The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 02, 1900, Image 1

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txkjp City Northwestern.
- ..--- ' ' —————— ,„m r , - - , -r - r ---— ... i Hi —i. 1 - II
Insurgents Make Fierce Attacks Under
Lead of White Officers.
Drive Hark llie J’ill|>ln»a Afirr an Ku
(•|riiiciit I.Dating Two lliiura—Dcsart
er Tlireataua Former I'moradn- Hard
Mart li liy Gen. Haifa Force.
MANILA, Oct. 29.—While scouting
near Loot: a detachment of the Twen
tieth anil Twenty-eighth regiments
under (Japtair. Height- were attacked
_ by 400 insurgents armed with rifles
’ under the command of a white man
whose nationality is not known to the
America jh. The Insurgents for the
mosttpart were intrench* *1. After a
heroic light Captain Belgler drove off
the enemy, killing more than seventy
five. The light lasted for over two
hours. Captain Belgler and three pri
vates were slightly wounded and two
of the Americans were killed.
An engagement took place between
detachments of the Third cavalry and
the Thirty-third volunteer infantry,
numbering sixty, and a force of insur
gents, Including riflemen and !,0O0'bo
loinen. The fl hting was desperate.
Finally under the pressure of over
whelming numbers the Americans were
* compelled to retire to Narvlcau.
Lieutenant George L. Fehiger and
four privates were killed, nin<- wound
ed and four missing. Twenty-nine
horses are missing. A number of
teamsters w« rc captured by the Insur
gents, but were subsequently released.
The enemy's mss Is estimated at I at).
A civilian launch towiug a barge load
ed with merchandise near Arayut was
Ij^attacked by a force of 150 Insurgents
iTTTder David Fagln, a deaterer from the
Twenty-fourth Infantry. The Ameri
can troops on hearing the firing turned
out. In force before the boat eotibl bo
looted and captured.
Fagln, who holds the rank of gen
eral among the Insurgents, has sworn
spec lal enmity against his former com
panions. Of the twenty men he cap
tured a month ago seven have returned,
one was killed in a light, his body be
•0-lng horribly mutilated. Fagln sends
* messages to his former companions
threatening them with violence If they
become his prisoners. It was Fagiu’s
men who c aptured Lieutenant Freder
ick W. Alstaettcr, who is still a pris
General Hall's expedition, with a
force of nearly X00 men, through the
mountains to Bingangon, province of
Infanta. In pursuit of the Insurgent
General t’illes, although It discovered
, no trace of the enemy encountered
great hardships on the march. Twenty
Cninese porters died and forty men
were sent to the hospital. After sta
tioning a garrison of 250 men In Bin
angonan and visiting I’olallllo Island,
off the coast of Infanta province, Gen
eral Hale and the rest of his forces
embarked there on the transport Gur
Rei»ort8 from General Young’s dis
trict show a dally Increase of Insur
gents there, owing to the fact that
recruits are going thither from the
While a detail of the Thirty-third
volunteer Infantry was returning from
^^^tongeed on rafia it was fired upon by
P^Hftirgcnts,- Herg* ant Herd taller being
BPrkllled and two privates wounded.
Celebrated Hrlinliir IM«*g hi u ltl|»e Ag«* at
llltt Homo In l-'nf;lniMl«
"LONDON. Oct. 29.— (New York
World Cablegram.) Friedrich Mnx
jnllltan Muller, commonly known a?
Max Muller, corpus profeasor of com ive p! :it lixi'o.d univet -
» at- a i affection, of the liver.
Until ten days ago lie watt ubb- to con
tinue wilting hia autobiography, die
'-tilling to Ilia holt. He was perfectly
| cou- .ou- until this induing,
H III* Nrn U« in Indrd.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oet. 29.—
Rev. Henry Itussi-ll-Prltchard, the
eldest Christ tan minister In tin- Fatt
ed States, died suddenly at Chester
field, Ind. Mr. Pritchard was lioiu
near tleorg**town. Ky, In .Innuary,
1119. In 1*29 he moved to Newport,
Kv„ where he remained until he was
SI years of age. He united with the
Methods! church when a yuuug man.
nud remained a ms miter until I Mi*,
when he hemme u im>ntl»-r of the
Chris" in < hund' lie hail lived In In
dl*nap"!>s since IV,t lie was the in
llmat* ass < late of Alexander Camp
|. »r ett. M t*9 I if ilitvit' Hum
MAM-it» o » 17 h i*
t.-par J heie lti4* |‘tvs><l>-ui
A and the ni' tn' rs of the execu
• *
of i*" *
^ s stared 1 »n»n»tmr* in be the capital of
. I
Glories of Hiifr<TliiKft <>f Mliuloimrlei Cobm
from Clit'iiK Tt* ig Ku.
I/YNDON. Oct. 21*. The Chinese Im
zrogll » is iii a state of quietude. Ad
vices from Pro Ting Ku give harrow
ing store's of the suffering of the mis
sionaries at the hands of the Boxers,
and it is reported that ten missionaries
are at Clu ng Teng Ku.
The Times correspondent at Pao
Ting Ku ways the Boxers declare the
provincial treasurer has ordered them
to kill all foreigners. He allowed elev
en to he massacred.
Dr. Morrison, wiring to the Times
from Pekin, under date of October 26,
"'I'lie foreign ministers in confer
ence today decided to add the name of
Prince Vi and Ylng N'ien to those c.t
the seven officers who execution France
has demanded.”
It Is said the commander of the allied
troops at Pa 1 Ting Ku lias arrested ihe
provincial treasurer, who was chiefly
icsponNihlc for the ill treatment of the
rescued missionsrh s.
The St. Petersburg correspondent of
th<* Daily Express claims to have f.u*
thorlly for the statement that when
peace is restored Russia will hand h ick
to Its owners the rally way from Tong
Ku to Niu C'h.vang.
C0111 imnli n with 11« Kir«|illom Oraut
Ten IVr l ent Ail nines.
WJLKE8BARRE, Pa., Oct. 29.—Ail
the coal companies In the Wyoming
valley, with it few 1 xceptlons, have now
posted notices grunting their em
ployes the 10 per cent Increase asked
for by the Scranton convention. The
exceptions are a few individual oper
ators who do not employ many hands.
But it is said thut when the men em
ployed at these collieries report for
work tomorrow they will Is* told they
will receive the same wages paid by
other companies. The Kingston Coal
company hud notices posted today
granting the Increase. This company
employs 2,200 men and was the last
of the individual concerns In the vallee
to grant the Increase. The officials of
the Susquehanna company had a con
ference with their employes Saturday
and agreed to pay them the advance.
President a„ttchell and the members
of the mining hoard visited visited
Pittston today. They were received
enthusiastically. Address were made
liv l*re«dfi lit Mitchell, Fred 1. icher
and others. President Mitchell told
the men to all go to work tomorrow,
He also congratulated faern on their
behavior during the strike.
Will (lo lo I lie llitgiie m ml K* jii'm Thu nlci
to Oiii i n W'lllielllilim.
BRUSSELS, Oct. 29.--Thi* Tranavaal
agency announces that Mr. Kruger will
arrive at Marseilles on the Dutch
cruiser Gelderland November 11 or 12.
He will have apartments a* the Grand
Hotel de Noallles, wh< re he will re
ceives several French, Hutch and Bel
gian delegates.
Mr. Kruger will proceed to The
Hague without stopping at Paris, and
after expressing his thanks to Queen
Wilhelmina for Dutch hospitality on
hoard tne Gelderland he will appeal
to the powers to Intervene In the South
African trouble on the grounds of
article 3.
1.1 Talk* MtityiiiUalnn.
ROME, Oct. 29. The Pekin corre
spondent of the Messagero cables the
report of an Interview with 1.1 Hung
Chang, In which the latter until Chi
na would have to submit lo punish
ment soon for the grave faults of a
few thousand rebels. Now that peace
is almost concluded lie hoped the
powers would appreciate ( Itln.t's de
sire to give just satisfaction and
would witlid'iiw their troops as foou
as possible. Kc.rl 1.1 spoke enlhiislas
tiially of the resumption of commer
cial relation The Impicasion of the
correspondent Is that 1.1 Is fully aware
i of Hie disagreement among the powers
ard this constitutes Ills strength.
Krnr* from Yellow loir.
HAAVNA. Oct 2» The continu
ance of yellow fiver in Havana has
greatly depressed all business Inter
ests. and tlie fear that the illy and
1 Island w ill fail to get the regular pro
i (Million of winter tourists is adding to
| the misery < f the men hunts
There Is no di-living that th» fev« i
! Is mui'h more severe this season than
! last, and that the percentage of Am«r*
I lean victims t» greater than ever !»■
fore, Everything (mosilde is beiug
! done lo relieve the situation
fr**M4 Ik* HLuiitl ka»,
HRATTt.E Wtmh „ iki Th*
! h(i’itiitf>r |kitl»hitt aniti'tl frrnn Hliaii*
I Ah t < hI«a % kith I *'• | art** 44*1
; hm*»ai Id 4‘»IU th** Kt*fct*«|L||f
I The Klondike tarn* up the river on
' »h» /• ihiii'tliA I* 4V|m4 | hi kk * 14 Ik lit
,kr II Th* rim* *44 tH*tt full »ii
j u fttr lfM tut I thf*
I ftiiilkr k in i^M Tk«> *id&||
i Alt tNM f A | A - I ltt|) a Ut**f 4l|t| RFf
I ts**v* k kit*** Mft l l.»!iAM(i
’ Hhti !«4* gvU»v.'-i 11 dVtf lh«t AM
|Mf ItmcLfMl N4«.9*sv«4
HT Hli iki ftt hi*
! 1*4! h« « |h IH ''I irk-<| fw tiff | ill th*
k 4f !>£!(* Air ih *• |*f «sif ii «! KiU I
i I It 4* 4*4 I ’ k i l U n 4 y, i k * * v fi ik)«|
|« Vki 4l 14 *k|‘D fr< * •fv Ilf II » '«I4>*
ilkilinfe, I'iflf l«*k rk Hk4t
( if K * k|HP« t|tL» tl * **« k 4 4*4 I
[ |4 >Ut MM t.f lAHlitiiNI kNU
I found
Detachment of 100 Attacks 400 Filipim
Riflemen ami 1,000 Bolomen.
oin soiDims in sisi strongly
They are. llnwncr, Detent'll After fieil
Itiihle llenWlniiee—It tit real at the Km
of the l ight Willi Five Killed uin
Nine Wouiideil.
WASHINGTON, I). C., Oet. 27.—The
Wur department today received a dis
patch from Gem nil MaeArthur, givi ig
an account of a fight, in which a small
detachment of the American troops at
tached a much superior force of Fili
pinos, The dispatch follows:
"Manila, Oct. 26.—First Lieutenant
Febiger, forty men company H, Thirty
third regiment, 1 uitod States volun
teers; second Lieutenant Grayson V.
lleidt, sixty men troop I,, Third cav
alry, attacked insurgents fourteen
miles east of Narvican, Hocus province,
Luzon; dcvelp.,ed strong position oc
cupied by about 400 riflemen, 1000 bolo
men under command of Juan Vlllamur,
subordinate of T'imos. Uc.-pcrate fight
ensued which w is moat creditable to
force engaged, though under heavy
pres'-ure overwhelming numbers, our
troops compelled to return Narvican,
which was accomplished in tactical,
orderly manner. Acting Assistant
Surgeon Hath and civilian teamster
captured early lit the light were re
leas'd by Villumor. According to their
accounts insurgents much stronger
ilian reported herein, and their loss,
moderate estimate, over 150. Our loss:
' Killed: , irst Lieutenant George I,.
Febiger, Charles A. Ltndcnberg, Will
iam F. Wilson, company II. Thirty
tn,,j regiment United Htates volun
teer infantry; Andrew T. Johnson,
farrier; Guy E. MeCiintock, troop L,
Third tug Intent United .States cavalry,
"Wounded: Company T, Thirty
third volunteer infantry, Floy W. Mc
Pherson, hip, slight; John W. Grace,
face, slight; Floyd H. Heard, cheek,
slight; Harry S. Johnson, knee, seri
ous; troop K, Third (Tilted States cav
alry, Corporal Adam H. Wachs, arm,
slight; Alfred Downer, lip, bead,
slight; Charles W. Martin, thigh,
slight; Oscar O. Bradford, foot, slight;
William E. llunder leg, below knee,
"Missing: Company H. Thirty-third
regiment, John J. Boyd, Hamitel P.
Harris; troop ... Third cavalry, Samuel
Davis, Ferd Sehwed; twenty-nine
horses missing; some known killed.
Washington, I). Oct. 27.—Lieuten
ant George Lee Febiger was one of
the youngest officers in the army, being
in his 24th year. He was a native of
New On Ians and served as first lieu
tenant anti afterward captain of the
Ninth volunteer infantry during the
Spanish war. In the following July he
was appointed second lieutenant in trie
Thirty-third volunteer infantry and
because of his military proficiency he
was promoted to a first lieutenancy
August 24, 1X99, and accompanied his
regiment to the Philippines in the fol
lowing month.
Ptwi*r<i Show ICrlutlH nee to Accept
Anglo* tier nut n Agreement.
WASHINGTON, Oct 27.—In diplo
matic- quarters there is felt to lie some
elgnithunee In tlie fact that France,
Russia and Japan, as well as the
United States, have not vet accepted
the invitation to accept the principles
of the Anglo-German alliance. It is
understood that this non-action of the
powers is not due to any concerted
movement among them, although e«en
appear* to be halting on the third
clause. A diplomatic official said to
day on mature consideration of thU
third clause It was seen to involve
two constructions, first, thut if uny
power took territory In China a* a re
sult of the present trouble then tier
many and Great Hrltulit would also
take territory; or, second, if any conn
try took territory in China, Germany
and Great lirtluln would seek to pre
vent this a t or otherwise jointly act
against the country seeking to extend
it* domain*. Hither construction, it
v a* pointed out. waa auch that tie
powers not party to the agreement
i mild nut It*- expected to hind them
selves to its aoi-ptance. Under these
circumstance* It t* said the po*er*
would probably seek to burn Russia's
vow* on the third nuu*e. as Russian
approval would probably remove th«
♦<l» i that th< in i» any p **lbl* uo tiacv
1 Itta ti il<-t
I tltt« ItlHilriil M M ar#,
MAURI It tvt .*7 Hen nr \*ur riv;
I will take the portf'-;t,i of the marltt*
provisionally. Admiral Maav hiving
withdrawn Com the ministry owing ti
•he refusal of the pf- Oiler It* allow an
| tit,rest* tif tli- i«av% credit* Address
| '4 the o*tt lata of the In Vila* depart
h.t „l inlay Qt ii*twt A*r:« rrag* said It
.•a* ne t «irt )>, ore an i-iulllbrt'ia
of th* t»H I get SO'I therefor* It W44 lm
i possthb- Uhlclr* the wavy.
Wales st I'stts rretwHiee
! t'VttIM is t |f I ,, i torrier tl
■ • r i *i -tv.* ^w i,.t i
the cvp-“*Hi.m here is t June Pot lhat
I in tutMg**h* t*f the ll|i»Vi*t| tevir»
of the print.- tlwpr »l-*v was kept an
st,* dot** >s fvl Ik* pria- e wlsh«4 t
, avoid tetwonsirwiion* which woubl ye
| » tit from the Aeglofh the ettrta tw ef
, the mi »n iltn preee.
Funeral of (lie Circat Hint rutiiMii la licld
■It Miiunllelil, Ohio.
MANSFIELD, O.. Oct. 26—In a pic
ture i|i|p little cemetery where gener
ations of MansfleliTB builders sleep He
tonight the remains of John Sherman,
senator end statesman. There toduy
all that Is mortal of the former secre
tary ot state was laid to rest with cere
monies thsi were Impressive, yet sim
ole. All Ohio contributed laureis to
the illustrious dead, and representing
the nation were President McKinley,
lillhu Root, secretary of war, and
ether Washington officials. The city
was draped in mourning. Every busi
ness house closed at 2 o’clock and the
schools were dismissed that the pupils
might attend the services at the Orace
Episcopal church, where, hslt u cen
tury ago, John Sherman first wor
shipped hiiu where for years he was a
vestry mu n.
From the funeral train, which ar
rived at 10:15 a. m., the remains were
escorted to the church, through streets
that were thronged with citizens and
thousands who had gathered here from
other places. The route was marked In
'he early morning with many political
banners eulogistic of national and
state candidates of the various parties,
but as a mark of respect to the dead
ail these were removed before the pro
cession began. In the line of march
were two companies of the Eighth
Ohio volunteers who fought In the
Spanish war, while, flanking the
hearse was a Bfjuad of forty-two sur
vivors of tlx* famous Sherman brigade,
all gray and bent with tig* At the
church the casket containing the re
main- was removed to a place Just In
front of the chancel, where It was
bunked with floral offerings of great
richness. One of these tokens was a
wreath of white roses and carnations
brought from the White House by
I’reslilwnt McKinley. Another was
from Hie Richland Bar association and
another was tlx* offering of the corpor
ation < f Mansfield. There were scores
of others from many parts of the coun
try. The altar itself was draped In
white at the request of the family.
From the church the cortege moved
' n Main street to the cemetery, a mile
distant. At Central Park the proces
sion passed under an Immense arch of
mourning on which was emblazoned
In gilt letters. “The Nation's Loss.”
Heading (he column was the Mansfield
bund with white plumed helmets and
lust behind them the Eighth Ohio vol
unteers. In a carriage near that occu
pied by President McKinley were three
men who were delegates to the first
convention that ever nominated John
Sherman for congress. In 1854. They
are \f. L. Miller. Nelson Ozler and Ja
cob Hade, all of this city.
Doxrns out tor oort.
•New l'rn»ail« la living Waged Against
Hutad Foreign Devil*.
HONG KONG. Oft. 2C.—Advices
from Lien Chao on North river say
that American mission property there
Is threatened with destruction by Box
ers, who have posted the following
"We have organized to protect our
country and our homos and we rely
upon one another to support the ord"r
to drive out the foreign devils. They
are mad. Their folly passes descrip
tion. They are the usurpers of our
land. They disturb our borders.
"In all the province*' and profe'
turcH chapels have been opened and
nur people are deceived, ripped open
anil disemboweled, while the foreign
ers grow fat on the revenues of China,
insulting our officials and merchants
and seizing our temples and palaces.
"The emperor Is Indulgent and per
mits this. Who can foretell the In
tention of the foreign devils? Pay t>v
day they act more outrageously. When
vve behold the present condition of af
fairs our hearts are bruised with
grief. Therefore we have organize!
our strength to destroy the devouring
wolf throughout the empire.”
Coerced nt llarunct'i Point.
VANCOUVER. B c.. Oct, 2fl.—Rep
resi-ntatlvea of mutinous sailors who,
It i* alleged, are coerced on board the
steamer South Portland, at Skngway,
at the point of the bayonet by t’nlted
Stales troops hi ting under ordera from
fudge Mchlbrcto, are here collecting
evidence to be used In the suit In the
United States for damage* The seven
Hint moos sailor* are suing for f 20 non
M' h and II I. Jtlblev Will testify that
he to ai d the order given to I he troops
Mid witnessed the plodding of the
routineer* with bayonets, in defiance
of the navigation taws
i t»M«a tut %•!«••<»«t.
NU.W YORK, o t «H Prices In tb
for ll|i*o’i| oil have advance I
b it l> • eut* s gallon recently an t
treat piles* have been advatlistl *c ■
tordmgly Ruling prhc* bare »r* U
cent* a gallon fur raw and ?? ,*nt*
fur i wiled I he ls*t advance here was
S • bis a gallon the icaiuii given
fur 'he great sdvsn e In price* I*
the very heavy advance In the ort-o
of a<y*eed In the «e*terg eiarsvt*
das to the atari tty of the *evd
IPei u .i.n nlrtr*
I VS Ill.Vi Ut | i* t he t hinane
have pi*, at>l d the ntr«Ht *nv diatrlc*,
'Ug » oi*| bundled doltarw fa
ir vrd for |ha h*' r>1 * of four foreign >
era eho are imv|S'(*v1 lo W 1«*<|iag ihr
fh» »t*e drag has failed In Kwang
tti pro* m* e and tobhare am pi Hag
tag Rebellion and faro toe there am
< ••tain.
L, mad
Before Accepting Him.
DoUglng of Hired q<inilmn on lliol'olnl
A i |«»n« Until Not liioplrv Coil Tide lice
—I’linillon of tlio l ulled Ntatee Plainly
Het •> on li.
BERLIN, Oct. 2D. Discussing the
present stage of the relations between
the Chinese government ami the pow
ers, u high official of the German for
eign office made the following state
ment. today:
"Before LI Hung Chang can bo ac
cepted as the negotiator by the pow
ers Ills credentials must of course be
examined. So far as Earl LI on vari
ous occasions has refused to exhibit
them. When Dr, Munini von
Hchwartztiistein was In Shanghai lit
requested Earl LI to show them. Thu
Chinese statesman replied evasively:
"However, Germany will not raise
difficulties. If Karl Li’s credentials
will suffice for the United States they
will for Germany. However, ull the
legations must jointly agree upon the
precise wording of the demands to be
addressed to the Chinese government
ns preliminary to actual peace nego
"These demands will he framed tn
accordance with the German and first
French circular note. It Is another
question whether Karl LI will have
power to enforce those conditions in
case they are agreed to. All the pow
ers earnestly desire to show all possi
ble advances making toward the con
clusion of pence."
Official confirmation has been receiv
ed of. the news already forwarded by
private dispatches regarding the un
satisfactory condition of health of the
German forces in Pekin. Dysentery
and typhoid fever have appeared epi
demic and each day brings several
WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.—In view of
the widespread comment that the An
glo-German allianc e concerning China
was open to the possible construction
of an implied or Indirect menace or
threat against some other power in
terested in the Chinese question, the
attention of Count de Quadt, the Ger
man charge d’affaires, today was call
ed to this point. Count de Quadt said
that he was able to give a categorical
and very positive statement, on the
highest authority, that the agreement
Involved no menace whatever to any
power concerned In China. He sail
this applied to all the parties which
had taken a hand in Chinese affairs.
Count de Qundt stated with equal pos
it iveness that there was no foundations
for reports of further or additional
features to the agreement beyond those
transmitted to the various govern
ments mid made public. He said that
document covered the entire transac
The response of the United States
to the British-German agreement, as
communicated by Count de Quadt, is
still held In abeyance. It is under
stood that with the third article,
namely, that concerning the compact
between Great Britain and Germany
to take suitable measures in their own
interests, In the contingency that oth
er powers seize territory in China, our
government will uot concern Itself at
this stage. It Is not expected that our
adherence to the arrangement woul 1
be required to take the form of a
formal signature or acceptance. So it
is probable that the answer to be made
by the Slate department will not bo
an unqualified acceptance of the whole
pact, but only will treat of those por
tions of the agreement with which ws
are directly concerned at present.
Ilot Tillies III I’orlo Klco.
BAN Jl'AN, 1*. It. Oct. 25.- At ii
meeting of the executive committee of
the federal party today It was unani
mously decided to Invite the federal*
to withdraw from further participation
In the campaign for the election of a
bouse of delegates and a < oinmiRaloner
I to Washington, and to get them to ab
stain from the polls on election day,
thus silently protesting against the
election proceed lm a.
The federal* rhwge the government
with partiality. A majority of the
election judges are republicans. They
were appointed hy the executive coun
cil, composed of six Americans and
three nail'e republicans. The govern
rtii-nt Is also charged hy the federal*
! with helping the republicans by gerrv
1 maiidertng certain districts. It |s un
tie*. < ,1 |hst the federal leader. He
i n<>r Mu nos tttvera. trill protest to
| Washington
Halles «• ttyceeo Muu*-> to
W AMIIINOntN (Vt J-. 1‘iunmlc
•loner Wilson of the internal revenu*
bureau has deride! that pri»prt‘*iof* at
I opera huu<** In elite* having a popn
lulioa by the caucus of l'w tif j ‘
or leas shall it«i I * « ailed on to pav
•p# lal tat fu tie tn- .1 war te
I cause of newspaper mnsiit' nsssn
that lb r«* ent ceneo* afow* a
I utail tu if mote than fJ.ed.
I HIMHt I » MS Is « % « ft*.
>| U# l • i || Ii vn fe» i4%0«!
h»re I>«lay that Its negr-.o * Janw
Uriel ant J cue** fall .--ay. tier*
lynched hy white lrtn«ii near tdberty
Hill In fthe «t no W Nil# out hunt
lug they shot rechieuaty into a farmer ■
hf-u—y. frightening g v mug white
, woman
Form for an Incor|»ori»tIon Act for Cllltl
FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 2!>.—Mayor
Fred Vaughan of this city has sent
letters to the mayor of Nebraska City,
Beatrice, Grand Island, Hastings and
Kearney, urging that delegates be
named to meet with a delegate from
Fremont at some place to be desig
nated later, and attempt to draw up
a form for an Incorporation act for
cities between 5,000 and 10,000, This
Is to be presented at the next meeting
of the legislature for action. In the
case of Foxworthy against the city of
Hastings, which was carried to the su
preme court last spring and the law
declared unconstitutional, cities of
this class are thrown back under the
general law governing cities between
1,000 and 25,000. Since a motion for
a rehearing of the case has been d“
nled, Mayor Vaughan feels that some
conclusions should be reached prior to
the meeting of the legislature which
will be satisfactory to all.
Mulchli-by IPitiglng,
WI8NHR, Neb., Oct. 20.—Coroner
Riley was called out to Dietrich Clat
teniioff'a, about four miles northeast
of Wiener, to hold an Inquest upon
the body of Fred Lange, a German
about 35 years old. Lange had been
staying with Mr. Clattenhoff for some
time and they had missed him. Mr.
Clattenhoff went out to do the chores
and found him hanging dead in the
corn crib and granary. Lange was a
single man and had no relatives In
this country. He had been tn poor
health for some time and left a note
stating that he was tired of life and
directed that Mr. Clattenhoff should
have $100 of his money, the balance,
of which he has quite a sum, should
be sent to his brother in Germany.
Appeal* on Novel (.round*
LINCOLN, Oct. 29.—Fred Parsons,
recently convicted in Lancaster county
on the charge of selling liquor wimout
a license and tilled |300, has appealed
to the supreme court on rather novel
grounds. He operates a billiard par
lor at Sprague. The evidence in the
trial showed that he had In His pos.
session a quantity of intoxicating
liquor. He contends the law under
which he was convicted is unconstitu
tional for the reason that It makes the
possession of any of said liquor pre
sumptive evidence of his guilt and
throws upon the defendant the burden
of proving his Innocence."
Clillil Injured l>y Hog*.
WYMORK, Neb., Oct. 29.—While
playing In her father's yard at Bur
chard. a small town east of here, the
3-year-old daughter of Frank Hart
climbed over Into a hog pen in which
there werp several large hogs, and be
fore she was rescued the hogs had at
tacked and so badly mangled her that
she will die. Her arms, face, body
and lower limbs were so badly lacer
ated that it was difficult to recognize
her. Her clothes were nearly all torn
from her body and hail not Robert
Shear happened along and rescued her
she would have been devoured by tho
UooNFvelt II«'I|>m n Church.
LINCOLN, Neb., Ort. 29.—With
money donated by Governor Roosevelt,
Rev. Father Reade of this city has
purchased a heavy silver fruit bowl,
which will be raffled at 10 cents a
chance at a bazar for the benefit of
St. Teresa’s pro-cathedral. Father
Reade received the check from Gov
ernor Roosevelt with instructions to
use It for purchasing uny desirable
article for the fair. Father Reade ex
plains that the nonation was made lie
cause of personal friendship, he hav
ing been intimately associated with
Governor Roosevelt in New York.
VVuniHii Cut. Iler Throw),
FREMONT, Neh., Oct. 29.—Mrs. M.
I.lit hum*, the wife of a well known
farmer of this county, residing three
miles south *.wt of Scribner, in this
county, attempted to commit suicide
and now lies ut the point of death.
Mrs. l.uthans has been In poor health
for some time, suffering from despond
ency and partial derangement. Sh«
was found with her thoat cut from
eir to ear and near her was the bloody
knife with which the deed was evi
dently done, She cannot live.
km.ll Wreck klror Kramer,
KEARNEY, Neb. Oct 19—A small
wreck occurred on the I'nion Paelde
near this city, No. 22. a way freight,
had Just pulled out of the city when
there was a jar and three cars wero
ditched The cause la not known \
wrecking train arrived from Grant
Island and the wreck was suou clear
| ed away,
UrHiii*, ti.i.k
COOK. Net*. Oct *9 Or J O
Neff of Sterling and Itert S< heller of
Ktn.i. (Tty gave an eshiMtloii *r».
(ling n**i h at the t'uuk opera h in* *
The drat fall was < tt> h as rai. h * *n
j and was won by 9 k.ll<r la ala* min*
! utes The two last falls were Uraes
i Homen sad w* re won by Nutt
H ».k uf •» Ia..ii4i.*|
\t.I.I \\) l>’. Neh <>..
; house ow ne t h* ileo, c • I'.i) In H > j* t
i Mttan-*e eras ham ml to the grouad,
i laws, |J o. i ia. trams, f* ooo Ik.*
are is thought to hive heea set I h -
j house had last kssi ntgyhi • t sa t
j was not yet art spied,
tte.Sks.f St
< J VNsK.N Nwh tVt .» Ths Jansen
j p-i •* Si..» ».*» ra -. t ),*. a.fe he I ag
| opened and |l**0 i *k* ** a guah
' tliy wf goods from J J Fast a store