The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 30, 1900, Image 7

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Pen Picture for Women.
. I
“ I am so nervous, there is not a <
well inch in my whole body. I am so
weak at my stomach and have indi
gestion horribly, and palpitation of
the heart, and 1 am losing flesh. This
headache and backache nearly kills
me, and yesterday I nearly had hyster
ics ; there is a weight in the lower part
of my bowels bearing down all the
time, and paina in my groins and
thighs; I cannot sleep, walk, or sit,
and I believe I am diseased all over;
no one ever suffered as I do."
TUs Is a description of thousands of
eases which come to Mrs. Pinkliam's
attention daily. An inflamed and ul
cerated condition of the neck of the
womb can produce all of these syrnp
Mri3. John William*.
toms, mud no woman should allow
herself to reach such a perfection of
jY knisery when there is absolutely no
need of it. The subject of our por
trait in this sketch, Mrs. Williams of
English town, N.J., has been entirely
cured of such illness and misery by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound, and the guiding advice of Mrs.
Pinkham of Lynn, Mass.
No other medicine has such a record
for absolute cures, and no other medi
cine is "just as good.” Women who
want a cure should insist upon getting
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound when they ask for it at a store.
Anyway, write a letter to Mrs. Pink
barn at Lynn, Mass., and tell her all
jrour troubles. Her advice is free.
f What Shall We !
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
•very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
k- .. * delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling! no
taking! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry.. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. io cts.
During the present century 400 hu
man lives, $125,000,000 and 200 ships
have been lost in fruitless efforts to
^ find the north pole.
8,000,nuu acres new lands to open to t'-ttlement.
Subscribe for THK KIOWA CHIEF, devoted to Infor
mation about these lands. One year. 81.00. Single
eopy. 10c. Subscribers receive free tlluatrated book
•u <‘klahoma. Morgan s Manual (210 page Hettlers’
Guide) with fine sectional map, 11.UO. Map 25c. All
Ain ve, 81.75. Address Dick T. Morgan, Ferry, O-T
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Conquer* Croup, Whooping-Cough, Bronchitis,
Grippe and Conmmptiou Quick, aure result*.
br.Buir* Pill* cur* Constipation. SO pill* 10c.
■FECIAL Tours to Florida, Key West.
Cubu, Bermuda, Old Mexico
and tile Mediterranean and
a Orient.
HALF Rates for the round trip to
many points south on sale first
end third Tuesday each month.
RATES To Hot Springs, Ark., the fa
mous water resort of America,
on sale every day In the year.
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south, good returning until
June 1st. lfr'l. For rates, descriptive mat
ter. pamphlets nnd all other Information,
•all at C. & 8t. I». R. R. City Ticket
Office, 1415 Farnara at. (Paxton Hotel
Bldg) or write
C. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
Far top price, and satisfactory results, ship your
Gams. Poultry. Bvitter and Lgcs.
▼•*1 llldei, and Fur, to us. Potatoes and Onl its
ik**r lot*. « W. Il-KKia «'<>..
Connotation Merchant,. OMAHA, VEB.
Aniloti* Aboot tr.»n*m»lt*r
Several life insurance companlefl
are watching with great interest for
daily news of John Wanamaker’s con
dition. The ex-postmaster general
has over a million on his life, and is
probably the most heavily insured
person in the country. He has just
undergone a surgical operation for the
removal of a carbuncle and has not
quite recovered, notwithstanding
which he made campaign speeches.
Love to a woman is a thrill; to a
man it is a throb.
Dicky's Hail HI* Hair Cut.
When Richard las Galllenne arrived
in New York from Europe a week ago
he -was so changed in appearance that
few familiar with his face knew him.
While in Europe he cut the long, flow
ing black hair, which has always dis
tinguished him in the past and most
deeply impressed his face upon the
Helen Keller a Cheat Flayer.
Helen Keller, tho deaf and dumb and
blind girl, who has just entered Rad
cliffe college at Cambridge, Mass., is
a descendant of John Adams and a
connection of some of the best New
England families. Her latest accom
plishment is che3s, at which sha play3
a capital game.
Tho Journorlng* of the Eye.
A French statistician has calculated
that the human eye travels over 2,000
yards in reading an ordinary sized
novel. The average human being is
calculated to get through 2,500 miles
of reading in a lifetime.
Blur Lawn Acalnftt marking.
The bootblacks of Boston have been
forbidden by the police authorities to
do any "shining” on Sundays in tho
public streets of the city.
Incrra** of Aluminum Output.
The production of aluminum for
commercial uses began in 1889 with a
total output of 47,488 pounds. In 1898
it had reached 5,200,000 pounds, and
at present tho rate of production is
over 7,000,000 pounds a year.
Tim First K.levator
A patent was taken out on a passen
ger elevator sixty-six years ago. But
the first patent for a complete anil
practical elevator was given to Mr. E.
G. Otis of Yonkers, N. Y., In January,
1861; so that while the idea is much
older tho elevator is only 3!) years old.
Nleepleftii Vigilance,
A Vermont lawyer sent to a client a
hill containing the following item:
“For waking up in the night to think
over your case, 50 cents.”
TliInnenA of (told
Goldbeaters, by hammering, can re
duce gold lea\es so thin that 282.000
must be laid upon each other to pro
duce tho thickness of an inch. They
are so thin that, If formed into a
book, 1,500 would only occupy the
space of a single leaf of common pi
Twenty-five per cent of the shares in
American railways are owned In Eng
Mm. Wlnftlow** Soottilnjj flymp.
For children tf*ethlu*, softens thr ruithi, re»l*ioca 1n
flamuiatloa, uma>a pa: u. curea wind colic, gjcabottl*
Belgian Africa, the Congo State, has
an area of 850,000 square miles.
Thanksgiving Dinner
may be enjoyed by nil who me Garfield
Tea; ft promotes good digestion and
cures stomach, liver and bowel troubles.
Modern statesmen sometimes mis
take patronage for patriotism.
Important to mothers.
El -mlr.o carefully every bottle of CASTORIA,
a safe and euro remedy for iufauts and children,
and see that it
Boars the
Signature of
(u Use For Over 30 Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Morn than one man who cannot earn
his daily bread is perfectly willing to
take a loaf.
The Census of 1900.
A booklet giving the population of
all cities of the United States of 25,000
and over according to the census of
1900, has Just been Issued by the Pas
senger department of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and a
copy of It may be obtained by sending
your address, with two-cent stamp to
pay postage, to the General Passenger
Agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & tit.
Paul Railway, Chicago, 111.
Some people's mouths look as If they
were perpetually tasting unripe per
as a rule find'» — t-y dif
ficult to get up their liuea
in a satisfactory manner,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. Ity
using Hagnetlc Starch
you will find it a simple
matter to turn out as
good work as the best
steam laundries. Your
grocer sells it. Try it once.
It costs only 10c a pack
age. Insist on getting
B' ~ >*»»»
res no Cooking j;g»*
_AH A, NjEa.
W. N. U.—OMAHA. No. 47-1900
* Successfully Prosecutes Claim*,
IiHta I'riuriDHl Exa n ner XJ B. Pension Hu-eao.
3 Train civil war. l^fultutlkaiing claims, aitj aincK ,
Wl C3I ■ quick relief and cures worst
cases. Book of testimonials r.ud 10 BATH* ueatmaut i
I USE. DR. M. U. CBBXX» SOiS, Bsx B, itlaata, iia.
fte Formation If Something F«w of t*a
Under*! And.
The formation of a thunder storm is
one of the familiar things that few of
us know anything about it That
sounds like a contradiction, but it is
not, for while we are familiar enough
with the impressive spectacle made by
the clouds as they gather and with the
sometimes disastrous and always star
tling effects of the storm when it
breaks over us, how many of us can
trace it back to its origin, step by
step, and tell how and where it got its
terrible power? Let us try to do thi8.
There is no doubt that the electric
charge of a cloud comes from an ini
tial charge multiplied by induction.
The initial charge may be acquired by
evaporation, for we know that elec
tricity may be generated in that way.
Or it may be generated by the friction
of vapor-laden air, which, moving as
wind, comes in contact with objects on
the earth's surface. This vapor is com
posed of very minute particles of wat
er, each of which becomes electrified,
the charge accumulating on its sur
face. Now, as these particles of drops
come together and are condensed into
larger drops the surface area is re
duced in proportion to the volume and
an increased electric accumulation is
the result. In other words, when two
drops are condensed into one, there Is
the same quantity of water and of
electricity was when the drops were
separate, but there is a good deal less
surface, and the electric charge is in
tensified to that extent. The drops so
formed attract smaller drops by their
greater power, and thus condensation,
with continual increase of power, goes
on rapidly and a thundercloud begins
to form. As the cloud is sent forward
by the wind it affects the earth’s sur
face by induction, and the earth’s
surface affects It in the same way, the
cloud becoming positively and the
earth negatively charged. This goes
on rapidly, electric energy being con
tinually drawm to the cloud from the
air, and the same quantity being re
pelled from the earth below. Thus it
is that the thundercloud forms so
quickly and acquires so great an elec
tric power.
Shurp Rivalry He tween tho Middle Wwt
and the Southwest.
It is not so much, however, the ques
tion of the rapidity with which Galves
ton or Mobile bay may advance, as
compared with New Orleans, that
promises to influence the standing of
the western cities. It is rather tho
question of how much tho enterprise
of these two cities—with the aid of the
new port and town of Port Arthur—
may stimulate co-operation among all
the cities of the gulf and thereby line
up a strong force in a fight againct the
North Atlantic and the great lakes.
Within five years Galveston has pulled
away from New York, Boston and Bal
timore the supremacy in tho handling
of cotton, and is rapidly taking from
all other points the first position in
the handling of the southwestern corn
and wheat. Mobile is gaining an iron
and steel and woodwork business
which formerly did not fall south of
Baltimore, and it has some promise
ahead of developments in shipbuilding.
Many great influences are at work, in
cluding that of the powerful Illinois
Central, to compel the exports of the
Mississippi Valley to take the natural
and water level route to the ocean via
the “Father of Waters,” rather than
to climb the mountains that intervene
between the west and the Atlantic. A
more or less sectional feeling has
grown up, extending westward to Den
ver, favoring the diversion of western
products of all sorts to the gulf. If
it should so develop that sufficient in
habitants and sufficient wealth concen
trate in the Gulf cities, it seems likely
that tho Atlantic cities will find their
aggregate of traffic seriously impaired
—or at least their source of it serious
ly diminished—and that such places as
Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, and
perhaps Omaha, will be materially
aided in their efforts for growtli and
greatness by the additional and short
er route to tho sea afforded by flowing
down the natural drain of the conti
nent to the mouth of tho Mississippi.
—Ainslee’s Magazine,
We Seldom Form Acquaintance with One.
It makes one homesick In thi3 world
to think that there are so many rare
people he can never know, and sc
many excellent people that scarcely
any one will know, in fact. One dis
covers a friend by chance, and cannot
but feel regret that twenty or thirty
years of life maybe have been spent
without the least knowledge of him.
When he is once known through him
opening is mado into another little
world, into a circle of culture and lov
ing hearts and enthusiasm in a dozen
congenial pursuits, and prejudices
perhaps. How instantly and easily the
bachelor doubles liis world when he
marries, and enters into the unknown
fellowship of the to him continually in
creasing company which is known in
popular language as “ail his wife’s
relations.” Near at hand dally, no
doubt, are those worth knowing in
timately, if one had the time and the
opportunity. And when one travels he
sees what a vast material there is for
society and friendship of which he can
never avail himself. There are faxies
of refinement, of quick wit, of sympa
thetic kindness—Interesting people,
traveled people, entertaining people—
whom you constantly meet and pass
without a sign of recognition, many of
whom are no doubt your long lost
brothers and sisters. The matter of
personal liking and attachment is a
good deal due to the mere fortune of
association.—Charles Dudley Warner.
Try Magnetic Starch—It will last f
longer than any other.
The better days will come only aa
you do your best today.
Ton Can Oft Allen's Foot*Eat* Frw.
Write today to Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating,
damp, swollen, aching feet. Makes new
or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
Corns and Bunions. All druggists and
shoe stores sell it; 25o.
The more intensive your faith the
more extensive your influence.
Beit for th« Huh flu.
No matter what alls you, headache
to a cancer, you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CASCARETS help nature, cure you
without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you Just 10
cents to start getting your health back, j
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the j
genuine, put up In metal boxes, every j
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It Bs
ware of Imitations.
The church without a prayer meet- j
lng Is a body without a heart.
Tnlte Hiativr Mhomo tjt’iNiNtj Tabi kts. All
Iruygtsts refund the money if it fails to cure,
fc. Vv. Grove's signature is on the box. S5c.
Some people would find fault in
Pa mm's nair Pat «am If the furor!te for drffMtag I
liie hair and renewing ft* life and t • > or.>, thn bett cure lor curat. 13 c U.
We are determined; other people are ;
Preys have their use, but don't store them In
your rtotnsob. It t»ii. uns I'riisin Gum aids the
niiiurul force.-, to perform their functions.
It is hard to look pleasant in too
tight shoes.
Plso's Cura for Consumption is an Infallible >
medicine for coughs ami colds.—N. VV. biiiUkL, j
Ocean U rove, N. J.. Feb. IT. 1000.
The best way to keep an umbrella Is
never to lend it.
There Is s Class of 1’eople
Who are injured by the use of coffee, j
Recently there hns been placed In all j
the grocery stores a nowpreparation '
called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach* receives It without j
distress, and but few can tell It from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children msy drink It with 1
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O. J
Some people are willing to be good
If paid for it and others are good for
Thanksgiving Dinner
is recommended by all physicians -and
so is Garfield Tea, ns it cleausea the
system and purifies tlie blood.
Perseverance often accomplishes
more than power.,
Ixiave Kansas City via the M. K. &
T. Ry. every Saturday at 9.05 p. m.
for San Antonio, Roe Angeles and San
Francisco. First Sleeper leaver Kan
sas City, Nov. 3rd.
A man likes to 1 e told he Is hand
some even If he knows lie Is not.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
A prominent druggist says that men
use more hair dyes than women.
Beat Published t' i> E3.
J. W. GUNNELS, Toledo, Ohio
Don’t say “rubber neck;’’ “celluloid’’
Is the latest and most polite form.
Each package of PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYES colors either Silk. Wool
or Cotton perfectly.
The care of one’s clothes has much
to do with a well-dressed appearance.
Etatb or Ohio, City or Toledo, i .«
Lucas County, (
Fran* ,T. Cheney makes oath thnt he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co.,
doinp business In the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the Hum of ONE HUNDItEl) DOLLARS for
eai h and every care of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before ni" and subscribed in iny
prenenco, this titb day uf December. A. D. 1KWV.
[bEAL-j Notary l’ubllc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure ta taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous Rurfaeos
of the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. ClIENEY & CO., Toledo, CX
Sold by Dropglst*, 75c.
liall's Family Pills ure the best
Th« value of a painful piety de
pends on who had the pain.
- —.— ....... .....— 1
a Noted Knight Templar
Owes His Health to Peruna
Colonel T. P. Moody, a prominent
Knight Templar, la well known In
every city In the United State* west of
Buffalo, N. Y., aa a Jeweler’s Auc
tioneer. In the city of Chicago aa a
prominent lodge man, being a mem
ber of the K. T.'a and also of the
Masons. The cut shows Colonel
Moody In the eoetume of tho Oriental
Consistory Masons, 32d degree.
In a recent letter from 6900 Michi
gan avenue, Chicago, 111., Mr. Moody
says the following:
••For over twenty-five years I
suffered from catarrh, and for
over ten years I suffered from
catarrh of the stomach terribly.
••I have taken all kinds of medi
cines and have been treated by
all kinds of doctors, as thousands
of my acquaintances are aware
In different parts of the United
States, where 1 have traveled, but
the relief was only temporary,
until a little over a year ago l
started to take Peruna, and at the
present time l nm better than I
have been for twenty years.
•• The soreness has left my stom
ach entirely and I am free from
indigestion and dyspepsia and will
say to all who are troubled with
catarrh or stomach trouble of any
kind, don't put It off and suffer,
but begin to take Peruna right
away, and keep it up until you
are cured, as you surely wilt be if
you persevere.”
"My wife, aa many in the southwest
can say, was troubled with a bad cough
and bronchial trouble, anil doctors all
over the country gave her up to die,
as they could do nothing more for her.
She began taking Peruna with the re
sult that she is bettor now than she
has been In years, and her cough has
almost left her entirely. The sorenesa
has left her lungs and she Is as well
as she ever was In her life, with
thanks, as she saye, to Peruna. Yours
very truly, T. P. Moody.
Catarrh In 1(8 various forms is rap
idly becoming a general curse. An
undoubted remedy has been discov
ered by I>r. Hartman. This remedy has
, been thoroughly tested during tho past
I forty years. Prominent men have
| come to know of its virtues, and are
making public utterances on the sub
ject. To save the conniry we must
savo the people. To nave the people
wa must protect them from dicease.
The disease that Is nt once tho most
j prevalent and stubborn of cure is ca
| tarrli.
If one were to make a list of tho
different names that have been ap
; plied to catarrh In different locations
and organ*, the result would be as
Colonel T. P. Moody, of Chicago,ha4
Cater rh Twonty.fivo Yeara and
Waa Cured by Peruna.
tonishlng. Wo ha' o often published
a partial list of these names, and th*
surprise caused by the first publication
of It to all people, both professional
and non-professional, was amusing.
And yet we have never enumerated all
of the diseases which are classed a»
catarrh. It must be confessed, how
ever, to see even this partial list drawn
up in battle array Is rather appalllnfc
If the reader desires to seo this liffL
together with a short exposition ot
each one, send for our free catarrh
book. Address The Peruna Medloln#
Co., Columbus. Ohio.
j Wheat-0 j|
X Made in Iowa from the finest Iowa * ►
X wheat by our patent process, rcmov- <«
X ing from the wheat all impurities and <>
X indigestible substances and retaining < *
X all the gluten and nitrogenous < >
X and phosphatic elements which < •
I make perfect health, bones aud ‘ •
teeth. < *
Not made by the Trust. *;
Nature’s Delicious Breakfast Food ii
1 Good to eat the year ’round by all the family. X
| Received the diploma at the 1809 Iowa State Fair over all <»
X oempetitors. Once tried, always used. Price 15 cents for a «►
X two lb. package. 2 packages 25c. .Coupons entitling you to <>
( X valuable prizes free in each package. ‘ *
How many men live on the reputa
tion of the reputation they might have
"J&w Thompson’s Eys Wator.
Mention thia paper to Advertisers.
Stomach, Liver, Kid
ney and Bowel
For Sale by All
It Cleanses the Sys
tem and Purifies
the Blood.
Send for FREE