Jp Great Britain, $710,000 000, or two thirds a.- much as the United States. Stop Ratlin ay a1 pocket Hitching Pott* hitch solid toMtiiiis • Hrry In pocket: Aaeuia warned. Stamp for parti u ur*. Pocket Hitcher Co., Klmira. N. Y. A fashionable tailor says that many of his customers dwell in the land of Bb promise. Dr.Bnll’s COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once. jlll Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Cirippe and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Dr. Hull’* Pills curs Constipation. 50pills 10c. (JET ONE FREE. M An Osborne Self binding Harvester, ^“^Uoaner. Mower. Make and IIarrow will be given free to eueoeakful gueanere. Sendgo stamp for Holitlclal Chart and tiumslng Card and partirulark. ((outfit clota Sovembtr (tth. «ddre»» Osborn* Co . Auburn, N. Y. m Alias Cures Torus 15c; all Druggists. ■UU1 (If it fails -It is free.) SEND NO MONEY (Jut out ami return tbu ad. and wa will yiul you this high grade, high arm,* HO*ir«r guaranteed Hew lug Machine by freight. C. O. U., eubjaet to examl nation. lfyoufl'idltiHirfwtlysat isfa f .ry . Utl»e blguesl grade eew. leg swtehlner eeid everywhere ef ••0.00 U» 4*0 00. pay (he freight ( I | OC egenl l.ur Apt He! Offer 1‘rlre, $ 111 L O and freight charge*. Ce» the reerblee three Buefht ead If dUaetUftfd In aer way we will raters veer mfvaey. Comes complete with qullter, screwdrivers, bob |f __ 1 *n§. naedlee. gauge, oil can and tBBtrtiettoB booh, lleau tiful solid oak 6-drawer, drop head cabinet, Has ©very Improvement. Fastest runnier, beet working sewing machine ever offered. BOhf Whhbfcim L BaKGAIN fc*MH UKA HIV Off. "Sits fsr fr«e Hewing Harbins Catalogue. Addreee, 8EARS, ROEBUCK A CO.. CHICAGO. Frederick J. Pearson, E. H., M.E. Coosuitiog Electrics! snd Meciisnicsl Engineer. Expert in the Designing and Supervision of Installation of Electric Dflfu and Power Plants and Ulatcr Rlotics Systems. PLANS SPECIFICATIONS ESTIMATES Highest References. 12 Years Experience, ^ Charges Moderate. ^ Rend postal for booklet, “Reason* why you ' • ab< mid employ a Coukultins Knaineer." P. O. Box 332. OMAHA. NEB. The retfil worth of our *ui.oo and •>i«»mc,oni|>ar«id will) •iitiirmakc* «»J4.00 l«* tr.'i.lM). \v« tr»* tht W'Wt mak^rt end retnfli r» ©f i i .Vqi d #o..V) tboet iii tii« %rori>il«hc4 in 1S14I. ~A ^ > Trial f will CONVINCE You kWlij ilo you pay 84 to i \$5 for shoe* w hen you 0Ycao buy W. L. 1> oug las j shoes for $3 and I which arc Juntas good. Til K UK A SO V morn W. \t. I>nriKlaj» $3 and PI eh'**! rtia sold than any oth* r malm fa Pecanse Til i:y abi; i i11; ni:*T fob mUHl THE Wade of the best lrm* rted and THE American leathers. The w< rk* manship is unexcelled. The style _ RPQT equal to f4 sod $3 shoes of DCQT DLOI other makes. They fit like cus- DM I t"i«3 made three. They will out djO cn w**r two pairs of other makes at fill SldidU tits same prices, that hare no rep. 4>d.UU utauon. You can safely treom p||i\f* mend them to your friends i they nifAP SHflE. Incase arorybode that w. nrs them SHllF Your deafer should keep them i wo firs one dealef •xrlueive sals in each town. T;ike no substMute! Insist on harinx W. L Douglas shoes with name and price stamped «.n bottom. If \ our dealer will not get them for you, send direct to fai'.^e, enclosing prire and 23c extra for carna^a. Bu»e kind of leather, size, and width, plain or can tost Our shoe* wfll reach you anywhere. Catalogue Free, W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mass. f ST. LOWS CAM BALL Ijoavo Omaha 5:05 p. m.; arrive St Louie 7:00 a. m. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? MW srrcui BAITS FAST 0* SOUTH. Trains leave tTnion Station Daily for Kansas City, Quincy, St. Louis and all points Kant or South. Half Hates to (Plus many southern points on # Is* and iirtl Tuesday of Each month k All information at City Ticket Offic®. 1115 Farnntn Street t Paxton Hotel Blit.) or write MARRY f. MOORfS. City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha. Neb. i -! Iron bound creeds cannot hold ex panding love. A re Too Ur.lng Allen'* Fo»t-fM*f It in the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Info the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. No man has a right to do as he pleases except when he pleases to do right. Mr*. Win*lo*r‘* Soothing Syrup. For children teetblii*. »nftrn« the gum*, reduce* In 0*iuuisU(iD,*!:»>• !»iu,cur»* wind colic. 2Sc*boUi* Only an Idiot Indulges In violent ex ercise when he needs rest. Faded hair recover* It* youthful color and ioft* ue»N hy the uae of Papkes'* H aib Hal.4a a Uieoeboo***, Ui* brat cure for corua. IVta Better make your calls short than pose as a yawn maker. RELIABLE SOLICITORS WANTED at onre on Chautauqua Card*, Kiudergnmen (lames. Standard and Holiday Hooks. Moat llla'ral terms. Square treatment, t’.'sj stamp* brlngwHoliday Outfit by return mall. I ’nrt Fear born l*i,b. Co., 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Many a so-called absent minded man remembers the poor. A dyspeptic In never on good terms with him seif Somet hing U always w rong. Get it right by chewing Denman's Fepstn Gum. The hoop skirt panic has struck us once again. Thirty minutes is all the time re quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES. Never Judge a man by his shadow. Many a straight shadow is made by a crooked man. For Competition with Connecticut. A German chemist has analyzed the artificial nutmegs that are made in Belgium in large quantities They in clo various vegetables and 20 per cent of mineral substances. There I* a ( lata of I>„p|« Who are Injured by the use of coffee. Recently there lias been placed in all the grocery stores a nowpreparation called GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives It without distress, and but few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost, over one-fourth as much. Children mey drink it with great benefit. 15 '•ents and 25 rente per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O. A man usually shows when lie has been drinking by trying not to show it. HO! FOR OKLAHOMA! £.000. ») acre* r«*w 'mid* ot>en to a t foment. BuIjm rlbc for THK klOH A CIHKh . devoid to infor* lit Hi Ion about cot■** land**. One >«ar. $1.00. sinpie ropy. 10o. 8tiburr!»**r> rocc 1 w five illustrated I**'* <>n «'klabntna klorgao** Munoal (210 page Pettier** < tlid»*i wlrb floe tic-it a: mfl|», $:.<*«*•’ < • «*»•** . *. *.».* it W* !• » .1 .iW Ml* I »«»■«—« III) H t I tHIIlBII ».|l imMi, «u s(l/mliic:, Mrs. De Kanter- You aaid you were going to be detained at your office all evening, but you weren't there. Now, where were you? Mr. De Kanter—My dear, there's no sense In your ceding excited. It really Mrs. Do Kanter—Why don't you an swer my question? Mr. De Kanter .V'y dear. I could answer your question if I was sure you wouldn’t question m> answer.— Phila delphia Press. Unde Kben's lUvIer. "Sometimes,'' said I’nrle Kben, ‘de wust revenge yoh kin take on de man dat thinks he knows it all is to take Mm at his word an' Jos' lef Mm alone to git mixed up In all de responsibil ities he kin grab."—Washington Star. SipiiumI Fit. They were talking of Pittsburg's census statistics at the breakfast table. "Mamma," said Sammy Snaggs/'who is it that takes the census?” "Why,the censor, of course, Sammy.” replied Mrs. Snaggs, without a mo ment's hesitation.—Pittsburg Chroni cle Telegraph. A Flgn-i-r. "Didn't you tell me .llbberson was figuring prominently in politics?” "Well, he is. Ho is away up. He is writing political bets on the black board of a pool-room and uses a lad der ten feet high."—Indianapolis Press. IntllM mid (iuiita. • Big Patsy Car's me gen leman frien’,” Said saucy Hose McMcnomy; Whereat her rival. Sallle 'ilenn, Itrcame her ' lady enemy.” Philadelphia Press. SHE WANTS TO KNOW. ' » w Turn N Jerry -What U be Mtmu eortotw (kill fu«tr k « ueigh' buy MU. kk.»>’ S„t i| all < , . * k»f‘»l VI by, »ii« burn ned <**r U>k b«tt H**r k»4 « **r*. h t» . i lh*« mm:! • I’MUiht ybui TrUfityb Tli«> Iti'Hl Tiling. With (he aid of a powerful micro scope we regarded the ptomaine In the tci cream steadfastly. “You are extremely ugly!1’ we observed. “Of course'" replied the ptomaine. “Did you ever sec a genuine lady killer that wasn't more or less ugly?" To be perfectly candid but why speak o( this?- Detroit Journal. REFUSED TO BE FOILED. Gladys Kanbec (queen of opera) The jewels 1 reported stolen have been found They were merely mislaid. Hemlock Holmes (king of detectives) —I’m very sorry, madam, but one of the five men 1 arrested has Just con fessed to taking the jewels New Century I’uz.sle. When a man with warm blood In his veins becomes a father he takes delight in the mischief of his off spring. even though he he called upon to discipline them under the scriptu ral recipe that spares not the rod. This one Is from a staid exemplar of good morals and good citizenship in De troit, and a man whose check is al ways i ashed without the formality of looking up his account. ’’The little rascal is only 4,” he chuckled, "built like a prize fighter, too; but he lias one of these three story heads and an Imagination that just g* ts to going and puts him in a world of his own. "Wc took him along on an outing of six weeks thin summer and that lit tle shaver reported more railroad wreck and more disasters by water than have actually occurred In the last ten years. He'd come running to 1 me, all excitement, and turn pale while 1 lie was relating Hose awful calamities, j The sound of a locomotive whistle or the sight of another boat was enough to set him going and It did not take three minutes to kill off a few score of his fellow-beings. "I concluded that I should check this inclination. This conviction seized me Just as we had settled down in a quiet little resort whero a chicken was the most ferocious thing In sight. The first (lay in the forenoon he came rushing in, out of breath but full of talk. “ ‘Papa,’ he shouted ‘ a wattlesnako chased me for twenty miles.' Here was an opportunity for the first lesson. 1 told him that there were no rattlesnakes anywhere near us and impressed upon him the wicked ness of lying. When 1 saw tears In his eyes 1 flattered myself upon the im pression I had made. 1 felt prouder still when he squared his little should < rs and looked to me as 1 thought Washington looked In the cherry-tree episode. ■' 'Now, floors'*.' I asked, sternly, i did a rattlesnake chase you?’ “'No. papa; It was n gwlsly hear.’” Detroit Free Frees. i - A iMml I.if#* In ItuMton. "Did you hear about Greekroot? They cluiiii he is loading a double life!” 'Sacred codfish! What proof have they?” Me was overheard talking In hl£ glcep. "Yes, yes.” And h< made two griininiatiral er rors!"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Might. My what right," thundered the mm puttee of congress, ilu you presume to n;.ike money?*’ Our charter,'* replied the Standard (til ompany, ‘‘permits ua to make all kinds of lubricant! and money |a the In' leant commonly used for political machines.** rhe committee si* profoundly lm< pr- d by this subtlety t‘uck. I »•••»>. We are Just holding a love feast,** said young Mr r. audaciously to tli t rlsple when that father of in * •gut daughter puts hi* head In th# parlor doorway at 11 35 p m *' 1 thought it must he a protracted heeling said the old genii-man as - • Harper** It Mh*sw«a* -»ea she h t shins Ml***. tow.-on U your daughter a Mulshed Biolrih*? Ysrhrwls Not yet hut th* neigh t**#s at* miking threat* lisllmor* AtMtlNi • * Wm fi«m i t»t*% The Jste- *»*U» to ha*e scad* »o-us * *iNfst r herpes • Ye« | paid MM tor that datswm* teapot t .veined flam Iteelar Learning hath gained most by those books by which the printers have lost. lies! for tlie Howe!* No matter what nils you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you ] without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you Just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It. Be ware of Imitations. The entire product of nardw’are is valued at $3,020,000,000. Conscience For bad*. A firm of cocoa manufacturers cf Birmingham, England, have just de clined to hid for a contract of thirty tons of cocoa for the British troops in South Africa. This action was taken ftom religious motives, the members of the firm being Friends, who do not countenance war. He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves ns It may he a saltu; that boasts of It is a devil. Speculation sometimes empties a man’s pockets and fills his fiat with costly experience. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES On the line of the Chicago Great West ern Railway in Illinois, Iowa, Minne sota and Missouri. First-class open ings in growing towns for ail kinds of business and for manufacturing. Our list Includes locations for blacksmiths, doctors, dressmakers, furniture, gram and live stock buyers, general mer chandise, hardware, harness, tailors, cold storage, creameries and canning factories. Write fully in regard to your requirements so that we may ad vise you Intelligently. Addross W. J. Reed, Industrial Agent, C. O. W. Ry., 601 Endleott building, yt. Paul, Minn Good manners will tend to make anyone attractive. Women clean the streets of Cannes, the cleanest town in the world. HELP FOR WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED. “ I do not feel very well, I am so tired all the time. I do not know what is the matter with me." You hear these words every day; aa often aa you meet your friends just eo often are these words repeated. More than likely you speak the same signifi cant words yourself, and no doubt you do feel far from well most of the time. Mrs. Ella Riee, of Chelsea, Wia., whose portrait we publish, writes that “ ' ' with bear backache, and hodallkindsof miserable feeling*, all of which was caused by falling and inflammation of the womb, and after doctoring with physicians and numer ous medicines bhu was entirely cured by Mu*. I'i.i.a Rich Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Con* pound. If yon are troubled with palps, fainting spells, depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere, headache, backache, and always tired, please re member that there is an almolnte remedy which will relieve you of your suffering as it did Mrs. iiice. Proof is monumental that Lydia E. Piak hum's Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine for suffering women. No other medicine has made the cures that it has, and no other woman has helped so many women by direct advies as has Mrs. Pinkham ; her experiencs is greater than that of any living per son. If you are sick, write and get her advice; her address is Lynn, Msss ©SEE© ~7 -i .. ' Tl AYcgctable Preparntionfor As simila l ing the Food and Reg ula - img die Stomachs and Dowels cf Promotes Digeslion.Chrerful ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not NAitcoTic. ——» • • • ■— r*tpr of OM Dr SAMI ZZ PtTCHSR *W* v Alx fmnJt * | JUmJLtUtSaUr- I itwM » 1 fazxu*. / ; A perfect Remedy forConslipn lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or _XKW YOTiK_ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPCR. Ifc - ^n»t' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought _TWf CtNTAUW COMMWY, WffW VOWW CITY. All the Year ’Round You can eat without tiring of it. Made in Iowa of choicest Iowa wheat by a patent process, rendering it easily digestible, nutritious, strengthening. Nature’s Own Breakfast Food for all the family all the time. Kasy to prepare— easy to eat. Cou|K>n4 in each package. Save them anti get valuable premiums free. 2 lb. package 15c. Two for 25c. Sold by Up-to-Date (irocer5. B BBEUBnP,M% *T WHOLESALE PRICES! LUMBER - MtHM i* a m IiI D Margins 2.000 Bu. of Crain Five Cents **•'*••• »«* 9mm UnmiHin H M«k» >*. 1.1 |. < » rn i* a •* Succ «»»fiil Im«« uUlion. ** ■