The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. 0*0 K. HFNrtCHOTKK, ( Editors and 0*0. H. UIBSON, ( PubHehere —- ---—~ *TEUMS: -II.00 PEK TEAK. IT PAID IN ADVANCE Entered At the Loup City PostofBce for trail s mission through the malls as second class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET NatlOllUl For President, WILLIAM MCKINLEY For Vice President, THEO. ROOSEVELT. State Presidential Electors: J T NKBIItT, Hurt. R II WINDHAM, Casa ED. ROYCE, Custer. I. M HAGUE, Kearney S P DAVIDSON, Johnson J. I,. JACOBSON. Douitlas J L KENNEDY, Douplas JOHN L DANGER. Saline For Governor: C 11 DIETRICH, Adams For Lieutenant Governor: E P SAVAGE. Custer. Secretary of State. fl W MARSH. Richardson. For Treasurer: WILLIAM HTUKFFKH. Cumin* For Auditor, CHARLES WICSTON. Sheridan For Attorney General: F N PROUT, Gave For Land Commissioner. O, D FOLLMER, Nuckolls For Superintendent. W K FOWLER, Washlnifton CoiiKressloiiul. Congressman, ftth Dist. MOSES P. KINKAIP Senatorial. Senator, Kith Dlst II SMKL8KR. County. Representative, fifth Dlst. THKODOUE OJ EN DV l< For County Attorney. W. II WILLIAMS. Fusion Tactics Shown Dp. Political lake In Omnliti Paper K«|Hiillat«Ml at Home The people of Kearney, in the fol lowing dispatch, resents the false •tatements made by the fusion speak era regarding the operations of tin* manufacturing industries of that city. It will he remembered that tie man Campbell, Supt., of the re form school at Kearney, while here Yhst Saturday evening repeated the statements made by that outfit, that the trusts had their death grip on these industries: Head the following. KE.AKNKY, Neb., Oct. 23. (Spe cial)—The Omaha World Herald re cently printed an article pertaining to the demoralization of Kearney by the trusts. The article dwells upon the sad fate of Kearney and tells at great length of the demoralization of the city’s industries by the giant oclopi, the trusts. The paper said that the paper, cracKer, plow factor ies. cereal, cotlou and woolen mills, electrical supply works and packing houses in Kearney had beeu ruined. Most of these enterprises were built on wind and Kearney subsidy dur ing the palmy and boom days of the city. The plow factory was a scheme realized iu a phantom brain. There never was a cereal mill iu Kearney. The Kearney woolen mill was con tained in a small wooden house and never operated because the proprie tor had no money. The packing house was destsoyed by lire; the electrical supply house had no money nor supplies and it quit business for tile reason that the house had no lield to operate in aud for financial reasons. The article said the bicy cle factory had been ruined by the trusts. The proprietors of the bicy cle factor} saw a better location iD the city of Denver and moved there. The article further stated that the cotton mill run spasmodically owing to the trusts. The truth of the mat ter is the mills have been idle oul} six months during the six years of its ex.stance. Three months of t tat lime was occasioned by’ short age of water. In oue instance, the cracker factory, was built to be sold out. The people of Kearney are in dignant about the article and people of all political beliefs denounce the article as absolutely false, and at the coming election there will be a good indication that they have read and pondered well. The Kearney Daily Hub has called the attention of W. 1). Oldhaiu of ibis city, depu ty trust suiashei nud lusiou caudi date for attorney general, to the ar ticle ami demanded that he stand up for Kearney and by the truth. This Ibe present deputy attorney geuera! list ignored This is only | art of the story, belters have Iwcn recei* >d fioin Saline. Kae, and Maasachu »>•«* ny K« »rn< v |»-inK <s(t-h pitr|><)rtinii in h»v« brow »*iil fruiu Thr •tutf in lb* iti«|)«U h h*« Um r< \ «lap*11 (f>m lit* W"fltl llriitltl *rl rt» l’|* tn Its f* « i» *Vht*ftr* lilt' it »|t pf»< !»«.■• 11* I •' ilrmtM'rt'i. k«it|i|UMl«t* »nl Hit t«'fi u»H»rt ly unfit m t tbuutlft tii J ifflHtf ut ** lit* *• I«» |* ..i.t* i« grv*’ I U« tli»|i«'i liv |i|l« I Hr *11 |.f|W'. 4 1*11 J* |H*t I Kill »fUI »-» ki'iitn wi'btu ton Ins* *(U*f »b> su«c Unrig had appealed in tin* World Herald, and it is evident that the whole tiling wag a forgery and sent out to deliberately deceive the people of the United States. Fur tiler, that it was done simultaneous ly and proven a political fake sent out by the democratic literary bu reau — In Stale .Journal. WIIY I .1)1 A It Ed' 11LI CAN To The Kihioim Noktuwkstkrn: Loup City Neb, Oct. U8, l'.'UU. Sirs: It has beeD spread around the corners and by ways iu church and on the streets that I am not a lle publicsn. Those self appointed judges will look at each other with that cute wink and knowing smile, twist their whiskers and say: ‘‘lie will vote for Bryan." To all those 1 gay I will not. 1 have voted the democratic ticket lor 22 years: 1 'cit ed for Bryan 4 years ago, I had it barf in my head but none in my pccket, (Silver.) Why am l a Rep ublicuu? Bryan, I years ago, pre dicted dire disaster in every form if free silver coinage was defeated and I believed him, 1 thought lie spoke the truth: I have not seen nor heard of that disaster. I believed in Bry an as father Tom believed in father Murphy, father Tom almost threw Ins arms around father Murphy and seemed as if to say. Father help me 1 know not what to do. Another reason why I am a Republican, simp ly because 1 have found u inarki t for my labor. I don't believe in im perialism, no Kcpublicau does, 1 be lieve in expansion, every Republi can does, and 1 believe there will lit* enough democrats who think us I do to elect McKinley this fall. They talk about strikes, when strikes are in existence where cun you find a soup house? I might go on and give many more reasons why i will vote the Republican ticket, and even man with a family should vote it, but I will stop at this for the present. Messrs editors, the principal reason for my addressing you is this, 1 w,is honored lust spring with the elmii mtinship of Sherman county s eon gressional delegation by the Repub licans and as 1 cannot see ail tliede legates who attended the Republican county convention which elected me, 1 take this method of controdicling all the false reports that have been circulated about mo in regard to my politics —Vours for McKinley. I’kter Rowe. COM UNICATION HCOM II \Z ll KoiToltS NotlTIIWESTKIlX Notices of-a great Peoples Fatly rally at school house No ao, on Fry ' reek, were strewn along the road side and left to be blown over the prairie an nouncing that Senator ,J. 10 Miller, Hepresentalive Va idegrift and Coun ty attorney Nightingale would ad dress the people on this great occa sion. When the time arrived only two of the speakers presented them selves at the school house. This trio, so rumored, had come by way of Haver,na, anil the representative had taken refuge in a house near the meeting place as like I>r. Ilombook s patient, lie “bad ta’en the balls or some curuiuring in his guts, and one of the boys reported that he had tak* ti nearly a barrel of hot water and was getting better. When the meeting was called to order a large uud respectable audience nad assim bled, consisting of one large demo crat aud one respectable populist and about half dozen kids not old enough to vote. The senator led off by send ing for a bucket of water, remarking in an appologeticai way, that he whs very dry and he nearly drained the bucket during his speech, branching ort on a new subject at every drink amt leaving the old one just where lie goi dry Finally he came to a dead stand still by announcing that next day was Sunday and as lie was a Sunday school superintendent, lie would not neglect his charge tor a political talk and would save some of Ins wind for next day, and yield i-d the floor to the county attorney, who in turn said that, os Mr. Miller had explained the whole tiling, and gone into every corner ao completely itut it left him nothing to s.i\ Hall of the meeting, (tie large democrat, by this 'line had gone to sleep and i and one of the boys waked hint up with a paper wad, 11 v this lime the (\,, h■ t* rni y trot tti light < I < dory ■ a pie!lire lie Irnl si eh whet) a buy of t king who r "»i- ft•- * iH • ( . . . i • I I 't» »* > • : I* II ■ *» i . .. • * -1 11 fU il-il • l .illl.It l» lb.i' lllfi *1**1 l'i I4.I1.1 |i in i| >. • ' * S'* * - |l **M* | illttu 4>. I i,t*il» it *t»i I *<•! i • *• II Mfti.Uhl Uti-i Says He is Helpless to Resist the Demands of Politicians. Statement* Pnneernlng the Poynter Ail iniiiivt rat ion That Are of Keen lu tereet to Tax Payer*. Omnlm, Oct. 2l*. Dr. B. F. Fan?, who 1ms just retiml from the super liitendeiiey of the Home for the Feeble Mim lei I Youth at Beatrice, Is among those of the fusion faith who openly declare that I’oynter i.- unlit for gov ernor and should lie defeated. Speak In? on this subject yesterday Hi*. Lang said: “From th.e very commencement Governor Po.vntor has been dominated by the politicians. They have dic tated many of Ids appointments to places in the various state Institutions ami the result Is that there is scarcely an Institution that lias not suffered more or less from this source, out at Beatrice, a man who had been booked for an ordinary position, such as dep uty oil Inspector, or the like, was transferred to the Institution as book keeper and steward without any con sideration ns to his 11 un 11 Ileal Ions. “The different Institutions today are supplied with that class of employes, in some instances three or four of one family are holding down positions without any ipialifleation whatsoever. There are any number of people hold ing positions in the state institutions who ore notoriously unlilted for pub lic duty. The fault is not with the superintendents of these institution'*, but \lith Governor Boy lit or, who bus permitted ring leaders of the fusion party to dletale to him who should bo appointed. N'i hotter example can lie cited of (lie imposition of obliging the superintendent to accept employes who are Incompetent and unlit than that of a Mrs, Thomas, mother if Oil In spector Hpivehor, who is now holding the position of matron at. the Iteat rice institute. I make tills statement without any ipialllication, that she has no merit either physically or mentally to recommend her to such a position, I refer to tills ease simply to show to what extent Governor I’oynter lias abused the appointive power. There are many other eases like it. Mrs. Thomas, ever since she has been ma tron, lias refused to perform the duties Incident to the position and has per sisted in drawing her salary from the state without rendering corresponding service. She has kept her daughter with her at the state's expense ever slime has been at Ilea trice. Indeed, it seems to he unite the common thing since Governor I’oynter assumed office for Ids appointee in gather their relatives around them and feed and shelter them at the state's expense. I know of one of ids appointees nt Ilea trice who lived at the state institute w KIi a family of s'x. all of whom were pro vided with bed and bonrd at the ex pense of the tax payers. All this conies from the weakness of Governor l’oynter. He larks the courage to stand out against the unreasonable de mand of the politicians and their po litical friends. The terrorizing Influ ence of these political pie-hunters seem to have originated more among the Democratic end of the fusion party than any other. In fact, many inter esting letters may be found among the governor's correspondence showing his weakness in being unable to with stand the pollticiil pressure iiroiigut to r upon him, nn example of which is n letter from the Democratic chairman of York cou-'ty, who. In asking recog nition, stated that lie had lieen aide in the pnst to turn down many of the fusion lenders, among them the ITon. Edward ltates, former district judge, and others of that political faith, and lie was ready now to lay Dr. Dang on the shelf and even his excellency, if if need 1m*. to have the recognition he asked. The letter had tin* desired of. feet, obliging the governor to make way for one of the employes who had been discharged for disloyalty and In eouipetency, the same being a brother or the York county man. Another ex ample of the hold up ill York county is that of the Cochran family who have boon nursed nt public exia nse for sev eral years cud who still use their In fluence to enforce recognition. Out side of this family the Populists today in York county are utterly Ignored. •There Is uo reason to hope for any Improvement or change In conditions under Oovernor Poytiler. I know whereof I speak when I «a.v that at this very time, in his efforts to obtain MUp|Mirt. be is peddling out prom!** s of appointment Indiscriminately and lie will either have to violate hD word 1 or ht*ep faith at the cost of crippling I and Impairing tli service wore than ! ever. It I* certainly a *ud condition 1 of affairs that tin- unfortunate people of the slate should Is* exposed to the 1 Ignorance lilutnlera end cruelty **f in i con |» tii I employ * AihI It < lit < unfortunate that tie- lax payers have 1 m> legal way of protecting their rlgtpc aganist ravages and spoliation exiep* i through the Instrumentality of the j I St 11* *1 bo\ -J I >•' < «e that in* one fa* tor h is had ! {mwe to *lo w ith dlsorgan ?.ing the loan a genie-'I of Ih iiiHhuH w*»rk than the d'sr* arid the governor lots shown fuf ! Us word and pWiBtse* to than* seek ling o t I tone have keen f.,. s„ other triiHiii than tw satisfy j sites polith tan *tth a putt or t * ke**p I wnw autiMilgn phslg* At tk atri a* •t . u->• i»i it ull was to tnItiII a cuni I ;i! |(2'iiml e, tin matter at what s ic ritiic. Governor I’oynter bad on more t ohn «rruption practiced under the present state administration. I remember at one time that n large amount of grocer ins and provisions were shipped to tin* institute at Beatrice from Lincoln without ever having been ordered by any one in authority. The first I knew that such n shipment had been made w. - when I received notice from the railroad company that there was a 11 .aslunnient of goods for the Institute nt the depot. I had placed no such order, hut upon Investigating I found tint the shipment was Instigated by tie governor's agents. The gistds re 1, ued at the station several weeks iti d there was considerable waste f hi destruction by rats and exposure to the weather. When notified by the a. nt that a large amount of goods ! l, I la*ell sliipIMHt there. I had no ! u ■ wlcdge concerning where the good i e from and was inclined to re|e t i p n. I>nt after some eorf‘'s|siiu|»*nce j i' >>toward was reipte-ted by certain ' , ,>!» r« of tlie state board to »«"• opt i f «ai, c and we complied with t!» t i f. tost Milch of the siij piles was i I. »ii It |Ms.r (|Uulity that we m re i ot ,e Ibi-rn U a |. .• «h I * Uit.jr In |»uWh* fiiinU at thl* It I > . II 1 ««l!«. ilttl Ml fi.lUI » “I •**> to rt Iwtrgf »m thu • t s I <|ir.« mi wl» > litt *»• III <1 In. I H tl» fcMHW jtttt It «* till* rr * Mtwl uibrt *iMt<- .iiHi’toh h t.i' ill*' I.H 14.i. r» I i»» bt>« la . It |.f. l . t ll| M • «t l|» ii in * .*• 4 i 'i.s mg it . r ln»W »*• >Mlr *• *1. MIII.* Buggie, wagon, corn sheller, hardware, harness, stove, washing machine, windmill, pump, pipe, or anything in the furniture line? it so remember that I entry a full stick. Can make you a first class Hydraulic or Casing well on short notice. Call and see me. T. M. REED •We afe Headquarters for WINDMILL?, PUMP PIPES & FIXTURES VV e hin t1 every appliance for making tirat elaas Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. O n charges are reasonable our prices are right. WK KKl’AIlt IHNDKKS AND llOHSl! I'OWKHS AND GUARAN TY Mi ll WORK TO 01 \ K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER WHY Should nil married men buy'New Home' Sew inn M aehlnea for their wive*? Ilefuii-e It -how* they rare for tint good health tid It 1111>iin*.**-* of their consorts. -For sale by T. M. Reed. I'eoplc who burn the Lamp of Ueuaon toed Itocky Mountain Tea. Oreatest, reason producer known. !>5e Ask sour drunnlst. G. II. MORGAN, lifts j si received a new INVOICE OF and is bet er tlmn ever pre pared to suit his customers My goods are of high quality and I have marked them down to bed r< ck prices. Call and see them. If you need anything in the Jewelry line 1 am sure I can please you. Uc>|miriii£. 1 am especially prepared to do all kinds of watch and clock repairing and guarantee my work to give entire satisfaet* i ui Yours for business. TOBICCO u*tNa_ •f f» I k»«i«V VO (HI CUlilC Tho RmHi to •tilula *1 »'»'» l« (to •i»i« »)«•• to (Hal lult •(*•«• Ifca >a<4 naat .1 imi« i iir.iv co «•«»• i«« Nvk * TMi kVCLCV MimUTIi M»i«. M -. ^ - - - -- - You will never Hud any other pills so prompt and so pleasant as DeWltt's Little Karly Kisers. Odendahl llros Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, Hr. Joseph, Kansas City, .St. Louis, anil all points East and South. CITY, NEHR Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Cortland, San Francisco, and all points West. Tit A INS I.KAVK AH KOI.I.OWN. GOING KAHT No 52 Passenger.. 7:65 a, in No . (10 Freight W.80 p. in! GOING WK8T No. M Passenger .4:15 p. m. No. 59 Freight.I2i50a. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cart (seals free) on through trains. Tick els sold and baggage checked to any point In the United states or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. I,. Arthnt Agent. Or J. Fit ANOIt, Ueu’l. Passenger Agent, Onialin, Nebraska, U. P. KAII.WAV. No. s« leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). HMJfl a. in. No as leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:90 p. m. No. ini leaves Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday, (mixed) 9:55 p. in. No 87 arrives dally except Sunduy (mixed 12:05 p. m. No. s5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass engor) 7.85 p. m First class service and close counecllont east, west and south W. l>. Oliftor, THE POPULAR PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA AND ORKGON. SPECIAL ATTENTION UIVKN TO LADIES AND CHILDREN TRAVELING ALONE. Tin y are well cared fur by the ConiluctorM wlio accompany each of these excursions to i 'allfomla and Oregon, and passengers can Ut l*nd upon receiving the most courteous treat ment TUB CONDUCTORS are all men of expe rlenoe In excursion travel, ami will see that tbeeomfort of patrons Is carefully attended to. ONE Ol THE M< 1ST ATTRACTIVE I K A TI KES OK THESE EXCLUSIONS IS THE ECOXOMV Then t* ailulercnce between the first and second class passage In railroad and sleeping car fares of nearly tiS |>er passenger. This sum can be saved by patronUltig the Union I’uelde 1‘ersonallv CondtM'ted Excursion* THE NKW CULLMAN Ordinary s|i . plug Cars assigned to this ser Vice were built expressly to accommodate the • x ur-oiiilsts to t aliftrnla and Oregon Alt are iu iicd with the famous I’intcli Light are well ventilated have separate lavatories fur lad «> and gentlemen and all ears are carpet ■ >1 and upholstered, with movable partitions i e pc ra’lag tlo sections thus Insuring all the I utmost privacy N MKKINt. I> ALLOWED IN THE KXi I UNION ‘ Attn ton t- | . a HawdltNg tar provided for that putp>'-c on the train III, t >\ K ► \l l liMoX LEAVES OHA lit t E lit KKIDAY AND CAN HE JOIN, in i vNY INHNT AMINO THE LINE I lull carta a a*' call on your sea rest address H J (Nirteu Agent <»uiih‘ WmittMl 1,,ANN,,t**s MltlTKK^. W» *»M <*»«*♦• in *»jr . it \ » lllrfh..! l*rlc» *nl t > -4Hi*** **n»f u llaii #•*J W> O |i i t* . > t *. Htttk m V*»u» .. \«| t'KMHY, MAI KM A *»t»t*h* M*bf, *i**l Pfct’MM* I Itu I'*. " kuwtil* kviuii Ul* I'twillf w>l I