The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 22, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
•JBO. E. BIN4CIIOTKK, i K«ltnr» and
• ■n. H. GIBSON, t PttHHiiherii
liurid at I.aup City Posuifllre for trans
aiianian Uiroufh tbe nti'.i an aeaond
claaa matter.
The 1 7’li of St. Patrick* day will
l*o here just after the Middle of next
mouth. Irishmen please take notice.
It is rumored that Mrs Nation's
jaw stopped working the other day
after a three weeks run, and the
blow amost killed mother.
Tka aeverut strain that Mrs
Nation's nerves are called upon to
witbataod cornea when she in an un
guarded moment remembers that
ahe is a native of Kentucky.
The British muaeum lately acquir
ed a mummy from Egypt that is
aaid by experts after an examination
to be one prepared about H,0ut)
years B, Archaeologists claim
that it is a new step towards decid
ing the origin of the Egyptian peo
pi#. They claim this to lie the re
mair s of a ranch superior people to
the Kgjptiaus, and say that at a
pariod antedating its burial an As
iatic race conquered Egypt and the
eomingting of the conquered with the
conquercra produced the present
One of the two ealwoua recently
•purchased of Cal. Sprague closed
'business last Tuesday morning.
This move was brought about by
reason ot the fact of Mr. Sprague
having discharged his two bar tend
ers, Join Chelewski and Frank Lor
cbick and substituting others in their
places. Mr. Chelewski is the laan
who sold bis business to Mr.
Sprague and at the time was retailed
as bar tender. lie does not con
aider his bondsmen responsible for
any of Sprague’s acts, and hav
iDg Sled papers to that eflect with
the village board leaves Sprague with
out even a shaddow ( f u license or
boad under which to operate, at least
m far ps the one saloon is concerned
It is also ramored that steps will be
taken to close the other saloon now
being operated by Mr. Sprague, as
it is being run without bond or
license issusd to him, but under the
mere shaddow of a license issued |
last May to Kroev Milburn. Upon
this question people have different
ideas. In the first place it in in
direct violation of the law to run
a saloon without bond or license is
sued to ibe party operatiag it. In
the second place, speaking from a
business point of view Mr. Sprague
. aould not be expected to invest his
itnouey without, at least, taking |
due precaution to protect such in
vestment. And then again, morally
speaking, (that is to 6»y if there is '
.any morality in such a business,)
•.should the people stand by and allow
a saloon to be conducted contrary
ta law. These are questions now
agitating the minds of our citizens,
and while some manifest a desire to j
aee Mr. Snrague bridge the difficulty ;
without loosing so large a sura of
money, yet they do not want to be
reeognizid as having given their sane
tion to a method of doing business
in open violation of law. The Vill
age board at their regular meeting
last night were called upon to take
some action in the matter.
“Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Burnham of
Mach las, Me., when the doctors said she
Would die from pneumonia before mor
ning,” writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who
attendad her that f arful night, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
which had more than once saved her
life, and cured her of consumption
After taking, she slepi. all night. Fur
ther use entirely cured her.” This mar
•velous medicine is guaranteed to cure
all Throat., Chest and Lung diseases
On If 50c and #1 00. Trial bottles free
at Odendabl Bros.
Itepor's show a grentlv Increased
lea h rate from thro t and lung Iroub
tea, due to the prevalency of croup,
pneumonia and grippe. We advise lit
u»e of One Minute Cough Cure in all of
'hesedifficulties It i* the only harm
l-ss remedy iltil gives inmediue "•
•ults. Children l>k it — Odendahl Brn*.
Person* wit > *.■•« not take ordinary
I i!1 lind if a pleasure to take DeWill’»
Little E-itly Km ra They are the best
ittls liver pills rvrr made. O('endaU)
'Br is,
Is it Small pox? Robert Yom g
n ywung man of this city arrived
home from u ramble through the
sc uth last Friday *»eumg with what
soaie claimed lo be a fairly develop
ed case of vaiiuloid, while others, as
usual, claim it is not. Mr. Young
says ibat he was discharged from a
hospital at McCalliatar, 1. T. ive
days hefarw aniving ha**, as being
well of a caae of fevsr, and that, the
eruptions on !>is face, the doctors
told him were earned bv the great,
auaouat of quinine lie had taken.
Mr. Young arrived on the f> p m.
train and by advise immediately
went to his home In a back street
and lud Air. A. 3. Outhouse, who
* ame. on Inc sa«e train from Lincoln,
send Ur. Main to fa* him. Upon
the doetar* return from the exam
ination he said that he did not think
it was small pox. Mr. Young came
down town immediately after Ids
interview with the doctor and ming
led with the ptople,staling the dostor
told him he did n*t have small pox
Kvenbody became suspicious and
the nwjt morning the mayor sent l)r
Jones, who is an aged practitioner
to examine into the ease and he
pronounced it a case of vatialoid.
The home of Mr, Young was at once
quaranlinsd and all public meetings
stoppsd. Kvery piecautiou was
takes to prsvsnt any spread of the
disease, if it is small pox, and a
reasonable degree o"f safety is being
expsriencad. \*t there are nervous
ones, wko will sot be at rest until
the limit, wiikou l devolopiag the
disease after exposure is past. Mr
Young put m his time the first day
of the quarantine in cutting wood
in the hack yaul, and says he has
not felt so well for a long time.
News eorars from Wyoming, that
Miss Delia Mclnturf, one of Rock
ville's favorite ladies, was married
there to a Mr. Trout. We congratu
late Linn on the prize he has won,
ar.d Miss Della for successful fish
ing. Mr. Mclnturf relates a
remarkab'e escape his son
iu law had from death through a
dream He was fireman on the road
and dreamed his engine was ditehed
and he was killed. It made such an
impression on him that lie resigned
his position. In a short time that
engine was ditched nnd the fireman
Mrs. Fair received a letter Hating
that her grand children. Bill* and
Inez Hendrickson of Farwell, were
very sick with giippe.
Wednesday the 13, a hide daugh
ter came to gladden the home ol Mr
and Mrs Otto Mickisb. She will go
to Kansas this sprisg to help Carrie
No new eases of small pox up to
this time, though it is exceedingly
ditli' ulf to get relia do information.
Thursday Mis* Dot Fail made a
tiling visit to her sister's, Mrs. Henri
rick»on of Farwell, teturniDg Satur
day. She reports the sick convales
Miss Ola Hanish returned Satur
day from a three weeks visit among
relatives north of Ashton.
C. S. Fairbatrn, wife and little
daughter, were the guests of Mra. F'e
parents Thursday.
The little son of Prof, and Mrs
Winched died Friday night. They
hava the sympathy of their many
friend* in their bereavement.
Mr. Winchell's brother and faruiD
came iu on the Saturday night train
from Iowa. We learn they iatend
to locate among us. The brothers
are going into the sheep business
They have already purchased dOO
head as a starter. We extend them
a cordial welcome among us and
wish them success iu their enterprise.
Will Miller has so far recovered
from small pox as to be able to be
out again. We pity those ponies.
Mrs. Tuttle is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Winehell.
Mr Braoscomb says, “it docs
heat all. just os sure as there is a
batch of bread to bake, or a washing
half on', some one comes and wants
Mrs B light away, short off, inline
Idiulcly, it does beat all,' and he
i walked away with a sad and pensive
■ air
Mr Jacobs is halting and lauding
; home ihe hay lie purchased of Mr.
j Hohin-on
The am- uni id straw being hr ul
ed through town indicaWs Hut ► id
>r c was short of feed and II ekii 'i
I uvp. was supplying the demu-d.
Ko 1 -meson's team took a pin
Sa tr*la\ afternoon. No dauiag ex
cep' a li 'b- e ini spi l*»d and a ou
pie, of Indies badly frightened.
ome of the boy s who took part in
l ebarriv n ^a urduy week declare
i ,i \ rtd! not do so again That is
I right b^yf stick toit. Wh a y a
■ “it'll to compliment a now married
friend urn have good voiced, sere
nade lirm. < r lake your heat girl
and give them a surprise, take them
gome nice presents that will he a re
minder to them of ttie happy occa
sion and yon will all foci better.
Mr Hid Mrs. .1. Fair visited
their niece, Mrs. I’ari Tretfer Sunday
Mr *ad bride took the
train far Orank! Island Saturday to
purchase Ike r bousexespinj outfit.
Al Mawliincev had near of c"rn
jshipped in aid is Induing it home.
MissL Anv
Th*rc will be a farmers institute held
in l.nup Gity on March 8 f* 1901, This
U ealiaililt' ll to be n scientific school of
education for the f.iriiicr. and will be
conducted by able men who have male
thi science of f irming and stock raising
a study. The lectures will ke fr«e and
every farmer sb >uld arrange to take a
lioliiiaV mi I lie. above dates and avail
i himself of tins splendid opportunity.
1 1’hc | rognim will be as follows:
i nt r hay
2:00 p. m - I,. I). Stii.son.
“ " I’ravt lion of Animal Disease,
by Dr. A T I’etkus.
7:!J0 p. in. - • - • Music
" “ Agricultural Education, by
10:00 a in Poultry on the Farm, by
K V FoitKUi.
Wind-breaks and Shelter belts.
2:00 p m. Soil Tillage, G A. Maksiiai.i,
“ •' Fiingc Crop, L D Stilson,
7:00 p. in The Organize.ion of Stcrc
optical! Lecture i-n (lie Agricultural Ex
periment Station, • L, D Srii son.
ISig I'ou l try I’aper I'rc*.
.lust fora sliort time to introduce
the Seml-\Te*kly State Journal that
paper will i«nd tin: Western Poultry
News a year free to anyone sending
91 00 for a year* subscription to The
Semi Weekly State Journal, which is
published every Thursday and Friday;
gives Mi the news cf the world days
ahead of farm papers and weeklies. It
i< a news paper from start to tlundi and
is the pa: cr for the farmer. A great
many readers call it the ‘farmers daily.’
One doif'i- gets the Journal twice-a
week a whole year and The Western
Poultry News a whole year. This is a
big bunch of reading for n dollar, bend
your order to The State Journal, Lin
coin, N t).
E B M unday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
r«x., once fooled a gtaye digger. II**
'sy>: ' >1» broth r was vary low with
malarial fever and jiuudice. I per
suaded him lo trs Electric Bitters, and
lie \*a* soon much better, but continued
their use until he wts wholly cuted. 1
am sure Ktec tri*‘ Bitters saved his life.’
Tiiis remedy expels malaria, kills di
-ea e j;erms and purities the blood; aids
digrsti r>, regulate* li»er, kidneys ami
bow!**, euiis constipatloii, dyspepsia,
nervous di-easts, kidney troubles fe
male compl.iin's: (jives perfect health.
Only "die a1 O.b'nl'ihl B os
I min Paper Doewa I Till the Rill.
A farm paper Is all right as an ad
dition loth'.* farmei's rending matter,
but lir.-t of all lie wants a NKwei'APEU;
one that will give him all the airgraph
ie new .- of the world, markets, state and
national politics, together with a lot
of wholesome reading for the family
The Svmi-Weekly State Journal is just
such a paper, published evry Tuesday
and Friday at the state capital. For
a short time The Western I’oultJy News
will to suit PURE ONE YEAR to
those Sending $100 for The State Jour
nal Address, State Journal, Lincoln.
Danger of Colil ami La Urlppe.
The greatest danger from colds and
la grippe is their resulting ill pneumo
nia. If reasonable care is used, how
ever, and t.'libmberlain's Cough Remedy
taken, all danger will be avoided.
Among the ten* of thousands who have
used tliis remedy for these diseases we
have yet to learn of a single case, hav
ing resu ted in pneumonia, which
shows conclusively that It is h certain
preventative of that dangerous malady,
it wi I cure a cold or an attack of !u
grippe in less time than and other treat
ment. It is pleasant and safe to take
For sale by Odcndahl Bros .
Working Might and Day
The busiest at d mightiest littlelhing
that ever wa* m ide is Dr. King's New
Life Fills. These pills change weak
ness into strength, ’luiessness into ener
gy, brain- f -g into m* ntnl power. They 're
wonderful in building up the health
Only So • pei box Soid bv Odcndahl
Far Gentlemen
v,ho cherish
1 Sold by T. II ELSNRK, Leap City, N*t
Straight sale.
lbs tune to
po fake.
Oilenilahl Bros, the ilrutrg ~t.H will ri • j
fund you your money it you an not j
satisfied after using < hiunhci tains
Stouiaclie and Liver T.hei- The' :
cure disorders of :h>' s’.om icbe, bilious
ness constipation arid liead.n lie. Price
V5 cents. Kant pie free.
Like b id dollars, all counlerB Us of
De\Vitf,s Witch Ha*i‘, Salve an* "• ’h
less. The original quickly cur jUio* i
sores and all 'km dbeasr- Oiicrdalil
Washington, D.
March 4, 1901.
plus $3 00
The Union l acilic
From Colorado anil VI joining Feb
37 »», March I
Froat Nebraska amt Kansus, l tb
’■ March 1.2
For full Inforaiatlan call on
II. J. Clifton, Agt.
Notion is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of the court of II ill
county, Nebraska, made In a cerluln notion
for tbo partition of real property in 'aid
court pending w herein Wilhelm Con el'us
IS IMainlitf anil Marcus Cornelius and
others are defendants, directing ns as
referees to sell the properly herein dosertb
•d. We as such referees will, at the north
door of the court house Ln Grand island
Hall county, at f o'clock in the atternoon
of the iitth day of March. 1991 soil at pub.
lie auction to the highest bldd. r for cash
the following described property, to-wlt:
The north west guarler of aceiiou four (4)
tn township nine (9) nortli of lnnge nine (9)
west of thelith principal nintldian, and lots
number seven (7) and eight (s) in fract
ional block number tliree (3) In Jochnck'e
addition to the city ot Grand island, and
lot number four (4) in block number six
pi) in I nlvorslty place lit s.tld etty, all ol
which property is in saxl Hall count) At
the same lime and place we will otter for
sale on the same terms allot Section num
ber ninfecn (19) in township sixteen (Id)
north ot range fourieeu (14) West of the
i th principal marldian’ln Sheimau County.
Nebraska, containing about G.’l .vj 10) acres,
bids tor the said land in Sherman conuty
11 bo received subject to the right *o sell
said and to any higher bidder at the sde
of the same to Sherman county as herein
The sulil sevliou nineteen (|M) in Slur
man county, Nebraska will he ode red lot
sate and s Id to the highest bidder for east
ul tire front door of the court lioi *e iis Lou)
itv In set I wlicrmau county at I o'clock
in ilie hi limoon of tlie 23rd day of Mindi
19 il, ut which sale i lie bids nt thf
sale in llall count y will be considered.
Dated I e unary Htli, I9ti.
■ e it*an C. Ui.AKviM.e ■ Referees.
Gi'ito* D. II si/si 1 r <’i rv. N’.m;.
Ouu ha,
. .Jo.-. ill,
i; ‘ti'su imij ,
r. t <iiiis,
•:n•’ nil
Hi Icilli,
15 MM
S a I I mi!' Citv.*!,
Ha:, Krnru i'eo,
".nil all poln'.*
rr. \ in i iir, t« roi.LCWs.
uoiso ea r
So '
Jo on Freight -
; .Vi a. 111
. 12 .VI |i, m.
l.i I NO U 1 - 1
: > M PRseongni .
No fill Freight.
t i p in
... lili'nta, itt.
Slf'oliui dinner anil rcr nn r.lmir *-nrn
•• ii {tee »n tbi ot • 1'icktit*
i i •' lit o'M, * >'.lintii 1 • . ii iy point in
i Ulilted biiitlt s nr 11 ntidn.
oioi ii : ill. ill' i, • ■
I 'm i u < iti i ; 'Vi . 'HI. Arltiui
> ‘ it dr J. i ■, .Ni'l-, O' i ts'enger
AiiCIl . . Ouitti.a, Nr ii: l: •
Jii i.'S duly f'X.' i ; ' ’!■ i".
iib’i.r). ''ini n. ill
NO SN lem ' !■ M \Vl •! M's t:, ii.
Friday, (inls.-d i.• in
No '. I U lV. •■■■* I ' • ' • ■ , fl, , ,lKy ,4„tl
"lilt Bl'd'l}', 111! i' '..I 2 I
No 8T urt iv ii dji! v oic Vip-iii) ,mixed
l'!.".I ii. in.
No. <S arrives d II < veept Sandny(pa8»
miibi t) t '15 p in.
Ki »t t'liuiit sorvti 1 > me oonnMlMM
i nat, ivi ar an<1 “ j it!
V. p. i:a ■: a
\v. t> rurrmi,
A Frightful Iiluiitler
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Seal.I, Cut or Bruise. Buck Ion’s Arnica
Halve, will kill the pain anil promptly
heal it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulceri,
Boiles, Corns,all Skin Eruption. Best
File cure on earth Only 25 its. a box.
Cure guaranteed, Sold by Odendahl
Wanted.—Capable, reliable person In every
< nty to represent large company of solid
ti'i iii.-iul reputation: fuse salary per year, pay
:i l ie weekly: til per day absolutely sure and
i;i ■ xponses, straight, bona-fide, definite sal
1:0 commission , salary paid each Satur
i , \ m i expense money advanced each week
I r the weakness and prostration fol
io ug grippe lliero is nothing so
in 11|»i ;m I effective as One Minute
1 1 I bis preparation Is high
i ! . i ; unfailing remedy for
ci i lung troubles and its ear*
i ; r. ven's, consumption. It wa*
in cure ijuickly.—Odemlabl Bros.
I icr • is always danger in using coun
I o rfcjis of lie Witt’s Witch Hazel Halve,
i'lloriginal is asafe and certain cure
bo piles It is a soitbiug and healing
for sores and all skin diseases.—
I O lend,till Bros
JO WFMIi 10 Cents.
TWFlpi"^11 fl
1* oont.-iin umber of spe iai articles each week by
the mom r< • • c cvr/ Gram'll of ngrlculture--dupartnaenl«
devoted to!*. i' i-, tin- '.any poultry yard, orchard and garden, fartu
machinery. p: *, and tin inurkot*..
The f;ir:.icr> .if* t<n , has her share of space, with
rrclp' .':d -:• -■
and matteim par1 .
edit* d fin :
view of 1 b no ' -
and in W» In pal
, in-‘■making, fancy work, care of floarars,
■ her, wlulu tlic children have a department
ir live pages are devoted to a complete re
, . mg both happenings at home and abroad,
► mgo he great farming west. Then, too, ara the
*> i j,.., in 11 ip. «md tyue- all Hie good things that one likes to read
.H i the ' imp are m' i work is done.
^ vural
VJA ly
Per vear
Cut thr
2-i-ent o-.‘durpy.]
Farmer. 22 i
aU it with a dime or five
The Twentieth Century
. natn street, Omaha.
We aj*e adquaftefs for
Wo have every app^B. y? for making firstclass
Drive or HvBulic Wells and
respectfully solicit vour or.^R \ ) > charges are reaPliable
our prices are right. W< V \ Med a feed grinder to our
business md arc prepnred^J <\ custom work or furnish
ground feed at reasonable ra
■V H