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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1901)
Loup City Norit iwestern. - ' ~ --.— ——— » — — — . . - ———— — — - . - . a . ■. . _ ^ r VOL. XVIII. LOUP CITY. SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1901. NUMBER 10. Senate Will Probably Dispose of Army BeorganiBathm Bill Early This Week. APPROPRIATION BILLS WILL FOLLOW Blvur >1111 Harbor Hill Will lie Debated Further In the House, but It Is Forerastcd That It W'lll l'ass by Deris ive Majority. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—‘The army reorganization bill will continue to engage the atte..tlon of the senate, at least during the first days of the week. The opinion is quite geneially expressed among senators that the bill will be acted upon by the middle of the week, and even the critics of the measuie join in this prediction. Many phases of the question involved in the army bill remain to be consid ered and the general understanding is that there will be not a little dis cussion before the bill can be dis posed of. TSe spech of Senator Platt of Connecticut last Friday in defense of the bill on general principles will call for replies, and there are also special features which will require more or less attention. Among these are Senator Daniel's amendment con cerning the appointment of volun teers to offices in the regular army; the question of the disposition of offi cers who have held staff positions and i.uc isiuu iui uin uimsvuicui. Filipinos in the American army. The disposal of all these questions un doubtedly will flli the first two or three days of the week. Senator Allison intends to call up the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bills when the army bill Is acted upon, but whether this and other aprpopriation bills to fol low it shall occupy the exclusive at tention of the senate so long as they are on the calendar is a question which has not yet been absolutely de termined. The present indications ' are, however, that the appropriation bills will be considered in advance of any other measures whenever they are before the senate. When there are no appropriation hills to be takeu up the ship subsidy bill will be discussed. There are still numerous speeches to be made upon this measure, and already there is talk of night sessions for its consideration when it Is taken up. There Is little In the legislative bill j to arouse discussion, but there is a j possibility that senators hostile to the subsidy bill may use the appropria tion bill for the purpose of delay. Next Saturday will be devoted to eulogies in memory of the late Sena tor Goar. A program of miscellaneous matter will occupy the attention of the house daring the coming week. The river and harbor bill, which consume one and possibly two days. Although the bill was criticised severely during the debate last week It is in no dan ger of failure. Most of the attacks came from members who were disap pointed in what the bill grants to their localities and the actual oppo »ents of the measure will be over whelmed when the final vote is reached. The District of Columbia committee which, under the rules, would be entitled to a hearing to morrow. will demand a day later In the week if it gives way to the river and harbor bill. After the latter 1)111 is disposed of the bill to revise and codify the postal laws will be taken up under a special order. It will be fol lowed by the District of Columbia appropriation bill and the latter in turn by the postoffice appropriation bill if there is any remaining time. GENERAL GRANT HOPEElll. American Commander Believe* Hia Dis trict Fairly l’aclticd. MANILA, Jan. 14.—General Grant, who Is endeavoring to quell the latest insurrection in his district, and who Is possibly commanding hi3 scouts at the eastern end, reported today that he had encountered a number of bands south of Bulloc mountain, all of whom retreated up the hills. He says that 100 of the enemy, who were well intrenched, made considerable re sistance. but were ultimately driven from their positions. Four bodies of insurgents were found. The Ameri can casualties were a sergeant and one private of Troop A, Philippine cavalry, wounded. In the opinion of General Grant, his district is now fairly pacified, with the exception of tho locality south of Bulloc mountain, and the province of Pampanga is ready for civil government. It is expected Pampanga will be the first province in which civil government will be ap plied. Lieutenant Frank D. Baldwin yes terday destroyed an insurgent arsenal In the Patting district, seizing a quan tity of arms and ammunition, to gether with a printing press and other material. Joint Note Signed. PEKIN. Jan. 14.—The joint note or the powers has finally been signed by the Chinese peace commissioners. Prince Ching signed yesterday and Li Hung Chang, who is better, signed to day. It is understood that the mal ady from which Li Hung Chang is suffering is Bright's disease. He was feeling worse yesterday, and there fore postponed the affixing of his sig nature, but Prince Ching was hopeful that he would he able to sign today, which proved to be the case. BOERS CUT THE WIRES. A Rallying Fight That Wan Maintained for Six Hoar*. PRETORIA, Jan. 14.— I,A8t night the Boers cut the wires between Irene and Olifantsfoutein stations. Early this morning 800 Boers, under Com- I mandant Beyer, invested Kaalfontein station. A hot rifle tire and shell fire with two field pieces and a Maxim was maintained for six hours. An armored train and reinforcements were sent from Pretoria, but before they had arirved upon the scene the garrison had driven oft the Boers, who retired unmolested with a trans port train half a miie long. The Boers blew up trie line beyond Kaalfontein, compelling the mail train to return here. It is suposed their object was to obtain supplies, a great quantity of which is stored at Kaalfontein. The British had no cas ualties. LONDON, Jan. 14.—The War office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener: • PRETORIA, Jan. 14.—About 1,400 Boers crossed the line, attacking both Zuurfontein and Kaalfontein stations, but were driven oft. They are being pursued by a cavalry brigade.” Lord Kitchener reports also se.eral skirmishers at different points with trifling British losses and adds: “Three agents of the peace commis sioners were taken as prisoners to Dewet's laager near Bindley on Jan uary 10. One, who was a British sub ject, was flogged and Lien shot. The other two, burghers, were dogged by Dewet's orders.” CAN’T COMPETE WITH AMERICA. Small Method* to ('Ircu invent Tniisatliin tic Competitors. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.— In com pliance with special instructions from the State department, Consul General Mason at Berlin has submitted a re port setting forih the restrictions placed upon the. publication of adver tisements for certain American prod ucts by trade journals in Germany, The movement, states the consul general, dates back to 1890. when the growing competition of American bi cycles began to alarm the German makers to a considerable extent. It was at first attempted to secure an advance in the rate of duty on Amer ican wheels, hut failing in this, the association of German manufacturers adopted th» nliin of boycotting, so fur as possible, advertisements of Amer ican wheels and bicycle parts in the trade papers of the country. These trade journals were given to under stand that they were to choose be tween the patronage of German bi cycle makers and their foreign com petitors. especially those of America. Under this pressure most, if not all, of the German bicycle publications refused to accept American advertise ments nnd still maintain their re striction. HE SPEAKS EOR CLEVELAND. HaNNCiir Talk* of I.oratiou of G. A. K. Eu* campmfitt. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—General I,ee Rasseur, commander-in-chlef of the (i. A. R., ojid other members of the Grand Army pension committee, arrived here today to confer with the invalid pension committee of the house relative to the bill establishing a pension court of apiteals. Discuss ing the question of the meeting place of the next national encampment Gen eral Rasseur said: “As a member of the executive com mitte l do not desire to express an opinion as to how 1 will vote at the meeting of the executive committee in St. I.ouls January 21. The situation will probably be changed by that time. Cleveland, however, has not yet had a national encampment of the Grand Army, and that has been the point, uppermost In my mind. I think all sections should have a chance. There is a. large number of members living in the vicinity of Cleveland and who would not have an opportunity to at tend a national encampment unless it were lieM in their section of the coun try. I believe in looking out for the poorer members of the order." t'lilim tines to Germany. PEKIN. Jan. 14.—Prince Chun, brother of the emperor, paid a visit to the German legation today, where he had a satisfactory interview with the German minister, Dr. Mutnm von Scliwartzenstein. His appointment as Chinese envoy to Germany to make apologies for the murder of Uaron von Ketteler has been approved. It Is probable that Prince Su will accom pany him. Snjf|tP»t(i Modlllpation, SHANGHAI. Jan. 14.—Un Kun Yi, viceroy of Nankin, has formulated modifications of the peace conditions, including a reduction of the indemnity, a reduction of the strength of the for eign troops in China, and the pre servation of the right to import arms and ammunition. There are indica tions of a growing belief among the Chinese that one or two of the powers will support these modifications. Cannot Get Together. TOPEKA, Kas., Jan. 14.—The fusion members of the legislature are having difficulty in getting together on a candidate for senator. The democrats support David Overmeyer and the populists have L. P. King and Jerry Simpson to choose between. At one time the fusionists had prac tically agreed to support Overmeyei. Senate Adopts the Measure Ju3t aa It Came From the House. PROVISION TOR THE VOLUNTEER Vigorous Attack on rro|io*ed Oiaorctlon* ury Power of FrcaUleut to Regulate 8lxo of Army—Huron, I’latt and Other* Have Something to Sny. WASHINGTON. I). C\, Jan. 12—In the senate today a vigorous attack was made upcn that portion of the army bill which confers upon the president discretionary power to In crease the strength of the army to the maximum fixed by the bill. Mr. Huron of Georgia began the attack, and Mr. Hiatt of Connecticut, reply ing, maintained that discretionary power ought to be conferred upon the president, and expressed astonishment that anybody should entertain a fear that the power would ever be abused. Mr. Bacon declared that he would rather see his party condemned to universal and never-ending banish ment from political power than to see such authority placed in the hands of the president. An amendment open ing the way to the appointment of volunteer officers to grades as high as that of captain in the regular es tablishment was adopted. •juwi ui'iori' adjournment Air. inner of Montana oiled up the bill appor tioning the representatives of the United States among the several states. Without debate it was passed pre cisely as it fame from the house. It now goes to the president for his signature. Consideration was resumed in the senate of the army reorganization hill. Mr. Hawley, chairman of the com mittee on military affairs, withdrew the committee amendment, providing for the retirement of officers on the active list of the army. Senator Tel ler then also withdrew an amendment to that section. Mr. Hoar (Maas.) formally offered the amendment of which he had giv en notice, providing that no further military force shall be used in the Philippines except such as may be nec essary to keep order in places in the peaceablp possession of the United States, eh . Mr. Carter, a member of the com mittee on military affairs, moved that the amendment be laid on the table. The motion prevailed, 32 to 19. Mr. Pettigrew's amendment provid ing that one-third of the appointmets to commissioned rank in the regular army should lie made from the officers of the volunteer army—thp amend ment which was under discussion ■when the senate adjourned last even ing—was defeated—38 to ti. Mr. Baron itla.) moved to strike out the provision that the president in his discretion may increase the number of corporals in any troop of cavalry to eight and the number of privates to seventy-six. He said he did not believe the president should have discretionary power to regulate the size of tli(> army. Mr Daniel (Va.) offered an amend ment providing that volunteer officers may l>e designated for examination and those who establish their fitness may lie appointed to the grade of cap tain In the regular army an well as to the grade of first and second lieuten ants as provide for by the senate com mittee's amendmejit. Mr. Daniel said he felt it was due the volunteer offi cers that they should have proper op portunity for advancement in the army. The amendment was adopted. I 24 to 22. in response to a question »y Mr. Berry (Ark.), Mr. Platt said he feared the pending bill did not confer upon tlie president the authority to increase the army from 58,000 to 100,000 at any time. That power, he thought, ought to he conferred upon the pres ident. Continuing. Mr. Platt said he was astonished at the fear expressed by some senators that the president would not exercise such an authority with due regard to the country’s inter est. There need be no fear that the United States would ever have a pres ident who would abuse the power con ferred upon him. He urged that the power to increase the army he left in the hands of the president, w'ho ought to be regarded as a conscien tious, able and patriotic man. “If we rould eliminate polities and arguments for jiolitical effect from this chamber for a single day,” he de clared. “1 believe it would be the unanimous sentiment that there should be some flexibility in the army." Replying to Mr. Platt. Mr. Bacon said lie thought tho country had fall en upou an evil day when a senator •ould rise in this chamber and ex press views which he regarded as dan gerous to the liberties of the people and productive of one-man power, and it was an evil day truly when the senator reflected the attitude of the dominant party. ('handler II idly lion ten. CONCORD, N. H.„ Jan. 11.—Judge Henry E. Burnham of Manchester won the nomination of the republican mem bers of the legislature for United States senator over William E. Chan dler and other candidates. Burnham won on the first hallot. Chandler received 47 votes; Burnham, 198; Congressman Sullowav, 23; Hen ry B. Quinby, 22, and H. W. Blair, 1. WILSON SIDfS WITH THE COW lie Addremua Sentite Coiunittt«« in Sap port of the Oleotnarcttrine HH1. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Secretary Wilson made an argument before the senate committee on agriculture today in support of the Grout oleomargarine bill. He said the measure was Intend ed to protect the farmer and the pub lic at large and should become a law Speaking of the consumption of butter and of oleomargarine, Mr. Wilson Bald that the amount of butter disposed of annually is about eighteen pounds per capita and of oleomargarine something over one pound, and he said in re sponse to Judge Springer that he con sidered this dangerous competition. He was of opinion that there was dr-nger in the imitation of butter by the use of coloring matter and thought that in time the use of improved methods would result in driving reuovated but ter out of existence. The secretary said he did not accept the opinion that the regulation of oleomargarine business would injure the beef cattle business, and said that farmers will And it. profitable to keep and fatten their own beeves. Incidentally, he ex pressed the opinion that farmers of the south would get far more in the way of returns by raising cattle and flops necessary to that end than they would out of the sale of a few thou sand barrels of cottonseed oil to the oleomargarine makers. He said that more than half the substance used in Washington for but ter is oleomargarine and that to make certain of getting the real article he had butter for his own table shipped direct from a creamery in Iowa. BOER EORCES ARE ACTIVE. Atlai'k tlx* Rrlllali Along the Line of Lorenzo llarqurt Knllroail. LONDON. Jan. 11.—General Kitch ener sends news of a serious simulta neous attack on the night of January 7 by the republicans on the British positions between points sixty miles apart, along the line of the Pretoria k Lourenzo Marquez railway. The losses on both sides were heavy. Ac cording to reports the Boers were beaten off after prolonged fighting. Following is the text of the dis patch from General Kitchener: PRETORIA, Wednesday. Jan. 9.— On the night of January 7 the Boers rr.ade simultaneous attacks upon all of our posts at Belfast. Wonderfontein, Nooitgedaeht and Wildfontein. In tense fog prevailed and taking advan tage of the cover It afforded, the Boers were able to creep up close to cur position. A heavy fire continued until 3:40 a. in., when the Boers were driven off. One officer was killed and three were wounded, while twenty men were killed and fifty-nine wounded. The loss of the Boers was heavy, twen ty-four dead being countel. A convoy taking supplies to Gor don’s brigade, north of Krugersdorp, was attacked by Beyer's commando yesterday (Tuesday). The Boers were driven off, leaving eleven dead on the field. Our casualties were four slight ly wounded. Irrlgiitlou in Nebraska. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—Congress man Sutherland is taking a great interest in the subject of irrigation these days, and lately he has been on the still hunt for a hearing before the irrigation committee of the house, of which Rep resentative Tongue of Oregon is chair man. Sutherland has a bill pending appropriating $25,000 for irrigation purposes, to be spent in Nebraska, and h? desires his bill reported out of committee. "I believe my efforts to get a hearing on the irrigation prob lem will bo successful,” lie said, “and that a bill will be reported, which will be of incalculable benefit to the arid sections of our country." I*wt is Well Advertised. OMAHA, Jan. 9.—Over 5,000 de scriptions of Pat Crowe and his sup posed pals, with the $50,000 reward offered for arrest and conviction of kidnapers, are being mailed to chiefs of police all over the country from cities the size of New York down to the place where the "chief" comes in at night to get his mail after plow ing corning or cutting ice all day. Neville Slightly Hetter. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.—Congress man Neville was reported a triila bet ter this afternoon, although there is still the gravest fears that he can not recover. Speaker Henderson said that he had sent his secretary to ascertain the congressman's con dition and from reports received had doubts as to the recovery of the rep resentative from the Sixth Nebraska district. After Hlg Kudo vinent Fund CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 11.—At the meeting of the board pf trustees of the Chautauqua assembly tonight the old officers were re-elected and leports on the last year's work were submitted, it was decided to make an effort to laise a quarter of a million dollars, the endowment fund started by Miss Helen Gould with a gift of $25,000. It was also voted to erect a memorial at the assembly grounds to the late ljcwis Miller, one of the founders. Increase* in Moral Force, WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—'The house eoinmitte on naval affairs today prac tically completed the naval appmpri tioa hill hut it will not be in shape to make public until tomorrow or Sat urday. Thu question of the increase of the navy which usually eutails the ’argeet contest was easily settled this year by the acceptance of the recoin uendation of the secretary of the navy for two battleships and two cruisers. JEBliASKAN A Man Who Does Not Know in Which State He Lives. A MATTER THAT NEEDS fUlNG Curious KfTect of One of is l.lttle Kc ceutrlclties of the Missouri River—Netv ' Revenue Order of Speclsl Interest— MIseellwiieous Mutters.. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 14.—It has never been legally determined whother bol omon MeKnight is a resident o£ Iowa or Nebraska. No one knows in the eyes of the law in which of the two states his farm lies, and it is this uncertainty that may result in a money lender's loss of $300 and cause MeKnight to be ahead that sum. In 1856 the Missouri river flowed over the strip of ground where Me Knight's farm is now located. The farm was the river's bed. At the pres ent time the stream runs a good dis tance to the east, so that an observer unaciiualuted with the vagaries of the stream would say tuat the farm is a part of Nebraska. A few years ago MeKnight borrowed $100 from .1. .1. Gravatte, agreeing to pay him $300 in the event the law had to be invoked to secure payment. Suit was brought as the obligation is long overdue. No tice was served on MeKnight in Ne braska. His attorneys contend that he is a resident of Iowa. If this is true the service is illegal and the case must be dismissed without recovery for the plaintiff. ( New Revenue Order. OMAHA, Jan. 14.—An order of es pecial interest to the banks and finan cial institutions of the internal reve nue district of Nebraska was received by the collector. Since the beginning of the last fiscal year tiTere has been no printing office in the district li censed to imprint revenue stamps upon paper to be used for bank checks and other documents. Under the circum stances the users of this class of pa per have been forced to send outside of the district to have the work done. From time to time much of the stamp ed paper becomes unsuited for its in tended use and the owners send to the collector to have the money rep resented by the stamps refunded. Here tofore many of these peovle have sent unused stamped paper to the collector of the district in which it was printed. The new ruling is to the effect that alt claims for refund must be made to the collector of the district in which tne user resides and by him forward ed to Washington. All expense of transporting redeemed imprinted pa per from the office of the purchaser to Washington must be borne by the person asking for a rebate. Mufflers Popular Again. The silk muffler, which hart such a vogue several years ago. is coming in style again. More have been sold this winter than for a long time past. A haberdasher gives a plausible reason for the revival of the muffler. “They are warn principally to prevent the shirt collar from getting soiled," he explained. “Of course you have no ticed how the velvet collar of an over coat, rubbing against the shirt col lar, will make a blank spot on the linen. With the quality of velvet now used in overcoat collars it is almost impossible to keep linen clean for a whole day. It is probably the dye. At any rate, it soils the linen, and a muffler worn around the neck pre vents this.' McCarty Would 14c Free. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 14.—Thomas McCarty, serving a fifteen-year sen tence in the state penitentiary, for as saulting Adam Kas, Jr., in Sarpy county, last winter, with a deadly weapon, and with intent to do great bodily harm, longs to breathe the air of freedom once more. He applied to the supreme court for a writ of habeas corpus. McCarthy made a similar ap peal to Judge Slabaugh of Douglas county, but his request was denied. When arraigned last December, on the charge quoted, he pleaded guilty. He Is a brother of the notorious Vic Mc Carty, whose deeds of outlawry were known to every household of the state some years ago. W lif At Prospect A Are Good. WYMORE, Neb., Jan. 14.—Wheat growers In southern Nebraska are jubilant over the prospects for a fine crop next season. The acreage is the greatest ever planted and’ the stand is splendid. Some time ago there were fears that the winter was going to be too dry and that the fields would suf fer for want of moisture, but the re cent fall of snow, which is about three inches on a level, has covered the wheat fields and will supply sufficient moisture to carry the crop through the winter in the best of condition. Pros pects for winter wheat were never bet ter at this season of the year. Kf<|iii*itlnn for Stffceiuan. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 14.—A requisi tion for the return of Fred Stegemao, alias Fred Stackman, to Douglas coun ty, has been issued by Governor Diet rich on the governor of Illinois. The fugitive is under arrest in Chicago. He is wanted on the charge of shoot ing ex-Clty Clerk Joseph Maly in Omaha, December 29. Maly is in pre carious condition. The postoffice at Perkin, Keya Paha county, Neb., has been discontinued; mail to Norden. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest Quotations from Sosth Omaha autl Kan.ns City. . SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards—Cattle—Thera' was a light run of cattle and as packers all had liberal orders to fill there were hardly enough euttle to go uround. The market started out active and stronger and every thing was sold In good season. Beef steers of good quality were ready sellers this morning at prices fully a dime higher. The less desirable grades also Joined In the advance. The cow murket also took on more life than it has had for some time past and rices were strong to a dime higher all around. The greatest ad vance was on the choicer bunches, but the medium kinds and the canners also sold strong to a dime higher than the game kind of cattle brought yesterday. Owing to the few cattle on sale and the active demand the market soon came to a close for lack of stuff to sell. Bulls, calves and stags did not show much change, though sellers had no difficulty In getting fully steady prices for their holdings There were only a few feeders on sale today and the demand was ample to take all that was offered at steady to strong prices. The choice, heavy cattle sell readily at steady prices. Good cattle of any weight, however, are selling in good shape and today even ihe less desir able grades sold without much difficulty at satisfactory prices. Hogs—There were nearly as many hogs on sale as yesterday and prices advanced sharply. The market started out about a dime higher, with the bulk of the sales ut $5.22!e and $.*.25. The demand on the part of packers was In good shape, but they did not like to pay the advance, and as a result the market was not par tieulnrly active. The hogs kept moving to the scales, however, and as sellers held for the full amount of the advanco the puckers had to pay It In order to till their orders. The range for the bulk of sales was $5 22'i.'i|5.27V*. with the long string at J5.25. Sheep—There wore only three cars of sheep on sale, which was hardly enough to make a test of the market. There were two loads of ewes w'hlch brought $3 50, but they were better than the ones that sold yesterday for $3.40, so that the markept could be quoted us steady to strong, There was also a mixed load of native ewes and lambs, the former selling at $3.55. and the lambs at $5.25. The demand for choice stuff seems to be tn good shape and buyers pick up the hunches that answer to that description without hesitating. KAN9AH OITV. Cattle— Recetppta, 4,0uu head: market steady; native steers. 1:1.404(5.4;': Texas steers. $3.5094.50; Texas cows, ;754(4.75; native sues and heifers. tt.50Q4.76; stock-, ers and feeders. $2.5094.00; bulls, $3.0040 J.HO. < 'alves—IteeelpptH. 300 head; market steady: sales. $4,254(5.40. Hogs—Receipts, 14.000 head: market 10c higher: hulk of sales. $6,254(6.35; heavy 55.22M^5.40; packers. $5,254(5.40; mixed, $5.20 55.35; light. $5.1595.35; yorkers, $5.304f5.33; pigs, $4.9095.20. Sheap—Receipts. 2.000 head: market steady; lambs, $4.0095.40; muttons, $2,509) 4.90. KITCHENER TAKING HIS TIME. Several Weeks Likely to Elapse lie fore British Resume the OfT-nsler. IX)NI)ON, Jan. 12.—It la understood! that Lord Kitchener now holds secure ly all the railroad lines In South Af-; rlca, having recovered possession of the Delagoa Bay line, which had been cut January 7. According to the Pretoria corre spondent of the Dally Mail Lord Kit chener Is now organizing a force of' 30,000 Irregular horse, which will oc-. cupy some weeks. When this force is! ready he will resume offensive opera-1 tions. Meanwhile the Invasion of; Cape Colony looks more threatening.; The news that Commandant Hertzog. has two guns is rather startling, as it; was formerly asserted that the invad ers had no guns. The defense of Captetown, Includ ing two 4.7 naval guns, are completed; and recruiting of volunteers Is active: throughout the colony. According to' dispatches to the Daily Express thej admiral of the cape fleet is prepared In a;i emergency to land a brigade of 2,900 men with six Hotchkiss guns. | A Murraysburg telegram says the Dutch there received the British: troops sullenly and there are rumors; that the colonial rebels of th“ neigh borhood are joining the invaders. The Pretoria correspondent of the' Morning Post wires that a member of1 the burgher peace committee, whom! he interviewed, frankly confessed that, there was no hope of many burghers surrendering. Pat Crown a* a Vagrant. WALTHAM, Mass., Jan. 12.—'Two men, one of whom Is said to bear a striking resemblance to the newspa-i per pictures of Pat Crowe, the allegedi kidnapper, were sentenced to serve six* mouths at the state farm today onj the charge of vagrancy. They gave their names as Fred Miller of Putnam,i N. Y., and Fred Wilson, of New Ha-! ven. The men had been occupying a camp in a secluded place. Both were well dressed. _______________ I* Bringing the Boys Home. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.—The adju-< tant general received a cable message today from General MacArthur at Ma nila, saying that the transport Sher idan sailed yesterday with twenty seven officers and 654 enlisted men of the Thirty-seventh volunteer infantry, and that the transports Logan and Lenox arrived at Manila yesterday. Nation After Train Kohbrrs. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12—The sen ate committee on judiciary today au thorized a favorable report upon Sen ator Hoar's bill for the punishment of train robbery. The bill provides a penalty of twenty years’ imprisonment and a fine of $5,00;) or b.,th for the offense. N«*bmf)kii At Tall of List. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—The Bur leigh reapportionment bill, which puts the ratio for the members of congress at 194,182, makes a deilclent ratio for Nebraska and Maine. Dividing the population of the state by six. the number of the present delegation, it i gives a ratio of 178,089 and puts Ne t braska at the tail of the list, next to Maine, which has a still lower ratio.