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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1901)
Uoaal Dsws. W. H. Williams Is on the sick list. Mrs. S F Reynolds Ison the sick list this week. Clothing going cheap at Jaegers. Mrs. Milo Gilbert is suffering frotn la grippe this week. Mrs. Val. McDonald Is much improv ed at this writing Nicholas Daddow1 smiling face was seen in the city Monday. T M. Reed will have a car load of farm implements in sbottly Mr. and Mrs. R >an Sutton were visit ing friends in the city this week. Mrs. Wm. Cramer is suffering frotn an attack of quinsy sore throat. The mercury ran down to 20degrees below zero last Saturday morning. Mrs. A. Zink and Miss Mable were on the sick list the latter end of last week. Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les. August Reiman is contemplating a trip to Oklahoma, this spring to lack that country over. John Nave and Orin Manchester of Davis Creek were storm bound in Loup City two days last week, John Clark informs us that his son Silas has so far recovered that he will bring him home tomorrow. Pilgeroffeis the Will Xelk and the Pennepaeker resi dences for sale. Inquire of W. S. Waite for pure Golden Grant seed wheat. There is but J7 civil and 3 crimnal case* on the docket for this teroi of court. T M lteed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture The big dance to be given at Society hall last Friday was not held on account of the storm. J.T. Hale returned from St. Louis last Friday where he went with a car load of mules. Bert Chase, who has been laid up with the grip for the past week is again able to be at the store. Herman Johansen lost three more head of cattle by the corn stock disease lart week. This makes live in all. We have new samples on clothing just in. Call and see them. Chicago prices. J. P. Jaeger. M. 8 Taffee, of Litchfield was doing business at the county seat Monday and shaking hands with old acquaintances. W. J. Fisher went to Kearney Tues day to attend the Modern Woodmen state convention as a delegate from Sherman county. D. C. Grow, clerk at Chase's genera) store is suffering with the grip. He has been lighting it off lor some time hut it almost got the best of him. The first primary department ef our schools ha I but one scholar in attend ance last Friday, and the teacher, Miss Young had a monotinous time of it. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. See it exterminate poison. Feel it revitilize your blood and nerves and bring back that happy, joyous feeling of boyhood days. 35c. Ask your druggist. 8. H. Conger drove to Ravenua last Saturday afternoon and brought his b'othsr Irwin over, for s. visit. Irwin came up from Lincoln on the evening train. Special Shoe Sale next Sat urday and Monday at Jaegers. Come in and see how cheap you can buy. Sheriff 8nyder started out last Satur day morning with the mercury running towards the lower part of the tube. He said it was a case of "outlaw,” or be would have hugged the stove. Roosters often crow over egg* they did not lay. Same with people who sell an imitation Rocky Mountain Tea made famous by the Madison Medlson Co.’s advertising. 35c Ask your druggist. Myron Gilbert informs us that his sister, Mrs. Krlce who visited relatives here some time ago and who lives in Oregon, had her homo burned a few weeks ago and nearly all her furniture and household goods destroyed Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wlnetcer of Rock ville, were pleasant callers Wednesday Mr.C. H. Plambeck of Ashton was in the city Wednesday and made this office a friendly visit. Mr. Plambeck was accompanied to the city by bis daughter Miss Ella, and Mr .Jorgen Ritz and from what we beard on the side there was a wedding on hands. Every body, who desires to buy high grade atock should attend the sale of O Manchester on Davis Creek on Tuesday the 26th inst. Mr. Manchester has long been known as a breeder of Angus cat tie and having concluded to retire from hard work will sell his herd consisting principly of cows and heifers He will also sell his horses aud farming imple ments. District court for Sherman county j will convene Feb. ‘JL Judge Wall is in Brokon Bow this week looking after bis profession. Steve Gray says he is feelirg like Tom 1 Sharkey since he got over the grip. Frank Cook of the sooth side was j doing business at the hub Monday. E. S Ilayburst is putting a large amount of shelled corn on the market, j Mrs. Stringbatn moved into the Cul- j ley property on ‘ South 16ib" Saturday, i The second do-e of the grip caught ye Junior editor Monday, and be drown- ! edit. Best tiling out for g; ip. David Depew brought the head of a wolf lo town Wednesday, which he had I bagged a few evenings before. Jeriy Shrove's horse that was cast the j other morning succeeded in kicking the bucket after much bard strugling. One of Jerry Shrove's horses kicked . the stable down and came pretty near I kicking the bucket last Sunday night. Herman Jung came dowu street Mon day for tb i first time in three weeks., Herman looks peaked and says the grip j is a terror. Pilgev is selling his shoes and hats at less than one half what they cost. f 15 Walter McNulty had abrukedown la-t Wednesday while hauling a load of corn to market for E S. Hay burst. The spindle broke off at the wheel. Bridges, rivers, tunnels, mountains, buildings cities, gathers up the scatt> red rays of one's ability. Thai's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. In < rder to make room for spring goods I still continue to make low prices on my goods J. Phil Jaeger. ‘1 hobbled into Mr. Blaokmore’sdrug store one evening,” saj s Wesley Nelson of Hamilton, Ga , “and be asked me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balin far then matisrn w ith which 1 had suffered for a long time. I told him 1 had no faith in any medicine as they all failed He said; -Well if < Ihamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not, pay for it.' I topic a bottle of it homo and used it according to the directions and in one week 1 was cured, and have not been troubled with rheumatism.” Sold by Odendahl Bros. I>miK*r of Cold an 1 La Orlppe The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumo nia. If reasonable care is used, how ever, ai d Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, ail danger will bo avoided. Among the tons of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to le.irn of a single case hav ing resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventative of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of ia grippe In less time than and other treat ment. It is pleasant and safe to take For sale by Odendahl Bros . -- -- Farm Paper Doesn't Fill the Rill. A farm paper is all right as an ad dition to ihe farmer’s reading matter, but first of all he wants a Newspapeb; one that will give him all the telegraph ic news of the world, markets, state and national politics, together with a lot of wholesome reading for the fumily The Semi-Weekly State Journal is just such a paper, published ev ry Tuesday and Friday at the state capital. For a short time The Western Poultiy New s will be sent FREE ONE YEAR to those sending 8100 for The State Jour nal Address, State Journal, I.incolu, arah -—-m 0 » ——— STOOD DEATH OFF K B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave digger. He says: “My broth r was very low with malarial fever and Jaundice. I per suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. 1 am sure Electric Bitters saved his life.’ This remedy expels malaria, kills di sea e germs and purities the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowles, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles fe male complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at Odendahl Bios. Big Foul try 1’aper Free. Just for a short time to introduce the Semi-Weekly State Journal that paper will send the Western Poultry News a year free to anyone sending *1 00 for a years subscription to The Setni Weekly State Journal, which is published every Thursday ami Friday; gives all Ihe news of the world days ahead of farm papers and weeklies. It is a news paper from start to tiuish and is the paper for the farmer. A great many readers call it the ’farmers daily.’ One dollar gets the Journal twice-a week a whole year and The Western Poultry News a whole year. This is a big bunch of reading for a dollar. Sen i your order to The State Journal, Lin coln, N1 b. ♦ • ♦ - — WHY Do the merchants of the country *« 11 more •“New Home’’ Sewing Machines than they do of all other makes? Be cause their customers know the “New Home’’ is the best and w ill have no other. For sale by T M liEBD. I FARMERS INSTITUTE. There will be a farmers institute held in J/Oup City on March 8 0 IfXM. This j is calculated to be 3 scientific school of j education for the farmer, and will be ! conducted by able men who have mu le the science of farming and stock raising a study. The lectures will be free and every farmershnild arrange to take ai holiday on the above dates and avail ; himself of this splendid opportunity. ' The program will be as follows FIB. T DAY 2:00 p. m. - - L. I) Stilson, “ " Preventit n of Animal Disease, by Dr. A. T. PETEUS. 7:30 p m. • - - • Music j “ “ Agricultural Education, by j E V. Fobkll. SECOND DAY. 10:00 a. m. Poultry-on the Farm. by K V Fobkll. Wind-breaks and Shelter belts. 2:00 p ui. Soil Tillage, G A. MARSHALL •* “ For-ige Crop, L. D Stii,son, 7:30 p. in. The Organization of Stere- ; optican Lecture on the Agricultural Kx- j petiment Station, • L. D Stilson I DIED. Mr?. Margarite Snyder Robinson, w ife of Mr. E. G. Robinson of Arcadia, died at her home in that place on Monday morning Feb., 10, 1001 at (5:00. Mrs Robinson was a daughter of Rev. J. M. Snyder of Vcrdurette, this county and had lived a number of years 8 miles south west of Loup City. She was born in Illinois and was about 50 years oh). She was the mother of 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. The girl is married and lives at Alliance, the boys reside at Arcadia. Mrs. Robinson had suffered for some time with heart trouble, whLh finally ended h°r days on earth. She was a kind disposition? I lady and made hosts of friends where ever she resided. Our sympathy is extended to j the bereaved husband and family. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomache; neither can we stop (lie hu man machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a prepara tion as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply cau't help but do you good — Odendabl Bios. The claim of other cough medicines to be as good as Chamberlain's are ef. fectually set at rest in the follows tes timonial. of Mr. C. D. Glass, au em ploye of Bartlett A Dennis Co., Gard iner, Me lie says; “I had kept ad ding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1897, trying every cough medicine I heard of without permanent help, un til one day 1 was in the drug store of Mr, ITouJchan and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and of fered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lungs ana bronchial tubes were very sore at that time, but I was completely curef! by this remed , and have since always turned to it when I got a cold, and soon tind relief. I abo recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicine. ' For 6ale by Odendabl Bros. Golden Grant seed wheat for sale by—C. H. Plambeck Ashton, Neb. — ♦ • -♦ Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may he completely di eested by a preparation called Kodo< Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As It is the only combination of all the natural digeg tantsever devised the demand for itha9 become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indiges tion and It always gives Instant relief — Odendahl Bros. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Low Kates, West and North west. At a time of year when thousands will take advan’age of them, the Burlington Route makes sweeping reductions iu its rates to the West and Northwest—to Utah, Montana, Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. Dates: February 12. 19, and 20. March 5, 12, 19, and 20, April 2, 9, 10, 23, and 30. Rates are shown below: To Ogden, Salt I.atc, Hutte, Hel-) ena. Anaconda and Missoula. | To All Points on the Northern't Pacollc Uy. west of Mlssou'a | Including Spokane Seattle, > Tacoma. Portland as well as Vancover, and Victoria H. C. J To All Points on the Spokane Fal s & Northern Hy and the f Washington & Columbia liiver i K K. ’ $23. $2H $28 Never has the Pacific Northwest been as prosperous as now. Labor is in constant demand an I wages are high. The money making opportu nities are beyond dumber- in mines, lumoer, merchandising, farming, fruit raising, fishing, and al! the Other industries of a great and grow iog country. Literature on request—free. •J. Fh.yncis, i.iea 1 Passenger Agt. Omaha, Ncbr. If you peed apythipg ip H mm nnumi §§®1 SHI piy lipe give pie a call I HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OE A GENERAL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, FEED Grinders, buggies, Wagons, Hardware, Sewing Machines, And a Well Selected Stock of Furniture. Call and see my goods and learn my price before buying. T. M. REED. Sue ol He is at Special Closing Out Sale-. 16 lbs. Granulated sugar $1.00 Arbuekles Coffee - - .12 Lion Coffee, - - - .12 Best Soda Crackers - - - .7 One barrel Ginger Snaps • - .20 3 cans sugar corn - - .25 Yeast, all kinds - .3 6 spools coats thread - - .26 Perline - - A Corn starch and Gloss starch - 5 Grand IVs Soap ... 4 8 bars Silver Leaf Soap - • .25 20 cent can Cove Oyster . - .16 Glass wash board - - - .30 Battle ax and navy tobacco - .38 One gallon can best syrup - • .30 Cow or Arin and Hammer brand Soda .6 1 am selling my Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Dry Goods, eveything from 40 to 60 per cent lower than any other merchant in Nebraska. Don’t fail to see Pilger when you want good goods at slaughtering prices. 1 am positively going out of business is why I am making such low prices on all goods. _TflEO L PJLGEP, RESULTS! Are you satisfied with the way, your watch is ruuning. Are yon satisfied to wear a ring with all or a part of the settings gone? Are you satisfied to wear brass or a broken breast pin or scarf pin? Are you satisfied to wear out-of date jewelry ? Are you satisfied with the work yon have had done by men who pre tend to he jewelars and are not? Are you satisfied to suffer with an aching head when having your vis ion corrected will stop it, and give you comfort. Are you satisfied with the specta cles you laready have? If you are dissatisfied you surely need mv services. I have built up a reputation for excellent work. I have the knack of doing it just the right wsy—the telling why—the profitable way. No fancy frills or flowery language in my manners, but I do all work to please my customers and handle the very best stock. Try me once, you'll be sorry you didn’t know rne before. G. H. MORGAN, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN LOUP CITY. NEB WANTKH.—Capable, reliable persons in every county to rcpiesent large company of solid financial reputation; #1)3,1 salary per year, payable weekly, ill per day abso lutely sure and all pipelines; siraiKlit, bona Ode, detlnUe H ilary, no communion; salary paid each Saturday and expense money Advanced each Week STANDARD HOI’SK 331 DllKUokH 8T., ClIICAOO. 1 '-*## GEO. H. DAWSoN will cry sales in any part of the city or county. Satisfaction guaranteed. Proprietor of Loup City Restaurant. R. J. NIGHTINGALE,1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, _ _• LOUP OITT, I I m A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • - NEBRASKA OFFICE.--At St Elmo Hotel What would you do il taken with col ic or cholera morbus when your physi cian Is away from 1 ome and the drug stores are closed ALer one such emer gency you will always ke >p Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home; but why wait until the horse is stolen before you lock the stabls? For s ale by Odendabl Bros. E. A. Brown is suffering from the loss of a toe nail which was jerked hodlly from its srcket. Ed. says he don’t know just how It was done, hut he knows it occurred NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Ofllee at Lincoln, Neb. i February It, 1900. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing.named settler has filed notice of hts Intention to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler, county Judge of Sherman county, at Loup City, Nebraska, on Monday, March 95, 1901, viz: Eddie U. Duncan, Homestead Entry No.—-, for the North East fouilh.of the North West fourth of Section is, T. 14, R 10 west. He name* iho following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: William A. Talks, John S. Duncan, James It Lang, Marlon G. Parks, all of Litch field, Nebraska, j W. Johnson, Register. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D»a<»s1 v' what you eat. Itarfclflc v:\.- digests the food and aids Nature iu st'cngthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, ,?■k^^dache^astralgia,Cramps, ana aii other resu 1 ts of i m perfect d igestion. Prepared by E C Dewitt * Co.. Chicaso- . For saJp by ODKNDAHt, l)KOS., Htvetey OMAHA. NEB. _ Cor. 19th and I f* 11 Worth Sts. _ I 10II(1R I’todnce each a disease Ll^UUIlf having definite pathol MDRPHINF °w' The disease yields munrnmi| easily to the Double TORAOpn Chloride of Gold Treat IUIIHUUU ment prepared by Dr. USING. Leslie E. Keeley. TO TIIK PUBLIC: I lie Keeley lustllule at Omaha. Nebraska, Is the only plare In that Male where the gruulue Keeley Hrmedles and Treatment Is given. (Signed) Thff l.emli* K. Krrley WRITS ROR ROIL R.RTIOUL.RR. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. OtUNAi Nit. | Cor. IVth mnd Leoventrorth Ht$. o