairly rain from my coat sleeves. I have read none of youf testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine* But as to the cure. I commenced bathing in hot Cut!-' cura Soap suds night and morning, applied the Cuticura Ointment, and then wrapped myself in a sheet. In two weeks my skin was almost blooo red in color, but smooth and without scales. Patches of natural colored skin began to appear, and in less than a month I was cured. I am now passed forty years of age and have skin as soft and smooth as a baby's. Hoping that others may benefit hy my experi ence, and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me from dis closing my name, I am yours gratefully, - -i J. H. M., Boston, Mass., Sept. 30,1900. Millions of People Use Cuticura Soap a n, i.f Ail Ki, r1,1.11># ■ . . . — . A .(.Uteri ■fl by t utlriira Ointment, tbe (Trent skin core, for preserving, Purifying beautifying the skin for rleanslng the scalp of emit*, scales, and dandruff, and theatoD pin* of tailing hair, for softening, whitening, and healing red, rough, and sore hands for baby rashes, Itchings, nnd chafing., and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Mllllonsof Women useCimcuKA Soap In tlio form of bathe for annorlmr Irrita tions, Inflammations, and excoriations, or too fioo or offensive perspiration In the form o» washes for ulcer ative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which rearlll* Iffcst themselves to women, and especially mothers. Ct TICOBA Soap combine* .Ulf te emollient properties derived from CLTlCUUA. the great skin eure?tdth the pSJest of however, is to becompared with it for' si ft he purposes of'theTjMet'bsth^sml nursery. Thus it combines In om soap at Onk pap r, the m st skin and VJ.SHoL'.iaa •oap. and the BXST toilet and baby soap In the world. Sold by all dru •gl,u compleilan