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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1900)
It Is only the truly virtuous nan Who can love or who can hate others Garfield Ten Syrup ia effective in nil cnso* Where n mild laxative i* required ; the "ev ery day” ilia of infanta, children andadulta Livid to its magical curative influence: made om Pure Sugar, Fruit and Himplo fieri,a. Whilst shame keeps its watch, vir tue Is not wholly extinguished In the heart. To Mothers of Largo Families. » ■ In this workaday world few women arc so placed that physical exertion is not constantly demanded of them in their daily life. Mrs. Pinkham makes a special appeal to mothers of lurgo fumilies whose work is never done, and many of whom suffer, and suffer for lack of intelligent aid. To women, young or old, rich or poor, Mrs. Pinkham, of Lvnn, Mass., extends her invitation of free advice. Oh, women 1 do not let yorir lives ho ■aeriticcd when a word from Mrs. J'inkLam, at the firbt approach of Bias. Carrie Eellbvili.*. « /Ml __ 1..A-— yrroHU' nr*, limy uii jvu» - j * with healthy joy. “ When I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I was not able to do my housework. I suf fered terribly at time of menstruation. Several doctors told me they could do nothing for mo. Thanks to Mrs. Pink ham's advice and medicine I nin now Well, and can do the work for eight in the family. “ I would recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with largo families."—Mus. Cawuk, Ludington, Mich. Dr.Bnlls COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onca. Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, C.rippc snd Consumption, guilt, sure results. l>.*. Bull's Pill* cure Constipation. eo pills 10c. ¥ * If yon hove boon pay ing W-t to •« for *hii«i, n trial of W I-. Ilout |a» *3 or 93.60 bIioob Mill ronvlnro yoa Hint tlioy uro JibI u* rikhI In overy May innl from Ml to Ml.60 l«»». (Ivor 1,000,000 wearer*. USE \bV^ one pair of W. L. Douflat [fast COLOpk? $3or $3 50 *ho*»wll! CVFI F-r» *; potitivtly •vtWHf \\*e, two palri of ordinary .. ,.J;\'vVV $3 #r S3 Sft Wonmihe Ifirsrrut mnkrri of tnmi’ft H,% •lid t.i AO iiliofH In fl»i* Wo nmko Mini M llmoro^.l and 93«ftO felloe* than any other two nmnnfactmorn In tlio U. H. The reputation of W. L. nrOT Douglaa $1700 and $1.00 ahois for nrQT DlO I atyle, comfort, and «mi 1* kru>* i DLo I • very where throughout the wot Id. go Cft I'hay have u> rive better eatUfee- flfl ^IdiJU tion than other inukea bwauir s^J«UU the stau<*trd ho* aNava biro CUflC placed wi high that tha wean re CUHC OIIULi expect more for their money OllUwi than they can get c lee where. TKF. UKAnU.V i.i'.r. \V I.. I>..,.KU. #ft ,nd *1 JO dho**a areBold than ang other aiuke la berauett 'I'll I V AKt: Till: ItfcftT. Your dealer ehould k-*-p them i wa give one dealer excluetve n»l« In each town. Take no aiilMitilut«*! Inaiit on having IV. L. Douglni ehoea with name and price etani|ted on bottom. If your dealer will lev! get them for you, eend direct to fa< Unv. enc!<»e:tig price and 2Ac. eatra tor carriage. Plate k tnd of leather, aue, rnd width, plain or cap too. Our Blue** will reach you anywhere, ('ntulogme AVre. w . h. Douglaa nhootii. Urockton, Aluaa. flE>RICIAMJ°in w.^ioiiaiN, IhiialUlk wuhihim, b.c. eStjccfissfylly Prosecutes Clnlms. [■ataPflnnfpaiKxftmiiiar u 8 PaualOO Bureau. J v ra in civil war, 15 odludU atiug clwinia. alty iuiuv nDnDCVNFW DISCOVERY; *!▼«■ Ur 1% I I (|iik‘lc relief and cure# wroral ca-oe. Book of tcailtnonlaiN and lo HAV** treatment MU*. DU. II. H. I.MIKVH UOXN, Hob K, AUaala, Ua. •mr^fThompion’* Eft Water. mAIIM Curs*,Com, lBe: all PrRsgUta. -UUm (Ifll fail* tlbsfrtx.) ST. 10 IS CANNON ISAM 1 .»hto Omaha 5 05 p tu.; rrrlv* Bt Louie 7 UO b. m. VS lit Rl Mil Yoi CUING? mvs» i pm a i ion mi w mm. Truitt* Iwavp I nti>n Ht.«tlon (tally for Kuivta City. Wulu. y. Hi, l.miU an) all point* f ill or uf* M il/ It »/«o to tj'fu* ff 'l many »>'ulhrin i>*>tBt* on l*t ami Sr i !'ur«<fiiy of f ir* m <nlh AH tnformailoa at City Hr hat OBL* 1115 faraam Hlr,«| (1‘aBton Hotol HUB.> or arita It MIRV f. MOOtt 5. (Ttf I*»»*#t»*i»r an4 H k*l A*< ut, Omaha N> b * N.U.-OMAHA. No. , | iuoo Purity of mind and conduct la th» first glory of woman. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. A permanent paying position for ladles or gentlemen at or near home. It costs you nothing to get de’ail*. If desirable employment la wanted address at once The Fort Dearborn I’ub. Co., Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111, The retlied list of the regular army Includes 761 officers on half pay. Yon Can Oet Allen's Font-Ease Frea. Write- today to Allen S. Olmsted, Go Roy, N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. Makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. All druggists and shoe stores sell it; 25c. The newest dining tables havi two adjustable tops. Experience has established beyond all qnes. tion the effectiveness of (iurflrld'Teti Syrup In curlrg the Ills which resitltfront poor digestion: It l« it PI ItE l-’ltL'IT LAXATIVE Hint acta genllv on the liver and mil's coustlpalioo. Equally good for Infants and Adult ,. Joseph Jefferson has given $1,000 to the Galveston relief fund. HO! FOR OKLAHOMA! 8,00c,1.0 a* r*'* c**w land, to open to settlement, Subscrllie lor I IIP. KIOWA Oil IKK, dev.,led p, In for nistloii uhout thee. laud*. One year,, single ropy. lOe, Subscriber, receive free lllualr-iled I- ok oti Oklahoma Moreau's Manual (till page l-citlpin' l u'di wlili fine < I'onsi no, ,i.,,i. Map . All ale te, Adilreis lilt s i. Morgan, Ferry,0. T Small colonics of bets yield more profit In proportion than large colo nies NEW COLONY. A m*w colony to •umlFh home# to thotiNand* of poopif. to locate in Oktjboiti* Torrtuiry,li wow \m-lug organl/.iMl by the fonndor*of the tii ■ riftmxdmijr, Mr. I' li. 1* itZKoraid of JiidUnujioilc. Indian*, In becking It. Inform*!! mi m*ni fn c nhowlng bow to gel good lioizittM. (.io d farmer* wanted* Japaneses doctors do not accept lea/ from poverty-stricken patients. I'lkO's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs VV«. O EMrai.KV, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. Id, lstw. Grover Cleveland has declined to say which candidate for the presidency he will vote for. Mrs. Winslow's Mouthing Myrnp. Fnr child run teething, soften, ibr gums, redures tir flsiumaitun, al.ays pain, cuioa wind volte. t'-c s home ’J I., ; < . n i !,- i ii affinity between a bad egg and a bad actor when they both go broke. Dyspepsia l* Die bane of the human intMt 1-rotect yourself ugivltiKt, Us ravages by the uno of licviuuu a l't pr.lti ijutu. "The honorable man ha3 nothing about which he- quarrels.” Hemttlfnl hslr la slwavs pleasing, and I-akees's IIaih IIai.sam elves In producing It Uiaokacoiixs, the best cure fur corns. 18cta. Thomas Taylor, one of the oldest and best known deputy marshals In Oklahoma, was shot and killed by a desperado named lie-loss, whom he had arrested lu the Osage nation at Faw nee, O. T. The murderer was recap tured. important to motnera. P.Ijnlns carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA, a aafe and rure remedy for lufaula and cblldreu, and ecu that It Urare the Signature of In Uao For Over 30 Years. 'ilia Kind You Have Always ftoiiglii It Is tiBually a single woman who has the most decided notions about managing men. Tlier* is more Putairh tn this scrilqn of the country than ull oilier discuses put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bn Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local remedied, and by constantly lulling to euro with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science bus proven catarrh to be a constitu tional rilanaae. ami therefore requires consti tutional treatrrn nt. llall s < ’utarrh Pure, man ufactured ov K. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a t(nspuonful. It acts directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of l lie system. They offer tme hundred dollars for any case It failstocuro. bend for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. < HI INKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 7">c. Hall a Family l’llls are the best. More than 80,000 Americana have arrived in London this year. There la a Class of People Who are injured ly the use of coffee. Recently there hits been placed In all the grocery stored a nowproparatlon called GRAIN-O, mnd.» of pure graiun, that takes the place of coffee. The most dellcato stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth au much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O. Denison, Jackson At Co., who own a sawmill six miles smith of Mosln e, Mich., will slock their mill with 3, 000,000 feet of logs next winter, In an ticipation of an advance In the price of lumber. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In the family every (lay. Let ua answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious ami healthful de***ft, «Ts* mMIrIvo minuts*. No boiling I bo taking! tul l Foiling water and net to fn>»l, TUvurs l.eitu n, Or.tnge, Rasp berry ami Straw!- try. (let a j>.u.k.ige st yottr grocers to-day, to tit. BOAT SONQ. When we boated, you and I, Swaying willows klBsed the stream. Was M? Yes, 'twas last July I I.lltla t'.sudlet* flaked the sky. Just to make It bluer beam. When we boated, you and L One# again the lilies shy Hlow, Ah, did they fairer seem— Was It? Yes, 'twas last July! Far frera you the days dragged hy^— Wintry hours without a gleam— filnee we boated, you und I. Ton were cruel then. Your eye (Jayly mocked my hope supreme. Was It? Yes, 'twas last Julyl 81 III T love you. Do you sigh? Hweetheart, make It true my dream; While we're boating, you and 1, Say you love me—tbls July! -Samuel Mlnturn Feck In Harper's Brzar. A Farmer’s Dream of the Sea. I1Y JESSIE EEEWEEEYN. Author "The Red Milk Wagon," etc. (Copyright, 1900, Dally Hlory I*ub. Co.) It was a few months after tho open ing tif the Oklahoma strip. A merci less, scorching south wind swept the broad prairies of Western Kansas. Weary pilgrims, discouraged in vain efforts to hold barren claims against lawlessness and murder, were forced to halt their white winged prairie schooners; for the hot sand, like molten lava, was too much alike for the bony, drooping horses and tho numerous unkempt children whose brown faces protruded In the gaps of white canvass, tlreen things were no where to be seen. All v<g<tatlon had long since put on a mourning of dead brown. Fields of almost black corn whispered helpless ly In the wind and shook and rustled far into the night as though conspiring against the Injustices of n iture. The little town of Kiowa, which was something of a railroad center, seemed the only thing alive for miles around. As night came on uncertain lights be gan to flicker from first one and then another of the dust-sick houses. In one of these, a small frame house neur the railroad tracks, lived old Sol liur tan and his daughter "Llze.” Although the heat was oppressive, Eliza had closed the doors ami win dows to shut out a whirlwind of sand; from time to time while about her tusk site glanced at the shaggy figure near the window. It was Sol’s accustomed seat; he would draw his rickety old urm-chalr to the closed window night after night, staring out silently at the lights along the track. Sometimes for variety he would produce a tattered note-book In which he made many figures. The girl had no need to ask questions. She knew the poor ridiculous little tragedy of his dreams, his one great, over "It's the sea, Lize. It’s the sea.” whelming desire; the same which as a hoy had caused him to lean idly on the vlow in the Kansas corn fields and ^ok suit over the undulating prairie, murmuring to his jaded horses: "It jeB’ looks like the sea.’’ All through his life he gad said, "Next year, if times grows better, I’ll go to the sea.” Even after he owned a small farm of his own and hot winds, or drouth, or grasshoppers continued season after season to wither and blast his straight rows of corn, hope still kindled his ryes and he only said, "If crops is good next year, I'll see the sea.’’ He had married early, as Is custom ary in small communities, but his wife hud died after a year on the desolate farm, leaving a little daughter. Then, after continued failures on the plan*, he had low* u on a mortgage and had moved int* the town where he could "pick up sCauethtng doing odd Jobs." As an unusually strong blast of wind dashed a fusillade of tine sand agulnst the w-Indow^iMne, he glauced up and met his daughters steady, but sym pathetic glance. T'v* gut it aluto.t figured out Else — I could go on the freight to New York for |50 We could raise about a hundred on the house. couldn't we? and you could have the reel to live on till i got back You see I ni gettltt old. Llt«, and If I don't go pretty soon"- here his voice quavered putt fully and he abided His knotty bands helplessly I I don't go preit) goon I II ti<ver >» the great ocean" lie looked about ike dimly lighted r<» m and continu'd "lit to grand, It v •ay MtKWg of while foam—and i green, like thing* a gtowtu' " The gitl went over to hint and lifted one of hts hands teolhlngiy with motherly isuteraesa "Well U.e to watt awhile, l«ad, * she aald Wail till Hie and Jun la married sad maybe ibea we van raise the money lattyr " Jim woa the toll. I*men who spent of Me life la the high switch lower a hi Wi>«h» frvut the bams lie I * present <■* Mi thvt w as hvrwta iw Lire. “And now,” she was saying, "you must be going over to the trarka or you'll fnlaa tli» train to Wichita and you'll not get back tomorrow night.” "If I get that Job In Wichita. Llze, I can save enough money In a year to go to the coast.” “Yes," she sighed wearily, "Yes, Dari, you might.” She followed him to the door as he was leaving and Impulsively threw her arms about his neck. “I'll go up to the tower with Jim and watch for you as you pull In tomorrow night,” she told him. "He standtn' on thu plat form and I’ll wave to you. "I'd like to see things myself,” she sight d. "But perhaps It's Just as well. I might come back brazen-faced, like Sally Merritt after she’d been to Chi cago." She recalled the words of her school teacher a year before, when she bad unfolded a simple minded plan to go to a great city and earn her living. "Give up that Idea and get married, rhllil," tiie woman liad said. "It would be awful for you to learn the world, to know Its deceits and hardnesses and its everlasting selfishness. How much better If you knew only one of Its humbler sons who will give you his love and keep the light alive always In your eyes; one whose soul has not been frozen by tlio world's atmos phere," Llze had not entirely understood, but she bud gone home with less of rcst lessn* i s, to mend the clothes and wash the dishes, and to pruy to her very human God. The intense h< at of the next day succeeded in coaxing reluctant rain clouds from the West. Towards even ing they drew nearer, very black, and the little town of Kiowa was rejoi cing. With rain some of the crops might, yet he saved. A neighbor had dropped In to nsk Llze If she thought It was “really goln' to rain.” It was almost lime for her father's train to he passing the switch station und the girl chafed under her caller’s garrul ousness. “Mag Brown has gone clear daft, out on her farm," the woman persisted conversationally—"thinks the wind la sayln' things. 1 was out there yestldy and she was a fright, with her hair all stuck full of sand, and all the doors und windows wide open. You could 'a writ your name on the carpet—why, mercy me, It Is a rainin' now!” “And I'd better hurry np to Jim's before It gets any worse, ’ sakl Eliza curtly, leaving her visitor talking to herself. The rain was pouring In torren's now and blinding Hashes of light were fol lowed by ominous thunder. Once, al most blinded and quite deaf with a wild echoing peal, Eliza half turned back, murmuring audibly, “It has struck somewheres." But stumbllug on, she reached the foot of the tower as the wind lulled In a sud den, curious calm. A great quiet spread over the drenched earth and as Eliza climbed the stairs she heard the rumbling of an approaching train. "Sounds like It whs coming from both ways,” the girl reflected. She bounded up the last steps call ing the switchman gaily by name, and then she stood very still. The man had fallen forward across the tele graph instrument, as though asleep; one hand was outstretched toward the nearest lever; his body was quite rigid. Eliza understood; it was an electrical shock. But why was his arm out stretched as though In the art of throwing the switch? No signal had been given, for the white light, mean ing a clear track, gleamed luridly be low. The sound of a train from the west answered her. The Oklahoma Special bearing hundreds of discour aged “squatters” and speculators from the Territory, was making straight for the headlight of a freight. It was too late to signal now. She must ditch one of the great fire-spitting monsters and no time must be lost. Jim had taught her as much as he himself knew re garding the use of the switch levers. A rush of thought swept through the girl’s brain, luying before her mental vision a great moral question. The freight bearing her father and the small crew stood arrayed against the teeming passenger with its hundreds of human lives. "Oh, God,” she cried out to her hu man God, ‘ give me strength to ditch the freight and suve the most lives.” Then closing lier eyes with a foolish Instinct that she might thus shut out the sound of the colliding trains, she grasped the lever with two strong brown hands. Btanding thus she was staring out over the trucks with unsee ing eyes when the switchman opened his to consciousness. Mingled cries of dumb, despairing brutes and wouutied men were being borne up from below together with the •.likening smell of burning wood. The girl's prayer for strength to sarrllUu her father had been answered. “The signal, quick, the signal!” was him: she was still clutching the Iron Elisa turned her sombre eyes upon him! she was still clutching the Iron "The whole heart of things is dead, Jim." she whispered. Hand In hind they descended to the scene of the wreck Home townsmen had already carried Old Hot in a d»lng condition to his home, "He was clean mad when we found him ” one of the men explained to Jim, * and was draggin* his poor broken body to a pout of w tier the rain had in4 c And all the time he k- pi *o> l. tit the sea, lass, lit the SH.'" As Susan* |Oil|«Sa|. 1 he sea hedgehog, ur globe Osh, ran inhale his lowly with air. In thta stale it looks tike a balloon covered with spike, and la safe from any enemy, III humor l* nothing more than eg Inward feeling of our own want at merit n dtieslie'a ilon with mireelveo Month* Trouble Caused by One Letter. The omission or insertion of a single letter has often upset a Jury’s verdict, and even a whole statute. iKmsesaion of valuable real estate In Ohio depends upon a single letter "s.” The Cincin nati court of common pleas ruled against Joseph Irwin, the claimant, and sustained Peter Christmas, who has been a tenant for seven years past. The circuit court upset that Judgment several weeks ago because the Jury’s report read, "Ou tho Issues." whereas there was but one Issue involved. Last week the circuit court reopened the caso on proof that the form of verdict was printed and hence the objectiona ble which had caused all the trou ble was not made by the Jury. NEW OFFICIAL OF THE ST. PAUL. V. A. Miller A|>|M>lute.l (Irnrrsl I'ltMau |«r Aof tli« ltltf Nyntmii. F. A. Miller, a brother of lloswell P. Miller, chairman of the board of di rectors of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Railroad company, has been appointed general passenger agent of that Bystem (effective Oct. 16, 11)00) to succeed George 11. Heafford, recently resigned. The appointment of Mr. Miller to the head of the Bt. Paul pas senger department was not unexpected, as he has been for several years tho principal assistant general passenger agent of tho company, making his headquarters In the Marquette build ing. There will be no assistant ap pointed to succeed Mr. Miller. The two other assistants, Messrs. Marsh and Merrill, will continue in their old positions. General Passenger Agent Miller is widely known In the railway world, and is one of the most popular of pas senger officials. He began his railroad career in 1874, and hts good nature, character and ability have steadily ad vanced him In the service of the Bt. Paul system since 1883, when he en tered the company’s employ ns a clerk In tho passenger department, of which he now becomes tho head. Mr. MJller was born at Harford, Pa. Borne girls are mighty snippy with a little good looks. Ilrut for tli« llnwdfl> No matter what alls you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped ou it. Lie ware of imitations. I'flng Our Discarded Invcntluns. A business man Is thus quoted in the New Orleans Time*-Democrat: "I was in Manchester, England, last year, and went, by invitation, through a big ments. In one department 1 was a llt nients. nl one department 1 was a lit tle surprised to see a lot of workmen engaged on plows of a well known American pattern. 'Isn’t that the same as Mr. Bo-and-Bo’s plow?’ 1 asked my guide, who was a member of the firm. ‘Well, y»s, substantially the same,' he said, looking a little confused, 'but you see there are no English patents, and wo haven't any Intention of putting It on the American market.’ ‘Well, I should say not!’ I exclaimed, ‘and you couldn't sell any of them If you did. That model was discarded months ago, an an improved form has altogether taken Its place.’ Tho ease is simply one out of dozens.” Now It Is that foot ball comes roll log along and surgeons take new hope, Arm Too t'llni Allen'i rnnl-Eutf It Is the only cure tor Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns nnd Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25e. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeKoy, N. Y. This year the successful theatrical manager can thank his his lucky stars TO Cl ItK A COLO IN ONK DAT. Tuke Lxxativb IIiuihu Qriwms Tarn.its. All druirulsta refund Hi*1 money If It fails to curs, h VV. Grove's signature Is on tho boa 20a. Tim Hub's Tribute to Means. Boston Is prs,posing the erection of % monument to Captain Olnty, of Dan bury, Conn., the man who is supposed to have invented" baked beans. Tbs curious part oi It Is that Captain Olnty never was In Boston In his life. Each package of PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton perfectly. Tain of Two titles. Tho cities of Detroit and Milwaukee have traveled together with singular closeness for many years. Back In 1850 Detroit had a population of 21, 019'Und Milwaukee 20,061, and In 1800 they stood 45,010 for Detroit and 45, 240 for Milwaukee. During the next decode Detroit gained materially over the Wisconsin town, having some 8, 000 more people, hut the lutter recov ered nearly" all the lost ground be tween 1870 1880, and In 1880 showed 204,480 against 205,876 for Detroit. Now they stand at 285,754 for Detroit and 285,315 for Milwaukee. My Dear Mr. Editor: The Passenger Department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway begs leave to present to you under sep arate cover, by mall, a little souvpnlr, gotten up to remind our friends that our fast train, the "Kaly Flypr," Is still a Ilyin’ between St. Ixmla and the Gulf of Mexico. Best up-to-date equip ment, and short hours to and from tba cities of St. Ixiuls, Kansas City, Han nibal, Sedalla, Ft. Scott, Nevada, Par sons, Denison, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Waco, Houston, Galveston and San Antonio. Should our friend, tho Editor, feel disposed to make mention of the sou venir In hU paper, (a unique pen knife), ho will please say that the cost of the souvenir prevents Its general free distribution. Wo shall, however, send a souvenir to nny of your readers on receipt of twenty-five cents, being less than Its cost. Very truly, James Barker, 0. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. No woman is really ever so angells as she looks in her wedding gown. Frederick J. Pearson, E.E., M.E. Conn tiling Electnc«l an J Meclutfucal Engineer, Expert In the Designing and Supervision of Installation of Electric Eight and Power Plants and mater Works Systems. PLANS SPECIFICATIONS ESTIMATES Highest inference*. 12 Years Experience, Charges Moderate. Bend postal fur booklet, ‘‘Reasons why joa should phi ploy a Consulting Knginser.” P- O. Ban 333. OMAHA. NEB. Best BREAKFASTS have Wheat O as a foundation. Nature’s own food. Pure appetising, satis fying. Healthful for young and old. Made in Iowa of choicest Iowa wheat. Not made by the Trust. Save coupons in each pack age of Whcat-0 and get the famous Capitol Cook Book free. 2 lb. package costs 15c. Two packages for a quarter. Your Grocer Sells It. A Clean Shirt well luundrrcd I* a thin# i f lirAutv. but jnw rfiiikut ilu laundry work w ith inferior nt«riiwA MAGNETIC STARCH U |irp|wfpil p*pppl*ll» I"r uhi in tin llottie and torn tblp th*> I ‘U-nkt-vin r to(f»t uji tiir la.i t> «>|uatly a* wi ll a* tii*1 In aI ►I* Ain Unwin* „ ’l ry a k«K% All(fr**» •» Aril it At lUWi ‘:t \ Revu'«ts no Cooking WMUt < ju am—< w»iff.« iiWiWif* ^ «*mih tav tnxtij Ng*f »(*,*«( MW MtmtUUM KWitiOW " MAHorAcruwyomy »y HVI.MI.i MU’tllMVMUllUISUUt ■ IIBIIIPVI at WROLESIIE PRICES! LUMdeK *. hvmfhH Union Lbrnier Co. Tri-T