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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKO. K. BKNSrllOTKK, I Krtltor* »nd OKO. H. GIBSON, ( Publishers TERMS:—tl.00 PRIt THAR. IP PAID IN ADVANC* Entered at the Loup City Poslofflec for trail* mission through the mail* ns second clam matter. ■" ■ .—i— Lioaal Daws. 1 SB MsBIBBBMawni I >■ T. M. Herd buys Game, Oo to Sheppard* for lino hand en graving. 0 7 E C. Vanscoy returned home from the east Tuesday. * Fred Hock of I.ogaji twp. was in the city Saturday doing btsiness. Robt Young and Tlios Rentfrow was up from St. Paul several days this week. Saturday was a beautiful day and the streets of Loup City were crowded. Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices aud samp les Mrs. W W.Skipworth went to Ham ilton county Tuesday morning to visit relatives. Frank Cook, one of the Republican wheel horses of Bristol twp. was In the city jesterday. Jaeger has a nice line of Men's, Boy’s and Children's winter caps at prices to suit the times. Frank Lorchick has purchased the old primary school property and will make a residence out of it, ■/. J’lill Jaeger has just received a large line of trunks, valices, telescopes and suit cases which he Is selling cheap. A part of the M F. choir of this city attended the funeral of Mrs Pat Braden of Valiev county last Sunday, James Fickling and sister, cousins of tho Draper Bros, of the west side, visit ed with the hoys and with their uncle, W. T. Draper, last week. It bring* to the little one* that price less gift of healthy tlesh, solid bone and muscle. That’* what Hocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. if you want your watch put in good repair hv the only first class workman in the county call on G. II. Morgan, the Jeweler, Roy. Humphrey*, Presbyterian minis ter stationed at Harwell, was a pleasant caller at this otllce last Saturday. He was here arranging for a county Sun day school convention. When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don't fail to call on G, II Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Loup Valley. Mr*. John Minshult retimed from a three months visit to her old home in Canada last Saturday and John I* coro spondingly happy. Thos. Nightingale has bought the Mrs. Willard property on Main street. Tom is enjoying his full share of Me Kinley prosperity. We received a letter this week from Mr. 1 T. Walt, of Ha/.ard, containing • I 00, with the instructions to send him this great religeou* weekly for one year. Time* please copy. G. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler docs all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing in a workman like man ner. When you have something to co in his line, don’t fall to call on him Odendahl Pros, have rented the south room of the Porter building so as to accommodate tbelr large Christmas stock of goods. They have a very tine display. D. Howard, of Harrison twp. but who has been working on a ranch near Hy anis, in Grant county, was in the city Saturday. He states that the party he was working for sold 100 head of steers, grass fed, this fall for $10 00 per head. And still the populists can't see any prosperity. Why experiment on yourself with re. medics of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which ha* stood the test of tnne y Twen ty five years sale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon as the cold has been contracted and before it has sot tied in the system. Hold by Oden dab I Bros. "I wish to express my thanks to the manufacturers of Cbamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for having put on the market siu h a won tier I id medicine,** says W, W Massin gill, nf Beaumont, Texas. There are many thousand* of mother* whose chil dren have deen saved from attack* of dy sent try and cholera Infantum who must also feel ihnouful it is for sale by Odvadatil Uros On the loth of December Ivj’, Rev S. A iHmahoe, pastor \| K church HouCt, |*l l*lra*atit W \ ^ contract**! a severe cold which waa attended from the Itegglnnlng hy violent coughing II* says; "After resorting to a number of to call* d 'spoolItce.* u»ualit kept in lit* house, to no purpose* | purchased a bottle of chaml •italn * • .gn bran U|, which acted like a charm I moa cheer* fully tv* too- u I i' ihcj lot sal* bf Od*ndahl Urns Go to Sheppards for first class watch repairing. Boy's and Men's felt boots at half price at Jaegers. Parties desiiing a good Bronze gob '.er for breeding purposes can get it by calling on,—W. A. SHELL, Sewing machines for sale at T. M. Heed’s Overcoats, duck lined coat*, boy's and men’s suits are going cheap at Jaegers Gome and see them. No o.her pill can eijual DeWItt’s lit tle Early Riser* for promptness, cettain ty and efficiency. Odcndahl Bros. Blankets are moving fast at the prices .larger Is selling them. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods. II IE Brewer and J, M. Taylor came up from Central City Monday to ca»t a ballot for four years m re of McKinley prosperity. Frank Smith came down from Alli ance Monday to attend the election. Frank Is looking well and say* be like* the northwest very much. Mrs. A T. Conger came in on Ihe B. A M. Saturday evening She brought a little Miss Conger about three weeks old along and pappa Conger wears a 7x!) smile K Munn.ol Hazard, K. O. Paige of Rockville and Frank Fuller of Bristol were In the city Wednesday to re celve the glorious new* of McKinley's overwhelming majorities. Fragrant as ripe fruit—Pure as a mountain spring—Hoary with age and a hlis* to men when rightly used—that’s Harper Whiskey! Sold by T. 11. Eisner I, oup < 'ity, Neb. Uncle Jack Ford was up street Wed nesday for the first time since he got hurt. Uncle Jack says it grieved him very much that he could not get to the polls to vote for McKinley, "Up to date” Photographs at M. J, eschiris'<y’s Photo Gallery Loup City dining ill* month of .September and October on every Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Ft (day Stamp size photos 1H for 25 cents. Lincoln republicans had good cause for great rejoicing. The first several precinct* reported showed an average gain for McKinley of If). When the returns were all In I iincaster showed a gain for the republican ticket of over 600. The calico ha 1 Tuesday night, was a howling success. The ball was uncom fortably crow ded and the ladies are well pleased with their auccess, Mrs II. W. I’edlcr won the prize of a new calico dress. The managers of the creamery at ] Loup City report that they shipped #7<X1 worth of eggs during the month of October. Kgg* keep up pretty well in price, they are at present 15 cents per doz. Peter Itowe, the author of the ' Father Murphey* letter published ln.the Nuhth wksj'khn, and which hat made the democrats so much worry, say* that If they doubt the authorship they should come to him and he would give them lessons In writing. The Royal Neighbors will give an en tertainment and dance at the hull next Friday night. They have gone to a great expense and trouble to prepare a good entertainment and It will be worth double the price of admission. Price of admission to the ent crtulnmcnt ami, wl-U he 26cents. J. P. Taylor of Ashton, we are told sold a cow b fore election for #50 the same to bo paid for when Iiryan is elected. If the purchaser is to pay 10 per cent on the investment, It would seem that here was at least one Instance where the price of cattle had advanced under the McKinley administration. liavid Richardson of K'm township Was successful In his tight for the supervlsorship Mr. Rlchrrdson had a hit tie on his hands hut he came tip on top Itave Is not of our political faith but we congratulate him for triumph ing over the treason in his own camp lie is a good man and will make a g< od officer. A peculiar election bet is reported in Loup City which will relieve one of our ladles of considerable labor during the next thirty days. Mr. and Mr*. I.ew McGrath laid a wager that If Bry an was elect'd Mr* McGrath would g< t up mornings and build the tire for the next thirty day* Mini If McKinley was successful I.ew was to do the family washing for the same period. I.ew la in f»r It. The < out stock Index a u w periodical for iin* Middle I.oup valley is on our desk. I* i» a bright new*y sheet and duals the McKinley htuner from it* mast and like a true American Is proud to do so. It has a targe held tor nsful n •»* up In t utter and it la hoped that it may lead ihc lost to repentance l»o nut get scared If your hear* troub les you. Moat likely j u aultei from In digestion Kmlol llysprpata t'ur* di gests what you eat and gives the worn out stoma* ii per (ret rest. It Is the only (•reparation known* (hat completely sit ge-st* ail classr* of |ich|s , tbit Is why it . ore* the am I case* of tn< llgestlon and •tout «<l« trouble after everything t|*e has fatted It may be taken In all eon diliurts and cannot help do you good it teu lakl Bros I During ihe winter of lMt7 Mr. James Re«*tl, one of tlie b ailing citizens anil merchants of Olay. <'Iay O, W. Va,, struck tils leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen ami pain ed him so badly that he could not wtik without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physician*, also used several kinds of liniment and t*o and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, tmt nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlains Pain Balm This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that bad lie not used Ibis remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is unequaled for sprains, bruise* and rheu matism. For sale by Odendabl Bros 1,0VV KATES* WEST AND NORTHWEST. Every Tuesday during October and November the Burlington Route will sell tickets at the following low priced rates: OgdeD, Halt Lake, Bute, Helena, and Anaconda, one way #2’i, Round trip #10. Return limit, 30, days. Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, Port land, Victora and Vancouver, one way, #2H. Round trip $45. Return limit, :)0 duys. Tickets and information at nil Burlington ticket olllccs. ♦ • ♦ Pure Whiskey HAlii’KH Perfect Whiskey HA HI’Kit Every bottle guar anteed HAKI’EB — hold by T. 11 Ki.« neb, I,oup City. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores arc soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Halve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter felts Odendabl Bros. w m Should all married men buy “New Home” Hewing Machines for their good wives? Because it shows they care for the good health and happi ness of their consorts. For sale by T M. Reed. In order to Introduce The Hemi Week ly Htate Journal to a lot of new homes it will be sent free from now until Jan uary 1, 1901, to any person sending us One Dollar for a year's subscription. I bis gives you the paper from now un til Janua-y 1. 1902, for only One Dollar The .State Journal Is the recognized state paper and hould he in every home Inthertate. Printed at the capital it gives more prompt and acurate reports of Nebraska doings than any olher pap er, and as it gives you two papeis each week, It furnishes you with the latest news several days ahead of other papers. You will not want to bo without the Journal during the legislature an I the great senatorial contest. The earlier you send ttie dollar the more papers you will get fur your money.—Address. Th« htate Journal nt Lincoln, Neb Kv IT3 l»o<ly CmII Aflon! It There was a time when many fami lies could not aft'ord to take a daily pa per, but now that the Lincoln Evening News Is sent by mail at the chenp rate of 25 cents a month, the daily paper with all its advantages is within the reach of every family and the reduction in price has brought The Newf several thousand new subscribers. The News is printed at the state capital, the, foun tain head of news events, and with Its eight big pages, with markets, tele graph and state news makes one of the brightest pspers in Nebraska It's worth more, but it only costs you 25 eta. a month. Why not have The Lincoln News visit you during the long winter | months now coming on. You can sub scribe through your postmaster or send your order to The Lincoln Daily Even ing news, Lincoln Nebr. A Tlioilsaint ToDgiin. . Could not expreM the raptuio ol An nie E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr King's New Discovery cured her of it hacking cough Hint for many years had made life a burden. She says; “After all other remedies and doctors failed it soon removed the pain in my i chest and 1 can now sleep soundly, something I cau scarcely remember do ing tefore. I feel like sounding Its praises throughout the Universe.*, Dr. King's New Discovery la guaranteed to cure ail troubles of the Throat, Cheat or Lung* Price 50c and 91. Trial hot lies free at Odendahl Bros, drug store. AsHl'ON MICA L* Ct>»*. heushausen came over from Ord Friday and intended slaviug over election but it telegram reach'd hmi Saturday stating that In* broth er who lias been in poor health for the pa*t year hud bten taken sudden ly worse and was not able to attend the store, so he waa compelled lo it turn at once. Clause Kjfgera, Dlttnn « former butcher, Wm down Iroin l.oup City ftntorday, 'li and .Mis. \V. II. Itrowu re turned t«> D u id City Friday. Ilo fuaioi.ula of \shtoti twp,, livid a mevling In liadma s store Saturday night \ndr w »i ii<ki, • i itsliwt candl date for a«*es«i‘1 of \shttin twp,, «y> «|i «<l In t majo Ilf of 7 over Hie fusioutat JIM I Wantkd—At Sheppards’ the Pract ical watch maker till kind* of wstche* to repair. I guarantee all my work ♦ • * ■ - Win Christen putcliased a new wind mill of T. M. Heed Mrs week. Dr, W, f|, Lewis, La wreneevill, Va,, writes ,-l ain using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In my practice among severe cases of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy.*' Many hundreds of physici an* depend upon the use of Kodol Dj s pepsla Cure in stomach trouble*. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you need, provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure.—Odendahl Urns G. II Morgan ha* now a $500 stoek of new Jewelry for hi* costumer* to select frotr. He can suit you In any thing in that Hue. Don't?fall to examine his stock before making your purchases. All kind*of i Jewelry repairing -UHEl’PAKDfl. Promptly Done at ) »»■ — Anew remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It is <|iilck relief and will prevent the attack If given as soon as the first Indication of the disease ap pear*. Price 25 cents per box Sample free —Odendahl Bros, • • • llnliliail Tli« Grave A startling Incident, I* narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, a* f<>l Iowa: "I was In an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pum continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians hud, given me up. Then I wu* auylsed to use Klectric Bitters: to my greHl Joy the first bottle made a dec Id id Im provetiient. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim” No one should fail to trv them. Only 50c . guaranteed, at Oden dahl* It is well to know that OeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve will heal a hum ami stop the pain at once. It will cure ec zema ami skin diseases and ugly wounds ami sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits ma> lx* offered you. See that you get the original ImWltt'a Wlicb Hazel Salve Odendahl Bros. FOR HALE - A quarter section of laud, four and one-half miles north east of A-htori, on Turkey Creek and near the Catholic Church 120 acres under cultivation, 20 acri s in pasture and 20 acres hay land, good orchard, sod buildings, granary and two good wells. Will sell reasonable. Address STANiSf.AW Lkwandowski, Owner. Loup City, Neb. -— — T M. Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture. The best method of clenslng the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as DeWiU's Little Early Riser*. E»sy to take Never gripe. Odendahl Bros. Ilnrkieti's Arulea Salve Has world-wide fame for maivelous cures. It surpasses sny other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burn*. Holies, Sores, Felons, I'leers, Tetter,Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, (’hap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Files, Cure guaranteed. Only ‘ifio at Odendahl Bros. ♦ • ♦ Your blood goes through your body with jump* and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your bode, If you take Rocky Mourn tain Tea. Ask your druggist. Call and see T, M. Reed if in need of .a buggy or spring wagon 0«W«f .V .1UU P„ William C. Killian, Plaintiff. v». Alfred W. Wilcox and Kuitint Wilcox, hutfhand and wife, Defendant* The above mimed defendant, Alfred W. Wilcox, will take notice that on tbe 3rd day of October, 11**1 the above named plaintiff filled bln petition In tbe Dint riot Court of* fMiarmxii county, Nebruwku ,tgam*l Ilia above named deleiidantu, tbe object and prayer of which aretorefoim the dlaertptlon in a certain deed, en*« a ted and delivered by the *ahl del end a m* to *aid plaint lit on tbe -'4th day of November, 1*14, conveying to the **id plaintiiT by nit#ta«c, tint North Waal ijuarter of HmUlmi, No ,*** in Towu«hlp fii, north of | banife i«> «tdt of ibe nth Principal Mi* 1 rtdtan, aitoai" In hltartnait county. Neb. ranka, t ut which u:uuni iltomd j rightfully have convened the Mouth \l i'll «|na11ei of *aid Hcetion .*•♦, in*(ead of t be Not ill M nl (|iurt|f thereof J and furl her to have in* *atd ln«\romeiit i i»ia*l* to etpiaa* upon it* face and to imiivpv to ml I plaintiff the Month We«i I iptartar of a apt Ha*diun Hu. mat tad id the North 4**i *(uaiter thcicof, « • that the 1 *moe *h*U be mad* t«i conform to and to efttcetuat* the puipove at* I laian > lion id the parti**#, thereby to *ati*Hr , 4irl ram tl a certain bond tor a deed | Ihvrwtofota at* nta*l and ft* • ■ 1 by lh« I plaintiff to *ald defendant. A lied 4 | 4 ib**% f.*r tha c » uveyan* a to him j of tin ***nth 4 eat *tu*r'«r of said #»«• tl »a * t*r». aia a«ta*if > t** an»wci »a<t p«ti |l**a Mg or before lie t it ta day of N o rMlwi M1 4 it ii % a « rifoa# f at at id tty 4 #ti j 4i«tt%a#, hiaalty*. Mated thu lib fay I • vet Imp* Astigmatism! Astigmatism is not a disease but is simplv a defect in the shape of ti e eye ball. It necessitates an irregular strain upon the muscles iu adjusting for different objects. There is no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, especially jieacl Acl)es A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cuti-e, They believe that they can see as well ns any ono and in a good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just the same. If any one thinks their eyes arc not right come in and see me. Iam the only optician in this part of the country that can correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD* The Leading Optician and Jeweler. Loup City, Nebr. ADAM SCHAUPP WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR ALL t KINDS OF GRAIN. I uIho hari'llc Hard and Salt Coal and exchange flour and feed of si 11 kinds for wheat. Ilininark • iron Srrvt, Was the result ofbl* splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where Stomach. Liver, Kidney* and Bowel* are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess they bring, use Dr, King'* Mew Life Pills, Ool 25 cents at odendahl Bros, drug store. ♦ • • You little knew when llrst we met That some day you would be The lucky fellow Pd cboose to let. I’ay for my Rocky Mountain Tea,— Ask your druggist. ♦ • ♦ - H day alarm | clocks J Shkppakds. 83.60cts at j — Job Couldn't lliattt Stood It If he’d had Itching Piles. They’re terrld-ly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arni ca Hulve will cure the worst case of pile* on earth. It has cured thousand*. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Kruptiona if,* the best salve In the world Price 25c. a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by druggists, ♦ • ■ - — Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that u-c* One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless rem dy that produces immediate result*. It Is Infallible for coughs, cold*, croup and all ibroat and lung trouble*. It will prevent con sumption. Odendahl Bros. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publlo, Will Defund In Foreclosure ''in Al so IK) A General Roal Estate Business. Office in NokruwsMTBHM Hulhlln*. t-OCT OITV. NKIIHASSA. i R. J. NIGHTINGALE. I LOUP OITT. i | NU A- S- MAIN. I’ll YSK'IAX A SUHGKON I.Ot’PMIY, s I lll(.\ >K A "OH « -VI M Ilwlel W. I*. M Allt'Y, II Iv .Y I iST lit I it n\ \,t silts i*i i . i, , | ^ Aort* r/rI* ,VA7f Till* ip the pt-apon when mother* are alarmed on account of croup. It I* ijuiikly cureil by One Minute Oough Cure, which children like to take, Odenduhl Bros. The complete service of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL” via Union Pacific, enables passengers to reach t he principal cities between the North Paciffe ('oust and Missouri River not only in thu shortest possible space of lime, but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner. The dining curs on this train are stocked with the best the market affords. Al! meals served a la carte. H. J. Clifton, Agent. KEEP YOUR On Sheppard’s Jewelry Store if you want bargains in the jewelry and silverware line; and if you want glasses or your eyes tested lor glasses see him. lie can give you information that will ho of value to you. I. S. NIIKITAKI), The lineal Uptu<inn ainl Jeweler in ibe country. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure D^,,‘>l what you eat. I* t '■.III. 11 'tula t h«- (k iI ,iiiit alita nttl'ire i >> • •*(•()i• 11•. 1/ nti«| tlruetinu .In . tii.,(m| J ni «u*t» or* a ina I* ta lli<* laii ni a > mvci «| iiiamt* anl aiul i*>ft«i \o Hi in-f |.r« Ion run ni i'Ti ,!• | lit «*ai i ih i , |t, to* •I Mill) ri iu (. . , 1,1 |» , ni.u,.* rurwa l»V'i«r|*i». Iiwfi,*. i. ||., r o uii iH i> rin,. si..i .4, a Niiiiwnl t ill lit i. », i. i»n.( , i,» rr*iin«i,#n4 am.iii. i ri.» u..r mill. ;f(. *i|lfc,.»tMi#. er«i»itraa>t c OfWioACaCMfww* rut **!• t»» ••ossittin. ini.m j * * U« i