The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 02, 1900, Image 4
I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb/__ •The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY at the county skat. GKO. K. BKN.SCHOTEK. Editor* and GKO. H. GIBSON, Publisher* TEKMB —11.00 PEH YEAH, ir PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflro for trans mission through the mall* a* second clan* matter. - _ -- Lioaal Daws. __ii j jrrnm* W J. Fisher was at Arcadia Mon dav. Go to Sheppards for line hand en graving. II 7 ,). D. Ford is still con fined to the bouse. Grandma Gibson is not able to be up yet. M. II Mead, and C. W. Conblser are virtually laid up with the rheuma tism at present. A quarter of ati Inch of ice froze here Wednesday night. Hy, Chase was over from Mason the first end ot tbe week. A. M. Bennett is building a new barn at bis city residence. T, C Chamberlain of Clear Creek was in tbe city Tuesday. Don't forget tbe calico ball at So ciety ball on election night. Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les On account of the Dal lot | rioting this week-ve are compelled to neglect our editorial page. The Loup city male (Juartett went to Arcadia, Wednesday night to sine- for a political meeting. If you wish your teeth extracted with out pain cull on Dr. Homine at hotel October 25 und 2(1. Dr. L. O. Mead of Sioux Falls. S. D. and a brotlic of l’rof. Mead of this city, is here on a visit. W. F. Porter, Seeietury of state spoke here to a small audience last Friday afternoon Herman Johansen an ' W. It Mellor sold a tine bunch of steers the fore part of the week It brings to the little ones that price less gift of healthy llesh, solid bone and muscle. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. If you want your watch put in good repair by the only llrst class workman in the county call on G. II. MoiMAN.fhe Jeweler, When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don’t fall to call on G II Morgan. He carries the finest line In the Loup Valley. Re sure and go to the polls next Tber dayand vote the Republican ticket from top to bottom. Vote for the party that Insures you a market for your prod rce. Pop senator Miller is putting in moat of his tipie in Gherman county. He is rustling around away from home so as to escape that oflice that is after him. O. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew dry repairing in a workman like man ner. When you have something to i'o in his line, don't fail to call oniiim. A little folks party was given at the borne of G. II, Gibson and wife last Saturday afternoon toeelebra e the 10th birthday of their youngest daughter, Lottie. A good number of children were present and all enjoyed themselves hugely. Why experiment on yourself with re medies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's C'ouglt Remedy, which has stood the test of time:- Twen ty-live years sale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt mid certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon as the cold lias been contracted and before it ha* -e' tied In the system. Sold by Odendahl Bros. “1 wish to express my thanks to the manufacturer- of chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Oiarrboea Remedy, fur having put oil the market „u«-t, a mm tierful medicine," *»v* W. \\ M is-ln gill, of Beaumont, Texm. There are many thousand* of mothers whose chil dren have decn saved from atta k« of dy*cntery and cholera Infantum who must also feel thankful It 0 for sale by Odcndalil l!ro* On the loth of l»e- enib r 1' .;, R< \ H. A I tuna hoe, pastor 'I h church SuutSi, J*t riNiist. IV \ a, contracted a severe void which was attend, d from the beggliinlng by violent roughU g ||e says: "After resorting to H n.iu,i,.-r of so-called 'Specifics,’ usual:) • pt the house, to no purpose' I | Inv-rd a I Hit tie of Ctiauil-et Iain's < ongh R, I, e dy, which acted like a charm I n.>■ . rheereftilly recommend It tuthe p Fur sale by < M> i.-Uhl tiros. The leant «»f F. K tlrewrer t * » •pit. up street last Thor* lav suM > • - to gate Frank was out n htt - late anl when coming Into the > t» upset When ho lightest the huggt link «m It# wheel* the horses b*c« >v frightened and ran »fl au I h ft Fr • Its continue hi* way on foot t he top of the boggt was pretty badly deutut fcJIsed. Go to Sheppards for Brat clast watch repairing. J. T. Hale returned froui the south Wednesday. J. C Fletcher of Boclus, was in the city yesteiday. Coyote hunting is the order o' the day aiming our local sports. Mrf.Kev, Madely arrived In the city Wednesday evening and Mr. Madely has quit living alone. Mrs. John Warren and Grandma Wai rt’u and the children left yesterday mor ning for tiieir liomo at St. I ouls Steve Gray lias another car load of horses nearly ready for shipment. This is the second one this fall. A luw suit was m progress tins week between Jacob Friedman and Fritz Uickcl of tlm west side. No o her pill can equal PeWiti's lit tle Enrly Kisers for promptness, cettain ty and efficiency. Odendahl Bros, Wednesday night was halloween, and the boys and girls had a good time without doing any particular damage. Steve Gray has purchased the livery barn located west of the Ht. Elmo hoti I and hereafter he will sit under his ow n vine and tig tree. Lou Haller is building a new grain shed and setting up an engine. He expects to have it ready for operation next week an<l will keep constantly on band all kinds of ground feed. 'Tp to date'1 Photographs at M. I.esehiusky's Photo Gallery Loup Gity dining th • month of September and October on every Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Pilday Stamp size photos Is* for 2fi cents. District Court will convene In Slier man county Nov. 12th. It will be a Jury term The copy for ttie* bar docket has been given to the printer. There are seventy civil cases and six criminal cases on ttie docket. The jury Is called for ttie 18. II G. Patton of Lincoln I* in the city, this week assisting the fuslonDtf In their campaign. Mr. Patton has n good job and he knows it, and very much desires to keep It, all of which we do not object to. but not at the ex pense of continuing this state in the list of calamity howlers. .1 L. Hopper was in the city the last part of last week shaking bands with old friends. John has quit the elevator business and has purchased * stock of merchandise at Butler, It miles south east of fiavenna, and will hereafter he counted among the measurers of calico. We wish John unbounded success. Mrs. B T Snyder airived home from Colorado Monday evening after a three months visit with her d (tighter Mattie. Mrs. Snyder brought some Colo rado fruit along home which was picked from her son-in-law's farm. Mr. Snyder brought a sample of It to this office which was among the Hnest we ever saw, as well as the most luclous. Many thanks for the same. Do not got seared if your hoar? troub le- you. Most likely you suffer from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* dl get-ts what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest, it Is the only preparation known that completely di gests ail classes of foods; that is why it cures the woast cases of indigestion an?J stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all con ?litions ami cannot help do you good. — Odendahl Bros. It will 1)0 noticed that the delin quent tax list this year as advet Used was shorter than it has been for many years. This is a mark ed evidence of prosperity. We have , noticed the list as published in oth er counties an?l they are at least one half shorter than they have been, and this same report comes from all over the state. The people of Sher man county are paying their tax every day and the treasurer is kept buisy making out receipts. Not with standing the fuel that the taxes of last years assessment ure higher than they have ever been before, ’hey are being paid prompter than ever. \V bat IwHter eviderceof pros petity do you waut? We submit this f?»r the careful consult ration of ’he voters now upon the t ve of another great national election. The mortgage record too is being rapidly wiptd out in the same manner Far 'her* does not the great demand and good prices for your products enable Vou to do these things ' • • • w in 'tiuuld all married men bu\ • New ll> in? Sewing Machines for their O' "I wilt • ' lie' Ilise |t allows lhc\ • ale for the good health anil liappi less of their consorts. For sale to T M Him. % l|«iU«4li?l |?iii|(i|»t l '-?l' ! |li>t express the rsptuis of ? e i, s|.ris(»f, of |*i,i q iils, when Dt hiiig sVes Di cuM ry etiled her »| i hsi I'd C' >glt III i! foi ll. il l ie«IS 1' 1 ' ; ■ Of' \ t r It 11 s|je * ,, , a ■*#( |. j other ftai*'.iift stel tits too tailed tl soon removed Ihe ( lift In loi t»e*t II. | | t 111 nos »i»e|t ••no dll , 1 'oelhit'X I fSM *i‘*rvely reot« loiter dll c ! t eft-re I feet like sounding It* | lire! throughout I It' t nlvoti *, |lf b tig t \m Dlowverv I* X isrsiiteed III re ill iMitltifi of the | tir-iil I best *»» I c<i Ik * ii «nd |t Trial tod I »1. v tree u It lendihl ii rua .ktutf Mdiv AXNII11XCKMGNT C A tills AT TIIK BAPTIST CHU RCH The young men of I.oup City are ly requested to attend tt service for young men at the Baptist Church on Sunday evening Nov. 11. The pastor will preneb especially to young nten and will endeavor tt point out to them the way to success. While the whole service will be for young □ten everybody is cordially Invited to be present. The Ladles Home Mission Society of the Baptist Church w ill give an run rtainment in their church Sunday evening Nov. 4th at u o'clock A very interesting program has been prepared. All are invited to come und don't forget the pennies us u collection for Home Missions will be taken. Mbs Am.tin. Secy. — -♦ # ♦ During the winter of l*i»7 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, (’lay C., W. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice In such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pain ed him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches, lie was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and t to and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing if, but nothing gave any lelief until he began using Chamberlains I’aln Balm This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had he not used ibis remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. I’aln Balm Is unecpialed for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Odcndahl Bros ♦ • ♦ LOW RATES WEST AND NORTHWEST, Every Tuesday during October und November the Burlington Route will sell tickets at the following low priced rates: Ogden, Salt Lake, Bute, Helens, and Anaconda, one way #2:l, Round trip f40. Return limit, 30, dais. Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, I’ort land, Victora and Vancouver, one way, #-'8. Round trip f |.'». Return limit, 30 days. Ticket* and information at all Burlington ticket offices. ♦ • ♦ Pure Whiskey HARPER Perfect Whiskey HARPER Every bottle guar an teed HARPER —Sold by T II Kl.s NKK, Loup City. Torturfcg skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWItt’* Witch Ila/.el Salve, the best known cure for pile*. Beware of worthless counter feits Odendahl Bros. HORSES WANT1D.—Mareg and Mules and extra good big horses for the eastern market. 1 will buy a ear load of good boned young horses. Also some good drivers I will be at Loup t.’by. November Stb, at St“ve (iray's livery ham. I’iease bring the best. II C. SHELDON. DIVIDE JOTT1NUM Corn husking is the order of the day, when not too wet, and i* making from zero to twenty live bii-hels per acre. Divide School commenced Monday the 81)th, Hatty I'hrockmorton, teacher. The Hot Shot quartette met at John Matbewsons the first of the week for practice arid are now ready to furnDh music for campaign purposes from a republican stand point, if not to late Mr. Menry Stark has returned from Montrose, Col. and brought back with him a’box of fruit, which has set the peeple wild with Montrose fever The display I* very fine, especially the grapes. Mr. Stark wi.l rtart for bis new home next week The co-operative society surprised the ladles of Divide house bv coming in on her l ist Thursday, with the nec essary paraphernalia for quilting and sewing carpet rags, best part of the program was dinner. More when I feel like it. Cum* Antiilm. AstiTON items. K. (i Paige and aon Park, took in the speaking at Loup City the 25th. A bouncing baby boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs \V II Smelser la-i Ti ursday night and Mr. thncDer il cnrospondlngly happy. Manley DaUiin-kv was doing business at th" bob Tuesday IV til .'cibcrt left VVedu«'»day mo itiug for St Paul, to attend tlie boat lies* col lege. Corn liusking is under way and farm era report a fair ) teld JIM • w I'll XII IHt.Kk Ihe weather continue* warm with plenty of rain to nuke tlie fab gram grow. Mr K Kir ha* * m* * ho • «>-keeper Mf<, V |le*lop l»*« • topped her hit hold |o lulling* an I III a f« * da* « th * three \ ungr*t children wl.l .o coiiipany l < r to that place where iti«* expect to reiitilu during the winter II *r»y and font IL-top |it'<ynto ity n i p a iIin k ii h lit Montana Mr Vargiotn. sfter tiling ilngon ii .iili-Miii, h*n*t* ant lw a a hi* is turned t a \**b»**k* a here he riyrch : to Hiaae In* future Ii mu' V»i|e to Did low for • ; ,y »*«» It* puMt *o a un it* e I v kk* biter, t' *y a ltd f. ill t»i tS*hl|* ill «nMU M I Wanted—At Sheppards' the Pract ical watch maker all kinds of watches to repair, i guarantee ail my work Win Christen pmchaaed a newr wind mill <»f T. SI. Heed tills week. Dr, W. II. Lewis, LawrenceviP, Va., writes.-‘J am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure In my practice among severe cases of indigestion and find it an admirable remedy.” Many hundreds of physici ans depend upon the use of Kodol Dj s pepsla Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you need, provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Ciyea instant relief and a permanent cure,—Odendahl Bros ♦ • ♦ O H Morgan has now a $500 stock of new Jewelry for his costumers to select from. He can suit you in any tiling in that line. Don't fall to examine bis stock before making your purchase*, All kinds of i Jewelry repairing , HHKPPARDS. Promptly Done at ) ^ A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odendahl Bros, drug store It is called Chamberlain’* Stomach and Liver Tablets. If i- quick relief and will prevent the att ick if given a- soon as the first Indication of the disease ap pears. Price 25 rents per box Sample free —Odendahl Bros. ... HoIiImmI The <iruve A Htaitlmg Incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows: “I was in an awful condition. My ’•km was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con'imially in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by (lav Three physicians had given me up. 'Then I was aaylsed to use Electric Bitters: to my great joy the first bottle made a decid'd Im provement I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed tin* grave of another victim" No one should fall to tn them Only 50e , guaranteed, at Oden •lahls It is well to know that DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve will heal a burn ami stop the pain at once ft will cure ec zema and skin diseases and ugly wounds ami sores, It is a certain cure for piles, (‘ounterfelis may be offered’you See that you get the original DeWItt's W’liCh Hazel Salve. Odendahl Bros, FOR SALK A quarter section of land, four and one-half miles north east of A-lilon. on Turkey Creek and near the Catholic Church 120 acres under cultivation, 20 acres In pasture and 20 acres hay land, good orchard, sod buildings, granary and two good wells. Will sell reasopab'e. Address Lkwandowski, Owner. Loup City, Neb. T M. Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture. The best method of clenslng the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as |>eWitt's Little Early Risers. to take. Never gripe. Odendahl Bros.' ltiirk!«ii'a Arnica Salve lias world wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tlon, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boiles, .Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only S5c at Odendahl Bros. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life t > every part of your body, if you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Ask your druggist, Call anti 800 T. M. Reed if in need of a buggy or spring wagon I.Kt.AI, NOTICK. William C. KUU#n, iMntntltf. \ *. I Alfred W. Wlloox and Kumu Wlloox, I huuband and wife, Defendants The almvo named defendant. Alfred W, Wt t*o\, will take* notice that on the 3rd ! day of October, !!•*» the fttatve named plaintiff filled his petition In the Dtatrlei II ourt of- nhnrman county, Nebraska against the at>o¥u named defendants, the I object and prayer of ahteli are to reform the diseripltou in a certain ttMil, exe» uted and delivered by the •*id defendants to *ni I plaint id on the tihdayuf Suvfmher, 1 t l. conveying to the said plaintiff by , ini-*1 a•*e, the North West tj iurtoi of i ’ lion, No In Tow ii»hi|» !*•. ttortli of l. tttgt- is west of th< Hih t'nnelpat Ms t idian. Bttnat* iu tlitTiiuet io>mi y, Neb ii*k«, nnl sUieli tiistrMTiirtil shot! d I 'ltfftiily have toiiVuy»«t the south West •punt«i i f sal t M^listt $*, l in lead • «f I tie North Weal i| »ui*er thi'liCf F and f«fItiBi to have ttu *aid instrntiient j H ide to r|pt«M upon t« face and to j (uiiof In salt pit ti lift t tie *i*uti Wr«t • »l natter of sac* trrlluH Jb, tttelced of the N.»ll» W« #t i| tstlti Ihetvtf. that the ■ 11 ■ if stialt be Mull to iitlifiltHi to Sl*d to nittfi tiislr the pur* *ee and mien tt u of the |>nrtt*4, Ihritby t*t »ittisfv 411 * mcil a eat tala ta«n>t lot a deed I t ht ret««fote e» s*»»tsd and delft* cm t by the I a utid to o t defendant, % !f*d W W | >v the v »nveyat*ee fit hits* i pf the * *th H • *t -jtj tilt t *»f >«• I see j ttun » Ion ate tetftntMM t«« »<«**<•{ tsi t pelt ; tutu tt of t»* f«iie thn Mth day *f h s I fftttler I ss* H|li.|t| i I ilMBt I alntllt, Mr w %M I H |t t ft t s a. tuts at 11 #, Dated lh»« Oh day f <h i,twi, l aw, Astigmatism! Astigmatism is not a disease i>ut is simplv a defect in the shape of ti e eye ball It necessitates an irregular strain upon the muscles in adjusting tor different objects. 1 hero is no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, (Especially J~fea<H Aebes A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cause. The ' believe that they can sec as well as any one and in a good many casos they can. The overwork is going on just the same. If any one thinks their eves are not right conic in and see mo. I am the only optician in this part of the country that on correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD, The L aiding Optician and .Jeweler. Loup City, Nebr. ADAM SCHAUPP WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR AM. KINDS OF GKAIN. 1 also handle Hard and Soft Coal 4 % and exchange flour and feed of all kinds % for wheat. llUinnrk'n Iron 1verve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy aie not found where Stomach. Liver, Kidney* and Bowel* are out of order. If you want these qualities and the sue cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life I’lll*. On! 25 cents at Odendahl Bros, drug store. ♦ • ♦ You little knew when tirst, we met That some day you would be The lucky fellow I'd choose to let. I’ay for my ltocky Mountain Tea.— A*k your druggist. 8 day alarm ) clocks l Shkppardh. $3.50cts at j -♦ • - •loti Couldn't Have Stood 11 If he'd had Itching Pile*. They’re terrldly annoying; but Bueklen’a Arni ca Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth It has cured thousand*. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it.s the best salve In the world Price 25c a box Cure guaranteed. Sold by druggists. Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless rnn dy that produce* immediate results. It Is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption. —Odendahl Bros. W J. FISHER, Attorney at law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Caaea AI.SO DO A General Roal Entato Businas*. Oflloe In NoHTiiWKitTKHi. Hull,tin*, lOltr CUV, • NrilUAxMA R. J. NIGHTINGALE, LOUP OITT, • | NS% A. ft. MAIN. 1*11 \St 1CIAN \ Sl UiiKoN 1.01 P • 11 V \ 1 BNAtiKA. uRK A VI hi * :»H<il»l W i.. MAKC'V, n i;,n i vi iirm » t.v, i vsi xii>* i*i i« am /.»*/'/* f try \hti This i* ttie -cHson wIhmi mol tier* arc alarmed on account of croup. It Is ijuirkty cun’ll by One Minute Cough Curi’, which children like to lake. Odenduhl Bros. The complete service of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL’ via Union Pacific, enables passengers to reach the principal cities between the North Pacific Uo.»st and Missouri Itiver not only in thu shortest possible space of time, but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner. The dining cars on this train are stocked with the best the market aflords. AP meals served a la carte. H. J. Clifton, Agent. KEEP YOUR On Sheppard’s Jewelry Store if you want bargains in the jewelry and silverware line; and if you want glasses or your eyes tested for glasses see him. lie ran give you information that will be of value to you. •I * SHKITARD, Tin' 8ne*l 0|itietuu ami Jeweler in tin* country Kodol Cure ."’I what yon eat. '.iti. I . ,L!h. f .laudaids ;r 1 ind , 0||. *‘V,1*-’ ' ' '•*» >t «• 'it- - nr. Sana It sth .u' l u .«>v.t .idiiwat. l:*:: :1; ■■ ■" ■ • 1'r.wJss; l x »•' 7' ^ *ir ' *""•** h N mm 7 | I >1 mI. h$ Kill Mi till, III). 4