The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 04, 1901, Image 4

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    Uacal Daws
Sourkrout at Pilgers.
E. S. Hayhurst will go to Omaha
Monday to purchase goods.
Omaha dentist at St. Elmo
hotel January 14-15.
Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
Our old friend John Wall of Ar
cadia, will he the clerk of the house
again this wirter.
Erney Rentfrow moved into the
Barker dwelling across the Dead horse
creek Wednesday.
Quality and not quantity makes I)<
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little pills.—Odendahl Bros.
Uncle Sara Hancock is standing the
cold weather pretty well but is unable
to be out doors except on pleasantdaya.
Money saved is money earn
ed l»v buying a feed grinder of
T. M. Reed.
If you want your watch Dut in good
repair bv the only first class workman
in the county call on G. II. Morgan, the
Henry Dolling will continue
his shoe sale at 15 per cent
discount until January 12.
Ernie and Louie Rentfrow are keep
ing batchelor's hall in the little house on
the corner south of the north western
Peter Rowe came borne from St. Paul
Monday night. We understand he has
completed his work there and will re
main home for the winter.
The sale of Joseph McCoy's last Satur
day was quite a success. J. T. Male dis
tinguished himself as an auctioneer of
more than ordinary ability.
Mr. Campbell the gentleman who suc
ceeds Joseph McCoy on the B & M
section at this place urrived Tuesdaj
evening. He comes from Marquette.
G. II Morgun the Loup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to «'o
in his line, don't fail to call on him.
The merited reputation for curing
piles, sores and skin diseases acquired
by Dewit's Witch Hazel Salve, has led
to the making of worthless counterfeits.
Be sure to get only Dewitt's Salve.—
Odendahl Bros.
T- M- Reed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
Johu Tockey of Boelus was a pleasant
caller at this office last Monday and re
newed his subscription to tho North
western. Mr Tockey is one of the
stock buyers at that place and always
pays the highest market price for stock.
Mr. Calvin Hart of Clay township,
and father of Mrs John Matthewson,
died at the home of the latter last Tues
day. Mr Hart was 79 years of age and
has been ailing for a long time. He
and his wife, who survives him, have
made their home with Mr. Matthewson
for the past 14 years.
The board of education have decided
to open school next Monday morning,
that being the end of the two weeks
holiday vacation. There being no signs
of smallpox In this community On
board concluded to open school at the
designated time. Tho prospects are
that the city fathers will raise the em
bargo on public meetings tomorrow
night and the churches and lodges can
resume business as heretofore.
Last Sunday morning I, awson Hail lie
bridled and mounted a frisky broncho
which he owns when the little beast be
gan to describe some of its favorite stiff
legged evolutions in the air and as Law
son had failed to put a saddle on it he
was thrown off and received a clean
frecture of the collar bone and had the
connecting bone from the shoulder to
the collar bone crushed somewhat. Dr.
Main was called aud reduced the fractu
re. Mr Bailey says he is convinced of
the fact that a sadd'e is necessary to sue
cessfuly insure a seat on a broncho.
Last Saturday a week during the seve
re wind storm that visited Sherman
County, a whirlwind struck the large
frame chicken house of E- A. Draper
who lives 9 miles west ol town, picking
a portion of it up and crashing it with
great force upon his house. The cornice
of one end of the house was mashed into
splinters and the roof considerably dam
aged, the chimney was alo badly wreck,
ed and some siding torn from the side
Mr. Draper was insured against wind
storms and will not be at any loss.
Joseph McCoy and family departed
for their new home in Oklahoma, yester
day. They have been residents of Loup
City for nearly twelve years and have
made many friends during that time. Mr
McCoy has had charge ofthe B A M, Sec
tion at this place during ail that time
and has had charge of a section for that
company for the pest 17 years. Jte w as
a trusted employe and has never during
the 17 years had an accident on his
charge, lie goes to his new home with
the best wishes of this neighborhot d
for his future,and with the knowledge
that he and bfs esteemed family will be
greatly missed in Loup City.
T. M. Heed buys Game.
B. T. Snyder lost a gray colt last
Chas. Uasteyer has been invoicing this
J. l’hll Jaeger was quite sick the fore
part of the week but we learn is much
belter at this writing
Rumor has it that two of our sa
loon keepers have sold out to a gen
tleman from Iowa.
Nickels Hansen begins the New Year
in a correct manner by entering his
name on our subscription list.
The newly appointed city marshall
commenced his duties last week by
picking up two or three stray animals.
Notice — Those knowing themselves
indebted to me will please call and
settle their accounts on or before
January 1st. A. 8. Main.
T. M. Heed’s Furniture
stock is now complete call
and see.
A letter from (’asbie Conger an
nounces that a bouncing boy came
to bis bouse to live last week,
Geo. E. Benscboter anil tarnilv and
Grandma Benscboter took New Years
dinner with their relative J. S.
Ignatius Donnelley the great mid
road pop statesman of Minnesota,
died at bis home in Sit. Paul Mon
Last Sunday was the worst day of the
season so f ir. it blowed and it snowed
and then it Plowed a 40 mile gale, and
mosquitos were, scarce.
Such little pills as I* Witt's Little
Early Kisers are very easily taken, amt
they are wonderfully effective in cleans
ing the liver and bowels.-Udendahl Bros
.Mr. Fred Tbode dedicated his new
brick residence Monday night with a
grand gathering of his friends, a pleas
ant time was reported by those present.
Cut this out and take it to Odendahl
Bros, drug store and get a free simple
of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver
Tablets, the best physic. They also
cure disorders of the stomach, billious
nessand headache.
The most soothing healing and anti
septic application ever devised is De
Wttt's Witch Hazel salve. It relieves
at once and cures plies, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imitations,
—Odendahl Bros.
Tuesday morning the thermometer
of Mr. E S. Hayhurst register 13 below
being the coldest of the season. Last
year the coldest days were as follows:
Dec. 14, 8below, Jan., 2 10 below; and
Feb., 15, 18 below.
Hon. Chas. Nicolai, of Sargent I). G.
M. of the I. O. O F. will he in the
City Wednesday Jan. 10 for the purpose
of installing the officers elect of that
order for the ensuing term. All mem
bers of Excelsior Lodge of this city
should attend the meeting that night
as Mr. Nicolai is an entertaining gentle
man and all will be benetlted. A lap
supper will he served and live degrees
conferred on candidates.
ll has been demonstrated repeatedly
by every state in the Uuion and in many
foreign countries that Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is a certain preventative
and cure for croup. It has become the
universal remedy for that disease. M.
V, Fisher of Liberty W. Yra., only re
peats what has been said aiound the
globe when he writes: “I haye used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my
family for years and always with per
fect success. We belieye that it is not
only the best cough remedy, but that it
is a sure cure for croup. It has saved
the lives of our children a number of
times.” This remedy is for sale by
Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
This season there is a large death rate
among children from croup and lung
troubles Prompt action will save the
little ones from these terrible diseases
we kuowof nothing so certain to give
instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure
It can also be relied upon in grippe and
aii throat and lung troubles of adults.
Pleasant to take.—Odendahl Bros
Parties who fail to get the Not,Til
WESTEitN at the post-office are request
ed to call at this office and get a copy
as we rd-vays have a few extra copies
on hand. There lias been more or less
complaint in this particular for some
time. We always try to be very accurate
in writmg off the list and possibly we
make a mistake once in a while, but hard,
ly think that we skip the same name on
the list for two or three week in succes
sion as is some times complained of
However, we will try to keep our sub
scribers supplied if they w ill let us know
when the paper fails to get deposited
in their post office box.
J. 1. Depew has his new engine
aad attachments now in working ol
der. He has takau a contract to
make three dozen watering tanks for
the Key stone Lumber company and
set his buzz saws at work Wednesday
on the job. The way lie worked up
material for those tanks is a caution
and with two men would equal the
combined labor ot ten in the same
length if time doing such work by
baud. It is a great improvement
over the old way of doing wood work
in a blacksmith shop. When he
gets his attachments all set he will
run other machinery with his engine.
Mrs. Phoebe Mol»onald died at her home
In this city ia«t Friday night at 11:30 1*.
M, after an illness of about six, week
which was caused by falling on a defec
tive side walk and dislocating her hip,
the shock from which she was too feeble
to recover. Her long residence in this
vicinity and ner loving disposition had
made her hosts of friends and many
tcaia were dropped when the coltin lid
closed over her inanimate form A short
sermon well selected for this occasion
was preached by Rev. Madley after
which the remains were conveyed to
Suunv Slope cemetery and interred
at2:3> Sunday Dec. 30. 1000. On account
of the severe weather the turn out was
not large. The bereaved relatives have
the cineere sympathy of the entire
neighborhood. Miss. Phoebe \oakes
McDonald, was horn at Thurso, Canada,
Nov. 0 1827 and died in Loup City
Nebraska Dec. 28 1900. Mrs. McDonald's
maiden name was Phoebe T. Noakes.
Wlien 19 years of age she wa* married
to Mr. John McDonald at Thurso Cana
da where they lived very happily for
seven years. In 185:1 they moved to the
state of Illinois, where they continued
t > reside till 1881, when they moved to
Sherman county Nebr. On Sept 4lh
1887, Mrs, McDonald was bereft of her
companion and left to travel the re
mainder of iifes journey alone. Nine
children were born to this union, two
whom departed this life before their
mother and seven of whom are still liv
ing and mourn her loss. Mrs. McDon
ald was a woman of sterling integrity,
and true worth. She was an earnest ac
tive woman, a loving companion and a
noble mother. Her lot was one of care
and toil, but she had a sunny disposi
tion and ‘ a hear, for any fate"
During her Inst sickness she seemed
conscious that she would never recover
and said it was all for the best lor her
life work was done. All through her
last sickness she wore a peaceful quiet
look, .lust as a lake mirrors the blue
sky above and trees and grass about it,
so her soul seemed to reflect something
of the beauty and peace of heaven. She
was not a woman who talked much of
her feelings or her inner life, but her
life was hid with God in Christ. Hi i
trust was simple as a hilds. She put
her hand in Christ's and left it there.
Her last testimony whs “1 am happy in
God and 1 hope when my children come
to die they will tie as happy as I am."
Her death was like a gentle sleep and
her awaking was on the other shore in
ilie presence of her savior.
The lelatives and families of the late
Darius Reynolds and Mrs. Phoebe Mc
Donald desire to express their cincere
thanks to all for the kindness, help and
sympathy extended to them during the
sickness, death and burial of their be
loved parents.
The city of Omaha has offered an
additional $25,1)00 reward for the
capture of the Cudahy kidnapers.
Misses Birdie, Ellen and Sarah
Lufholm spent the evening Wednes
day last as the guests of Mrs. G. H.
“A young man came into our store
yesterday suffering from a severe attack
o f cramp colic," writes B. F. Hess,
miller and general merchant, Dickey's
Mountain, Pa ‘‘lie ban tried various
home remedies without relief As 1
had used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy I gave him a
dose and it soon brought him out all
right. I never saw a fellow so rejoice
ed." Sold by Odendahl Bros. Druggists
It’s a gent leman's whiskey, a pure
delicious beverage and a grand appetiz
er. Don’t forget the name. *‘I. W. Har
per” whisky The kind your grand
father used! Sold by
T. II. Eisner, Loup City Neb.
When threatened by pneumonia or any
other lung trouble, prompt relief is nec
essary, as it is dangerous to delay. We
would suggest that One Minute Cough
Cure be taken as soon as indications of
having taken cold are noticed , It cures
quickly and its early use prevents con
sumption.— Odendahl Bros.
Send to the Times-Journal Pub
lishing Co., Oklahoma City, O. T.,
and get a fine map of the famous
Kiowa and Comanche reservation,
a copy of the laws governing its
opening to white settlers, and the
Tunes-Journal one year, which will
ket p \ou posted as to time and man-'
tier'of opening. All for $1.00
I)r. Withers, Omaha’s pain
less dentist will do your dental
work .at Omaha prices and
warrant same. Set of teeth $o.
-0 years experience.
Persons who suffer from indigestion
cannot expect to live loug, because itu y
cannot eat the food required to nourish
the body and the products of the undi
gested foods they eat poison the
blood, it is important to cure indigt-s
ii >n as soon as possible, and the best
method of doing this is to use the prep
eration known as Kodol Dispepsia (Jure
It digests what you eat and restores all
the digestive organs to perfect health
—Odeudahl Bro<.
Greeting to all.
I have still a fine lot of jewelry on hand which I have
marked down to bed rock prices, w Cal'and see my stock.
If you want Watch, Clock or Jowelry repairing done
remember that 1 am prepared to do It with neatness and dis
patch and will guarantee all my work. We attend strictly to
business and are willing to refu ndjiour money if our work
fails to please.
I am a first class optician ant: r lerstand ad diseases
of the eye, so when in need of opitit al work give me a call.
Jeweler ana <>[' .an, Loup City, Neb.
On Saturday afternoon we were
requested to call at the home of our
old friend Votings. Five o’clock
found us sinking hands with the
family and others who Lad likewise
been requested to be present. We
found Mrs. Young able to sit up
and in good spirits and ready to
welcome each one. Soon the door
of the dining room was thrown open
and behold a table loaded down
with all the good things ot Xmas
times. During the meal we learned
that Miss Henrie had prepared the
sumption* repast and we do not
doubt it, for Miss Young has in the
past proven herself capable of per
forming any task assigned her. \Ve
were royally e'ntertained and had
all the turkey we could eat. As
each one departed we heard them
say “we enjoyed the evening im
rnensly and our holy-day wish is
that Mrs. Young may recover and
be able to spend many holy days
with us in our homes."
One of the Gi ests.
At I.oup City In the 8tat« of Nebraska, at
the Close of Bustness, December 13, WOO
Loans and discounts . 50,334 OS
Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 1ST !)3
Stocks and securities. 4,274 95
Bunking house, furniture, fixtures l,H5000
Other Real Estate.
Current expenses and taxes puld 1,302,07
Checks and other cash items
Due from National, State and Priv
ate banks and bankers. . S96.71
Cash. Nlckles and cents $
“ Currency . 900 00
•• Specie. 1,790 93 *,690 93
Total. 61,596.27
Capital stock paid in. $80,000 00
Surplus fund. 1,000 00
Undivided profits . . 3,380.57
Individual deposits subject to
Demand certificates of
.deposit 7,867 61
Due to National ll.mks. 228.16
Due to state and private
banks and bankers 291,05 87,209 70
Total . $61,596.27
State of Nebraska. I H s
County Of Sherman, i
1, ,\ I*. Culley, President of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is correct and a true
copy of the report made to the State Hank,
ini' hoard.
,\. I*, ct i.i kv. President,
tv K. Mason, Director.
L. Uanskn, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
27th .day ol December, 1600.
KICIIARU J. Nioiitinoai.k,
(seal.) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 17, 1902.
A Keen C,ear Itrain.
Youi lies! feelings, your social posi
tion or business success depend largely j
on the perfect action of your liver. Dr. j
King's Xew I.ife Pills give increased
strength, a keen, clear brain, high atnbi-1
tlon. A 25 t ent box will make you feel
like a new being. Sold by Odendubl
Bros. Druggists.
You can leave Missouri River ii n■ eakfast to-da* on
and arrive in California sooner than if \oo •Uerdav via other trains
nion Pacific train.
• established route
>Ht finely < quipped
g Room Palace
lluflet Smoking and
Atrip to calieo ;.m.y, j\ regal
splendor can be tnadJ UK OYKRLAND
- LIMITED,” the Cel aft
This train runs via the ‘Overland Hoi
across the continent. It lias, perhaps
cars in the world. There are Double
Sleepers, broad vestibule Cars thoo ng
Library Cars with BarberShops anjfj - r. Reading Rooms,
Dining Cars, meals being served a la in'. ,ul every delicacy,
is provided. The cars are illurnlttvi vith the famous
Pintsch Light and heated with at< ana. .1 i itablc feature is
that safety, perfect comfort and spell art- aft included.
Only two nights between
Missouri River find San Fransiseo
For time table and full information, call on
For Sale—One hundred
and sixty acres of land on Oak
creek. Seventy acres under
cultivation and a sod house.
Price $700. Inquire of—W. S.
Waite’ Loup City, Neb.
If fortune disregard thy claim
Don't hang thy head in fear and shame
But marry theglrl you love best
Rocky Mountain Tea will do the rest.
—Ask your Druggist.
All kindsof 1
Jewelry repairing [SHEPPARDS.
Promptly Done at)
Anew remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store
It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. It is quick relief and
will prevent the attack if given as soon
as the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sample
free —Odendahl Bros.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases.
also do ▲
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Nokthwkstkkw Building,
LOUP OITT, i i sn,
OFFICE.—-At st Elmo Hotel.
lAIi.Vi M ST
Having a Great Hun on Chamberlain'*
CiMigki Kemedy
MiAOtjt*"Mirtln. of the Pierson drug
store, Ir.l'rtn< as that he is having a
great goo on i banc berlaiu’s Cough Re
medy, He sells tive bottles ot that med
icine to one o; any other kind, and it
giv<'9gir>t^-isfactlon. In these days
of lagflppethere is nothing like Cham
berlain’s t ough Remedy to stop the
cougll* hf i: up the «ore throat and lungs
and ft >fwithin a very short time,
rhe sal ■< irrjjrowing, and all who try
it arejpl',.e,| *ith Its prompt action —
yt'-V" Daily Calumett. For
sale by Vdendatil Bros. Druggists.
Tho purlington Route offers twenty
prized aggregating ^500.00 for let
*er9 J Cin usei^ *Q en^o»rag
ing iqaHJigration to Nebraska.
i u#( first prize is a round trip
tickefffrjiD any Burlington Route
station in Nebraska to Yellowstone
Bark,, *ii I a mpiefe trip through
*tie Wr lllf-ludiog stage transpor
tatioflBml five :in(j a balf days ac
comti^o<luti.,n— vui„e $ [ 00.00.
TW('"^I prize is a ticket to
t ,, , K H'‘!; and #25.00 in cash
—\ '-We-Tfuii,
J!l (an l)e obtained by
u.l,In-Mi. - j Franci8( (j p A<
l>u» hogt , Omaha, Neb.
D 4 !
Its ijfl.
itructtijl '
gans It:
tot an® :,
can nppr-'irj
stant ly ft i-:
r>ysp(-p^; ;
r latulev
what you eat.
rest s the food and aid9
gt honing and recon
•i-ted digestive or
ovt discovereddigesfc
"o other preparation
in efliciency. It ln
itl permanently cures
i-sii'.n, Heartburn,
Stomach, Nausea
Sick Hear) iV. ; N»«se*i
all other* - . stralgia,Cramps,aud
Prepared bye' Imperfect digestion.
c c Dewitt *Co..Chl«aao. ,
For sale bj
l '-t)Alir. DROS,