The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 18, 1901, Image 4

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    Uoaal Dswa.
jj I II ~ - ~l-- ' ' * ~ ■— •**>
w. K M l!or iUhJ wlf • »vi‘W «t Omaha
over Sundav.
A good milch cj'.v fur . c. Call on
llerty Dolling.
Robert Young left Monday morning
f< i Oklahoma,
Oliver Dultrv of Arcadia, in
tbu ci v \Y< ip.
\Y. T. Gibson is on tlie sick list with
a severe of In gripi <■.
Two trappers from Ravenna, shot a
rac-cooti near the river, Tuesday.
Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole
sale ruppiv llou- • f r pi le ami -.nip
Inquiro of VV. S. VV aite fe>r
pure Gulden Grunt seed wheat.
yVm. Cramer and S. Gilliase wi I
journey to Oklahoma soon by the over
laud route.
Miss. Hattie Hay hurst Is still suffet
ing very much fi m n* uralgia ami
decayed teeth.
Mr. and Mrs George Leininger enter
tained the M. E cli T Saturday night
Geo. Winkicman of Callaway came
over Tuesday to p-y a visit to his
The breaktug In of a team of bron
chos last. Sunday . tt'erded the boys
some excitement.
The i roape.o* are that the present
exodus to Ok ihomawill take 2|!0 (*■<>
ph' from Sherman e unty
Irwin Conger's family arriv'd in
the city Tuesday evening for a visit
with relative* and friend .
Quality and not'ity make* De
Witt's Little Killy Ki eis -mil valuable
little pill* <)d n.d h I5r"*.
Last Monday the ne.v pioprletor 'f
two of ©ur saloons and fr< e bet r i
several ol ' ■ boy- f.-el liilarb u*.
Miss Jennie Sutton of Valley County
is visiting her s st< i Mrs. A. K. Chase
an I Mr-. VV S. Waite in tliDcity.
Money saved is money earn
ed bv buy ing a feed grinder of
T. M. Reed.
If you want your watch rut in good
repair bv the only first eln - workman
in the county call en O. II. Mokuan. the
G. II. Hotehklns, proprietor of the
St. Elmo hotel h 1 i- b en down si- k
with the la g'if'p" i* ab'e to be nut
Mrs; Simpson Criss of the south side
h i* beejn very sick for some time, pa .
Grandma i'.aney, In r sister, has b<-> n
waiting on her.
T M- Reed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
Mr. (it’o. W Holmes one of Bri*tol
town-hip"1 energetic ei'i/.-ns was a
plea-ant e id >r .t thi- "ffl.-u while in tin
city Tuesday
Lew Haller ha- b - rugae- d at Ar
cadia for several weeks pucing down
new wells Lew's reputa ion as a weii
man i- universal.
Jason Gilb< rt <>f Arcadia w.n a pleas
ant caller Saturday. Mr. Gilbert h i
sold out hi- interests at Arcadia and
will visit Omaha for a vhile
\Y . .1, r isuer was elected delegate to
the State camp by the county conven
tion of the M. U'. A lrt't Thursday, and
Thou. Dil on of Rockville, alternate
Q. II Morgan the Loup City Jewed r
does all kiu is f whp.1i, clock and Jew
elry repairing In a n irknnu like nia -
ncr. When you hav < something to . o
in tiis line, don’t fail to call on him
Jake Laketnan is in the city shaking
bauds with friends, h vln ju.-t arrived
from Omaha, lie will stop oyer a few
days and then go to ’argent where he
bis made his home me leaving here.
The Loup City restaurant has chang
ed hand- Mr. L. l>, < apron turning the
business over to Mr. Geo. Iluwsun Mi.
Dawson Is an experienced restaurant
man, and the place is making an envi »
ble record.
Thu merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin disc tses acquired
by Dewil’s Witch liu/.el Salye, lias led
to the making of worthier counterfeits
Be sure to get only Dewitt's mIvc
Odendaid Hi • s.
Fiitz Johansen an old resident of
Sherman County ami bis son Chris .. t
last Saturday morning for Oklahoma,
where they expect to iime their f uture
home, Chris' family will go in the
spring if lie co eludes to' stay
Later—Mr Johansen and his son both
returned Wedm -day evening deelaring
that they had a stdlleiency of Ok Inborn
after u two days s ,,v and one night'.
lodging at the lloti ■ Honolulu.
The Case of Joseph Rosch'newvbki \’s
Frank Kwaitkowskl was tried befon
a jury of s .. in Jmtic II . .n r's cmr
last Thursday. Tin case was one in
which the plaintiff sues for a certain
atim of money which Iw i!,,-dged v. a
due him from fhe defcti I,•inf. I'tie fticr
wh8 thoroughly reviewed and then
submitted to tiie jury f <r deliberatiot
'The tin dings of ftie jury was in r tic
main to th<* effect ttmt Mr Rosche
newl.-kl’s claim was a ju't one. there
being a few dollar o il'-, c allowed the
T. M. llccd buys Game.
Mr*. W T. l'racv is reported on the
»kk I i»r«
,1. II. Travis made a Hying trip to
Aurora, Tuesday.
I>. G. and F.ii Fisher made a trip
to Orel, 51 Today.
il wmaii Jnng Jr, went west last Mon*
J,iv morning to seek his fortune.
MNs- Birdie I.nfhobn spent, last Sun
day at A hiou with lier friend Mi-s
l“ai i* •!S -patches claim that President.
Kruger cannot live but a short time,
not over a f i t right
Harry Jenner. was grooming the
ir.,n hor-e at T,t1 -v Haller's feed mill
-( vi i al day a la«t week.
John S hi lewski moved into tlie
tun;-«• with t.i- hrother-tn law, Frank
Lorchick, 1 »st. Saturday.
NotiCi:— Those knowing themselves** m<‘ will please call and
seitle tlieir accounts on or before
January Hr. A. S. Main.
T. M. Reed’s Furniture
stock is now complete call
and see.
John Travis is disposing of his entire
stock of good- at cost. And John wants
it understood Hut this means what they
cost him. without any addition.
Thus. Jcnso'i and Mr. Anderson of
Rockville made this otllce ft pleasant
call pet Monday morning. They report
no in »llp"N in that part of tic; country.
Such I.ttie pills us l> Witt's Little
Lull Risers are wry easily ’taken, amt
they : i ■ w ih! i fully effective ir. cleans
ing the ,iv* r mni bowels.-Odendahl Bros
The I'nion Fire Ins do. <>f Lincoln
settled the claim of E. A. Draper for
hi - loss by the wind storm very prompt
ly for which they hive Mr. Drapers
Sciin*! i- Hoars Hill to make tiam
robbery a national offense is likely to
pa i eongtt If it docs the penalty
wid Ir* 21 years in the penitentiary and
50 0 tine
■■lh u ehangest not—yet, i nin al
\v ivs » S ingiagT said the substitute for
it i kv Mount.tin Tea. Made by the
U Ton Medicine Co. 35c.—Ask your
hn:; :. sr.
I ;.i lo G urge Ware made a trip to
I Grand !si r <1 Monday to see his son
St* vart, * ho h is been suffering with
rheumatism for some time. Mr Ware
report.-, him better at preaseut.
I W. ii rper is the ‘Gobi Medal
tv h i key of tb*’world. Highest a wards
!’.iris, 1900. Chicago, 1893; New Or
*e-i*is 18-A Unbeaten anil Unbeatable!
SuM by T. il Elsnkii, I.oud City Neb.
Tin’ K sc Valiev School house 8 miles
■ oil.In ; town w ns broken into last week,
and a small Cock belonging to the
teacher, Mi.-* Julia Howe, also slate
iml lead pencils and many other little
articles purloined.
Frank Cook of Bristol township was
in the city last Monday and made this
* Hi a In icily call, lie reports a new
ly di ve!* v,l . aso of small pox in the
to", n-hip. lie - v- that the case is that
of Align r I’obnz who was taken
down a few days ago.
Tic A. O. U. W. Instilled the follow,
ii.;: .lli"«rs last Tuesday night, Geo. E.
B ‘i choter F. M: J. A Angier. M. 'V;
<■ i). Hansen F; Hiram Cramer O;
Wm. Cramer G. G. IV. Hunter Fin;
G. 11. Gibson H e; 1. Phil Jaeger Re
ceiver; r.uth'T Goodwin O W; Johu
•Shrove, 1 W
'id i- -c.i.on 'here is a large death rate
; among children from croup and lung
troubles Prompt action will save the
little (ines from these terrible diseases,
we kno vof mutiing so certain to give
(Mil uti i lough Cure*
It can also be relied upon in grippe and
all throat ami lung troubles of adults.
Pleasant to take. O lendabl Bros.
Mr. John (dark informs us that his
-on Si ... underwent the operation con
temj i it* I at the hospital at Grand
I - a. I ! i-t Tuesday and stood the shock
j very veil lie also says that tiio bone
*f tin- arm * bove the elb >w, for four
j inches is in such a state of decomposi
tion that it is -o soft that it could be
removed with the fingers. The doctor
- ay - tie e . - tve lti*‘ boy . arm.
Iv.nit hi the people who suffer
from tin'utii-m anil sciatica known
a. ‘hi. i.atn', l'.iin Balm relieved
| :a< ifier i number of other medicines
uid a doctor hail failed. It is the best
inim i11 i have ever known of—J. A.
Dodgen. Ai|hare<.ta, Ga. Thousands
have ii< *'ii cured of rheumatism by this
rein iy. One application relieves tiic
pain. For mw by Odendahl Bros Drug
it h i- b i i demonstrated repeatedly
bt t v ry state in tin* Union and inmauy
: in "igu eon i i s Tliat < lianib •! lam’s
1 i tough Jim ily i- a c rtain preventative
and cure fur crimp. It li is become the
mu ivci>..| r- nit dv f.<r Hot disease. M.
V. I l-h r f i.iij tty W . Va., only re
peats \\l;-u lias b ill said atoiiud the
. globe wilt i, h v.rites: "1 ii iyc used
f.'tiainb' i l.iin's Cough Kcmedy in my
family for year* anil always with per
t ‘lit i i *s. We b' lieve that it is not
in: y ill - be-tcough remedy,bat that it
i-a sure cun* for croup it has savii
ill live.-, of our children a number of
times.” This remedy is for sale by
Odendahl Bros. Druggists,
Last TtMsiiav afternoon Davie
Sam Hancock went out to look after
Ilia cow and heir g very feeble and
the wind blowing quite strong, lie
lost lna balance and tell heavily to
the ground, striking on bis should* r
ami dislocating it. Dr. Main was
called and replaced the joint, hut the
feeble condition of Mr Hancock
leaves him in a critical condition
He is about 75 years old and has
been very feeble for several tears.
Mr. and Mrs Hancock are people
highly esteemed by cvi rvoody and
they have the sincere sympathy ot
their many friends in this mishap.
- —-- ♦ -♦
“A young man came into our store
yesterday suffering from a severe attack
of cramp colic,” writes B. F. Hess,
miller and general merchant, Dickey's
Mountain, Pa “II'' ban tried various
home remedies without relief. As !
had used's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy f gave him a
dose and it soon brought him out all
right. 1 never saw a fellow so rejolce
ed.” Sold by Odendabl Bros. Druggists.
We are informed that a young
man living on Davis creek, his name ,
we did not learn, had his knee
throwu out of joint while wrestling
with a young man by the name of
Nagiev. Those present went to bis
assistance uud soon bad it back in
-• ♦ --
When threatened by pneumonia or any
otiier lung trouble, prompt relief is nec
essary, as it is dangerous to delay. We
would suggest that One Minute Cough
Cure be taken as soon as indications of
having taken cold ate noticed . it cures j
quickly and irs early use prevents con
sumption.— Odendahl Bros.
W. J Fisher lust h valuable heifer
last week. A post mortutn revealed
the fact that the cause of death
was a highly enlarged gaul. Had it
b*'eu a corners Investigation undoubt
edly the verdict would have been. Died
frout cause which some humans fattoti
We are informed that Mr. E. Holcomb
is so well pleased wi th Oklahomathat he
expects to make ttiat sunny clime his
future home. He says they raise three
crops of vegetables a year, and that the
weather now is like our spring. The
Nokthwkstkkx wishes Mr Holcomb
unbounded success,
-■— - ♦ • ♦- -—
Person* who suffer from indigestion
cannot expect to live long, because they
cannot, eat the food required to nourish
tlie body and the products of tlie undi
gested foods they eat poison the
blood. It is important to cure indices
tion as soon as possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the prep
eration known as Kodol Dispepsia Cure
It digests what you eat and restores all
the digestive organs to perfect health
-Odendahl Bros.
J. Phil Jaeger was again taken down
with the grippe last Friday evening,
and Saturday morning his clerk, Mr.
Morris, was also unable to open the
store and Mi-a Lottie and Master Alvin
took up the work and all customers
were looked after. At this writing it
is reported that Mr. Morris, head clerk
is again able to be on duty and that
Miss Lottie Jaeger is down with the
same dread desease
.. ♦ • ♦
Samuel Lecninger, of Arcadia in com
pany with his brother-in-law, \V. T.
Morris, of Central City, Nebraska
were pleasant caller at this office last
Monday. Mr. Morris is looking for a
location in which to erect a flouring
mill anil is quite favorably impressed
with the Hotchkins mill race and water
tiower. He has a brother in the east
who will join him in the enterprise
Mhould he decide to locate here Mr.
Morris is a very pleasant gentDman and
is a practical miller, and we hope lie
may decide to locate among u*. There
is no doubt tint what the water power
in question is one of the finest in the
state and that milling here can bo made
to he a very profitable business
'I'll*' Modern Woodman held their in
stallation Tuesday night and the follow
ing officers were inducted into office;
II Johansen, V. C.: It. I>. Hendrickson;
W. A ; J. I. Depew, Hanker: (J II Gib
son. Glerk; I’eter Rowe, Escort; A.
Anderson, Watchman; J I,. I/'fbolm,
Kvcrybody Can AflortI It
There was a time when many fami
lies could not afford to take a daily pa
I r, but now that the Lincoln Evening
News is sent by mail at the cheap rate
1 of 25 cents a month, the daily paper
with all its advantages is within the
reach of every family anil the reduction
in price h is brought The News several
thousand new subscribers. The News
is printed at the state capital, the foun
tain head of news events, and with its
eight big pages, with maikets, tele
graph and state news makes one of the
hr'ghtcat papers in Nebraska. It's
i worth more, but it only costs you 25 ets.
a month Why not have The Lincoln
News visit you during the long winter
months now coming on. You can sub
scribe through your postmaster or send
your order to The Lincoln Dally Eye
ing news. Lincoln Nebr.
I have still a tine lot of jewelry on hand which I have
marked down to bed rock prices. Call and see my stock.
If you want Watch, Clock or Jewelry repairing done
remember that I am prepared to do it with neatness and dis
patch and will guarantee all my work. We attend strictly to
,.v business and are willing to refund your money if our work
fails to please.
1 am a tirst class optician and understand ad diseases
of the eye, so when in need of opitieal work give me a call.
Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
Toe Oi l Fellows of Ibis city in
stall 1 ill ir <dii-crs ana coni rml
degrees on four candidal'** iusi Wed
nesday evening Messrs (.’has
Nidi lui and A. L. fonbiser were
in attendance fr • • Sargent and
Messrs. M-atbers, N M. f i< ok-liank,
and Free Hogue fn m Arcadia. A»
11 o'clock the lodge took a recess
andrepaited to the Loup City rest a
urant where an oysUr suppei wa
prepared for them. Aft r supper tin
degree work was coutinu-d. Messrs
Feter ileil, Joseph Heil, H. framer
and Win. frame! were the reecpients
of the m\steries.
A Keen Clour liraln
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business succe-s depend largely
on tie- perfect action of y ur liver. l)r.
King's New Life Fill- give increased
strength, n keen, clear bruin, high ambi
tion A 2."> cent box will make ton feel
like a new being, hold by Odendahl
Bros Druggists.
The most soothing healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt’s Witch Hazel salve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sore*, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imitations,
—Odendahl Bros.
> Notice in “ Inventive Age ” Bn Ns fp* |30 1
• Book "Howtoobtain Patents” £ SliUM 1
Charge» moderate. No fee till patent iH secured. 1
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
’ E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington. IMbJ
/ --V
Soiil by T. II 1XSNKK, r oupCity, Sib
&m.rss wro ww ^ ts; .. ^ ~v-;
V ' f 5
P p Vy^i*r«v.»-y |
|c«S*IU.WS. !
P Ccr. ISth and ‘-\ " ;
P ti ^orth Sts. __
t1 i nillltt Hr«niiir>> I'Mi’ti n di-mitc1
| L'^UUn, IniviiiL' «.: •!, ll |I!I linl
i £ MHRD'UPP ,1iry- T,“
; p l.ithrillltC, m,ni y lu : lie 1. i:
| | TfiRtHpO Chloride ■ t Oi Id Xreu’*
I ft ‘uuftuuu incut 11rt ji,■ t tj hy Hr
! P USING. Lv»:i'' K K* eh y. u
L'.v.i w ' womfSniMi»r»« . i. wr= Ttawt* 43
p, *> 4. b. I** 1*1-1< : I
t.\ B * >«*! i t ii t ( .it OiiimIm ft* l*i si *fi*u
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i f i is;* «£ fill tnrSi*•* !«*> H<
: 1 *i» • iui*'«»i i* i». Q
! K {- :£n (i) 2/ir i f h tlrfjCit.
j h wHtri rod *uu particular* 4*
! Jy for tilth tintl J rttiv nv t rth Sis K
You can leave Missouri Ilivcr after breakfast to-day on
and arrive in California sooner than if you left yesterday via other trains.
Atrip to California, in regal
splendor can be made on “THE OVERLAND
LIMITED,” the Celebrated 1 nion Pacific train.
This train runs via the “Ovetland 1! >ute,” the established route
across the continent. It has, perhaps, the most finely < quipped
cars iu the world. There are Double Drawing Room Palace
Sleepers, broad vestibule Cars thoroughuut. Buffet Smoking ami
Library Cars with Barber Shops and pbasant Reading Rooms,
Dniug Cars, meals being served a la carte, and every delicacy,
is provided. The ears are illuminated with the famous
Pintsch Light and heated with steam, A notable feature is
that safety, perfect comfort and speed aie all included.
Only two nights between
Missouri River and San Fransisco
For time tabie and full information, call on
For Sale—One hundred
land sixty acres of land on Oak
creek. Seventy acres under
cultivation and a sod house.
Price $700. Inquire of—W. S.
Waite’ Loup City, Neb.
If fortune disregard thy claim
Don't bang thy head in fear and shame
But marry th • girl you love best
Rocky .Mountain Tea will do thereat.
—Ask your Druggist.
All kinds of )
Jewelry repairing > SHEPPARDS.
Promptly Done at)
Anew remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store
It is called Chatnborlain’e Stomach and
Liver Tablets, it is quick relief and
will prevent the attack If given as soon
as the first Indication of the disease ap
pear*. Price 25 cents per box. Sample
free —Odendahl Bros.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public,
Will Defend in Foreclosure Case*
also no A
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Northwesters Building,
OFFICE.—At St. Elmo Hotel.
Having a (iroat Hun on Chamber lain'*
Cough Keinedy
Manager M-irtln. of the Pierson drug
store, informs us that he is having a
great run on Chair bcrlain’s Cough Re
medy. He sells live bottles ot that med
icine to one of any other kind, and it
gives great satisfaction. In these days
of higrlppe there is nothing like Cham
berin'.'s Cough Remedy to stop the
cough, heal up the «ore throat and lungs
and give relief within a very short time.
The sal s are growing, and all who try
it are [ 'eased with its prompt action — Chicago Daily Calumett. For
sale by Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
-» % m
TL'e Burlington Route oilers twenty
prizes, aggregating £.‘>00.00 for let
ters which can be used in encourag
ing immigration to Nebraska.
The first prize is a round trip
ticket from any Burlington Route
[station in Nebraska to Yellowstone
Park, and a ctmplete trip through
the Park, including stage transpor
tation and live and a half days ac
commodation—Value $ 100.00.
The second ptize is a ticact to
the Black Hills, and $25.00 in cash
—Value $75 00
Particulars can be obtained by
addressing J. Francis, G. P. A.
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Dyspepsia Cure
D what you cat.
Its r2»i tic - • digests the food and aid9
Nature b: st'. ngthening and recon
structlng che exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No otbei preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves •, id permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
bick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps, and
llii other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E C DeWitt A Co.. Cbleaao
For sale by ODENDAHL DROB.,