Tin: North whs; krn PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. UFO. K. IIFNsrHOTF.lt, f IMItnra anil ■ oko. ii liiimoN, i NMlibtn | f TKRMH |l,00 PIN TEAR. If FAIR IF ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City I'MhiIRci for Iran* mission through the malls us second duss matter. The west lias opened her mouth and spoke aud her declaration was t emphatic. Prosperity was lier hut I,tic cry aud the integrity of < ur nation her watch word, Noith of Mason and Dixon's line no party has ever been successful or ever will be, that seeks to disgrace the stars and stripes. “Imperialism ’ wns a b igiu hatched and begot by an avers eious greed for nlllce, and “Mili tarism" was ho for fetched that it scared but few. This nation owoi its very life to the Republican party, ami by its leadership we have attained gaeatoesseven beyond the fondest i xpectatious. Democ racy has liltlu to be proud of and nothing to recommend her. For the past 75 years her policy has been to tear down, preach anarchy. y bankruptcy and disloyalty. These are the only records she can ling to her bosom. A fBir ballot and an honest count where she dominates is unknown. This has been fully demonstrated even in Nebraska. The legislative re-count fraud of four years ago which cost the tax payers of our stale $10,o0o , ami the South Omaha ballot box fruml in the re cent election arc glaring icsiiimmn-s of tbe truth of tin* statement. These great bull-works of liberty ueti freedom to the common people ure sacrificed that the democratic party liny fatten upon their ruins aud the result always lias been disastcrous to tbe laboring man. Can any one wonder, after a comparison of the past four years with the four pro ones, why McKinley was sac fill? The American people love tln:|r homes and a full stomach is the best factor for content moot. The policy that sends the laboring men from door to door begging for u crust is not tIn* one that will catch his vote. Neither will tho cry of r pull down the ling enlist his sjiii palhiea. Democracy must worship at the shrine of patriotism and adopt principles that will keep our mills running before she can hope to out much of a figure in national politics. The campaign of lfiOO is a con vincing argument that the attempt •by the democrats a few years ago to •combine the west and south against •the east has signally fulled, The (plurality for McKinley in 'fill was large and principally drawn from the east, but this year Bryan’s little ■chetne of sectionalism bus met it s Waterloo, ami his most significant and enormous majorities came from the west. Utah makes a change of 54.000, while Nebraska follows with a gain of 21,000. The favor ite of the east has, during his four years of a wise administration, en deared himself to the west and no amount of hypocritical harangue can sever the bonds of friendship uow existing botweeu the east and Welt The south stands alone as •he use to and can scarcely bo called ***olld either. Democratic ways will Bbooner or later bring some of the southern states into liuo for patriot ism, as a rising generation cannot long lie blinded to the disadvantages of democracy. Morocco ami the United Slate arc at preaeut very liable to bate a alight unplcaauutuea*. A tew yeara ago au American citUcu waa tuur dervil iu that countiy by a mob, and the United Statca dcuiauded an in deiuutly for the family. The gov. erotueul of Moi.icjh, wuile admitting the fac'.a ha* evaded pay incut until now nUc den tea the leaponaibillty and Uncle Date haa aeut the Ken lucky to pay a \lalt to the Suitau. A tvpbtxmin Aatntio water* aunt a *tual! vi »»d for 'he I idled Stale* and a gnu bowl and coal Ve»»el t I I* seal lit it on No |ivca were l<>at OuVefttof i'oyntei ha* luu* I hi 1 haltkagiviug y loci amadou • tatel will lie « kmrved, I uni*da>, Nov. go .lorriM.n takkn Aim tiik iiat m or ii allot*. 'V. •). Hry no, it i* announced, will winter in Florida, ao un to be out of the region of anow MormH. * 0 0 11 M Mathew Mitya lie caun'l un demlund it. It i* pyitidug hi range l»Ut every dog Iiun hi* day. • # ♦ “Vnuean fool all the people Home of the time." ete, etc. Yea boya, bat they have taken a tumble at laat, * 0 0 Nebruhku baa turned a new leaf, and “turned the raaelca out" a* the fuaioniatH have clamored uflet for mo long 0 0 0 bet iin rejoice and lie glad that “Uneie” Jake Wolle'n Mini (lower patch around the Htalu Iiouho will he cut down next aummer. * 0 0 ll editor Hrown will atop crying and wipe Ilia eye* lie may lie able to ace what him become of the Mc Kinley, ItooMcvelt and IMctricha club, * • 0 The democratic papura of (Ida county are reporting tlio leturna on election pretty much aa they pre* Mi nted the (silica during the cum puign. Very unreliable. • ♦ Wonder if editor Urn mi of till* Time* independent Demo pop Ime found out yet wliut liu* become of the McKinley, Roosevelt uod Diet licliH club of Sherman county, • * * Kx Hlientf l’ulton returned from IiIh pie counter at Line In u few day '* before ( lection to mix in Hliermun county politlcM. lie made it f< w bets on the stute and lost some dough * * # Chairman .Jones of the democrat ic national committee, who lives in Aikansus, found himself in the same position the day after election flint VV. J, Hrymididlu Nebraska. They both lost their own precinct. # # # After tiie Kansas City convention Mr. Dry nn said that if McKinley was again elected there would lie no more Fourth of duly celebration* Now just watch Uuclo Samuel dunce a hornpipe next fourth. * * ♦ bust week the Times Independent hurrahed for the success of President McKinl y by using the smallest print ho hud in the office. This is the way he put it: ■ 'hurrshrnrmarklnlsy . it allows how small the editor feels since election. * * + It is conceded now by the lie publican campaign managers thM they did uiuko one mistake und that was that they did not manage in some way to get Father Murphy, the ox communicated Catholic Priest, to hold u second meeting at Ashton. * * * II M. Mathew, said iu u speech at tiie Bryan club meeting, Saturday night before electiou that ho “ad mired the courage of tho re publicans a* there were so few of them loft." Mr. Mathew, a* a prophet i* equal to Doss Uroker. * • It butt been retuarktd that if ex Sberill Patton bad not, came home to mix In politics that tin democrat* would have gone out ot Sherman count) with u Uig.-r majority, ,'rr. Pat Lon m own township made a re publican gain ol .Mi over four year* ago. * • # The Ur> all glee ultlb of Loup Pity, in theirreoditiouof There will be mi M oe llootevult There elicited greater appliuae before the election than the) could thick of doing n iw The ft-llowa wb >»e ear* were tickled by Mich piOplinOi a buy nt recovered from ••the blow that aba >*t killed fatlivt Mm pin It now lo k* a* though • \ abet lit It l» ||- lotnokaou ».o directly r« i|Mii>it lit* Hr get ‘imli c*n be note I along down tire ticket. If tb> »•• 1 * I he* >> a fe * w oe It In i ftt'lt I III' F Mi, * ll'itli i ik-in viy'i »' wi I bare ad* t»i |»«r *how ut winning Ho go The Timm man asked, win was it that the repubt.ean* let bon eat Hid Fuller lie lieiiten. Will, strange tilings tlo happen In p d itjes. It'd why is it thnl the pops id lowed drown to run hching his ticket, espc i dly wh *n h • (drown) wields such u powerful lulluenee '( in hehalf of his par v with his paper. When Thanksgiving day rolls round tliodcin e iali will only have one thing left to In* ihankfill*l'< • »nd that m the sat III uui 1 on of knowing that they have nude n full meal of 'lie I Ilf 11 popu rep HI I Vl III!*' alia 'll till nt, The biggest gobbler ill the Whole conglomerated un s las hid his political head chopped oil uu I w,is gobbled up in a in inn ear, I lie True aitoatlon Tin re km « Iiiiiiii urn I met m< o, u muim I lu* pup* \V Ill'll I In re him* eullie III f I' >1(1 lie- ' > >i Ami iimiiy there win who wonted lu (hip When the reliirn* eiiliie In truin tlm en*l II VI Miltlii'W ul III i ii fie.' >1 |o In lleve When Ilm I'Mill n* ill* e In fn in I In- rant. That thu f ii * Ion feme* hud emi«n to irrk’V' When the return* euine in from Hie ■ u i Tom Nlrhi lin-'iih Iliuiii/M II mi'iiill u liuU' John l.olm i'oiiIiI'ih aeiiunylhlii" Imt ipohe* Ami Prow n loll loo *erhm<, to eiueh anv Juki * When the i' lorn* t'Hlu*' In from tin- euii I ho III I'll HU li I I lllll NIK >1 eOllhJ III III When ihe reliirn* I'litne Iii from the e i And Judae Anglei wunieil to go *onk hi* le ul, When the return* mine In from the mute The dom*. Ilm pop. mill the dlvi rile* ehemed And out badly heat In the hurgulii It *eemed, Mut then nil the tillin' Nel>ra*ka wn r« deenied. When ilm reliirn* mine In frem ihe *tute N I > I'/I'V-II \ K Mill.ION MtllA/l I* I lie Ladle*' Home .loiiriiul Im* IIrown Ire III 'til,000 tuple* to ll'JII 000 In Novetileen Vrari Morn limn ninuty-llvo million Co|)i(!» — to Id' t'X'H'l, il’>, tio?, I ‘J-! of Tin1 LmliiV Home Journal have Ilf cm lidUtitl Hi m:d the ill ixu/.lfio w;im li tit (Hinted, Hovt'iiloon > CHI'S ago. Deeemher, lnHd, w in lIt; Journal'it iiirtli inonlb, ami tin' llrtt luliti hi aggregated, nil told, twouty thous and. Tim miigi/.iije wuh well n t'oivod ul Iliu very start, and from tlmt timo on ilet growth Ihim been |ilit'iiominuliy rapid, tlm iiitJieaae never limiltiog, until tho cireulation In* reached nino hundred mid l wen t>-tlirev thousand c<»|»l» «* u immtli During the past eleven moutlia tlir iiiercasc lull averaged forly-ioveit tliO'iH iinl copies per m nitli >v or tin* i' iirt'H|)o!Mliiig interval of Inal >ear Tlu* following <|i|uti»ll' n ii|i*»I in ln»{ bouillli i" in tli>’ Monitor *»f Inal Am k Hr) an lia* Xi'liraaka * »n. Mr Khi|«*> Iiim a rmnrii bm* iJ.iliiUvii ivni, Inti ruin it l> in I llrvan * b iiiii* HlaU* l*>iii' r Mum Uu i I uf lu» rnk',i K'I»I"W I. 4l»lil' Uv hi h , l|lM> I Mlj'llltl S*:, ,■ IH-ki t \l* )Vi . <1 • • i lit w| , I, fallU k H i ait (all ii., Ut tUa ili I ■ 1? 1 1 ^*41** «» 1. tU fll HttiiMC i ii ii.ih i> -1 m T 11 H I I Till I l» It % IHMtldllft I'l I ml ITIH (J UMiil.ll vl ini i ij i milul The < lt til u t'f 11. repub 111'11II hill'. II k I i lyiillll iloubt. f u Me* Kin let II nlv I". ■ I I l V KIJ (I tbowtiii' 1 • i in i i in liver n^o |ilm *1 ' i I i r I Hi 11 in eefl in 1 II I r -i* v. II ll lie I M f« |» It’ll V l i lljll I ll, The lion* in hi I I' |> sod IB * '*' luttlfli ■ niAin f» ir. uu.rfucir. /*** EZRA V. NAVA'iR. or.uiii.is \v, MAirii. CIIAIill \VI fo.V. IV1U.MU ■m'UFtM' Ill* A > I •! k f, Buggie, wagon, corn shelter, hardwire, harness, stove, washing machine, windmill, pump, pipe, or anything in the furniture line? if i* 111!,*mIx■ r that I miry it full at ek, Can make you n lir-t < * 111s a 11> il rii111 it* or ('nufiiK u ol I on «li<»rt notice, ('nil ninl pi-0 ini' T. M. REED We afe Headquarters for WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES W’t lin\ «• every appliance lor making Hrstclaan Drive or Hydraulic Wells and r< h|m Hfulls olicil your order, I> **• char^oa are ren«ar**4i 'n nit ti'iK ountitmoii N1 \ h »if til’ hi^li «| u a I i t y it tit I ! 1 i' mutt* l thorn iltiH li * I * !•'* ', prilH'S. i all i,>! tl t If y«u in*t* propwrotl lu i|u ill . in I* f «Atrli mil oluoti ro| in .> in I iinwhiiitt'r my vvt>r tu ,s\o fiit»»o »wti«fwt*t< i n Y'MIli I I l>ii»llU‘4«, (.. II. MOmi.YN, Ittiup City Jowolor. Vou will never llml any oilier pill* ho |>roin|tl Mini "o |ilon»niit a* DeWlii'e Mil in K irly lllanra, OileioUtil Urn* CITY, NKIilt lilliuolli, deliver, OiiimIih, Helena, Clllekgo, Unite, HI, iIohiiiiIi, Hull, Luke City, linn hum i Tty, I’ortlmiil, HI I,mil*, Man Franc laco, noil nil |eiinl* Mllll *11 (lOlllt* 1C ji at mol Mouth, Writ thainh i.mvk an ruauwii . <401 NO KAMT No ■; I’aaaengor T V'* in No ill) Mi'lglil U Anp III. 1,01 Nil WKuT No. hi Pinianegnr 4.AT, p. Ill, No hW freight .. IlhftUk. III. sleeping, illenermol real I rung chair unr§ (HmiH fiiui mi through intiim Ticket* Hold mol I luggage cheeked to any imliiLIn lee l nlted Mlal.ee or Canada. t o, Inioi iiiiiUioi, iimiiH, lime tahlee and ticket* call on or write to It I, Arthur Agent. It ANllle, Oini'l. I'aHeenger Agent, oinnliM, Niilirneba, U, I*. HAII.WAr. Nn, it Ii uvea daily incept Mnnday ipaa* iiligci'). h no n in Nn h Ii uvea Monday, Wiiiliinaday and Friday. iinlsea) 0 40 p in. Nn nil leave* Tueaday, Tlonedny and Malnrdiiy, (inland) llihft p. nr Nn hv an Ivea dully eac.ept Mnminy (mtaed hi oh p in Nn hiirrlvea dally nscept Monday(p**a linger) 7,/lft p. m I* Ii hi riuaa aurvlce and ulnae uniiiinetloni 'ml, weal and anutli W. I», Olivine, □THE POPULAR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS '1*0 CALIFORNIA AND ORKOON. H'Ki.'UL ATTENTION UtVKN TO i.AIHKK AND (TIIMJKKN TUAVKLINU AI.ONK. Tiny tin- well oared for by Hui Conductors who urooMpaiiy each uf tliwt excursions to i allf.irnla anil Oregon, uml passengers can de* pend upon h i i iv lop tiie most eourtaous treat* me lit TI1K CON DU CTOItM are all men ol nxpa rli in i In excursion travel, and will sen that Hie cumforl uf putrons Is carefully uttendml to. ONE OK TIIE MONT ATTRACTIVE ERA TI'HKs OK THESE EX Ol ItSIONH IS THE ECO i )M V Tlicre la adllferenca bet ween the Hrst and •croud class passage In rullroad amt sleeping i u f,ir,~ ul nearly $4fi per passenger Tills mm uni be saved by patroiiDIng llie I'liloii I‘at 111. I *c i ii.ii.il I v I tiuilucletl Excursions TIIK NKW PULLMAN Hiiilburv sli eptuw Cara assigned to Hits svr vi.i > ere bum expressly (• acitMiinnidate the * ul i In t allfcrnla and Oregon All iiic . bil l aiilt the famous I'lnteh Eight are »■ II tentlluti'd. bate separate lavalorivs for ladles andgeii'temeu ami all ears are carpet “I .III I upboUleretl Willi iiimable parllltolis ■ is railng thi sect lulls thus Insuring all the ul mo * prlvai i sMnKINti is *1 I uWMi IN THE I.Si I twins <'.11111 linn l. ii.. m sun,gin, , at protule.l fur that putiH.ve up the train no \H“V R KXC| ttsliiN I.KAX r.s lilt A hi y i i t PRIDAI tsn i as MK julh re i xfcv I'tHNT Al.tisu riiKMNI I'm (all paiti stars .ail u« your nearest a a address tl.j PtiifM *aeai M ■»— _ ns iiixi m m i' (in mo Wanted »vZJgm js||||‘|‘RHs We « «ui Uwd m any isnliiy at Matkat IT lea ami duaiahlea xallata* llun ta|iilal Rdd.Uttl Itcfi *i*n• a, I s Nat l Hank uf Yuui * M .... HI 1'k.HHY, HA! KM A IKS Mai (I«iIn. N*kf auxl Pfciiadel (bit |T tX Uuicala II iltar Ki|g*, I I'uulllf and Uiwa,