VOL. XVIII. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1901. NUMBER 14. Senate to Dispcse of Appropriations Quick ly to Make Way for Subsidy Bill. POSSESSIONS MAY GET ATTENTION In (lie Hoime Revenue Red net Jon Likely to Inn|>lre Vigorous Debate—Hazing l'ractlre May He Cootldi red Any Time —Other Matter* In Washington. WASHINGTON. Feb. 11.—If consid eration of the naval appropriation bill is completed Monday, as it is sup posed it will be, the ship subsidy bill will be called up by Senator Frye and that bill rill continue to receive the attention of the senate during the re mainder of the day. Senator Caff^ry will take the floor when the bill is taken up and is expected to occupy the remaining portion of the day. whatever time there may lie left. Sen ator Proctor has given notice that as chairman of the committee ou agri culture he will call up the agricul tural appropriation bill on Tuesday. There will be no effort to prevent displacement of the subsidy bill by the appropriation bill. The committee on approoriations hopes to be able to report the fortifications appropriation bill by the time the agricultural bill shall be disposed of and the army ap propriation bill is expected to lie reached later in the week. The plan is to have all appropriation bills acted on as promptly as possible after they are reported, but when there are no bills of that character before the sen ate the subsidy bill will continue to have right of wav. No decision has been reached yet as to whether there will be renewed effort to secure night sessions in the considering of the subsidy bill, but the present indications are that there will be no further immediate attempt in that direction. The opponents of the bill declare that in case of a re newal of the night meetings the friends of the bill will he compelled to keep constantly in the chamber a quorum of their own. While they made frequent demands for a call of the senate during the evening sessions of last week, they always themselves replied to their names when called. It is now understood to be their pur pose not t) do this in case of further efforts to bring the bill to a vote by carrying the senate meetings into the night. Much interest is felt in the effort which is to be made to secure legis lation in connection with the army appropriation bill in regard to the Philippines and Cuba. It has been al ways supposed that any attempt in either direction would open up the en tire colonial policy of the administra tion and lean to interminable debate, but there is now unquestionably a quite general acquiesence in the ef fort to be made for Philippine and Cu ban legislation. Whether tills is due to the fact that there has not been time to consider the bearing of these twro proposed amendments sufficiently or to the general desire to avoid an extra sessi u of congress, does not yet appear. Be that as it may, a major ity at least of the democrats seem quite willing that a vote should bo reached on botli these provisions. In deed, it is understood to be the posi tion of Senator Jones of Arkansas and of liis immediate supporters in oppo sition to the subsidy bill that there will be no obstacle to getting a vote upon any 1 ill before the senate, ex cept the ship subsidy bill and possibly file oleomargarine bill. T lie revenue reduction bill will come before the house tomorrow, with some prospect of an animated discussion. The ways and means committee has already determined on a recommen dation for a disagreement to the sen ate amendments to the bill and that a conference with the senate be asked. But this ''‘termination has aroused considerable feeling among the major ity members of the committee and this may i’nd expression when Chair man Payne presents the report and moves for a conference. Following this matter, the diplo matic and consular appropriation bill will claim attention, the general dis cussion of foreign questions, particu larly the Philippines, being still open. The armv appropriation bill and the sundry civil bill also w’ill receive con sideration during the week. MARY IV AS RIGHTFUL QUEEN. Declaration Made In n Poster Fastened to Palace Gates. LONDON, Feb. 11.—The Daily Mail makes the following statement: A notice declaring Edward VII an usurp er and Mary IV the rightful queen was posted on the gates of St. James pal ace and at the guild hall on the night Queen Vice trie died. It w'ss not signed and no one saw it posted at eittier place, but It is known to have been the handiwork of a member of the Ja cobite league. Probably no action will be taken, but the Incident explains why the legitimists were not allowed to put flowers on the statute of Charles I. January 1. Gen Mandcrsnn Hitler. OMAHA, Feb. 11.—General Charles F. Mander.-on had gained so much yesterday that he was able to partly dress and sit up. He was much bet ter than at any time since bis illness began. SWARMS Of BOfRS. Mnjor Cartn'ii Column Encounter* Them ^ — »Dil Fierce Fighting Follow n. EAST LONDON, Cape Colony. Feb. 11 —Details have been received here of severe fighting at Tabaksberg mountain, forty miles east of the railway and about midway between Smalldeet and Bloemfontein, Major Crewe, with a composite col umn traveling southwest, sighted the mountain on the morning of January 31. He heard heavy firing and know ing that Colonel Pilcher’s column was on the other tide of the mountain he concluded that this office was in ac tion. Consequently he hurried for ward, only to meet Boers streaming down and evidently retiring from Col onel Pilcher’s lyddite shell.. Immedi ately Major Crewe brought three fif teen-pounders and a pompon to hear j on the Boers, who, however, were found to he to numerous that it was impossible to head them. Orders were given to return to camp, about two miles from the mountain. The col umn rested until 4 o’clock in the aft ernoon, when the march was resumed southwest. Major Crewe was just touching the southern point of the mountain when a terrific rifle fire opened from a large force of Boers who were in am buscade on the mountain. The fight soon became general. The Boers out numbered the British five to one and were attacking them on both flanks and the rear. The British pompom jammed and became useless. Major Crewe grasped the situation and lay a brilliant move got the comoy into a safe position. Between 7 and 8 o’clock in the even ing the Boers charged the position and turned both Hanks. The British ammunition became exhausted and Major Crewe was obliged to retire ; and abandon the pompom after the j advance party had endeavored to save it and had sustained severe ! losses. a rear guard action was iougm uy Major Crewe into the (amp, where the wagons had been laagered. He personally superintended the retire ment. the Boers harassing him throughout. Entrenchments were thrown up during the night. When morning came Major Crewe started to join General Knox, twelve ; miles southwest. The Boers immedi I ately reattacked him, compelling him to fight a second rearguard action for a few miles. General Dewet person ally commanded the Boers, estimated at 2,500. Major Crewe’s force was only 700. Eventually the British offi cer joined General Knox and return ! ed to Bloemfontein. Lord Kitchener I has highly complimented Major Crewe I on the achmievenient. MAY RELEASE MRS. MAYBRICK Will He (alien Her Freedom After 12 Year'* Imprlunninent. CHICAGO, Feb. 11.—A special ca blegram from London to tho Chicago Record cays’ A well authenticated report reaches the Record correspond ent tonight to the effect that Florence T. T. Maybrick will be released from Alyesbury piison tomorrow (Monday.) At the United States embassy nothing is known about the matter, and Am bassador Choate when seen at his resi dence tonight declined either to deny or confirm the rumor. Ever since Charles Thomson Ritchie, the new home secretary, came into office hist November efforts to se cure the release of Mrs. Maybrick have been act'v> and have continued up to within a very few days ago. The efforts of Ambassador Choate, al though made informally, have beei unceasing. When Mrs. Maybrick was allowed ill' privilege of seeing her New York lawyer, Clark Bell, last summer, that gentleman told the Rec ord correspondent that the chances for his client’s release were more favor able than they had been at any other time during her twelve years’ incar ceration. Tlie authorities conversant with the attempts to secure the famous prison er’s freedom assert that if at last she, is to be given her liberty this may be regarded as due to the influence of King Edwvrcl and may be interpreted as a token of appreciation of Ameri can sympathy over the death of Queen Victoria. Armours I’ay for Quail. LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 9.—Through B. C. Eldridge of South Omaha the Armour Packing company pleaded guilty in Justice Green’s court to the charge of violating the state game laws. A car of quail was found in the company's possession last week, and proceedings were begun by local members of the Fish and Game Pro tection association. On the plea of guilty the company was fined $500, which was paid promptly. Parking Plant to K<‘*ume. NEBRASKA CITY, Nob., Feb. 9.— The packing houses in this city, which were closed down last summer on nccount of a disagreement among tho stockholders of the Chicago Pack ing and Provision company, have been bought by a new company and will be started up immediately. W. L. Gregson of Chicago will be president. Kttrluier'fl A rentier* Arr:ilgnetiihI Table Conference with I.Ibi ral louder* In Contemplation The Stor ies Denied llie Mouthpiece o I Colonial Secretary. LONDON, Fob. 0.—Pn'.ili attention has again turned to South Africa by the dispatch of reinforcements and the publication of Lord Roberts’ mail dispatches. Rumors have been in circulation that Mr. Chamberlain has reconsid ered bis South African policy and was contemplating a round-table confer ence with Mr. John .Worley and Sir William Hat-court and the recall of Sir Alfred Milner. The Daily Mail says it is able to assert, on Mr. Cham berlain’s authority, that the story Is a fabrication and that the government retains the irest absolute confidence in Sir Alfred Milner. “Mr. Chamber laic flatly denies," says the Mail, “that be lias had any communication with any member of the opposition on the subject of the war." Lord Roberts’ dispatches are not re,carded as giving any further elu cidation of 1 lie tonduct of the war, but they are interesting, as proving that throughout the campaign he nev er hail sufficient men. horses or sup plies to cover such a vast field of op eration Lord Roberts asserts deliberately that the permanent tranquillity of the republic "depends on the complete disarmament of the inhabitants, a task difficult, I admit, but attainable with time and patience." Looking at all the circumstances. Lord Roberts says the campaign is "unique in the annals of war" and lie pays the highest tribute to the gal lantry and worth of the troops, de claring that "no finer farce ever took the field under the British flag." There is a general Idea that the dispatches have suffered considerable excision at the hands of (he war office. They do not throw any fur! her light on the summary retirement of Gen eral Colville or any other matters re garing which the public is anxious to hear. The appearance of bubonic plague at Capetown spems likely to add to the difficulties of the situation. The authorities there have decided upon a wholesale extermination of rats. Should the disenes spread ll will ne cessitate changes In the military ar rangements. Today Sir Alfred Milner makes an other earnest appeal to employers to allow as many men as possible to enroll in the colonial mounted defense force. From Delagon Bay it is reported that tlie British have occupied Er niolo and Carolina, which until re cently were Boer depots. The Boers held up a Natal mall train near Vlakfontein. The few sol diers on board exhausted their cart ridges and the Boers then robbed the passengers, afterward allowing the frai nto proceed. 01 [LINING THE KING'S SPEICH. Hr i I inti Cabinet Connell Holds Session to Frame the Document. LONDON. Feb. 9.—Tlio cabinet meeting today will presumably settle the terms of King Edward's speech at the opening of his first parliament, February 19, which may he expected to partially repeat his majesty's speech to the privy council on accession day, expressing thanks for the condolences and expressions of loyalty, referring to his deep sense of the responsibility of his new position and announcing his determination to work for the wel fare of all ( lasses. Krco'iimend Wyoming Men. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.—Senators Warren and Clark and Representative Mondell of Wyoming have recom mended for appointment, ns officers in the regular army under the new re organization act, all the Wyoming men now in the volunteer service. They are; Lieutenant L. L. Dietrlek. Chey enne; Lieutenant Charles ?f. Ilurrltt. Buffalo; Captain George R. Shannon, Laramie; Captain Thomj3 Miller, Buffalo; Captain Loren Chefver, Sher idan; Captain Ira L. Fredenhall, Cheyenne. Of these officers, Distriek. Burritt. Miller and Cheever are in th Philippines, Shanonn is in Cuba, and Frendenhall In China. Union Pacific’* Illgli Figure. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.—A new high figure was scored by Union Paeiti common today, when 129,400 shares sold up to 95, a rise of three and one eighth. In addition to the buying by banking interests considerable stock was taken by traders on the notion that In some way the stockholders W’ould receive valuable rights in con nection with the Southern Pacific pur chase. Halle & Stieglitz bought heav ily all day. . Another KaMroud Combine. CHICAGO. Feb. 8.—The Tribune to morrow will say that according to reports received here today a new Milwaukee & St. Paul deal is being planned, with President J. J. Hill of the Great Northern left out. Accord ing to this story the Pennsylvania, Milwaukee & St. Paul and Northern Pacific are to he merged into one svs t( m. FINANCING BY UNION PACIFIC. Plan for New Acquisition Is Agreed on by tl»® Executive Committee. NEW YORK, Feb. 8.—A pi*' for financing the acquisition of . ontrol ling interests in the S^:.thern Pa cific on behalf of the Cnion Pacific was today agreed upon by the execu tive committee of the I’nion Pacific, which will make an official announce ment tomorrow. Semi-official admissions made to night are already directly in line with what has already been published. The Central Pacific will be taken out of the Southern Pacific system and annexed separately to the Cnion Pacific. The directors do not want to assume any direct burden on behalf of the Cnion Pacific, so will Issue debenture bonds secured by the Southern Pa ifie stock purchased, the bonds being redeema ble at par at the company's option or exchangeable tor Cnion Pacific stock at par within a limited period. It i also said that two Southern Pacific bonds may be exchanged for one Cn ion Pacific. i’nion Pacific was a market leader again today. Both common and lire ferred rose violently. Ovei 125.000 shares of common was sold. The heaviest buyer was John \V. Oates. All his brokers were ou the door. He bought 40,000 shares. Other heavy buyers were: Keeeli, I.oew & Co.. Jacob Kidd, A. Houseman. Wil liam Oliver, Wasscrman Bros., C. A. Missing, Halle & Siglitz and Clarke. Dodge & Co. It is said that a large amount of stock was purchased by tlie interests recently in control of the Southern Pacific, and this list of brokers indicates that. Will OPPOSt SfNATf Bill. HipiibllrnnH Dimmish Wxr HfTfiiu# A iiieiMlmrnta. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.—The repub lican members of Hie ways and menus committee met this afternoon to for mulate a plan of action relative to the war revenue bill, but no definite con clusion was reached beyond the it< < i aion to nonconcur in the senate amendments. The action of the senate in substi tuting an entirely new bill for the bill as it passed the house, is looked upon as a distinct invasion of the prerogative oi the house to initiate revenue legislation and at the meet ing today some of the members fa vored radical action to sustain what they consider the constitutional rights of the house to originate revenue leg islation. The plan was to ignore the bill in its present form and to pass another entirely new revenue bill. But this was regarded r.s entirely too radical. Another proposition, and the one that met with most favor, was to re port back the bill to the house tomor row with a recommendation of non concurrence, hut without a request for a conference. This would require the senate to ask for a conference it any was to be held. NO MORI APPOINTMENTS. Walt Awhile for Creation of a Vacancy in the 1,'Rt of ticncral) WASHINGTON. Feb. 8.—It is said at the war office that no more general officers of the army will be appointed until the senate lias acted on those sent in on Tuesday. One reason is that there will be no vacancy in the list of generals unless General Miles is confirmed in the higher rank. Un less a vacancy occurs in that manner, it is predicted that it will be filled by the appointment of Colonel C. Bates, who was yesterday nominated a brigadier general. Such an ap pointment would prevent the appoint ment of Brigadier General Wade or Merriam to a major generalship for some time. Under the present plan Brigadier General Sehwan, nominated yesterday, will be retired immediately after his confirmation, and Colonel Daggett of the Fourteenth infantry will bo ap pointed to the vacancy. FOR BRANCH MINT IN OM4H4. llouae Committee Will Favorably Report the Hill. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.—'The house committee on coinage, weights arid measures derided to report favorably the hill establishing a branch mint at Omaha and appropriating $100,000 therefor. Sutherland of the Fifth district of Nebraska was the member of the sub-committee that took initial action. Att ick* Statue of \ irgitt. LONDON. Feb. 7— Hildberand de Rritto Lyra, a relative of the presi dent of Brazil, Dr. Campos Salles, was incarcerated in an asylum for the in sane today after committing a sacri legious outrage in a Roman Catholic church at Matlock Bath, a place a few miles south of Mallock, in the county of Derby. Lyra suddenly appeared in the church this morning during ser vice. jumped over the altar rails and attacked a statue of the Virgin Mary. Morgan Opposes Subsidy. WASHINGTON .Feb. 8.—The sen ate had both day and night sessions today. At the day session the pen sion Dill appropriating $144,000,000 was passed after a few minutes con sideration. The ship subsidy bill was then taken up. and Messrs. Mc Lauriu and Morgan, both democrats, made speeches on it. Mr. McLaurin announced his intention to support the bill and Mr. Morgan opposed it in vigorous language Packers deny the rumor Lord Kitchener to Be Reinforced by Thirty Thousand Mounted Men, THE SOUTH AfRICAN SITUATION (i'll Thousand of the Mew Troop* Will He Available Soon—Hard Pressed nn All Side* llritl«li Commander hooks to Ragland for Assistance. LONDON. IVli. 7.- The following announcement has been issued by the war office: “In view of the recent Boer activ ity in various directions, the govern ment has decided, in addition to the recently equipped forces for South Africa, to reinforce Lord Kitchener by 30,000 more mounted troops, be yond those already lauded iu Cape Colony. Recruiting for the imperial yeoman ry has proceeded so rapidly that it is believed 10,000 will soon be available. “The South African mounted con stabulary, including those recruited in the colonies, may he relied upon to extend to 8,000, and the new co lonial contingents to replace those withdrawn will probably reach 5.000. "The remainder of the force will be made up of cavalry and mounted in fantry from the home establishment. The enlistment of volunteers to re place those that have already served a year in South Africa is also being proceeded with. Arrangements have been made for the prompt equipment and transportation of the forces. The first consignment will leave on the Aurania February 10." Lourenzo Marquez, Feb. 7.—The railroad has been cut by the Boers fifty-three kilometers from here. The war office has notified the yeo manry recruiting stations that it is desired to enroll an additional 5,000 veomanrv. CAPETOWN, Feb. 7.—A party of Imperial Yeomanry came into contact with the invaders near Prince Albert Cape Colony, a id an officer and samp men are missing. The Gazette announces that Gen eral Brabant has been appointed to the command of the force being raised for the defense of Cape Colony, with Colonel Giouard as his chief of staff. His headquarters will he at Fast London, from which point lie will ad vance northward and westward, grad ually clearing the colony of invaders and enabling the imperial forces to concentrate ultimately on the terri tory of the republics. WAY TO BfAT TWINE COMBINE. lowu Fiirmer Dlpcovvrg That Velvet Weed Fiber I» ak Strong ait lf< nip. CHICAGO, Feb. 7.—A special to tlie* fimes-Herald from Creston, la., says: State Senator Clark of Page county lias made public a way to boat the twine combine. At a farmers’ insti tute he displayed a piece of twine and a piece of rope, resembling a good quality of hemp. These, he explained, were made from velvet weed, or abutilon, which grows lankly on al most every farm and has been con sidered useless. The discovery that the weed could be thus utilized was made by D. I). Weir, a farmer, living near Clarinda. Mr. Weir discovered the strength of the fibre of the weed about two months ago. He picked up a few strands from the ground after they had lain there rotting since last sum mer and found them very strong. They were separated Into threads as fine as the best hemp. He endeavored to secure a patent, but found that a discovery of that nature could not be patented. A machine for making it could be patented, hut the us* of *he weed for making twine and rope must be left free to everybody. Want Mi'Klnloy to Stay Au»y. SAVANNAH, Ca.. Feb. 7.—The Con federate Veterans’ association of Sa vannah passed resolutions against the Invitation to President McKinley to attend the reunion of confederate vet erans In Memphis. The association calls upon General Gordon, command er-in-cliief, to name some other city than Memphis as the place for the reunion, and says it will not send delegates to Memphis if the invitation to the president is adhered to. Humor »« to Queen'* Will. LONDON. Feb. 6.—The latest ru mor regarding Queen Victoria’s will is that it bequeaths £140,000 each to the duke of Connaught, Prince Chris t;on of Schleswig-Holstein. Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice, and in cludes liberal legacies for the duchess of Albany and a number of the queen’s grandchildren. The bulk her private fortune goes to King Edward and both Bolforal and Osborne house arc given to the king. Niouz Fall* in Hnrd Look. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Feb. 6.—An drew Carnegie has, through Senator Pettigrew, made a proffer of a $25, 000 donation to the city of Sioux Falls for a public library building, but the conditions are such that it is doubtful if it can be accepted. A couple of years ago W. H. i^yon gave to the city a magnificent stone build ing for library purposes and to ac cept the Carnegie gift means the abandonment of the Lvon building. ...- — --^ MRS. NATION STARTS fARLY. bu> iabi a a Sulonu at Uaylight and la Landed In .lail by I’ol TOPEKA, Feb. 5.—Mrs. Nation lauched her crusade against the joints at an early hour this morning. She rose at 4:30, and soon afterward start* id out on a tour if joint-smashing. Accompanied by Mrs. J. P. White and Miss Madeline Southard, she attempt ed to enter the place at 830 Kansas avenue. The man on duty at that early hour was taken unawares, but managed to disarm Mrs. Nation and bolt the door before any of the party could enter. Mrs. Nation said her friends caught hold of her arm hero and prevented her going in through the window. The next place visited was ‘The Senate," at 400 Kansas avenue. The women filtered without resistance, but a colored man quickly seized Mrs. Nation and took her hatchet away. Somehow in the scuffle Mrs. Nation was struck on the right temple by the hatchet, but the blow did not dis able hrr, and she at once seized the hatchet carried by Mrs. White. She turned over two large slot machines and smashed the glass in the front of each. She soon made a wreck of ths large refrigerator, and after that turned her attention to the nquor and fixtures behind the liar. A keg of beer came in the way of her hatchet and the contents completely drenched the skirts of Mrs. Nation. At this junc ture the colored porter fired his re volver at the ceiling to frighten the crusaders and attract attention from the outside. Policeman Graham was attracted to the place by the noise and escorted Mrs. Nation to the police station. Here Mrs. Nation and her lit tle hand of followers held a short prayer meeting and lectured those in charge at the time. The Senate saloon which was I wrecked was one of the handsomest and most complete in its equipments of any in the city. It is flttevi up with a handsome cherry liar, and the great mirror which hung cn the north side was valued at fully $500. Probably $1,500 worth of property, mostly made up of cherry bar and handsome fix tures, was destroyed. At the police station Mrs. Nation was booked as a “joint smasher." The others were released. Her case was continued till Thursday with bond, tlie charge preferred being that of “instituting a riot." The case against Mrs. Nation for at tempting smash the Unique saloon on Bast Sixth street late Monday af ternoon was dismissed. SAYS ME IS CHARLIE ROSS. Man Wdlkn Into t'lilongo Police tUtiou nml Tells Strange story. CHICAGO, Feb. 6.—Eugene I. Gow <11 visited detectives headquarters here today and announced that he was the long “ought for Charlie Hoss, who was kidnapped from Germantown, Pa., in 1871. “I remember nothing of the kid naping because i was drugged and it left my mind temporarily a blank,” said Gowell. “1 do have a dim recol lection of comfortable surroundings and a home by a running brook, how ever. I was brought up in Bos An gel'S, Cal., believing Mrs. c ara Rob bins, with whom 1 lived, to be my mother. She married one John or William Gowell. and I took her hus band's name. The fact that I was only an adopted child was told me by my half-brother, Clarence. Some years ago 1 left home and have since trav eled about the country. Mr. and Mrs. Gowell still live in lvos Angeles Some time ago I told my story in Uogansport, lnd., and was adjudged insane for my pains." MILES GETS HIS REWARD. President Names Present Major Geiir.nl for tlie Higher Kank. WASHINGTON, Feb. 0.—ihe presi dent sent the following nominations ;o the senate: Army—To be lientenant general, Ma jor General Nelson a. Miles. To be Major General—Brigadier Samuel M. B. Young, U. S. A.; Colonel Adna R. Chaffee, Eighth cavalrf, U. S. A. (major general U. S. V.); Brigadier General Arthur McArthur, U. S. A. (major general, U. S. V.) Kidnaped at St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Mich, Feb. 6.—Vina Mills, the 14-year-old daughter of Geo. A. Mills of Benton Harbor, was kid* naped from here Friday evening. It was supposed the divorced wife of Mills came from Chicago and took the child away, but telegraph messages and searching parties have failed to reveal her whereabouts. Mr. Mins had the custody of Vina, and as he is well-to do some tnink the child is kidnaped for ransom. He Cannot Sleep. INDIANAPOl-lS, Feb. 0—George W. Woodruff of Rossville, lias not slept for seventy-three day9. Four years ago Woodruff, then robust, weighing 200 pounds, became troubled with sleeplessness that would extend over several days at a time. These periods finally developed into weeks and then into months. Mufti Nut He Armed DES MOINES. Ia„ Feb. 0.—Mrs. Nation has engaged the Y. M. C. A. auditorium for a lecture here next Saturday. Secretary Johnson of the Y. M. C. A. provldod in the contract that she was not to use her hatchet in the hall. The saloan koepers loro say they will kill her if she attacks their saloous.