The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1900, Image 4
hoaal Daws. Go to Sheppards for line band en graving. 9 7 Mrs. M. P. Ford is still In a very criti cal condition. Judge Wall is doing business In Oma ha this we< k Hy. Chase was over from Mason the first end of the week. Prof. M. H. Mead is enjoying a vlsst from his aged mother v A. M. Bennett is building a new barn at his city residence. T, C. Chamberlain of Clear Creek was in the city Tuesday. Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les1 Charles Carruth of near Rockville, was doing business at the hub Tues day. A nephew of J. l>. Ford of this city came up from his home near Grand Island to visit his uncle. There was 2.40 of rain fell here from Saturday evening to Monday noon. If you wish your teeth extracted with out pain call on I>r. Komine at hotel October 26 and 2*i Cbas. Haller of Bloody run was shaking hands with the boys in the city Monday. I). L. Adamson is building a new dwelling house on the furm ot Mrs. S. 0. Tailor. William and Chris Kggers of Adams county, were in the city look ing up a loeatiou the first part of the week. It brings to the little ones that price* less gift of healthy llesh,solid bone and muscle. That’s what Kooky Mountain Tea does. Ask your druggist. If you want your watch nut In good repair by the only first class workman in the county call on G. II. MoROAN.the Jeweler, When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don't fail to call on G. 11 Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Coup Valley. Don't forget that Jaeger sells underwear cheaper than oily. The infant child of Mr and Mrs. Wellington Hawk, died last Satur day morning and was buried in Ever green cemetery Sunday alternoon. And it rained and it rained and it rained! And then it snowed—on the fitb of November, and the pops bad better get in out of the storm. Hon. John Wall of Arcadia, was nominated lor representative by the Republicans of Valley county last Wednesday. Tbia is the year when John will boelected. G. II Morgan the I,oup City Jeweler does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing in a workman like man ner. When you have something to Co in his line, don’t fail to call on him. H. Smelser, the republican candidate foi senator is doing some very good work and his chance of election is almost assured From every part of the county comes good news for Mr. Smeler. If you want an overcoat, a suit ot clothes cheaper than Omaha, Chicago or New York prices, call at Jaegers. W. M. Cramer was the hapyy reci pient last Wednesday of a draft from Germany for something more than sev en hundred dollars, an inheritance from Home We congratulate Billy on his good fortune. The fusionists had rather a fail ure of their meetiug for which they made such elaborate preperations last Saturday night. There was but 28 in the room, boys, republicans and all. The weather was bad aud pop atmosphere is becoming unbear able to most people anyhow. Why experiment on yourself with re medies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which has stood the test of time r Twen ty-live years sale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold in a day if taken as soon as the cold has been contracted aud before it has set tled In the system Sold by Odeudahl Broa. The Ko; al Neighbots of America wdl give a calico ball at Society hall ou election night. All ladies are ex (tected to appear in calico aud all members of the order failing to do ao will be fluid lu cents A prueof a ue* calico dress will be given to the lady whose trouaat au ia the moat worn Tickets &d cents, ladies free "I wi»h to express niy thanks to the manufacturers of t haiuberlalu's Cohe, cholera sad IMarrbnea Remedy, fur having put on the market such a sun derfui medicine," says W W Me<m gill, of Beaumont Texas, there are mam thousands of mothers whose chil dren have d«eii saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel ihausful It Is for sale by Odendshl Bros Go to Sheppard* for first class watch repairing. Grandma Gibson is nr. the sick list this week Miss Elleo Lofholm was home from her school in Hazard twp. over Sunday. Geo. Newberg and two sous of the south side were pleasant callers at this ollice Tuesday. No o;her pill can equal DeWItt’s lit tle Early Kisers for promptness, certain ty and efficiency. Odendahl Bros. The big cattle sale last Saturday was not a howling success. Too much water overhead. Wm. Rowe has the new dwelling house of Wm. Sharp enclosed and ready for the plasterers. W. II. Conger returned from Lin coln Saturday. He sats he saw Mark Hanoa and he had no horns. Old Mr. Ford fell striking his shoul der on the ground and quite severally injuring It last Tuesday. Pure Whiskey HARPER Perfect Whiskey HARPER Kvery bottle guar anteed HARPER —Sold by T. 11 Et.s nku, Loup City John Oltman Jr. and family re turned from Oregon last Friday. They will hereafter make their home in Sherman county, L. Hansen enjoyed a visit from his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob Wind of Neisted, who came up Saturday and remained over Sun day. Chris Johansen and Erney Milburn wrent out Wednesday on a wolf hunt a: d succeded In bringing home a large one which there dogs run down. We notice in the Deadwood, S. D. Independent, that Mrs. J. G. Cow per is teaching as an extra teacher in the schools of that city Willy Boeckner the tailor will not set crosslegged in Loup City after next week. He will move to Greely Center, and their gain will be our loss. It is reported that North Loup pre cinet. Valley county has positively 17 electors who voted for lJryan in ’96 that have declared their intention to vote for McKinley in November. *’Up to date" Photographs at M. Leschinsty's Photo Gallery Loup City dating the month of September and October on every Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Kiiday Stamp size photos Is for 25 cents. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits Odendahl Bros. Jay Cole had a hor3e badly hurt last Sunday. While passing through a gate it was impaled ou a hook that stuck out at the side ami which penetrated the side of the horse near the hip to a depth of fully six inches. District Court will convene In Sher man county Nov. 15th. It will be a jury term The copy for the bar docket has been given to the printer There Hre seventy civil case* and six criminal cases on the. docket. Go to Sheppards If you want a pair of Glasses that will do your eyes good, lie is the only Optician In this part of the country that has UP-TO-DATE In struments, and KNOWS HOW 'I'O USE TH EM. Richmond Cattle and wife caine up from YVymore Tuesday. Mr. Cattle met with a painful accident a few days before which incapaci tates him from work for the present and he tame up to visit his folks. He ran the stem of an oil can through hi;, hand. A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odend.ihl Bros, drug store It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, it is quick relief and will prevent the attack If given as soon as the first indication of the disease ap-1 pears. Price ‘25 cents per box Sample , free — Odeudahl Bros. John Sherman, the venerable states man ot Ohio, died at his home in Wash ingto, l) C, last Monday, lie was 77 years old and had served 12 years in the legislative halls of his country, He, like .lames (1. Blane for many years his bosom friend, was too great a states-1 man to tie elected piesldent. It Is well to know that I>e\Vltt's j Witch Ha/.el Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once It will cure ec-j /ema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles, <'ounterfeiis tnay be ottered you. See that you get the original OeWltt's \Vlieh lla/.ei Salve Odemlaht Bros. Mr*. John Warren and daughter and grandma Warren and a little grand daughter all of ;'t Louis Mu arrived in the city list Friday eve ning to visit relatives. Mrs John \\ arreuu the daughter of Mrs Kelts sod the old lid i is the grand mother of Mrs 11m ule Conger, of thucitv. t barley Husbouseti, a former r si. ■ lent of Sbenuau county but who m>w live* iu Texas, Is rv|H»rted to have lost tofi dollar* Worth of pro perty lie possessed m I be recent ter rllde storm* and Ihawl* which *icut iter that country ||e and hi* faun It escaped with their lives toil an left hoiuelt** and without mean* ot support. I ast week a telegram was received here by Mrs*. .1 D, Baillie ami her daughter Mr? Wiekwir* who were ber« from Fremont visiting relative? unking them to return home at once, and stating tnat Wilson Baillie wan veiy sick They immediately boarded the noon train in response. The next day relatives here retrieved a letter from Mr. Baillie from Omaha where he had taken his son to the hospital for surgical operation for ap pendice u •. The opera I n w s <i cce s fully performed last Friday afternoon and the last heard from the case was to the effect that he was doing as well as could possibly be expected. Wilson, it seems, has had more than his share of misfortune. Three years ago lie was caught In a cyclone near Shelton and almost killed. This accident resulted In the loss of one arm which was badly broken. This is the second serious attack of liis present ailment and it is sincerely hoped that he will recover with his usual good health and strength During the winter of 189? Mr. James Reed, one'of the leading citizens and merchants of (’lay, Clay C., \V. Va., struck his leg against a cake of ice in it severely. It became very much swollen and pain ed him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. lie was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it. but nothing gave any relief until lie began using Chamberlains i’ain Balm This brought, almost a complete cure in a week's time and he believes that had tie not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated I’ain Balm is unequalcd for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Odendah! Bros On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. S. A. Donaboe, pastor M. E. church, South, Pt. Pleasant. W. Va. contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beggllining by violent coughing He says: "After resorting to a number of so-called ‘specifics,’ usually kept in the house, to no purpose’ I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, which acted like a charm. 1 most cheerefully recommend it to the public.’ For sale by Odendahl Bros. ASHTON LOCAL SEWN. Father Murphy spoke in theopca house at this place last Thursday evening. His speech was principal ly on imperialism. The new city meat market is com plete and running in full blast. Webber Stott is on the sick list this week. .John Carpenter and sons of Aus tin, were over to near father Mur phy speak A McKinley prosperity ram visit ed us Sunday. Lon Hartunek has left Ashton, and Martin Hausen is running a har ness shop in his building. II. Smelser and Theo. Ojendyk have been around in the country for the past two weeks fixing up their political fences. JIM. I said to the pops ; Oh pops, vile pops. Will you tell me before too late Of a single thing you have done to bring Relief to our bleeding state?" I said to the pops: “Oh pops, vile pops, Have you, IghtencU the wrongs of man By to much to date as a feather weight With your fusion-for-ottlce phinr" I said to the pops: "Oh pops, vile pops. W'tll you give us a gracious view Of a single turn you have made to earn The praise to the righteous duer" Then I think it was Porter who answered me. In the tone of his doleful tunes; Why you durned old cuss, it was one of us Who discovered the nits' in prunes." BIX ltobhed Tlie 11 rave A startling incident, is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol: Iowa: “1 was in an awful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Then I was aayised to use Electric Hitters: to my great joy, the first bottle made a deck) *d im provement. I continued u.-e for three weeks, and am now a well man . I know they robbed the grave of another victim ” No one should fall to trv them. Only 50c., guaranteed, at Oden dahls KOK SALK A quarter section of land, four and one-half miles north east of Ashton, on Turkey Creek and near the Catholic Church l.’O ac es under cultivation, jo acres in pasture and jo acres hay laud, good orchard, tod buildings, granary and two good ws'llt. Wdl sell reasonable. Address MIM I.AW LkWANImiw am. Owner. Loup city, Ni*b % I huunamt luugim* Hon It! not i lit* r»|itui» of Ah um* E S|irtnK«-r. o| I*liiimlrl|>tai», «h«*n tir King* Nf» i'itrn'1 Ii«*r of i hatting tough Hint t<>r many )var« h» I inml<* 11f•- a hmibii >h«* ■ Vtt r all other rewvJI** atol JiM'tora It aooll li'lllnvril the |*<*ill In HIV cheat mil I ran now »le*|> inutiHv.l toiuetfcing I t* in •careeljr reliieiMber Jo ; .11* | • fuff I f«'*-| lilt** atHMlJIllg • •• l>ral»r< throughout I hi* I t»H**f-» t*r King * Vt*a |»t«o*erv I* gu»unl»*-i| •«» cure «lt troufcW* of H»»* I iiroat. 1 to**I m l.niigi 1'it)'* Ilk *ii*I #1 fiial b**l I tie* if*«* al t> hnoUhi Hum Jfug 'tor* Wanted--At Sheppards’ the Praot ic*H 1 watch maker nil kinds of watehe« to repair. 1 guarantee all my work. Win Christen purchased a now wind mill of T. M Keed this week. Dr, W. II. Lewis, Lawrencevlll, Va., writes. “I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in uiy practice among severe cases of indigestion and And it an admirable remedy.” Many hundreds of physici ans depend upon the use of Kodol Dj s pepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, aud allows you to eat all tlie good food you need, provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure.—Odendahl Bros. d. II Morgan has now a #500 stock of new Jewelry for his costumers to select froir. He can suit you in any thing in that line. Don't fall to examine his stock before making your purchases. All kinds of i Jewelry repairing SHEPPARDS. Promptlv Done at ) Automatic Itrnann. “Kirby could become famous if lie weren’t so lazy.” “Oh, lie will get famous yet.” “What do you mean?” * “Why, he takes sucli good care of himself that lie will live to be 100 and lie finned for that.”—Detroit Free Press. A I.nborctl Effort. “Wliat do you think of my play?” asked the author. “Play!” granted the leading man. "Play nothing! It's hard work.”—Phil adelphia North American. An agent for the American Hible so ciety says that the first book printed In • Minnesota was a Hible It was printed In 1830, about 13 years before the first issue of a newspaper in St. Paul. A leaf Is only a metamorphosed branch nnd the covering of seeds only n metamorphosed leaf. PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEKPIXO CARS FOB TOURISTS are the most comfortable, commodious means of travel for large parties, in tending settlers, homeHeakers, hunting parties. These cars are lun on the Union Pacific daily from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are fitted up complete with mattresses, cur tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring nothing to be furnished by the passen gers. Uniformed porters are in charge of these cars who are required to keep them in good order, and look after the wants and comforts of passengers. These cars are new, of modern pattern, and are nearly as convenient and com fortable as first-class palace sleepers. For full information call on or address II. J. Clifton, Agent. T M. Heed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture. The best method of denning the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as [)eWitt’s Little Early Risers. E ray to take. Never gripe, Odendahl Bros, - - ■■ llttcklen's Arnica Salve Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap- j ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for I*ilew. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Odendahl Bros. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your body, if you take Rocky Moun tain Tea, Ask your druggist. Call and see T. M. Reed if in need of a buggy or spring wagon LEGAL NOTICE. Wil iam C. Kltlien, Plaintiff, vs. Alfred W. Wi'co* and Kinma Wilcox, husband uiul wife. Defendants Tlie above named defendant. Alfred W. Wilcox, will take notice that on the 3rd duy of October, Iflno the above named plaint Iff tilled his pel It Inn In the District Court of* .Sherman county, Nebraska against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to reform tile dlscrlptlon in a certain deed, executed and delivered by the said defendants to said platnlttf on the ,>4th day or November, |m*4, conveying to the said plaintiff by mistake, the North West quarter of uevtion. No. in Township is, north of Karine Id weal of the Hth Principal Ma rhllan. situate In aheriuan county. Neb. raska. hut which instrument shoo'd rlirhtfully have conveyed the south West i|trailer of *ahl Stellas -1, Instead of the North Weal quarter thereof a ltd further to have in. said instrument made (o etpress U|sirt Iks face and lo convoy to salt plaintiff the South West | quarter »f said Section hr. instead of tlie 1 North Writ quarter thereof, s.. that the | saute shall be matte lo eoulurtti to and to vtltectuale the porptet* and mien tent Id the lutrlles, thereby to sallafy I an-l vanull a seriate bund l*»r a deed then tulote eteeuled amt delivered by tbe plaintiff to said defendant. Adred W, i Wtlcoi tor tbe ctnveyenee to blot of the South h Ml quarter of snot See | t tint ft y.„, nre tequtrv 1 to answer srttd pelt tout it tor befote the 11th day of N '* vt tii.ita t rtruss r alnttff. My VI ttl. 4 Vt li t I« as. his altys. Dated this tth <l«t of .tet her, re*-, Astigmatism! Astigmatism is not a disease but is simply a defect in the shape of the eye ball It necessitates an irregular strain upon tbe muscles in adjusting for different objects. There is no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, especially Jiead Ael^es A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cause. Thev believe that they can see as well as any one and in a good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just the same. If any one thinks their eyes are not right come in and see me. I am the only optician in this part of the country that c;»n correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD, The Leading Optician and Jeweler. Loup City. Nebr. ^ £DANI SCMAUPP WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE EOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. I also handle Hard and Soft Coal and exchange Hour and feed of all kinds for wheat. Illitinurk h 1 ron Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess they bring, use Ur. King's New Life Pills. Oul/ ill cents at Odendahl Bros, drug store. You little knew when rtrst we met That some day you would be The lucky fellow I'd choose to let. Pay for toy Rocky Mountain Tea.— Ask your druggist. 8 day alarm ) clocks Sheppards. $3.60ets at j Job Couldn't Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Piles. They’re terrldly annoying: but Bucklen's Arni ca Salve will cure the worst case of ^deB on earth. It has cured tnousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it,s the best salve in the world Price 26c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by druggists, Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption.—Odendahl Bros. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. I Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases At.SO DO A General Real Estate Business. Ofllrs la Nohthwchtihs Ualldlng, t our C'ITT. - • KKHKASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loop city. • i ram. A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN A SU KM EON I.OITCItV, N 1 HKA'Ki • irri< R >At at r i«.» iioiei W. Is. MAKCY, ## i; .v / i \# orrIs »; ov t. tar at*.*, |M i i l< V^» *mi /.Of//* r/TY, SKII This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is iiuickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Odendahl Bros. The complete service of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL” via Union Pacific, enables passengers to reach the principal cities between the North Pacific Coast and Missouri River not only in the shortest possible space of time, but also in the most comfortable ami enjoyable manner. The timing cars on this train are stocked with the best the market afiords. Al! meals served a la carte. H. J. Clifton, Agent. KEEP YOUR On Sheppard’s Jewelry Store if you want bargains in the jewelry and silverware line; and if you want glasses or your eyes tested for glasses see'liim. He can give you information that will be of value to you. Thu tiut'Hl Optician ami Jeweler io the country. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1. r*. SH E 1*1‘AH 11 v what you eat. [Unite v th. f<- «Un<ial(U at>ire I ... ..... . * -— C Oiliuci liawliu^