The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 15, 1901, Image 5

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    < The Northwestern
UFO. K. BFNSOHOTER, I Editor* itnd
UFO. H. U1BSON, i Publisher*
TKRMS:—fl.OO PEH year. IE paid in advance
Entered at the Loup City Postofllee for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Kiog Kdward (he VII. aaya
South Africa is a regular boer.
Jack Crowe and the man who
struck Billy Paterson are still in
A Trans Continental railroad will
be the next achievement of Amer
icana capital under one government.
Wilhlemina, the young queen of
Holiaud was wed to Duke Heinrich
last Thursday ami all Holland re
joiced and was glad.
Kx Secretary Porter ami Colonel
Bixby of the State Journal are try
ing to convince Nebraska that the
pen is mightier than the sword.
The weather bureau at Washing
Iod, lias developed a new system
of wireless telegraphy that bids
fare lo be the superior of Marconi's.
Uncle Sam never plays second
fiddle to any one.
The London cabinet met February
8th to formulate the speech of King
Edward at the opening of pnrliment
on the 19th. He must be a happy
sovereign who is compelled to voice
the sentiments of others whethei
they are his or not. But perhaps it
is better for England.
The British are sending 30,000
mounted men to South Africa so as
1o be in a better position to mobi
lize a sullicenl force at any given
point with the least possible delay.
The peculiarities of the South Afri
can war is taxing the finest capa
bilities of the British army to its
utmost. DeWet seems to be able |
to successfully defy an army of over
200,000 with a handful of soldiers
and gather his substance from the
enemy. England is now and has
been for months supplying the Boer
army with every kind of necessities,
even to ordnance and amunition, be
sides large amounts that are des- |
troyed winch the Boers cannot use
y after they have captured it The
present outlook is that Capetown
will be a second Yoiktown.
It is strange, but true, that not
much good can be seen to come out
of Nazareth, if Nazareth happens to
be the opposite party and it is of
course inevitable that there must lie
two parties, yet how graud it would
be if each would acknowledge the
others virtues and lend a hand to
assist them in a couceded right.
Experience has taught us that in
the main democratic principle 8 arc
wrong, yet tuat staid old instructor
also convinces us that many a child
has been born to that party that was
worthy of being crowned with honor,
and visa versa, democracy must look
with the same spirit. The haired
with which the two old parties looks
upon one another cannot lie condu
cive to the best interests of our gov
ernment, nnd the reformer is des
pised by both according to the a
mount of principles he advocates of
the other. Fusion always tends
towards the crushing out ot reform
because the former must sacrifice
/his principals to get the assistance
•ol the party fused with. Thertfoit
reform should strictly adhear to its
/principles if it expects to be of any
(benefit to the human race.
“A wful anxiety was felt for the wid
<ow of the brave General Burnham of
Machlas. Me., when the doctors said she
■would die from pneumonia before mor
ning.” writes Mrs. 8 H. Lincoln, who
atten.lad her that f arfnl night but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
which had more than once saved her
Tiff, and cured tier of consumption
After taking.she slep«, all night Fin
ther use entirely cured her” This mar
velom medicine is guaranteed to cure
all Throat, Chest and Lung diseases
Only 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free
at Odendahl Bros.
Bepor's show a greatly Increased
■dea h rate from tiiro- t and lung iroub
ics, 'due to the prevalency of croup.
P’.eumor.ia ami grippe. \Ve_advi'** 111
W u-e of One Minute Gough Cure in all ol
* these difficulties It is the only harm
less remedy that gives immediate n ■
suits. Children like It.—Odendahl Bros,
KK'HMONI), 0 T. Feb. 2.’0|
To The North western—And
members of the colony company to
be located in Oklahoma. It is with
pleasure 1 take this opportunity to
give you a description of this count
ry through (tie Northwestern, as 1
have seen it and been told by old
settlers. First of all the country is
not generally as level as most peo
ple have been lead to believe, but
most of it is long rolling slopes, and
the greater part can be cultivated.
It is so much beyond Sherman coun
ty that it cannot well he realized,
and the son holds moisture much
better. The soil is of a redish cast
and will produce most every thing iu
the cereal lire which will grow any
place. Grass of all kinds does well
here, broom corn is their favorite
crop as it yields from 50<Mo M)o Ihs.
of brush to the acre, and the stalks
make excellent feed for stock. The
brush bailed is worth from $70 to
$125 per ton. Wheat goes from 20
t< 4 0 bushels to the acre, corn from
25 to 50 bushels, although corn is
not much raised. Oats is not paid
much attention to, Katfercoru takes
its place and makes a fine feed and
yields well. Cattledowell owring to
the mild winters and at present look
better than they do in Nebraska in
mid slimmer. Hogsdo well as bog
cholera is unknown, but there is
very few in the country, as the peo
ple have just began to raise them.
Sheep also do well and tiie diseases
common to them are not prevalent.
Castor beans make a splendid crop
and yield from 10 to 1.3 bu. per acre.
The farmers get a guaranteed price
on them in the springof from $1.00
to $1.23 per bushel. This spring they
have a guarantee of $1 25 and they
are considered oue of lb** best crops
and-easily handled. They are plant
ed and ploughed the same as drilled
corn, and gathered the same only
they have to he gone over every few
days and the ripe pods gathered and
hauled to beds prepared for them,
so that the bed can be swept off.
Elere the nods are spread out io dry
in the sun and when thoroughly dry
the pods burst open and the beans
full out, then they are swept up anil
cleaned with a fanning mill and are
ready for market. Cotton does ex
tra tine hut 1 think our northern
people would putinme tune on other I
products, as cotton picking is te
dious work. A good negro can pick ;
three limes us much cotton as a
northern man and do it with ease.
Grapes, peaches, plums, raspberries
and pears do grand. The water is
not near so had as it is made out to
be, of course it is like all countries
there is good and had, but the
strange part is that a well can be
sunk and got bad water, or as it is
called here jiffy, then you may sink
ano'her within 30 or a 100 feet and
tind good water.
As to the price and sales of land,
the hoys from in and around Ashton
are all well located within a radius
of 20 miles and the land there i9
selling at from £1,500 to £2,500 per
quarter section. Now this improve
ment from raw prairie has been made
during the past 7 years as this is in
the strip that was opened in ’93, and
every quarter has a house on it.
The greatest drawback to the count
ry is the lack of railroads, as the
oily road in the country is the
Sauta Fee and the Rock Island. As
to health and climate, the winters
are 6hort and mild and the mercury
has never been known to reach Zero.
In summer it runs as high as 105,
which was the highest ever recorded,
and always with cool nights. Very
little sickness except in the swampy
lamls of extreme smith pail of the
A word to ilie members of the
colony company which will begin
business in a few weeks but will not
be ready for the members before at
least 3u days or perhaps 90, at which
time it will be a little late to put in
crops, asf itncts begin putting in
their crops in February. My a
vice to thoie w ho contemplated com
ing this spring would be io defer it
until the colony is under pood head
wav, for we cannot tell how long it
will bn before they can g -t d me. to
business as it takes time i > manug.
and allot such a large tract ■ f Id
to so in my people, so you will (hut
it will be ipticli better not tube iu a
■ ru*h. Now friends this letter is n#t
for the purpose of overestimating the
merits . f this c> untrv hut to draw a
pen picture of it as 1 have seen it
and as old settlers have told me. Of
course there is a great rush to this
country now and some people are
wfdl pleased while others stay over
night and return from whence they
came on the first train without even
looking the country over. 1 have
been here d1 days and the longer l
stay the more favorably I arn im
pressed with it It is without a doubt
a goo I country for a poor man, if he
will only stay by it lor I do not
know where a man aith small means
can better himself. He can get a
homestead for $1 i,00 and inside of
5 years it will he worth from $1,500
to #2 ,U0O With best wishes to all
ny friends at home 1 am Vours.
L. A. Wilson.
W or-king ft tglit mimi l»*y
Tne busiest atd mightiest iittlciliing
that ever was nnde is Dr. King’s New
Life Pills. These pills change 'Mak
ness into strongiIt, listlessness into euer
gy, brain fag intoinentHl power They’re
wonderful in building up the health.
Only doc per box Sold by Odendahl
Millions of people are familiar with
DeWitt's Little Karl) Kisers aud those
who use them tind them to be famous
little liver pills. Never gripe.—Cden
duhl Bros.
A stranger arrested at an early
hour Saturday morning in Rockville
was by bis mysterious conduct be
lieved to be noi other than the much
sought for Fat Crowe. A promi
nent lady made the arrest and claims
the reward.
At an early hour Saturday morn
ing a stranger came to the hotel
in Rockville, Mr. Winshull, propri
etor, and by his mysterious conduct
and reticence is believed to lie
Fat Crowe. A prominent, lady of
the town went over and after con
siderable successful maneuvering
succeeded iu capturing him. He re
fused to talk or even give a name
It was noticed whenever the light
was turned on him he invariably shut
his eyes. It was thought he intended
to take the cally morning train, but
failing in that Mr. Winshull agreed
i > vouch for his conduct and
safe keeping for L’l vears
It is a boy. Mother and child
doing vv111. Mr. \Y. wants it dis
tinctly understood tliit bis name
is’r.t Fat Crowe.
Mrs Hawkins of Arcadia visited
her sister. Mrs. Kitlell last
week. Kveretl had tins misfortune j
to break bis tongue a few days ago. |
Buggy tongue. For 14 years it J
has deen a faithful friend, tried autl
true, but suecubmed to the weight of
a horse who slipped and fell on the
beautiful snow.
The ice men are taking advantage
of the recent cold snap to get their
ice houses filled. Visions of ice
cream and cake.
Mcssdatnes Fair, Nielsen and
Isaacson were the guests of Mrs.
Hweliut. Monday afternoon.
>lr. Pwehus, tlie popular clerk at
the general store linds time to deal
a little in stock, he sold a calf last
week. Bert Fletcher, our energetic
stock man had heifer look a ••lecdlc
oudl" or Mr. P. will be running op
position to him.
Mr. Hans Hehuke and Miss
Amanda I’uhlman were married last
week, Justice Weinleer ollieiatiDg.
The boys gave them a grand chari
vari. There is but one batehelor left
now and he should go and do like
Rockville is under quarantine, no
pnbi.c gathering of any kind is al
lowed owing to small pox in the
near vicinity.
Miss It Any.
Persons who can not take ordiuaty
pill tint] it a pleasure to take DeWitt’s
Little Early Risers. They are the best
Ittleliver pills ever made -Odendab'
When you want a physic that Is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in
effect use Chamberlain's Stomacbe and
Liver Tablets. Price J5 cents. Sample
free. Every box guaranteed. For sale
by Odetidahl Bros.
Now is the tipie to buy, po fake.
Straight, sale.
Odcndahl Bros, the druggists will re
turn! you your money it you are not
satisfied after using Chambei lains
Stoinaehe and Liver Tablet#. They
cure disorders of the s'omache, bilious
ness constipation and headache. Price
'-5 cents. Sample free.
Like bad dollars, all countnfeite of
DeWitt,• Witch Hazel Salve are north
less. The original quickly cures piles
sores and all skin diseases.—Odcndahl
Washington, D. C\,
March 4, 1901.
plus f J.Of)
Tlu* Union Pacific*
Front Colorado ami Wjomit ; t < to
•57 March I
From Nebraska ami Hat a-. I < l»
iH >1 arch l, ’*
For full Informal Ion cal on
II. .). Clifton, Au’t
$25,000 in cash prizes
First Prize, - - - $1000
Second Prize, - - - 500
Five Prizes of $100 each. 500
Five Prizes of $50 each, 250
Ten Prizes of $25 each, 250
Total, - - * $2500
FARMER offers the a boh
prizes to its agents, tho ruouey to be
awarded wlien the sum total of or
ders received from agents reaches
10,000 In addition to these prises,
agents are allowed a commission of
30 cents on each new order. and a0
ecu's on rencwels.
The agent sending in the most or
ders is enti led to first prize, $1000;
the next largest gets second prize,
and s° "s down the list. The raore
agents entering tae sooner the ncm
her—10. jo1 - will be reach* d.
Omaha, Neb.
Tiar table
Lincoln, Ilrnrer,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland.
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil all points and all points
East and South. Weat.
yotNG !. V T
No 52 Pf *s*n«er. ’ «. m
Bo. 50 Freight .. 1
UlINU Wi i
No. M PiiSBeng/ji p 'i<
No. 59 Freight l ■ .t. in.
Sleep!n:t. <lin • • • 1 i cur cart
seal' free) <n lie* l'l acts
-old anrt hn;;gu • nay point in
1 lie United str! :-s t nad •.
For infot ui.i ' . m I Ce anti
tickets cni I ok . ' 1. Art hut
Vgent. <>i J. 1 - 1' I.. . IMsuetigei
Agent, Omaha, > ' • a.
V. r. UAti.w.iv
No. sS 1 cares (leiis ex opt * .-s
engei'l. s:oo a. in
No. as leaves Monde , \Tt lnefdiiy am
Friday, (mixed i: co j it
No 'in leaves Tut-, ay, Thursday ati<
Saturday, (uilx"d)2 .'5 it. m.
No FT fit rivt S doily except Sunday (mixed
12 ns p. m.
No <5 arrives dulij except Sunday (pass
Oliver) 1 i p m.
Mi si class -er ee and cl t«e conneclionr
isst, wvgt mill bouth
W. D. ri.irroN,
A Frightful Blunder. '
Will often cause a horrible Burn;
Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buekleu's Arnica
Salve, will kill the pain and promptly
h<'»l it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulcers^
Holies, Corns,all Skin Eruption. Best
Pile cure on earth Only 25 its. a box*
Cure guaranteed, Sold by Odendahl
Wanted.—Capable, reliable person In every
county to represent large company of solid
llsanclal reputation: *!V!S salary per year, pay
able weekly: 13 per day absolutely sure and
all expenses, straight bona fide, definite sal
.11 no commission: salary paid each Satur
o v and expense money advanced each week
For the weakness and prostration fol
io ting grippe there is nothing so
prompt and HFcetive as One Minute
(lough r. This preparation is high
i- hh unfailing remedy for
o.i,»! hi: I lung troubles and Its ear*
> ii-e prevents consumption. It was
m nlc to cure i|iiickly.—Odendahl Bros:
Tnere is always danger in using eouti
h rleits of lie Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
I'he original is a safe and certain cure
for piles. It is a soothing anti healing
salvo for sores and all skin diseases.—
Odendahl Bros.
<;i*r Til’s or r. it m ay not appear again.
10 WEEKS >r„»™rr,oN 10 Cents.
It c mt*ins a number of spe ial articles each week by
II, ,, « ,- ... ;?■ ip'i'ii ’di m every branch of agriculture--departinents
(I.-voted tv I i\ »i* k, crop-', t-hn dairy poultry yard, orchard and garden, farm
n, -b|tier v. v< t* ib i try lop. J. and the market*.
The farmer's wife, toe, has her share of space, with
i :ln.i • it; ... on cookery, dressmaking, fancy work, care of flowers,
it, I , -It- ,vu lily ! .casing to her, white the ohtldren have a department
,,.j i. j-iii, i -tvi . Four or live pages are devoted to a complete re
, ... I),, ,, • . Hi ip,. \> i covering both happenings at home and abroad,
ln.., t ieulav mtci -n ng to the great farming west. Then, too, are the
. i-,- , m try net liiimur, and all thegood things that one like* to read •
iif: I the lam," irclighiii l un i the days work Is done.
. An Ideal Agricultural
and Family Weekly
Per vettr
Cut this out and send it with a dime or five
2-eent stamps to The Twentieth Century
Farmer, 2272 Farnatn street, Omaha.
•We aye headquarters for
We have ev*ry appliance for making first class
Drive "or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. O n- charges are reasonable
our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder to our
business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish
ground feed at reasonable rates.
rr; ■•• , uk to on k satisfaction.