The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 11, 1901, Image 4

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    Uoaal I7«ws.
Jim Depew is turning out water tanks
by the whole sale now days.
The hog market is pretty good now a
daye. $4 60 per hundred.
Mrs. A. B Outhouse and one of her
little girls are on the sick list this week
Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
The barrels are being tilled up with
the family pork since the cold weather
set in.
T. M. Heed went to Omaha Mon
day to purchase a new invoice of
Mrs. S. G. Taylor will move into the
Landers building near the engine house
The city schools were opened again
last Monday morning after a two weeks
The county convention of the
Moderan Woodman meets in the city
to day.
W. 1). French, II. J. Cole and
W. G. McNulty, are strictly in the
ice business this fall.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little pills.— Odendabl Bros.
The city marshall took in his first la
corrigable last Saturday night. Tom
is a bad man to fool with.
The ice harvest is being garnared
very rapidly this week. It is of a good
quality but not very thick.
A baby boy was boin to Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Waite, Tuesday night Willis is
the happiest man in the state,
W. H. Marvel of Ashton, took the
past master degree in the Masonic
order of this place Monday night.
Uncle Sam Hancock is standing the
cold weather pretty well but is unable
to be out doors except on pleasantdays.
The river has frozen up and block
ed the channel, causing the water to
overflow the low land around it.
Money saved is money earn
ed by buying a feed grinder of
T. M. Reed.
Everything takes cold nowadays,
even the petty thief changes the or
thography and carries it away in a
If you want your watch put in good
repair by the only llrst class w orkman
in the county call on G. H. Morgan, the
Henry Dolling will continue
his shoe sale at 15 per cent
discount until January 12.
A letter from E, Holcomb who went
to Perry Oklahoma lust week says that
he found work as soon as he reached
Geo. McDonald arrived last week,
Thursday, from Cherry county, Neb. and
will stay here the rest of the winter
He expects to return in early spring.
The Ord Quiz says that if the experi
ence of Valley County people counts
for anything that vaccination is more
to be feared than smallpox.
Cards are being sent out by superin
tendent Lininger to the different school
directors of the county notifying them
of state apportionment their district is
entitled too.
G. H. Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to co
in his line, don't fail to call on him.
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by Dewit's Witch Hazel Salve, has led
to the making of worthless counterfeits,
lie sure to get only Dew itt's Salve —
Odendahl Bros.
T. M- Heed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
C, F. Johnson has resigned hi* official
position as director of the board o' edu
cation for Loup (,'lty High School
district. At the regular meeting of the
board W.S. Waite waa elected to till the
unexpired term.
I he new board of supervisors are in
session this week. There are a number
of new faces on the board, Messers
Richardson, Roberts, Thode and
Kwiatkowski, being the lucky men
in the late election. But though they
are new men on the board their business
ability will continue the board at its
high standard of excellence.
It s a gentleman's whiskey, a pure
delicious beverage and a grand appetiz
er. Don’t forget the name. “I. W. Har
per whisky. The kind your grand
father used! Sold by
T. U. Eisner, Loup City Neb.
The Royal Neighbors installed their
officers last Tu.sday night. The follow
ing were crowned with the honors of
that order, Mrs E. E. Ditto Past Oracle:
Mrs.J, I. Depew, Oracle; Mrs E. E
Ditto, Vice Oracle; Mrs. W . O. McNul
ty. Cbancelor; Mrs. H Johanson, Treas
urer; Mrs. W. If. Pedler, Recorder;
Miss. E. Nodene aud Mrs W. I). French.
Marshalls ; Mrs. Lofholm, I W. Mrs.
T. M. Reed, O. »V.
T. M. Reed buvs Game.
Dr. Jones was ab e to be down town
One inch of the beautiful flaked
down Tuesday night.
W II Conger is attending ihe legis
lature at Lincoln this week.
J. Phil) Jaeger has been quite sick
with a serious attack of the grippe.
Our secret orders are making up for
lost time now that the quarantine has
been raised.
Mrs. Erney Kentfrow returned from
her trip to her old home in Missouri
last Friday.
The first masquerade ball of the sea
son will be giyon tonight by Wharton
and Erlandson.
Fred Sehodt was a pleasant caller at
this office Saturday while doing bus
iness at the County scat.
The Church bell was beard in the city
again last Saturday night after a lull of
todays on account of the quarantine.
Notice.— Those knowing themselves
indebted to me will please call and
settle their accounts on or before
January 1st. A. S. Main.
T. M. Reed’s Furniture
stock is now complete call
and see.
Ord is aglatting the electric light
question. Loup City will have to be
content with seeing stars for some
time yet.
There will be German services in the
Baptist, church, Sunday afternoon Jan.
13, at 2o'clock. .Everybody is cordial
ly invited.
Wm. Shull of Washington twp.
brought in a load of hogs Tuesday. He
has a large amount of them to market.
Win Betts, the young man that got
hurt two weeks ago by a gun bursting
is able to come to town again. He is
getting along nicely.
Valiev County lays claim to 50 cases
of smallpox and Custer County lias
quit counting. Old Sherman is still the
lucky one without a ease.
Such little pills as D.'Witt's Little
Early Kisers are very easily taken, ami
they are wonderfully effective ir.cleans
ing the liver and bowels.-Odendahl Bros
Troy Ilale has found his long lost
heifer. The or.e advertised by John
Chlppalewski proved to be the identical
animal which he missed from his herd
some months ago.
I. \V. Harper is the “Gold Medal
whiskey of the world. Highest awards
at Paris, 1000, Chicago, 1800; New Or
leans, 1885 Unbeaten and Unbeatable!
Sold by T. II. Elsnkk, Loup City Neb.
Cut this out and take it to Odendabl
Bros, drug store and get a free simple
of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver
Tablets, the best physic. They also
cure disordersof thestomach. billioue
ness and headache.
The members of the city bar have pe
titioned Judge Sullivan to postpone the
January term of district court to a fu
ture date ou account of the liability to
bring smallpox to our city
The World-Herald has connected Mrs
Ethel Swaine's name with the Cudahy
kidnaping case. She used to live in
Ord, as our readers will remember, and
was for a time one of the t^uiz compos
itors—Ord <juiz
This season there is a large death rate j
among children from croup and lung'
troubles Prompt action will save the I
little ones from these terrible diseases, j
we know of nothing so certain to give i
instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure
It can also be relied upon in grippe aud
all throat and lung troubles of adults.
Pleasant to take.—Odendabl Bros.
The Chapter elected the following
officers Monday night; Jos. Pedler. II, P;
I, Hansen, K; Jim Zink, 8; J. Landers,
P. 8; Chas. Conhiser, C N; II. Sinelser,
M. of :!rd V;W. Morris, M of 2nd ;
\V. Howe, M of 1st V ;T. 8. Nightingale.
Sec; J. Phil Jaeger, Treas.
1 want to let the people who suffer
from rneumatisrn and sciatica known
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved
me after a number of other medicines
and a doctor had failed. It is the best
liniment 1 have ever known of—.J. A.
Dodgcn, Alpharetta, Ua. Thousands
have been cured of rheumatism by this
remedy. One application relieves the
pain. For Hale by Odendahl Bros Drug- j
It has been demonstrated repeatedly
by every state in the Union and in many
foreign countries that Chamb .'Gain's
Cough Remedy is a certain preventative
and cure for croup. It has become the
universal remedy for that disease. M.
V. Fisher of Liberty W, Va., only re
peats what has been said mound the
glo'ie when he writes: -‘I h»ye used
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my
family for years and always with per
fect success. We belieye that it is not
only the best cough remedy, but that it
is a sure cure for croup. It has saved
the lives of our children a number of
times.” This remedy is for sale by
Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
Notice in “Inventive Age"
Book “How to obtain Patents"
Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured.
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
, E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, 0 C.^
The new year csine in bright and
b •autiful.
Mr. fensen of this place lost a valua
ble cow last Saturday morning
Wm. Bowi n of Bristol Township is
reported on the sick list
Mr. VVm. Bowen made a business trip
to Lincoln last Thursday and returned
Mr.Peter Larson and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Stevens were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Farnk Thompson new years
If you want your carpet wove call on
Mrs.Wm Sherman.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Brarnmerdied Jan. 1st.
The New Years ball at Rockville was
a grand success.
1. N. Bullock made a business trip to
Boelus and Rockville Saturday.
It is reported that Miss. Tlllie Miller
is down with the smallpox.
I. N. Bullock has rented the Lee
Kenyon farm for 1901.
Rockville Mice
Omaha dentist at St. Elmo
hotel January 14-15.
. -
"A young man came into our store
yesterday suffering from a severe attack
o f cramp colic," writes B. F. Hess,
miller and general merchant, Dickey’s
Mountain, Pa “He linn tried various
home remedies without relief. As I
had used Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy I gave him a
dose and it soon brought him out all
right. I never saw a fellow so rejoice
ed." Sold by Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
When threatened by pneumonia or any
other lung trouble, prompt relief is nec
essary, as it is dangerous to delay. We
would suggest that One Minute Cough
r'ure be taken as soon as indications of
having taken cold are noticed . It cures
quickly and itseaOy use prevents con
sumption — Odendahl Bros.
Word came down from Alliance yes
terday to the effect that Or Vaughn,
who recently moved from Burwell, had
died at Alliance of smallpox. Or.
Vaughn located at Burwell some time
ago, taking up the practice of the late
Or. Cameron. After a few mouths prac
tice there he moved to Alliance, where
he assumed charge of a hospital, and
The t^ciz heard nothing farther of him
till the news of bis death came. While
practicing at Burwell ho married Miss
Mable Cornwall of that place. At the
time of the doctors departure for A1
liance his young wife was teaching
school, but she gave up the profession
of school teacher and followed him to
Alliance where she had the position of
matron of the hospital.
On account of the nature of the dis
ease her people were advised not to
come to Alliance to attend his funeral.
Ord Ouiz,
The story comes from St. Paul that
it has cotne to light that oue of the city
council had a case of smallpox In his
home and kept it concealed untill an
other member of the family took down
and the doctor who was attending the
first «:a«e was out of town necessitating
the calling of anotner doctor who gave
the ease away. The tlrst doctor was
lined $50.00 for his part in the conceal
ment and the matter resulted in the
quarantining of a score of houses where
inhabitants had innocent ly exposed
themselves by visiting infected home.
This alderman should be "publicly duck
ed" according to the blue laws of Con
necticut, in the Loup river while the ice
is ruuningand the doctor should be com
pelled to pump oil from the St. Paul
well for 110 days.
I)r. Withers, Omaha’s pain
less dentist will do your dental
work at Omaha prices and
warrant same. Set of teeth $5.
20 yea rs experience.
Persons who suffer from indigestion
cannot expect to live long, because ihey
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they eat poison the
blood. It is important to cure indiges
tion as soon as possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the prep
oration known as Kodol Dispepsia Cure
It digests what you eat and restores all
the digestive organs to perfect health, j
—Odeudahl Bros.
KverJ body Can Afford It
There was a time when many fami- ;
lies could not afford to take a daily pa
per, but now that the Lincoln Evening!
News is sent by mail at the cheap rate !
of 25 cents a month, the daily paper'
with all its advantages is within the
reach of every family and the reduction
in price has brought The News several!
thousand new subscribers. The News
is printed at the state capital, the foun j
tain head of news events, and w ith its i
eight big pages, with markets, tele
graph and state news makes one of the '
brightest papers in Nebraska. It's
worth more, but it only costs you 25 cts.
a month Why not have The Lincoln
News visit you during the lung winter
months now coming on. You can sub
scribe through your postmaster or send
\our order to I he Lincoln Daily Even
ing news, Lincoln Nebr.
T. m. REED.
The Booz investigation is new be
ing eouducted by a congressional
committee. The whole country
seems to be waiting up to the out
tages carried ou at West Point.
The upper class men of our military
acadamy should be taught a needed
lesson. A little fun is all right but
murder in cold blood should be pun
ished as such.
♦ ♦ ♦
“Thou changest not—yef, 1 am at
wavs changing,” said the substitute foi
Rocky Mountain Tea. Made by tie*
Madison Medicine Co. 35c.—Ask your
The reapportiooment bill tor the
national house of represnetatives as
passed this week increases the mem
bers of that hotly from 357 to 380,
which will he the prevailing number
for the next ten years. The pass
ing of this bill was largely due to
the efforts of congressman Burkett,
of the First district, who by his un
tiring efforts saved a reduction in
the number of Nebraska congress
A Keen Clear Brain.
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your liver. Dr.
King's New Life Pills give increased
strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambi
tion. A 35 cent box will make you feel
like a new being. Sold by Odendahl
Bros. Druggists.
The most soothing healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Witt's Witch Hazel salve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imitations,
—Odendahl Bros.
A gentleman invited some fri»nds to
dinner, and as the colored servant enter
ed tlie room he accidentaly dropped a
plattei which held a turkey. “My
friends,’’ said the gentleman in a most
impressive tone, “never in my life have
1 witnessed an event so fraught with
disaster to the various nations of the
globe, in this calamity we see the
downfall of Turkey, the upseting of
Greece, tlie distruction of China and the
humiliation of Africa.”—Ex
W w w Wu
0M4H4, NEB. /'"j^
Cor. IDth and OlC
II Eorth Sts. ^
I I nun R l’rodnee each u disease
ElyUUn, having definite pathnl
MORPHINP oey. The disease yields
munrnmc, e!l8||y to the Double
TflRAPPfl Chloride of Oold Treat
lUDHUUU ment ,)repared by Dr.
USINQ...... Leslie E. Keeley.
■ o villi I'l KLII : • lie Keeley
■ uatlliilcal Omaha. N* braskn, la
I lie ouly place lu Ihiil Male where
Ihe genuine Keeley ICcmedles and
'■'re»lllleot Is given.
(Signed) The Leslie B. Ixet ley Co.
Cor I'Jih and Leavenworth Sit.
I have still a tine lot of jewelry on hand which I have
marked down to bed rock prices. Cal! and see my stock.
K you want Watch, Clock or Jewelry repairing done
remember that l am prepared to do it with neatness and dis
patch and will guarantee all my work. We attend strictly to
business and are willing to refu nd your money if our work
fails to please.
1 am a first class optician and understand ail diseases
of the eye, so when in need of opitical work give me a call.
Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
You can leave Missouri River after breakfast to-dav on
and arrive in California sooner than if you left yesterday via other trains.
Atrip to California, in regal
splendor can be made on “THE OVERLAND
LIMITED," the Celebrated l nion Pacific tram.
This traiu runs via the “Overland Route,” the established route
across the continent. It has, perhaps, the most finely equipped
cars in the world. There are Double Drawing Room Palace
Sleepers, broad vestibule Cars thoroughout. Bullet Smoking and
Library Cars with Barber Shops and pleasant Reading Rooms,
Dining Cars, meals being served a la carte, aud every delicacy,
is provided. The cars are illuminated with the famous
Pintsch Light aud heated with steam. A notable feature is
that safety, perfect comfort and speed are all included.
Only two nights between
Missouri River and San Fransisco
For time table and full information, call on
For Sale—One hundred
and sixty acres of land on Oak j
creek. Seventy acres under
cultivation and a sod house.
Price $700. Inquire of-—W. S.
Waite’ Loup City, Neb.
If fortune disregard thy claim
Don't hang thy head in fear and shame
But marry the girl you love best
Rocky Mountain Tea will do the rest.
—Ask your Druggist.
All kinds of 1
.lewelry repairing '-SHEPPARDS.
Promptly Done at )
Anew remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store
It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. It is quick relief and
will prevent the attack if given as soon
as the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sample
free —Odendahl Bros.
Attorney at law and Notary Public.
WUl Defend in Foreclosure Case*.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Northwkstchs Building,
OFFICE.—At St Elmo Hotel.
Having a Great Kun on Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy
Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug
store, informs us that he is having a
great run on Chamberlain’s Cough Re
medy. He sella five bottles oi that med
icine to one of any other kind, and it
gives great satisfaction. In these days
of lagrippe there is nothing like Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy to stop the
cough, heal up the «ore throat and lungs
and give relief within a very short time.
The sal'8 are growing, and all who try
it are pleased with its prompt action.—
South Chicago Daily Calumett. For
sale by Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
The Burlington Route offers twenty
prizes, aggregating £500.00 for let
ters which can be used in encourag
ing immigration to Nebraska.
The first prize is a round trip
ticket from any Burlington Route
station in Nebraska to Yellowstone
Park, and a cc mplete trip through
the Park, including stage transpor
tation and five and a half days ac
commodation—Value #100.00.
The second prize is a ticaet to
the Black Hills, and #25.00 in cash
—Value #75 00
Particulars can be obtained by
addressing J. Francis, 0. P. A.
Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Dyspepsia Cure
D‘<»vs1 v what you eat.
It8rtific .i digests the food and aid9
Nat>.re h: stungthenlng and recon
structing Hie exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it. in clllclency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cure*
dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
f latulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
b ic k H ead ache.G ast ralgia,Cramps, ana
ali other results of im perfect digestion.
Prepared by E C DeWitt A Co.. Chicago.
For sale by ODF.NDAHt, PROS.,