The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 19, 1900, Image 6

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will support McKinley
Mon. John Cl. Carlisle, formerly Speaker of the Mouse of Represen
tatives and Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland, has
accepted the Presidency of a Sound Money Club In New York and will
assist in the re-election of President McKinley. Mr. Carlisle's reasons
are covered by two utterances made In a speech at Chicago four years
ago. They still hold good. He said :
•• The greatest crime, short of
absolute political enslavement, that
could be committed against the
workingman in this country would
be to confiscate his labor for the
benefit of the employer by destroy
ing the value of the money in w hich
his wages are paid. But, gentle
men, this Irreparable wrong can
never be perpetrated under our
system of government, unless the
laboring man himself assists in
forging his own chains.” — Bon.
John (i. Carlisle, Democrat. Ex
Secretary of the Treasury, Chicago,
April 15, 1896.
“ No man who has a particle of
sympathy for working men and
women, and their dependent fami
lies, can contemplate the possibil
ity of such a calamity (free coinage
of silver> without feeling that it Is
his duty, whether he occupies a
public or private station, to em
ploy every honorable means at
his command to avert It.” Hon.
John (). Carlisle, Democrat, Kx
becretary Treasury,Chicago, April
15, 1896.
William Hintz, one of the best
known German farmers in Hancock
County, Ohio, gives this reason for
his conversion from Bryanism: "I
used to be a Democrat, and 1 was
one until I found that by voting the
Democratic ticket I was voting
against my Bbeep. I had a big
flock of sheep on my farm. The
Democratic party in 1892 initiated
free trade and took the duty off
wool. The price fell to 11 cents. It
made me think. I studied the ques
tion hard and conscientiously, and
from all sides. 1 looked at it in an
unbiased manner. What was good
for me certainly must be good for
my neighbor, and he must also suf
fer with me. If the price of my wool
depreciated, the cost of clothes
might be less, but I would have no
money to buy them. I studied the
matter carefully, and came to the
conclusion that I might Just as well
kill my sheep as vote the Democrat
ic ticket. Then came the cry of free
silver. In my life I have found that
it is wise to follow successful men.
Therefore if a man is a money
maker, why not watch him and try
the same methods yourself? I found
that the men of the country who
had money were against free silver.
I asked myself why, and concluded
free silver would be bad for my
sheep. I voted for McKinley and
the Republican platform and have
done so ever since. I shall support
the Republican ticket this year. I
am no longer a Democrat but a Re
publican. The Democratic platform
shifts its planks too often to suit
me. I am satisfied with the present
state of affairs, and so are my
Dr. J. T. Emlgh, Red Cloud.
William Kent, 8r., retired farmer.
Red Cloud.
J. S. Dyer, stork buyer. Red Cloud.
Ed. Dyer, stork buyer, Red Cloud.
Geo. Blair, merchant, Red Cloud.
Joe Blair, clerk, Red Cloud.
Bert Blair, clerk. Red Cloud
Paul Storey, clerk, Red Cloud.
Hub. Henry, farmer, Red Cloud.
M. R. Bentley, capitalist, Red
Thos. Penman, merchant, Red
Geo. Lindsey, farmer (cattle),
Red Cloud.
Sam Kizer, carpenter, Red Cloud.
Will Kizer, carpenter, Red Cloud.
Clarence Klzer, carpenter. Red
Jim Brown, carpenter. Red Cloud.
Henry Brown, carpenter, Red
J. S. Geeham, attorney. Red Cloud.
Henry Geeham, farmer, Red
E. McFarland, merchant, Red
Frank Cowden, merchant, Red
C. M. Storey, liveryman, Cowles.
II. Burgess, merchant, Blue Hill,
was Populist candidate for county
treasurer three years ago.
Andrew Guy, farmer, Guide Rock,
Henry Guy, farmer, Guide Rock,
Geo. Guy, farmer, Guide Rock,
Dr. Bradshaw, Guide Rock.
A. S. Proudflt, lumber merchant,
Guide Rock.
Ohmsteads (three of them;, Guide
Rock. Germans.
Charles Amack, farmer, Red
Evans Amack. farmer. Red Cloud.
J. 8. Emlgh, farmer, Cowles.
M. Sterne, merchant, Red Cloud.
H. Deldrlck, merchant, Red Cloud.
Walt Elliott, shoemaker, Red
John McCord, farmer, Guide Rock.
Harry McCord, farmer, Guide
Harvey Perry, plasterer, Red
Nibs Perry, plasterer. Red Cloud.
V'ance McCall, farmer, Tmarah.
James Vance, farmer. Imarah.
Lawrence McCall, farmer, Red
Floyd McCall, farmer, Red Cloud.
Thos. Emigh, farmer, Red Cloud.
W. S. Hense, merchant. Red Cloud.
W. Bense, merchant, Red Cloud.
A. Cook, retired merchant, Red
O. C. Case, attorney, Red Cloud.
Charles Davis, farmer, Red Cloud.
F. Sadellck. farmer. Red Cloud.
Joe Sadellck. farmer, Red Cloud.
Charles J. Platt, merchant, Red
C. G. Seder. Delolt township, Holt
Co.. Neb.: "I am for the straight
Republican ticket this year. Mc
Kinley times are good enough for
me and I want to have more good
times. I was Populist committee
man of Deloit township long enough
to find out that the Populist party
is not a party of reform, and I can't
see how any thinking man can sup
port Bryan again after seeing the
prosperous condition of the country
and seeing how Bryan's predictions
have turned out. A large number
of my neighbors who supported
Bryan four years ago are, like my
self. disgusted with the talk about
imperialism, trusts, etc., and will
this time cast their votes with the
party that always gives us good
government and good prices for our
products. I am for the straight Re
publican ticket."
J. W Hunter. Abingdon, III., Collector
of Internal Revenue in the Peoria dls
trict under President Cleveland W«*
party nominee for Congress eight years
Frank Sweeney, New Albany. Ind.,
formerly city engineer Orgauired a
McKinley and Roosevelt club
John N. Penrod, Wabash. Ind one
of the most prominent lumber men In
the state. Voted for Pultner and Buck
ner tour years ago Believes Bryan s
attitude ou the money Question is a
meuace to the material interests of
every cittien.
(Hlver A Allard. Metropolis 111 . a
life-long Democrat and owner of the
largest farm in Massac county con-*
laming I.tiuo acres opposite Paducah
lie has never before cast a Republican
vote Prosperity.
Ki Governor Charles T O'Kerr an of
Richmond. Va state* that th»r* will
be twice as many business non in
Richmond this year who will support
Mt Kintsy as there were in II9«> H»
will not suppoit Bryan but will vote
for McKinley ea«l hna always hereto
fore been n I whom rat
Krnuh T Glasgow superintendent of,
Ike Tredegar Iron Company Hick
meed. Va the largest iron man
luring plani la Ike state will this tear
vale fur McKinley
Major Clay Dt>*ry of tke Him of
Drewry, Hughes 4 Co K am nl Va
»ne of tke largest dry • **)* Arms in
the state, wko voted for Bryan in lees
will tkts vear vote fan M, Kinl>v
Mr J K George >f giikam | V a
uM of tke targes* «!•«>• •• in lea to
bams*. Who voted for |l . an .tv life
will tote Inf VI H<atv> >u y«a
William M I rigs ytnc <si of ib»
W M frigs i input v 4 very larg*
eklphui ding p>ant 11■«« ho- ly-oj u»
II Nlrkmee I Va will thi »»*i lot
for MvKinJev His • «k» give swpto*
meat he nearly 1 MM eperatite* H*
baa karatufsu* eiways heee e lea*
Virginias Newton, president of the
First National hank. Richmond. Va.,
who voted for Palmer and Buckner in
1K96, will not vote for liryau this year
and says that he considers him the
most dangerous man in America to
Colonel John B. Purcell of the whole
sale drug firm of Purcell, [.add ft Co.,
Richmond. Va voted for Palmer and
Buckner in 1*9«. but will not vote for
Bryan this year.
It K Richardson. TaMe*«vll|ei Va.,
one of the largest timber operators Iti
Virginia as well as a merchant opera!
ing five stores who would not vote at
all in ISM. will vote for McKinley (his
real and states as his reason that he
is sal lulled for business to remain as
It Is
Roger Oregury. Jr.. OeauM-ratlc chair
man of King William county. Va In
)»!*• and a large planter, has annotin. e.i
his Intent ion of voting for Mi Klnley
this year
One of the oldest I'slice rat* In West
Virginia Mr John B littruall of Al
d*istiii Monroe county has com* out
for McKinley in a letter In which he
»nye that he la ».* wars old and has
»«<ted .with the llemot rats (or more
than Vi * ears, hot now feele compelled
to become Identified With Ihe party
that ha* brought ns h tty to bia
date by lb* operation »l Ita principles
•f sound money and protective lull
Janie* Briiungham of Mount Vernon
tieUerni • barl>* ►’ gttiyth uf I III
il« formerly on tluteyaor a J fit
ien • staff In Sew both
I *. <b Keene prominent tilufiuf
Mhss* M** h
Franklin tiartleti Sen York Fav
•») wet it money
Fianris I Matson Sew V orh In
av«M uf aound money
Iter kart It Tnr net Hew York
*o«nd money
The Following lo a List ol some ol the Democratic and Independent Papers
that have announced themselves as opposed to 16 to t and
the Democratic National TUit:
Staats Zeitung, New York.
Baltimore Sun.
Boston Herald.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Baltimore News.
Pittsburg Leader.
Richmond (Va.) Times.
New York Times
Chattanooga Times.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Philadelphia Times.
New' York Sun.
Galveston News.
St. Paul Globe.
Greenville (S. C.) News.
Hartford Times.
Worcester Post.
Burlington (la.) Gazette.
Raleigh (N. C.) Observer.
Charlotte (N. C.) Observer.
New Haven Union.
Fall River Herald.
Manchester (N. H.) Union.
New Haven Register.
Charleston (S. C.) Post.
Montana Journal, ButteCity.
I .a Porte City, (la.) Progress
Bloomington (III.) Journal.
German Weekly.
Denver Times
(Silver RepublMin and supported
Bryan In 189b. )
Denver Republican.
(Silver Republican and tupported
Bryan In 1896.)
Denver Post.
Port Chester (N. Y.) Daily
Sedalia (Mo.) Daily Bazoo.
Louisville Post.
Nashville Banner.
Wellston i0.) .Sentinel.
Beloit (Wis. i Daily News.
Louisville Dispatch.
Detroit Pree Press.
Galveston Globe.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
De Kalb (III.) Advertiser.
Rockford (III.) Germania.
5t. Louis Anzeiger des
Philadelphia Deniokrat.
The People, Chicago.
Utica (N. Y.) Observer.
Rome iN. Y.) Sentinel.
Troy ^N. Y.) Press.
Westchester (Pa.) Repub
Butte ( Mont.) Inter Mountain
Monona Leader, Monona, la.
Ralph Simmons, banker, Seymour,
Mo. General prosperity of the country.
Cnpt. R. A. Collins, Piedmont, Mo.,
captain artillery In Confederate army,
also lawyer fine ability. Sound money
and prosperity and expansion.
Col. G. W. Ceatb, Piedmont, Mo.,
business man. Prosperity and good
Col. O. L. Nleder, Mansfield, Mo.,
Democratic candidate prosecuting at
torney in 1898. Expansion and pros
H. E. Stiff, Mountain Grove, lumber
merchant. Good business.
M. Gorman. Hartville, merchant, for
mer Democratic collector of Wright
county. Business conditions.
Henry Snyder, Mountain Grove,
farmer. Good prices for farm products.
Prof. J. S. Magee, Cape Girardeau,
professor In college. Willing to stump
for sound money and expansion.
R. McCombs, Jackson, miller. Ex
pansion and sound money.
Rob’t Barnard. MoElhaney Station,
farmer. Prosperity.
Jesse Frank, Grangeville, son of the
former Populist candidate for Con
gress. Now on the stump for McKin
ley and prosperity.
J. H. Stoineclpher, Buffalo, Mo., Pop
ulist candidate for Congress in 1896.
Heady to stump state for McKinley and
W. D. Olderworth, St. Louis, farmer.
Approves entire policy of the President.
Walter Olderworth. St. Louis, farm
er. Approves entire policy of the Pres
ident. Expansion.
Bruno Olderworth, St. Louis, farmer.
Approves entire policy of the Presi
dent. Expansion.
Henry Heineman, St. Louis, farmer.
Satisfied with McKinley in adminis
tration. Business conditions satisfy
him also.
James Gardner, St. Ixniis, farmer
Bryan'B claim that McKinley's election
would mean low prices proven false.
Entirely satisfied with McKinley. Be
lieves him safe and good President.
Eugene Guerre, florisant, business
man. Now believes Bryan wrong on
all issues.
Wm. Offer. St. Ixmis, telegrapn op
erator. Enlisted as Bryan did to fight
Spain, anil is in hearty sympathy with
President's course and is working for
his re-election.
Dr. Davis. CtiRrleston, Mississippi
Co., physician. Sound money and fixed
policy of Republican party.
John A Jackson. Chtllirothe. Popu
list candidate for Congress In 1896
Says he don't want to shoot in the air
any longer. Wants to vote with the
party that has fixed principles and poli
G. 8 Clemens. Carthage, business
man. General prosperity of the coun
Thus. 11 Darkless. Lamar merchant
now Republican candidate for Legtala
ture. Prosperity.
Gen. P D McIntyre, Mexico. Mo
former Attorney General of Missouri
an old ex Confederate general, writes
that he will vote the Republican tlek-o
from top to bottom, and take the atuirp
In October if his streng'h will permit
Julius 8 Walsh, president of the
Terminal Railroad Asses lation of Mt
lamia, Is a native of thla city, and voted
for the Democratic ticket for more than
thirty years. In 1896 he took an active
part In the local sound money move
ment and marched in the big proces
sion of October 31 that year. He was
one of the vice presidents of the Music
Hail meeting of the sound money Dem
ocratic party on the evening of the
same day, the principal speaker of
which was the presidential candidate
of that party, Gen. John M. Palmer,
whose death is now being mourned by
the whole nation. Mr. Walsh will vote
for McKinley and Roosevelt next No
vember. The official reports of the
Terminal Association show that its re
ceipts have steadily increased since
President McKinley’s election, and Mr.
Walsh is authority for the statement
that the company’s business is larger
now than it ever was before. When
asked if he thought the business would
continue to increase in the event of
Bryan’s election, he laughed and an
swered: “I'd not like to take the
G. H. Walker, stock broker, St. Louis,
Mo. Sound money.
H. H. Pike, live stock dealer, Ash
land, Pike Co,, Mo.: “A good many
Pikers’ will t>e with me in voting for
McKinley this year. I can borrow
money at a lower rate of interest than
I could before McKinley’s election, and
get a better price for my stock. A
good many of my neighbors also have
been more prosperous under McKinley
than they were before, and we all be
lieve that it is to our interest to keep
him in.”
James Campbell, stock broker, St.
Louis. Sound money, and says that
'McKinley is more apt to carry Mis
souri than Bryan is to carry New
A. W. Day. president Day Rubber
Co., St. Louis. Prosperity and sound
William B Cowan, cashier National
Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Mo.
Sound money and prosperity.
P. C. Maffett, president Missouri '
Railway Co., St. Ixmis. Mo. Sound,
money and prosperity.
R. P Tanse.v, president St. Louis
Transfer Co. Wauts sound money.
Alonzo C. Church, vice president
Wiggins Ferry Co., St. Louis. Mo
“Bryan is not a Democrat, but a Popu
list. He is a different man from the
line of eminent Democrats beginning
with Jefferson and ending with Cleve
John Scullln. president Wiggins Fer
ry Co., St IjouIh "I always voted the
Democratic ticket until Mr. Bryan's
nomination on a free silver platform
at Chicago four years ago For the
government to put a stump on a piece
of silver bullion uud call it a dollar
without being able to redeem It in
money which circulate* at Its face val
ue the world over, seems to me ridicu
lous I expect to vote for McKinley
and to continue voting the Republican
ticket as Iona as the Itemocratlc party
continues to advocate the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the lati-i
of 16 to I."
Judge John G Wear. Poplar lliuff
Mo., for twelve years on the Mlssour
circuit Court bench Is disgusted wilt
the makeshift* of ths loom* ra< y for s
‘‘paramount” issue
I aball »u*a fur Mikialay ant
HiNiM«*|i btiav**
y*1r«i NV* ar* Ati»*pm *tt« aa4 af*
»gatn»i all <*t Aw*»i*a« *u*•«!•»
a* .01,4 W« at* t»atrl»»n<v aa4 at
4*«ituu* af lb<*»« akii
lit* a!4 aa4 n»*(nM tu wur *m
I t»l»4 M» >p* kxiitai aa4 at*
agataat all *g>rt* al 4t*h<M*v»f In*
lb* aailtHt by <i«pp*a< y l*g<laiu>*
up ui bar« U*
y’wattb \A* a#• la* abkiiag aa4
tr* a**ia«t all rag****at wt
fu«va •« th* *anl*ut>ai u( 4ii|pm •<
fifth W* ar* fpugiaaatta. a* I
fnvor legiltBiBte *tpeuoii« of our
tint mem -a id our tamer
»M*th W* tre hu|*efiil that Hr
Vft k I It It* » he. teen hit- former error*
lkt| Bill Itrti m l thi'lllltri |M'ti|il#
fiifllf •»<! krumlli .nil >ar<-f'tllji re
fret* from h im lu' iig ihem
Hilt he tto hi' If he due* nut
I hen til hti|e» of *«#r hreeklng ih*
ttilltl Booth Worn he (• «i|i "tie<l OBtll
he It «»ii «*l» | « ot*»r in tu amt
Be Bh*» llr teet tig the heeten l»-*th
Bill MirroBfittlt 4u I pentteoilr re
turn e h*n* * Be 'em
ilette-l i H leetott
ae« tnoeh tl«
Ex-Congressman James R. Camp
bell of McLeansboro, III., for years
a leader in the Democratic party of
Southern Illinois, has announced
his conversion to Republicanism on
the expansion question. He is a
colonel In the United States service
and has just returned from the
“ I have always been a Demo
crat,” said Colonel Campbell, “but
the party’s stand on the Philippine
question compels me to change my
political belief. I desire to be
know n as an expansion Republican.
Any Democrat, Bryan included,
who will go to the Philippines and
ascertain the exact situation, as I
know it, will come home convinced
the party Is wrong on the question.
We should hold the islands and
give the people a stable govern
ment. I believe the war In the
Philippines will cease as soon as
McKinley Is re-elected.”
Colonel Campbell’s wideacquaint
ance in Illinois led State Chairman
Rowe to ask him to make speeches
for the Republican ticket, but he
declined on the ground that his
furlough Is only for another month
and he has not the time to take the
stump. In 1884 Mr. Campbell was
elected as a Democrat to the house
from the forty-sixth senatorial dis
trict, and was re-elected In 1886.
Two years later he was promoted
to the senate, where he served
eight years. His legislative career
was criticised many times, but he
was ever known as a loyal Demo
crat. In 1896 he was elected to
congress on the Democratic ticket
In the twentieth Illinois dfstrict.
When the Spanish-American War
broke out he raised the Ninth llli
nois Regiment and was elected
colonel. He was the first congress
man to resign from the house to
accept a commission in the army.
He has been in the Philippines since
occupation by American troops.
Dr. J. A. Milburn, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church of In
dianapolis, who has been a sturdy
champion of Democratic principles
in the past, intends to vote the Re
publican ticket this year. He says:
“l see no reason why a minister
should not express his political pref
erences, as well as any one else, i
have been for long years a Demo
crat, but at the last Presidential
election voted for McKinley. 1 will
vote for him again. Mr. Bryan, 1
think, is a good man, but he is the
incarnation of economic heresies,
and what is more he fails to under
stand the temperament and the
genius of a growing world. He has
not yet learned, evidently, that life
means growth, and that to cease to
grow means the beginning of death.
Whether, as Mr. Bryan says, world
dominion is our destiny or not one
thing is clear, and that is that ex
pansion is in our blood, and it is in
our blood not because of any love
of conquest of the world, but of our
passion for the world's betterment.
One thing that characterizes the
American Is his God-like ambition,
his supreme and splendid passion
for achievement. He is not satisfied
with the good. He yearns for the
better, and when he lias attained
tlie better he reaches out for the
best. He wants this to be the best
possible world, and. thank God, he
is man enough to do his share to
make it so.”
W. H. Nation, a leading Populist
of Erie, Neosho Co.. Kansas: "Mc
Kinley’s election was not attended
by the evil consequences predicted,
in fact the time since the election of
1896 has been a period of almost un
exampled prosperity. Instead of
men hunting work, you now find
work hunting men, and the doleful
predictions made four years ago
now read like a comic almanac, and
this fact has made it necessary to
create a new issue, consequently,
the question of imperialism has been
brought forward and the Democrat
ic party has become sentimental and
Is shedding tears over the wrongs of
the colored man (10,000 miles away).
I can see no reason why the Populist
party should any longer follow Mr.
Bryan, the fact that nearly all the
gold Democrats that bolted Bryan in
'96 are supporting him now leads
me to believe that secretly he has
abandoned the silver issue, and on
that issue only was he in sympathy
with the Populist party. From the
first I have been in favor of retain
ing the Philippines and sustaining
the administration.'’
R. E. Melvin, Lawrence. Kan. A
leading attorney and graduate of the
Kansas State University.
John A. Forrest, one of the lead
ing business men of Mope, Kansas.
Judge Funk, Medicine Ix>dge, Kan.
Ben Jenkins, miner. Weir City.
l/ou McGruder, farmer, Weir City.
Charles I. Dodson, merchant, Weir
Charles Hughes, Weir City.
J. S. Murphy, expressman. Weir
Henry Davis, carpenter, Weir City
Captain J. W. Farrell, real estate
and insurance, Weir City.
Matt Goodman, miner, Weir City
Robert Goodman, weigh cheek
man, Weir City.
Ed Goodman, miner, Weir City.
Tom Brisco, miner, Weir City.
James Dunn, Sr., miner, Weir
James Dunn, Jr., miner, Weir
Ira Clemens, coal prospector, Weir
J. D. James, merchant, Weir City.
William Eddy, Weir City.
James Rates, miner, Weir City.
Matt McClenahan, miner, Weir
Dan Gray, miner, Weir City.
John Cunningham, Weir City.
Ren Rood, miner, Weir City.
James Moore, merchant, Weir
Sol Relli, miner, Weir City.
John Alfred, miner, Weir City.
Mike Fasogen, miner, Weir City.
Charles Kemp, miner, Weir City.
Thomas Mallems, miner, Weir
Ed Iiroadhurst, farmer, Weir City.
S. P. Murphy, ice dealer, Weir
Charles Dunn, miner, Weir City.
H. Huntsterger, mine engineer,
Weir City.
George L. Rives, New York. Sound
William E. Curtis, New York. Sound
Abram H. Dailey, the weil-known
Brooklyn lawyer and former Surrogate
of Kings county, has abandoned the
Democratic organization with which he
had'been closely allied for years and
will vote the whole Republican ticket
this year. Mr Dailey thus briefly imt
forcibly accounts for his political
change of heart: "When 1 want to de
stroy a bad cause 1 come out actively
against it. i don't believe in uny half
way measures in regard to Hryaniam ’
F. P. Garrettson. Newport. R I., was
once a free trader, hut is convinced that
protection is the proper policy for the
United States to pursue
.1. R Williams Rucks Summers Co,,
West Va In declining a Democratic
nomination he wrote “As an honest
man 1 cannot tonsent to allow my
name to remain on a ticket I < aauot
support 1 voted !«»• William McKinley
in IhM and am proud of It m I feel
the Republican party has fully redeem
ed all its pledges mail* to the people
then, and especially to the farmers I
desire mi change In the administration
I feel that I tan support my family
better and easier have better prices
and leadier mat bets fo, the products
•it my farm under a Republican ad
inlntstrat loo I cannot jeopardise my
Intelesis for nnt untr1e«t theory of free
silver or bugaboo of imperialism I
.mi for M< Kiniet and <ti» Nepmnh an
ticket ”
H F Meadoi Dunns Hast Va I
have been n life long I'eun*. rat voting
that th Wet for *1 vema but I Hail that
the lt> pubih an party i* the party of the
l»e»ip|e the parti for ths farmer and
ilmring Man I >M Bye raster and
aye nooe o Mfntll i f ll*e undei a I
tfepiibtii an adiiubtst ai * n than under
a Hewya taltc ailm i nist i at ion in view
Judge A. C. HInkson of Sacramento,
Cal., has resigned from the Iroquois
club, the leading Democratic organiza
tion of the state. "Long before the re
tention of the Philippines had crystal
lized Into a political Issue I expressed
the unqualified opinion that, not only
as a wise political and commercial
measure, but as a duty to the Inhab
itants of the Philippine Islands, they
should lie retained uh our territory and
should be governed as our other terri
tories are governed. To this view I
still adhere, regardless of the wishes
of the comparatively few who are in
rebellion against our government."
William II. Devlin, at one time
Democratic candidate for assembly
man Sacramento. ( »!., now a leading
attoiney. the Philippines are now In ►
rebellion against the authority of tl
I tilled States, and for my part. I b.
I*eve that thin rebellion should h*
crushed, and that until the authority
of our government Is recognized no
negotiations towards peace should be
had Hy acquiring the Philippines w*
have undertaken new reepoualbllttie*
and are liable to the governments of
the world for the proper preaervatba*
of property rights and maintenance of
good government |n my Judgment
this i an l>e brought about at the prre
ent time only by the authority of our
government being recognised and r*
spectsd For the*# masons and
others I favor the policy of Prwsbleal
Mi klnley and Intend to vote for him
Col Andrew Corry. who has hitherto
b«-o one >4 the principal stays of th
1 ‘crou. relic party In Iron county. I tsh
ha* publicly announced blmeelf a He
publican As Mr Corry la widei*
knoan throughout I'tah hU corner
•ton *111 ta • seton no little surprlee
Will || left, who hae been secretary
in the Salt i.ak** city It tab! Fifth pi*
* in-1 he* resigned aad will support
the Hepubltran ticket. "| think it
would b» viiirldat In make a change In
the edmintstralb*n at ibis time i be
Metre President McKinley la the right
INiitt (m* |*14* ** §( Ml 4BsJ I
.*■*1 U. «M 1 an in keep him Ih"
am in fa*»r >4 ekpenetoa and belie**
thte cry of imperialism' le all a bu
I bare always be*n a Ido
until tbia rear but from »»■ ea I
l am able ta si*-1
HepuWi. aa IPrhet *