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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1900)
Liocal Dsws T. M. IltM'd bllV3 The I.oup Ci'f creamery is being pamteiT out -;<!•* sual in. The now let* breaks are all in on the river bridge west of town. Eriii • Mi'burn is enjoving a visit j from I i< br- her of Wyoming. Write 11 tyden Bros Omaha Whole- ; sale Supply House for prim - and «amp-1 les. Grandma McDonald, who has la on very si< k for the past four necks is re ported to he about the same. Don't lorgej tie* concert and dance at Society h ill to right, Music furnished . hv Becker's orchestra of Grand Island. John Wall, of Arcadia was doing bus iness in the city last Tuesday and Sinking hands wi I. old acquaintances It is reported that about a hundred In ad of cattle have died within a radi oes of two miles from the datholic church it: thi- and Howard county. Frank Otlewski fell from a load of cobs last Tuesday and severely injured his arm. lie Is carrying it in a sling in consequence. Money saved is money earn* i ed l>v buying a feed grinder of T. M Reed. Herman Lukes of Rockville died at the Grand Island hospital where he bad been for medical treatment, lie was taken down with typhoid fever. it b am;s to the little ones that price less gift of healthy tlesh, solid bout1 and muse!*1. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. ;J5e. Ask your druggist. If you want your watch out in good repair bv the only tir~r class workman in the county call on ( <. 11. MoR&air,the Jeweler, DeWitt's Little Early Risers aredoin ty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver remove obstructions and invigorate the system. Odcndabl Ilros. G. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler does all kin Is rf watch, clock and T w clry repairing in a workman like n.;. - tier. When you have something to . o in ids line, don't fail to call on him. S II. Branseombof Rockville was do ing business at the county seat Thurs day. Mr. Hranseotnb reports smallpox at Dannebrog and one case near Boelus. John Pususta was arrested bv Sheriff Snyder last Tuesday for stealing a call from 11 >yce’s ranch in the south part of the county. The calf was valued at : $k'0 CO. Our old friend lien Lewis, of Bellevue j this state is here on a business trip and shaking hands with old friends. J5 n ; is looking well and says he is making it ; all right, lie made us a pleasant call Tuesday. There has been quire extensive \ Improvements going on in the public I road line in the v.-lern part of the j county. Elm township has expended |1 §200.00of her road fund this fall. Harrison town-hip has expended §10000 and Hazard township is reported as 1 having done considerable work in this line. Rev. W. J Wilson, of Nebraska City ( was in the city Wednesday. He is making the round in the interest "f the Seven day Adventist church. He was here several years ago and made the Hcijuaiiitance of some of our people! who wcic espei ially pleased to meet linn again. Peter The de was a pleasant caller at this office last .Saturday and renewed his subscription for another year. Mr. Thode is tlic newly appointid supervis or for Logan and Washington townships, which office was made vacant by the resignation of John Jens. The appoint ment Was made by the County Judge. Clerk and Treasurer The people of the Austin School dis trict are arranging to have a Christmas tree. Mis*. Emma Wilson is the teach er and the patrons Of the school set ni ! highly pleased with her work as an instructor The Christmas tree and entertainment will be a neighborhood affair and all interested w ill do what! they can to aid Miss Wilson In mak | ing it a success. Why experiment on yourself with re medies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's rough Remedy, which ha* stood the test of time/ Tvmi-! ty-flve years sale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon as the cold has been contracted and before it has sot tied in the system. Sold by Odendabl Bros. Many persons have bad the experience of Mr.Peter Sherman, of North Stratford N. II.. who says, “For years 1 suffered ! torture from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia l ure made a well man of me." It Digests what you eat and a certain cure for every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even it: the worst ca«cs, and can't help but del you good. Odendabl Bros. Mr F. M. Henry manager of the Loup City creamery went to the farm of S II Conger Wednesday morning and put in anew cream seperator This is the ninth separator which he has planted in this locality and we learn that they arc giting entire satisfaction. Mr. II nry informs us that he expects t< putin twenty seperators in the spring. (3 II Gibson *rliesthat lit1 expect# to in h n*? lay « \ ruing Julia Hii )•' smiling face wm wd on tht> Mrn- “ of Luiip City last Sat urday . Mr ini! Mr*. I, Hansen lire cnj'yirg a v:-ir f-rmi his invther and family of Far - id , X• bt i-ka I'nele .1 u k Kurd is attain able to be a tb“ stii ts but his injured is still v rv painful. The most ifl'ccEfye little pills made are !»c'VUi> Little Ear ly Kisers. They ne t gripe. O lendahl Bros. Bolts To Mr and Mrs. L’ T R >we, a buy ut standard weight. I’eter came u iroin st Patti to see the young l id. t)ne stock i ..-it in Custer County by tlii- name of 1). Woodruff’ has lost 52 h i ! ol rattle with cornstulU disease Dr U■■i.'ilm*. the St ■ Paul dentist will v; h Loup < lity the 17 and is. Office :d st. K uni hotel, l ull and have your t> tb extracted without pain, Ni>Tit’K Those knowing themselves Indebted to me will please call and settle tie ir accounts on or before January lit. A. 8. Main. Why .,<> el sew litre to buy jewelery for holli.lwy presents when you can get the best biegiin- at O. II. Morgan's store In fiont in in of Dolling's shoe store. T. M Heed’s Furniture stock is now complete call and see. Attend the concert and dunce at Soci ety hull n«'Xt Friday night, lice. 14. Music furnish. -l by Becker's orchestra ofGrand Island. I’eter K owe who has been working at St. raid for the past month came home Thutsday for a short stay. lie says that the new boy at their house is ail right Host--On October ill. A gray pony, with saddle and bridle on. and weighing about Slid lbs. Any one who can give ii.-formation as to its whereabouts will; please write—Thom as Stanzik. Asb-1 ton. Xeb. When you nerd a soothing and heal ing uutieppiic application for any pur po.-e, use the original DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for pile- mi ) gUia diseases It heals sores wi.limit leaving a scar Bewarcof cout erfeits, o-lenduhl Bros. W. li Williams is the .gentleman that iielil tlie luckv number which drew the handsome *2o 00 set of silverware tiiat was put up by tlie Ladies o* the G. A H last Saturday night at their sup per and entertainment. Help is m 4 de l at once when a person's ' i f•• is in dangei. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and ! ■ shipje'd ar once. One Min* tire rough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, gripp** and «»tti«-r throat and lu' g troubles. Odendahl Bros. Owing to the reported prevalence of >in 11-pnx throught the state the I'nirm i' ,1'itlc railway has required all its em pb > s to be vaccinated, and a physician i '• -I in a special >- tr me day last week to innoculate every employe on the line. The boys had to w k up to the captain's off anil take rlo ir medicine whether they want to or n >r, — bhelton < dipper. T M- Heeil sells sewing ma c-liines and a general line of furniture CHEAP TRIP TO I INCOLN. The Burlington w ill sell tickets from Loup City. Neb to Lincoln and return for >1 -'.1 cents on December 25, 2IS and 27. mi account of the annual meeting, \ebra-ka State Teachers Association Return limit December 81 st. COKNSTALK Ul.SIC ASK The j>ivision of Animal Pathology of the Nebraska Experiment Station has received, within the past few weeks, more inquiries regarding the di can' in cattle known as “cornstalk disease"' than it has received before during the past five years The inqui re- show that a great loss lias been su t,lined bv the fe * ling of cornstalks. Tin- is one of the mysterious diseases that sc’m to batllol the seientests. The Division issued a bulleten in 1*'JS on! this subject, winch discusses the various theories with probably the exception of a few new theories that are being advanced this year. Th re have been quite a number of in nines as to whether this disease could be caused bv chintz bugs, for it has been reported tb it cattle have died in stalks tleq were heavily infected with these insects. As near as can be told, this has little or nothing to do with t. because there are numerous out-b,-c:iks " heic the fields were appar ently free from this pest A question that is asked in almost I every case i«, whether it Is safe to turn ! in cattle altera heavy frost' From past I xperience it can be said that the frost lias w ry little to do witli it. for cattle oive died in stalks in very severe cold weather, so for that reason could not recommend the tine of stalks simply from their haying been frosted. i'ne on’y reasonably safe suggestion that can be given to anyone that wishes ‘o pasture his cattle in stalks is, to not exc usivelv feed them on the stalks, but t*> provide tome grain ration—either j hay or oats or straw. By this is not meant that the animals should be nllow •1 to run at will to u straw stack, b° cause there is some d mger In that; but they should lu> compelled 10 be In an n. Insure for a certain length of time, and during that time she* ild be allowed no cornstalks. but should be given hay, a'faifa. straw, or grain \nnther inquiry that i» a] wavs made is, what can w# do for them when at. racked? In almost all cases the treat ment is of no aval I, because the animals art' dead before treatment ran be ad mini-terd In ea>es where the syurp toms indicate a brain affection, give chloral hydrate in repeated doses at in tervals of from half an hour to three quarters of an hour apart, as long as the symptoms may require. (Jive from an ounce and a half to two ounces at a dose Mix the chloral with a little linseed water or flour water, and give in about a pint to a quart of water, as a drench. Many cases have been cured by this he roic treatment. For further discription ami discussion of this disease residents ot Nebraska should write for Bnlleten No 52 of the Nebraska Experiment Station, addressing the "Agricultural Experiment Station. The University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb." It's a gentleman's whiskey, a pure delicious beverage and a grand appetiz er. Don’t forget the name. “I. W. Har per" whisky. The kind your grand father used! Sold by T. II. Eisner, Loup City Nel. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can’t live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure “digests what you eat’’so that you ean eat all the good food you want while it is re storing the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food’ Odendahl Bros ASHTON CLEANINGS L. K. Page and \V. A. Sitfert came up from £t. Paul Friday where they have been attending the Com mercial College. They inform us that the smallpox scare is striking terror to the hearts of all. At St. Paul College, schools and churches have been closed, and by order of city council, all public gatherings have been prohibited, although only five cases have been reported. We note with pleasure that Ashton ' is standing by the McKinley expan sion plank. She has a new liver} barn and meat market. I. M. Polski s house is completed and is a tine looking building. A social was given Friday night j at Mrs. J. E. Conklin's borne. Every body reported having a good time. A new man from Lincoln, whose name we failed to learn, preached at Ashton Sunday. Nearly everybody is through busk- ! ing corn. Well this is all for this time and, l think it is enough for J IM. Ilrate Men Fall Victims to stornae1’, liver and kidney j trouble-as well as woman and all feel the result in loss of appetite, poisons in j the blood, backache, nervousness,head ache and tired, listless run down feel ing. But theie’a no need to feel like that .1 W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind., -ays; "‘Electric Bitters are just the tiling for a man when he don't care whether he lives or dies. 1; gives me new strength and good appetite. 1 cun now eat any thing and have a new lease on life: "Only 50 cents, at Odendahl Bros. Drug Store. A special from Grand Island says At a meeting of the city council after a ! most vigorous and extensive discussion ' of the entire matter of smallpox conta gion, it was referred to the ful. com mittee on health with emphatic instruc tions to quarantine ever.’ place in the city, about twelve in all, where the dis ease exists; to establish a pest house, and in the event that the strict'st quar antine regulations are in any manner violated such offender to be arrested and placed in the pest house. The board of health was also instructed to compel! every physician to report every case as soon as it comes to his know ledge. Grand Island is now making a movt strenuous effort to stamp out tne disease quickly and thoroughly. Just Mtvril ms Life It wa« just a thrilling escape that Charles Davis of Bowerston, O, lately had from a frightful death, l or two years a severe lung trouble con stantly grew worse until it seemed he must die of consumption. Then he began to use I)r.King's Now Discovery and itely wrote: • • Ir gave instant relief and effected a permanent cure.” Such won derful cures have for 25 years proven ! it's power to cure all Throat. Chest and I.iing Troubles. Price 50c and 1.00 Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles tree at Odendahl Bros drug store. • I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, } Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for I having put on the market such a won lerful medicine,” says VV. W. Massin 41II, <>f Beaumont, Texas. There are i many thousands of mothers whose ehll j dren have decn saved from attacks of | dysentery and cholera infantum who | must also feel thankful. It is for sale i by Odendahl Bros 1 have them in the Jewelry ancl Slverware line of high grade and at bed rock prices. These Goods are sold under a guarantee. We have a ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK to select from and invite you to call and see our goods before going elsewhere. adif s ai\d When you want your Watch Clock or Jewelry repaired by a watch maker who is always ready to attend to business and does his work prompt ly and makes them as good as new don't forget to come and see me. G (d JVlORGAjNI, Loup City Jeweler You little knew when lirst we met That pome day you would be The lucky fellow I'd choose to let. Pay lor my Rocky Mountain Tea — A - v your drugg ist. Parties desiring a good Bronze gob • tor breeding purposes can get it by calling on,— W. A. Shull. l'alil Dear For Ills Li-g. 15. D. Blanton of Thakervllle Tex. la .vo years paid over $200.00 to I)oc tor to cure a runing sore on his leg. Then they wanted to cut it off but he cured it with one box of Bucklin’s Ar nica salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles. 2.’> ets. a box. Sold by Odendahl Bros, druggists i-OR SALE—A quarter section of land, four and cne-half miles north > r of Ashton, on Turkey Greek and i ear the Catholic Church 120 acres under cultivation, 20 acres in pasture .120 acres hay land, good orchard, *'"! buildings, granary and two good wi lls. Will sell reasonable. Address Lewandowski, Owner Loup City, Neb. Hurk.en’* Arnica Salve lias world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Mores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Odendahl Bros. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your body, if you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Ask your druggist. l’eople who burn the Lamp of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason producer known. 85e. Ask your druggist. LBUAL .NOTH E. In District Court of Sherman county, Nebraska In the matter of the Estate of the min or heirs of William sheening, deceased. OKDRK TO ailOW CAI'SK. This cause came on for hearing upon t m petition of Elsie C. Kosch, guardian of i he minor heirs ot William Shoening, d< eased, praying lor a license to sell the southwest one fourth ol Section Thirty (.10) in Township llfteen (to), 1 tango sixteen west, (16) in Sherman county, Nebraska to maintain and educate the minor heirs of said deceased and invest in other land, it i« tberefoie ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at liroken Bow, on the Sih day of Jan limy, 1!H i, 10 show cause why iv license -b old not be gnintcd to sub! guardean in ell the above described real essate <.t - lid minors, or so much thereof as 1 be necessary. Mathew, appointed guardian adlltum foi minor heirs. .ted tills 3rd day ol November, IBnO, lioMKll M hUtUVAS, Judge of the District Court You can leave Missouri River after breakfast to-dav on “THE OVERLAYD ROUTE” and arrive in Colifornia sooner than if you left yesterday via other trains. Atrip to California. in regal splendor ean be made on “THE OVERLAND - LIMITED, the Celebrated l nion Pacific tram. This train runs via the “Overland Route,” the established route across the continent. It has, perhaps, the most finely equipped cars in the world. There are Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers, broad vestibule Cars thoroughout. Mullet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and pleasant Reading Rooms, Dining Cars, meals being served a la carte, and every delicacy, is provided. The cars are illuminated with the famous Pintseh Light and heated with steam. A notable feature is that safety, perfect comfort and speed are all included. Only two nights between Missouri Itiver and San Fransisco For time table and full information, call on H. J. CLIFTON AGENT. All kinds of i .Jewelry repairing j- SHEPPARDS. Promptly Done at ) A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, it is quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon as the tirst indication of the disease ap pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sample free.—Odendahl Bros. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases. also no a. General Real Estate Business. Office tn Northwestern Bulldlnu, l our CITY, - - NEBItASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY, t i warn A. S* MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. - - NEBRASKA. OFFICE.—At St Elmo Hotel. W. L. MARCY, W/J.Y7 1ST OFFICE ON EAST SIDE PUCLIC SQEARH LOUP CITY, NEB. Everjliorty Can \ Ho rd It There was a lime when many fami lies could not afford to take a daily pa per, but now that the Lincoln Evening News is sent by mail at the cheap rate of 25 cents a month, the daily paper with all its advantages is within the reach of every family and the reduction in price hag brought The News several thousand new subscribers. The News is printed at the state capital, the foun tain head of news events, and with its eight big pages, with markets, tele graph and state news makes one of the brightest papers in Nebraska. lt’» worth more, but it only costs you 25 eta. a month. Why not have The Lincoln News visit you during the long winter months now coming on. You can sub scribe through your postmaster or send your order to The Lincoln Daily Even ing news, Lincoln Nebr. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure D v’ what you eat. Its r«-i fic i > 11pests the food and aids Nature i st> •ngtheninp and -econ* structlng the exhausted digestive or* pans It is the lat est discovered digest* ant and tonic. Noothei preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nans-a.' _ i! \Y (!■'uiachf>,Oast ra)gi a,Cramp«, a na aii other results of 1 m perfectd icest ion. Prepared by E C DeWitt a Co.. Chliuao. For sale by ODENDAHL OROS.,