MEN WHO HIKE DESERTED BRTftN FOB McKINLEY General E. M. Rosser, Virginia, ex-confederate. Sound money. Ex-Mayor Abram S. Hewitt, of New York, formerly Congressman. Wants stable money system. Melville E. Ingalls, President “Big Four” Railroad. Wants a continuance of prosperity and sound money. William R. Grace, ex-flayor of New York, one of the leading merchants of America. Sound money and expansion. Charles S. Fairchild, New York, ex-Secretary of the Treasury under President Cleveland. For sound money. General Daniel E. Sickles, soldier, ex-Congressman, New York. “The flag now floats, and will never cease to float, over the Islands In the Atlantic and Pacific. No man will ever see It come down.” UTAH SILVER REPUBLICANS ARE SUPPORTING McKINLEY B. M. CALLISTER. Chairman Republican State Central Committee, Salt Lake City, Utah. September I, 1900: Heber M. Welia.Governor.Balt Lake City O. J. Salisbury.National Committeeman.Salt Luke City Clarence E. Allen. Ex-Congressman.Halt Lake City W. H. Dickson.Ex-Prosecuting Attorney.Salt Lake City John J. Daly.Bryan Elector 18B«.Salt Lake City Thomas Kearns.President Silver King Mining Company.Salt Lake City George M. Cannon.Ex-Chairman Republican Stute Committee....Salt Lake City William Glassman.Editor Ogden Standard. Ogden P. H. Luunaii...Manager Salt Lake Tribune.Balt Lake City C. C. Goodwin.Editor Salt Lake Tribune.Salt Lake City George Sutherland....Ex-State Senator.Salt Lake City David Keith.Director Silver King Mining Company.Suit Lake City Jameu Iver.Director Silver King Mining Company.Balt Lake City Ed. Loose...Manager Grand Central Mining Company.Provo M. H. Walker.1’rnHidout Walker Brothers Bank.Salt Lake City Eera Thompson.Mayor....,.Balt Lake City Joseph Lippman......Chairman Hep. State Silver Committee 1*90. ...Halt Lake City D. N. Strnup.Attorney.Salt Lake City J. M. Bowman.Attorney.Balt Lake City J. C. Lynch.Mining Broker.Balt Lake City Henry Knoll.Mining Broker.v.Salt Lake City W. F. James.MineOwner...Salt Lake City Charles Reud.MineOwner.Salt Lake City Lieutenant John Q. Cannon.Suit Luke City Charles S. Burton.Assistant Cashier State Bank.Salt Luke City Alfred Beezer .....Kaysville Charles Bishop.Kaysville Captain Frank Jennings.Ball Luke City Colonel Nephi W. Clayton......Salt Lake City John Bcowcroft.Wholesale Merchant. Ogden L. S. Hills.President Deseret National Hank.Salt Lake City T. G. Webber.Superintendent C. M. I.{.Salt Luke City Joseph E. Caine.Cashier Utah Commercial and Savings Bunk. Salt Luke City John Clark ..Ex-Mayor Salt Lake City.Salt Lake City Busbrode Wilcox, German Demo cratic Farmer, Puna, 111. I have never voted the Republican ticket in my life, but, with my four sons, who have al ways been Democrats, I will vote for McKinley this fall. William Bowerdock, cattle shipper, Christian County, Illinois. I have re nounced Bryanlsm and the Democratic party and intend to take the stump for the whole Republican ticket. Owen Scott, Decatur, 111., ex-Demo cratic Congressman, Bloomington Dis trict. I supported General Palmer four years ago, but as a Gold Demo crat. The only course open to me this year is to vote for McKinley. Editor Donald of the Volksblatt, Rock island, ill. I have been a Demo crat for years and worked hard for Bryan In 1896. I was one of the speak ers at the pro-Boer mass meeting In Chicago last spring. I huve given Uie questions involved in this campaign careful thought and will support Mc Kinley and the whole Republican ticket. Dr. Jules Kohl, prominent surgeon, ex-member State Board of Health un der Altgeld, St. Clair County, Illinois. I am opposed to 16 to 1 and the cry about militarism. George Crosby, Belleville, 111., farm er. 1 am opposed to the socialistic teudencies of the Democratic party. Louis Kontz, T. Buettner, Conrad Witte, Ralph Martin, all of Chicago and all German Democrats. We are for Mcl^pley because he is opposed W 16 to 1. Carl Zwauzig, owner of the Volks JBlatt, Ottawa, 111. I am in favor of (txpansion. Judge George W. Wall, Duquoin, 111., fctrmer Judge of the Appellate Court of the Third Judicial District, and two sons. We cannot stand for the money Dlank of Bryanlsm. William K. Murphy, PInckneyville, 111., ex-State Senator, former Internal revenue collector, Cairo District, under Cleveland. I am opposed to the money plank of the Democratic platform. Marshall J. Browning, Sparta, 111., coal operator. The money plank of Bryanlsm is not to my belief. James E. Miller, Lincoln, 111., prom inent lawyer. I am bitterly against free silver and strongly In favor of the contluuauce of the McKinley admin istration. Edward Wlllasey, Kansas. Edgar County, 111., prominent Jewish mer chant. 1 am against free silver, race favoritism In the gubernatorial cam paign. and for McKinley’s protective administration. O. P. Arthur, Aledo, 111., llfe-loug Democrat, former publisher of the Democratic organ of Mercer County. I am fur the Republican ticket. 1 have Just returned from Colorado, where I edited a Democratic paper for three years. McKinley will carry Colorado, the slump from Democracy being very heavy. W. S. Campbell, Springfield, 111., former Assistant Adjutant-General un der Aitgeld. We have organized a Re publican club with 100 charter mem bers, all former Democrats, of which 1 am secretary. There are 1,600 Brit ish-Amerlcans in Sangamon County, and 90 per cent of them will vote the Republican ticket this fall. Jesse H. Donnell, Moweaqua, 111. I have always been a Democrat, but I am for McKinley and Yates, and I know of twenty Democratic friends and neighbors who have also changed. Logan Combs, Marion County, Illi nois, sheep raiser, life-long Democrat. In 1896 I received 11 cents per pound for iny wool, while in 1900 I received 22 cents for it, so why should I not support McKinley when it is of such great advantage to the farmers to do so? Chris Schaeffer, Salem, 111., old sol dier, life-long Democrat. The McKin ley policy is the only true American pc es Foster, elected Constable on the Democratic ticket at Salem, 111., two years ago. 1 have always been a Democrat, but will this year support McKinley. Clem Greene, Samuel Smith, promi nent farmers, Onarga, Marlon County, 111. We were supporters of Bryan in 1896, but are for McKinley and the en tire Republican ticket this year be cause of the good McKinley times. Charles Mlssellbrook, farmer, Saline County, Illinois. I am a Democrat, but the times are good enough for me and I do not desire a change. Ex-Judge John D. Hunt, leader of the Democratic silver forces of Georgia and the originator of the state silver conventions In 1896, which anticipated and controlled the action of the Democratic State Convention, has come out lu violent opposition to the present campaign of William Jen nings Bryan for the presidency. Ex pansion and national honor are the reasons. Dr. C. W. Matthews, physician, Cass County, 111. E. Ellery Anderson, New York. Sound money. William J. Jordon, bunker central Illinois, and a leading Democrat. John A. Gllleaple, farmer, Keyes port. 111. Prosperity, W. 8. Wilson, former Superintend ent of the Itlluola Central at Ptuck neyvtlle. 111. J. 1* James, Superintendent of the Comity Home, Salem, 111. O. A. James. Salem. Ill, George Tubba, Salem. III. J T. Pavla, Salem, 111. Henry Vursella. Salem. HI. John J. Ilnpklus, former Democratic Supervisor. Salem. 111. It S. Hopkins, Salem, 111. C. K Minor, omega. III. Thomas M. South. Salem, ill. K II Ihiyd and sons, Kmmundy. Ill A K Tibbetts of Nvwgnyo, Mbh , who ran for Congress In lags, declare# that be is an expansionist and that be leaves the IS'iiiin rattc party because of It* unpatriotic altitude aad Its incon ststen* y upon trusts and other issues Milliard Wedshtad, twice Mayor of Mayaioad, III Prosperity, A II l*rovta*s. Populist. lisalds burg t'at Favors expansion aad up holding authority la the Philippi nee * *1.1 Sill V |. 1 teb aaibre, of Mount Ht*«o N Y , a well known tieatocrnt of v\ e- it H**i*r County, hss announced that he cannot support Itryaa aad the Kan*#* t'lt* platform t sprain lrv M i No free stiver, W. I. Mitchell, Lhlcugo, in., map publisher. 1 have voted for nine Dem ocratic Presidential candidates, hut cannot vote for Uryaulsm, anarchism, socialism. Populism or 16 to l. K V. Haim. Murdock, 111. I voted for **ryan In l&lhi, hut Democracy no longer has any charms for me. Dick Damon, llamock County, lilt- i nots, stock dealer. It Is better to he a patriot than a partisan, and l can no longer follow the precepts of a party that always goes agin the govern ment McKinley's foreign policy Is the correct one, and t, with my two sons, wi'l vote for him. C. P Kldere, t'artervllle, III I voted for tlryan In IvN, hut am •gainst hint now, and have accepted the pM«idrmy of the M> Kinley-lntee flub at t'artervllle Patrick J White, Pena. III. promi nent Irish A met Ivan i never voted the Itepuhllcan ticket in my life, neither dl l at) fattier, hut this nut# the whole family, consisting of four stm• my fa'her and my»eif wilt vote the straight Hepuhtlewn ikkst from tog to b .Hum I'harte* Kowtef. W'atseha III , life long tewis r »t gad four years ag-» a Patmer sign I have always teen g |iee «rat hut I want good hut>«*t •mo, the stare and stvigee In he K « si t Ihu it |,ro>p> 1 .». Its heeg whirling round and set IvM tag siaaee* t*> have plenty of worh wtlh at shuts family. I am therefore for Mi Matey Judge W. B. Mornblower, the eminent attorney. New York. Nominated for Supreme Court bench of the United States by President Cleve land. Afraid of Bryanlsm In all its branches. James M. Beck, United States District Attorney of Pennsylvania—A man Is of that party with which he sympathizes, whatever he may call himself. If, therefore, one believes in free silver and in hauling down the American flag in the Philippines, he is a Democrat; but If he believes In honest money and In the supremacy of the flag In our territorial possessions, he is a Republican. Between these I had no hesitation In choosing. I am no longer a Democrat; lama Republican. William T. Baker, leading business man, ex-PresIdent of Board of Trade, Chicago. Prosperity, sound money, and believes in supporting the administration. Qeneral E. S. Bragg, Wisconsin. No use for Bryanlsm. COLORADO SILVER MEN who support mckinley A. B. SEA/1AN, Chairman, W. II. BKI5BANE, Sec ratary. Denver. Colorado, August 31, 1000: A. M. Stevenson.Late State Chairman Toller Silver Republican Committee J. M. Downing.... Aspen F. C. Ooudy . Deuver J. W. Kockafellow. Ounnison C. H. Brickensteln.Alamosa Judge Bart...... Pueblo A. J. Vivian. Greeley D. H. Moffat.President First Nat ..rial Rank..Denver Irving Hobert.Capitalist and Ex-. N McIntyre, former AMor ney-tieneral of Missouri and an e» t'onfederate soldier. tin the iUsMibMetti Itat are; Chari*- i’rurb Adame. Atpheu A. ilardy. John T Wheeburgh, former manager of (lot «r nor Hu*** 11» cam paign Henry XV lamh. i'residsit of the New Knglan I free Trade League, Charles A Consrd, oars a IhWonitlr randnlate for Congreee Col K K Aaderswa of llanalhal, V.«. a life ioa« democrat Wants the Amertcaa dag tu stay wherg It te Jstues Notan. farmer. T9 ywnr* of age, md Hi play Township, in-ad County Illinois Cadet the tost tea «**r*ti« a-lmiaietraUoa I fed two nr Ihr* tramp* every day and •wuMHimee even move than that Now I hate aut •eea a tramp stare the dears rgi weal awl of power, and If paw f*M as are smart enough tw hs«p the tramp# away l a gotag with yaw this time Thom** II Mmlth, train and imp!#, mam dr*l*r, Kimmindy, III, M- Kin lay’# *1*. tlun U tor th* ba»t |nt*r**t» of lh* pro pi* (}«n*r*l >**r llnarrd C. I at rob* old lln* Iteotrwrtl. Ualtlmora, Md tk*r»*-1 •»**r*l uriM a* Mayor of lb* city Me m*« for (try an Uni p Company, M*« Volk ftmtil wo nay Judg- p WkHltf, Mao York llitUlltl Mtnllkt Jadg# W |f Packhaar Ka« York Monad «*--«*> llaary Apthorp Aahiabnla, (k, a*-l for warty IwworraO* railroad maan t lunar and m*ml»*r of tk*Ukl«> lag I* a • arc ('***••< iu«4 Ika Ktkuo t'lty platform Uroitaad a* a laMuritil* wawkav of tka railroad kwr4 General John Gill, of Baltimore, Mil., president of the Mercantile Trust and Deposit company, and a well-known Democrat in that section: “ How can sound money Democrats and reputable citizens join in sup* porting this candidate i Bryan)? ” Alonzo B. Coit, business man and late Colonel Fourth Ohio, which partlci* pated in the Porto Rico campaign. “ The flag will never be hauled down at dictation from foreign or domestic foes, nor will Its protection be removed, If needed, by a man or woman, white, black or yellow, over whom it floats.” Ex-Mayor E. It. Pond of San Francisco. Democratic candidate for Governor of California, 1890. Sound money and expansion. Roswell Miller, chairman of the board of directors, Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railroad. “ If Bryan were elected there would be woeful times In this country.” MONTANA SILVER MEN ARE IN FAVOR OF EXPANSION Hon. Lee Mantle ....Kx. L'. 8. Senator ami Ch'rman of the Hep. State Com....Hutte (Henson* given in his proclamation (iivlHtmiiug the Silver Kepublicuu party of Montana.; Hon. J. K. Hicartl*.Ex-Uoveruor.Hutte Hon. W. H. Sweet.Ex-Speaker Montana House of Heprosentatives.Hutte W. McC. White.Chairman Silver How County Silver Hep. Committee.... Hutte Col. C. F. Lloyd.Lt. Col. lid Vol. Cavalry, Uriggsby's Hogimeut.Hutte Col. Hyron H. Cook.Lieutenant Colonel 1st Montana Volunteers.Hutte Malcolm Uiliia.Chairman Silver How County Kepublicuu Committee.... Hutte Hon. A. K. liray.Merchant und Ex-Member Moutuua Legislature.Hutte Col P. H. Dolman.Ex-Trustee of Moutuua Soldier* Homs.Hutto Eugene Carroll.Superintendent Hutte City Water Works.Hutte M. L. Holland.Ex-Assessor Silver How County.Hutte Charles l.yford. Kepnblican Nominee for Assessor Silver How County_Hutte J. K. Thompson.Mining Hroker. Hutte J. Chauvin...Merchant....Hutte Savin Lisa.Merchant.Hutte C. W. Kllmgwood.. Merchant. Hutte D. J. Girard.Merchant. Hutte H. F. Plummer.Stationary Engineer.Hutte Col. J. U. Junks.... ..Contractor...Hutte Silas F. King.Capitalist.Hutte Churlen Malllsou ..Attorney.Hutte Churles M. Parr.Attorney. Hutte Uoorge llaldorn ..Attorney. Hutte Mile* < uvanugh.Attorney. Hulls H. N. Beetle.Clerk.Hutte Usury C. Smith.Judge District Court.Helena A. J. Seligtiiau.Ei Member Montana Legislature.New York Hon. F. J. Edwards....Mayor of Helena.Helena Carl Kitsch.Attorney...Helena A. M. Hotter...Merchant, Miner and Capitalist....Helena W. H. Logan.Lx-Agent Hlackfuot Indians.Helena J.E. Morso.Hanker. Dillon A. J. Heunett...Hunker. Virginia City Elmer Metcalf.Hauclimnii. bteveusvilie Hou. D. J. Tullunt.Ex-Member Montana Legislature.Ureat Fails Joseph M. Dixou.Nominee fur Legislature .Missoula General reusoua for nou-eupport of Hryau by the ulsivw named are opposition to bis populistic tendencies and In* anti-expansion ideas. W. W. Bryan, Populist and farmer, Waco, Mo., a distant relative of Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Prosperity. John Barkley, Populist, Bmlthlield, Mo. Expansion. W. W. McDowell, Populist, Bmith tleld, Mu. Expansion. John Eochin, road commissioner, Carl Junction, Mo. Prosperity. Judge J. P. de Muttos, New What com, Wash., formerly Mayor aud mem ber of the legislature. Expansion aud prosperity. E. J. Callinan, Michigan. All of Mr. Bryan’s predictions of 1896 were false. He has opened a second battle on pros perity. Gundlach family, about 30 votes, Belleville, 111. Burnuel Brown, farmer, Old Ripley Township, Bond County, ill. Pros perity. Richard A. Montgomery, a proml tient attorney of Lansing, Mich., has come over to the Republican party since four years ago, aud was a dele gate to the Michigan state convention. Hon. Allen B. Morse, of ionia, Mich., who was a Gold-Democrat in '96, is an out-and-out McKinley man now umi will make speeches for McKinley dur ing the campaJgu. Morse was formerly Chief Justice of the Michigan Bupreme Court, haviug been elected as a Dem ocrat, aud In 1892 was the Democratic candidate for Governor. Charles H. O’Douald, of Clare, Mich., i a prominent shingle manufacturer, supported Bryan four years ago, but now says that the Republicans have demonstrated the truth of their claims in 1896, aud that he wants no change; so will vote for McKinley. Captain John W. Toler, Carbondale, 111., postmaster under President Cleve land. Juba W. Bullivan, member of tbe Democratic county central committee, Ban Jose, Cal. “We have been sitting for titty years on the extreme western edge of American commercial and gen eral business development. We have felt the effect thereof in a slow rate, of growth and a minor influence in the councils of the Union, it Is a no torious fact mat California has been rated as 'small potatoes and few in tbe hill' in the busy Kant. Pacific and] Oriental Expansion will change all* that. It Is the interest of every Cali fornian, of whatever political faith, to bland In with the policy of Pacific and Oriental Expansion. Aud 1 very much mistake the temper of our people If they do not take that view of the case.” Police Judge Prank Preer, Port Binith, Ark. "1 don’t like bryau's pol icy. As for those islands over there, we've got em and ought to keep 'em. Yes, gentlemen, if 1 were a young man I’d vote the Republican ticket.” Has since said he ‘Jell like a young man.’* James E. Sillier, promiueut attorney, Lincoln, 111., formerly master in chau cery under Democratic regime. Wants no change of policy at home or abroad. Louis H. broker, prominent Demo crat of Bt. Charles, Mo. “The mo ment the Democratic party condemned President McKinley fur what its lead ers style his imperialistic' policy, that moment 1 decided that they ceased to be fair-minded and patriotic citizen*.” L. L. Rubel, of bridgeford & Co., stove founders, Louisville, Ky. Ob jects to the control of the minority, politicians who rule by Goebelism. Wilson Alperson, silver mine owner, Spokane, Wash. The free silver senti ment of Washington has been on ita deathbed for four years. We know what expansion is to the Pacific coast, and we are for it.’’ Charletant Lewis, editor New Yorlt Evening Post. Is an anti-expansionist, but will vote for McKinley on the money issue. The Grabenkrueger family, 12 votes, Nashville, 111. Bound money. J. W. Hanford, formerly a traveling man, at present merchant, Carbondalo, 111. Judge W. P. Lightfoot, police justice, Carbondale, 111. Edward K. Porter, druggist and schoolmaster of bryau, Carbondale. 111. U. A. Jamison, of Seusmount, Md., Democratic candidate for Congress in the Fifth Maryland District in 1896. “Bryan's evasion of the money ques tion convinces me that either he has ceased to believe in 16 to 1, or else is afraid to preach that doctrine be cause of the belief that it would hurt ills chances of election. My confidence in Dim as a leader and as a sincere man 1b gone." Hon. T. C. Karly, prominent lawyer and old-line Democrat, Cripple Creek, Colo. “President McKinley's eminent services as a soldier, statesman and President of the United States com mend him most favorably to the people and a change would create panic and work disaster." S. S. Blum, merchaut, Deadwood, 8. D. "I voted for Bryan in 1896. lie made ua believe this free allver remedy was the proper thing for the bad times. Weil, we have had splendid times slues McKinley was elected, and 1 have come to believe that Mr. Bryan is an unscrupulous politician, ambitious for bis personal ends and nothing clae." General W II Hardin, Owensboro, I Ky Will support the Republican can didate for Governor. Uoebeltsm John A. Gillespie, farmer, Keyes - ' port. III. Prosperity. Joseph Morwlti, president of the * German Imiuocrat Publishing Com pany. of Philadelphia. "From the information I have been able to ob tain as to the attitude of the German Americans In New York. Chicago, Milwaukee end Xt. leuti. ail center* In which nut only ihetr vote*, but tbelr Influence will be very strung and pus •tbly decisive. I believe that It b overwhelmingly ngain*t Bryan.* W t* Htrtpilng. a dry goml* mer chant uf Fort Wurth. Tea. ' Bryen la pledged to free stiver, but nobody In our country believes he will touch It, and few weal 16," Judge W W tletewoust. Car Is tied. N M Favors tspuasion Imperial ! Dm Is a bug s two Wants sound S»H) i'*d«>aet Ueatry. member of the stag •f the Instiertlb Governor of (tea tushy, M Hints? e admiuletteitwa has been a snr> see Charles Thomas, blacksmith, Car bondale, 111. J. H. Thomas, ex-Collector of tha Port, Annapolis, Md. Opposed to id to 1. C. F. Ou other, ex-alderman and prominent candy manufacturer, Chi cago. Let well enough alone. The people are buying quantities of luxu ries they could uut formerly afford. J. U llabler, El Dorado Springs, Mo., old-line Democrat "The gold standard has had ths opposite effect from what Hryan predicted. Every body la prosperous. ' H Msbry, Altamont, III. Prosperity and against Isma." William Hoapa. Altaiuont, III. Pro* parity. Judge J. C. Mitchell, lending nttor ney. Ottumwa. Ill Fur expansion, days. "Imperialism* It la rhetoric*! babe! sheet Iron thunder, noisy, hut not dangerous." John W Overstreet, attorney, Ma son , Us Hound money J W. I laugh, agent Adems Expreeg Co.. Mt Vernon, III prosperity Marry ttraiubie. late sergeant Co II, Forty second Called guise Volun teers, WaiJttowu, 4 D K * pension In* I John I. Hopbine. nocrbeut. Carter, III Prosperity, (lew W Tuhhs. gslem 111. Ilmscs F Temple proprietor He* publican. West Chester F* W M Curran, county fudge. Pc bin. Ill l‘i»t g M Msmill Bryan • teacher t»J i sloeutloe. golem. ID