The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 25, 1901, Image 1

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Program of Work in Both ot the Legis'
lative Bodies.
Senator Alilrlcli to rreaent Mo:i»nre for
Iteduction of War Tun Monday iirTuin
(lay—Appropriation Hill Uuh House'*
A l ten lion—-MincPllaneou* Matter*.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21.—The sen
ate will take up the legislative, exec
utive and judicial appropriation bill
Monday as soon as posibie after con
vening. There is little in the bill that
ordniarlly would create debate, but
it does not seem improbable that sev
eral days may bo required to act on ii
because of the desire on the part of
some senators to postpone considera
tion of the ship subsidy bill as long
us possible. The shipping bill will
be mads the unfinished business
whenever in the opinion of the friends
of the measure it is wise to give it
that place; but, in view of the fa t
that it will be displaced by appropria
tion bills whenever senators in charge
of these measures desire to take them
up, it is probable that the motion to
give the bill the place of vantage wlil
bo postponed until after the disposi
tion of the executive bill.
Senator Aldrich, chairman of the
finance committee, probably will re
port the war revenue reduction bill
Monday or Tuesday and he will ask
jiumcumie cunsiueruuuu tor luai
measure. The rules of the senate give
preference to revenue hills, as they do
to appropriation bills, a id no order
of the senate will be necessary to
make a place for that bill. It is not
probable that any effort will be made
to displace appropriation bills with
that measure, but all senators seem
united in the opinion that it neces
sarily must become a law during the
session, a id if there should be an oc
casion when it would he necessary to
decide between it and some bill other
than an appropriation bill the prefer
ence almost certainly would be given
to the revenue bill. The present im
pression, however, Is that this bill will
be soon disposed of. Democratic sena
tors probably will make an effort to
secure additional reductions', but fail
ing in this will vote for the bill.
t The pension ami military academy
appropriation bills alsp are on the cal
endar and will receive early attention.
The Indian appropriation bill will be
reported early in the week, but will
not be pressed.
Senator Morgan has not indicated
his purpose with reference to the Nic
aragua canal bill, but his friends say
that he will delay a reasonable time
and that if lCngland does not act upon
the amendments to the Hay-Paunce
fot.e treaty he then will move consid
eration of the <anal bill.
The house of representatives will
devote most of its attention during
the coming week to appropriation
hills, a serif's of them—District of Co
lumbia, fortification, nava’, pustofllce
and agriculture—lining ready for con
sideration. At the outset, however,
there will he a day or two given to
other measures having right of way.
The army reorganization bill will
be reported back promptly from the
committee on military affairs, prob
ably tomorrow, and sent to conference
with a general disagreemnt to all the
senate amendments. It may be re
ported back during the latter part of
the week, and a sharp contest Is
promised, Richardson of Tennessee,
the minority leader, having intimated
that there will be a discussion of each
paragraph. The District of Columbia
Is entitled to tomorrow and will seek
to hold the day for the consideration
of local measures.
The bulky postal codification bill
also Is before the house as a contin
uing order and wiil require much of
the time not given to appropriation
hills. Efforts are mak’ng to have the
bill to promote the efficiency of the
revenue cutter service made a special
order for Tuesday.
The appropriations bills above re
ferred to will consume the time dur
ing the rest of the week, except Fri
day, which is private petnsion day,
and Saturday, when eulogies to the
memory of the late Senator Gear of
Iowa will bo pronounced.
Headlong From a Train.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Jan. 21.—Mrs.
Mamie Drungould of Joliat, 111., who
arrived at the union depot this morn
ing from Seattle en route to her home,
ehortiy afterward made her way to
the second floor of the station, opened
the window and threw herself head
long onto the tracks below. She struck
on her head and fractured her skull
and received other injuries, from
which physicians say she cannot re
cover. Pas-engers who traveled up ‘u
the same train wdth Mrs. Drungould
say that she acted peculiar.
Though Head, He SHU I.ive*.
OGAL.LADA, Neb., Jan. 21—Job 1
Kirkuskie. a German farmer, whose
home is five miles north cf Oga’lala,
was returning home from town Sat
urday evening when Ir's horse ran
away, throwing him out of the wagon.
He landed on his head, breaking his
neck. He is alive and conscious, but
the doctor pronounces his injuries fa
tal and that he will not live longer
than two or three days. He has a wife
and ten children, thiee of whom are
married. _
SInUlug Spi ll anil (■■•m-rul l’»*
An Feed to Hnp«.
COWES, Isle of Wight, Jan. 81.—
12:15 a. m.— A collapse or what the
physicians feared was a collapse oc
curred unexepectedly about 10 o'clock
last evening. Arrangements were
hurriedly made to provide special tele
phonic and telegraphic facilities. De
tails are not obtainable at this hour,
! but it is asserted that the queen's con
dition is chiefly due to a severe sink
ing spell and an Increase of the par
alytic symptoms.
It is understood that the physicians
have resorted to artificial methods to
prolong life, such as are used only in
case of per-ons in extremis.
The Associated Trees learns that
the paralysis is chiefly in the face,
one side of which appears to have lost
ail nerve power. At ti o’clock the mal
ady had not reached the vital organs,
though it had naturally caused an al
most total loss of power of speech.
What was so much feared was that the
brain might be attacked.
Keenly sensitive to her affliction
and appearance the queen has refused
to see any one but her nurses and
doctors, and it is understood that the
prince of Wales is the only exception
to this rule, but his into: view with
the queen lasted only a few moments.
Hence the exact nature of tiie malady
is known to only a few, and it is the
royal wish that the public he not in
formed of the existence of paralysis.
Arrangements have been made with
a local undertaker to have all the pre
liminaries to burial in cate of an emer
Immediately on the occurrence of the
queen's collapse at about 10 o’clock
last evening a message was sent to
London, summoning the prince of
Wales and Eruperor William. The
prince of Wales was in such a con
dition of health that it was utterly
impossible for him to leave London
at that hour, but it is hoped that he
will start for Osborne house at 8
o'clock this morning.
Police Sun|>f< t Frank Sherdcff of line
lilt; SliHred In the KItlnaplng.
OMAHA, Jan. 21.—After an appar
ent, lull of several weeks in the Cmlahy
kidnaping case, the detectives have at
last struck a lead which they believe
will result in the aprehension of one
or more of the guilty men.
The theory in brief is that Frank
Shercleff, alias Ed Burke, alias Kid
McCoy, the outlaw, who so successfully
robbed William G. Bollock of $15,000
worth of diamonds in the fall of 1892,
was implicated with Bat Crowe in the
abduction of Edward Cudahy, jr.
For a time the ease looked hope
less. Further than a llrm conviction
that Bat Crowe was one of the kid
napers. the police had absolutely no
theories that had not been run down
and exploded. Now, however, they
have struck what the detectives call a
“lead,” and this has to do with the
probable complicity of Frank Sher
clrff. the man of many aliases.
After generally reviewing the career
of this daring criminal and his asso
ciation with Crowe in the past there
seems to be good reason for believing
that he may have been one of Crowe’s
pals in the Cudahy kidnaping. In any
event the detectives are giving this
theory the greater part of their at
tention hese days.
It is believed that Chief Donahue
and his men will locate Shercleif with
in the next few days, but the chief
declines to talk in detail of the pos
sibility of immediate capture.
11 <>ir to England'* Throne In :iu ExIiHiiat
eil Condition.
CONDON. Jan. 21.—In the closing
moments of Queen Victoria's life an
other grave portent arises, namely,
the serious indisposition of the prince
of Wales. Co worried, tired aud ex
hausted wras he last evening that he
could not respond immediately to the
summons from Osborne house. The
most he could do was to promise that
he would leave London at 8 o'clock
this morning it possible. It is worthy
of note that even today the London
papers do noL mention, by even the
most veiled allusion, the fact that the
queen had a paralytic stroke. B'ges
are devoted to the mournful scenes
at Osborne house and to descriptions
of occurrences here as well as to tele
grams from colonies and foreign coun
tries testifying to the sympathy every
where evoked. According to the Daily
Telegraph .Emperor William, who has
expressed a desire to be received at
Osborne house, not. as emperor, hut
as grandson, said on hearing of the
queen's illness:
"1 am my grandmother’s eldest
grandchild, and my mother is unable
from illness to hasten to her bed
Money Order Clerk’* Arrest.
HAVANA. .Tan. 21.—John Sheridan,
who has been in charge of the money
order department, for the Havana
postofBee, was arrested today and for
mally accused of the thel't of J1.300
sent from the postmaster at Guan
tanamo, December 15. He has con
fessed. Sheridan was appointed from
the Boston postcfTlcc. He offers to re
fund what he hits taken.
Mr. Neville vtljfhtly Improved.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21—Congress
man Burton, who has been ill for
some days with the grip and rheuma
tism. has improved considerably and
was able to leave the hospital today.
Congressman Neville of Nebraska,
though slightly improved, Is still very
Publio Discussions of Proposed Measures
Held iu Manila.
Taxation the I* irut Subject—<l to Hear
1U Share of llurtb its Jn»tea<l of As*
letMiueutit on lu<ltmtry—t'utiluK Mat
ters to KigliU.
MANILA, Jan. 1!).—The public dis
cussion of the general code of gov
ernment for municipalities begin to
day. Commissioner Dean C. Worcester
outlined the bill and compared the
conditions from the general orders of
the military governor, under which
many local governments were operat
ing. Commissioner Worcester offered
two amendments, disqualifying from
voting and holding office men who vio
late their oatii of American allegiance
or who remain in armed opposition
after February,
The commissioner elucidated the tax
ation features, referring to the bene
fits of taxing lands and buildings as
against the present special taxes on
occupations and industries. One
fourth of the pro eeds of real estate as
sessments will be devoted to public
Municipal councils are authorized to
license theaters, places ot liquor sell
ing, public conveyances, hotels and
cock fighting, or to prohibit rock fight
ing for the first year, until the tax
collections are available.
Half of the internal revenue of each
municipality will be paid into the mu
nicipal treasuries.
Commissioner Worcester did not en
large on the section confining the ex
emption of church property to prop
erties used exclusively for religious,
charitable or educational purposes.
This much discussed feature received
the approval of the administration at
Washington previous to the making
public of the bill.
The bill centralizes considerable re
sponsibility in the provincial govern
ments, for the establishments of which
another bill is being prepared.
The public discussion, which is tak
ing place in the municipal hall, is pro
ceeding by sections, the natives par
It is rumored that Agulnaldo visited
his mother in Cavite province and
narrowly escaped capture during the
recent roundup of one of the villages
in Cavite.
| A Muller in Wliii h There U Much Inter
cut Ainoni; ISumiiw-kh Men,
WASHINGTON, .lau. 19.—Argu
ment was begun in the United Stales
supreme couit today in the iase of
Carson, Piric, Scott Coo., appel
lants, against the Chicago Title and
Trust company. The case involves
the construction of the bankruptcy
law and much interest is manifested
in the proceeding among business
men generally. The case comes to
the supreme court from the circuit
court of appeals from the Seventh cir
cuit of the court, where if is ordered
that the claim of Carson, Pirie, Scott
& Co., creditors of Frank Ilros., bank
rupts, be disallowed on the ground
that moneys paid by an insolvent to
ft creditor in the usual and ordinary
course of business within four months
preceding the date of the tiling of a
petition in bankruptcy by the insol
vent constitutes a preference under
sections 57g and 60a, and 60b of the
bankruptcy act, Irrespective of tlie
fact that the creditor receiving such
payment is not aware of the fact that
his debtor is insolvent, or that a pref
erence is thereby intended. On ac
count of the conflict of decisions con
struing the mentioned sections of the
bankrupt act, great confusion has
arisen and is likely to arise in the
administraiion of bankrupt’s estates
until the pending case is adjudicated.
I’hi mi Clinches Agreement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.—A message
was received today from Pekin, dated
last evening, stating that the Chinese
plenipotentiaries had signed and de
livered the protocol. ’J IPs removes
the last doubt that had arisen as to
the sealing of the agreement, for it
would not have been accepted by the
Spanish minister, who is the dean of
the corps, unless it bore all the seals
and signatures necesary to give it full
Growers Organize.
SALT LAKK, Jan. 19.—The Amer
lran Cattle Growers' association has
been organized by the representatives
of fifteen transmississippi states. The
association is designed to fill the same
field with reference to the cattle in
dustry that is occupied by the Na
tional Wool Growers’ association to
the sheep industry. It Is claimed that
the men present at thd meeting repre
sented a capital running into the hun
dreds'of millions. The temporary of
ficers are all of Colorado. Adjourn
ment was taken to a meeting to be
held at Denver some time in March.
!■* Not Coming: to Aim*rlci.
BRUSSELS, Jan. 19.-Prickle Eloft
Kruger's grandson, is here from The
Hague. He says: “Kruger has no in
tention of going to America at : resent,
although pressed with invitations. He
possibly might go later if he consid
ered the Interests of the Transvaal de
manded it.’’
l^urd Koberln Mitltrit istlrilug A(ipoiil fti
o.UDU NuliiiiU'rrH to YcoiUHiiry.
DON DON, Jan. IS.—Lord Huberts,
who was entertained privately at din
ner last night evening by tile United
Service club, the gu<sis including tne
prince of Wales, the duke of iurk,
the duke of Cambridge and some SOU
officers, has issued irorn the War ci
lice a stirring appeal to the eountiy
for a speedy response to the call for
6,000 yeomanry, whose past services
in iiouth Africa he commends to the
'the authorities continue to hold a
hopeful view regarding the South Af
rican situation, but tney seem to lec
ognizo that vigorous measures are
The proclamation of martial law
throughout the whole of Cape Colony,
l.ord Kitchener's strong measuies
against iae population of the republics,
tiie placing on reduced rations oi the
wives of men in the fle.d and similar
measures go to show that there is
still heavy work ahead.
British offensive operations have
ceased for the present. It is supposed
Cord Kitchener is collecting his
strength for a final effort to crush
or capture the commandoes by a rep
etition of tiie tactics whieli caused tne
surrender of General Cronje and Gen
eral Prinzloo.
it is said the liners are preparing
to descend into Natal.
The casualty list issued yesterday
shows that ihe Boers have released
297 British captured at Helvetia and
Belfast. The facts regarding the cap
ture at Belfast have not been allowed
to become public.
It Is asserted that more heavy naval
guns will be landed at the Cap.e In
formation as to the doings of the in
vaders is hard to obtain, but it is
clear that they are getting very little
help from the Dutch. Twice they at
tempted to capture Barkeley East, but
were repulsed. Small scattered par
ties are reported operating in various
parts of the Ceres district. Apparent
ly tiie invaders abandoned the idea
of attacking Clan William on finding
the town well defended.
•Juniors of Stall* I'nlwriity Say Tlit»y Will
Slum Itacitatious.
LINCOLN, Jan. 18.—The junior class
of the University of Nebraska college
of law this afternoon declared their
intention of remaining away from rec
itation" in the insurance division until
Charles Coffee, a member of the class
who was suspended by Prof. Ixibinger,
is reinstated without marks of demerit.
Several of the junior law students in
the rear of the recitation room ap
plauded a remark by their professor
this afternoon and all students in the
two rear rows were ardered to rise
and remain standing during the re
mainder of the recitation under pen
alty of dismissal, among them being
Physical Director llootli, a member of
the university faculty. Coffee refused
and was dismissed. The law students
held an indignation meeting and de
cided to stand hv their classman.
All Philippine l’orl« Open for Archipel
ago's Domestic Products.
MANILA, Jan. 17.—The Philippine
commission lias passed aits giving, in
domestic products, the Jolo archi
pelago free trade with all Philippine
ports and providing for tho issuance
of licenses to master and mates of sea
going vessels.
Tlie United States cable ship Burn
side lias finished the work of laying
the cable connecting the island of Ne
gros with Northern Mindanao. Zam
boanga and Jolo will soyu be con
Mr. H. Phelps Whitmarsh. recently
appointed governor of the province of
Benguit, reports that several towns in
the province have held elections and
organized local governments.
Will Be Ifcftuctl from Western Newspaper
Union Ottice at I.itirnln Jan. 28.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. IS.—Hon. W.
J Bryan's paper, the Commoner, will
Is issued from the office .if the Lin
coln, Neb., branch of tho Western
Newspaper 'Union, on Wednesday,
January 23. 1901. After considering
the various printing establishments
of the city, Mr. Bryan decided to
give the contract to the Weete.rn
Newspaper Union, being influenced to
a certain extent by the fact that this
establishment is not only perfectly
well equipped to handle the work,
but also because of its reputation for
honest and square dealing, and the
further fact that it treats its em
ployes with consideration and pays
union wages.
For a Sln(rl§ Speech, !Hl,OftO.
DRS MOINES, la., Jan. 17.—The
Midland ehatauqua here has offered
Benjamin Harrison $1,000 to deliver r%
lecture hero at its annual meeting in
.July. He has refused, however, and
the committee will endeavor to secure
Grover Cleveland, It is willing to pay
?l,000 for either one of th m. The
plan is to have the one secured speak
on the Fourth of July.
Rich Oift from C'arnegle.
DFBUQUE, la., dan. 17.—A dispatch
frm Fayette today stated that
Speaker Henderson had donated $25.
000 for the founding of a library for
the upper Iowra university at Fayette.
This is a mistake. The money was
given by Andrew (larnegie, at the in
stance of the speaker.
Live Stock Breedsrs Want a Law Passed
Protecting Their Industry.
legislation \sk»*11 to Provide Fund* for
8a fe-Gua riling Stork liitrmtt*—1)1#
raso Carrying Off a Good -Many Hog#
In l'latte County.
LINCOLN, Jan. 21.—The improved
live stock breeders’ association in ses
sion here, passed the following reso
“Whereas, The live stock industry
of Nebraska is constantly menaced by
infectious, contagious and other ani
mul dieeases through Interstate traffic
in live stock and natural causes, thus
frequently requiring stringent quar
antine or hygienic regulations under
qualified and competent official con
trol. therefore,
■ Resolved, That we favor the pass
age of a live stock law providing for
a state veterinarian with abundant
flancial support, and with authority
to act in any emergency which may
arise in the live stock industry so as
to protect the sound range and farm
herds of the state.”
“Experience With Tame Grasses
ami Clovers in Eustern Nebraska”
was the subject of a paper given by
William Ernst of Teeumseh. On ac
count of the danger from prairie fires
anu the grasshopper pest in 1870,
which menaced the farm of Mr. Ernst
in Johnson county, he was persuaded
by friends to remain, and he has
since come to regard eastern Nebras
ka as second to no part of the union
for farming and stock raising. He gave
nia experience* wun mue grass aim
timothy, relating how in the first
years they failed to profit him, because
be allowed his stock to crop the pas
ture too close. He contended that
Nebraska is given enough rain always
to maintain pasture lands If only It
is not allowed to go to waste. Water
does not sink through the sod so
rapidly and when pasture embraces
any sloping lands, furrows laid here
and there, which will tend to check
the draining of the water to lower
ground, will afford the meadow ade
quate moisture. Tie question of kinds
of grass or clover is one of growth
rather than choice. The ones that
grow best and are most dependable
art the ones used. Alfalfa, the speak
er said, was his most reliable pasture
and meadow grass. His cattle pas
tures consisted of a mixture of Eng
lish blue grass, or orchard grass, tim
othy and red clover. English blue
grass, he said, heats all the tame
grasses he ever used. It mixes well
with red clover and the cattle will
not bloat on the mixture. This pa
per was discussed by Prof. T. u. I ..yon,
\Y. A. Apperson and others.
lings are Hying ill Pintle.
OMAHA, Jan. 21.—Colonel J. E.
North of Columbus was in the city
and speaking of affairs in the neigh
borhood of his home, said: ‘Platte
county would lie in good shape were
it not for a disease which has carried
off the majority of the hogs of the
county. It is conservative to place
the figure of the loss to Platte county
farmers at $500,000 in the last three
or four months. Men with droves of
400 and 500 head of hogs find them
selves, now that the plague has ex
hausted itself, with ten or fifteen hogs,
while droves of 1OQ and 200 head have
been completely wiped out. For
months the farmers have been com
bating the disease without apparent
result and the loss in hogs is only
a part of the total loss to the farmers.
T%%c*nty ('HNei of Smallpox.
MINDEN, Neb., Jan. 21.—Doctors
and visitors *of this vicinity report
that in the neighborhood of the farm
of Mr. Bader, who brought the small
pox to this county and who lives ten
miles northwest of Minden, there are
about seventy cases of smallpox now,
there being only one severe one. Mr.
Bader, in his attendance at a Christ
mas exercise at a school house ex
posed nearly 100 people and nearly
ail have taken the disease.
Kent Hack to Iniluntrial School,
KEARNEY, .*eb., Jan. 21.—A young
man by the name of Frank Waugh,
second cook of the Midway hovel,
who, it is charged, stole an overeote
from the chef at the hotel, has been
brought back to Kearney from Repub
lican City, where he has been stay
ing for a month. Young Waugh was
on parole from the industrial school
and was sent back to the school to
serve out his time.
Qauruntinrd Ilouic Burned.
CALLAWAY, Neb., Jan. 21.—The
residence of 11. L. Doxsee was dis
covered to be on fire, and although
anattenipt was made to save the prop
erty, nothing could 'be done on ac
count of the high wind, and the en
tire building was consumed in less
than half an hour. The inmates were
quarantined with what was pro
nounced smallpox, but all escaped
without injury.
J. D. Bullock, who died in Liver
pool, England, the other day, acted
as a confederate agent in that port
during our war of the rebellion and
negotiated for the building of the
rebel cruiser Alabama.
-_"t?_ _»
Senate Committee Concludes It* Hearing
on the Oleomargarine Itill.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1C.—The sen*
nte committee on agriculture today
concluded its bearing on the oleomar
garine bill by giving Congressman
Wadsworth, author of the substitute
for the Grout bill, an opportunity u;
present the merits of his measure ana
Mr. Grout a chance to reply. Mr.
Wadsworth bad with him packages il
lustrating the way in which oleomar
garine would be presented to the trade
under his bill and he claimed that the
requirement for imprinting the word
“oleomargarine” in largo letters in the
oleomargarine rolls anc not only upon
the paper wrappers, but upon the box
es enclosing the packages, would in
sure the public against fraud. Ho
said the oleomargarine industry was
perfectly legitimate so long as pur
chasers knew what they were getting.
Replying, Mr. Grout conceded that
Mr. Wadsworth's device would pro
tect persons who purchased through
retail dealers, but that not more than
a third of the oleomargarine was sold
to persons who did not krow its true
character. The other two-thirds, he
said, went to hotel, restaurant and
boarding house men, who knew what
they were getting, but palmed it off
on their unsuspecting table guests. It
was against such a practice as this
that he protested. lTe argod that the
only protection was in the enactment
of a law to prohibit the coloring of
T>n Thou mi ml Friuli Tumps to lie Aililed
to the Fighting Force.
NI3W YOltK, Jan. 1C.—There is a
great deal of uncertainty as to tho
exact intentions of t;ie governments
in re gard to the question of reinforce
ments for South Africa, says the Lon-i
don correspondent of me Tribune. The
announcement made so positively byl
the Post that the enrollment of Ba
en-Powell's police force had been)
abandoned is officially contradicted.1
Probably the .Post was rod into error1
by confusion of official plans, as it is
now stated that in addition to the con
stabulary the War office intends to,
dispatch to the Cape 5,000 men to
strengthen the Imperial yeomanry,
which, as a fighting body, has been se
riously weakened. It Is expected that,
without counting the police recruits,
a few weeks' time will see more than
10,000 fresh British troops in the field.
The question of mounts is also being
dealt with and horses are now. It is
understood, being sent to South Africa'
at the rate of about 8,000 a month. .
lotion In Neely l’oi« Mnkoi State De-1
part ineiil's Work Kaay.
"'WASHINGTON,*Jan. 1C.—The State
department will be called upon to act
in the Neely case. Under the law the
warrant of extradition must be issued
by tlio secretary of state when he is
satisfied of the sufficiency of the appli
cation. In view of the elaborate at
tention given to tlie case by the ju
dicial branch, it is probable that this
will be accepted as conclusive on the
merits of the case and that the issu
ance of the warrant will be merely
a formality when the papers are prop
erly brought befoie the department.
It is expected this will take some
days, as the supreme court decision
must be forwarded to the New York
courts and proper orders made for the
holding of Neely. The department
will give the custody of Neely to
William Hinkle, who has been appoint
ed as the agent of the military au
thorities, to receive the prisoner and
take him to Cuba.
Ills Steel Compiuiy Will Not B« Sold to
l’lerpont Murgan.
NEW YORK, Jan. 16.—The Evening
Poet has the following: Andrew Gar
ni gie today himself affirmed the de
nial cf the stories which were current
yesterday to the effect that J. P. Mor
gan and others were preparing to buy
the Carnegie Steel company. Until
Mr. Carnegie made this statement it
wa3 still believed in many quarters
that the first step had been taken to
ward uniting all of the steel com
1 aniis of the country under one so
alled ‘‘community of Interests," un
der the plan recently followed by Mr,
Morgan and his assistants iu ;he rail
road world.
Are on a Junket.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. 15.—Nearly
all the members of the Wyoming leg
islature left here today for Salt Lake
City on a special train provided by the
Union Pacific railroad, to attend the
convention of the National Live Stock
association. They will issuo a me-<
mcrial to the legislature of the west-j
j ern states in favor of a uniform
bounty law in favor of the killing ot
wolves and other wild animals.
He|;i<(tr»tlnn l.iw Void. J
CUSTER, S. D„ Jan. 16.—It has
been decided by Judge Moore of the
Eighth judicial district that the pres
ent registration law is void. Tho
question arose over the clerk of court
case in Custer county, wherein J. V.
Rutowski is contesting tho position
held by E. Palmer, a populist, who
won the election by sis majority.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, D. C„ Jan. 16.—To
day’s statement of the treasury bal
ance in the general fund, exclusive
of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the
division of redemption, shows: Avail
able cash balance, $138,289,S04; gold,