The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 19, 1900, Image 10

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Dear heart, where hast thou wandered
What happier regions stay
Thy lingering feet, whose coming changed
My winter Into May?
Now all our slopes are burgeoned
In summer's lavish mood,
And deep within the grove the thrush
Has belled the solitude.
The laurels set the hillside
With mnny a spectral light;
Seen through the dusk, they stnnd like
Expectancy In flight.
Rut somewhere thou dost linger.
Implacable, afar.
Though high within the twilight slty
Gleams cold our trysting-star.
The brooks we loved still murmur.
Though now through dells of gloom;
The very hills have lost with thee
Their moiety of bloom.
Still, each leaf whispers of thee;
In every path once trod
By thy dear foet, thy spirit yet
Hpeaka from remembered sod.
—L. Frank Tooker, In the July Century.
Mined Appreciative Glance*.
“I know our men stare shockingly/’
■aid a Baltimore girl, “but jou have
no Idea how one misses those glances !
that one can at least make oneself be
lieve are of admlratlou, when one goes
to another city.
“I spent some time In Boston this j
spring, as you know, and after the first
day or two 1 didn't take a bit of in
terest In wearing the pretty clothes I ;
had prepared for my trip on the street.
Before I became sophisticated I dress
ed with great care when 1 started out
“I arranged my hair carefully, and
took pains that my veil should be a
becoming one, that my gloves should
be Immaculate, and my entire cos
tume smart," quotes the Baltimore
News. "Then I’d saunter forth, con
scious of looking my best, but if you'll
believe me not a single man would
cast more than a cursory glance In my
direction. The majority wouldn't look
at me at all any more than If I were
an old apple woman ambling by.
"The hallmarks of the female Boa
tonese, generally speaking, are spec
tacles, a reticule, and cotton gloves,
and so, perhaps, the tnascaline portion
of the inhabitants has given up ex
pecting to see anything good-looking
on their streets. At all events, as 1
said before, when 1 was looking my
very nicest nobody paid a bit of at
tention to me.
"It was the same way !n several
other northern cities. 1 tell you I was
glad to get back to Baltimore, where
any special efTort in the toilet line is
rewarded with sundry admiring
glances from the sterner sex.
“Not impertinent staring, this, mind
you; it's Just a calm, appreciative,
kindly look that the Baltimore man
gives hts fellow townswoman when he
feels that she's a credit to the city
and to tho country at iargp, and it’s
really an Incentive to make any girl
do her prettiest in the matter of dress
ing neatly and smartly."
.fotlim! Applos.
Peel and core lirm, tart apples. Put
them over the fire in just enough wa
ter to cover them, sprinkling them
generously with white sugar. Cook
slowly at the back of the fire until
tho apples are tender. Take them out
with a split spoon. Bring the liquid
left from them to a boll and add to
it a tablespoonful of gelatine which
has been soaked for half an hour In a
very little cold water. When this Is
dissolved pour all over the apples,
which should have been arranged in a
bowl. Let thpm become ice cold be
fore serving them. Eat with cream.
Black cheviot, dusted with white
threads, trimmed by shaped and
stitched strappings of black taffeta.
Cluny lace revers. Jacket caught by
crocheted bands and buttons. Black
felt hat with puffed ribbons In laveu
der and loops in light blue, and mot
tled light blue wing.
I.»ok Out for the (tunned Hon**.
About this time when people are
flocking home from the country look
out for typhoid fever, diphtheria and
the protean forms of "malaria.” These
troubles will be developed after peo
ple have returned to their city homes.
! Many will say they were acquired In
: the country. As a matter of fact, they
arc far more likely to originate In the
| city house, which has been shut up
I for weeks or months, with dust and
! darkness in the rooms and with sewer
gas pouring in through traps from
which the water seal long ago evapo
rated. Innumerable cases of illness
would be prevented by taking the
j reasonable precaution of setting the
water to flowing, ventilating all the
i rooms, and using some simple disin
rec,ants before the is reoccu
pied.- New York Tribune.
Sugar In Solution Eully l’annoi Through
Amniul Meiubrttiimi.
Sugar ia a substance that dissolves
easily and in considerable quantity in
water. When in solution it easily pass
es through an animal membrane by
osmosis, and so the question of its
absorption seemed simple enough. The
disease diabetes showed, however, that
sugar might exist very plentifully in
the blood, and yet the nutrition of an
Individual suffer very much for the
lack of It. Something else besides its
mere presence In the system was nec
essary to secure its consumption by
the tissues. Bernard thought that the
liver was active in the consumption of
sugar, and that disease of this organ
caused diabetes. He therefore secured
some of the blood going to the liver
of a living animal, and some of the
blood that was Just leaving it. To his
surprise the blood leaving the liver
contained more sugar than that enter
ing it. After assuring himself that
his observations were correct, he tried
his experiments in different ways. He
found that even in the blood leaving
the liver of an animal that had been
fed only on substances containing
no sugar, sugar could be demonstrat
ed. Even in a fasting animal the liver
itself and the blood leaving it showed
the presence of a form of sugar. The
only possible conclusion from tills was
that the liver was capable of manu
facturing this form of sugar out of
non-sugar-containing material, or
even from the blood of a fasting ani
mal. This was the first time In physi
ology that the ldt*a of an internal se
cretion was advanced. Glands within
the body that gave off a secretion
always possessed a duct by which the
secretion was conducted to where it
was to produce its effect. The idea
that glands exist which poured their
secretion directly into the blood stream
had not occurred.—Catholic World.
Hlanden Published About the Patter
Must lie Net at Kest.
A new grief >as come Into the tur
bulent life of Emile Zola, the distin
guished French novelist, and It has
almost prostrated him. Hitherto he
has only suffered for himself; now the
memory of his dead father has been
attacked, and he is almost frantic. His
partisanship for Dreyfus In his battle
for honor against the machinations of
the army officials has brought this
sorrow upon Zola. It seems that years
ago his father, who was a skilled en
gineer, emigrated to Austria and as
sisted in the construction of the first
railroad built in Europe. Having com
pleted this work, he entered the
French army, served in the Algerian
division and retired in 1833 as a civil
engineer to Marseilles. The original
plans for an extension of the Mar
seilles harbor were prepared by him
Others were chosen, however, to see
the work done, and, disappointed,
Francois Zola went to Aix, where the
triumph of his labors was to be his
lot. The municipal authorities trusted
him with the building of the great
canal which yet bears his name. In
1847 he died suddenly. Now the ene
mies of his son are declaring that
death was d»'« to suicide in the effort
to escape punishment for defrauding
the municipality of Aix in the matter
of the harbor contract. To vindldate
his father’s name Emile Zola now
avers he will devote his entire life. He !
recognizes the difficulties in his way— i
the enmity of the military power—
but declares that he will never rest un- I
til all suspicion of misfeasance shall
be blotted from the name of a father
whom he dearly loved.
tirowth of ftolf.
Six years ago there were only five
clubs In the t'nited State.? Golf Asso
ciation. Now there are twenty-five
associate and 22". allied clubs on the
roll. There are now In existence
about twenty state or other branch
leagues subordinate to the United
States Golf Association, and that in
many instances a golf club Ls content
to remuin only a member oif its local
organization Is shown by the record
in Newman's Official Golf Guide for
1900, which gives a list of ne-irly 900
regularly organised clubs. New York
heads the list, with 153. The same au
thority estimates that there are at
least 200,000 golfers In the Foiled
Ki>Xll%h women In I’alUUa.
There is a far tnor-* widespread In
terest In politics among the women of
Kugiand than among their sisters on
this side of the Atlantic. The smart
set in Istudon all take an active part
in affair* There Is a Tory woman *
: > lull in the Knglish i ipital known as
the Primrose I'mna, and a mor. seri
ous body, the Women a Uknal Feder
ation. make* its iutiuriiee felt in ton
I stltut uclrs.
Then th«re are large nmnhcra of
who do not register under any
banner, but they can be counted upon
| to forward stu h political ijmidioua g*
I appeal to them
I «u! t n«t«r S Ire.
That man si te u*et* in any thing *
ht boti shown train by the nu»
"fdiuarv «■*»»•# of i oo.'nesa under lire
at the front In the H >uth Afrtenu war
M l.«l«u« t ague a u< k a private in »h
j deadly Seine of gre I are s <cs 4 leltef
I horn hi* urirr nod I* gnu to rend it
jeigrrly; * wounded batem ,n *t i^dy
J -iniih gnlahed hi* run at cricket la-fore
It pp ng «l*ad. n It s«p r named
I chorea li ted* h'-p» hi*
I illlbl brUtrs fai lug f,<.«u hie c •-**
ftr If la Mai ««ta dried h h u.t
i *•«»! p jus| u *• *nt bur! an | i* 4uer
1’ccullnr Arrhltfftare.
Not far from Bradford, in Yorks,
a gentleman has a summer dwelling,
the whole of the outside of which con
| sists of buttons fastened on boarding
i or cement, and there are said to be
| about 2,000,000 of such buttons, with
about 20,000 of them of different kinds,
says London Answers, At one time,
not very long ago, there was on the
Lancashire coast, netr Lytliam, a cot
tage and boathouse that was made al
most entirely from the remains of a
score or so of whales that had been
driven ashore some y< ars before. The
framework of the edifice consisted
wholly of whalebone, und the dried
skins of the huge creatures were neat
ly and strongly fastened as a covering
for walls and roof. There Is another
building of exactly the same kind at
Peterhead, in Scotland, and In this
case the skulls of the whales and some
of the heavier bones are used with
great effect as outside ornaments.
At St. Helena, In 1Lancashire, a huge
engine boiler and gigantic "pan,” once
used In some chemical works, have
been turned Into a workmen's club
and Institute, the "pan” being In
verted. Near Wakefield, in York
shire, a most comfortable cottage has
been made, so far as the walls are con
cerned, of a number of great drain
pipes left by a contractor for years,
while the roof consists of the refuse
of an oilcloth factory. There are in
England alone half a dozen cottages,
not to speak of many summer houses,
made wholly out of old preserved pro
vision cans. The house of a foreman
"winder” of a huge colliery near
Barnsley contains five rooms, yet the '
whole of the outer walls and root are ;
made of meat and other tins.
KnliKncIng ttio Dignity of Word*.
Mr. E. D. Preston, of the coast end
geodetic survey, who has recently stud
ied the language of Hawaii, calls at
tentlo to a remarkable peculiarity in
wliith that language shows a sharp
contrast to others. Usually when a
foreign word is adopted into a lan
guage it is debased in its meaning.
Thus, "saloon," meaning a drinking
place, comes from the French salon, a
parlor, and the Spanish word hablar,
to talk, is transformed by the French
into a word signifying a babbler and a
iiar. Many similar examples are found
in European languages. Rut In Hawaii
the opposite rule prevails, and words
that have been adapted from the
tongues of white tu^n have been ele
vated in meaning and designate bet
ter things than they did in their orig
inal language.
Mahogany tiring* Illg Frier*.
At a recent auction sale at Llver
pogj two logs of African mahogany
were sold for the unprecedented
amount of £ 1,536. These logs formed
one tree, and were bought for the
purpose of being cut into veneers for
the decoration of the palatial resi
dences of some of the merchant princes
of the United States of America. The
veneers are used in th« place of wall
papers. The prices realized for the
two logs were, respectively, 10b 3d and
7s 3d per superficial foot, which is a
record for African mahogany logs in
the rough state as imparted.—Dundee |
Here Is an Invention that is certain
ly a novelty In its line, but it Is doubt
ful whether it will he brought into
common use. The Inventor is George
Wolff of New Jersey, and he Intends
the device for use in connection with
c imbs. hatpins and hairpins, to force ;
air into the hair to dry and ventilate
it. The teeth of the pins are made
hollow, and are perforated near the
points, with laige openings in the
head. Opposite the large openings
are arranged fan-wheels which are ro
tated by the movements of the air
when the wearer is riding or walking
rapidly. The movement of the wheels
iorces air Into the hollow teeth and
1 .1mm II out through the opening* to
• ir< ulila through the hair nn I relieve
i 'he per-plratlon 'the Inventor tlenu.
that hie tntlUUna tomb will prove
a romf.irt In »um weather, when II
will .try the p*reparation ae feat an
t Ut.w * from the aeelp
ttw lee I lawn ml leeU.. |
I |ir I h o t al l l horu.|<le> n In re #ni
• ; .... IB 4 V- ‘ » I I • it |» ' . i f |., •
1 ttl Irene* It* •' elniol stettlit ate
| Hmtteaf to the towlan4*. ?> I et n three
I lie Ufa I !a e of «Mr. for I hep
at evp«#»4 It. l«ta d>«fc|». rlv*r dmel*
ai t ah-twen. >f V •' IHl »*Imw H ben
lb# t * le-e **f ih* .la*u**- *'itp# I m***id
i i# are aw lUeniy wv ’* I k| tnhaa «
h> tl, overwhelming Ittwl* beer ag
immense masses of Ice and fragments
of rock, sweep down the river beds. JTct
with all their disadvantages the in
habitants of tiio narrow lowlands of
Iceland enjoy universal education, and
among tbem more books and newspa
pers are published per head of the pop
ulation than In any other country.
Here is an implement that will be
the means of destroying many an ob
stinate weed that persists in appear
ing year after year on the lawn, sim
ply because the root ha3 not been
plucked up. There are numerous weeds
that cannot bo killed by cutting oft
the tops close to the ground, and the
only way to exterminate them Is to dig
j the root out. This is often not only a
' difficult task, but I3 liable to mar
tho appearance of a lawn by tearing
the sod. With the intention of pro
viding an Implement which will take
up the root with the least possible In
jury to the grass George F. Marchant
has designed this Implement, which
has simplicity of construction and
cheapness to recommend it. In oper
ation the normally open prongs are
forced down Into the earth around the
roots and the lever located underneath
the handle Is lifted by the hand. This
raises a rod inside the tubular stand
ard and forces a conical wedge to
spread the upper ends of the pivoted
prongs apart, thus gripping the lower
ends of the prongs on the root and
allowing It to be lifted out entire.
A King of KwU
Ijast winter there was discovered at
Chateaudun In Franco an example of
the rare phenomenon known In popu
lar phrase as ‘‘the king of rats." It
consisted of seven living rats inextrica
bly bound together by the Interlacing
of their tails. A photograph of the
singular group, together with a des
cription, was sent to a scientific jour
nal in Paris. The name king of rats is
based upon the tradition that the king
of the world of rats and mice is accus
tomed occasionally to enthrone him
self, adorned with a golden crown, upon
a group of rata with tails entwined.
Several instances of this curious phe
nomenon are recorded in books on nat
ural history. It Is said that the king of
rats Is formed only in the winter, when
the animals crowd together to keep
warm, and the rodent friends of the
unfortunate prisoners are credited
with feeding them out of benevolence.
Amerlran-ChUleri Iron Fort*.
Prof. R. H. Thurston of Cornell uni
versity call* attention to the fact that
since the Spanish war, the manufac
ture of chilled Iron turrets for coast
defense has been established in this
country, lie regards the "chilling" of
the surface of cast Iron so as to give
it a hardness exceeding that of tool
steel as "one of the most remarkable
scientific achievements of the time.”
The chilling of cast Iron for car wheels
has long been practiced almost exclu
sively In thl3 country, but although it
is at bottom an American Invention,
the use of the process for making tur
rets for eoast defense has hitherto
been developed only In Europe. Prof.
Thurston remarks that American Iron
is the finest in the world for this pur
fiMxl of fli» Mitlujn.
The Cambridge exploring expedition
to the Malay p* ninsuln, whose mem
ber* have recently returned to England,
found some strange articles of d'et
among the native* who were visited.
Among these articles, of whlcn two
members of the expedition partook,
were red ants, toads, bee grub* and a
species of ctcadi. 1 he latter are caught
in a peculiar manner A bright fir*
i>etug made at night the natives loou-m
ble around It, one of their number
bolding a light* d torch, while the oth
ers clap their hands at regular Inter
vals. The Inse t.«. attra< ted by the
* lights and the noise, settle upon the
person* standing about the fire and
i ar» then captured
MsIWmk ptglwg til UwNiillhl.
h’rs a> k meteorologist* engaged In
the exploration of the upper air by
' means of captive krllwi** have f**un I
that, owlag to the rife-t of the sun’s
keai on lit# I-»Moons. the U*-*| results
are attained at t» iht, ami their m at
i <*m easeful »vpefiiu »t* have been per
formed by noHiitrkl The kstho.o
j carry r-lf rendering lh«rn»o*n>trre
; end toromot*rs and attain sswMum
1 ■ <
’ * (MM* test the ntgV *t dt (M r. ■ I ,|
hy the laMfumenia la nearly a.a* an I
on* third mites
I.ona Library Oonnor. ^
Secretary Long and bis nephews, tha
White brothers, are to give to the
town of Buckfleld, Me., a free library
in memory of the secretary's father,
Zadoc Long. The plans of a Port'and
architect have already been accepted.
Tha I.ant Unk S«v*ra«l.
The home of the Bradley-Mart Ins In
New York, 18 to 22 West Twentieth
street and 23 West Nineteenth street,
has passed Into the bands of a real
estate firm and this marks the last
step In the expatriation or the family.
■pactacutar Demonstration* In Frulilfn*
tlal Campaign*
The first time that there were any
demonstrations of a spectacular order
In a presidential campaign was In 1810,
when miniature log cabins were drawn
on wagons In the Whig processions,
escorted by companies of men In coon
ikln caps, and some In the garb of In
dians, all of which were suggested by
tho early life of the candidate. William
Henry Harrison, Companies of rucn
dressed as pioneers appeared in the
Fremont processions in the campaign
of 1856, and “prairie schooners” were a
feature of these demonstrations, illus
trating phases in the life of the Path
finder of tho Rockies and the Sierra
Ncvadaa, In 1860 the Republicans had
companies of rail-splitters, to repre
*ent Lincoln in one of his activities aa
a young man on tho frontier. The most
picturesque and distinctive feature of
the Republican parades In that year, ^
however, were the “Wideawakes.” This >
order originated in Hartford, Conn.,
and was not suggested by Lincoln’s
own candidacy, for one of tho Hartford
“Wideawake” clubs was formed before
Lincoln was nominated and escorted
him to one of the halls In that city,
where he made a speech, on his visit
to the east in February, I860. At that
time Seward’s nomination wua be
lieved, in the eastern states, to be ines
timable. The "Wideawake" Idea quick
ly spread all over tho north after the
nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin In
May of that year, and it is estimated
that there were more than 200,000
"Wideawakes" in the free states in
that canvass. In the canvass In 1880
clubs of lloys in Blue were formed to
commemorate Garfield's service in the
union army, and in one procession in
New York, which was reviewed by
General Grant, over 50,000 participants
of this order appeared. It was tho
largest procession on either side seen
anywhere in the United States in the
canvass of 1880. All these campaign
clubs, except the "Wideawakes” and /
the Boys in Blue, originated in the
west. and. with the exception of these
two orders, by far the largest of tho
processions took place In the west.—
Leslie's Weekly.
Mistaken by Green Iteporter for yf
tlon Attache.
An interesting story is told apropos
of a reporter's zeal to obtain news
from the Chinese legation in Wash
ington, D. C., regarding affairs In Pe
kin. He was an enterprising young
fellow sent by his editor to take tho
plare of the regular Washington co.
respondent, who was away on his va
cation, and he had spent the whole
morning in the viiinity of the lega
tion endeavoring to pick up some
thing, not knowing that the most di
rect way would have been to see Min
ister Wu himself, who is invariably
kind about granting interviews. Ho
was about to abandon his project when
an intelligent looking and well dressed
Chinaman came down the steps of the
legation and responded so p.easantly
to his greet’ng that he bombarded him
with a whole list of questions, to
which tho polite Celestial repeatedly
answered: "Dun know, dun know."
Finally quite desperate at his inability
to make something out of what ho
looked upon as a rare chance, a walk
with one of the legation’s secretaries,
he asked, appealingly: “Well, surely
you know something of tho dowager
empress; what do you think of her?"
"Me no thlnkee," responded the China
man, "me washee," and with this
parting announcement he disappeared
into a laundry near by, of which he
turned out to be the proprietor.—San
Francisco Argonaut.
NoIm from Ih* I'arl* ICi|«M|tl«n.
"The Singer Manufacturing Com
pany, of 149 Broadway, New York,
show their usual American enterprise
by having a very creditable exh bit,
located in Group XIII, Class 79. at the
Paris International exposition, wh. ro i
they show to great advantage tho »• |«*. •
braird Singer Sewing-Machine wh|. h
Is used in every country on the globe,
both for family use and for manufac
turing purposes. The writer was high
ly pleased with ibis display and ob
served with much Mtlsfaetion that It
was favorably commented ti|«»n by
visitors generally.
The Grand Prise was awarded by
| the International Jury to Singer Sew
ing Machines for superior etcell u •*
j In design, construction, eUlol. my and
for remaikntde development and a lap
lion to every stitching price** ,.,.,4
in either Iks family or tbs factory.
Only On* Oraad pn*a for •. wing
j Machine# w** awarded at Part* and
thi* ‘Bella, tlon of absolutely sup rior
m«rtl mnllriu* ike prevents action of
Ik* international Jury at th» W.>r|i‘*
Columbian Kipoailk,* |a Chi**.,
wto r* s i.Ret n< h ... * re, |,„.| *
disiin. 1 award* being m.u> than » re
rmeivad by ail Other kind* of *«*iM
Mac bine* mm blued
Should || k* p. win* that **y „j
i owr readers «r* uuf*., ,r *,
• eUixaiod itinv-f y,. * • ||
, respectfully *d< l»e |i|*t Ik-, , .
1 nnr *# Ike dinar sal .rouiae ,
1 *** b« f‘M-a.1 1* all . .
1 _ .. . . *"*'* •■»<• Mc«4
town* I* Ik* i uii* 1 S‘*ua '*