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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1900)
THE NORTHWESTERN. B E NSC IIOTKB J> GIBSON, Ed* »nd Pnbc LOUP CITY, • .NER There is only one place where gold rusts, and that Is In the heart He who drinks to drown bis despair Is trying to extinguish a Are with fuel. We are apt to condemn In others what we practice ourselves without scruple. There are limes whpn a charitable heart can do more good than a charit able hand. Life Is like a mirror. It reflects the face you bring to it. Look out loving ly upon the wo^id, and the world will lock lovingly In upon you. There Is a time when you may say nothing and a time when you may say something; but there never Is a time when you should say all things. The <jcwager empress has decided upon an imposing funeral for Baron von Ketteler. There are people who would be glad to do as much for her highness. The gentleman who is to be mayor of Atlanta belongs to the old school of Southern chivalry, Besides he doesn't make a continuous performance of his thirst. An Immense dockyard is to be con structed at Antwerp to cope with the exigencies of the rapidly increasing shipping trade of that port. When completed It will cover no less than sixty-seven acres. The scheme has re ceived the financial support of several of the most prominent shipping own ers In Germany. The Houston Post says that a strange feature of the Galveston calamity is the absolute disappearance of the natural scavenger of the country—the buzzard—Just when he Is most needed. Not one is to be seen anywhere, though it would be natural to suppose that the bodies of so many dead animals and human beings would attract thou sands of buzzards from distant parts. Paris' latest Innovation In street lighting Is oil lamps. They are not the sort of lamps used a hundred years ago when the cry was "aristo crats a la lanterne,” but enormous structures that give out 1,000 candle power each. They have been set up on the river side of the Tulllerles gar dens and light up the gardens and the opposite bank of the Seine as far as the new Gare d’Orleans. A life-size statute of Apollo, which by its style is supposed to date from the Fifth century, B. C., has Just been found near Athens. It is said to be in an excellent state of preservation. The find is an important one, for the figure is larger and finer In work manship than tho statute which la treasured in the Munrich museum, and It has many claims to a place in the first rank of antique sculpture. An educational society In Manila has sent three Filipino youths In Ann Arbor for an American educa tion. They have already learned to like apples and pumpkin pies, but do not approve of the Irregular method In which our nouns r,ro pluraltzed. The youngest of tho three, who is eleven years of age, says he wants to see the snow and ice, of which he has heard so much. In these respects the Philippine youths are not unlike other boys. Nearly twenty years ago congress passed a special act giving an 880 pound cannon to a Grand Army post tit Attleboro, Mass., and the piece was mounted on the top of a tall granite shaft as a soldiers’ monument. Re cently n gang of thieves carted the cannon away In broad daylight, and paits of It have Just been recovered fom a Junk dealer who Innocently pur chased the same. Most of the metal hag been melted up and run Into vari ous kinds of castings. On every side the Alps send down rivers, leaping from the rocks, and In the lower lands, especially on the Ital ian *!de, sprnadlng out Into bwnutiful blue lakes. Recently the stored.up en ergy of these Alpine stream* has bscQ brought under control. In many In stances, for the production of electric power. The river Adda at I'aderno al ready furnishes 13,000 horsepower, and works are now under way on the river Ticino, below Its point of Issue front Irnhs Maggtor*. which will. It u es pe. ted. furnish 13.000 effective horse power to be distributed among a etriug of manufacturing towns reach ing down into the plain of Lombardy, ft was originally Intended to >end th * power lu Milan, but ail of it baa been eagerly seised by the Inter*< ning smaller towns. The Altai are yet rich In unused energy of this ktud Ihtlil M IkMterman of ffprfngHeld, O snd Mies Mary llerpst of ml i*Uy, l*s it*re just b*>«n msriirA Pui ty four rsars sgo Mies Merpst was a girl, living si ttblppenvllle |*» and Mr, %#r.«peemwmmm %n* «* • i*« .h«* b> * young eoupb he.-* ms sngsged There was n quarrel aad they separated II* married but *fe*tb » f«w tears ago left him n widow lari spring Mr Muwterman wrote lu p.sbuHtsf M Kim. Mfulrlif shout the It* t pet fsut My, The lei ter ws* turned user in Miss llerpnl. who replied and the oil MMuhtunni • ** renew ««h TALMAGES SERMON. HOBHEBA’S HEROIC DEED. SUN DAY'S SUBJECT. Draw* a rueful l.tuon from the Reirue of J»aih from the Murderous Atlia Uah—The Saving of Soult—Terpetnltr •f the Illblc. (Copyright, 1900, by Louis Klopsch.) The text Is II. Kings t!., 2, 3: "Je hoeheba, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ahaziah. took Joash, the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain, and they hid him, even him and his nurse, in the bedchamber from Athaliah, so that he was not slain. And he was with her hid in the house of the Lord six years." Grandmothers are more lenient with their children's children than they were with their own. At 40 years of age if discipline be necessary chas tisement is used, but at 70 the grand mother, looking upon the misbehavior of the grandchild, is apologetic and disposed to substitute confectionery for whip. There is nothing more beau tiful than childhood. Grandmother takes out her pocket handkerchief and wipes her spectacles and puts them on and looks down into the face of her mischievous ami rebellious descendant and says, "1 don't think he meant to do It. Let him oft this time. I'll be responsible for his behavior In the fu ture." My mother, with the second generation around her, a boisterous crew, said one day: "I suppose they ought to be disciplined, but I can’t do It. Grandmothers are not iK to bring up grandchildren.” But here In my text we have a grandmother of a dif ferent type. I have been at Jerusalem, where the occurrence of the text took place, and the whole scene came vividly before me while I was going over the site of the ancient temple and climbing the towers of the king's palace. Here in the text it is old Athaliah, the royal murderess. She ought to have been honorable. Her father was a king. | Her husband was a king. Her son was a king. And yet we find her plotting for the extermination of the entire royal family, Including her ] own grandchildren. The executioners' J knives are sharpened. The palace is red with the blood of princes and. prin cesses. On all sides are shrieks and hand* thrown up and struggle and death groan. No mercy! Kill, kill! But while the Ivory floors of the pal- ! ace run with carnage and the whole land Is under the shadow of a great horror a fleet-footed woman, a clergy- j man's wife, Jehosheba by name, stealthily approaches the Imperial nursery, seizes upon the grandchild j that had somehow as yet escaped mas Bacre, wraps It up tenderly but In haste, snuggles It against her, flias down the palace stairs, her heart In her throat lest she be discovered in this compassionate abduction. Get her out of the way as quick as you can, for she carries a precious burden, even a young king. With this youth ful prize she presses into the room of the ancient temple, the church of olden time, unwraps the young king and puts him down, sound asleep as he is and unconscious of the peril that has been threatened, and there for six years he is secreted in that church apartment. Meanwhile old Athaliah smacks her lips with satisfaction and thinks that all the royal family are dead. But the six years expire, and it is time for young Joash to come forth and take the throne and to push back into dis grace and death old Athaliah. The arrangements are all made for political revolution. The military come and take possession of the temple, swear loyalty to the boy Joash and stand around for his defense. See the sharpened swords and the bur nished shields! Everything Is ready. New Joash, half affrighted at the arm ed tramp of his defenders, scared at the vociferation of his admirers, Is brought forth in full regalia. The scroll of authority Is put In his hands, the coronet of government Is put on his brow, and the people clapped anil waved and huzzaed und trumpeted. "What is that?" asked Athalian. "What Is that sound over iu the tem ple?" And idj* files to see, und on her way they meet her and say. "Why haven't you heard? You thought you had slain all the royal family, hut Joash has come to light." Then the royal murderess, frantic with rage, grabbed her mantle and tore it to tat ters and cried until ahe foamed at the I mouth: "You have no right to crown tny grandson You have no right to take the government from my shoul ders. Treason, treason'” S\U!|e she stood there crying th;»' the military started for h* r urre.t, an I the took a short cut through a back door of the temple and ran through the royal stables, but the battleases of the military fell on her In the barnyard, and fur man* a day when the hot see i were being unloosened from the i bar :ot after drawing out young toas t the defy steeds would snort and r**r past tag the pla<e M they smell the p «> t of the tartt-ig* t ssnhI •« t Well, my friends, juet as pt*»r a tsutch does the world always n*ake of estlnguiahtng ruMn.uma Mtper stitiun rises up and earn. 'I will ju»t put an end to pure religion .'* |som Han ate w km# t htiatian*. Due tetun slew a it. imw t'hrtitlan* And the scythe of persecution has h. -n swung through all the ages, and the (tame* kings I and the guiltuttne ■ hopped, an t 1 Ihe ttgetille groaned, hut did Ihe foes 4 Christianity ••terminate it* ltd they sgtermiaate Alban Ihs Ireg Writ .ah ggnriAea. or Svugi., IA« gwtaa rw former, or John Oldcastle, the Chris tian nobleman, or Abdallah, the Ara bian martyr, or Anne Askew, or San ders, or Cranmer? Great work of ex termination they made of it Just at the time when they thought they had slain all the royal family of Jesua some Joash would spring up and out and take the throne of power and wield a very scepter of Christian dominion. Perpetuity of Hie Hilda. How many Individual and organ ized attempts have been made to ex terminate that Bible? Have its ene mies done It? Have they exterminat ed the American Bible society? Have they exterminated the British and For eign Bible society? Have they exter minated the thousands of Christian in stitutions whose only object it Is to multiply copies of the Scriptures and spread them broadcast around the world? They have exterminated un til instead of one or two copies of the Bible In our houses we have eight or ten, and we pile them up In the cor ners of our Sabbath school rooms and send great boxes of them everywhere. If they get on as well as they are now going on In the work of extermination. 1 do not know but that our children may live to see the millennium. Yea, if there should come a time of perse cution In which all the known Bibles of the earth should be destrojwtd, all these lamps of life that blaze In our pulpits and In our families extinguish ed, in the very day ttiat infidelity and sin should be holding Jubilee over the universal extinction, there would be in some closet of a backwoods church a secreted copy of the Bible, and this Joash of eternal literature would come out and come up and take the throne, and the Athaliah of Infidelity and persecution would fly out the back door of the palace and drop her miser able carcass under the hoofs of 'he horses of the king's stables. You can not exterminate Christianity. You cannot kill Joash. The second thought I hand you from my subject is that there are oppor- j tuuitles In which we may save royal life. You know that profane history ! Is replete with stories of strangled monarchs and of young princes who have been put out of the way. Here is the story of a young king saved. How Jehosheba, the clergyman’s wife, must have trembled as she rushed into j the imperial nursery and snatched up Joash! How she hushed him lest by his cry he hinder the escape! Fly with him, Jehosheba! You hold in your arms the cause of God and good government. Fail, and he is slain. Succeed, and you turn the tide of the world's history in the right direction. It seems as If between that young king and his assassins there is nothing but the frail arm of a woman. But why should we spend our time in praising j this bravery of expedition when God j asks the same thing of you and me? All around us the imperiled children of a great king. They are born of Al- | mighty parentage and will come to a ; throne or a crown if permitted. But j sin, the old Athaliah, goes forth to the massacre. Murderous temptations are j out for the assassination. Valens, the j emperor, was told that there was j somebody in his realm that would | usurp his throne and that the name of the man should begin with the letters T, H, E, O, D, and the edict went forth from the emperor’s throne, "Kill ev erybody whose name begins with T, H, E, O, V.” And hundreds and thou sands were slain, hoping by that mas sacre to put an end to that one usurp er. But sin is more terrific in its de nunciation. It matters not how you spell your name, you come under the knife, under its sword, under its doom, unless there he some omnipotent relief brought to the rescue. But, blessed lie God. there is such a thing as deliv ering a royal soul. Who will snatch away Joash? I net ruction for Chi (Iren. This afternoon in your Sabbath school, class there will be a prince of (Jod, some one may yet reign as king forever before the throne; there will be some one In your class who has a corrupt physical inheritance; there will be some one In your class who has a father and mother who do not know how to pray; there will be aome one In your class who Is destined to command In church or state, some Cromwell to dissolve a parliament; some Beethoven to touch the world's harp strings, some John Howard to pour fresh air In the lazaretto, some Florence Nightingale to bandage the battle wounds, some Miss Din to soothe the erased brain, some John Frederic k Oberiln to educate the be '•otted, some David Bralnerd to change the Indian's waiwhoop to a Sabbath song, si line John Wesley to marshal three-fourths of Christendom, some John Knox to make <|ue**n» turn pale, some Joash to demolish idolatry and strike for the kingdom of heaven. There are steeping in your cradle# by Bight there are playing In your nur ertes by day. Imperial souls watting for dontlnion. and whichever side the radl* they g*t out will decide the destiny of empire* For e» h one of those children sin and Iodines* eon tend—AthalUh on the on*' side, Jeho heba on the other, llut I h*ar people • V " W bat a the u*e of bothering (htldrwn with religious instruction * | b*t them grow up and rhouse for lh« uiselves | to at interfere with thetr volition Muppose *oin<) one had sal t *o Jeh'-thcba |si«t Intsitepe with that young |,*,| |,.t him grow up and Sr* 14* whether he tike# the palace 1 , of wot, whether he wants to he hlng «r wot |t»a t dtetnfh hta volition M Jvkutkrkt knew right well that up ’ *• that ta» the young king was fee* «it«d he wvoid never t* r«*> >t*d at alt I tell you. any friend* the r« a ->u we d«*n t re* tai n all out children frog* wufldltgeee la be sues •• begin to* let* I evi l sat; sai l the thildreh lie before they teach them the value of truth. They wait until their children swear before they teach them the im portance of righteous conversation. They wait until their children are all wrapt up In this world before they tell them of a better world. Too late with your prayers. Too late with your dis cipline. Too late with your benedic tion. You put all care upon your children between twelve and eighteen. Why do you not put the chief care be tween four and nine? It Is too late to repair a vessel when it has got out of the drydocks. It Is too late to save Joash after the executioners have broken In. May God arm us all for this work of snatching royal souls from death to coronation. Work of Foul Savin?. Can you imagine any sublimer work than this soul saving? That was what (lushed Paul's cheek with enthusiasm; that was what led Munson to risk his life amid Bornesian cannibals; that was what sent I)r. Abeel to preach un der the consuming skies of China; that was what gave courage to Phocas in the third century. When the military officers came to put him to death for Christ’s sake, ho put them to bed that they might rest while he himself went out and in his own garden dug his grave and then came back and said, "I am ready.” But they were shocked at tlte idea of taking the life of their host. He said, "It is the will of God that I should die,” and he stood on the margin of his own grave, and they beheaded him. You say it is a mania, a foolhardiness, a fanaticism. Rather would I call it a glorious self-abnega tion, the thrill of eternal satisfaction, the plucking of Joash from death and raising him to coronation. The third thought I hand to you is that the church of God is a good hid ing place. When Jehoshelm rushes into the nursery of the king and picks up Joash, what shall she do with him? Shall she take him to some room in the palace? No, for the official des peradoes will hunt through every nook and corner of that building. Shall she take him to the residence of some wealthy citizen? No, that citi zen would not dare to harbor the fu gitive. But she has to take him some where. She hears the cry of the mob in the streets; she hears the shriek of the dying nobility; so she rushes with Joash into the room of the temple, Into the house of God, and there she puts him down. Sue knows that Atha liah and her wicked assassins will not bother the temple a great deal. So they are not apt to go very much to church, and so she sets down Joash in the temple. There he will be hear ing the songs of the worshipers year after year; there he will breathe the odor of the golden censers; in that sacred spot he will tarry, secreted un til the six years have passed and he come to enthronement. Tlie licit III<1 litjf I’Jare. Would God that we were all as wise as Jehosheba and knew that the church of God is the beat hiding place! Perhaps our parents took tis there in early days. They snatched us away from the world and hid us behind the baptismal fonts and amid the Bibles and psalm books. O glorious intlos ure! We have been breathing the breath of the golden censers all the time, and we have seen the Lamb on the altar, and we have handled the vials In which are the prayers of all saints, and we have dwelt under the wings of the cherubim. Glorious in closure! When my father and mother died and tiie property was settled up, there was hardily anything left. But they endowed us with a property worth more than any earthly posses sion because they hid us in the temple. And when days of temptation have come upon my soul I have gone there for shelter, and wheu assaulted of sor rows I have gone there for comfort, and there I mean to live. 1 want, like Joash, to stay until coronation. Chrlutlan Aaicm I 11Inn. Ah, when you pass away—aud It will not be long before you do—when you pass away, It will be a satisfaction to see your children in Christian soci ety. Yon want to have them sitting ut the holy sacraments. You want them mingling In Christian associations. You would like to have them die In the sacred precincts. When you are on your dying bed and your little ones come to take mi your last word and you look into their bewildered faces, you will want to leave tin m under the church's benediction. I do not cara how hard you ure; that U so; I said to a man of the world; "Your son and daughter are going to join our •hurch next Hunday. Have you any objections? "Uiesa yon!" he said. "Objections? I wish all my children belonged to the church. I don't at* tend to those matters myself l know I am very wicked but I am very glad they ar« going, and 1 shall lie there to see them. 1 am very glad, air; t am very glad 1 want them there." And so, though you ma« have la-en wanderers from Clod an! though you may have sometime* caricatured the thurcli of Jesus, It I* v mi great d* sire that your solas and daughters should Ik Handing all thvlr Uvea wilbilt ltill ■acred InehMiire I'lturi h of (loti be a hi lu g place to ill thru* people’ lilte tin iji a -eat where they ran rest ' ary smile. I I'lath some light fiont your chan-lt tiers upon their dathaess With some aoothlHg li* it-i» hush their griefs Ith, rhoreh it# Hod gate ill heaven let me I go through It’ All other iu*tiiatp»ua are going to fall hut the chart h of U“4 Ut fo tadulion te th* Mic k of kgs*. Us * hgftet I* f«r everlasliitg j ars. Its h« >• ars h*'d hy the uultrer sal rtop.'leivf I'* divideud la haaven. Ita prv«U'e»t la Uodl A |ia«l a *d for a hag gy *ta *vm ig atu h and ms>4« Itttl*. TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON V. NOV. 4—LUKE XVI: 1-13. Tli© TnJujtt Ntenurd—MV« Cannot ^erve ticnl and Man»iuoi»,,—Luk© XXI* 13 ramble of the IMcIi Man and tl»® Talent©* 1. "Ami he said aleo unto Ills disciples." The "also" Implies that these words were spoken at the same gathering at the Pharisee's table, w here Jesus had spoken the three parables of the Inst chapter. (14.) "A certain rich man.” This para ble In rather an Illustrative narrative. “Which had a steward.” An agent, or factor, the manager of hlN estates, "ell* triiNteil with large discretionary powers. "The same was accused unto him that he had wasted (It. V., 'was wasting'') his goods,” 2. "How Is It (It. V.. 'what Is this') that 1 hear.** In it true? "Give an account." Make your statement, and you will show whether the accusation In true. "Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do?" He did not repent, but only sought the shrewdest way of escaping out of the trap. "I cannot (lit., 'have not strength to') dig." "Yet manual labor was all thut honestly lay between him und utter destitution." "To beg I am ashamed." It would be too great a deg radation from his high position. i. “I ain resolved.” "1 know. I have found out, I have It at Inst”; us tf the bright Idea had Just struck him.—Bo ltruce. "That . . . they this lord's debtors) may receive me Into their houses." And out of gratitude, or from fear of exposure, give him a home, or provide one out of part of the dishonest gains he had enabled them to acquire. . B. "Bo he called every one," All to gether. or, more probably. each one by himself, so that the others would not know what he did for any one. This would be mueh the safer way. "How mueh owest thou?" How much Is your unsettled account? f>. "An hundred measures (baths) of oil." Olive oil from the olive orchards. A "bath” Is about nine gallons, and worth ubout ir>0.—int. Crtt. Com. "Take thy bill." Lit., "writings..rhe document In the steward’s hands, showing the obli gation."—Itev. Com. "Quickly." Lest some one come In und detect the fraud. "And write fifty." The steward, having done the business before, would appa rently have the right to change the bill. 7. "An hundred measures of wheat." Measures here Is not the same word as In v. 6, but Is the "homer" equal to 10 baths, of 25 quarts each. I. e., 350 quarts, or 11 bushels, so that the whole debt was about 1,100 bushels of wheat, worth $500 to $i2)o, according to Int. Orlt. Com —Bo Cambridge Bible, and others. But the bath and homer varied at different times, and the Bible dictionaries vary. "Take thy bill, and write fourscore.” He de ducted 20 measures, or 220 bushels. *. "And the (his) lord.” The lord whose steward this man was. "Commended the unjust (unrighteous) steward, because he had done wisely." Hhrewdly, prudently. The lord had expected that his steward would be dishonest; now he Is amused at the talent, dexterity, Hnd cleverness which the man shows In escaping from his illltlculty. (S-3.) "For the children of this world.” This Is the comment of Jesus upon the action of the steward and the praise of his master. "Are In their gen eration wiser." Bather for, or towards, In re.ferenco to their own generation, the af fairs of this world, their dealing with o'It er worldly men, In reference to worldly things, but they arc wiser Id attaining their Inferior ends, use more skill, more Ingenuity, more far-sightedness and far reaching plans, shrewder dealings "than the children of light." Those wtio have received the light of heaven and of God, ar.- walking In the light of truth und the ... I . i 4 b .. . > 9. "Make to yourselves friends (by means) of the mammon of unrighteous ness." -Mammon In the Syriac means money. It represents wealth, gains, money. It Is called the mammon of un righteousness, either because It refers to wealth even when gained unrighteously (Bruce), as was the ease with many of bis hearers; or because It tempts to un righteousness, Is the frequent cause of fraud, Is full of danger. "That, when ye fall." Die and can no longer use your wealth, or when you lose what you have gained, as often happens. "They may receive you Into everlasting habitations." Those whom you have helped will wel come you In heaven. Heaven will be sweeter, brighter, happier to you on ac count of them. Even In this world, giv ing to them brings you Into the spirit of heaven, nnd gives you a foretaste of the future blessedness. It enlarges thp soul. It Increases forever the capacity for en joyment. It brings one Into Beulah land and shows visions from the Delectable Mountains. in. "Ho that Is faithful In that which Is least." Dost It should seem strange that so much Importance Is attached to the proper use of perishing and unrighteous wealth, remember the great principle: "He that Is faithful," etc. I-cast refers to worldly possessions and opportunities. "Is faithful also In much." Faithfulness Is a permanent characteristic and runs through everything. "He that Is unjust," etc. This Is the reverse of the other pic ture. These are the ones that did not stand the test. 11. "If therefore.” Here Jesus makes an application of the principle just stated. Faithful In the unrighteous mammon.” The riches of this world. "Who will com mit to your trust the true riches?” Of spiritual and heavenly tilings, either In this world or the neat. 12. "Faithful In that which Is another man’s." The worldly things Clod lias en trusted to you as stewards. "Who shall give you that which Is your own?" Tho true riches, which arc u part of your liv ing, enlarged talents, noble character, great ability, heavenly wisdom, the graces of life The steward of the para ble had tried to serve twu masters, his hod and himself, lint he tried to do the lm|Htssltde, for tV. 12) "no servant can serve two musters," For they are dis tinct and opposite In character and de li.ands, They belong to different king •luma eat h with Its own separate Inters*!. ' Fither he v til halt1 the one, amt love the other " Itci-aus* they are dtano trltal ly opposed to one another "And despise the tit her " Mg’ refusing to obey tits mmmalul* or carry util bis principles. Vt i«allot #erv. t lo*l and mammon or thbxs, toie or the tuber must |,e su preme There or* miny tiling- whh h May I* us. d for cither m enter And we • annul always tall by th« mere out ward acts wtolher He doer serves tbal or ttMtUtmitV. CHURCH AND CUHllv, Ths list It t* Drown* a missionary lit Japan saya that ths itUsioo* drift In Japan la Inward pantheism Ira I* Hank*} ha* h*-,»n making a r* tlttl tour of Ireland and rsvsptiuna In kb honor bat* h*»n freHiooi through rl th* laUnl III* hop flntirlH uf Havana la m p** ted to arriva in Ihia country aoun. a< futitpaiiisd by a wumbsr uf atwdsnla fur lh* Ctlkuikr l nivtrwlly in Wash ingtsn. Hew York Yale Man's Naw noma. The New York Yale club’s new club house, on West Forty-fourth street, near Fifth avenue, will be eleven stor ies high, and will have a facade of brick, with limestone trimmings and a granite base. The building has been estimated to cost $250,000. The base ment will bo used as a bicycle room. The first floor will be used as a gnll room. Tho parlors will he on the sec ond. floor. The third to the eighth floor will be used as apartments for members, and the ninth floor as i\ pri vate class and dining room. T he meet ing rooms will take up the tenth floor, and the kitchen and servants’ rooms the eleventh floor. A garden will he provided for on the roof. WHEN YOUNG MEN GO CALLING What to Wear, Uew to Act, When to Arrive and Depart, In making an afternoon call a man usually leaves his overcoat, umbrella or stick, list and gloves in the hall before entering the drawing-room. He may, If he choose, carry his hat and stick Into the room at a first or formal call, if it is to be very brief, except at a reception. He removes his right glove before offering to shake bands. Ho never offers his hand first, but waits the Invltatio of his hostess. If she Is behind her tea-table, she may not rise to greet him, hut gracefully in eludes him In the conversation and \ perhaps bows her adieus. It Is an evi dence of good breeding to enter and leave a room unobtrusively. It is not usual to Introduce a guest upon his entrance to more than one other. Ho never shr.kes hands when presented to a woman, but always when Introduced to a man. Ho may leave upon the ar rival of other guests after fifteen min utes, turning his back as little as pos sible upon the company and bowing comprehensively at the door. A woman never accompanies a man to the vesti bule, but takes leave of him in tho drawing-room. It is wo longer cus tomary to press one’s guest to call again. The lady always gives the In vitation to call. A man must not go beyond an evident pleasure in her so ciety by way of suggestion. Sometimes a woman friend will exert heraelf for him. The sooner the call follows tho invitation the greater the compliment. A fortnight Is the usual Interval.—Mrs. Burton Klngsiand, in the October Ladles' Home Journal. POLICE UAUCL 09. Attempt to flrvek Hoodoo Spell pjr Turn ing It I'pvtde Down. mar 6b or the iaj» Angeles police force would seem to be a hoodoo. The first officer who wore star 66 was a man named Maguire He had worn It only a few months when a distress ing combination of business and fam Uy troubles drove him to suicide. They w found him one morning lying on the ■ward, with a bullet hole In his breast. After Maguire's untimely end no one appears to have worn it regularly for several months. Then It came to be the badge of John Craig. Craig was a handsome man, tall and attractive. He married a daughter of Hunter, a pi oneer living out near Troplco. For a time Craig was prosperous. Then al cohol sent him to the dogs at a break neck speed, Even Ills wifo. after In finite endurance, had to leave him and seek refuge, with her children, In her father’s house. For a while Craig amused himself with annoying her pettily, until one day he borrowed enough money to got drunk and buy two revolvers. Ho drove out to Hunt er's house, shot his wife dead as she was approaching the screen door at which he stood; then turned another revolver on her brother, Inflicting frightful wounds, from which he will never recover. The madman then tamped Into hts buggy and drove at top speed to the town house of the Hunters on Buena Vista street, found the old man Hunter and his aged wife sitting on the front porch, and shot them both dead lr their chairs. From Craig, star 66 teems to have been transferred to 3'ephenson, ono of the best-known and most popular of the older officers. He wore It until a se vere and seemingly Incurable Inflam matory rheumatism carried him onto the retired list long beforo his time l and left him a crippled pensioner. After Stephenson was retired the stai of misfortune was given to Fowler. What happened to Fowler Is recent history. After a multitude of troubles with the police commission he still clung to the nnlucky star, and one ^ night thru# officers -without right, Fowler assert*-by force took it away from him and locked him up. Now he Is suing them for heavy damages. The officers up at the pollco station are now handing star 66 around, but no one la wtlllug to admit that he Is afraid to wear It. Nevertheless they all seem a bit auueamtsh about the thing! The other day an officer was wearing the star upside down, with the "66" re versed He appeared to be No. #9. Will that charm away the hoodoo of •tar 66?—Loa Angeled Times. LIBBY'S FOOD I'HOUUCTS LEAD The Orand I'rls <1 ll .aneur and two gold medals have twen awarded by the International Jury of Aeaida at the I'erls Kk;a.«tt|(.n, tu l.lbby, McNeill A l.lbby, of Chuago, for (he purity, escelisn.a and superiority of their ••lined be->4a. Here In Amerba, the l.ibhy ' Brand lean always been recog * ' 1 A’ typl t| ,f the high »t .Uitd *' * “• AIUIIIUNI || ||4« w*eilon of menu, end it u e nulls*. •l ie fa*| mat the pr, d is of Ubhy, M'NelU a Idhby have received the highest award* el e«ety Kipoeitton ^ I’fcHdwl during lit pee! leu dmed.e 1 his ttn .*»*,-* * !*“** “H w ie Mehe u d Thlage tu tot,' which will he mailed tree o* r»uueet l>up a WwUI Ubhy, MU* « Nsui A UhAg, Chisago. UL, Am il »