The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 19, 1900, Image 4

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    Uaaal Daws.
Go to Phcppards for fine hand en
graving. 9 7
John Matthewson of the west side
was in the city Monday.
G II. Gibson is attending I. O. O. F.
grand lodge at York this week.
Write Ilayden Bros. Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
If you wish your teeth extracted with
out pain call on Dr. Komine at hotel
October 25 and 20.
John Rapp, Chet Kettle, Ira Way and
Julius Boishausen ot Ashton, were do
ing business at the hub Monday.
It brings to the little ones that price
less gift of healthy tlesh, solid bone and
muscle. That's what Rocky Mountain
Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist.
If you want your watch Dut In good
repair by the only first class workman
in the county call on G. H. Mukcjan, the
When you want bargains In the line
of Jewelry don’t fail to call on G. H
Morgan. He carries the finest line in
the Loup Valley.
Miss Georgie Gouley, of Custer coun
ty, but who is now teaching on Clear
Creek this county, was visiting rela
tives here last Sunday.
D. Reynolds, father of S. F. Reynolds
was in the city yesterday. He took the
evening train for Sargent where he will
visit bis daughter.
Dr. Komine, the St. Paul dentist
will visit Loup City October 25 and
2<>tb. Ofilce at St Elmo Hotel. All in
need of dental work call on him.
Don't forget that Jaeger
sells underwear cheaper than
G.'ll Morgan the Loup City .Jeweler
doe* all kind* of watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to tie
in his line, don't full co call on him
I)ayid Doner of Washington twp was
a pleasant cailer Monday, lie left with
us some of the coin of the relm to as
sist us in our dally diggings.
A. T. Conger received a telegram
Monday from his wife who is with her
parents at Walnut, Iowa Informing him
that he is the father of a nice little girl,
weight eight and one-haif pounds.
A. £. Chase au^ Dr. J. W. Jones took
a trip overland to the northern part of
the state last week. They went, for
pleasure, business and sport, aud came
back well pleased with their trip,
If you want an overcoat, a
suit ot clothes cheaper than
Omaha, Chicago or Mew York
prices,call at Jaegers.
Joseph Daddow, Republican nomi
nee for supervisor in bis district, was
in the city Monday. Mr. Daddow is a
gentleman well liked by his neighbors
and his election, from present indica
tions, is an assured fact.
When you have no appetite, do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing you may know that you need a dose
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Price 25 cent*. Sample free
at Odendabl Bros. Drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brown, former
residents of Sherman county but who
now reside at Divld City, were in the
city Friday and Saturday. Mr. Brown
is an uncompromising Republican and
like the rest of us, believe that the “boy
orator” is fighting his last battle for
chief executive of our country.
Why experiment on yourself with re
medies of doubtful utility when you
can get Chamberlaia's Cough Remedy,
which haa stood the test of time ? Twen
ty-five years sale and use have proven
that remedy to be a prompt and certain
cure for colds. It will cure a cold in a
day if taken as soon as the cold has
been contracted and before it has set
tled in the system. Sold by Odendahl
*‘I wish to express my thanks to the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and IMarrboea Remedy, for
having put on tin- market such a won
derful medicine,” says W, W. Massm
glll, of Beaumont, Texas. There are
many thousands of mothers whose chil
dren have decn saved from attack* of
dysentery and cholera Infantum who
must »l*o feel thankful It la for sale
by Odendahl Broa.
I.aat Thursday afternoon while Mr.
Hlckuiau was driving up street near the
livery barn of B T. Snyder, the tongue
of hi* wagon dropped from t he neck
yoke, scaring hi* team which started to
ruo. They being a very heavy tram
Mr. Hickman waa una'de to control
them and they ran about & block* to the
residence of IV I* French. Mrs French
heard them coming and ran out and hr
rolcally grabbed the line* succeeded In
pulling the team Into the fence and stop
ped them. Not much damage was don*
but Mr lllckiuan had a miraculous es
Mr. T il. Cheatey, of Illinois is m
the city, lie i* here iuoalug after hi*
lauded interest* alt nt l#s below the
county sent on the weal aide of the
river, lie t# a very pleasant geatlemau
and seem# quite favorably Impressed
with Iht* ewunlrj.
Go *0 Sheppards for first class watch
Adam Zahn and Walter K. Smith of
the west side were in the city Saturday.
W. H. Conger threshed his grain on
the south side of Deadborse creek Mon
Mrs. M P. Ford is reported to be in a
caitical condition aud fears are felt for
her recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutton and Mrs. Roan
Sutton of Valley county, were visiting
here Sunday.
Dr. Romine makes a set of teeth lor
®r».00 He will be in Loup City, Oct.
26 and 20.
Messrs J, T. Campbell and D. W.
Titus of Litchfield, were In the city the
last end of last week.
Judge Wall returned from Broken
Bow, last Tuesday where he has been
attending district court.
Mrs. T. M. Reed went to St. Paul
Saturday to visit her parents. Mrs.
Betts accompanied her.
No odier pill can e<(ual DeWltt's lit
tle Early Risers for promptness, certain
ty and efficiency. Odeodahl Bros.
Pure Whiskey HARPER Perfect
Whiskey HARPER Every bottle guar
anteed HARPER —Sold by T. II Et.s
NER, Loup City.
Mike Mulick and Tony Travis bad a
smash up while breaking a young horse
Monday. Tony ar.d the gig were slight
ly used up.
David Depew lost the best horse he
bad last week This Is the third horse
he has lost in 13 months and ft leaves
Mr. Depew in very hard circumstances
"Up to date" Photographs at M.
Lescbiusky's Photo Gallery Loup City
duiing th* month of September and
October on every Monday. Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Stamp size photos 13 for 26 cents.
Mrs. J. L. Balllie and daughter, Mrs.
F, M Wickwire, of Fremont, Nebr. are
visiting rela'ives here. Having arrived
Thursday. They have been spending
a week visiting in Custer county.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores are soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counter
feits Odendabl Bros,
District Court will convene in Sher
man county Nov. 15th. It will be a
jury term. Tho copy for the bar
docket has been given to tho printer.
There are seventy civil cases and six
criminal cases on the docket.
Go to Sheppards if you want a pair
of Glasses that will do your eyes good.
He is the only Optician In this part of
the country that has UP-TO-DATE in
struments, and KNOWS HOW TO
Henry A Wilson of Austin, and who
has been in New York state for the past
three months working in the Interests
of the Modern Woodmen, reterned home
last Friday. Henry looks well and ap
parently had good feed in the Empire
Rev. Matthews and family, after three
years of unceasing labor as pastor of
the M. E. church of this city, left here
last Friday for their new field of work
at Westeiville, Custer county. The
Northwestern join their hosts of
friends in wishing them success.
A new remedy for biliousness is now
on sale at Odendabl Bros, drug store*
It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. It is quick relief and
will prevent the attack if given as soon
as the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price 25 cents per box. Sample
free —Odendahl Bros.
It Is well to know that DeWltt'a
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain at once. It will cure ec
zema and skin diseases and ugly wounds
and sores. It is a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeits may be offered you. Sec
that you get the original DeWltt'a
Wlich Hazel Salve. Odendahl Bros.
Mr. D. H. Vajilleusen. a prominent
druggist of Johnstown. N. Y. and
a cousin of Mrs. Aaron Wall is visit
ing in the city. He made this office a
pleasant call yesterday morning In
company with Mr. Wall and during a
pleasant chat we learned that he visited
this town about twenty years ago. Mr
Van Hetisen is now on his way to
t'allfornia where he will spend the
winter months.
The county court was engaged Tues
day afteinoon and evening In the
trial of the ca»e of tieorge Oltm tu vs
A. II. Hansel in which the former »uea
lor wage* and the defendant sets up the
claim of 91.1 oo as offset value of a mule
which had it* leg cut off with a mower
while Oilman was working for llan*ei
and udng said mule at the lime of the
accident Judge Well and K J Night
ingale were emplyed by Hansel and
J. H. I'edler by Oilman A Jury trial'
was bad and a decision rendered In !
favor of oilman
live McKinley t’lub held a very er»
Ibuslaatle and Interesting meeting at
|*»ter»nn« hall last Saturday evening.
All of the local candid .tc* were present
. aitg made ahort addresses H J. Night
ingale, who ha* recently t|uil the fusion
rsiika and came out for McKinley and
prosperity, made a splendid speech
In nhlch he advanced several i*i*|
;ea«ou* fur ha*log •». ..■ out | .r re
I puhlicamsm and prosperity The < itsi.
i wilt meet at the *an»e hail neat neiuf
* day evening tu which ail am Invited
will meet at the home ot Mr*. T. L. Pilger
Saturday, October 80th at 3 p. m All ladle*
Interested tn mutual Improvement arc cor
dially invited.
Mrs. Jones, Sec. Mrs. Pilger. Pres.
—— —o
Hev. R. C. B. E. Hill of Grand island will
preach tn the Baptist Church next Sunday
at 10:30 a. m All are cordially invited to
Sunday school Is held every Sunday tn Pres,
byterian Hall at 11:30 a. m.
The Ladies' Aid Society will serve oy
ster* at the post office on election nigbl.
The public patronage Is solicited
The Institution of the German minister
Rev. O. Robertus, will take place, Oct. 27
In Loup City at 10:30 a. m. and in Ashton at
2:30 p.m. This ceremony will be a very im
portant one and also very interesting.
We heartily invite the members and friends
of the congregation In Loup City and Ashton
at the hour of this Important ceremony.
U. Hohbhtus, Pastor.
The following are the dates set for Repub
Kean meetings in Sherman couaty:
Hon. Geo. B. Mlchlejohn, Assistant Sec
retary of War, Washington, D. C . will ad
dress the people of Loup City. Thursday
evening October 25, at s o'clock p. m.
Hon. W. B. Pearne, will address tha peo
ple at Lltchtted, Monday. October 22 at
H p. m
School suits for boys cheap
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Hawk, on last Thursday, Oct 11 l!i()0
a bouncing baby boy of usual heavy
weight. Republican proclivities and
the picture of its dad.
This is the season when mothers are
aiarmsd on account of croup. It is
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like to take.
Odendabl Bros.
Remember that Jaeger has
the finest line of Ladies and
Misses cloaks and capes ever
brought to the city, at prices
that defy competition.
During the winter of 1H07 Mr. James
Heed, one of the leading citizens and
merchants of Clay, Clay C., W. Va.,
struck his leg against a cake of ice in
such a manner as to bruise it severely.
It became very much swollen and pain
ed him so badly that be could not walk
without the aid of crutches. He was
treated by physicians, also used several
kinds of liniment and two and a half
gallons of whiskey in bathing it, but
nothing gave any relief until lie began
using Chamberlains I'ain Balm This
brought almost a complete cure in a
week’s time and ho believes that had he
not used this remedy his leg would have
had to be amputated. Pain Balm is
uneqiialed for sprains, bruises and rheu
matism. For sale by Odendahl Bros
Ashton Mews Items
As billed, the Ashton home talent
appeared before the foot lights on
the evening of October 5th and be
fore a large and appreciative aud
ience and very creditably acquitted
themselves in the production of
the comedy entitled “Lady Audley’s
Secret” They appeared in full ap
preciative costume and rendered well
their respective parts. The scenery
pariphanalia and stage fiztares, al
though hastily improvised were ap
propnate and up to date. The high
comedy so closely verging on tragedy
that characterized the interesting
parts of the make up, was very
graphically delineated and well ren
dered. In conclusion they treated
the audience to a pantomime and
song entitled ‘ Cousin Je da Siah.”
“The the Three Lovers’’ were very
comic and produced roars of laught
er, which only ceased after the en
core was answered. An experienced
orchestra supplied the music. About
♦40. was received at the door and
will be donated to the interest of the
I). of II. After the play came the
dance and oysters.
The above Item was recieyed at tin*
i ftlce la»t week In time for publication
but Instead of being enclosed in an
envelope u« usual It was rolled up lo a
little package and for that reason It did ;
not receive our Immediate attention i
Figures just compiled by the alate j
labor couiraisaionyr for the murt
gage record of Nebraska show that
during the first aix months of I HOW ;
ihe extras of mortgage# released
in tlm state titer those field wra»
11,0b* J1 it and for the aauie period
in l'.too the excess of rvleasta over!
low tilings «n 11,'.'5 s, OOP, 'Vhatj
these Ilgam mean Is the people of
Nebraska during the past six months
have lifted over fl.tfdo doti of ilwid ]
* that h*s been secured lit mortgage j
l| >w taut h debt lifting would they
have a* t mphsto d had V Kmley
siel pf<*|« Idv bin vut«t|t|owa four
I inn ago * State Journal
MicHejoln at lm City.
Let everybody remember that the
Hon. Geo. D. Mieklejohn, assistant
Secretary of War, Washington, D. C
will be at loup City, Thursday Oct. 2.r>
and will address the people from a
prosperity standpoint. Let us all turn
out and pack the hall. Mr. Mickle John
is a Nebrssska man, who lias by bis
splendid brilliancy and great ability
acquired a national reputation as a
statesman and of whom we may well
feel proud. Let us give him an en
thusiastic reception.
Also you should not forget the date of
the Prosperity Rally, to be held ai Litch
field, Moaday, October 23. Hon. W
I). Pearne of Chicago will speak at
8 o’clock, p m.
Dr, W. H. Lewis, Lawrencevlll, Va.,
writes. am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in iny practice among severe cases
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy,’’ Many hundreds of physici
ans depend upon the use of Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It
digests wiiat you eat, and allows you to
eat all the good food you need, provid
ing you do not overload your stomach.
Gives instant relief and a permanent
cure.—Odendahl Bros
♦ • ♦
(}. H Morgan has now a $500 stock of
now .Jewelry for his costumers to select
from He can suit you in any thing In
that line. Don't fall to examine his
stock before making your purchase*.
All kinds of )
Jewelry repairing [SHEPPARDS.
Promptly Done at )
-♦ ♦
are the most comfortable, commodious
means of travel for large parties, In
tending *!tlers, borneseakers, bunting
These cars are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebraska points to
California and Oregon points, and are
fitted up complete with mattresses, cur
tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiting
nothing to be furnished by the passen
gers. Uniformed porters are in charge
of theee cars who are required to keep
them in good order, and look after the
wants and comforts of passengers.
These cars are new, of modern pattern,
ami are nearly as convenient and com
fortable as first-class palace sleepers.
For full information call on or address
II. J. Cufton, Agent.
I will pay 4 cents a pound
for old hens and 5 cents for
spring chickens.
S. F. Reynolds.
The best method of clensing the liver
is the use of the famous little pills
known as DeWitt’s J.ittle Early Risers.
Flasy to take. Never gripe. Odendahl
Hucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Klieum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 85c
at Odendahl Bros.
Do not get Reared If your heart troub
leR you. Most likely you suffer from in
digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* di
gests what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect rest. It is the only
preparation known that completely di
gests all classes of foods; that is why it
cures the woast cases of indigestion and
stomach trouble after everything else
hasfailed. 11 may be taken in all con
ditions and cannot help do you good. —
Odendahl Bros.
Your blood goes through your body
with jumps and bounds, carrying
warmth and active life to every part of
your body, if you take Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Ask your druggist.
William C. Kithon, Plaintiff,
Alfred W. Wilcox and Kmum Wilcox, i
husband and wife, Defendants
The above named defendant, Alfred W.
Wilcox, will take notice that on the 3rd
day of October, IMS) the ntKive named
plaintiff filled hts petition in the District
Court of- Hlierman countv, Nebraska
against the above named defendants, tlie
object anil prayer of which are to reform
the disruption In a certain deed, executed
all delivered by the said defendants to
said plaintiff on the Jiilidayuf November,
taut. Conveying tu the said plaintiff by
mistake, the North Weal quarter of
aecllou. No. iff* In Townaltlp It, north of
Itangn IS waat of the Si It Principal Me
ridian. situate In ahennan county, Nel>.
raska, nut which instrument should
rightfully have conveyed the soul It
West quarter of said set ton it, Instead
of the North Meat quarter thereof
nudfurther to have In* sold instrument
! made to rspress u|e»u Its face and tu
convey to «** 1 plain ml the south West
quarter of mi I Aeellun It instead of the
North Mist quarter thereof, a> that the
«a*ue shall t*a matte tu otalurm l<t and
to eWevtuaie the purpose and mien
tlou of the parties, thereby tu satisfy
1 an I earn tl e cartels bund toy a deed
| lheretofore sias uted end delivered by the
plaintiff tu said defendant, Alfred vt
I M iled lor the rtmsyatoe tu him
ittf the south Meat quarter of said Sea
I lion at
you era require-1 tu aneoer said pel I
I IM,e «e we before the lath day of M»«
< etather. Pas*
Amiss t pstuav, p atatiff,
My Matt A M it cues, hit attys.
1 Dated this Mb day ef tteltlMt
Astigmatism is not a disease but is simply a defect in
the shape of the eye ball. It necessitates an irregular strain
upon the muscles in adjusting for different objects. Ihere is
no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue,
Especially plead Aetjes
A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people
who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their
eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cause.
They believe that they can see as well as any one and in a
good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just
the same.
If any one thinks their eyes are not right come in and
see me. I am the only optician in this part of the country
that can correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free.
The L lading Optician and Jeweler.
Loup City, Nebr.
I also handle
Hard and Soft Coal
and exchange flour and feed of all kinds
for wheat.
Ml*iiiark'« Iron Merve.
Was the result of Ills splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous ener
gy are not found where Stomach. Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order.
If you want these qualities and the suc
cess they bring, use Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Only 25 cents at-~Odendahl
Bros, drug store.
--- ♦
You little knew when first we met
That some day you would be
The lucky fellow I d choose to let.
Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea.—
Ask your druggist.
8 day alarm |
clocks ' Sheppards.
$3.60cts at |
■..■ ■ -■—
•lob Couldn't llavo Stood It.
If he'd had Itching Plies. They’re
terrldly annoying; but Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve will cure the worst case of
piles on earth. It has cured thousands.
For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions
it,s the best salve in the world Price
25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croup and all throat
and lung troubles. It will prevent con
sum ptiou.—Odendahl Bros.
Attorney at Law_and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Forecloenre Owa
General Real Estate Business.
OSf. In Nohthwmtiiu Unlldlng.
I loup om, i i am
iirrh I -one Sow .aai of (
W. L. MARt’Y,
nn.YT isr
orrtca iin iA«r nut n t, n »wram»,
i. out art, .vA’ir
On the 10th of December, 1*1)7, Rev.
8. A. Douahoe, pastor M. K. church,
South, Pt. Pleasant. W. Va. contracted
a severe cold which wag attended from
the begginnlng by violent coughing. He
says: “After resorting to a number
of so-called ‘specifics,' usually kept In
the house, to no purpose’ I purchased
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy, which acted like a charm. I most
cheerefully recommend It to the public.’
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. I
Septomer 5th, 19IJ0 f
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has tiled notice of her
Intention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will be
made before the county Judge at Loup,
Nebraska, on Thursday, Ootober 22, 1900.
viz: Mary A Baird, Timber Culture Entry
No. 7500, for the 9. E. fourth Section 2,
Township 15, Uango 10 west of the 6th p. m.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Draper,
Chris Zwlnk, James Bowen, Anton Dymnk,
all or Loup, City, Nebraska.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
The complete service of
via Union Pacific,
enables passengers to reach the
principal cities between the North
Pacitl'e Coast and Missouri Hiver
not only in the shortest
possible space
of time,
but also in the most comfortable and
enjoyable manner. The dining
cars on this traiu are stocked
with the best the market affords.
AT meals served a la carte.
H. J. Currojt, Agent.
On Sheppard’**
Jewelry Store
if vou want l-aruatn* in tbo
jowvlry and ailvrrwarv lint*;
and if you want or vour
ryoa trail'd for gla*Mr« ftrt*)iiui.
lU«M |it« you information
that will la* of \alut* t«> vou
I > HMKI*l‘AKl).
TU* l»oi 11J Jttttti
ia tV*
# ,