The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 12, 1900, Image 9

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    The Northwestern
• K(l I HKMsnHOTKH. iKdllnr. mut
UlBsO.N, I Publishers
p Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trails
mission through the malls as second
cla»* matter.
For President.
Kni Vice President*
Presidential Electors:
.1 T NKSillT. Hurt.
Ell BOYCE. Custer
[, M IIAGCE, Kearney.
J. I. JACOBSON. Douglas
J I, KENNEDY Douglas
For Governor;
For Lieutenant Governor
E 1’ SAVAGE. Custer.
MSee retary of State,
(i W MARSH Richardson.
For Treasurer: .
For Auditor.
For Attorney General
F N l'ROUT, Gage
For Lund Commissioner,
G. D. FULLMER, Nuckolls.
For Superintendent,
W K FOWLER, Washington.
Congressman, kth Dist.
Senator, 18th Dist
Representative, ft'th Dlsi
For County Attorney
Now brother Brown how is it u
bout “fooling all of the people some
of the time.” You know, “every
tlog has Iiim(” etc. etc.
Say biotber Brown, it will take
more than the failure of a
potato crop to enable you to see
a majority for Bryan this year.
The triumphant jells for Boosevlt
never ceased until be crossed the
Missouri river and Bryan will irn
magin on election day that the votes
are as numerous as the yells.
If you waut a piece of work done
you want it done right, it you
hire a school teacher you ask about
his certificate. Bo you waut the
most capable men in olllce? if you
do vote for \V H. Williams, frr
countv attorney.
Information from Ansley, Custer
County, is to the effect Hint a Me
Kinley club has been organized there
with a trifle over a hundred members
and that 611 of them voted for Bryan
in 'ills. Get into the bond wagon
boys , and don't get ieft.
The pop and demo pop papers
don't make much ado about the de
ductions from McKinley. The World
Herald announces with much gusto
that General Lew Wallace was out
for Bryan, but as soon as the Gener
al got on the stump lie reminded the
W -H. that it had lied again. But
then that paper is used to having to
swallow most of its assertions.
The time has come when the fus
lonists must acknowledge that they
are democrats or go out of business.
Will Nebraska link herself up with
this old free trade party? Will
Sherman comity stand by the men
you all say have decieved you?
Wre don't believe it. \ oters look to
your interest aud vote for Smelstr
mid OJendyk.
Mr. William* i* unquestionably
the most aourate, best posted and
careful lawjer in Sherman county
and should lie elected coun
ty attorney for hi* unswerving
honesty and emphatic capability,
111* iulvi e i sought after and never
questioned win n given, and party
lines con not be urged with profit
«ben the people have men like W,
II. William* placed before tnetu to
vote for.
When the Time* man estimates a
crowd ttie striking f< dure alw*>» i»
(he |>oliii *l |iersti«*ii>n of it. He
««!• “there a a* leas iliti l"» voters1
at the KwMOrsll in"i'ting at Ulilif
Island 'Jr \ \\ .surer of that
•*ttv estimated the an miter at iitH) in
i prase! * 1 • to >. i -
nthi Hoi lb t b is > **.• !«.. »*
high at a re pubic or n'lwiiag and
*«*a ifotibh s> a* a* ivo n Hi'
to M<rgo. III I get le'll gilMS* *
adjusted brother lltuss
The Times, last week slid that if
Mr \S II Wiliams is entitled in
the soldier vote on are Min' <>f hi,
war record, that fusion ex -enator
' Miller is also. Well, there are r'ji
; ona why we take exceptions i>» this
j and at present they are obvious.
1 Mr. Williams lias a record that he
can well be proud of and be is not
ashamed to have it published.
When he requested to be allow
ed to retire from the service after
nearly live \ears of faithful wotk
his superiors ask him to continue at
least another six months of the
service, showing that lie was a man
whom they could illy afford to lose,
in itiating that such men its Mr.
Williams was not found even day.
and then breveted him to a maj tr
as a slight reward for bis loyalty,
patriotism and faithful attention to
duty. Today we linn him still
standing by the Hag. still us faithful
to American) principles as ever, still
the same honest, acurate and pains
taking servant of the people, with
out a suspUaion of disloyalty about
him. How is it about Mr. Miller?
If he has a war record we have not
heard of it before, but il is a no
torious fact that he is now and has
been working baud in hand with the
men and party who lov> s to disgrace
and belittle the defenders of our
nation and flag. He is uiiling and
abetting the man who called the
soldiers of our present trouble, tl5
a month hirelings, therefore has for
feited any claim upon a soldier vole,
and when he forfeits the soldier vote
the n.en who we must thank for the
high standing of our nation to-day,
should that not be still! ient grounds
for every citi/.er. to vote against him.
livery voter should extend Ins ap
preciation of an old soldiers service
try voting for him if In* still merits
their respect. Therefore Mr. Wil
liams should receive the undivided
support of Sherman county’s people
for county attorney, but Mr. Miller
seems to have gone off with the
party that said the war for the pres
ervation d the I'nion was a failuie.
Vote for Williams and be sure you
liavs east your vole tight, then
chinch it b, voting f <r Ujendvk and
Tim World Herald's ri.por' of tie
Kootevelt meeting in tins city deni
onstrated wlmi h misrepresenting
:it.11 unreliable sheet it in. It is stat
ed by several parties that in that i
port the uUcnduuc.e at the llnoi.cvi li
meeting was placed at. two hundred.
Must papers will work upon llie
theory that they are paid by their i
readers lor telling the truth. What i
t unelusion must be reached however!
as to the World Herald readers who!
cannot otherwise than know that
such reports are inlenliotud misrep
resentations'/1 ‘ i laud Island Inde
There are others besides the World
Herald. Kd.
The speech of lh>n. W. S Summer's
it * ho hall Wednesday evening whs one
uf tie1 grandest pieces of eloquence tha:
it, has been the pleasuic of our people
to listen to this season. Ills argument
wa- perfect and bis wit and sarcasm
suflicient to keep his audience good
natuml. The fallacy of "imperialism''
and “militarism'’ was thoroughly anal
vzed end made so plain that none could
be mistaken A goodly number of here
to-lore populists listened with rapt at s
teutiou, apparently desirou* of hearing |
the party principles of which they are
beginning to believe are the only true
A Ttiwimniiil
Could not express ihe raptuiw of An
nie K. Springer, of Philadelphia, when I
l*r King's New Discovery cuted her of
a hacking cough that for many years j
had made life a btti'ihn. She say* i
After all other remedies and doctors '
tailed il aoou removed the pain In inv
chest and I can now sleep *«>ui dly,
someihuig I can scarcely remember do
ing I i fore, | led like SoUI-dlng Its
praise* throughout the Lidverse Dr
king's New Discovery l« guaranteed to
enre all irouhlrs of ih* Throat. i 'tie-1 or Plica Wh- and II, Trial hot
Ip-sf sc s’ intend t tv I Itros d og store.
HoShail the losis
A s's'l mg Incident, D n«rtated by
Ji'bn <1 Vi ol I'btladeij h as fi I
lows I a as in %n awf il e<. million Nlv
•km wa* *l<uo.i fellow »*•> sunken,
tong sc colied, | on v-a,' i mail) In hack
an I »i l< -. w apprl'I*, glu t eg weaker
11 i<f list three phi*“tu - l*ad
glsei, me ilfs I li -il I i* s fl-ed |o
,l»e l.leetlu>ia. to Ul g’>' it JO.
H,,. |* ,• n.dth- ni ls a ,J», id <t tin '
|.i i iii'Ht l« sun >d il,' r o - fur
‘ * * * « ill I .% 4' ||i |l| I
State House Ring Diverting
Trade to Their Pets at
AbraliHin l.lic olu mnl \ if -t’.rjan
Ninths llu* iNipttllib.
Omaha. t»t. x. It i< ohser <1 that
the fuslonlists ore not enthusing very
much over tbivernor I’oyiiter, E ; c
(ially is this true of the ItiHrc-s men
ill the towns t. here state institutions
are located.
The tuereh. dt in these towns have
had am thing but a plcngnut •
ctH-e tinder the Eoyiiter ndmintstru
tIon. Trade and patronage of the In*
•dilutions. which slum 1 properly go
l<» them, has been gradually diverted
to pets and favorites o! the Mute hotlse
ring at Lincoln, until finally lutle of
It goes to the local merchants. Tons
of groceries and supplies have heeii
shipped from Lincoln to the various
Institutions during the lust year and
only such trade hits been allotted to
the local business men as could not
well lie diverted to Lincoln.
Then, too, the administration "ilx
ers” have been very exacting In deal
ing with the local merchant and very
liberal in dealing with their favorites
at Lincoln. If they treated them both
alike there would be less cause for
complaint, but the contracts are jug
gled In such a way that If a local mer
chant secures one ho Is compelled to
furnish goods at almost cost price,
whereas the Lincoln dealers are al
lowed to make one bid on all the sup
plies and in addition tire given other
advantages denied to others. Every
body knows that bids on a dozen or
more contracts at the same time,
meaning the supplying of goods In car
load lots, can he made at n lower rate
than for only one contract Involving
only the supplies for one Institution.
Tills Is one advantage.
Another advantage shown ttie Lin
coln den tern over the country mer
chants Is the bolding back of voucher*
and warrants. Jt Is a notorious fact
that hills for groceries from the coun
try merchants lay sometime# for
weeks before they are passed upon and
allowed, while those of the favorites
are promptly paid. In the mermutUa
trade Jo or tXl days' credit t§ the sum*
as cash and if merchants succeed in
converting their good# Into money
within that time they are enabled to
make considerable of a saving in the
way of discounts. In many instances
the country merchants have lost the
benefit of their discounts through the
failure of the Hoard to pass upon hills
and remit promptly.
It is openly isted that this failure
Is only part m a plan to de ■ 'mirage
the local moiehniit* In the- ■ ■ towns
from bidding, In older that the pets of
the state liou e ring may enjoy greater
Some tnuy Infer from this that Hie
state is deriving heiioflt from such This is not trie The
records lit the auditor^. office show
that the expense of maintaining the
state Institutions the* hist: two years
has been greatly lucrcused over what
It was, and Is greater now Ihtin at any
time tyi the state's history.
tfovernor 1’oynter will close hi* term
with tlu enormous shortage or defic
iency of $100,000. Not one of the var
ious Institutions lias been properly
kept up. The grounds, out buildings
and the like have been sadly neglected.
Not a dollar has gone for labor In
tills direction. All the money appro
priated litis been expended, but how.
nothing short of a legislative Investi
gating committee can explain.
Dr. Tracy of Milford, tin* physician
in charge of the Soldier’s Home, who
was caught paying house rent and of
flee rent in groceries taken from the
state, lias resigned and left the Htute.
Ills resignation promptly followed the
ruAWFisiriNO <>n expansion.
It Is a matter of history that nearly
every Pomoeratle president from Jef
ferson to Itm hanan expressed a desire
for the annexation of Cuba to the
Plited States
Monroe while president expressed
himself in favor of annexing Cuba, so
did Polk and so did Pierce.
In 1K4U President Polk made a prop©
sit Ion for the purchase of Cubit from
Spain for yliiO.OiHl.tNHi. Six yet r* he
fore that, or In IMi-t. whnt Is known |
ns the Ustelld Manifesto was laxuoil, j
and tliut asserted the right of tit* |
I lilted States to fake atid annex Cuba,
should Spain refuse to sell.
The Ostend Manifest© «n an ax
noiim eim-nt made by President
Pii-ree's ministers to Rnglind. franc#
and Spain (Uiteliliiai. Ma4ia«*i and
Soiilei in Which they •©cga*t#4 that
an earnest rffirt tie mad* fa yinbaai
Culm at a price not ta «i «rd f 1 JO
umo im and added that if tit* *ho«]d
t» refu»Al t * Spain "we atmiM he ju»
tilled b> exit) Ina human aid divine
in wresting it from Spa. a If wa pna
»• * the |sii*«r." a propesltin of
» id I .as* tig the blvtortin. it/i
"It* ha Id tni<|i|it) *f flit* pr- pv*Hi..a
a I Hn| holiest men tl bath hvta)
B|lh« fei M
lie ii( f. its failed *f it* p*rp. >**
is tie t'unpein p*ft‘ f* and tl«
• 1 iii gi s al f*U«d ta re. egnlat
ti • of iv^uitiig profatty by
lb .infill Who *uefW*Nl#d I'llfct l».
It ■ •■*•-! v in tiller of It * IIIIHUI
»• ■« *r- »a or*. I that Cuts*
b. • i I- *o il*«x tM-r ls*rt of
v t >. el suit i I'nfii 4 liw iMban't
hr 1 a l> l «*>r I hat putp..-v ntfru
«d .i -••-.(i n if dfudbrf lh Mh
I Inter of cmtfoder-'tt fame. and that
1*111 • •< < «tr<e*gt> .-uppi ne«l . y the
lh II . Itle I • e! ot voUgr* • from
the '• ‘.Itlieru suites.
In 1' ■*! the I *el|i.M l atie nallolial oon
VcntUo. ileeliii .1 ;jj favor of annexing
fid’.-i ,‘iin] placed tin* following in the
plat form:
"Re l ived, that the Democratic
party ic in favor of the icijiiisitton
( »f the Island —f t*non upon stlch terms
a < . II lie hotiorahi to ourselves and
just t*i Spain."
I'fes dent 1’lereo math* a strong effort
t° until \ Haw aii. The matter was ear
ri"I mi far that a treaty for the pur
I «>’«• "as drafted. (tn this |*i|nt Mr.
Mnret who was seeretarv of state in
I’it ii cabinet, wrote tile following
note Minister tti*i*gg:
‘"i’li government will receive the
transfer of the sovereignty of the
Sami' I, islands with all proper pro
vision relative to existing rights of
the p .pie thereof, stteh ns are usual
and | "per to territorial sovereignty.
I he j "-ideal directs me to say that
lie em not approve of some of the arti
cles i the treaty; there are hi Ids
mind aiie strong objections to the 1m
media* incorporation of the islands In
their i resent condition into the union
us a i independent state. It was ex
peeled that tin* Hawaiian government
would lie willing io offer the islands
lo Ha I nited States as a territory
and i- vo tin* (piestloii in relation to
their i - coming a state to the determi
nation of this government, uiienibar
rassed |»y stipulations on Unit point."
It \ ill be seen by tills tlmt through
out its history the Democratic parly
has favored expansion. It will also ho
observed that in all their messages and
eorre-1inudeucc bearing on the aeipilsi
tion ot territory no reference Is made
to “tie consent of the governed." Jef
ferson, folk, Fierce, 1 lue11a11an, in fact
all tin great minds of the Democratic
party have favored expansion, some of
them going so far as to advocate the
aetjul itton of Island territory by force.
t'oinpured with this the splendid rec
ord oi the Itepuhllean party, and par
tieuiurly of the McKinley administra
tion, stands out in hold relief.
According to Democratic doctrine In
1804 Lincoln was a e/.ar, Now la* Is a
patriot. In |Hij|, when Lincoln was a
candidate for re election, the same hue
and cry about “Imperialism" was
raised by the Democrats. The Indian
apolis Journal, a Democratic organ, at
thnt tltac said:
“The only hope of preserving consti
tutional liberty, the rights of I lie-state#
oud n-storlng peace to the union Is in
the restoration of the Democratic party
to power. Hut let Abraham Lincoln bo
elected for another term, wlmt will be
the i aseiiueiice? Four years more of
abolition, nntlnnrtl bankruptcy and Ku
ropeati interference. Shall we prollt
by tin* teachings of history, and even
by our own experience, or continue the
policy that must end In the overthrow
of one of the best governments the
World ever saw?”
.Til'd before tin* election In 1NI14 tin*
saint paper bad another “nightmare,"
one of the Itr.vnn order, and It said:
“Klnntld Mr. Lincoln tie I'e-eleeled the
revolution will Is* accomplished. This
witl be Hi longer a republic of the
Felted Ktatos. but a consolidated em
pire. Lvcry safeguard must sooner or
later pi' e nvvny. Tin* limitation of the
exci-utIve power will not be In flu*
pleasure of the president. We Implore
patriotic and Intelligent men to pause
and r< Ib-ct and give their verdict Tues
day next. If the people will not save
their constitution and union It Is lost.”
The foregoing Is the same sort of
Itemoeratie rot that llryan Is making
use of today. The only difference Is
that the man who was pointed out as
a despot then is treated as a patriot
now. Like Lincoln, thirty six years
from now, if the Populists and tin*
I lemofFats in their rapacity for proven
in r shall not have eaten each other up,
tin* Democratic doetrinnrles will be
'Hinting from McKinley and holding
Mm up as the Ideal statesman and
patriot. Thirty six years Isn’t such a
very long time, but It Is too long a time
lor tin* people of a great and progres
sive country to wait, when they can
get what they want now. The Ameri
can people have kept up wl. i the pro
cession and if the Democratic party
persists In staying thirty-six years be
hind let it stay there.
It will be observed, however, thnt
I’.rynn's rant about imperialism is
nothing new. The Democratic party
was earplug about It before he learned
to speak his own name.
Lincoln was abused, and harsher
things were snid of him than have
ever been said of McKinley. The at
tucks were wanton and cruel, and the
recoil sent many au aspiring politician
on the Democratic side Into obscurity
and distrust forever.
Itryuti Is playing upon the same harp
today . It Is the Instrument ot a dema
gogue and Its tunes arc as deceptive
as the deadly nightshade. Hut the re
coll—tin* pent up energy of outraged
public opinion Is there, ami It will lilt
llryan Just as sure and Juat as hard
a* It has hit many a demagogue before
him. and It will drive him Into obscur
ity and dlstru-t Ju*t as It lota driven
ethers vrlm hsve nudcrtaksii to pre
eunte too far on puhlii Intelligence and
- rrdultfr.
Rryaa ha* in»t a* >»*t anlsiiowlrtlgati
UhvIaf rerelvml tin |»u|ut|l«t nomlnl
tt,,u fur j.rraihut Why hare ran not
it n*1e tills aiklii.wl* Ijfftiiftit Mr Illy
tin? Arc you it»ii inn*l t<> A« itt IVIwt
• there aIm.uI iIm* l’it|nil:»t n Mlnattati
f «it are Aafaiutil t»f? If y'*M are i*..t
h hamml of it why have you f*!!.*! to
■ Ml!
!• It ha< an** ymi are iifri'.l th it If
y trktiiVlMi<' the |«*|i<|i at n..iulii*
t i nm • ill allenat* I'amuauy llatl
n il - ther *a»l< r* l*ei.*.M i*t*'
• tut lute it* Nrtntki you |<tfifi<»* t.i Hi I*. I’Ullvm Hut i.ttti r«ftk»*l
t.i iiltir a letter p* Itg the I* |Utl t
■ • « at 1 i
fh. l*u|iult*l 11.0. aat. l *.|H th .-e
ttiha mt<i, «t I hi- aaun* tltn*» • he In *i
li |i.-| .ll it. il re I V'*H l final
lg. J the l» Ml.* riith M.U.' Itluw t.y
>lt,| ' i|| - a I tj: k >tM f ' fkft ‘
, Ml* fS j u I t I tail t it it't
hit.* i «ii ll> • MT 'the e*a
Buggie, wagon, corn sheller,
hardware, harness, stove,
washing machine, windmill,
pump, pipe, or anything in the
furniture line?
it so remember Hint I entry n full st ck. Can make you
a first class Hydraulic <>r Casing well on short notice. Call
and see me.
•We ape Headquarters for
Wo ha vc every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable
our prices are right.
Should nil married men buy'now Home’
Sewing Machine* for their good wive*?
ItecHtiMC It allow* they cure for the good
health and happitit'** of 'heir contort*
For talc by T. M. Heed.
People who burn the Lamp of Heaaon
need Hooky Mountain Ten. <;rente t
reanoii producer known. 35c A*k
your druggiat.
Ladies and
bring your Watch, Clock anti
.Jewelry repairing to
the graduate of the Omaha
Watchmakers college, who
can manufacture any piece of
a watch you may desire him
to, < r can make you a watch
to order if you desire him to.
I have had fifteen years ex
perience at watch repairing.
1 guarantee my work to give
perfect satisfaction or money
Call on me when you want
to bo dealt with fairly and
Yours for business.
Loup City Jeweler.
You will never find any other pi I In
ho prompt and so pleasant as DeWltt's
Mule Farly Kisers. Odenduhl Bros
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Loufa, San Francisco,
mill all points and all points
Fast ami South. West.
No. M Passenger.7:0.', a. in
No 60 Freight 12.80 p in!
No. 8| Passungur.4:1ft p. m.
No 5# Freight. nnftoa. m.
Sleeping, dinner nn<l reclining chair cars
(seals free) on through tralus. Tickets
sold and baggage chucked to any point in
the I'lilted Stales or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
I tickets call on or write to It L. Arlhm
Agent, or Fit ANCIs, Uen’I. Passenger
Agent, Omulia, Nebraska.
No. mi leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). H:iki a. m.
No, as leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p, m.
No. no leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed# 8:5ft p. m.
No 87 arrives dully except Sumtiu’ (mixed
12:0ft p. m.
No. sfturrlves dally except Sunday (pass.
enger) 7..'I8 p. m.
First class service and close connection!
east, west and south
W D. Cliftoh,
route to and front
the Pacific Coast.
Two Trains Dally from Nebraska to Denver
amt Colorado Points.
Two trains dally from Nebraska to San Fran
cisco and California points.
Three trains duilv from Nebraska to Suit Luke
City and Utah points.
Two trains dully from Nebraska to Portland,
ami North Pneitlc Count points, with direct
connections for Tacoma and Seattle.
lluiTei Smoking and Library Cara with llarher
shop and Pleasant Heading Rooms. Double
Drawing Hoorn Palace Sleepers, Dining Cars
Mealsn lu t'arte. PintCh Light. H. J
TON Agt.
Game Wanted huSdm
SHIPPERS, WA v.ant flame m any
quantity at 11 igliest Market Price ami
guarantee satisfaction.—Capital bltt.OOo
Reference, l . S, N'at'i Hank or Your
Express Agt. PERRY, HAl’ER A
ENNIS, flinaha. Nebr, ami Philadel
phia. Pa. Wholesale Hutter, Egg*,
Poulirv ami flame.
K dol
Dyspepsia Cure
D ♦ what you cat.
lit »lti> i, lin*"*t»the f<m.<1 amiaid*
N ii r« l tl'iiflluMilBit a ml 'ivuu
«rue tint: .It*• ditfeativ* of*
«'iu III tli- ;4'< »l iIim ovfivd
ftnt ami Ion It. Noolhel preparation
ran appfonrh it li < rtt<-iriuy It to
•I iDllt |*lhfi< - *nd UTiuaiwiitlvrur**
I1' K|»;i Iiidt/.-*' 1* «, | It art Imin,
l'*4> 'i •■nvtt, r*onr ■-itto* h,
r ll>**l.trto ttotrti|Mt.Criiii|M,4wi
ai.oth, rrv.ull •/ iio|«*»:f «*i <ti^i«
t'lodntill c imwhi • ciiwt«
1 Put uk my UDkkmHI, UMO*.