The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 15, 1901, Image 2

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■■JfbCHOTItR * GIBSON. Kd. and l’ub»
Tn a wood, near Palnora, on th« edge
ef the Northern Carpathians, a wom
an went to gather sticks, leaving her
baby in a secluded spot. Upon her re
turn she saw two great eagles bearing
away her child, whom they had dis
membered. Upon a hunt being made
by the inhabitants, the bones of the
baby were found In the eagle's nest
on the rocks amid the snow.
In the state archives at Rome it has
been found that the X-rays may suc
cessfully exhibit the writing on manu
scripts concealed in old book covers
whenever this writing is done In red
lead, ultramarine blue or cinnabar.
They are being used also in attempts
to detect forgeries of paintings and
in efforts to discover signatures of old
masters In paintings alleged to have
been produced by them.
A novel still for the making of
moonshine whisky was recently dis
covered in the mountains of Maryland.
It was concealed in an oven standing
out In plain view in a yard, and from
the boldness of Its position bad long
gone undetected. Inside the oven
was a movable copper still, which
could be taken out in tlme3 of peril,
otherwise all suspicions ‘could be al
layed by Innocently using the oven to
bake bread.
One Sunday evening a rough-cast
man rose in the Refoim Club meeting
and said: "I believe in owning up.
When I get into trouble by making a
fool of myself, or by letting somebody
else lead me out of the way, I ain't
goin' to shirk the blame. I am goin’
to take my own load on my own shoul
ders. I shall just speak up and say,
'I, Bill Pike, did that!’” There’s an
example, as well as a rebuke, for sev
eral kinds of whimpering sinners, In
high places and in low.
The marriage landau of the queen of
the Netherlands is on exhibition on
the premises of a carilage builder in
the Boulevard Haussmann, in Paris.
It has been sent thither to be rellned,
but has already be* n used by her maj
esty Wilhelmina on a few state oc
casions. It i3 painted in cream color,
“Vernis Martin," of purity of
tint; the box seat, the springs and
the hubs of the wheels are of a rich
orange; the new linings are of white
brocade, and the quern will, they say,
have eight white horses, with orange
colored trappings, io take her to
church on her wedding day.
The more one tnlnks about wireless
telegraphy the more amazing It seems.
By Marconi's method, messages are
Rent over, or through, mountain
ranges; and the curving segment of
the earth, covered by the ocean, does
not prevent communication between
ships sixty miles apart. Still more
marvelouB is It that simultaneous mes
sages can be transmitted by "tun
ing" the instruments so as to produce
a difference in the vibrations; but it
has long been known that countless
waves of light and sound can pass
and repass, crossing eacn other in
every conceivable direction, without
the least interference.
It is pleasant to record the fact that
the consular service is gradually work
ing out of politics, that more and more
fitness is considered in the original
choice of consuls, that efficient men
are promoted from less important to
more important stations, and that the
effects of the Improved system In ad
vancing American trade are so marked
that the new way is approved by all
who study the subject. The cleverness
of some consuls in getting at the facts
wnic~ will enable American manufac
turers and merchants to compete in
foreign markets is much more pleas
ing to Americans than it is to those
whom they are supplanting in trade.
It is singular, but true, that the in
dustrial school system of the United
States owes its origin, in large part,
to Hawaii. General Armstrong, the
founder of Hampton Institute, was
the son of that Hawaiian educator
who organized the schools of the Ha
waiian Islands. Hampton this winter
contains eight grandchildren of former
Indian students. Honolulu, in the
course of but a single generation,
show's a still more notablt. instance of
rapid aboriginal development. A former
queen of Hawaii, awakened to a sense
of a finer civilization, came with
great pomp and retinue to express her
wish for reform. Unwrapping from
her body the seventy-five yards of
broadcloth which had composed her
royal robe, she burned It in the public
square. Her niece, Lady Bishop, later
bequeathed her entire property of over
a million dollars to the cause of edu
catiou in Hawaii. Today the com
pulsory school system of those islands
is so admirable that Australia lately
sent there for a teacher to expound in
the southern continent the Hawallan
Ameriean system of education.
Engineer! of the cable ship engaged
in repairing the cable from Galveston
to the Mexican coast found that the
cable was destroyed by a submarine
earthquake and the catastrophe at Gal
veston may have been due to the
same cause. The destruction of deep
sea cables by earthquakes is so com
mon that it attracts little attention
nowadays. In the East Indian archi
pelago submarine earthquakes are so
com mm that they are reckoned among
the chieX causes of the destruction of
State Capital Observations.
Expressions Emulative for the Good of
Republican Supremacy. ^
LINCOLN, Feb. 4, 1901.
In the senatorial battle everybody
but the candidates and their earnest
and zealous workers and assistants
have become more or less weary of the
struggle, and are becoming disgusted
in a measure. Ttie close of the past
week finds the deadlock as tight as it
was a week ago, with no hope of an
early solution of the fight.
Some are of the opinion that the op
position to both Rosewater and
Thompson is so deep-rooted that a set
tlement cannot come so long as they
are in the race. On the other hand,
partisans of these gentlemen aver that
it is not true, hut that the failuret o
reach an agreement lies with others.
Whichever it is. the fact is clear that
up to the present time all efforts to se
cure a caucus hare been futile, and the
disposition seems to be to avoid hold
ing one. A number of different propo
sitions were advanced the past week,
but all were coldly met by the repub
lican members who are opposed to a
caucus, and as there are yet enough so
opposed, a caucus is of the future.
Amid the conflicting interests it is
a question when a call for a caucus
will find enough to become a sure
thing. Each candidate still holds to
the belief that his chances are as good,
if not better, than they were at the
start, and is proceeding on the theory
that while there is life there is hope.
No one looks for the withdrawal of
any of the avowed candidates, and if
tho members of the legislature hope to
accomplish some law-making and get
home in time to put in a spring crop
they will have to get the bit between
the teeth and go as they please.
Senator Miller of Buffalo county,
the only fusionist who was returned
to the senate, introduced a bill yes
terday as an Inducement for his peo
ple to return him again. It Is a meas
ure intended to hold political parties
responsible for the conduct of their
members in office. It provides that if a
political party has had a man in office
who has defaulted, that party shall be
deprived of the right to nominate an
other candidate for such office while
the shortage remains unpaid. Mr. Mil
ler has taken pains to provide, how
ever, that if a shortage is not discov
ered until after another member of
the same party has been elected, such
person shall be permitted to serve out
Lis t°rm.
This bill was drawn by Judge H. M.
Sullivan of Broken Bow, judge of the
district court, at the request of Mr.
Miller The ideas are all Mr Miller's
exclusive property. He tells his friends
in confidence that he does not expect
to get the bill passed at this session of
the legislature.
“I take the position," said he, “that
a political party should stand good for
its candidates. The state is a big cor
poration that cannot do its own work.
This work must be done by hired men.
A political party brings forward its
best men and announces that he will
undertake the job at the usual wages.
Why shouldn’t a party stand good for
its recommendation of hired hands?”
The fusionistn having given up hope
of securing the election of a fusionist
for United States senator, some talk
lias been indulged in of lending pop
ulist aid to elect two republicans.
Some of the leaders, notably James
Dahlman, suggested recently that if
the deadlock continues it might be a
good move for the fusionists to turn
in and elect two re-publicans. They
would probably not accept Mr. Thomp
son or Mr. Rosewater, but w'ould be
satisfied with any of the other candi
dates now before the joint conven
tion. The argument used in favor of
this proposition is that it might en
courage the “independent voter” of
the state and thus do the fusion forces
some good indirectly. And it is fur
ther argued that republicans elected in
this manner would be pretty cold
hearted men if they should afterward
refuse to do some little, friendly turn
for the men who elected them. This
plan is said to be proof positive that
the fusion forces have given up hope
of securing the election of a fusionist
by the aid of republican votes.
Taylor Flick late candidate for gov
ernor of Nebraska on the mid-road
populist ticket, together with other
mid-road leaders, will have to come
forward with a few dollars in cash or
suffer the humiliation of having exe
cution served on them by the sheriff
of Lancaster county for supreme court
costs. The clerk of the court was in
structed to issue a f^e bill against
them. If the indebtedness isn’t im
mediately liquidated the bill will ne
placed in the hands of an officer. The
costs were Incurred in a suit brought
to the supreme court from Lancaster
county district court on error by W.
F. Porter, the* secretary of state, and
Chairman J. H. Edmisten of the pop
ulist party. The right to use the name
•’populist’’ was involvea.
Confirmation of the appointment of
E. D. Davis of Clay county as warden
of the penitentiary to succeed Warden
Hopkins was secured from the senate.
Governor Dietrich announced the ap
pointment, together with the selection
of A. V. Cole of Hastings as comman
dant of the soldiers’ home at Grand
Island. Mr. Davis was formerly sheriff
of Clay county. Ed Church of Lin
coln and ex-Warden A. D. Beemer
were applicants for the position of
At the Elk's stag social in honor of
the state officers, senators and repre
sentatives last Friday night. Bartlett
and May of the “Woman in the Case'’
company assisted in the entertainment
at the lodge rooms after the perform
ance. A fine male quartet and some
clever specialty members of the com
pany “diil a turn” for the private edi
fication of the state solons. The re
mainder of the program was by local
talent. Nearly all members of B. P.
O. Elks No. SO in good standing were
on hand and constituted themselves an
informal reception committee at the
| function.
It Is most remarkable that every
man who has been complimented by
the fusionists, a party that grew out of
the farmers' demand for reform and
was originally a protest against law
yer domination has been found in the
lawyer class and most of them chronic
office-seekers. Justh look over the
William V. Allen, lawyer, senator
and judge.
George W. Berge, lawyer and late
candidate for congress.
Jefferson H. Broady, lawyer and
former district judge.
M. F. Harrington, lawyer and poli
G. M. Hitchcock, lawyer, editor and
candidate for congressman and sena
W. D. Oldham, lawyer, late assistant
attorney general and candidate for at
torney general.
Ed P. Smith, lawyer and late assis
tant attorney general.
C. J. Smith, lawyer, former attorney
R. D. Sutherland, lawyer, congress
W. H. Thompson, lawyer and poli
That is a pretty good exhibit for a
farmers’ reform party.
The house committee on public lards
and buildings visited the Lincoln asy
lum one day last week for the purpose
of making an inspection. The house
has ordered the committee to visit
these institutions at the earliest pos
sible date, but the senatorial fight nas
prevented their leaving Lincoln to go
to Hastings or Norfolk.
At the Lincoln hospital the demand
is for furnishings for the new build
ing recently erected. In addition a new
dynamo is asked for in the electrical
department besides some smaller re
pairs. The committee chairman, Mr.
Corneer. said he found the institution
in much better shape than he expected.
The buildings were in very good repair
anti were kept up in a manner that
was very creditable to the manage
ment. Not all members of the commit
tee were able to make the trip, but
those who did go agreed with Chair
man Corneer on his views.
The resolutions passed by both
houses January 15 asking the supremo
court to further enlighten the legisla
ture on the meaning of its decision
holding the act creating the board of
transportation invalid, was presented
to Clerk Lee Herddrnan of the court
last week by Secretary J, C. F. Mc
Kesson of the senate. For some rea
son the presentation of the resolutions
to the court was overlooked and hence
the delay. In the meantime a bill was
introduced to amend the constitution
so as to require the court to answer
any questions which the legislature or
the governor of the state may ask. The
court will convene this week and .1
copy of the resolution will then be
presented by Clerk Herdman.
The questions are:
First—What was the effect of the
decision of the state vs. the B. & M.
railroad rendered last November?
Second—Did that decision render
the railroad commission defuuct in
Was the statute of 1885 revived?
C. H. Rudge, E. L. Vance and S. C.
Bassett of the state board of agricul
ture accompanied by J. C. Seacrest and
other citizens of Lincoln, escorted the
house committee on public lands and
buildings to the state fair grounds one
day last week. The trip was made in
cars furnished by the Lincoln Trac
tion company. The committee in
spected the grounds and the old build
ings with a view to action on a bill
appropriating $50,000 for permanent
buildings and improvements on the
fair grounds. The fair has been lo
cated permanently at Lincoln and this
bill i3 intended to carry out the in
tent of the legislature. The commit
tee desires to keep the appropriation
down as low as possible, but so far
none have beer, heard to express a de
sire to reduce the fair appropriation
Tlie current issue of Leslie's Weekly
contains a map of the principal states
in the union, with the location of In
dustrial plants reported to be the larg
est in the world or largest in the Unit
ed States. Iowa, Kansas and North
Dakota have no such industries, while
Nebraska lias two, they are:
“The Beatrice creamery of Lincoln Is
the largest in the world, having a a
pacity of 30,000 pounds of butter per
day, and a present average output of
17,000 pounds per day. A very large
establishment at St. Albans, Vt., util
Izes the product of 12,000 cows, has a
daily output of 10,000 pounds of but
ter, and a capacity of 20,000 pounds.
"Mr. Robert Taylor, owning a ranch
near Grand Island is reputed to be the
largest sheep owner in the world, hav
ing 90,000 animals."
Governor Dietrich last Friday reap
pointed Elder P. H. Howe of this city
chaplain of the penitentiary. Elder
Howe has held this position for fif
teen years. He lias devoted the great
er part of his life to charitable work
1 and now that he is ill his preacher
friends of Lincoln have agreed to per
form his duties for him until such time
as lie is able to get out again.
Mr. Singleton, a colored man from
Omaha who has be^n serving as a mes
senger in the governor's office, has
gone back home. He told his friends
that he was disappointed in not secur
ing a permanent position. The posi
tion of messenger was abolished sev
eral years ago, hut Mr. Singleton came
with the intention of filling that or a
similar place.
Dr. Green of University Place took
charge of the Lincoln hospital for the
insane February 1, succeeding Dr. C. E.
Coffin. The appointment of the stew
ard will be rnasaidsed soon.
Some Conflicting View*—Duty Should
Not lie Removed—Ald« the Country’*
Internal ami Kiport Trade—Doth Side*
In the Coutrovemy Heard.
The fact that there are two sides to
every question has seldom been more
clearly illustrated than In the argu
ment for and against the removal of
the duty on hides. Here we have the
shoe manufactures of New Eng.and
strenuously contending for non-duti
able hides as an absolute necessity in
the manufacturing interest. Speaking
for this interest the Boston Commer
cial Bulletin, in an article entitled
“The Hide Duty Must Go," says:
“A few years ago it did not matter
so much whether there was a duty on
hides or not, as foreign producers
were making shoes by oid methods and
therefore could not produce a shoe
with the style of the American article
at a price low enough to keep our
shoes out of their markets. Now, how
ever, the situation has changed. For
eign manufacturers have visited our
factories and seen the results obtained
with up-to-date American machinery.
This has caused them to fit out their
factories with our machinery, and they
have even gone so far as to engage
American workmen to teach their own
the proper way to obtain the best re
sults. All this has pointed more
strongly than ever to the fact that the
duty on hides must be taken off if our
export trade is to be given a chance
to grow.
“On all hides imported this duty Is
15 per cent. Now when this was impos
pedal benefit, and once the gates were
opened for such changes, there wou.d
be no stopping.”
The Dingley tariff law was framed
for the benefit of all citizens and in
dustries, and not to aid any one at the
expense of others. It has benefited
the 6boe manufactories, without Im
posing any hardship upon them, and
their business has increased beyond
the fondest hopes of the most optimis
tic. It has also been of inestimable
benefit to other manufactories and the
farmers, stock raisers and laborers of
the entire country, and there is no
reason for changing it, beyond the sel
fish desires of selfish men, who would
be satisfied to reap personal advan
tages, even at the direct expense of
their fellow citizens.
As between the rival contentions of
those who produce the hides aud those
who make them up into shoes and
boots, perhaps the safest and fairest
arbiters would be those who buy r d
use the manufactured product. It does
not appear that the great body of do
mestic consumers are worrying much
about the duty on hides. They keep
right on wearing the best made, best
fitting, best looking and lowest-pr c'-d
footgear to be found anywhere in the
best consumers the manufacturers
could find if he searched through all
creation. Neither is the domestic
consumer of the American shoe pro
duct very greatly grieved over the fact
that the export price is a trifle lower
than the domestic price. It is the hav
ing of the price in his pocket, rather
than the price of the thing itself, that
chiefly concerns him. It was when he
didn’t have the price, no matter how
cheap it was, that he made trouble.
But that dismal time ended when the
country was given a tariff law that fur
nished work and wages for everybody,
that gave the farmer the biggest prict
for his cattle he ever received, and that
ed the leather manufacturer was
protected. After the hide has been
made into leather the dealer can ship
it to foreign countries and a rebate
of 15 per cent is allowed him by the
government. This makes it possible
for the foreign shoe manufacturer to
buy our leather from 5 to 10 per cent
cheaper than the manufacturers in this
country can buy it. Now when our
producer is obliged to pay from 5 to
10 per cent, more for leather manufac
tured in this country than a foreign
buyer has to pay for the same leather
it is certainly high time that some
thing was done by congress to remedy
such a state of affairs, and the only
step that can be taken is to strike from
the tariff list this unfair duty.
“A protective tariff is a good thing
in many ways, but when this protec
tion dscrlminates against American
industries, as it has in this case, the
commodity in queston should be placed
on the free list.
“The only people benefited by this
duty are a half dozen western mil
lionaires, and those affected are not
only the manufacturers but the entire
public as well. The cattle growers or
this country are not benefited by this
duty, as they sell their cattle on the
hoof, and therefore do not handle
hides. While, our exports of shoes
amounted to about 14,000,000 last year,
it is possible, with the duty removed,
to increase this amount tenfold, but it
can never be done with the duty in
This would seem to be conclusive as
to the propriety of placing hides on
the free list, provided a'l the conten
tions were to pass undisputed. Buch,
however, is not the case. There is an
other point of view from which the
question bears a totally different as
pect. Concurrently with the p'.ea or
the Commercial Bulletin, comes a vig
orous showing by the Helena, Mont.,
Record, on the other side of the ques
tion. The Montana editor, speaking in
behalf of the men who raise cattle,
finds ample ground for the claim that
the tariff on hides should not be taken
off; certainly not, if the tariff on shoes
is to remain on. The Montana man
“Just why the reduction of the duty
on hides would increase the export
business Is not clear, when the pro
visions of the present tariff allows
drawbacks oil all articles on which
duty is paid, when again exported. Ths
drawback in the case of shoes is 99 per
cent of the duty paid on the imported
“The duty has been of great benefit
to the farmers and stock raisers of the
country, in spite of the denials of the
shoe manufacturers, who claim the
packers have reaped all the benefits.
The fact that the prices of cattle have
Increased, beginning immediately upon
the adoption of the tariff, confirms this
“No doubt there are others besides
the shoe manufacturers who would like j
the tariff law manipulated for their es
world, and they are very much th«
gave to the shoe manufacturer the
best and most profitable market at his
own door which he ever had, while at
the same time rebating to him on hla
export trade 99 per cent of all duties
paid on Imported hides. It is too good
a state of things to bear tinkering
with, especially if the tinkering shall
result in hurting more than it helps.
The London Iron aud Coal Trades
Review says that when the iron and
steel industries of the United Kingdom
begin to give way, as they are doing at
present, it is not unreasonable to as
sume that the whole Industrial fabric
is more or less on the eve of a serious
chauge. This, it says, appears to be tho
general expectation in Great Britain
at the present time. When an Ameri
can writer a couple of years ago di
rected attention to the imminence of
an industrial change such as that now
generally expected, the London Spec
tator and o ther British free trade
journals pooh-poohed the suggestion.
They werre unable to perceive, what
this trade Journal clearly sees, that
the iron and steel industries "are the
basis of all the other mechanical in
dustries—of shipbuilding, general en
gineering, foundry operations, and a
thousand minor industries that may
be named.” When a basic industry is
in jeopardy all those resting upon it
are sure to stiffer, a fact which the
optimistic free traders will be sure to
appreciate before long, although they
are unable to do so now.—San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
It is doubtful whether to any Ameri
can statesman has come a finer Christ
mas gift than that received by Senator
Warren of Wyoming in the shape of a
telegram announcing the pledges of 56
out of 58 Republican members of the
legislature to support him for re-elec
tion at the current session. This Is
conclusive, as the Republicans control
the legislature. Not altogether a sur
prise—for it would naturally be re
garded as a matter of course—it was
none the less a most flattering presen
tation, this senatorship by telegraph.
Wyoming, which was formerly a Bryan
state, but is now safely Republican, is
to be congratulated. So Is the whole
country. Senator Warren Is In all
ways one of the big men of the upper
house big in stature. In brain, in fine
personal qualities, and In usefulness
to his state and to the nation.
Couldn't Ifnve Stolen Anything,
A few Democratic: newspniiers, who
do not know any better, have been try
ing to make capital out of the fact
that there have been several defaulting
cashiers, etc, since McKinley's elec
tion. If Bryan had been elected thorn
would have soon been nothing to stem)
- Benton (111.) Republican.
Frroh Flower* on Shipboard Dally.
A remarkable test of cut-flower pre
servation was made by a Philadelphia
man whose fiancee was going to Eu
rope. He promised her that she should
have a fresh bouquet every day sho
was on shipboard. So he had six
boxes made and each labeled for the
uay it was to be opened. These he
confidbd to the steward of the steamer
who placed the boxes in cold storage
and opened one each morning for the
recepient. After she arrived at Liv
erpool she wrote home that the flow
ers were as fresh as though newly
A Three llllllon-Dollar City.
The assessed valuation of real estate
in New York city now exceds $3,000,
000,000. The total valuation doesn't
look so large, however, considering
some of the single instances. There
is the Equitable Life building, for In
stance, which is assessed on ft valua
tion of $6,000,000, and the Waldorf
Astoria hotel for $5,000,000.
James P. Sterling, former chief Jus
tice of the supreme court of Pennsyl
vania, is dead in Philadelphia, from
the effects of a carbuncle. He was 78
years of age.
A DUtlngoUhed I.ady Indeed, I* Mr*.
Mary E. Poole, of Whiting, Ind.
Whiting, Ind., Feb. 4. 1901.—(Spe
cial.)—The Presidents of the Ladies of
the Grand Army of the Republic have
an association composed exclusively
of the Presidents of the different State
Associations. This Presidents’ Asso
ciation '-hooses a President, and to this
very high and distinguished position
Mrs. Mary E. Poole of this place haa
been elected. Mrs. Poole is thoroughly
deserving of this great honor. Her
devotion to the interests of the Asso
ciation is very marked, and her experi
ence with the old soldiers of the G. A.
R. is wide. Mrs. Poole is never slow
to take advantage of anything that
may benefit the veterans, and her zeal
has resulted in much that Is good to
these grand old men. sne writes or
her experiences: “Honor to whom
honor is due, and having seen the nu
merous cures effected through the usq
of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I gladly en
dorse them as being particularly ef
fective to cure that dreaded disease of
so many of our old soldiers, Bright s
Disease and Kidney Disorders of dif
ferent kinds. Kidney Disease soon
poisons the entire system, and as a re
sult the vital organs are attacked, and
I have found that no remedy so surely,
completely and quickly finds the weak
spot and heals it as Dodd’s Kidney
“I have used them myself in slight
attacks of biliousness and indigestion,
and usually find that from three to
four pills do the work.’’
Such evidence from a lady of so
much distinction and experience
should convince any sufferer from Kid
ney Trouble that Dodd’s Kidney Pills
is the remedy that never fails. 60c a
box, six boxes for $2.50. Buy them
from your local druggist if you can.
If he can’t supply you send to the
Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Brittle nails are remedied if olive
oil is rubbed into them.
Many complicated diseases and much
suffering result from constipation.
Garfield Tea, the great Herb Tea, will
cure the most obstinate case.
Adversity is often a blessing In dis
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
If men were like clocks they could
all go on tick.
JP1TS TVrmanrr.C'y Cum*. !*oPt« nrii*TTno«ii*«i%rt*w
flrvt dav* ur* of I»r. Kiln*’* Great Narva he*toier.
Baud for FKKK 92.00 trial hottla and tr*at1»e.
Ub~ It. 1L Klikk, LU1..VKJI Arch flt.» 1 hUaatlt k)-. Fa.
In 1800 only 4 per cent of the peo
ple of the Inited States lived in cities.
Today 30 per cent live in cities.
Uncle Sara Alms
to buy the best ct everythin!? which Is why he
uses Carter's IuU. lie knows what’s good.
In the race for wealth too much
money seems to be an Impossible
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
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