The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1900, Image 3

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9nggeBtk)|.tii for Thine Who Are Required
to Leave Their Hornet — tfelpfulnest of
Early Christian Teaching and lntlu
(Copyright, 1900, by Louis KIop»ch.)
Dr. Talmage staid In London to oc
cupy the famous Wesley pulpit In the
City Road chapel, where he haB
preached several times before, always
receiving a hearty welcome. Thence
he went to Ireland, preaching In Bel
fast and Dublin. The discourse he
has sent this week describes the be
havior of a young man away from
home and suggests practical lessons
for people of every age and class. The
text Is Daniel 1, 5: "And the king ap
pointed them a dally provision of the
king's meat and of the wine which he
drank; so nourishing them three
years, that at the end thereof they
might stand before the king."
My text opens the door of a college
In Babylon and Introduces you to a
young student seventeen years of age,
Daniel by name. Bo not surprised If
In the college you find many hilarities.
Put a hundred young men together
and they are sure to have a good time.
There Is no harm in that. God does
not write out the trees and the grass
and the blossoms in dull prose. The
old robin does not sit moping In the
nest because of the chirpings and the
lively adventures of the fledgelings
that have Just begun to fly. Do not
come into an orchard looking for win
ter apples on a May morning.
But Dunlel of (he text is far from
being gay. What oppressive thoughts
must have come over him as he re
membered that he was a captive In a
strange land! The music that came
Into his study window was not the
song of Zion, but the sound of flute,
sackbut and dulcimer In the worship
of the heathen god. Moreover, he had
no hope of ever getting back home
again and meeting those who had
missed him bitterly, wondering If he
were still alive and finding many a
luxury tasteless because they did not
know but Daniel might be lacking
Krhool and « ollege inj».
When you and I were In school or
l^ollege, and the vacation approached,
we wore full of bright anticipation,
and we could not study the last day,
and we could not study the last night.
The lexicon and the philosophical ap
paratus were transparent, so we couJd
see right through them Into the mead
ows. Not bo with poor Daniel. He
did not know that he should ever es
cape from captivity, or escaping, he
did not know but when he got home
the loved ones would be dead, and he
would go wandering and weeping
among the sepulchers of his fathers.
Besides that the king tried to make
him forget his home and forget hi
country; for that purpose actually
changed his name. The kjng wanted
him to be a prodigy in personal ap
pearance, so he ordered meat and
wine sent from his own table to Dan
iel, but Daniel refuses ail this and
puts himself upon the humblest diet
the poorest of all herbs, called pulse,
and plain water. His attendants cry
out against this and tell him he will
perish under such a diet. "No,” he
says, "you try us for ten days, and if
at the end of that time we are not
full cheeked and robust as any. It will
be surprising.” Ten days pass along
and the students come up for exami
nation, and all declare that none are
so ruddy and robust as Daniel and Ills
fellow captives. The days of indus
trious pupilage and the years pass by,
and the day of graduation has come,
and Daniel gets his diploma, signed
by the king and reading as follows:
"In all matters of wisdom and under
standing that the king Inquired of
them he found them ten times better
than all the magicians and astrologers
that were In all his realm.” And so
Daniel took the first honor, and here
the story ends, for Daniel the student
hereafter will be Daniel the prime
Peril# of Young Men.
The young are more in peril because
they are unsuspecting- The lions are
asleep in their soul, and their power
is not suspected. The time when a
ship's company makes mutiny Is when
the watchman is off his guard. When
a spider meets a fly. it does not say,
‘’Go down with me to the place where
I murder Insects." No; it says, “Come
and take a bright morning walk with
me on this suspension bridge of glit
tering gossamer." Oh. there is a dif
ference between the sparkle of a ser
pent's eye and the crush of its slimy
folds. There is a difference between
the bear's paw toying with a kid and
the crackling of the bone* in the ter
rific hug Tike's p« uk looks beautiful
In the distance, but v*k the starved
travelers u> the roadside what they
thiuk of i'lke's peak. Are there thus
around whom suspicious companions
are gathered? |to their jests and their
etih rtainiuenta mtka the hours go
blithely by when you are with them'*
Have you taken a sip from their cup
of »tn or gone with them in one path
of unrighteousness* Turn bark, f'rum
lUli>Ion they came and to luhylon
they would carry you. If so many
plague stricken men would like to en
ter your companionship, before any
one is allowed in pass into the inti
mo y of your h--trt pu% on them w
teresi quarantine
t ■»«*rag«**«»«I l'#i»i>le
!.c i wo say to those Christian par
ents who are it ins their beat In the
education of their «hlidreti Take
good heart, your sous thia wuikiai
may be far away from you and in a
distant city, but God to whom you
dedicated them, will look after them. 1
The God of Daniel will take care of
them far away In Babylon. "Train up
a child In the way he should go, and
when he Is old he will not depart from
it.’’ He may wander away for awhile
and fall into sin and break your heart,
but before he 1b done with this life,
you have commended him to God, he
will come back again, for I put the
emphasis in the right place and on
the word “old" when I repeat that
passage and say, “Train up a child in
the way he should go, and when he Is
old he will not depart from It.’’ May
you all have the glorious satisfaction
of seeing your children walk In paths
of righteousness and peace! One with
them on earth, may you be one with
them in heaven!
But I learn also from this subject
the beauty of Christian sobriety. The
meat and the wine that were to come
to Daniel’s table were to come from
the king's table. Well, Daniel had
no right to take that food. The king
was a heathen,and like all the heathen
was accustomed to ask a blessing bo
foro he partook of food, und in that
blessing they always dedicated the
food to the gods. So that if Daniel
had taken this food he would have
broken the law which forbade the
taking of food dedicated to Idols. He
chose pulse. It was a miracle that he
did not dwindle away. There la
nothing in pulse, such a poor herb, to
make a man ruddy and healthful.
Some people talk as though that were
a kind of diet which would make a
man swarthy and competent to do the
duties of this life. That is not the
lesson at all. But for a positive mir
acle Daniel would have dwindled
away, and when God for his self de
nial puts upon him tills benediction he
puts a benediction upon all Christian
TemptKfInn to J>i«Nlpittlon.
But, oh, how many temptations to
dissipation! so many things to
tempt tile appetite, how many tempta
tions to gluttony! With so many
sparkling beverages, how much temp
tation to drunkenness! Could I bring
before you this morning the mothers
and the wives and the sisters who have
wept at the graves of the inebriate,
your soul would be overpowered with
the spectacle. Could I show you the
manly forms robbed of their beauty,
the eyeflashings quenched in the wine
cup, the ruddy check from which rum
has wormed the rose, your souls would
recoil with horror, and you would rise
up and cry, "Begone, thou dr<«m of
Charles Lamij, who made all the
world laugh at his humor, and then
afterward made all the world weep at
his fate, who outwitted everybody and
was at last outwitted of his own ap
petites, wrote thus: “The waters have
gone over me; hut out of the depths,
coulu 1 lie heard, I would cry out to all
those who have set a foot in the perll
ous flood. Could the youth to whom the
flavor of the first wine is delicious as
the opening scenes of his life, or the
entering upon some newly discovered
paradise—could lie look into my deso
lation and be made to understand what
a dreary tiling it is when a man shall
feel himself golug down a precipice
with open eyes and a passive wLll; to
see his destruction and have no power
to stop it. yet feel it all the way em
anating from himself; to see all god
liness empty out of him, and yet not
able to forget the time when it was
otherwise; to bear about the piteous
spectacle of his own ruin—could he see
my feverish eye, feverish with last
night's drinking and feverishly looking
for tonight's repetition of that folly—
could lie hut feel the body of the death
out of which I ery hourly with feeble
outcry to be delivered, it were enough
to make him dash the sparkUng bev
erage to the earth in all the pride of
its mantling temptation.”
A Touching: Ko proof.
I was told at Des Moines of a train
oi cars going through a very stormy
night over one of the western prairies,
'i he young man who was present told
us the story. In the night there was
a little child in the sleeping car, fret
ful and worrying and crying hour after
hour. A man on the opposite side of
the car lost his patience and said,
“Either make that child shut up or
take it to its mother!” Then another
man on the opposite side of the sleep
ing car—a man with a broken heart
pushed hack the curtain and looked out
and said, ‘ Voting man, that child's
mother is dead in the baggage car, and
the little thing is wailing for her.”
Then the man who liad committed the
afTront rose and offered hiB services for
the night und took cure of the ehlld
until the morning, und nil the pas
sengers in the cur were broken down
with emotion. Oh. if the cry of one
child could arouse s > many sympathies,
what ought to lie the elTect of the ten
thousand voiced shriek of orphanage
and widowhood from the inebriate's
grave'* Ood save this couutry from
the peril* of strong drink
■ 11 • •
i think th«’ moat thrilling |ia*angr
of a young man a lift* l< whtii Up***
bum* to gukr hi* fortun* li<* la mt
tluwn amid rltlirmnlii and a nil it »*
aortataa a ho nr* nut o»»rr*r»ful about
'htir worda and thought* and artiona
Morning *■ tn»-« No family ul ar dab
bath WBir> ,\o rural gulal. Th* »aiu-»
tuary roiura. but all lit* hrn ar*
atrang*. and no on* him nhrthar b«>
i'iniim tu i burvb «»r d>u» hot n««. i*n
bU nuy hi mr ruin rh* alor* h«- a*oa
a |daiar>l autmonting a rar» and tlvg
■ on* .imuui aid llt< baa no greeting
at ih>- iliiif of thv boar dine li»
baa Do for tbt fotitf No on*
ir< a nb«‘th*i ha pat* or d>>«*« n«n ait—
rather bo would not Ml It in ch«a|wf!
thir th# <»» h* mto th« t>«rl*>r
tab#* o|> a b>mb bud* I dull, no *i»f#r
to took otar It nitb bin* Uo«* up
stairs to his room in the third story, I
finds It cold and uninviting, and in 1
despair he rushes out, caring for noth
ing but to get something to make him
stop thinking. He Is caught in the first
whirl of sin. He has started out on
the darn sea where the gleam of the
joy is the flashing of the pit and the
laughter is the creaking of the gate of
the lost. Oh, how many graves there
are In ihe country churchyard which.
If they could Lpeak, would tc'.l of young
men who went off with high hopes and
came back blasted and crushed to dis
grace the sepulcher of their fathers!
itH|i Them Faithful.
And yet this exodus must go on. As
from distant hills the rivers are poured
down through tuuuels to slake the
thirst of our great cities, so from dis
tant country places the streams of in
corrupt population must pour down to
purify our great cities. Tomorrow
morning on ail the thoroughfares, in
every steamboat and in every rail car
will be >ouug men going forth to seek
their fortunes in our great towns. O
Ixird God of Daniel, help them to be
as faithful in Babylon as they were
In Jerusalem! Forget not, O my young
friend, In the great seaports the moral
and religious principles inculcated by
parental solicitude, and if today seated
in the house of God you feel the ad
vantage of early Christian culture for
get not those to whom you are most
Indebted and pray God that as old ago
comes upon them and the shadow of
death the hope of heaven may beam
through the darkness. God forbid that
any of us through our misconduct
should bring disgrace upon a father’s
name or prove recreant to the love of
a mother. The dramatist made no ex
aggeration when ho exclaimed, "How
sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to
have a thankless child!” Ob, that God
would help you as parents and as
young people to take to heart the les
sons of this important subject, and if
we shall learn that there is danger of
being carried into captivity, aud that
early Impressions are almost inefface
able, and that there is something beau
tiful in Christian sobriety, and that
there is great attractiveness in piety
away from home- then it will be to
you and to me a matter of everlasting
congratulation that we considered how
Daniel behaved when he became a col
lege student at Babylon.
Itody of Mil Inc|tilslilV8 fat Found After
Many Year*.
Egyptian mummies are not ko much
of a rarity nowadays us they once
were, in fact they may even at pres
ent bo looked upon ns an article of
commerce, but the body of a mumml
lied cat found at Germantown has
claims to be regarded as a curiosity.
The mummy is now to be seen in the
window of 14 Clielten avenue, Ger
mantown. The preservation of the
body is perfect, the ears and even the
tall being In good condition. The
house indicated is occupied by the
family of J. S. Pryor. Mm. Pryor says
that when the ceiling of the Methodist
Episcopal church, oil Guinea street,
wus being torn down for repair Oct.
24, 1877, the workmen came across a
hard substunce embedded in the ceil
ing. On being dug out the substance
was cast aside. Mr. Pryor, who was
watching the repairs, brushed the ac
cumulated dust and dirt from the cast
off object, and the mummified body
of a cat appeared. How the quadruped
got Into the Interior structure of the
ceiling, there to die, is a mystery. The
church was built in 1858. The only
plausible theory so far presented Is
that the cat, by some means, got Into
the ceiling while the original plaster
ing was In progress and tarried until
sealed in. The plaster on hardening
became air-tight and the cat by ex
hausting the air in its adopted prison
cell unconsciously preserved its body
intact. The Pryors intend to give the
curiosity some day to the Philadelphia
Academy of Natural Sciences.—Phila
delphia Times.
l'or I he Young Housewife.
A point a mistress should know is
the difference between simmering and
boiling. This is readily tested with
a cook’s thermometer, when boiling
point will be found at 212 degrees,
simmering only demanding 180 de
grees. Roughly speaking, it is easy
to see the difference between the two.
When a liquid boils at full pitch its
surface will be closely covered with
bubbles, and the whole surface will,
so to speak, rock and swell with the
heat. In which condition it very quick
ly boils over. When it simmers, how
ever. the surface of the liquid will
simply ripple like a pond Into which
a stone has been thrown, the water
keeping all the time at a gentle shiver
This rippling is called hy French cook*
the sour ire or smile of the water.
I |< lilt-* «»f I tmr> h.
The present orthodox church of Rus
sia is divided into tii eparchies, in
cluding one in Alaska, and 43 vicarial
scats of bishop*. Russia h is n >w 117
archbishop*. In eluding Hire- metro
politan*. •>' cpurcliiat vicarial arch
bishop* and d'.i bishops Most Russian
hierarch* huve attended the semina
ries and academies Atvhblahop Juve
nal of l.ttua was formerly an officer
and attended the artillery academy at
St Petersburg Archbishop M.irkel
no mher of tn* holy synod attended
■ iIsm lti« tilii el title. it Vlenii I an |
I., tn iter g Arnold Lewi. tlllltn. m
Chl< ago Re. tird,
s.i.m Us* Haiti at lilstb
I s Will 1 \ptl. >rp a fe of *
mtui al entb ynimlMit la itat >g.
baa fnvenicd a mi in ling tstar.I ptala
gla.s WhU'b Will tia UMa of the novel
faoturws of ih* mm Cht. Mrtng hall In
that idly
What the Manufacturers of the Country Believe
Would Happen
Manufacturers and their Immediate :
customers are beginning to get them
selves in shape for the dull times that
they know would ensue In the event, of
the election of Mr. Bryan. Reports
from all over the country Indicate
that "Bryan" clauses are soon to he
the ruh in signing new contracts. The
latest Is .a contract entered Into be
tween the New Haven Carriage com
pany and the J. Curley company of
Brooklyn. The contract specifies that
the New Haven company shall furnish
the Curley company with a certain
number of carriages at a certain price
until November 15th. 1901. With the
contract received by the Curley com
pany was the following letter from
the N’< w Haven company:
"We inclose herein agreements sign
ed. You will notice that we have made
an Indorsement at the bottom. Will
you pb .ihc Indorse this yourself? It is
just a: good policy for you to indorse
tt as It is for us, for you do not wish
to be hound down by anything in ease
of su h adverse circumstances as
would occur In the event of Bryan's
The indorsement rends:
"Thi agreement to be null and void
in oas William .1. Bryan is elected
president of the United States in No- |
vember, 1900."
Otlu i large concerns are Indorsing
Important contracts In this way, their
managers well knowing that a long
season of business depression would
follow the success of the Democratic
ticket. A large Philadelphia dry
goods house In placing contracts
abroad insists that the contracts be
similarly Indorsed.
The busiue^g men know what four
years «.f Bryanism would mean to them
and the working people are equally
aware of the fact. If those classes
are not prosperous, they will be un
able to consume as much of the prod
ucts of the farm as they would in the
event of Republican success, and the
farmer knows the value of having an
era of prosperity among those who
eat and wear his products.
"Was it imperialism that like a
mighty torrent swept across this great
prairie state and called to arms your
boys in 1861? Was it imperialism that
caused thousands of the boys, young
and aggressive and equally as patriot
ic as you, to respond to the nations
call in 1898? Those boys who went
forth two y«nrs ago went to keep the
old flag here, to defend it at Santiago, |
San Juan, Cavite and to keep it from
defamation at the hands of Aguinaldo
and his Tagal Malays, and all the sym
pathizers both abroad and at home. No
imperialism in that; simply patriotism
—a term unknown to some of our hoy
orators. 1 say to you that when any
one tries to scare you about the atti
tude of the hoys of *61, say to them
that they went forth, not for gain, but
that the ilag that went up at Vicks
burg, Missionary nidge, Cavite—car
ried, too, by those heroes Dewey,
Sampson and Schley—went there to
stay; to stay forever, to stay as long
as a drop of American blood courses
In the veins of our American young
men. We all demanded that the war
come; we were all imperialists and I !
hope that we will always bo remain,
for I tell you that when Ood Almighty
gets done with the American army
lu the Philippines, then, and then only
will the bpys In blue march away.”—
General John C. Black (Democrat.)
This Is not the first campaign in
which Carl Schurz has changed about
and worked with his former political j
opponents; nor the first time that he
mine. • • • I must say that I need
success more than l need sympathy,
and I must say that I have not seen
so much greater evidence of getting
success from my sympathizers than
from those who are denounced as the
General Schurz did not undertake to
conduct the war for President Lincoln
after that, but he has never been any
too loyal a Republican. He has twice
left the party before this campaign,
the most notable occasion being
when he would not support the late
James G. Blaine.
It might be added that Mr. Schurz
sees only "Imperialism" in this cam
paign. anil that he Joins Mr. Bryan In
hiding the financial Ibsuc, the most
Important of all.
National Honor Kndangerad*
“Although a lifelong Democrat, I
cannot refrain from placing myself on
record against the party which has
elected, since about five years, to es
pouse the cause of free silver coinage
A Story in Figures
has criticized his own party. In the
latter part of 18G2 ho nttaeked tho
conduct of tho civil war and gavo his
opinions to President Lincoln in un
measured terms. On the 24th of No
vember In that year, Mr. Lincoln
wrote him a long letter in which he
said: “If I must disregard my own
judgment, and take yours, l must also
take that of others; and by the time
that I should reject all that I should
be advised to reject, I would have
none left, Republican or others—not
even yourself. For, be assured, iny
dear sir, that there are other men
who ‘have their hearts in It,’ that
think you are performing your part as
poorly as you think I am performing
and other equally dangerous Populis
tic fallacies. What I am surprised to
find Is to hear of many Democratic
business men express a doubt as to the
necessity of again voting for McKin
ley on account of the improbability (?)
of Mr. Hryan permitting any legisla
tion ufter his election, which might
prove hurtful to the business interests
of the country. I shall continue to
vote against populism and repudiation
and will vote for President McKinley,
and will not throw my vote away by
voting for a gold Democrat.”—Adolph
Hirsch, Merchant. New York.
People, as a rule, hear better with
their right ear than with their left ear.
Mr. William Jennings Bryan, the Popo-Democratic candidate for the
Presidency, insists that the farmers of the United States have not derived any
benefit from the existing prosperity.
A Nebraska farmer proves that Mr. Bryan is wrong. He sends us a
statement showing what he realized from his 160-acre farm in 1896 and
this year, taking exactly the same qualities of each product from his account
books. Thus:
I 896
400 bushels wheat at 48c- SI 92.00
1,200 bushols oats at 14c.-... 168.00
2,500 bushels corn at 15c. 375.00
I 3,500 pounds steers at 4c . 520.00
5,COO pounds hogs at 3c. 150 00
200 pounds butter at 10c-*.. 20.00
200 dozen eggs at 7c . 14 00
Balance in favor of 1900.
400 bushels wheat at 60c. $240 00
1.200 bushels oats at I 8c. 2 16 00
2,500 bushels corn at 30c. 7 50 00
I 3.000 pounds steers at 5 c-.». 7 15.00
5.000 pounds hogs at 4.7c. 235.00
200 pounds butter at l7c-«.« 34 00
200 dozen eggs at 12c --.-. 24 00
..... . ..... $775.00
Mr. Bryan will observe that this Nebraska farmer received over 60 per
cent more moneylthis year than he d.d in I 896. for precisely the same quantities
of his products Mr. Bryan should study the exhibit. It will be interesting to
Farmer Bryan, who might compare it with his own account rales this year.
Candidate Bryan should not tell falsehoods about the prices of farm
products. If he is still in doubt let him run over to Everett, in his own state,
and have a chat with the farmer who supplied these figures