The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 19, 1900, SUPPLEMENT, Image 8

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I,oup City, .... Nebraska
Friday, Oetober 19, 1900.
Nall It Fast Forever.
From the Baltimore American.
(“Thin country has a hundred thousand
■oldiers walking around in idleness."—
W. J. Bryan.)
Walking around in idleness.
Wherever the flag's assailed;
Meeting the foe with an idle might
That never yet has failed.
Lawton, and I.iseutn, and Logan, too—
(’apron—the list is long—
Went to their death in “idleness,"
And their "idleness” was wrong.
Grant and Sherman and Sheridan—
Why should we call the roll?
They idled nway in the idle fight—
In fights that tried the soul.
"Walking around in idleness”—
Braving the leaden hail;
What of the glow of a nation’s pride?
Is that but an idle tale?
"Walking around in idleness,"
Over the Pekin road;
Scorched and worn by the galling sun,
Lugging an idle load.
Fighting with idle energy.
Cheering with idle hreuth—
Thinking, with idle love, of home,
And dying an idle death.
Private Smith, with on idle groan.
Gone to a home above;
And idle tears mark the idle woe
And the idle mother’s love.
"Walking around in idleness”—
Lawton and Liscum, too;
Legions more will come idly when
There are idle deeds to do.
(From the Chicago Inter Ocean.)
Merely to expose the sham of
Mr. Bryan's present anti-trust
campaign, we cite below u few of
the trusts—only those with #10,
000,000 or more capitalization—
organized before Mr. McKinley's
inauguration, and protected and
nurtured by the Democracy be
tween March 4, 1803, and March
4, 18U7:
When and
formed, bonds.
Am. Sugar Co.1H*7 *37,!«fi.0(10
Con. Ice Co.I'd 15 il,235.UX>
Natlonnl Salt Co... 18x0 12.0 K), 000
Nat. Starch Co.1X00 11.603,000
Sperry Flour Co.
(Cal.) .1X02 10,000,001)
Cht. Iteef Combine. 18X5 Fnknowu
Ain. Spirits Co.18x7 3fl.035.:t00
Cal. Wlnemak's Co.1804 lO.OOO.uOO
Chi. Brew. & Malt.
Co.1881 22,080.000
Mil & Chi. Brew.
Co.1X04 25,050,000
Am. Tobacco Co.... 1800 51.0X0,000
Nat. Wall I’ap. Co .1X70 35,431.500
Standard Hope Co..1X88 22,412.000
F. S. Leather Co...1803 130.3X8,000
F. S. ltubbcr Co....lM)2 52,F*1,0)10
Am Schl Fur. Co.. 1802 11,500,'00
Central Lumber Co.
(Cal ) .lxr.fl 70,1)0,1(10
Am. Win. Class Co. ixoo 3o.()ro.<Hsi
l’gll. Plate C i-s (5 .1 sol 10.oh ,o.hi
Am. Cotton till Co..1x83 ;i!..5"::.7oo
Am. Llns'd till Co..lx»7 28,500100
Aar. < ’hem. 1'o.IX! o 5o,(;oo,i».o
Slaml till Co.1S72 97,2.54),(ou
Fuel & Iron Co.
Col ) .1x02 20,837,000
Coal, Iron A It. It. J
Co. (Tenn.l .18X7 30,<in 1,04)0 1
Lake Superior Con. J
Iron Mines . 1X03 28,722,tS)0 4
Am. (Sewing) Mach .
'' 1803 in 1 on.i ihi 4
Union 'l v pets rlter 4
1 IHM I-,. 15.0 II 4
* : ! ■ 11" 11 Co. 1XU3 lO.fH 4
I stor. Lot cd..lxxx is 1 „.(• 4
Ceil F cetrii Fo . . . |»J« 20.5 I ! '• 11 <
West. I ' 1 -■ 1 1 • - , i
Aii.ii- Copper Co |smi 30.1,1 ■ cisi t
Notiunal load *'0 lso| 2',A-'-,.n* I
Brooklyn Wharf A t
Warehouse I'11 1MI3 .'IO.ishi.ihn) *
We«t K|e« Assn ix»: r , .... *
I I Match 1 '
Aggregate eapIt Cisa
11 n *1 •
Here are ihirty-seren great cor 1
poratbina — price fixing cotubisn
tlons or trusts with aggicgate
capital of inure lltau #1 last.iasi,
<«N), ail of which lived, pr«*|ieri d
and waxed fal unopposed „tol
uua*-uilcd during one to <1 ght
years of Detlloerntie rule 4 ct
Mr. Bryan ha* the impudence to
tell the American people th»i
trusts are fostered Ik the Iteimh
lican party and fought to th>
death by the tvmoeract
■ K •••'!• M* Km let lluitoua
l'l» iu WtarMtiik I he witur >Ut * •>,**
rtlng »«.. -mm » a I In-. I into a hide u- * •
I<m|>r r ilar* at Jtuxiifh W tail* *< '
liAA hi* |*4|u r be ! “'ke>l i»>.-»•*»■ I him mi.4
hu i.Otl A It'fr KuimImi of Hit il
for >aU*, kwl »<* Mi hiluWj
||# aahr I lb# (iMVkM^f If A# >ll<I Ml
k«vy 'I Ki» *> liuiNMit fur >ali ia*i
»aa i>»)4
1 iNi l b*#(t Vf» I **H V*» Thrf
Mill AA AMOA AA I f»t »»• I >1# h*4 ii|.
At Br*l «llh I be tame hud. her of I "lb.
but bare t*-|4»t»*ab#4 Af *♦•*> k uf Mi
K>ale« bul' m* lour ltd t due A tui#
A-i tbex- M-iiu Im'i .i.m %. i »*e bam m
Ik* |(Al M I bddfbi I -era A’* Ad IdJ
aa fwiba • nruaJ JaAeAt * *4
History of National Expansion
from Jefferson’s Time.
The Life of the Nation. Like That of ao
Individual. Depends l'pon Its Ability
to Develop and Grow.
An intelligent youth, fifteen year* old.
who reads the daily papers, said to his
father, who is a student of polities;
“Father, what is the meaning of ‘im
perialism’ as used in the Democratic
platforms and by Democratic speakers,
particularly Mr. Bryan; aud what do
you mean by expansion?"
The father nnswered: "My boy, ’impe
rialism,' correctly defined, means ‘per
taining to an empire.* The use of it, as
they intend it to apply by the party you
spenk of, is pure demagogy a clap
trap effort to esteh votes in the coining
election. These men have erected an air
castle and are pelting it with words. But
few of the inen of brains who use this
term, ns applied to the condition* in this
country, believe it to he true or correct.
They have a mistaken idea that they
ran scare the American people by pro
claiming against a bugaboo of their own
creation. In this they are mistaken. The
American voter is quick to detect hum
bug and is not easily scared even at the
threat of real evils. It is possible that
some of those men really believe what
they say on this subject. If they do,
they are in the uufortU{inte position of
those of whom it is said, ‘they believe
a lie to be damned,' for these men will
he politically damnpd at the election in
November. Outside of these parties
there are some declaring against 'impe
rialism' vrho are misled by diseased ini
aginations and who, while being honest,
are simply foolish.”
“Well, father, what do you menu by
‘expansion?' ”
"I use the word in ita ordinary sense,
my boy, which is tlyi 'enlargement of sux^
face.' ”
"Yes, I understand that, but this is a
political term ns used now. Does it meun
the ‘enlargement of the snrfaco' of the
"Certainly, and but for expansion this
eountry would have beeu very small in
“When did it begin to expand? Who
was the first expansionist?"
"look at the map ot the United States
and you will see that the colonies of
Great Itritain which revolted in 1770
were Massachusetts, which included
Maine: New Hampshire, Connecticut,
Khodc Island, New York, which with
New Hampshire included Vermont: New
Jersey, IVnnsylvnnia, Delaware, Mary
land, Virginia, which included Kentucky.
North Carolina, which claimed Tennes
see; South Carolina and Georgia. All
these colonies, with the outlying terri
tories claimed by them, had only 482,3151
square miles, with u population of about
3.000,000. Just before the Revolution
George Washington, then a colonel of
Virginia militia, was the first expansion
ist. He aided in driving the French out
of Fort Utiquesne, where Pittsburg now
stands; helped in annexing to Virginia
all the territory which now comprises
the States of Ohio. Indiana. Illinois,
Michigan and Wisconsin. There were
no white inhabitants save a few French
on the lakes nnd in Illinois. These
Stutes cover 2H3.3t51 square miles, about
three-fifths of the area of the colonies.
At the taking of the census of 181(0, ter
years ago. they had a population of 13,
4(11,8415 and wealth valued at $15,041,
(535,522. Washington’s expansion proved
to be a very valuable one."
"Who was the next expansionist, ami
what did he do?"
"Thomas Jefferson was the next. In
April, 18o3. he purchased the territory
of Louisiana from France. Igyok at that
large map. All thp States and territories
which you see west of the Mississippi
river to that irregular line which extends
from the Gulf of Mexico to the Cana
dian border, near the Pacifii ocean, were
included in this purchase. At the time
the purchase was made it was declared
valueless, and Jefferson was denounced
as bitterly by the opposition at that time
as McKinley is now in fact, more bit
tciTy. In ls|o. the first census after the
purchase, the entire civilized population
was 77.401 The area of this purchase
was 1(74,873. square miles, more than
double that of the original colonics, and
comprised what is ii‘>w the Slates of
Louisiana. Arkansas, Mis-ouri. Iowa.
Minnesota. North and South Itakota, No
In ask i, Kansas, part of Colorado, nearly
ail of Wyoming, nearly all of Montana,
the Indian Territory and the l’< iritory of
Oklahoma In the population of
those Slates was 12.1(53.8118 and their
wealth was $11.5ti.">,3.“>2.54*>. eleven hill
ion five hundred and ninety five million
tints1 hundred and fifty two thousand
j five hundred and forty dollars. T h*8#*
8 I !i (m iii>lit’t| iivt'i hup half
ill* w h 11 * I in* n rt} out* Naif i In* cofft
•t*»|i »»f tU** I’Miititrj, a ip I tin* \«Hr v% i KI
«l*» Mill Nrttrr Th«% Nun* htailv on#*
Ihtni of tht* total rail urn n.ilrif. mol
! ir? f r*-at iiridliirri* of i uMIt, *hr« |i,
I htigs niol N«>r*« * \ii*l i« • their |• i(m|u<
i Ufl* • H|*4« 1*1 t* Ul III lltf.ltti f Wllfll
irrigat i*'ii t* r»*faMi»hril. »» it KiMtit will
l*‘. tit*’ |*r*H|t|< t« uf thaw Hum wt|! In’
•InitMrtl or \ ml tit*-1 a |«* ail
mm.**' .*f tht« pur*haw that t an nrtrr
l«> r>tiiiia'*’l in t*i Htri . nht . ti U ti**> ,, u
tri’t >1 lit*- M *i - ;i(ii iiih .1* ft#r*<u, .
ttiir* ha« Ita- t*** **• •! • it t*. |* .* «** . ,| «,(t.
u . • i■ ’taa4.t**t th* Wttri , ... ,• j,,
tt* 1**1' '*t,t ta* t *i*t*
i i»- * ai*'i>t< 4 )
tl**iau af tula.
Motor; la tuia*uti*l l«; it..; *aright,
it* w ho i* Itarat; four grain* mahr a
la nut wnght, twi-nty t’.-fiut». *at.t*
•ill*’ olimr ami twrlir unit* r* uiw
puttml I'hr »iltft ih’llar tartgh* I! ,
gtaiti*. a ml 91 a* ttrar a* It an la*
ri|a«*M*| iuu lMg’ ml; in print nrtgh*
II till p”ta*l* »*» a ft.*' im t*»«f m i
mt; atw ami «n*' half |<.*nn*l* In ai*’ir
ilnpola llir *a» f n*Mthl tar.g.t '■* ir^n. m
marl; ttft; nm* i* m.*l«
l ardon iu»\ but
If ,iuu were going to rent your farm to
a man. you would feel surer of getting
your money if that man had had some
experience in farming, wouldn’t you? If
you have a job, a steady job, and you
knew tiiere was going to be n change of
managers of the business, factory or
whatever concern it is that hires you.
you would feel safer if you knew that
the incoming manager hud hud experi
ence in managing your line of business,
would you rot? You'd feel more certain
of his running the business successfully,
wouldn't you? You'd feel surer of hold
ing your jolt, wouldn't you? If you are
hustling around for a job, you'd rather j
get one if you could, on a farm, in a i
factory or in n business that is run l»y
an experienced manager, wouldn't you?
Pnr you'll figure it that your jolt would
lie more likely to pan out, to lie a steady
one, wouldn’t you?
When you take a ride on a railroad
train, you wouldn't feel particularly com
fortable if just before flic train was to
start you saw a young dry goods clerk
climb up into the engine cab and begin
to yank the lever. Now would you? You
wouldn't want to lie working at the
mouth of a mine and know that a poet
was running the hoisting engine, would
you? YouM lie afraid of your corpus,
Now. when it comes to polities, don't
you think a man ought to try to show
just ns good sense in voting as he does in
his trnde nr business? Bryan is long on
wind, we can all agree on that; but Murk
has got the engineer’s license. He's been
over the road. But Bryan claims he has
an entirely new method, a method of his
A Colloquy that Ended in Talk About
the ••Goblins.”
Mr. Bryan, the handsome Democratic
candidate, was on the Lincoln train to
day. A bright little boy. his son tJeorgic,
sat by the candidate and was asking
childish questions.
“Pupa," he said, “what did the Hun
garian miners out in Colorado mean
when they shook tlags marked 10 to 1
in Roosevelt's face?"
“Why, my son." said Bryan, as he
beamed on his boy with loving smile,
“why, the miners meant that they want
ed our money to be 10 to 1. That is,
they wanted it so tiiat 10 ounces of sil
ver would be one ounce of gold.”
“But, papa, Itl ounces of our coined
silver will buy one ounce of gold now,
won't it?" asked lieorgie, opening his
eyes wide.
“Yes, my son. Congress did pass a
law making that ratio. Sixteen ounces
of our coined silver will buy one ounce
of coined gold now."
•'Then, papa," said Hcurgie thoughtful
ly, “if gold and silver are now Itl to 1
by act of Congress, what more tlo they
want? What do they keep yelling for
'It# to 1’ for?"
“Well, my son," said Bryan thought
fully, " ‘Itl to 1' is all right for the farm
er, mechanic ami business man, bur the
miner want* more for his silver. He
wants to sell his lti ounces of uncoined
silver, which is really worth in the mar
Year. Mile*.
1 §90 .. 4.441
1895 . 1.650
1800 . 4.500
1900 . *5.100
* Estimated by Interstate Com
merce Commission.
1899 .. 928,024
1805 . 785,034
Republican increase. 143.81X1
1800 . $522.967.Six;
1805 . 445,508.261
Republican increase. . $77,450.63.1
Year. Amount.
1892 . $1.169.1*36,810
IS!)4 1,066.943,358
1899 . 1.313.610.118
Decrease of $102,093,482 Im-i w •» ii
1892 and 1894.
Increase of $24(5,000,700 between
1804 and 1899.
1899 .
1895 .
Republican increase. 38.439,742,202
1809 .'. $450,041,119
1895 . 349,(551,947
Republican Increase.. $100,990,072
(Jain in number of employes,
amount paiil in wages, tonnage ami
earnings during McKinley’s adminis
tration over 1895:
(iaiu lit 143,899 in number of em
(Jain of $77,459,035 in wages.
(Jain nf 203.002,412 in tons.
(Jain df $298,1138,050 in g'n*s earn
(Jain if $100,990,072 in net earn
• Jain nf 2,750 in miles built.
ii«i, for running tlir government steam
I toiler. He'* eraay to try hi* new meth
od and if *he hu*t*. *he eitn bust Much
maintain*, though, that you can't monkey
with a steam engine *Twont do to let [
the water get too low. and you've get to
■ hovel souiethiug beside* air into the tire
llryan said in lwint
That juat bum a* Mack go
I'lli the boiler would ekjdode, the !
u tilll*| become fei'eelosed at auction, the
right of way given over to foreign iu
lions ami the inhaidtulit* of the lei i :
lory along the route would become (* '
I'our year# have |»a*»»«d a» iy and Hie
old engine is still doing hi* They've
lengthened out hi t boiler some and hitch1 ;
*d on several new i *»• be« The eagle |
stilt on the row cat, bet and has both
eyes feeled for oto11net 1 Otis I'h* n* was |
a l *r* *-i * rttter got on the track **n*e
|*Ut the eagle screeched *0*1 Ma* k. he
tt|!urd on liftv ntdlloi* dollars of extra
stesir* i ts*.* didn't hid any f* **' Men
t* Hi I* him the ft»*t a Her was so * II* Of
a ad »> itt' *1 th* * I '0.11*‘| hat the r,
main# Hesa'i.c ■ f th* fact that the '
signer h<iw* * * t did under!.the to «r,**s
the tra* k there have i**en #* reral iay*a
taut bran* he* addled in the r**ad
JOHN I I \ | M *M 11 IN HUAI 111
Hr tars'* I le* ir«*« aw,I I l*>* k t »*•*««•»*
t» s dmg H ef I i it*.* bate soi *
: . ,»«.*. *, t f .. *kfsp ski. b is tiftM a! of
the t»* i oie.iig H.sttia * nd itiatr.
lb ".fcl « *i l to# lly fat ****** 1 ef
»<. t* M f 4 In ‘I ■ ■ f |H*< |l l| < u
I K t« i * Iri tbt| §.*41 •••• i|* t i*f
H ««* * M K hU) « tin
* »* UU fti f^lfcr4<4(4 4tf *
Ml |H try,,* k W«*«*
Uei le»s than eight dollars, fur sixteen
dollars' north of gold."
"Why. papa, that would 1m* paying a
fifty pi i- cent bonus nu silver, wouldn't
it? I' would be buying it ut twice its
v.iille It would be just like the govern
meiit buving all the hogs and corn and
cotton it twice their luurkct value,
wouldn't it? That would Is* nice for the
farmer, papa, hut the miners wouldn't
In- in it. would they?"
''t ieorgie, bush," interrupted the boy'a
*'lin•, papa, I will hush in a minute,
I, 1 -ay f the gov i i tinn-pt should buy all
i I lie miners* silver at twice its market
| value Hie farmer and tbe mechanic
>voiildti i Is' in It. would they, and **
llu*li t ieorgie, don't talk -o much.
> at don't understand that we are using
ilie IH to t' to foot the miners until after |
I election.''
I Hi* I -re, papa," »» d * ieorgie “if
j we should give an ounce of gold, worth
' sixteen dollars all over the world, for stx
teen ounces of sever only worth eight
dollars. we%| have to buy all I be -liver
in the world hi!lions of dollars and "
flush I ieorgie* hush I" mte! ruplcd to*
" Ah*I bye sod bye papa *XaM
i i, mi go "the rest of the worbl woiitil
; iigye ail 'Hr valuable s -hi and we would
tnn> ik ■ heap silt. < worth lit tin's
,i, ibi do i> | see papa it » alt a J-ki
|i tlsl lie i tali lh> i- ft* ' Ii s iik•
*-■ a >
* ,,si |t * a scarecrow and
’ lirsrftr," said the kyrihg father, "y*-U
I must hush I'hvV Will userhea* you"
phen the fond father put bis arms
• round *i» g'e amt gave font a b.g ha
i totMa is eat
Hat it t is Mg.* ‘ - l‘d HS> k|i III
( dictate, winking ***• *t» ■« ’he nwbhws
| •mi |•** III
A Story of Country Life.
*«■ - •« r a aw ***• ■—-- •*...
CHAPTER VI. (Continued.)
"Cynthia, you are not the loyal Popu
list that you used fo be, I'm sorry to
say. You seem to think that every
tnliiff grand and good comes from Mc
Kinley. You seem to have the impres
sion that lie was the hero of Manila, but
I tell you that man's name is Dewey.
Now, Dewey, no doubt, is a great man.
I'd just like to know what his politics
Is. I'll bet he's Populist."
"Well, I suppose that when Schley or
Sampson sink that other fleet we'll
have another hero.”
"Yes, If they ever do, but they haven’t
found them yet. They don't seem to
be In any hurry about it. either. They're
drawing big pay, and they're not anx
ious to find the fleet very quick. I
haven't any faith in them or McKin
ley, either, but (Ieorge Dewey is all
right so far as I know.”
Political Simon got very impatient,
and spent most of the time fault-tind
Vlnnle drey's Remarkable Speech.
Another autumn arrived. The Span
Ish-Amerlcan war had ended. Cer
vera’a fleet bad been sunk In almost
as miraculous a manner as the Asiatic
fleet had been. We were now a bigger
nation than ever before, for the war
had extended our dominions, by Spain
ceding to us Porto Rico and the Philip
pine Islands. Also the Cubans had
lK*eu given their freedom. We also had
avenged the Maine! What a blessing
It had been to those islands to exchange
Spanish rule for American!
Simon was glad we had been at war,
because, be said, it bad made better
prices for farmers’ produets.
He had never neeumulated money
faster than since McKinley's election.
The reasons he gave for good times
were the scarcity of farmers’ products
and the late war. Instead of going
to the noorliouso they enjoyed luxuries i
in their own remodeled home.
Boonsville had just given (Jlen Har
rington and the other soldier boys, just
returned from Cuba/ u reception.
Vinnie’s term as Superintendent of
Schools was almost over and tin* Hreys
wondered if the Populist convention
would renominate her. It seemed evi
dent that they would, for she hud given
perfect satisfaction.
mm m m m m
It was time for Hie convention, and !
Simon was once more a delegate. lie
was as enthusiastic as ever, and eager
to know whether Vinnie would be re
nominated or not.
Vinnie herself was interested and de
termined to attend the convention. It
had been whispered to her that she
would again receive the nomination,
and for this reason she wished to be
present. She had no desire to have j
her name printed on another I’opullst
Vinnie viewed the convention of Popu
list delegates with keen interest. It
seemed to her that they were lacking
in the old-time enthusiasm. Was it
possible that they, like herself, were
beginning to realize that Republican
times were not so bad after all. and
were not anxious for a change?
The chairman called the meeting to
order, and after the necessary Intro
ductory business had itecu attended to.
they proceeded with the nomination of
tin* several candidates. Finally the
chairman announced that a nomina
tion for County Superintendent was
in order.
"Will some one make a nomination ;
for Superintendent?" the chairman,
na hi.
A man from the Itoonsvllle iltdoga
t Ion arose. "I lielleve," he said, "that
It is the will of this convention to give I
our present Superintendent the notnl 1
nation again. I make a motion that
we give Miss Vlnnle tirey the nomi
nation for County Superintendent.
And then the crowd yelled.
The motion soon wax xeoomled.
“Any one else wish to make a notnl
nation for this ortlee'?" said the chair
man: Intt the crowd was xlletti.
"Thell I suppose It is the will of this
convention to choose Mi«« tirey iinuni
moii'ly hy acclamation Will xoiue one
kindly iimke it motion to that effect?“
Instantly Vlnnle had arisen in the
rear of the room and said lu u clear
••Mr. Chairman,"
"Miss tirey," said the chairman.
"The gentlemen of this convention
i have Im*»*n very kind to me. I thank
I them very much hut I cannot a*>ept
1 the nomination,"
V.nii.c • declaration was a surprise to
atl. and wax followed hy a laugh.
"She's just gaslU said «•»
* Wants to is* navel. said -mother
* Nominate tier ai*> way.' said a third
"What s tie* reason piu won t a*
ept Itf' *«!d a fourth..
"tinier*** »huut<-d the rliliwta hut
|o |m ft them Vtuuie r»'»e again
Mi** tirev.* *i i tim shall win
Mr CHairwau, the g Mlraneu of Hits
I , «<4vveIIiloll seem aIVVkills to knew the
; reasoU w hy I w II Hot a><ept the t«ix
] l««ilu« Mav I hate the pr v leg. uf
tell !<g thsMtV
The chairman, seeing that everyone
was eager to hoar what she wished to
say, gave her that privilege. Ylnnle'a
remarkable speech was as follows:
"To begin with, gentlemen, 1 have
hist all faith In the Populist party. It
lias censed to be a party of reform, If
It ever was one. I do not wish to crit
icise tin* gentlemen of this convention,
but I mean the Populist party as n
whole. It Is almost entirely composed
of fault-tinders, men who are never
satisfied with anything. You know ns
well as I do that we are having good
times, yet how many men In the Popu
list party are willing to acknowledge
It? If you find one, ten chances to
one he will say It Is because of 'sup
ply and demand,' or the late war. or
something else; the CSovernment has
nothing to do with It. Now, suppose
tills Is true. Just trace that same man
back to a few short years ago, before
our last presidential election. He
would then have told you that ‘supply
ami demand’ bad nothing to do with
the regulation of prices, and that notle
Ing could bring good times with gold
for our standard money. You know ns
well as 1 do how they told us that the
rich would get richer and the poor
poorer: that we would all be slaves If
McKinley was elected. Now we know
that was not. the truth, for no man Is
more Independent to day than the
"The laboring man has no excuse for
being idle now. There is plenty of
work and good pay. Factories by the
hundred have opened, giving men em
ployment. They earn plenty of money,
ami ran now afford to buy the farm
ers' beef and pork. All. yes, It Is sup
ply and demand, but there wouldn't be
sm h a demand were it not for our new >
protection law enacted by our Repub
lican Congress. Those men who trav
eled over this country, persuading men
to join their so-called reform party,
were false prophets. Would you con
tinue to believe them? You had bet
ter trust the sure captain, who never
lost a ship. When this People's Inde
pendent party started as a party of re
form we were all anxious to Join it.
We were honest enough to wish to be
on the side of reform, but, ah. gentle
men, time has proven that we don't
need free silver.
"Kris' silver will soon cense to lie your
liolili.v. for we all now know that we
don't need that. They can't deceive
us that way any more. I liojie the gen
tlemen here assembled will reason In
your minds that the man who deceived
you once may deceive you again.
Many of those who voted for free sil
ver didn't know what free silver
meant, and, believing that these Popu
list speakers and palters told them,
thought it was their only salvation.
They have been very pleasantly saved
without it, and ought to know better
“Suppose a foreigner came to this
country and he didn’t understand the
English language, and some people told
him that he was a slave; that he’d
never get rich until a cyclone struck
"Why. If he believed what they told
him. he'd probably pray night and day
for a cyclone to come. If be was wise,
he'd first find out what a cyclone
meant, then he might come to a dif
ferent conclusion: but if be made no
study of the subject, no Investigation,
of course lie would never understand
until a cyclone did strike him; then he
would learn to his sorrow what it
meant, and he would curse the men
who deceived him.
"Now, those men who deceived ns by
saying we ceuldn't have good times
without free silver, were false proph
et* Let's not believe them any longer,
but change our polities. Let's treat
those gentlemen right who have
brought good times to our door, and
who have saved our country’s honor
in time of war.
"You. gentlemen, who are favored
with the power to vote, I lieg of you to
vote sensibly, 'I here Is no one more
contemptible than the hypocrite. If
you believe one way ami vote another
you are committing a slj before Hod.
I l>eg of you to reason for ynnraelvea
mill then vote as you conscientiously
ixdlcve to l>e right, no matter what
I others may think Home people If they
j Hud they are wrong, won't mknow I
edge it. tint a truly honest, upright or
• ‘hrtsllau mall la glad to confess hi*
; mistake.
• \Ve should not tie foolish like the old
woman, that owned a gismo which laid
w gobbn «*gg every day, ||or neigh
; Isirs told lief to kill the gismo ami she
W mild IIml It full of g.I.Vu eggs !koW
' ‘HI* idd « > "' > > " | ' ... toil -li*
' wgsn i dioiiol, so »he did i* they ad
v Is*’it to r Hhe kilted the goose, bill to
her sorrow there were no golden eggs
It. Is* found, so »li« didn't even have the
gists* l* ft Is. a Use of her fuollsh greed.
“Ul »s M ib* os she did hoi hd ns
He *41 *m d wuh the gosnl limes »•
mm have
\ >*« all know n*.w sin I will not a*-*
eept Ilo u e I n SSI kHolly offered
j ♦••WUd’tl fcef M til