The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 22, 1901, Image 4

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Uoaal Dsws.
Mrs August .Jung is reported on tin
sick lift.
Arthur I.mie of Arcadia was In the
city Tuesday.
C. H. Freo«h was on the sick list a
pari of ttiis week.
J D. Ford shipped a car load of cattle
to South Omaha Tuesday.
Clothing going cheap at
Eddy B. Dunlap of near Rockville, i
called while in town Saturday.
Albert Anderson moved to tiie Conger
farm south of town tills week.
Oa account of the srnaH-pox quaran
tine in this city District court has b ’en !
again continued to a future date.
PilgeroflTeis the Will Nelk
and the Pennepacker resi
dences for sale.
Inquire of W. S. Waite for
pure Golden Grant seed wheat.
Henry and John Ohlsen went to Far
well Monday to look after a contract for
a r.ew brick building.
Joseph Daddow and .fame* Johnson ,
each purchased a new cream seperator
from F. M. Henry last week.
Grandma Gibson, Mrs. E. S. Hay
hurst and Bertha Uightenour assisted
ye Junior editor and family to dispose
of a turkey Sunday.
Valentine Roschenewlski,son of Mr
Joseph Roschenewlski of Rockville
twp. left Tuesday morning for Wiscon
sin and Illinois.
We have new samples on
clothing just in. Call and see
them. Chicago prices. J. P.
The saloon row is becoming acute in
Loup City, and at p-esent it is bard to
tell whither Mrs. Nation or l’at Crone
will be ahead when the fog rises.
Take Rocky Mountain Tea. Ste it
exterminate poison. Feel it revitili/e
y jur b'ood and nerves anil bring back
Ibat happy, joyous feeling of boyhood
day*. 85c. Ask your druggist.
Special Shoe Sale next Sat
urday and Monday at Jaegers.
Come in and see how cheap
you can buy.
Minion* ot people are ramtnar with
DeWitt’s Little Early Kiser* and those
who use them find them to be famous
little liver pill?. Never gripe.—CM- n
dihl Bros.
Roosters often crow over eggs they
did not lay. Same with people who
sell an imitation Rocky Mountain Tea
made famous by the Madison Medison
Co.’s advertising. 35e Ask y < * u r
Some malicious critter, either drunk
or crazy, smashed in two large window
glass in the office front of K. J N’i^h
tingale last Thursday night. The be
ing with such a spirit shotil I go com
mit susleide and Join his kindred fpirits
O. Manchester will have a stock sale
on his'farm on DavisCreek on Tuesday,
Febr. 20. 1901, at which time and place
he will offer for sale (id head of high
grade Aberdeen Angus cattle, several
head of horses ami a long list of farm
ing implements
Mr. Henry Hansen, living 4 miles
north west of Ashton, had sale bills
•truck at this office last week. Mr
Hansen will sell, on Monday Feb. 25
insf, a large lot of farm machinery,
horses, cattle, both cows and young cat
tle, and al his household goods besides
some fine imported seed wheat, and six
stand of honey bees.
Steven Gray lost a pair of buffalo
robes some time before Christmas which
ha mourned very much on account of
their having cost him $15 00, and for the
further reason that he wanted to know
who was enjoying his property these
cold nights. Monday morning last they
were found in the posession of Jay
Karnes a young man living b tween here
and Arcadia. Mr. Barnes says he pur
chased them from a young man who
was passing through the country and
•topped over night with him Mr Grey
rBcoveredhis property.
Ic five w eeks more the t illage elec
tion will be upon us. This year, unlike
Its predecessors, the new law becomes
effective and we will be called upon to
elect two trustees for two years instead
of five for one year as previous
The present out going incumbents,
K. S. Ilayhurst and J l’hil .larger
have served the city well, and
for a number of years and under ex
isting circumstances it seems to be
the sentiment of the people to keep
them in the harness. Our little city
Is now, and will bo for some years
to come, in need of the very best, most
economical and conservative men at its
head that we have and the present
hoard Is among them. Our bonded debr
though not large, will ail bo due in tin
next ten years, and if manipulated as
the present board has done it will be
paid in installments each year and no
one year will be burdensome. But if
not when It comes duo it would be quite
a hardship to liquidate at ono levying.,
therefore for our own beueiit we should j
see that the two retiring are returned
A 15 Outhouse returned from Lin
co'ii last Friday,
J. B O’Bryan shipped a carof catfh
to South Omaha Tuesday
Mrs. r W. Clifton of St. Paul visited
f lends in the city oyer Sunday.
Oeo, Kijtbtenour was over from
Moon ( Ity Wednerday on business.
Mrs. Wellington H»wk hits been ver\
sick l lie p»*r week, but is better again.
Wright Reyim'd* of Webster twp was
a pleasant caller at this office Saturday.
Harry Taylor went down near Lincoln
last week to work with an elevator gang
.1 T Hale went South Monday with
another car of mules destined for South
Mr. Woody of the south side called
and exchanged ideas with ye editor the
.John Hayes pulled tu to the eily a
few days ago again. John says he don't
lik* Grand 1-latul a little bit.
15 T. Snyder has rented his large liv
ely barn to Messrs Donahue and Patten
who will run the business hereafter.
Pilger is selling his shoes
and hats at less than one half
what they cost. fl5
Chris Johansen will move into tha
house now occupied by Clarence Wilson
Mr. Wilson will occupy the Albert
Andersen i rnpi rfy.
T M Reed sell - sewing ma
chines and a general line of
S 1'. Reynolds has employed an ex
tru clerk while be attends t<> a little
rustling on the side,
John Long's team, while conalngdown
strict Friday morning took a tumble
on the icy streets but by good luck no
particular damage was done.
Henry Shrove of Aurora, and son of
John Shrove of this place was a pleas
ant caller at this olllee Tuesday. Mr
Shrove is visiting bis parents
Tlic dance at the home of Will Cord
ing, cast of town, and also at Ashton,
la-t Saturday night, was both represent
ed b, Loup City's terp-iehorean disei
Bridges, rivers, tunnels, mountains,
buildings cities, gathers up the scatt' red
rajs of one's ability. That’s what
Rocky Mountain t’ea does. 35c Ask
your druggist.
In ( rtler to make room for
spring goods I still continue to
make low prices on my goods
Phil Jaeger.
When j'f>u want a physic Hint is mild
anrl gentle, easy to take ami pleasant in
effect use Chamberlain's Stomache and
Liver Tablets. Price 23 cents. Sample
| free. Every box guaranteed. For stile
by fklcndahl Bros.
• ’Inis Smith, our good t itureu bai*
ness maker has sold out lii.s business but
wo have not learned whither ho int« nds
leaving the city or not Mr. Smith is a
lii-t class workman uml a good eiliz u
and we hope w ill decide to stay.
We were sorry to 1 >Hrn from Mr
Adam Schaupp that he contemplated
moving to Lincoln about June 1st, next
Mr and Mrs. Sch iupp are old residents
of Loup Pity, and by their exceptional
kind and generous disposition have eu
deare : themselves to the community,
find much regret will be ft It at their
W S. Owens, Arcadia's genial har
ness maker was in the city lust Wednes
day and made us a pleasant call. He
has purchased the harness business of
Chi is Smith at this place and his son J.
L Owen w ib take charge of it in a few
days. Both Mr. Owen and his son have
had large experience in the business
and wo feel confident that they will do
a good business. The Nohthwestkkn
welcomes them to our business circle
It is high time that Hie authorities
of this town was taking some steps to
close the gambling den on the west side
of the public square in this town and
to see that the saloons of the-town aie
closed atth proper hour, also that the
curtains in the front of the saloons are
kept raised in accordance with the pro
visions, laid down in the statutes. Un
less these places are run as they should
be and the gambling dens are cleaned
out, we will bet guineas to goose eggs
that this will be a prohibition town
when the municipal election rolls
aroued again The young boys of both
town and country are spending too
much time at these places, anil older
ones w hose earnings should go t< buy the
actual necessities for those dependant
upon lh< in. are spending their time and
money, only to satisfy the ravishing
appetite of the wlley gambler and to
oring want and misery to their own
homes. We should al. get waked up to a
-•■use of < uty md morality. While we
are paying a marshal would it not be
•.veil to set him actively at work clean
ing up tbe town in this respect.
St. Emil Nebr 13 I. 20. in. 1.
Special to tio< Nuramvi.sTKUN.
VbuiH I! oclo. k Tuc-olay morning (lie
b irn belonging to Roy i; Peek, of ih 8
i-ity was lota lv dcstroj ed by fire There
v.a* 2f hi ad of horses in the barn at the
irro’ailo! which perished A small
stack t>! hay and a small quantity of
rain also burned. The tire was not
discovered until th« building was neai-j
iv il‘ srroyi d The origin of th« <ir« is :
unknown, f'here ■> a- #2 400 insurance j
< n the horses and $301) on the baru, |
—. - ..—
To f'll a bom It inns concern: This i
to certify thai I am ii< t no"' nor never
have been en a Saloon bond for Cal
MiriiAL r»iEi.K"SKI
t\ Bright lioiieat Hoy Wantnl
The publishers of lie famous |!|na
rrated weekly newspaper,
nia Grit, ate now placing representa
tives at oy ry post office in' Nebraska,
and they desire to wore the service of
capable hustling ngen « in each of the
following towns of Sherman count):
Ashton, 11 a z ird, Loup City and Hoc*,
ville, and in other towns as are not «i
ready supplied. The work is profitable
and pleasant. A portion of Satc.itla)
only is required. OverSOuO agents nri
doing splendidly Xo money whatever
is required. Everything is furnished
free. Stationery, rubber stamp, ink and
pad, advertising matter, sample coj ies,
etc. Papers are shipped to be paid for
at the end of eacii month. Those not
soul a-e not charged for. Write to
Or t Publishing Co., Williamsport, Pa .
and mention the Northwestern
A powerful engine cannot be run will)
a weak boiler, ami we can’t keep up
the strain of an active life with a weak
stomache; neither can we stop the lot
man machine to make repairs. If the
stomach cannot digest enough food to
keep the body strong, such a prepara
tion as Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure should be
used. It digests what you cat and it
simply can’t help but do you good -
Odvndabl Bios.
The claim of other cough medicines
to be as good as Chamberlain’s are ef.
factually set at rest in the follows tes
timonial . of Mr C. D. Glass, an em
ploye of Bartlett A Dennis Co , Gard
iner, Me lie says: ‘1 had kept ad
ding to a cold and cough in the winter
| of 1897. trying every cougli medicine
. I heard of without permanent help, un
| til one day I was in the drug store of
! Mr. Houlihan and he advised me to try
Chamberlain’s Cough Heiredy and of
fered to pay b ick my money if I w as
not cured. My lungs anu bronchial
tubes were very sore at that time, but
I was completely cured by this reined .
and have since always turned to it when
I got a cold, and soon find relief. 1 also
recommend it to my friends and am
glad to say it is the best of all cough
medicine. ’ For sale by Odcndahl Bros.
i' Uii s \ i,u.
One team of horses at $80., 1 ri iing cul
tivator, 1 pulvoriz^r with seeder attach
ment, t Dutch Ya' kee riding plow, 1
steel tooth lever harrow, 1 double seat
ed buggy. All cheap If sold soon.
Apply to—James Conner. Loup t'ity.
—--»- • — —
Wall Paper! Wall Paper!
See my beautiful line of pat
terns for 1901 before purciias
ing. Prices lower than ever
before. Paper trimmed and
<b livered free any place in the
city.—Mrs. A. J. Kearns.
Golden Grant seed wheat
for sale by—0. II. Plambeck
Ashton, Neb.
Recent experiments -How that all
clashes of food* may ! e completely di
geated bv a preparation called Kodol
I *:• epsia i'i: i, i.j,-h nbsolutt h di
gests what you eat. As it is the only
combination of all the natural diges
tantsever devised the demand for it I,as
become enormous. It has never failed
to cure the very worst cases of indiges
tion and it always gives instant relief —
0 lemlahl Bros.
Reliable man for Manager of
Branch Office we wish to open in
this vicinity. If vour record is O K
here is an opportunity. Kindly give
good reference when writing.
A. T. Mounts Wholesale House,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
1 lustrated catalogue f cts. stamps.
Low Rates, West and Northwest.
At a time of year when thou sands
will take advantage of them, the
Burlington Route makes sweeping
reductions iu its rates to the West
and Northwest—to Utah, Montana,
Washington, Oregon and British
Dates: February 12. 19, and 20.
Marchs, 12, lit, and 20,
April 2, 9, 10, 29, and 30.
Rates are shown below:
To Ogden, Mall Last). Iluttc. Hid- I
cun. Anaconda ami Missoula (
To All Points on the Northern i
I’avoflc Ky. west of Missou'a
ltn luMin-: Spokane- Seattle, [
Taeoinii. I’ortland as v\)1 ns ' “
Vancovcr, and Victoria 11. C. J
To All Points on the Spokane
Kal s ii Northi in It s' and the
Washington «v Columbia River
K. K,.
Never has the Pacific Northwest
been as prosperous as now. Labor
is in constant demand an i wages art
hiuii. The money making oppoiiii
uilies are be) ond dumber-iu mines,
lumber, meicbandisii g, fanning,
Ituit raising, fishing, and ali th<
othei industries «*f a great and glow
ing country.
Liietaiure on rnj-ic -- free.
.J Francis, <len 1 l*-ssinger Agk
Omaha, Nebr.
If you pe ed apythipg ip
piy lipe give pne a call.
Mills, Pus, Pipes, Tails
Grinders, Buggies, Wagons, Hardware, Sewing Machines,
And a Well Selected Stock of Furniture.
(all and see my goods and learn my price before buying.
Son if lie T
Special Closing Out Sale:
10 lbs. Granulated sugar SI.00
Arbuckles Coffee • - .12
Lion Coffee, - - • .12
Best Soda Crackers - - - .7
One barrel Ginger Snaps - - .20
3 cans sugar corn - - .25
Yeast, all kinds - .3
6 spools coats thread - - .25
Perline - - A
Corn stareh and Gloss starch - <3
Grand l*a’s Soap ... 4
8 bars Silver Leaf Soap - • .26
20 cent can Cove Oyster . - . 16
Glass wash board - - .30
Battle ax and navy tobacco - .38
One gall n can best syrup - - .30
Cow or Arm and Hammer brand Soda .5
I am selling my Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Dry Goods,
everything from 40 to 60 per cent lower than any other merchant
in Nebraska.
Don’t fail to see Pilger when you want good goods at
slaughtering prices.
1 am positively going out of business is why I am making
such lowr prices on all goods.
Are you satisfied with tlie way!
your watch is running.
Are you satisfied to wear a ring
witii all or a part of the settings gone?
Are yon satisfied to wear brass or
u broken breast pin or scarf pin?
Are you satisfied to wear out of
date jewelry ?
Are you satisfied with the work
von have had done by men who pie
tend to tie jewelars and are not?
Are you satisfied to suffer with an
aching bead when having your vis
ion corrected will stop if, and give
you comfort.
Are you satisfied with the speela
eles you biready have?
If you are dissatisfied you surely
□eeil ray services. I have built up a
reputation for excellent work
1 have the knack of doing it just
ihe right way- the telling why—the
pri litable way. No fancy frills or
flowery language in my manners, but
L do all work t<> please my customers
and handle the vr ry best stock.
Trv me once, you'll be sorry you
didn’t know me before.
\V Wi ll — Cup.iMe, M.-littlili! persons in
i vei;. county to repiesent Inrun e .mpnny ‘
of sii i i fi. .ii ci«l re|,utuiion; J'.t.tii salary 1
per year, p \ :il,le \v> i klv; ;3 per day ill so- '
i itely sin -guuil all ei peases; struignt, 1
uiina fide, di'ibiio: silury, no communion; 1
Mlrtiy pa:'.l eaeti Saturday and expense
1 M,ne> lul vatu e t each wt-ei; STANDARD '
HOI’SiC I lM AIlUOltH S r., ( IIICAOO. 1 266 1
To all whom it may concern: Tnii is
to certify that on the 14th day of Jan.
PJ.M, I sold alliny rightstitle and inter
est* In ihe saloon anti fixtures owned and
operated by me in the town of Loup
City, Neb. to one Cal Sprague, and that
! am not iu any wise interested therein,
"r responsible, nor do 1 consi ler my
bondsmen responsib'e for any acts of
tliC said t'al Sprague
Attorney at Law_and Notary PuDlle.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cim
General Real Estate Business.
Office Id Nobthwwtbrji Bnlldlmr.
I-ODT CITI, - stnatitt
OFFICE.—At St Elmo Hotel.
tVhat would you do it taken with col
ic or cholera morbus when your pbysi
ian is away from tome and the drug
'tores are closed'{ A Ler one such emer
gency j on will always keep Chamber*
ain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in jour home; but why wait
jntil the hor-c is stolen before you lock
hestablsy For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Ortlco at Lincoln, Ne'i i
February It, ffloa (
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ng.named settler has died notice of his
mention to make final proof in support
>f Ills claim, and that said proof will
,e made before J. A. Angler, county
udge of Sherman county, at Loup
'Ity. Nebraska,on Monday, March a:>, itwi,
iz: Kddie B. Duncan, Homestead Entry
to.-, for tlie North East fomth.of
he North West fourth of Section it, t. 14
t. I« west. lie names the following -vit
lessesto prove trs continuous residence
ipon and cultivation of, said land, via:
Villiam A. Parks, Johns. Duncan, Jamrs
t Lang, Marlon U. Parks, all of Litch
leld, Nebraska,
J. \V. JoiiKSon, R*giMi#r
‘I hobbled int<> Mr. Black more's drug
.“tore one evening," sa\s Wesley Nelgon
of II tuiiltnn. Ga., “and ho asked me to
try < liainberlainV Pain Balm far rheu
matism with which i had suff ered for a
ions; time. 1 told him I had no f.iith in
any medicine as they all failed 11a
“aid; "Well if Ghamberlaii/g Pain Baltn
does not help you. you need not pay for
it.' I took a bottle of it home end used
it according to the directions and in
one Week I was cured, and bare not
been troubled with rheumatism ” Sold
by Odcndahl Ifro*.
Do the mt rchants of the country sell
more "New Home'’ Sewing Machlna*
than they do of all other makes? Ba
cause theircuatomera know the "New
Home" u the best and will have n»
otliar. for sale I)/
T. M. Kills.
Dyspepsia Cure
Du,vstwhat you cat.
I tend fic digests the food and nidi
XSat jre 1-- st> r*<gthening and recon
structing »lie cxho’istod digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No othei preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cum
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
blatiiienee, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
ftu other resn! ts of ini perfect d fgestion.
Prepared by E C DaWitt * C».. Chl««n%
For snip by ODKNDAHt, l>KOS..
■ ■>
Cor. 19th and
fl Worth Sts..
harlog detnlte ptOiW
morphine, s^'srisa
tobacco srsirsttj
USING...,,. Lealln E. Keeley. I
Inatliale at Aaiafea, Nebraska, k|
Tn.IB.DI ta
ft* mii a.
tbn inly plarn la that Mate akin 1
tlia pniilDi KmIi, IcbWIm aai |
jrtna. I
.•Ti nan ran nnitHui.
THI RBBt-IY IkSTITUTk, •«.«». Hia.
tar JM and