The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 26, 1900, Image 11

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Cured of Catarrh of Long; Standing.
Ex-Con.r. !* •imuu A. T. lioodwyc.
Bx-Conjyrvssman A. 'I. Goodwyn.from
Alabama,, writes tin* following letter:
The Peruna Medicine ('o.. Columbus, <).:
Gentlemen "I have now used two bot
tle* of Peruna, and :un a well man to
day I could feel the pood effects of your
medicine before I bad ired it a week,
•per Buffering1 wi ll catarrh for over a
year.” Respectfully. A. '1. (ioodwyn.
Catarrh in its vnrioiisforms iarnpidly
becoming a national curs;*. An un
doubted remedy has been discovered by
I)r. llartm.m. 'I bis remedy has been
thoroughly tested during the past forty
years. Prominent men have come to
Know of its virtues are! are making pub
lic Utterances on the subject. To save
the country we must save the people.
To save the people we must protect
them from disease. The disease that is
at once the most provalent and stubborn
of cure is catarrn. Public men of all
parties recognize in Peruna a national
catarrh remedy o? nne<|ualed merit.
Mend to Dr. Hartman, Columbus. Ohio,
for a free book on catarrh
Cun - ail and I.ung Affection*.
Get theReuuixic*. Rf fuw^nubgtHute*.
Salvation Oil cure* ktieuiiiuUnm. is & as cts.
A pair of scissors divides by uniting
and unites by dividing.
Whitt Shall Wo Have for I)*s»nrt?
This tiurstion arises in the family
every day. Let us answer It today.
Try .JeJl-O, a delicious and healthful
dessert. Prepared In two minutes. No
boiling! no baking! add bulling water
and set to cool. Flavors:—Demon,
**'Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. At
your grocers. 10 cts.
Saints are not made by polishing
OARFIRI.nTK A tti** wonderful IlfilttlMSD
Id S K CM all'll a levolutIon In tin- treatmeal of
many diseases; it showed i hat l>y park vlng the
blood permanent cures wi re easily effected
tiurlielU 'lea U NAT LTtE'H KKMKUY.
A lost opportunity never finds Us
way back.
It is fortunate, since there ere left no nfc’V
lands to he discovered on tills terrestrial
globe, that inveutho man has turneil his
iniiiil to more useful things. Ho we have
steam, electricity and many other advan
tages not enjoyed by our forefathers.
Mo Heine, t jo. has made great strides; for
even man's oi l enemy. itlicumntlMii, has
at last f uni its master In K'.vanson’s
“5 l)r(i|w,” 'I ho success of this truly mar
velous specific for Rheumatism has hecn as
tonishing and nev er equaled in the annuls
of medic no. It gives instant relief, kills
germs, prevents disease and positively
cures ail fo tusof chronic and acute Klicu
mat ism. Sciatica and Neuralgia. It is
also use I with unfailing effect in all Nervous
Affections of everv description. Catarrh,
Croup, Bronchitis, Stomach. I.iver
and Kidney J’roti hi on, Im tirippo, Mu
laria. Creeping Niunhnci.M and kin*
dred discuses.
Swanson's "5 Drops" is sold hy agents
and by the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.,
104 Lake street, Chicgo, 111. In some
places the druggi-ts are agents. If the
remedy is not obtainable in your town,
order direct of the manufacturers. Large
sizu Lotties (Hot) diiso-) $1 (id, prepaid bv
express or mail. Trial bottle »l I be rent
on receli t < 1 23 cento, Ag< nis wanted in
new territory. Write now.
A (iuiild Palace.
Another magnificent New York res
idence will soon take shape in ••Mil
lionaires' How,” Fifth avenue. Mrs.
Howard (lottld has approved th.y plans
for her $750,000 palace, which if ex
pected to be one of the finest along
that exclusive thoroughfare. Mrs.
Gould supervised there to please her
self. and, having her own Ideas as to
just how a $750,000 house should be
built, gave the architect hip orders ac
If >0*1 lMM*n |MIV
Iniff to <N* for *.!»•»«•*,
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in*. *.i or •.»..,vo loo *»
will cotiviiiro jruu Hint
tin*? ur»' Ju»l d* ifo«Ml
in m ry w «> .»o«l i»l
from “ I t.» Imh
Olt*r I.O'M* u w*%it nr. r».
*?**■ \*V 0»» ol W l Po*i|'»i
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W* I*- • 4 >** \ t •** *r**«S*M I KwAatp #*■**.
. L. . I M. W«— >>>»■». Mm*
» •ftwHM 4.«f
•»%4 «*•*< hi
Tim I.ogan*Allen Mutch.
Lieutenant George W. Ligan, Unit
ed States navy, who is next month to i
marry in Porto Rico Miss Hertha Al
len, daughter of Governor Cba-les H.
Allen, is a nephew of General John A
Logan and the son of a leading lawyer
of Cincinnati.
For Competition with Connecticut.
A German chemist has analyzed the
artificial nutmegs that are made in
Belgium in large quantities. They in
do various vegetables and 20 per cent
of mineral substances.
A long face i.s very apt to he in
partnership with a long conscience.
Conscience makes cowards of us all
- unless we are lawyers.
Fnrm« for «al« < n «vi»v term*. nr cm lirn-e, tn to.
Nub.. Minn. i r S. I). .). Mulhsll, Sinus City, lows.
White characters quickly show the
spot, streak or give your goods au un
evenly dyed appearance.
A man is dead when his sense of
justice dies.
Wheat-O, the new breakfast food, is
prepared by a scientific process that
removes all Indigestible parts of the
wheat, but preserves all the phos
phates in the grain, consequently It is
an ideal food for the building up of
muscle, brawn and brain. It is good
for healthy people and a godsend to
the tired and fagged dyspeptic. Get a
package from your grocer and give it a
trial. You will then use no other.
Don't measure a well until you get
to the bottom.
Drafam Cannot lln Cured
by local applications us they cannot reach the
dUi .1 ed portion of the • ur There Is onlv oni;
wav to cure deafness and that W by consti
tutional remedies. Dearness is ciliated by i»n
ItiHumeil condition or the mucus imiu ■ or the
Eustachian Tube, When ibis tube N inllamed
you bum n rumbling Hound or imperfect In tr
Ing, uni!! it Is < tn Indy close,| dcafni ss is
the result., uitd unless 11».• induttimal.lon cun b<
taken out find this tube restored io !t« normal
condition, hearing will lie ib stroyed forever,
cine cases out of ten ure mused by eulurrti,
which Is nothing but un I Miami d condition of
the mucus Nurfuees.
Wo will give One II mid rod Dollars for any enso
of DcnfnOsH (eaused by catarrh) that euniiot
ba cured by Hall's Cuturrh Cure. Send for
Slrculurn, free.
!•’. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists. 7.V
Hull's Family J’ill* are the best.
The devil has a great reputation
but a very bad character.
A rpw colony to *nmf"h home* t»» thon-aml* of
People. Ut locate In Ok,ilo»m » I * rrUnry, In mow being
orgftnl/olby the founder* <.f the btorgJtiColony, Mr.
I'. 11. Huganuti of lmitanii; o.l*. Indiana, U bucking
It. Information sent free allowing bow U> get good
home*. bo -d f antier* u an ted.
A man never values a turkey for Its
IlMt for flu. Dowel*.
Ko matter what ails you, headache
to a earner, you will never get well
until your bowels are put right,
CASCAKET8 help nature, cure you
without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CAKCARETS 'andy Cathartic, the
genuine, put up in metal boxes, every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Re
ware of Imitations.
When a man squints at crime he
sees another view of it that does not
A Tlgomti* growth and tho original color given to
the hfilrhy IMikhh'k Haii:
111* oki;- oil % , mo euro for corns. V»cU.
An honor bought dishonestly is a
Drags have their use. bat don't store them in
your stomach Hi-ennui * I’etmln Gum aids tho
uuturiil forces to perform their functions.
Much that passes for wit owes Its
humor to Its absurdity.
Pino's Cure for Consumption la »n infallible
medlcinu for coughs and colds.—X. W. bAUUkn,
Ocean Grove, N. J., Celt. 17. 1800.
A new dress lasts a long time after
it has been worn out.
FITS p.rtnonem.'v < siren. Snflt. oriiervouviiM. »rter
first day s li.e ..? Ur. Alines Ulr»t Nrrvo Restorer.
S'11(1 for IRKK KS'J.OO 11 In I bottle nnd trentlsu.
PR. R. II., Ltd., Dill AIVU St., 1 oil roll IpRlu, in.
A thing Is not necessarily true be
cause it is new.
Carter's Ink has the endorsement of the
1'ultod Stair's government »nd of all the lead
ing railroads. Want uuy more evidence?
God is so omnipotent that he can
not break his own good law.
Sudden and Severe
attacks of
come to
ninny of ua,
but lumriti
bad l hr caw
•i* I
lh« iu v«f*
Vfyicivirs A^TiKow.nA
•-SWP-B CUBES ixnsz
I • • •* h» M . • !'• • *•• * Mk
t I t»ti Haiti* •> I .
I **t*tt Htt '**1 Hi. M t IH*h* I* ft- -<l III k
»ti4 I t Mill . h » I' « I • • - »
I i IlfHli to Haifa4 14 t tall
•*»!•«« t « , | .»* 4 Itjt a I II tfl III
Man and
the Heg.
A\nny Contentions Have
Arisen in Histary
Over the Latter.
The hog of today constitutes no less
than 370 different articles of com
merce, and nest to cotton and wheat
furnishes the largest values In ex
ports from the United States, rays a
write'. Its name has become an
epithet. Its application to man
means greed and brutishnesa. It it
commonly supposed to ho a scaven
ger, like the puddle duck. It tuk< s
mud baths. So do men. There is
much virtue In mud. The hog bathes
In pools of it to coat his akin asalnst
the attacks of Insects; man dips his
festered hide In to Improve his cir
culation and draw out his gout and
rheumatism, I have seen men, kcown
men today, with skins thicker than the
hide of the rhinoceros. The hog Is
omnivorous so Ib man. The hog is
carnivorous by choice—so is man. The
hog is herbivorous, granivoious,
gratnnivorotm and phytivorous by edu
cation—so Is man.
These reflections are Induced by the
Indignities offered n useful animal.
The hog was the eleanest of beasts un
til man built a sty and Imprisoned him
In filth, fattened him on tilth, killed
tin* In filth, and ate him In tilth. No
animal, wild or domestic, Is so clean
about bin bed as the hog. II wants
pure, sweet, fresh straw every time.
The hog has brains. It has been
known to excel the pointer In scent
ing quail. An authentic instance is
mentioned by Hlngley In Memoirs of
llritlsh Quadrupeds of a keen-scented
sow that would stand at birds which
the dogs had missel. Who ever heard
of an educated ox or sheep? Yet we
have had on our stage educated hogs
that could spell and play cards, count
and tell the time.
The hog caused the biggest mutiny
ever known In the history of the
world, and was responsible for men be
ing blown from the muzzles of can
non. When Great llrltain shipped
cartridges to India for the native
tr< |.s she reckoned without her hi st,
for the ammunition was greaed with
lai d, which so oft tide i t’io religious
scruples of the sepoys that they arose
as one man in rebellion. The Ameri
can hog nearly caused war between
Germany and the Unit* d States, and
only the diplomacy of Whltelaw Held
obtained for the animal admission Into
Fr: uce.
Mo is and Mohammed were opposed
to the hog because, while It divides the
hoof and is cloven-footed, yet It chews
not the end. The camel Is not eaten
for opposite reasons it chews the cud
but is not cloven-footed. The bare is
a 1: i unclean, because while It chews
thi cud it divide, not the hoof. All
civilized nations have passed and re
pns cd laws governing what n man
shall cat and how much It shall cost
him, but the only sumptuary measure
: that ever stood the test of time is the
law of Moses concerning the hog. It
hu been oi the statute book for 3,
1 390 years.
The late Duke of Edinburgh's Ufa
was insured for £300,000 and that
huge sum will have to conic out of the
coffers of the insurance societies.
Scarcely a single English insurance
company was without some interest in
Prince Alfred’s life, but the critical
state of his royal highness’ health dur
ing the past four years had given the
companies ample warning that the day
of reckoning was approaching. They
will not In consequence be heavily hit
by the duke's sudden death, even
though the sura is of considerable
magnitude, for most of the firms had
secured themselves with guarantee
Royalties have ever been extensive
Insurers. Many of them while they
enjoy practically unlimited Incomes
during their lives, are unable to be
queath anything except to their eldest
sons. Insurance gives them the op
portunity of making some provision
for their younger sons and daughters.
King Humbert of Italy was no ex
ception to tlie rule among the royal
houses, and Ills tragic death will make
a heavy call upon some of the insur
ance societies, who will pay out con
siderable sums to Queen Margherita.
London underwriters are appreciably
affected by his death.
Queen Victoria has been a small
gold mine to insurance companies,
owing to her majesty's long life. Not
only did the queen insure her own life,
but hundreds of leases In the elty ex
pire with the queen, and the holders,
in consequence, have all insured her
majesty's life. The Prince of Wales
is similarly Insured for large sums,
but there are not many policies on
Kaiser Wilhelm.
Live On One Dollar a Week.
Fifty-two dollars a year is the sum
ex-Judge Talcott of Valparaiso, Ind„
sets apart for living expenses. What
Is more remarkable, he suc-oeds In
keeping within tills limit and both he
and Mrs. Talcott profess to be more
than satislled with the amount of food
they allow themselves. These figures
are six times as impressive as the Chi
cago University economists, who have
recently provoked wide discussion by
declaring that a man and ills wife can
subsist at a cost of $300 a year.
The $l-a-week expense limit is more
startling In view of the age of the re
markable experimentalists. Judge Tal
cott is 85 years old, but is strong, well i
and active. Mrs. Talcott, who is some
ten years younger, has an almost girl
ish freshness of complexion and does
all the work about their home. As the
judge has an abundance of means, the
$l-a-week dietary regime is udhered to
purely from choice.
Their regimen tonsist of oatmeal,
mush, milk and sugar, for breakfast,
bread and milk and sugar for dinner
and cornmeal mush and sugar for sup
per. Once a month this is varied by
a meal including a small amount of
meat, households that have difficulty
in making both ends meet on ten times
the sum that affords this aged couple
so great contentment would do well to
study their diet.
Origin *>f the Political Phrase Explained
|»y ii Mtnaotirl (tlrl.
If one will visit Wnlkerville, Shelby
county. Missouri, gut her together a
, Ircle of the old settlers of that most
idct'Mosquo and Interesting neighbor
hood. 4«d let them get wound up to
story-telling, one may hear many
amusing anecdotes and bits of Inter
esting local history. The following
account of the origin of the familiar
expression. "Gone up Salt river," was
gleaned from this fertile field during
a recent visit, writes Runlee Morgan
of Mehlvllle, Mo,, to the St. Louis
Many years ago, before* the war, in
fact, a politician and offli >*-*eeker liv
ing iu 1‘lke county, through which Salt
river hints Its way to the Mississippi,
was a candidate for the legislature
tlelHg defeated at the election, he
moved Into Halls, the II* Xt nullity up
the river, where tic again tried his for
tune at the polls, was again defeate I
and again moved up the river
In M*>nro* county he was a third
time defeated, hilt fttlll UUd lilhl* d, he
.'anvasset! Shelby count} in hia uevt
Ait* Hi 1*4. aum mi little »U» * <fc» ii« h
hiiti hr***i «hi* u lh« ii t * sim
hf k*ni lltji ftiUhljf he iut*i» I l»i VI
%ultf *ill» th* »iuut r«*#Mttt W hi n iu)
oui* i I* * m It* H! * «h< r«*
#NimU Ii** *<*4 h(4 Iu ‘'g iiif a(i
Hill rim H
• W4*11 } |s»l »I 4<»MtM l»a* «•**
I’nifi, #.! i diit^hd twM «*! .Vw*l«r
U4M it MUl *Mh A to*mb giH«?*(ug
fua* a Ib4l a ill All* 4l!
flcult or Impon-i hie for one hundred
yards around the renter of explosion.
l'limsIOi Hrntroyt KliuriH 'lovt-M.
There is a .scale of parasite of some
d« .-criptlon at work on the .shade trees
of the city. Its depredations have been marked In the western part of the
city, where many line specimens of
tne tiro wt li have been practically
ruined. Trees on which the scale ap
pears may be dh:tlngntsh«>d by the deep
brown and spotted leaves which they
r. ►'olInRe on trees which are at
tacked, even when not affected direct*
Iv, show a lack of life and color. It U
car and warped ut the edges, as
though dried by a hot wind.
Great colonies of the parasite form
mi the bark, t*s well as the leaves of
the trees. They may tie seen in lari’s
white or gray masses. Wherever a
colony form the hark or leaf dies. The
- [lotted brown appearance .if the fo
liage Is due to the presence ot the Stale i
■ 'f* the under side of Ik * letf Th-*
c if Is often seen |n lie curie I and Iff* |
• a, due to the dtl.'Uhs of the Insect I
ii the stent Hi i in - leaves art da*
»!;U)til completely With the escept'ult
if the veins, w ois h art* Mi alts he I
Id till 1 N*
lUlllXKM r
iSalt > •<on |s In
tain ilisuinsl to
West Indian hntrt
h# d> tl«« ted from
t'tofida toasts It
w «rd course and it
t * i«4 of Mask**
it* impaUas.
the tfa a of a ver ■ |
it not infruwtneni I
c «ne a at* h falls to I
lb* tleitfi* and
keep* to Its north *
k’ in- U awun^
ii'ali, Miunlisf ta j
The Most Important Period in a
Woman’s Existence.—Mrs. John
son Tells How She Was Helped
Over the Trying Time.
Owing to modern methods of living, not one womi-n in a thousand tp
proaches this perfectly natural chancre without experiencing a train of very
annoying, and sometimes painful symptoms.
Those dreadfu; hot flashes, sending the Mood surging to the heart until it
seems ready to burnt, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills,
as if the heart were going to ship for good, are only a few of the symptoms of
a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are crying out for assistance, 'i ho
cry should he heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was
prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life.
The three following letters arc guaranteed to be genuine and true, and
still further prove what a great medicine Lydia L. I'inkham’a Vegetable
Compound Is for women.
Mar. 17,1897.
“ Df.ah Mas. I’iNiiiiAM :— I hnve been sick for a long time. 1 was taken
sick witli flooding. All rny trouble seemed to be in the womb. I ache all the
time at the lower part of the womb. The doctor says the womb is covered
with ulcers. 1 suffer with a pain on the left sine of my buck over the kidney,
I am tlfty years old and passing through the change of life. Please, advise me
what to do to get relief. Would like t<> hear from you as soon as possible." —
Mum. Cuaui.ottk Johnson, Mouclova, Ohio.
Jan. ?3, 1898.
“ I have been taking your remedies, and think they have helped me a grpafc
deal. 1 had been in bed for ten weeks when I began taking your Vegetable
Compound, but after using it for a short time I was able to be up around the
house. The aching in the lower part of womb has left me. 'J he most that
troubles me now is the flowing. That is not so bad, but still there is a little
every day. I am not discouraged yet, ami shall continue with your niei\eine,
for i believe it will cure me."—Miis. Cu-A.iu.ottk Joijnson, Monelova.Ohio.
April 13, 1900.
“ I send you this letter to publish for the benefit of others. I was sick for
almut nine years so that 1 eouhl not do my work. For three mouths I oould
not sit up long enough to have my bed made. 1 hod flvedift'erent doctors, and
all said there was no help for me. My trouble was change of life. I suffered
witli ulceration of the womb, pain iy sides, kidney and stomach trouble, back
ache, headache, and dizziness. I am well and strong, and feel like a new
person. My recovery is a perfect surprise to everybody that knew me. I owe
all to Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I would not do without
your medicine for anything. There is no need of women suffering so much if
they would take your remedies, for they are a sure cure.’’—Mus. CuAitLorrn
Johnson, Mouclova, Ohio.
When one stops to think about the good Mrs. Johnson derived from Mrs.
Pinkham's advice and medicine, it seems almost beyond belief; yet it is all
true as stated in her three letters published above at her own request.
Ah a matter of positive fact Mrs. Pinkharn has on file thousands of
letters from women who have been safely carried through that danger period
“Change of Life." Mrs. Johnson's cure is not an unusual one for Mrs. Pink
bam's medicine to accomplish.
lll'AVAKI). Wo Imvodepoaltoil with tli» National <'Ity Hank of I.vnn, JMjno,
which will lw» paid tu any p«mon vt ho can llnd that the nhovo testimonial letters
arc not Lrcuuliitt, or wero ouhhbhod In /oro obtaining thw wrltpr's special ier
Any coward cun light with the
mighty but it takes a strong niuu to
side with the weak.
Conscience makes cowards of us all
—unless we are lawyers.
Time Is money—with the abscond
lng bank official.
A good face Is a letter of rocom
mendation, as a good heart Is a letter
of credit.
nrr < ut out ann rwlurn this u«i. and
Kfjm wo wiu send you tin* high
O grade, high arm,'
fUSa giiMrHnfrrd Hrnlttg 11 arhlna
by frelgbU’.U, 1>..subject toe lami
nation. Jr you hud it perfectly sa&>
in'H ’lory, ritual tolii* bif»r*t grad# »*.
In* ntaebkifa aoid **rr» - Kara at ttO.OO
to Cil> OO, |»ay (ha frtlfckt (J 11 •)C
■gi-n* Our aprrlul Offer I'r'er, ^'laav
. .. h. I ».• to* BAtblM
three month* find IT dhtatUD*-<i In an* way wa will rdorniotf
•oa»yr. tome* ootapl«U) with quiltar, *r*wdrlvet a. nob
bine., nr«e.ile*. cau^o, oil fan and tnatruetlou book. beau
tiful aolld < *k fi-dtawer, drop head cabinet, Ha* every
Ii!.|irn*«*m«nt. Faaleal ran ala*, brat viorllhf irvrlnf
mumliloe ever offered. fl"M WOSUItim L lUKbAlft KIKft
IftUtih or. *VI(e for r> mi Hewing ItarHaa latalofae. M'lro*,
ax a rule lincl it very dif
ficult to get up their linen
in a satisfactory manner,
chiefly owing to the
of inferior starches. Ry
usinu rtagnetlc Starch
you will find it a simple
mutter to turn out as
good work as the heat
steam lauiulries. Your
grocer scl Is it. Try itonoe.
It it jets only toe a pack
ape. Insist ou petting
, mams coiufts«"CUff$[em wono or this imim’
, "Af£W RIVAL••
N* p»«4#r iIu'Hm I*# * **p«r* • »!*» IM Wl% 41 •• im
lumtii miIMimii iIimum Hft 4*1 »4Uf^r«il, lit l IIm
VINOMSTII Mm TIBS MM3 CO. • • • Nt« Hum, Cm#
Wi Sell OlrMt U Farmtrt.